<< 21-01-2015 >>

00:04:13Araqrecursive dependencies "in general" are not possible and so one has to pick some granularity. Nim didn't even pick the module boundary, but the single type section.
00:05:49AraqAnd there were reasons for this choice.
00:06:14AraqI consider them good reasons, you disagree.
00:09:39ldleworkYou haven't mentioned them, at all
00:10:29ldleworkYou just make sweeping generalizations about recursive dependencies in general - with I ultimately agree with, and have advocated in here myself numerous times when talking about entity component systems which are a specific manifestation of that principle
00:10:56ldleworkI'm annoyed that you're making the argument against the specific boundry we have - with those generalizations about recursive dependencies in general
00:12:23ldleworkIts a very simple dispute, but everyone else has to jump in with bullshit about learning how to code, or just to stop and consider why recursion is bad, or to really think about the problem. Its stupid and I can see BlaXpirit_'s on-going point about this problem. Its a general problem with public mediums of discourse but it doesn't make it any less ridiculously distracting.
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00:14:46ldlework"Well I read the article" 3.5 minutes after it was posted. Its that shit that has me riled up. I don't think the actual technical issue is that extordinary or abstract. Its a practical issue for using something the language supports in only parts. I'm not the only person to run into it, and seeing someone else run into it but having to face no legitimate addressing of his issue just hand-wavy bs, annoyed me as
00:14:48ldleworkan observer.
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00:18:14ldleworkIn the future, if you still intend on supporting the feature just say so. If you've changed your mind say so. Don't degrade people by telling them they don't understand how to code and if they just had the patience to be as smart as you all their problems would go away.
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00:20:06flaviuAraq literally asked for it :P
00:20:17flaviu19:09 <Araq> and now silence me and ldlework please, I need to get work done here ffs
00:21:13ldleworkBetter bring up the argument again. Seems legit.
00:23:40threewoodldlework seems on the fence. Maybe you guys should vote on it.
00:23:53BlaXpirit_threewood, what are u talking about
00:24:06threewoodI was joking
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01:23:03flaviuI'm writing a library, and I'm getting "undeclared conditional symbol; use --symbol to declare it:"
01:23:11flaviuis there some way to get rid of that?
01:24:35def-flaviu: That warning is temporary and will go away soon, from what I've heard
01:24:47flaviuOk, great!
01:24:55def-it was for the declared/defined split
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03:44:47dtscodewhat argument?
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04:12:15dtscodehmmm might have found a bug
04:14:10dtscodenope im just an idiot
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05:40:50girvohey :)
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08:20:14gokrMorning fellas
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09:03:22*gokr notes that Rust is also discussing ml vs forum etc
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09:38:33ekarlsogokr: ello
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09:53:23*keyle_ is now known as keyle
10:06:53keylehm what's the equivalent of python pass again?
10:08:24keyleah yes thank you. <blank moment>
10:08:40keyledealing with 4 different languages every day
10:08:48gokrWhich 4?
10:08:51ekarlsokeyle: you using nim for work or ?
10:09:08keylepython, javascript, typescript and actionscript actually
10:10:02keyleI wish I could bring nim in the workplace! hopefully later on.
10:11:20ekarlsokeyle: heh, js, go, python here :p
10:11:44keylego lost me when I got into channel hell
10:12:04keyleit got too funky
10:12:05ekarlsoheh, i stopped using it though so really just python and js :|
10:12:31keylepython is cute. nim is better <3
10:13:25keyledid you go ahead with your angular stuff?
10:13:52ekarlsokeyle: added JWT also
10:13:58ekarlsoso user auth works with gituh
10:14:01ekarlso.. gh
10:14:04keylestill breathing? :P
10:14:15gokrI use mainly Smalltalk (some C/C++/ObjC fiddling, bash etc) but we are moving towards Nim.
10:14:24ekarlsokeyle: yeah ? :p
10:14:33keylegokr: wow smalltalk!
10:14:35ekarlsobusy with HP stuff atm though :(
10:14:50ekarlsoI friend is looking at nim for telco stuff atm
10:14:56ekarlsowill be fun to hear back from him
10:14:56keylegokr: you must be in your 40ies? :)
10:15:03gokrYup :) 45
10:15:33keylenice to see you can be 45 and still caring about languages
10:15:35ekarlsogokr: sounds like my dept mngr when he get's excited about playing with stuff in c when he has time off from going to meetings :P
10:15:42gokrBeen a die hard Smalltalker since 1994 - but of course, a polyglot since Smalltalk was only my day work for a few years in the 1990s. But now, again it is!
10:16:14gokrI have programmed in about 25-30 languages I guess. Consultant since 1994.
10:16:23gokrProgramming since I was 12.
10:16:26keyletoo many java/.net developer never change
10:16:34ekarlso@ keyle
10:16:50ekarlsoneeds lots of more loving though
10:16:55gokrI have done my share of both Java (sigh) and C# (better than Java, but only slightly).
10:17:13keyleekarlso: good start
10:17:45keyleconsultant since '94, as in independant contractor?
10:18:10gokrekarlso: I built a similar thing lots of years back. SqueakMap.
10:18:33ekarlsokeyle: https://github.com/ekarlso/nim-jwt
10:18:36ekarlsoif you need auth also :)
10:18:38gokrOne thing I see immediately: Render emails like "[email protected]" or similar.
10:19:13gokrkeyle: No, first employed consultant - then 1999-2005 a consultancy firm with some friends.
10:19:22ekarlsogokr: why so ?
10:19:24gokrThen some other consultant firms - then my own man since 2010.
10:19:49gokrekarlso: Just because people don't want their emails to attract too much spam.
10:20:22ekarlsogokr: in your 3d stuff do you guys run in AWS or ?
10:20:34gokrSome deployments on EC2, yes.
10:20:55gokrWe have a big one in Brazil right now, about 10-20 servers depending on load.
10:21:16gokrekarlso: http://map.squeak.org
10:21:51gokrNo style at all - but you might find some of the views interesting. Like "new stuff last 30 days" or "packages sorted by registration" etc.
10:22:12gokrOn SqueakMap there is a category tree - instead of tags. Same same, but different.
10:22:26gokrSome of those tags may also be interesting: http://map.squeak.org/categoriestree
10:22:30ekarlsogokr: well tags are generated out from what users set their package tags to
10:22:49keylegokr: sweet. been running my own dev company since 2010.
10:22:58gokrYeah, SqueakMap instead uses a canonical tree of categories to pick from. Both ideas are good.
10:23:13gokrkeyle: These days I work 100% 3DICC though.
10:23:55keyleok. Did you jump in the second life bandwagon? :)
10:24:28gokrNo, our system is quite different.
10:24:54gokrBut of course, things like SecondLife did bring attention to these kind of tools.
10:24:54keylesorry I don't know much about that world.
10:25:32gokrOur product Terf was earlier called Teleplace (reborn now) and Teleplace in turn was a commercialization of the Croquet project.
10:25:53gokrCroquet was created by Alan Kay and a few other people.
10:26:30gokrThe most interesting aspect of Croquet (and the subsequent versions of it) is its model of computation often referred to as Teatime.
10:27:19keylelooking it up on wikipedia
10:27:58keylethat stuff was ahead of its time
10:28:24gokrI never have had the opportunity to meet Alan - although we participated for many years in the same project (Squeak).
10:28:41gokrI do know Dan Ingalls though, which is the "Guido" of Smalltalk.
10:29:00gokrSmalltalk has always been ahead of its time :)
10:29:12keyledid Dan got involved in squeak?
10:29:22gokrOf course, he created it.
10:29:30keyleuh oh
10:29:45gokrSqueak was born at Apple, Alan and Dan worked there then. Around 1995-ish.
10:30:09keylefunny they're doing swift nowadays then
10:30:12gokrIt was a resurrection of the original Smalltalk-80 that Apple licensed from Xerox.
10:30:21gokrThere are so many stories to tell.
10:30:48gokrDan did the classic demo of Smalltalk at Xerox PARC - that Steve Jobs saw and got mesmerized by.
10:31:30keyleok :)
10:31:42gokrBut most developers today aren't interested in the history of programming unfortunately. They just think the latest scripting lang is da shit.
10:32:04gokrAlthough Smalltalk and Lisp have already done all this, and much more, ages ago.
10:32:29ekarlsogokr: I am mostly interested ..
10:32:46ekarlsowhen I "started" I did mostly tcl and perl
10:32:53gokrPersonally though I can say that the Smalltalk community has been a blast to be part of - I mean, jesus, they created so much.
10:33:09ekarlsogokr: is smalltalk still used ? :p
10:33:14gokrFor example, when one newbie was asking why the radio button widget behaved in a certain way in Squeak, a bunch of years back...
10:33:43gokr...and Ted Kaehler replied why. And the newbie responded something about it being strange etc. Thing is - Ted *invented* radio buttons.
10:34:00gokrYup, it is still used.
10:34:10ekarlsogokr: in new projects as well or ?
10:34:18gokrThe Pharo open source Smalltalk is the most popular right now. See pharo.org
10:34:18keyleat least he named it after where it came from... radio buttons
10:34:34keyleand not Ted's button
10:36:36gokrYes, in new and modern stuff. Smalltalk still beats the crap out of all of Ruby/Python etc when it comes to productivity and meta capabilities and IDE etc etc.
10:36:36keyleLanguages get waves of mob. Smalltalk may still be superb for its age but the mob is writing npm packages by the dozen in nodejs...
10:36:36gokrThing is - there have been so many, many languages...
10:36:36keyleso the old must make place for the new and the wheel gets reinvented
10:36:36gokrSmalltalk persists because it has some unique aspects to it.
10:36:47gokrBut at the same time the Python, Ruby (complete ripoff of Smalltalk), js and so on - borrow from Smalltalk.
10:38:20gokrEither way, every developer should try Smalltalk at some point - understand it. It makes you more complete.
10:38:30ekarlsogokr: :P
10:38:42gokrSince there are things there that aren't in many other places.
10:39:30gokrFor example, the image concept, the immersiveness of the environment, the minimalism of the language itself and so on.
10:39:36gokrThe tools.
10:39:44keyleyeah lisp was an eye opener for me
10:40:08gokrLisp has similar qualities, indeed. Smalltalk also has a lot of Lisp feel in several areas.
10:40:23keylebut I didn't jump the fence and stick the finger to the mainstream languages
10:40:40gokrSmalltalk was mainstream in 1990-95.
10:41:00gokrIt was battling with C++ for the OO mindshare.
10:41:24keyleI was battling with autoexec and command.sys to get my games to run properly :)
10:42:57gokrBut sometimes I do feel like a Martian here in #nim for sure. Nim and Smalltalk are... hehe. So extremely different - and at some level - still similar since they both actually do try to make life easier for the programmer.
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10:43:28gokrHowever - Smalltalk as 6 keywords. Nim? A gazillion? :)
10:46:33gokrBut its in that friction zone I hope things will get interesting.
10:46:34keylesometimes a language has less keywords but do more with them... that increases the learning curve when a keyword has different meanings no?
10:46:34gokrThey are "super, self, true, false, nil and thisContext". They are definitely not hard to grasp :)
10:46:34gokrThe first 5 you already know what they are - the last one you almost never use.
10:47:12gokrI can teach complete Smalltalk in 5 slides. I have done it - and cross checked it against the grammar.
10:47:34gokrThing is - the rest are in the libraries.
10:48:07gokrSo I am not saying you are a good Smalltalk developer after 5 slides :) - but you have the tools to read and understand Smalltalk code.
10:50:03gokrNim has a different take. Its very complex, we can't claim otherwise. But IMHO much of it can be "ignored" if you don't use it.
10:50:31gokrSo you can write fairly simple code - and its readable.
10:50:57keyleyeah I do get lost in nim atm, ... async/await/asyncheck/runforever() stuff is not well explained imho
10:51:18keylethen there is all the {. stuff .} which is also well documented, in the mind of somebody.
10:51:38keylebut I'm hoping that this is only a transition phase.
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10:51:50gokrThe asynch stuff - yeah. Even if its documented it can lead to fairly complicated code IMHO.
10:52:05gokrPersonally I like a forking server just fine.
10:52:13gokrThen I can write code that blocks if it wants too.
10:52:17keylegolang's channels had me perplexed at first and then hating my code to death once it grew
10:52:25keyleminimalistic hell
10:52:30gokrDid you see my forking socket server I wrote?
10:52:41keyleeh no?
10:53:03gokrYou can find all my Nim articles here: http://goran.krampe.se/category/nim/
10:53:08gokrSee the one from oct 25.
10:53:14gokr"Nim Socket Server"
10:53:50keyleso many articles go unnoticed because googling nim or nimrod just yields irrelevant stuff
10:54:01gokrSince Nim has a very good threadpool - I personally see no harm in writing a forking server. It works quite fine.
10:54:12gokrkeyle: I know, I am setting up a planet Nim.
10:54:12keylesomeone should categorize all of this and put it on the main site as /medias or coverage or something.
10:54:40gokrI did set one up this weekend - but I think I will switch to another software for it - so its not up yet.
10:55:24gokrThe first experiment is here (using Pluto): http://padme.krampe.se/planetnim/nim.html
10:55:32gokrBut I will switch to Venus I think.
10:55:38Triplefox"planet nim" sounds very sci-fi
10:56:02gokrI would like this visual style of it: http://www.go-mono.com/monologue/
10:56:07Triplefoxearth to nim...come in nim... *theramin*
10:56:10gokrThat's the mono people's planet.
10:56:54gokrTriplefox: One of my articles is called "Squeak to Nim, Come in Nim..."
10:57:38keyleso many good articles I never saw
10:57:47ekarlsogeh, couldn't my openstack work atm so I could do more nim :p
10:58:06gokrkeyle: One of them is linked from nim-lang.org, but only one.
10:58:34keylethanks, some fine bed time reading in those
10:58:49ekarlsowonder how hard it would be with websockets for nim
10:59:08keyleekarlso: onionhammer has a websocket server impl
10:59:20keyleon github
10:59:55ekarlsokewl :)
11:00:28gokrBtw... I didn't know it was this easy to run O<cough>SX in virtualbox on Ubuntu.
11:00:53keylesome friends run hackintosh
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11:01:18keyleI agree with them... Apple hardware is just silly expensive for a powerful box
11:01:35keyleI use UE4, it'd be hell on mac.
11:01:56gokrsure. I have an MBP, and its a great machine, but... I want to virtualize.
11:02:23gokrI can't tie up that little thing of beauty - as a build slave. That would be... insane :)
11:02:45gokrMuch better to watch Netflix on it.
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12:11:01keyleis there a way with strutils.split to split on multiple characters?
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13:37:34def-If keyle comes back, strutils.split works on a set of characters, like {'a'..'e','z'}
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14:13:48kokozedmanhey guys, in selectors, why is EvError been removed?
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14:20:32kokozedmanbranch master doesn't have it ... devel branch has it though, yet, documentation has EvError
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15:16:02gmpreussnerVarriount: you around?
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16:38:19EXetoCcan't use 'range' as a generic parameter, right?
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17:05:38matkukiHow is range used in Nim?
17:08:25matkukiOh, it's used in declerations.
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17:11:51EXetoCa type, yes
17:11:52*j3rky is now known as gmpreussner|work
17:13:29EXetoCannotated with 'magic', but the documentation doesn't show that
17:17:43matkukiIt's just a little weird when coming from Python, so I thought it should "for x in range[0..20]"
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18:10:40gmpreussner|workdoes anyone know of any attempts to create a plug-in framework?
18:11:20Varriount|Busygmpreussner|work: Nope, although I don't think it would be too hard.
18:12:01Varriount|BusyInvoke a function from a DLL that returns an array of structs with procedure references.
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18:26:34AndChat38369What's wrong with the forum?
18:27:35ekarlsoany API dudes here ?
18:27:43flyxhi folks. I didn't follow nim development for some time, I see there has been some renaming
18:27:56flyxhas hungarian notation been abandoned?
18:28:25sillestathere was hungarian notation once?
18:28:28*sillesta shudders
18:29:52gmpreussner|workVarriount|Busy: i meant to ask you something else earlier....
18:30:10gmpreussner|worki started using Sublime with your Nim plugin and like it very much
18:30:23gmpreussner|worki was wondering whether you also use Sublime for debugging with SublimeGDB
18:34:55Varriount|Busygmpreussner|work: No, I don't. I didn't even know there was a plugin for integration with GDB
18:35:01EXetoCflyx: hungarian? when?
18:35:05EXetoCsillesta: both types of hungarian?
18:35:12flyxthe P and T things
18:35:22Varriount|BusyAndChat38369: DNS issues
18:35:40EXetoCflyx: yes, because the first char is now case sensitive
18:35:45AndChat38369Varriount.. I meant the sort order is wrong
18:35:50gmpreussner|workVarriount|Busy: yeah, there is. i didn't have enough time to set it up this morning, but I think it will work. i was hoping you already had some working configuration files, but I'll just go through it myself then :)
18:36:13sillestaEXetoC: HTHISTYPE
18:36:14EXetoCso that common complaint regarding grepping is still relevant
18:36:34Varriount|BusyAndChat38369: No it isn't. We had... trouble with someone posting on old threads. Their posts were deleted, but the 'last update time' wasn't changed.
18:36:46gmpreussner|workVarriount|Busy: i tried the GDB plug-in for Kate, but it has an issue that breaks usage with Nim. I've talked to the author, but we haven't been able to figure out what's wrong yet. so i'm going to switch to Sublime for the time being.
18:37:32AndChat38369If the post is deleted it should re-sort imo
18:37:59EXetoCI assume that's the intended behavior
18:38:06Varriount|BusyAndChat38369: I don't know exactly how the forum works. For all I know, it might re-sort if the forum executable is restart
18:38:25Varriount|BusyAndChat38369: We would love any help with the forum software.
18:38:58AndChat38369Ok. At least right now it looks broken and doesn't make a good impression.
18:39:11*AndChat38369 is now known as vbtt
18:39:51Varriount|Busyvbtt: Well, it's only broken in, like, 3 places, so it's not *that* noticable
18:40:55vbttMore than 3
18:41:51Varriount|Busygmpreussner|work: If you have any suggestions for the sublime plugin, or find any bugs, let me or onionhammer know via github
18:42:35gmpreussner|workVarriount|Busy: will do, thanks!
18:42:43Varriount|Busygmpreussner|work: Actually, you might want to use the latest version available on github, rather than the one through package control.
18:42:59Varriount|BusyWe've been meaning to do another releasing, but keep forgetting.
18:43:05gmpreussner|workyeah, i cloned the Github branch directly
18:43:20vbttAnd what's with the rust haters.
18:43:50Varriount|Busyvbtt: That was the trouble we were dealing with.
18:44:18vbttYeah glad it's being dealt with.
18:44:29EXetoCdown with Rust woooooooooo j/k
18:45:22Varriount|Busyvbtt: Just ignore all the posts made by 'Nikki'
18:45:41vbttHaha yeah I already replied to one.
18:45:52vbttWon't do that again
18:48:15Varriount|BusyAnyone have good resources regarding assembly language, especially the x86 vs x64 differences?
18:49:25EXetoChe did say something constructive
18:49:44dyuanyone know the equivalent of list.clear() for nim's seq?
18:49:58Varriount|Busydyu: setLen(0)
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18:56:42def-Strange, DNS for nim-lang.org not working again =/
19:23:03BlaXpiriti was so happy when i somehow managed to install nimble on windows
19:23:11BlaXpiritbut then... "FAILURE: 'git' not in PATH."
19:23:13BlaXpiritof course
19:23:36BlaXpiritbut why is git necessary? it is easy to just download a zip from github and be done with it
19:25:24def-BlaXpirit: not sure, but maybe for the version tags?
19:25:47def-so you can tag a commit as 1.0 and then get [email protected]
19:26:00BlaXpirituhh, of course, supporting git in general is nice
19:26:09BlaXpiritbut github can be specialcased to not require git
19:26:19def-i guess
19:27:16BlaXpiritthere is probably some API and even parsing a page like this is trivial https://github.com/flaviut/nre/releases
19:31:52def-i think it's cleaner not to special case github or any other site
19:32:25BlaXpiritok but windows users arent gonna care
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19:34:42fizzbooze_can someone explain the "parallel" keyword to me? i find the section in the documentation a bit lacking
19:36:39def-fizzbooze_: i haven't used it, so i can't explain. but have you looked at the tests in here?: https://github.com/Araq/Nim/tree/devel/tests/parallel
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20:27:53ldleworkEXetoC: do you recommend https://github.com/EXetoC/nim-glfw
20:35:42EXetoCldlework: yes
20:36:50EXetoCthe event handling is more straightforward than what you have in SDL
20:36:50BlaXpiritis destroy required for every object?
20:37:01EXetoCBlaXpirit: no
20:37:40BlaXpiritah, there is only one object
20:37:52BlaXpiritthat needs destroying, at least
20:38:09EXetoCldlework: but I don't know of any high level SDL interfaces, which would probably simplify that aspect
20:38:31EXetoCI should tweak the init proc though
20:38:45*rpag quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:42:23EXetoCBlaXpirit: actually, I'm not sure what you're asking. a 'destroy' proc will be optional, but I assume it will be invoked for every instance that is to be destroyed
20:42:44EXetoC*is optional
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21:54:54ekarlsowho controls dns ? :)
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22:06:11Triplefoxjon blow's latest has an interesting construct of a "using" keyword like a more powerful Pascal-style "with" that lets you quickly refactor data layout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHqFrNyLlpA&feature=youtu.be
22:06:17*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
22:06:22Triplefoxthe key use-case for his version of using is to split up an object into "cold" and "hot" subsets(where "hot" is smaller and iterated on more), refer to the fields at a high level as a compound object, and then be able to rearrange which one is used where
22:08:15flaviuTriplefox: Can you post a tl:dr? I don't have time to watch a 90 minute video right now.
22:09:41Triplefoxhis first example is to take something like entity.position, declare "using entity.position" in an earlier statement and then access the x, y, z fields without typing entity.position.x - that's the familiar part
22:10:06Triplefoxhe also lets you put that in the function declaration's arguments
22:10:27Triplefoxthen he lets you put using in an object's type declaration
22:11:03Triplefoxso you can have EntityHot, EntityCold, and then Entity ("using" pointers to EntityHot, EntityCold)
22:11:55Triplefoxnow if you want to bundle EntityHot in an array somewhere for cache-friendly behavior you can do it without forcing random access uses to change
22:12:53Triplefox"entity." will behave the same way no matter which things are in EntityHot or EntityCold
22:15:04Triplefoxseparately, but in related performance concerns, he also adds a word for declaring an array to be an array of structs, or a struct of arrays, so that you don't have to refactor all the code if you want one or the other
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22:27:24keyledef-: thanks will try that again but it threw some nasty stuff
22:28:54Triplefoxhis last idea, which hasn't been implemented or even fully designed, is something to automate the replication of values so that one might be maintaining a copy of some data in both EntityCold and EntityHot and achieve performant lookups for both
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22:35:38def-keyle: show me the errors, should be fixable
22:36:38keyledef-: at work, will do it in now+7hrs
22:38:07keylegokr: the mailing list looks good, but the freelist not working with gmail is a big downer. I'd look at other mailing list options if possible. Something like mailman setup?
22:38:37keylebasically whatever the linux community uses... which has tons of software support.
22:38:54gokrkeyle: I know, it was... an oddity I didn't expect :) But I am not sure its freelists fault, it almost sounds like gmail does this somehow.
22:39:11sillestahow do i sign up for the mailing list?
22:39:30gokrI know quite a bit about mailman - we use it in the Smalltalk community a lot BUT... there is no free hosting of mailman that I know of.
22:39:39gokrSo you end up needing to do all that work yourself.
22:39:52gokrsillesta: http://www.freelists.org/list/nim-dev
22:40:14gokrkeyle: Which is why I felt freelists was a smooth choice. LuaJIT uses it, and many more I think.
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22:40:58gokrAnd you know - it does work with gmail - just not sure what the heck gmail does with your own post.
22:42:01gokrI have been trying to google that part, just not sure exactly why gmail does this "optimization".
22:42:22keylewhy isn't the threading presented properly? https://www.freelists.org/archive/luajit/12-2014
22:43:02keyleI think google groups does the same as what you're reporting with freelist
22:43:10keyleprevents doubleups in your mailbox
22:43:42*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
22:43:45gokrMmm. In my thunderbird that screwed up things - since my own post never landed in my Nim-dev folder - so viewing the thread, I couldn't see my own posts.
22:44:49keylehttps://support.google.com/mail/answer/6588?hl=en ?
22:45:10gokrI know.
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22:50:05gokrkeyle: Haiku uses freelists btw.
22:51:40keyleI am not doubting some key players use it
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22:52:20keylebut you mention that a forum only is hackish, I'd expect nim to host its own mailing list :)
22:52:39gokrIf you can find (or spend the time setting up and maintaining) free mailman - then I am all ears.
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22:53:09keylethat's Araq and the dev team's call I think. See what the 1.0 announcement brings.
22:53:10gokrWell, "hackish" in a sense of perception.
22:53:35gokrNot hackish otherwise, its a fine piece of software.
22:54:12gokrBut AFAIK basically all programming languages I have seen has at least one - often 3-5 mailinglists.
22:54:40keylethanks for setting that up though. I also prefer mailing lists over forums.
22:55:16gokrNow we just need to teach everyone to not top post and not use HTML :)
22:57:03BlaXpirit> 20th century
22:58:06EXetoCI'd rather use something that makes those non-issues then, but that's not going to happen
22:58:23BlaXpiritseriously, almost all of your points "for" mailinglists can be solved with RSS
22:58:46BlaXpiritand you say there is no real threading, well, that's a flaw of just *this* forum, like a ton of other things
22:59:23EXetoCmost forums are crap though, but yeah
23:02:12keyleforums are antiquated anyway
23:02:26BlaXpiritantiquated forums are antiquated
23:02:28keyleif you want proper Q&A then stackexchange is the way to go
23:02:43gokrI have a hard time finding any other programming language that *doesn't* have an ml.
23:02:44keyleforum won't let you upvote the proper answer
23:02:52EXetoCthat's much more limited in scope though
23:03:12keyleso the proper answer or the interesting one might be 3 pages down
23:03:15EXetoCantiquated forums are indeed antiquated :p
23:04:03keyleall the `how do I` questions become a mess in forums
23:04:26BlaXpiritso how does mailinglist change this?
23:04:35keylemailing list are great for development teams to self organize
23:04:44gokrBlaXpirit: How many programming mailinglists have you used?
23:05:45keylecalling mailing list 20th century and using IRC daily
23:06:16gokrBlaXpirit: I find it interesting then that you are so 100% sure they suck.
23:06:38BlaXpiriti don't remember saying they suck
23:06:39gokrWhile a whole bunch of us think otherwise. We who have actually been using several of them over many years.
23:06:43BlaXpiritalthough i can't be sure i didn't
23:06:58gokrBlaXpirit: Well, perhaps you haven't used that specific word - granted. :)
23:07:00keylethis is how the linux kernel works btw... http://lkml.org/
23:07:11EXetoCgmail top posts, at least by default. so annoying
23:07:51BlaXpiritwell linux kernel does not have an official forum
23:08:04keylebecause it'd be a mess
23:08:14BlaXpiritand your point is?
23:08:24EXetoCif said forum was antiquated, yes
23:08:45keylesharing my point, not making one to rub in anyone's face
23:09:06BlaXpiritit's quite an irrelevant point
23:09:22BlaXpiritlinux is not afraid of community fragmentation, anyway
23:09:59keyleright then I have better things to do :)
23:10:48BlaXpiritif we have like 50 active members, separating them across 5 different ways to communicate may not be nice
23:11:01BlaXpiritand then you mention that a multimillion community uses a mailing list. k.
23:11:30ldleworkI think we should ditch the forum
23:11:43ldleworkand only use a mailinglist
23:11:51ldleworkforum is a cost
23:11:52BlaXpiritbetter ditch the forum than have both
23:12:09gokrldlework: Did you sign up? We are... 12 now I think.
23:12:42ldleworkI'll do so when we decide that's what we're going to advertise
23:13:12gokrAraq calls it an experiment and then we will see how it goes.
23:13:18BlaXpiriti don't feel like having a ton of trash in my inbox
23:13:51gokrldlework: So if noone uses it - I would suspect people here will take that as a sign it was a bad idea.
23:13:52ldleworkBlaXpirit: so don't get the emails
23:13:55ldleworkjust go to the mailing list
23:14:11flaviuBlaXpirit: Set up your email client to put them in another directory.
23:14:14BlaXpiritand browse through the actually antiquated archive interface
23:14:25ldleworkwhat ml software are we using?
23:14:32gokrI just signed up on freelists.org
23:14:46gokrBut if you want to set up a mailman on a server somewhere - be my guest.
23:14:46ldleworkI would have gone with google groups
23:14:49EXetoCBlaXpirit: there must be some good interfaces out there
23:14:53ldleworksince people know how to use google groups
23:14:55gokrI have done my share of maintaining mailman.
23:14:57EXetoCthe usual ones are indeed crap
23:15:20flaviuldlework: Please no google groups.
23:15:22gokrldlework: Google groups is also fine - I just felt freelists was a more... neutral choice.
23:15:30BlaXpiritwhen i find a google result of a mailing list archive, i'm actually quite sad
23:15:32gokrSince quite a lot of people don't like google.
23:15:43BlaXpiritfinding anything there is a miracle
23:15:48BlaXpiritnavigation is pain
23:15:52ldleworkits used for major projects consisting of millions of users
23:16:02ldleworkits on of the most popular mailing list solutions
23:16:04EXetoCthe web interface blows
23:16:10ldleworkwhat doesn't it do?
23:16:26flaviuldlework: Respond in less than a second after clicking.
23:16:29gokrldlework: Personally I don't really care, as long as I can get it in my email client I am happy as a clam.
23:16:32ldleworkit lists each message, collapses them, shows you which ones you haven't read
23:16:43ldleworkflaviu: it works responsively me for any machine I've used it on
23:16:55BlaXpiritgokr, you probably can already do something to translate RSS to email
23:17:06gokrBlaXpirit: But I can't reply via RSS.
23:17:18gokrAnd I can't get threading and inlined replies either.
23:17:25BlaXpiritwho cares. with one click you can open the reply box in browser
23:17:32EXetoCisnt it the one where expanding a message means clicking on a link and waiting for a new page to load?
23:17:34gokrEhm, I care.
23:17:45ldleworkEXetoC: google groups? no..?
23:17:58ldleworkunless you mean thread
23:18:11ldleworkand which web interface is better than googles? that's also as popular.
23:18:21BlaXpiritgoogle groups has been the most bearable of the mailing list archives in my experience when i bumped into one through searching
23:18:21flaviuldlework: Github!
23:18:47ldleworkwe shouldn't put "flaviu's computer runs it slow" over "this is what practically every major software project uses and is what the vast majority of internet denizens are used to"
23:18:48BlaXpiritoh yes, github is miraculous
23:18:57BlaXpiritbut we can't create an issue for every small thing :(
23:19:40EXetoCldlework: might have been something else. does google have some other interface too?
23:20:19ldleworkEXetoC: other than the one that acts exactly like a forums where you can collapse the messages in a thread? dunno.
23:20:29sillestawould be nice if github had a small forum feature per project
23:20:37sillestasimilar to issues
23:20:40EXetoCis there a threaded view?
23:21:00ldleworkclick a thread, get a thread
23:21:03ldleworknot sure what's so bad about this
23:21:18ldleworkit remembers what you've seen, you can star messages, and so on
23:21:35EXetoCldlework: I recall having to click a link to expand long posts, but nevermind that
23:21:35ldleworkinstantly responsive for me
23:22:02BlaXpiriti actually can't find any "list of threads" of that mailinglist
23:22:16ldleworkscroll down?
23:22:44EXetoCldlework: threaded view as in tree view, but it's fine as it is
23:23:06EXetoCand of course we should encourage the use of SO too IMO
23:23:33ldleworkI think quoting is the convention in google groups (and mailing lists in general)
23:24:35BlaXpiritno, that web interface is absolute garbage
23:24:45BlaXpirit(of freelists)
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23:25:15gokrEXetoC: SO?
23:25:38BlaXpirit1 message per page is just unacceptable
23:26:59BlaXpiritany advantage of any email client does not matter
23:27:03EXetoCone? huh
23:27:12BlaXpiritif people can't find the information they need without having everything in their inbox
23:27:35ldleworkgoogle groups it is.
23:27:41BlaXpirityou wish
23:27:45EXetoCno, not just one
23:27:46BlaXpiritgokr knows better
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23:27:54EXetoCunless there's only one message of course
23:28:00gokrBlaXpirit: Why do you say that?
23:28:02EXetoCgokr: StackOverflow
23:28:16gokrEXetoC: Ah.
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23:42:39dom96I think that having multiple ways to discuss Nim is a good thing. But we should make sure that when important things are discussed in a certain place that we should notify people who frequent other places about such discussions.
23:45:14BlaXpiritand i'm still of the thought that it's possible to have something that has all the advantages of IRC, forum, mailinglist
23:47:29dom96BlaXpirit: Good. Create it then.
23:47:32dom96Stop talking about it.
23:47:37BlaXpiritmaybe i would
23:47:59BlaXpiritbut i don't see such a thing written in nim
23:48:26BlaXpiritcuz if being written in nim wasn't a requirement for the forum, maybe more people would be satisfied with it
23:48:45EXetoCldlework: gonna use OpenGL directly?
23:49:03gokrPersonally I think the forum is quite neat - being a web forum.
23:50:25BlaXpiritgoogle groups tries to erase the boundary between mailing list and forum
23:50:30gokrldlework: I don't really care if we use google groups, our own mailman or freelists. Setting up and maintaining a mailman install is quite tedious though.
23:51:14gokrI have subscribed to a few google groups ... I think. Right now I am not subscribed, but I think it works quite fine.
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23:55:57flaviudom96: I'd like to, but a lack of a proper templating library for nim really makes things difficult :)
23:56:27dom96BlaXpirit: If you spent as much time improving the forum as you do discussing issues here than everybody would be satisfied with the forum.
23:56:40flaviuBlaXpirit: Oh, I see what the point of maxsplit is!
23:56:58BlaXpiriti'm not gonna improve a forum written in nim
23:57:14dom96Then why are you here?
23:57:36BlaXpirithoping one day nim becomes useful for many things
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