<< 02-07-2015 >>

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08:23:55AraqVarriount: the compiler allows it but our docs say this:
08:23:59Araq ## Builtin 'addr' operator for taking the address of a memory location.
08:24:00Araq ## Cannot be overloaded.
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09:25:35Araqhrm does any code check for 'when defined(nimrod)' ?
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10:40:15OnOwhat's the purpose of this check?
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11:33:06AraqOnO: alternative implementations must not define it
11:46:19*Kingsquee quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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13:54:04Araqr-ku: your test case doesn't work
13:54:24Araqtgenericprocmatcher.nim(13, 16) Error: ambiguous call; both system.new(T: typedesc) and mgenericprocmatcher.new(_: typedesc[T]) match for: (typedesc[FBar])
13:57:11r-kuAraq: judging from error i would say fix doesnt work because mgenericprocmatcher.new() is more specific than system.new()
13:58:26AraqI cannot see how proc new*(_: typedesc): int = 4 can be picked over system.new
14:00:04*jefus_ joined #nim
14:00:07r-kuehm, error does not mention this proc at all
14:00:40Araqyeah but typedesc[T] vs typedesc is also nothing we need to support IMHO
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14:00:55Araqthe test works when I disable the dubious cases 3 and 4
14:01:35Araqso that's good enough
14:01:55r-kui just pulled from devel, rebuilt compiler using bootstrap.sh and triest that test - works for me
14:02:22r-kuNim/tests/generics % nim c -r tgenericprocmatcher.nim; echo $?
14:02:24r-kuprints 0
14:02:29r-kuim not doing something retarded right?
14:02:33Araqalso I'm renaming "tgenericprocmatcher" to something that's useful
14:02:54r-kuawesome, because i had no clue how to name it
14:03:45Araqwell your devel is not my devel
14:04:03Araqbut I haven't changed anything related to typedesc, so it's a bit weird
14:04:15*jefus quit (Quit: Leaving)
14:06:05r-kumy devel tracks your devel on github, last commit "Merge pull request #3042 from k2nr/fix-readme-typo"
14:06:13r-kuso im confused..
14:06:31Araqmy devel isn't pushed yet
14:08:45r-kuthat makes it your fault then >:)
14:09:22Araqbut I cannot be bothered with this nonsense now. I disabled the dubious tests
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14:10:21r-kuwere there any changes around that area? it surely couldnt break on its own
14:10:48Araqoh hrm
14:11:06Araqmy version of sigmatch doesn't have the typedesc patch at all ? o.O
14:12:17r-kuso being precise.. "your devel != your devel"
14:12:38*jefus_ is now known as jefus
14:28:20*darkf quit (Quit: Leaving)
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14:36:54FedeOmotodoes generics play well with inheritance?
14:37:00FedeOmotothe following code fails to compile:
14:37:15FedeOmoto Data[T] = object of RootObj
14:37:15FedeOmoto value: T
14:37:15FedeOmoto TypeObj = object of RootObj
14:37:15FedeOmoto Type = ref TypeObj
14:37:16FedeOmoto SubTypeObj[T] = object of TypeObj
14:37:18FedeOmoto data: Data[T]
14:37:20FedeOmoto SubType[T] = ref SubTypeObj[T]
14:37:22FedeOmoto SubSubTypeObj[T] = object of SubTypeObj[T]
14:37:24FedeOmoto SubSubType[T] = ref SubSubTypeObj[T]
14:37:26FedeOmoto SubSubSubTypeObj[T] = object of SubSubTypeObj[T]
14:37:28FedeOmoto SubSubSubType[T] = ref SubSubSubTypeObj[T]
14:37:32FedeOmotomethod value[T](t: SubType[T]): T =
14:37:34FedeOmoto t.data.value
14:37:36FedeOmotoproc newSubSubSubType[T](data: T): SubSubSubType[T] =
14:37:38FedeOmoto new(result)
14:37:40FedeOmoto result.data.value = data
14:37:42FedeOmotoecho newSubSubSubType(1234).value
14:39:29*BitPuffin|osx left #nim ("Using Circe, the loveliest of all IRC clients")
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14:43:27r-kuthis is where you provide error message
14:44:37FedeOmotoc.nim(21, 28) Error: type mismatch: got (SubSubSubType[system.int])
14:44:38FedeOmotobut expected one of:
14:44:38FedeOmotoc.value(t: SubType[value.T])
14:45:01FedeOmotoI don't understand the "value.T" in the last line
14:46:05FedeOmotoon the other hand, if I change the method signature to:
14:46:06FedeOmotomethod value(t: SubType[int]): int
14:46:11FedeOmotoit works OK
14:46:37AraqFedeOmoto: no, they do not.
14:47:03FedeOmotoAraq: ouch...
14:47:09Araqand even we fix the bugs and implement the missing type relations they won't work well.
14:48:26FedeOmotoso, based on your answer I can't expect them to work on the short term, right?
14:49:07Araqozra was working on the generic subtyping relation and gave up. ;-)
14:49:31FedeOmotoI was doing a massive refactoring on my code while I found this, now I've to "fall back" to my ugly but working implementation :(
14:50:32Araqif your refactoring leads to SubSubSubType ...
14:50:52Araqmaybe your refactoring isn't that good.
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14:51:59FedeOmotothat was just an example to illustrate the problem
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14:54:24Araqthat said, I don't remember why it's hard to do
14:54:36*vendethiel quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
14:55:10FedeOmotothx Araq
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15:00:07FedeOmotoAraq: maybe you should set up a challenge for this one like you did for the dlopen/TLS issue :P
15:00:57Araqhrm yeah, that worked surprisingly well
15:08:48*vasher_ quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
15:10:49fowlDoes nim have websockets?
15:11:19Araqfowl: onionhammer has a websockets module iirc
15:13:46fowlThanks found it
15:13:47*jubalh quit (Quit: Leaving)
15:14:51fowlThis still uses asyncio :(
15:20:39fowlIf i want to use it with jester i have to juggle async libs
15:20:41federico3it it deprecated already?
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15:22:55AraqI'm sure dom96 will happily port it over to jester
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15:24:05federico3strcmp1: ping?
15:24:26federico3dom96: when are you going to get a pint in Dublin with strcmp1 and me?
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16:01:39*yglukhov_ quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
16:12:54OnOhow do I bootstrap Nim that has some new Magic introduced? I get UnknownMagic on 2nd pass (after compiling C source)
16:16:27r-kuOnO: new magic cant appear in stdlib then building new compiler version
16:16:51r-kudirty bandaid could be commenting it out when building new version
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16:31:22OnOokay, but what's the standard workflow, do we need to generate new csources any time new magic is introduced?
16:38:46r-kuOnO: that i dont know, just telling you what i figured out on my own
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16:50:06strcmp1federico3, pong
16:57:51DemosOnO: I usually step back in the git history till I have a version I can build
16:57:53Demosand report the bug
16:58:07Demossometimes bootstrap does break unfortunately
17:01:24OnOoh well... I'd need to report bug to myself, since it is me who introduces new Magic, but I wanted ask what's the workflow :P
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17:07:01federico3hey strcmp1
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17:31:21AraqOnO: the workflow is to put it into a 'when not defined(booting)'
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18:35:11Learath2Is there anyway I can divide an int64 in nim ?
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18:38:26Demostry the div operator
18:38:35Demoslike 4 div 3
18:45:14Learath2works fine with ints not int64s
18:47:56Araq3'i64 div 4'i64 works for me
18:51:05Learath2https://gist.github.com/0e5f830d0f2a6f6f9727 this is what I was trying gets me test.nim(3, 15) Error: type mismatch: got (int64, int64)
18:51:45Learath2oh nvm me the editor just wouldnt save ....
18:51:48Learath2div indeed works
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19:25:09Varriount|MobileAraq: Should 'addr' be overloadable (eg, used as the identifier for a procedure)?
19:25:29AraqVarriount|Mobile: as I said, the docs say it's not overloadable
19:26:18Varriount|MobileOh. Hm.
19:26:23reactormonkdom96, soooo you want checked exceptions?
19:27:03Varriount|Mobilereactormonk: Don't you dare.
19:27:23Varriount|MobileWe've all seen the mess Java made of checked exceptions.
19:27:24reactormonkVarriount|Mobile, well, he wanted exceptions in doc and make sure that they're in there :-)
19:27:47reactormonkMaybe I'm painting the issue overly dramatic
19:28:04Demoswe have something like checked exceptions
19:28:08Demosthey are just opt-in
19:28:24Demoslets not add some kind of special exception type though
19:30:19dom96reactormonk: we already have checked exceptions
19:30:26dom96just sane ones
19:30:30dom96not shitty java ones
19:31:18dom96If you explicitly say "{.raises: BlahError.}" I would like the docgen to tell you "Please document this error, including the scenario in which it gets raised."
19:31:35dom96or at least have a warning
19:33:07Araqif you explicitly say this the compiler including doc2 does check it for you
19:33:25Araqno idea why you want the same but only in the doc comments
19:37:04*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:39:13dom96because I want explanations of when the exception gets raised
19:42:43*Varriount|Mobile quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
19:47:39Araqand how can the doc generator help with that?
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20:08:42Varriount|MobileAraq: For Windows, the equivalant 'readlink' procedure (GetFinalPathNameByHandle) returns a path with the \\?\ notation. Should that be removed?
20:10:06Araqimplement it with as few lines as possible
20:10:56reactormonkIs that still a valid path?
20:11:08Varriount|Mobilereactormonk: On windows, yes.
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20:12:17Varriount|Mobilereactormonk: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx
20:12:24Varriount|MobileSearch for '\\?\'
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20:31:19Varriount|MobileAraq: Also, the GetFinalPathNameByHandle procedure doesn't error when the given file is not a symlink/hardlink/junction point
20:33:26dom96Araq: by checking if those errors are documented
20:39:46*Varriount|Mobile quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
20:41:50AraqVarriount: yeah I thought about it. IMo expandSymlink should simply return the path unchanged if it's not a symlink.
20:42:34Araqso I can apply this call without thinking, and in the rare cases where I need to check, I can easily do 'if res == original'
20:42:35reactormonkAraq, sounds reasonable. do we have an isSymlink or similar?
20:42:45Araqyeah, I think we do
20:43:02Araqdom96: aha, ok I see
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20:58:59dom96federico3: Have you guys already had a pint?
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21:00:48Elliot42If I have case n: of 1..8: print "yes" else: discard, will the compiler optimize away the 1..8 and replace it with >=1 and <= 8?
21:00:59Elliot42Otherwise the program would iterate through the sequence for no reason
21:01:25Elliot42Like let's say I'm in a tight loop, and I have 1..1000, that will take a long time to check versus >=1 and <= 1000
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21:02:04def-Elliot42: use nim -d:release c and check the C file, then you know what happened
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21:02:24AraqElliot42: yes, the compiler is smart enough to pick the most efficient solution
21:02:39reactormonkalso, this kind of optimization will probably happen in the C compiler
21:02:40Elliot42Cool. Though you're right, in the future I'll just check the C
21:02:49Araqand the C code doesn't do, you need to check the generated assembler
21:02:57def-oh, right
21:03:06*askatasuna quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
21:03:31Elliot42reactormonk: I don't know if gcc would know to optimize it, because the naive compilation is iterating through a sequence, and the compiler wouldn't necessarily be able to tell its a contiguous sequence
21:03:54reactormonkElliot42, I'd hope seq is consistent enough to allow for this optimization
21:04:06*xcombelle quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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21:04:24Araqwell the question was about 'case', not 'seq'
21:05:09reactormonkOh oops.
21:05:18Elliot42Nim really interests me, because it feels like python but is fast enough for my needs (python isn't, and pypy/numpy don't fix it). I plan to switch most of my work to it once it hits 1.0. Do you have any idea when that might happen? I heard it was planned for this summer.
21:05:25reactormonkToo many shortcuts taken.
21:05:52reactormonkElliot42, we're beating each other to backwards compability usually :-)
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21:06:11Elliot42reactormonk: What do you mean?
21:06:32reactormonkThere shouldn't be too much change until 1.0 I'd say...
21:06:54reactormonkAraq, got a list somewhere what you want until 1.0?
21:07:16Elliot42I know, I was just thinking its best to wait until the compiler is stable so I don't have to worry as much about errors
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21:09:04Araqreactormonk: todo.txt plus bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes
21:09:26*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:09:45Araq43 open high priority bugs
21:10:14reactormonkAraq, http://www.raidkillsbugs.com/-/media/raid/products/raid-multi-insect-killer-7.png
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22:03:37dtscodedom96: ping
22:04:08dom96stop pinging me and just ask
22:04:15dtscodefair enough. sorry
22:04:43dtscodeI have some ideas for the irc module that I would like to run by you to see if they would get accepted before I implement them
22:05:25dtscodeFirst: an option to turn on zwsp for this: http://ayu.smar.fi:7070/0/zwsp
22:06:42dtscodesecond: functions that let you send fake irc responses to the bot, like fake_privmsg(client, "channel to originate from", "some_msg") for testing purposes
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22:09:08dom96dtscode: possibly yes to the second
22:09:18dtscodewhat about the first?
22:09:21dom96first should be a separate package I think
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22:09:31dtscodefair enough
22:12:25dtscodehrmm... I was thinking about also implementing an ignore list, but I guess thats pretty easily handled client side
22:13:28dom96you should build a bot framework on top of the irc lib
22:13:57dtscodewhat would this framework do?
22:14:18dtscode+ that the irc lib doesn't already
22:14:42dom96the nice things you propose
22:14:47dom96look at other bot frameworks for inspiration
22:14:53dtscodefair enough
22:14:58dtscodethanks dom96
22:17:59*dalarmmst quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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22:22:02dtscodeoh I'm sorry dom96. one more thing (probably should have written these down). why aren't the client fields like nick exported?
22:22:23perturbationis it possible to use a regular expression (from the re module) as a compile-time constant?
22:22:40dom96dtscode: likely an oversight, should probably be a getter though
22:23:03perturbationI'm getting the following error (lib/impure/re.nim(84, 28) Error: VM is not allowed to 'cast') when declaring `const AdvertiserRegex = re"\s*j\s*=\s*([0-9])+"`
22:23:06dtscodethats what I was thinking dom96
22:23:11perturbationif I use a let or var, everything works as normal
22:23:22Araqperturbation: no, but with a bit of luck lexim works at compile-time
22:23:45Demosdoes re use PCRE?
22:23:56dtscodeextended PCRE by default
22:24:08dtscodeI didn't know that and I was getting so tripped up
22:24:26perturbationthanks Araq - I'll check out lexim
22:24:38Araqdtscode: re is deprecated anyway
22:24:57Demoswhat's the replacement?
22:25:10dtscodeoh well
22:26:27FedeOmotoAraq: thx for fixing #3038! :D
22:28:30Araqthat doesnt fix #88 though
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22:53:59Araqso ... 1400 closed bugs now. :-)
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22:55:09Araq530 open bugs, but 122 feature requests
22:55:36Araqthat's 408 open bugs
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22:58:44dom96not bad
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23:38:07reactormonkWhat would be strongSpaces?
23:38:46federico3dom96: not yet :)
23:39:22def-reactormonk: http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#syntax-strong-spaces
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