<< 02-06-2017 >>

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02:06:12FromGitter<Varriount> @zacharycarter I <3 macros.quote
02:07:37FromGitter<Varriount> https://gist.github.com/Varriount/cb3eff3662e392ad3bba57a1ba29c355
02:26:11FromGitter<tuttza> Hi guys, I am trying to use the parsecfg module to create configuration file, I keep getting an error saying 'double free or corruption' I'm not sure how to fix this problem ⏎ this is what I am doing in my code: ⏎ '''nim ⏎ proc createConfigurationFile(): void = ⏎ let location = getHomeDir() & ".app_dir/" & "backup_locations.ini" ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5930ccc331f589c64f676a99]
02:28:13FromGitter<tuttza> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5930cd3d167d046a7d5de580]
02:33:33FromGitter<Varriount> @tuttza Do you get errors with any other compiled Nim applications? What version of Nim are you using?
02:34:57FromGitter<tuttza> I am using the latest version: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5930ced1167d046a7d5de9f0]
02:35:09FromGitter<tuttza> I have not tried another compiled nim application
02:35:32FromGitter<tuttza> at least I think that is the latest version
02:35:49ftsftuttza, i've reported an issue about that
02:36:40ftsfit's fixed in devel, but not the latest release
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04:37:18FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5930eb7ecf9c13503c4612ea]
04:37:30FromGitter<gogolxdong> how can I achieve this
04:38:55FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ How can I achieve this? [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5930ebdf142826e9727599a2]
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06:21:47chrishellerIs it possible to import a .compiletime. proc into another module (for use in another .compiletime. proc)? I keep getting "Undeclared identifier" when I try to do so
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06:28:08Araqchrisheller: export it with a *
06:28:30Araqmacros.nim is full of these things and you import it, why wouldn't it work
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06:41:10chrishellerIt is exported with a *. That's what's strange.
06:42:09chrishellerLet me simplify the test case and see if I can come up with something simple to reproduce.
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06:57:56chrishellerOf course my simplified test case behaves properly. Time to figure out why my other code does not :)
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07:13:48chrishellerMust be time for bed. My static export proc wasn't being found because I was being stupid.
07:15:38chrishellerWas just experimenting with introducing a new file to hold the proc I wanted to share with other modules, but I have been compiling things on a different machine than my laptop and hadn't sync-ed the new file over. Doh!
07:17:12Araqok lol
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09:12:29FromGitter<coffeepots> hey guys, just a quick update on my table.del woes: after @Araq pointed out the delete slowness was from consecutive keys I tried returning new entityIds as lastId+2 instead of consecutively, kind of just for a laugh to see if it made any difference. Well, it made a massive difference and runs as expected! I'm still going to try to replace tables with arrays where I can, and put in a proper non-consecutive entity ID
09:12:29FromGitter... mechanism that isn't silly, but glad I can proceed with an ECS without hitting that wall.
09:14:23FromGitter<coffeepots> Also, @Arrrr thanks for the links to ECS systems, I was reading those all night, seems like every method has it's compromises and still haven't found a system I really like, but am getting there slowly :)
09:16:37FromGitter<coffeepots> *now runs as expected
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09:42:41Araqcofeepots: also check out the "colony" data structure
09:55:46*Ven_ quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
10:02:34FromGitter<coffeepots> @Araq thanks for this! Currently reading through http://plflib.org/colony.htm
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11:12:57ritchie_hello, if I use stuff from "future" how likely is it to go into the standard lib at a later date?
11:16:28ritchie_:) ok thanks, I'll use it then
11:30:05enthus1asti've got a strange behavior on windows and linux, im useing jester, with an nginx reverse proxy. When one of my clients reloads the browser, i get around 8-10 new socket connections which are stuck in CLOSE_WAIT state. It *seems* that this is roughly the amounth of http gets the javascript does. Any good advice?
11:30:46enthus1astIf i restart the server the sockets went away
11:30:54enthus1ast(the server executable)
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11:54:07fr1endenthus1ast: are you sure they're new connections? Sounds like just the browser opened 8 parallel connections, and then when refreshing, closed the connections
11:54:17fr1endleading them in CLOSE_WAIT for the final packets
11:55:45fr1endoh, sorry, I mixed up CLOSE_WAIT and TIME_WAIT
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11:58:12fr1endenthus1ast: does communicating with the server (i.e. to cause epoll to return) cause it to close the sockets? Thinking being, maybe the server isn't notified about closed connections and only reaps them after processing other IO
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11:59:07tankfeederhi all
11:59:47tankfeederwhile did choosenim update stable server hangs
11:59:56tankfeederand now its all unsync
12:00:05tankfeederhow better fix this ?
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12:52:39FromGitter<Varriount> tankfeeder: Run the command again?
12:58:15*yeeve quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
12:58:48tankfeedercheck pastebin link again
12:58:57tankfeederalready done as first command
13:03:18*yglukhov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
13:03:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> @Varriount was that macro you shared for serializing JSON?
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13:04:56FromGitter<Varriount> @zacharycarter Unserializing. I have objects whose members match the JSON fields
13:05:25FromGitter<Varriount> And I can't use dom96's additions to the JSON module, as not all fields will be filled in
13:06:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> gotcha
13:06:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah I had that problem too
13:07:03FromGitter<zacharycarter> optional fields and the JSON module don't play nicely
13:09:00enthus1astfr1end: they pile up until the executable crashes, they never vanish.
13:09:46enthus1astfr1end: ill play with it and report
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15:04:29FromGitter<Varriount> @zacharycarter Work on the AWS library is going well though. I have JSON loading almost done, and basic type generation is finished.
15:05:00FromGitter<Varriount> Next is procedure generation, and all the backend stuff (http requests, parsing, etc)
15:06:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> @Varriount that's awesome :D I'm in aws training right now :)
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15:09:33FromGitter<ftsf> \o/ nice one
15:09:59FromGitter<ftsf> @zacharycarter giving frag a try, managed to get it to build =)
15:18:06FromGitter<zacharycarter> @ftsf sweet!
15:18:32FromGitter<zacharycarter> @ftsf I just got the first version of the deferred renderer working
15:18:45FromGitter<ftsf> i noticed a bunch of the examples don't compile due to missing import colors
15:18:48FromGitter<ftsf> cool!
15:20:20FromGitter<zacharycarter> @ftsf yeah I need to fix that I'll do that now
15:22:30FromGitter<ftsf> and also the 3d model one complains about modelbatch not knowing about model
15:37:44FromGitter<zacharycarter> hrm okay I have a massive commit commit to fix all of that I believe
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15:39:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> @ftsf are you on windows or linux / osx?
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15:44:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> @ftsf just committed - should fix the examples
15:44:32FromGitter<zacharycarter> the 3d example won't work on windows yet
15:45:42FromGitter<ftsf> on linux
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15:51:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> okay cool everything should hopefully work now
15:51:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> including the 3d example
15:51:26FromGitter<zacharycarter> if it still fails please let me know
15:52:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> actually it might fail if you don't have assimp :/
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16:29:24FromGitter<Varriount> Hm. How would you unit test a macro?
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16:37:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> write another macro?
16:37:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> j/k I have no idea
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17:20:05demi-yeah i was going to say, write another macro and use a lot of asserts
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17:31:06FromGitter<Varriount> demi-: And what tests that macro? :3
17:31:26demi-assert a lot
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17:50:31FromGitter<zacharycarter> this aws training is boring as fuq
17:51:09LyndsySimonCan I get a link to a simple shell utility written in Nim?
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18:02:09LyndsySimonI really, really like what I see in Nim so far - but it's ridiculously hard to get started.
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18:06:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> LyndsySimon: what do you mean?
18:07:01FromGitter<zacharycarter> why is it hard to get started?
18:07:14LyndsySimonIt's very hard to find answers to things like "How do I execute a shell command and get the stdout?
18:07:35*smt__ quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:07:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://nim-lang.org/docs/osproc.html
18:08:32FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://nim-lang.org/docs/lib.html
18:08:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html
18:08:58FromGitter<zacharycarter> first link is relevant to your specific question
18:09:03FromGitter<zacharycarter> last two are more general
18:10:44LyndsySimonRight, I've read all those. They're helpful, but without having seen a functional shell utility written in Nim it's just hard to put all the pieces together.
18:11:04FromGitter<zacharycarter> hrm
18:11:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> I can point you something that I wrote but it's not a shell utility
18:11:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> it does spin up a process with osproc and read from stdout
18:11:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://github.com/zacharycarter/nim-playground/blob/master/src/nim_playground.nim
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18:12:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> it's the source for the backend of - https://play.nim-lang.org/
18:12:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://github.com/zacharycarter/nim-playground/blob/master/src/nim_playground.nim#L59 that line specifically launches the os proc
18:13:17FromGitter<zacharycarter> sorry I forgot this doesn't read the stdout, since the process itself writes stdout to a file, I'll try to find an example of that
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18:15:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://github.com/fowlmouth/nake/blob/master/nakelib.nim might be a better example
18:15:49demi-LyndsySimon: https://github.com/samdmarshall/battery-level/blob/master/BatteryLevel.nim https://github.com/samdmarshall/preview/blob/master/preview.nim https://github.com/samdmarshall/rune/blob/master/src/rune.nim#L19-L33
18:16:04FromGitter<zacharycarter> or the nimble source
18:16:05demi-that last link shows providing input through stdin and reading from stdout
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18:16:34LyndsySimondemi-, zacharycarter: Thanks :)
18:16:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> sure thing!
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18:27:27LyndsySimonI went ahead and bought Nim in Action. I *really* want to replace all my shell scripts with Nim.
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18:33:14dom96LyndsySimon: thanks! :)
18:37:41LyndsySimondom96: NP. I remember buying "Practical Django Projects" about ten years ago. That turned into a career, so here's hoping NiA is similarly impactful :P
18:40:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> I wish I could find a career coding in Nim :P One day
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18:42:13LyndsySimonMake one!
18:42:53LyndsySimonMost people couldn't care less what language is used to build webapps, for instance. Lots of data processing work out there too that can be done in Nim. It's even very well-suited for that.
18:43:59FromGitter<zacharycarter> Unfortunately my company cares and Nim hasn't hit their radar yet
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18:48:23LyndsySimonI know those feels. I'm a Python guy, but I'm writing Ruby at my day job at the moment.
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19:00:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> http://imgur.com/a/541Xu
19:00:50FromGitter<zacharycarter> gif of the deferred shading
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19:12:38LyndsySimonzacharycarter: Wrong channel?
19:13:01LyndsySimonzacharycarter: Are you in Virginia, by chance? I'm in Charlottesville.
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19:16:22FromGitter<zacharycarter> LyndsySimon: nope right channel, that's written in Nim :D
19:16:35FromGitter<zacharycarter> I am LyndsySimon: In northern VA, Centreville to be specific
19:17:03LyndsySimonAh, cool. The chances for the first big Nim conference being close enough for me to attend just went up :)
19:17:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> :D there are a few other Nimmers in VA too
19:18:30*Arrrr quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
19:20:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> going to work on PBR materials next
19:31:47LyndsySimonProfessional Bull Riding, or Pabst Blue Ribbon?
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19:50:59fr1endphysically based rendering
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20:12:37FromGitter<gokr> For an example that calls out to shell cmds you can peek at blimp I wrote: https://gitlab.3dicc.com/gokr/blimp/blob/master/blimp.nim
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22:24:22*jsgrant quit (Quit: Peace Peeps. o/ If you need me asap, message me at msg([at])jsgrant.io & I'll try to get back to you within 24-to-36 hours.)
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22:32:41libmanY u no slurp in defaultConfig?
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22:34:55libmanDoes gitRoot return a string?
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22:39:00libmanAnother random thought: have you considered using IPFS?
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22:44:18libmanEmbedding large strings (vs slurp / staticRead) shouldn't affect compile time, but having huge source files can affect some slow IDEs.
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