<< 14-01-2017 >>

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02:45:40def-pri-pubWhat is the `interface` keywork used for?
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04:01:36Araqdef-pri-pub: it is reserved for possible future language additions
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04:58:37def-pri-pubAraq: possibly interfaces like in C# and Java? I'm playing around with macros right now to see if I can do that.
04:59:23def-pri-puberm I meant, make something like that.
05:00:44Araqyeah, you do that
05:00:54Araqit's always requested
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05:10:48def-pri-pubThe first file is what I'd like the syntax to be like. And the second file is where I had some sort of prototype of an interface going.
05:11:24def-pri-pubI'd like to get it where though you don't have the specify the the type that is worked on in the interface (the macro would do that for you).
05:11:51def-pri-pubRight now I just want to see if I can get that `IWorker` in the second file to be generated from the interface in the first.
05:12:58def-pri-pubIt looks like it might be a fun excercise in learning macros.
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14:25:21Araqyglukhov: GC finally has some "heap dump" feature
14:25:37Araqit outputs the number of allocated objects per object type
14:25:49Araqand the total amount of bytes these take up
14:29:04Araqand I already found a logical memory leak with it :-)
14:29:06*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
14:34:27dom96So yeah, props to Digital Ocean and @taotetek for $480 in credit.
14:35:21dom96That will cover our hosting costs for a full year.
15:02:13dom96For anybody interested in helping us setup Nim's infrastructure v2 join #nimbuild, where you will also likely find other discussion about Nim.
15:07:47Vladarhm, is there any standard lib proc to generate array/seq from a given slice?
15:10:44AraqVladar: that's usually just a waste of memory, iterate over the slice directly
15:11:33ftsfprobably nice if you're trying to do functional style stuff though
15:11:39TrustableHi, I open an existing file with open(.., fmReadWrite), why is the file content cleared?
15:13:55TrustableThis behavior should be mentioned in the documentation.
15:15:31AraqTrustable: could be OS dependent
15:15:57Araqwhy do you use fmReadWrite btw? I never used it in my entire life. :-)
15:16:17Trustablebecause I want to read and write to a file
15:16:53Araqso much is clear.
15:17:58ftsfsounds like you want the equivalent of r+ in fopen
15:18:03Araqif it's binary data, memory mapped files are usually faster.
15:18:21Araqif it's a text file, I don't think it can work at all with variable sized texts
15:18:25TrustablefmReadWriteExisting works for me
15:18:40Araqah, never used that one either.
15:18:45Araqdidn't know it exists :-)
15:18:57dom96This is documented: http://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#FileMode
15:18:57Trustablewe should metion, that fmReadWrite could clear the file
15:19:15dom96Although it doesn't mention that a file will be cleared
15:19:24Trustablethis is what I mean
15:20:17AraqfmReadWriteExisting also doesn't mention it leaves the file intact
15:20:46*yglukhov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
15:21:23Araqthe "edit" button surely is handy.
15:23:19ftsfshould open be part of os rather than system?
15:23:48Trustablethx Ajaq, that is want I wanted :)
15:23:48Araqno, but an io.nim module would have been wise.
15:24:10AraqTrustable: the 'edit' button exists for you too and creates a PR. very convenient.
15:24:12dom96the system module can certainly use some cleaning
15:24:49TrustableAraq: I know the edit button. This time you just were faster than me.
15:25:05Araqthat's the right answer.
15:27:57*yglukhov joined #nim
15:29:25cheatfateTrustable, most people knows what you just discovered, because this traditional behavior of fopen("w")
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18:00:27federico3how to a given number of bytes from a cstring to a string (ignoring any \0) ?
18:01:02Araqvar s = newString(len); copyMem(s, ...)
18:01:12Araqthere is no shortcut iirc
18:01:31Araqbut your question is ambiguous
18:02:02federico3copyMem(s or copyMem(addr s[0] ?
18:02:15Araqthe addr variant
18:04:32federico3there are few threads about similar questions on the forum, maybe it's worth creating a proc to do this
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18:06:21Araqyeah, compiler/lexer.nim also needs it iirc
18:07:42*yglukhov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:08:01dom96maybe we should create an ffi module for these types of operations?
18:08:16euantorAwesome work on the donation taotetek!
18:08:22*awal joined #nim
18:10:22dom96hello awal
18:10:37awalheyo :) Is the source for NimBot available?
18:10:51dom96yep https://github.com/nim-lang/nimbot
18:11:04awalthank you!
18:11:28*yglukhov joined #nim
18:14:43smttrying to compile nim and nim its self works fine but after koch-ing nimble i get "could not load: libeay64.dll compile with -d:nimDebugDlOpen for more information", where do I specify that flag with koch? or is there some other way to fix that issue? w10, 64bit, compiling 64bit nim
18:15:14dom96awal: are you looking to write your own IRC bot? :)
18:16:07dom96smt: Have you got libeay64.dll in your PATH?
18:16:15dom96smt: You can get it from this zip IIRC: nim-lang.org/download/dlls.zip
18:16:17Araqsmt: what does 'where nimble.exe' say?
18:16:49smtah, i dont have that dll in my path, that'll probably fix it
18:16:55awaldom96: Well, yes, but I haven't used nim before - just checking out a bunch of languages via existing projects :)
18:17:04smtwhere nimble.exe
18:17:05smt gives me: C:\Users\smt\Nim\bin\nimble.exe
18:17:23AraqNim\bin should have these DLLs
18:17:26Araqplease check
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18:18:06smtthey didn't before, but i put those dlls from the zip there and it's all good now, thanks
18:18:39Araqsmt: did you install from github?
18:18:40dom96awal: cool, let me know if you need any help with the IRC library (I wrote it)
18:19:11awaldom96: ah great, sure thing, thanks!
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18:19:23smtyeah I used the intructions on the github page as well as the build64.bat
18:19:54Araqok then everything is alright.
18:20:19smtcool, thanks for the dlls
18:20:27Araqwe cannot have DLLs in the git repo because of reasons.
18:21:32smtyeah I can understand, maybe there could be a note in the readme? "if you get dll errors get these and stick them in Nim\bin" or something
18:22:55*yglukhov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:24:53Araqyes, something like that. the error message is from the stdlib though, it's not nimble specific.
18:25:07Araqwe can make overridable, perhaps
18:26:04Araqanother use case for patchFile(...)
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18:45:42awalWhat is the recommended way to install the nim compiler on linuxes?
18:47:12nick_kI just checked out from github as on http://nim-lang.org/download.html
18:48:00nick_kBut that's the bleeding edge version
18:50:17Calinouawal: some distributions have Nim packaged, like Arch Linux
18:51:20awalCalinou: I am on Arch, it seems the version in official repos is one minor version behind
18:52:26nick_kI just followed the "Installation based on generated C code" part and it's pretty painless
18:53:02awalnick_k: Seems like it, it's compiling now :)
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19:19:08libmanTrying to install Nim into Termux on an Android "2-in-1" tablet. It seems to be missing some reqs... "c_code/2_2/compiler_options.c:8:10: fatal error: 'glob.h' file not found"
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19:20:43def-libman: glob.h should be part of POSIX
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19:58:16libman2I guess Android + Termux isn't full POSIX. I'm in the process of adding in various missing includes... Is there a better way to get Nim on Android?
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20:11:54stisalibman2 : I got it to work some time ago, try lokking here
20:12:03*rokups quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
20:16:39libmanstisa: Excellent! Thank you! I wonder why I never found that by Googling...
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21:03:13dom96stisa: that's a really nice article!
21:03:40dom96You should advertise it more, I haven't seen it until now :)
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21:04:33dom96also, I wonder, does 0.16.0 support arm64 now?
21:04:44dom96or rather `aarch64`?
21:06:43dom96quite a bit of workarounds were needed
21:06:54dom96if you haven't already please consider creating issues/PRs for them
21:07:03def-pri-pubstisa: http://i.imgur.com/DXkLvT2.gif
21:07:23def-pri-pubAlso, nice job on the WebGL bindings too.
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21:10:50stisadom96 : thanks! About aarch64, it is listed in the build.sh on github so it should work
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21:24:58stisadef-pri-pub thanks! I saw you wrapped canvas, so now we have most of js graphic covered
21:28:10def-pri-pubstisa: what isn't?
21:32:14stisadef-pri-pub SVGs I think? But that's more static, I'm just not too familiar with js so I wrote "most"
21:33:22def-pri-pubI'm not a JS programmer either. I rather like to write in languages that can compile to JS
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21:34:30def-pri-pubIf someone used `html5_canvas` and `webgl` together, do you think there would be conflicts?
21:36:20def-pri-pubI don't want to push a dependancy on you, but are you intersted in maybe adding `html5_canvas` as one, and then rely on my bindings for things, like the `Canvas` object?
21:36:46def-pri-pubWe could also merge the packages into one as well.
21:37:35def-pri-pubIIRC, Araq expresed some interest in making `html5_canvas` and official package when I asked him about merging the bindings into the `dom` module.
21:37:43def-pri-puban official*
21:37:45stisaMmh, well I think we both already depend on the dom module, so adding it there would be easier maybe
21:38:15stisaA single module for all things js graphic could be interesting too
21:40:28dom96hrm, I wonder. Do we handle this correctly? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13399266 (I don't think I ever used Nim's unicode module)
21:42:32libmanGot nim compiled but not koch yet. Some "bin/sh" string somewhere other than osproc.
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21:46:14stisalibman did you change it both in csources and in lib?
21:48:00libman2Aha, that's what I missed. Gotta disconnect, will finish this later.
21:48:08libman2Thanks for everything!
21:51:40def-pri-pubI my Nim Ray Tracer rendering faster than the original C++ one (for book 1 of the port). It's about 10% quicker.
21:51:46def-pri-pubI got my*
21:52:43*libman2 quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
22:12:05dom96awesome :)
22:12:12dom96I submitted a PR https://gitlab.com/gasche/gc-latency-experiment/merge_requests/16
22:12:35dom96now we just need a nice blog post that markets just how fast our GC is
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22:29:29federico3best way to convert a hex string "XXYYZZ..." to a bytestring?
22:48:15def-pri-pubWhat languages/technologies could we benchmark it agaisn't. Benchmarks really are the gold standard of selling performance
22:49:08euantorCrystal might be good to benchmark against, as it occupies a similar space
22:49:20euantor(if not already done?)
22:50:14dom96The ray tracer?
22:50:23dom96or the GC?
22:52:21dom96federico3: I believe there is a parseHex function somewhere
23:01:04def-pri-pubdom96: I'd be very honored if you did want to use the RayTracer to benchmark, but I would need to double check all of the code to make sure it's in alignment with the C++ one.
23:01:32def-pri-pubI may have accidentally snuk an extra inline in somewhere it wasn't in the C++ version.
23:02:33def-pri-pubAnd right now I've only found the RT from the first book to be better. I would like to retest it some more and make sure the c++ version is as riced as the compiler will let it be.
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23:08:17dom96We can certainly compare the GC to Crystal, but AFAIK Crystal uses boehm.
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23:43:53yglukhovAraq: heapdump is nice. But it wont help figure the paths to leaking objects, will it?
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