<< 19-09-2016 >>

00:06:40*gokr quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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00:25:25ldleworkWhat's the best way to figure out where your program is slow?
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00:31:04*ftsf_ joined #nim
00:31:05ldleworkcrap, updated nim and my program broke
00:31:26ldlework cast[ResourcePack](node.getFields())
00:31:36ldleworkError: expression cannot be casted to ResourcePack
00:32:27ldleworkBut ResourcePack is defined as a Table[].
00:32:30ldleworkso why not?
00:34:09ldleworkeh, just copied all the key/vals into a new table and casted that
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00:36:49ldleworkhi yglukhov
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00:50:03ftsf_good morning o/
01:03:24ftsf_ldlework, figure out your issue?
01:04:42*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
01:12:19ldleworkftsf_: I did. But my larger issue is that my renderer is slow as balls.
01:12:36ldleworkI must be doing something really inefficient because I would expect it to be faster even in Python
01:12:40ftsf_hmm tried with -d:release ?
01:13:59ldleworkwell that's of course tiny marginal amount faster
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01:14:20ldleworkbut I imagine I'm just doing something inefficient overall that I'm blind to
01:14:24ldleworkprobably my use of tables...
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02:06:21ldleworkhow is it possible this changeset makes my program significantly slower? https://github.com/dadren/dadren/commit/7c73801f4e4900fcac472ca344865e8959df407e
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02:18:42ldleworkftsf_: any idea?
02:19:19ftsf_which bit is slow?
02:19:23ftsf_using the profiler?
02:20:57ldleworkftsf_: its like visibly slower
02:21:06ftsf_sure, but why
02:21:07ldleworkand I have no idea how to profile nim code
02:21:10ldleworkftsf_: that's my question
02:21:11ftsf_profiler will tell you where it's slow
02:21:27ldleworkis there a profiling guide?
02:22:14ftsf_compile with --profiler:on --stackTrace:on
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05:09:25ldleworkftsf_: the example file it shows on that page does not seem to reflect the conclusions of the paragraph above it
05:09:31ldleworkis that a bug in the documentation?
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05:12:15ldleworkI don't understand the output of the profiler at all
05:12:27ldleworkI picked a dead day to start messing with nim again :P
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05:14:24shadwickHi all. Does anyone know of a Nim library for extracting gzipped tar archives?
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05:50:47ftsf_ldlework, this time of day is pretty quiet generally
05:51:42ftsf_shadwick, looks like an area that's missing
05:51:44gokrIt's just around 7.50 here in Europe, people are just getting up
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05:57:54ftsf_wow, so early to wake up ;)
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06:02:35ldleworkftsf_: he just went back to bed
06:02:52ftsf_sounds wise
06:06:08shadwickftsf_: thanks. I'll workaround that temporarily
06:06:31ftsf_shadwick, when all else fails, call out to shell =)
06:06:52shadwickftsf_: Yeah I'm using osproc for now with a note to replace the internals of the extraction proc later
06:19:12shadwickDoes anyone know of a way to manipulate the search path for `nim` via env flags?
06:19:13*Raaaa joined #nim
06:19:39shadwicklike `X=path/to/libs nim c ..."
06:20:01shadwickI don't want to have to change the command arguments by adding "-p:X"
06:20:22shadwickbasically like C_INCLUDE_PATH
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06:37:33girvome waves
06:37:36*girvo waves
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06:38:46FromGitter<girvo> Oh neat, Gitter!
06:39:32FromGitter<girvo> Okay, so quick question: does anyone know of a nice implementation for working with JSON that also works nicely with "T not nil" type definitions? Otherwise I think I'll end up writing my own template/macro I guess
06:40:45FromGitter<girvo> Alternatively, some "JSON-to-Object" schema mapper of some description that is type-safe?
06:42:47ldleworkI have a string on an object and it is returned from a proc to look up a value in a table.
06:43:11ldleworkThis happens a lot. How can I avoid copying the string? How do I actually set it as shallow if it is never acutally assigned?
06:44:01ldleworkits only "returned"
06:44:33RaaaaAre you using the string as a key?
06:46:16ldleworkRaaaa: yeah
06:46:48RaaaaCan't you change it to use an int and directly compute the hash value?
06:46:50ldleworkand the object that has the name is loaded from json, so I really really don't ever actually assign this value anywhere
06:51:13RaaaaAh ok, what it happens is that the object returned by a proc contains a string. I thought assigning it to a let didn't produce a copy.
06:52:52ldleworkI did, shallowCopy(result, obj.name); return result
06:52:55ldleworkwhich compiled
06:53:41ldleworkneed to find a Nim programmer who's obssessed with writing an opengl tilemap renderer :P
06:54:47ftsf_ldlework, what are you making?
06:55:08ldlework2D game library for Nim
06:55:10ftsf_i'm making a 2d game in nim (but no tiles yet), and a modular synth =)
06:55:31ldleworkftsf_: what kind of game? I'm making a roguelike
06:55:56ftsf_racing https://twitter.com/impbox/status/765102630280409088
06:56:20ldleworkthat looks really cool
06:56:38ftsf_made a nim implementation of the pico8 api which is really nice to use, but i've only implemented the features i'm using so far, so it doesn't do tilemap stuff yet
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06:57:53ldleworkftsf_: are you using opengl?
06:57:58RaaaaWhy do you need the string and the table for the tilemap?
06:58:00ftsf_ldlework, nope, SDL
06:58:05ftsf_(without opengl)
06:58:15ftsf_all software rendering
06:59:00FromGitter<girvo> God-damn am I struggling to keep my line lengths under 80 chars for proc definitions lol
06:59:01ldleworkRaaaa: the tilemap, which holds all the objects in the world, is made up of tile locations which can hold multiple objects. Each object can have an Icon component who's "rune" member is the name of a tile in the current tileset
06:59:27ldleworkIE, each thing has the name of the tile it uses
06:59:29ftsf_ldlework, making something similar to love2d or something?
06:59:38FromGitter<girvo> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=57df8cd9c8af41d45f2898cc]
06:59:43ldleworkftsf_: I wrote an entity component system using Nim's meta programming
06:59:53ftsf_ldlework, that sounds a bit expensive for a tilemap using strings for that
06:59:58ldleworkftsf_: and I'm writing yeah, some other general boilerplate stuff to round out a nice 2d library
07:00:07RaaaaCan't you use enums? or do you need each tile to be actually unique?
07:01:10ldleworkI suppose I could keep the strings in the json data, and convert tile names to UIDs on loading
07:02:47ftsf_that seems more sensible
07:03:04ftsf_or just use ints everywhere with a lookup table
07:04:10Raaaayou may save space and time if you use enums and arrays instead. You could even write a macro to create the enum from a list.
07:04:23ldleworkI don't need to save space. The idea behind my engine is everything is data driven
07:04:33ldleworkSo you can write games that are ammenable to design tooling
07:04:49ldleworkso referring to tiles by name is a nicety
07:04:58ldleworkbut converting them to UID's is a good idea
07:06:40FromGitter<dom96> @ftsf is the game in that tweet written in Nim?
07:06:53Raaaainstead of using tables, if you think you are not going to have to many tiles, you could use an array and before running make sure each name as an unique uid. Unless you don't have problems with tables.
07:07:17ldleworkgoing to have many many tiles
07:07:36ldleworkbut I'm not having problems with loading the data
07:07:48ldleworkbtw, pico8 looks pretty neat
07:09:49ftsf_dom96, yes
07:10:14ftsf_ldlework, yeah it's great for prototyping, but after using nim i'm finding it hard to go back to lua
07:11:45FromGitter<dom96> ftsf_: wow
07:12:12FromGitter<dom96> Are you @impbox on twitter then?
07:13:20ldleworkftsf_: I wish I knew how to pull the performance out of SDL like you are
07:13:24ldleworkftsf_: can I run your game?
07:14:33FromGitter<dom96> If you need help getting it running on OS X, let me know :)
07:15:15ftsf_dom96, yep
07:16:03*foocraft joined #nim
07:16:53RaaaaMaybe your bottleneck is not drawing, have you tried rendering the same tile?
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07:18:13ftsf_have you compiled with -d:release ?
07:18:23ftsf_i find the debug vs release performance difference is huge
07:19:10ftsf_dom96, cheers
07:20:14ldleworkftsf_: I did, but the difference isn't that much
07:20:22ldleworkI'm actually not going to worry too much about it
07:20:40ldleworkmy game is a turnbased roguelike and how fast I can scroll the map in realtime is probably not very imporatnt
07:20:45ftsf_well as long as it's playable, but if you run into speed problems, profilers are your friend
07:20:56ldleworkftsf_: I don't understand Nim's profiler at all
07:25:43FromGitter<dom96> ldlework: you can use valgrind's profiler callgrind as well.
07:26:34ftsf_or any other profiler you like, seriously, figure out how to use one and make use of it, will save you a lot of headaches
07:33:15def-ldlework: as I said, valgrind --tool=callgrind to record, kcachegrind to analyze, works wonders
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09:49:09yglukhovquestion. declaring an enum type, can i request its size to be exactly int8/16/32?
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09:55:05BlaXpirityglukhov, Asdf* {.size: sizeof(int8).} = enum
09:55:45yglukhovBlaXpirit: cool. will its type in C be actually what int8 in c is?
09:56:19yglukhovi mean, can i use it inside a packed object and it will be abi compatible with c?
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09:58:17BlaXpiritwell i've been using it like that anyway
10:00:42yglukhovBlaXpirit: ok cool. just tested it. indeed the type in generated C is correct and corresponds to whatever you pass in size pragma
10:02:37coffeepotThe above was pretty useful info, I feel stuff like that would be really useful in a "working with C" info page
10:04:14BlaXpiritback in the old days i'd just ask in irc and look at other libs for this kind of info
10:05:26coffeepotyeah, be useful to have this stuff in one place tho, I know working with odbc and opengl, UncheckedArray {.unchecked.} [t] = array[0,t] has been very useful
10:06:31coffeepotwe already have a nim for c page, AIUI we're moving toward having a wiki format? In that case it'd be easy to add examples like {.size.}
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15:50:34ldleworkhi coffeepot
15:50:48coffeepothey Idlework :)
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16:03:36flyxany suggestions how to handle nimsuggest with includes?
16:04:18flyxwhen I am editing a file that is included in the main module, nimsuggest fails to properly parse it, since it tries to parse it standalone
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16:07:02flyxI could try to rewrite the code so that it is an import, but then I have to move some types to a common.nim file and whatnot
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16:19:54Araqflyx: this needs to be fixed within nimsuggest itself
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16:24:05flyxI am currently thinking if it wasn't better design to have multiple standalone imported files anyway
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16:28:56cheatfateAraq, mainpage on github sais "gcc 3.x or later recommended."
16:29:36cheatfatebut looks like gcc (GCC) 4.2.1 20070719 is not working because of ATOMICS
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18:03:17flyxAraq: can proc types be backend specific? I encountered a type mismatch on JS target that works on C target. https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4802
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18:12:18Araqflyx: that's just a bug.
18:12:39Araqinternally difficult perhaps, since the JS codegen doesn't require LL
18:13:10Araqbut I don't think this internal pita should affect the language definition :-)
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18:56:24cheatfatedom96, are you going to repair Nim async?
18:56:45dom96define 'repair'
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19:11:13cheatfatedom96, there now more errors
19:11:46*brechtm quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:15:39dom96meh, this breakage isn't worth it
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19:19:50TrustableHi all, I have a timezone problem with the times library: "2016-01-01 00:00 GMT".parse("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm ZZZ").toTime.getGMTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") returns 2015-12-31 22:00
19:20:25TrustableHow can I get rid of the 2 hour offset?
19:21:15dom96I'm guessing there is a bug in one of those functions
19:21:30dom96I'm afraid you'll need to investigate
19:21:48Trustable@dom96: ok, I will investigate
19:22:21cheatfateTrustable, but remember that there many OSes we need to support, and all of them handling time in their own way
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19:34:48dom96the tasync_cpp failure sure is interesting
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19:48:50dom96The 'x' must be initialised because of the 'range'
19:49:22dom96Any way to get around that?
19:50:11Araq0 must be part of the range
19:51:55dom96oh well, HTTP codes will allow 0-100 as well.
19:56:46dom96(at least for now)
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20:15:38TrustableProposed fix to the timezone bug: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4804
20:17:38cheatfatedom96, http://i.blog.fontanka.ru/photos/2013/12/800x600_S7FcZl416QDovtQHpNDh.jpg
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21:16:07mrbandlerhey everyone
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21:17:12mrbandlerhas anyone ever used the enum OsPlatform and const targetOS, I can't get to get them to work..
21:20:28AraqI don't think they are exported.
21:20:47Araqyou should use when defined(windows), when defined(posix) etc
21:39:53mrbandlerohh.. what I am doing is wrong then.. thank you for the quick help! :)
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