<< 01-04-2016 >>

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00:45:16Varriount_federico3: I don't think so. You can set a global flag thought.
00:46:14Varriount_federico3: The problem with raising an exception on SIGTERM is that A: How would you catch it in a deterministic way, and B: You would violate the expectations of code that is guaranteed not to raise any exceptions.
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04:57:29girvoHey all
04:58:18girvoI'm working on a Docker Client for Nim at the moment for some tooling we're building at work
04:58:44girvoIt's going quite nicely when using HTTP as the transport, which is fine, but typically one uses a unix socket to communicate to the Docker daemon
04:59:20girvoI can see the low-level posix API in nim can handle unix sockets, but is there anything higher level? Using httpclient is beautiful, but doesn't work with a unix socket at the moment it seems
05:09:36ldleworkgirvo: don't know the answer, but awesome to hear
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08:39:19veganskawayHi to all! Anyone knows this guy? https://github.com/wheineman. His REPL for Nim (nrpl) project is cool, but it's frozen and bugs are not fixed for a long time.
08:42:31veganskawayI sent him e-mail about a month ago about it, still no answer. Maybe we can change it's repository url in nimble packages to it's working fork?
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09:15:39wuehlmauswould be great as your improvements make a repl for nim so much more fun to use.
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12:27:21cnclyou can create a new nimble package with a new name, right?
12:36:23dom96cncl: of course
12:48:51cnclthat's probably a better idea than taking over someone else's existing package?
13:06:46dom96cncl: depends, is your package exactly the same but with extra features/fixes as somebody elses?
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14:41:33cncli was talking about veganskaway's situation
14:43:21enthus1astim learning pegs atm and i'm stuck at a strange issue, i would like to match an email header but the match is stopping to early and i don't know why.
14:43:42enthus1astany idea what this could be?
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15:05:11*gokr quit (Quit: Leaving.)
15:24:19*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
15:25:17cheatfateenthus1ast, do you make finds() on full message? or you doing your finds() while downloading?
15:26:35arnetheduckhi, anyone knows why in the newSeq impl, addInt & mulInt are called as functions (vs using just +, * as usual)?
15:26:36enthus1asti read the file with readFile
15:28:10enthus1astcheatfate: i have some email test files, and i read one of the examples. My idea was to match everything that is not a double newline to get the header.
15:31:41cheatfateif assume that peg module - not buggy, then it looks like your algorithm fail
15:32:13cheatfateenthus1ast, i dont know may be you are reading file by 16 byte chunks or something...
15:32:31enthus1astthis is the whole example
15:34:08dom96enthus1ast: You just want to capture the headers?
15:36:49Araqarnetheduck: because these must always perform overflow checks due to security issues
15:37:22dom96enthus1ast: Just write a little while loop to capture the characters until you find two `\n`'s
15:37:40enthus1asti've done this this works but i will learn pegs : )
15:40:15arnetheduckoh, so they bypass the mAddInt magics on purpose? ie isn't there a pragma that could be used?
15:41:44cheatfateenthus1ast, its not a good idea to parse emails with pegs :)
15:42:06enthus1astbut the idea should be correct right? i match everything that is not a double newline, as the seperator i choose the double newline
15:42:19enthus1astcheatfate: why? ;)
15:42:26arnetheduckoh, and incidentally the gogc newSeq uses +,*, so that would be a bug?
15:43:13Araqarnetheduck: yup.
15:43:46cheatfateenthus1ast, security issues can be happen... for example somebody can send you endless From: ....
15:43:51Araqthere is a .push overflowChecks:on but that would turn it on for the whole proc
15:45:05cheatfateenthus1ast, this is main problem of current asynchttpserver.nim
15:45:42enthus1astmhh too bad
15:47:30enthus1astwith endless From you mean a long line without a newline?
15:48:10enthus1astcheatfate: ^
15:51:18cheatfateyou must also check this http://stackoverflow.com/a/1592310/3208443 and you will get some info about 'folding' :)
15:51:31cheatfatethat can be happend in emails
15:53:04enthus1astive addressed this with a simple "return header.replace(peg"\n\s","")"
15:53:20enthus1astthis is what the rfc says
15:54:07enthus1astthis is what i would do to the header if i could extract the header : )
15:55:36enthus1astthen i would loop through the splittet("\n") header then i use pegs to match key: val etc.
15:56:12enthus1astso i could check the line lenght first before feeding it to pegs
15:57:02cheatfateenthus1ast, it looks like you use cannon where you can use only knife :)
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16:01:53enthus1asti know knifeing, but don*t know how to shoot. Thats why i used pegs in the first place, mainly learning.
16:02:33arnetheduckah, and only signed ints overflow? unsigned wrap?
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16:24:00enthus1astdom96: btw do you received an e-mail lately? : )
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16:28:05dom96enthus1ast: yes
16:28:30enthus1astdom96: ok, was unshure if i really sent it
16:28:34dom96But please create a PR, I prefer to review code that way.
16:28:58enthus1astok i alredy thought that.
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16:30:03enthus1asti will when its worth showing
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16:41:49federico3are there no wrappers for NaCL or other crypto libraries? :(
16:42:38cheatfatefederico3, i think openssl wrapper in standard library
16:42:55federico3but it's deprecated
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16:44:10cheatfatefederico3, hmm why do you think so?
16:44:47dom96openssl isn't deprecated
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16:46:42federico3http://nim-lang.org/docs/openssl.html is it still alive? There is no documentation nor examples...
16:47:14enthus1astfederico3: i would love to see the libsodium wrapper working...
16:47:47federico3and I'm not seeing a lot of stuff
16:48:15federico3enthus1ast: yep :-/
16:48:23enthus1astfederico3: https://github.com/judofyr/sodium.nim/blob/master/sodium.nim i gave up on building it
16:48:37enthus1astthere is a also an issue open
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16:50:16cheatfateits so easy to make wrappers
16:50:36enthus1astbut one has to do it :P
16:51:49cheatfateofc but i dont trust bernstein's library so its better to take algos from libressl or openssl
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16:53:37enthus1astits always the question what you'd like to do, and who is your Eve.
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17:30:34cheatfateAraq, do you created posix.nim manually or by c2nim?
17:32:23cheatfateCould you please patch declaration of function [timer_create] (line 2312). First parameter must not be "var ClockId", just "ClockId"
17:36:11cheatfatenever mind more patches must be done
17:36:18cheatfateto this timer_ functions
17:51:18cheatfatedom96, please take a look https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4024
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18:00:32flyxhow are stdlib tests supposed to be structured? I see a discard """ things """ on the first line of some of them
18:01:01flyxso I suppose they don't use unittest, but something else?
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18:12:24dyce_hmm, when we need manualy memory management is that when we have less than <8MB of ram? if you have 16MB/32MB should nim's GC be fine?
18:12:46dyce_or like 32KB of ram?
18:13:34dyce_i want to use nim for openwrt devices that have 16mb or 32mb. so i wonder if its ever necessary to manually manage memory
18:19:00Guest70074I studied ceylon, I studied julia, I studied rust, I fell in love with Nim (since 0.13), I drink and irc
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18:27:24Guest70074keep it simple: Nim will win!
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18:47:33ldlework"keep it simple"
18:47:40ldleworklost that one already haven't we
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18:59:51dyce_ldlework: why is that
19:00:55ldleworkwell nim is a fairly complicated language
19:01:07ldleworkits certainly not characterized by its simplicity
19:01:28ldleworkits not a dig on Nim, I love nim obviously, but just being straight about it
19:01:53dyce_ldlework: would you say python keeps it simple?
19:02:41ldleworkSort of? Not really? Python has a good deal of syntax too. However it makes up with it by having a consistent data model.
19:03:23ldleworkJust because you can use a subset of a thing effectively doesn't objectively change what it is qualitatively.
19:03:51ldleworkgo and lisp are simple languages, Python and Nim are rich but each to use languages
19:03:56ldleworkthere's a difference imo is all
19:04:05ldleworkeasy to use*
19:04:44dyce_i think python is pretty simple. but im open to seeing a language. I don't like how go looks, thats my python bias
19:05:31ldleworkbut you're not talking about the complexity of the language
19:05:41ldleworkwhether you like something has no bearing on this topic :)
19:05:47ldleworkbut I do agree, python and nim are my favorites
19:21:29dom96dyce_: best way to see if Nim's GC supports openwrt devices with 16mb of ram is to create a quick app and run it on those devices :)
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19:54:41Matthias247are 16MB devices still a thing? :)
19:55:13Matthias247besides for microcontrollers
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20:32:56Araq16MB should be fine with the GC.
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21:05:57dyce_Matthias247: https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/unbranded/a5-v11 and http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mini-3G-4G-150Mbps-Wireless-WiFi-Wlan-Hotspot-AP-Client-RJ45-USB-WPS-Router-WE-/391260986995?hash=item5b18f8de73:g:WDgAAOSw9r1V9rQf
21:07:26dyce_arduino ram is 32KB
21:09:26Matthias247that makes a raspberry pi have lots of memory ;)
21:11:19dyce_i guess i need to read this: https://www.quora.com/How-did-game-developers-pack-entire-games-into-so-little-memory-twenty-five-years-ago/answer/Dave-Baggett?srid=z9ZA&share=1
21:11:25Matthias247didn't know what the current states of routers is, but most "application cpus" (Cortex A, ...) will nowadays have quite a bit more. Because you don't get so small RAM chips anymore
21:11:36dyce_had no idea playstation 1 only had 2MB of ram
21:13:01dyce_Matthias247: ideally, raspberry pi foundation should improve their distribution model for pi zero.
21:13:17dyce_hopefully pi zero 2 will do that
21:13:18Matthias247the microcontrollers we use in some automotive products have 2MB RAM and Flash. You can get quite a lot of logic in there
21:13:27dyce_maybe it will be called pi -1
21:13:47Matthias247I thought the zero was totally uninteresting, because it lacks network
21:13:59dyce_im hoping pi zero 2 will have BLE/Wifi
21:14:07dyce_that would be fun
21:14:37dyce_if you live by a microcenter you can actually get one for 5 dollars
21:15:07dyce_dont know when shipping things that could fit in an envelope costed more than a few stamps
21:17:42Matthias247I have bought a pi2 wenn it came out and haven't even unpackaged it
21:17:49Matthias247probably I don't need one more :)
21:21:09dyce_this one is cool too https://wiki.hackerspace.pl/projects:zsun-wifi-card-reader
21:21:15dyce_can get for 8-10 dollars
21:22:23Matthias247yeah - in the meantime there's quite a lot of interesting hardware for cheap prices
21:22:36Matthias247whish they were available when I had more time :)
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23:09:49cheatfatevegansk, your latest patch for locks.nim/rlocks.nim not working .... even more [XDeclaredButNotUsed]
23:11:14cheatfatei rlocks nim must be moved out from syslocks.nim because they are not used in startup code
23:25:56*GangstaCat quit (Quit: Leaving)
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