<< 02-12-2023 >>

00:00:18FromDiscord<pruno> Is it possible to compile a windows binary importing winim without the manifest imported by winim ? can't seem to find any compilation option for it
00:05:22FromDiscord<saint.___.> In reply to @systemonia "Where does nimble store": It's in the nimble file in the root dir
00:05:40FromDiscord<saint.___.> `yourproj.nimble`
00:06:59systemoniaI meant I need to find out where the nimble init command gets it from
00:17:08FromDiscord<sOkam! đŸ«> In reply to @saint.___. "I was missing sequtils": it was partially my bad for referencing the name without the import. toSeq exists for most types, but I answered quickly and didn't reference it. glad someone else gave you a hand 🙏
00:19:27FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> funny\
00:19:29FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Much like most adam sandler jokes, it just was not funy↔(<@709044657232936960_systemonia=5b=49=52=43=5d>)
00:21:24FromDiscord<odexine> oh shit is that adam sandler?? didnt know you were a programmer
00:21:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I bet he'll hire kevin james as a backup programmer
00:24:46FromDiscord<intellij_gamer> In reply to @systemonia "I meant I need": Gets it from git's user.name config value
00:25:37systemoniaOh! Thank you.
00:38:46FromDiscord<saint.___.> In reply to @heysokam "it was partially my": Oh it's no problem. I've used toSeq a few times before, just forgo
00:38:47FromDiscord<saint.___.> (edit) "forgo" => "forgot"
00:38:50FromDiscord<saint.___.> Thanks though!
01:06:17FromDiscord<ringabout> https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/10706↔What does intern strings mean? Will the memory of them be reclaimed? When creating a new string for concatenation, it puts data on the heap and makes a interned pointer to the data?
01:08:20FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It allows you to make slice to read only from any source, and any copy is O(1), but they cannot be mutated of course
01:10:18FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's kinda like manual CoW strings
01:11:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No
01:12:03FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The idea in that forum post is to make interning strings an explicit operation, and as a side effect it allows you to convert any `cstring` to `string`
01:13:14FromDiscord<ringabout> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/OVdXs
01:14:11*tiorock joined #nim
01:14:11*rockcavera is now known as Guest1821
01:14:11*Guest1821 quit (Killed (iridium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services)))
01:14:11*tiorock is now known as rockcavera
01:14:15FromDiscord<ringabout> I saw two kinds of strings: `const` and `intern` since `The 0th bit of rawlen is used to signal if the string is a "constant" or an "interned" string`. Is there a normal string like before? Or just either `const` or `intern`?
01:15:27FromDiscord<ringabout> (edit) "https://paste.rs/8cAHL" => "https://paste.rs/0zzcd"
01:18:21FromDiscord<ringabout> I feel dejected in understanding them
01:22:01*systemonia left #nim (Konversation terminated!)
03:28:28*edr quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:41:02FromDiscord<ringabout> I don't understand what `add` does in this case after introducing intern strings
03:47:25FromDiscord<bostonboston> My (probably wrong) understanding is that you only have one instance of allocd heap data and multiple stack values that point to various points into that allocd memory, and that a .add would result in a copy (as would a lot of other operations?) But until you need a copy of the data you're just pointing to a place on the heap that you are not allowed to modify
03:53:40FromDiscord<bostonboston> Other languages do "string interning" but this doesn't sound equivalent to what araq was describing https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string.intern?view=net-8.0#remarks
03:58:33FromDiscord<ringabout> Yeah, I think it doesn't cache interns.
03:59:14FromDiscord<ringabout> > Many implementations of interned strings do not attempt to reclaim (manually or otherwise) strings that are no longer used. For applications where the number of interned strings is small or fixed, or which are short-lived, the loss of system resources may be tolerable.
03:59:19FromDiscord<ringabout> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_interning
03:59:43FromDiscord<bostonboston> Sounds antithetical to nim
04:00:14FromDiscord<ringabout> I suppose it manually destroys the intern strings.
04:03:14FromDiscord<ringabout> In the forum post, it said that `The 0th bit of rawlen is used to signal if the string is a "constant" or an "interned" string.`. So I suppose a string is either a `constant` or an `interned` string. Otherwise how do we distinguish three kinds of string using a bit of field
04:03:27FromDiscord<ringabout> (edit) "string.`." => "string`."
04:04:22FromDiscord<bostonboston> I would imagine there is a third kind of string, because an interned string, or constant string that points to an interned string can not be mutated
04:05:16FromDiscord<bostonboston> Or the compiler determines when you need a "mutated" string and allocs a new interned string with the contents you construct
04:08:23FromDiscord<ringabout> Yeah, I agree
04:15:35FromDiscord<bostonboston> this is what i originally imagined but i dont think its right https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1180361598116827177/Screenshot_2023-12-01-22-14-32-65_9cb10307548f70a28c9f2b757e21424d.jpg?ex=657d2467&is=656aaf67&hm=2233047ae54d1f8a4f354f518ca40d72e4aa32037026f56429d8025599754d69&
04:19:40*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
06:51:04*jkl quit (Quit: Gone.)
06:54:45*jkl joined #nim
07:30:55*advesperacit joined #nim
07:35:31FromDiscord<Zoom> Hello from the user
07:35:34FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Ah nice another gensym joke
07:37:01FromDiscord<Zoom> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/dPKlv
07:37:27FromDiscord<Zoom> My tests lacked composability checks sorry.
07:42:39FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> There you go 0.3.4 is out now
07:42:42FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Hopefully that solves the issue for you
07:42:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I did make a basic test to ensure it works, but who knows
08:02:45FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Zoom so now I really fixed it
08:11:19*azimut quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
09:08:59FromDiscord<null_pointer0> When using openArray are arrays and sequences passed by reference
09:57:52NimEventerNew thread by icebergg: How to make a generic type parameter be late bound for evaluating proc parameter types?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/10720
10:16:19Amun-RaIIRC everything is that larger than <i-don't-remember-how-many> bytes
10:18:31FromDiscord<odexine> 24 bytes
10:19:08FromDiscord<odexine> i believe its specified to be 3 of 64-bit data
10:20:56Amun-Raah, thanks
10:21:21Amun-Raso everything that fits to calling convention is passed by value
11:57:16*PMunch joined #nim
12:02:23FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/O23JK
12:09:09FromDiscord<demotomohiro> It seems `global` pragma works like `static` in C.↔It doesn't put x in global scope.
12:17:56FromDiscord<Phil> (Based on the nim in 5 minutes example)
12:19:15FromDiscord<odexine> Do threads need to be globals I forgot
12:19:50FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/k47JS
12:20:08FromDiscord<Phil> Nim in 5minutes claims so at least
12:21:38PMunchSeems correct at least
12:21:45FromDiscord<Phil> Wait no, wrong docs
12:21:54FromDiscord<odexine> It reads right yes but I don’t like those globale
12:21:58FromDiscord<odexine> (edit) "globale" => "globals"
12:22:19PMunchAh, well those are kinda hard to work around
12:22:24PMunchThe channel in particular
12:22:34FromDiscord<Phil> Seems you can get away without the threads being global
12:22:43FromDiscord<Phil> No I take that back you can't
12:22:45FromDiscord<odexine> well you can pass the channel in
12:22:48FromDiscord<Phil> It just comiples and runs
12:22:57PMunchI don't think the threads have to be global, do they?
12:23:09FromDiscord<odexine> I don’t remember the restriction being there
12:23:13FromDiscord<odexine> Neither the channel does IIRC
12:23:18PMunchYou can pass the channel, but you have to pass by pointer and make sure it's not collected manually IIRC
12:23:26FromDiscord<Phil> How the hell do I find a tutorial, close the tab and completely fail to re-find it
12:23:37FromDiscord<Phil> Its one of the beginners ones I swear
12:23:47FromDiscord<odexine> Have you checked the recently closed list
12:24:34FromDiscord<Phil> THERE WE GO, nim by example↔setupReceiver()
12:24:43FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "example↔setupReceiver()" => "example↔https://nim-by-example.github.io/channels/"
12:28:11FromDiscord<Phil> Can't seem to do it as a proc param
12:29:55FromDiscord<Phil> Can't move to ref-var channel because I need to unref for send/recv and that is no bueno
12:30:43FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/TCCMS
12:33:12FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/IAxf6
12:35:10PMunchHmm, is ix down today?
12:35:27FromDiscord<Phil> Who or what is ix again?
12:35:42PMunchix.io, paste site that the playground and bridges here use
12:35:48PMunchWell the bridge also seems to use paste.rs
12:36:43PMunchAnyways, this "works", but helgrind is _not_ happy https://paste.rs/b9dst
12:37:44FromDiscord<Phil> You can add data to call the callback with to createThread? Neat!
12:38:04FromDiscord<Phil> I mean this does look "cleaner" in the sense that it is very clear which resources the entire thread has access to "from the outside"
12:39:07FromDiscord<Phil> The fact its pointers is ouch, but then again these are pointers that are supposed to exist for the entire lifetime of the application so if they never get collected until the application shuts down (which I assume is what hellgrind is finding offensive) that seems fine
12:39:34FromDiscord<Phil> Correction: If the channels never get collected
12:40:06PMunchWell it's a local variable in the main() call, so I think helgrind is unhappy that if main ever stops before the threads it would drop off the stack
12:40:22PMunchHowever it's running joinThreads
12:40:29PMunchTrying to figure out why it's not happy
12:40:53FromDiscord<Phil> I'll write myself an SO question in the meantime to google this in 3 days when I inevitably forget
12:41:18PMunchI thought you had a full Obsidian second brain to remember stuff for you :P
12:42:45FromDiscord<Phil> I do but this kind of stuff that others also could benefit from and where (knowing myself) I tend to be more likely to google then I push my stuff onto SO for later finding
12:45:31FromDiscord<Phil> I mean this is me doing research on how a client-server architecture for owlkettle could look like.↔Right now I'm mostly wondering for the scenario of you having a ton of different data-types if you should set up one channel per data-type or just make a gigantic object variant
12:45:44FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "I mean this is me doing research on how a client-server architecture for owlkettle could look like.↔Right now I'm mostly wondering for the scenario of you having a ton of different data-types ... if" added "you want to send back and fort,"
12:48:33PMunchHmm, so the original one with global variables also has Helgrind complain
12:49:38FromDiscord<Phil> variables plural where the threads also were globals or only with the channel?
12:53:58PMunchTried with the channel global as well, same thing
12:54:30PMunchHelgrind is complaining that a read is occuring into anothers threads stack
12:55:38FromDiscord<Phil> Wait what?
12:55:45FromDiscord<Phil> How is that... is it complaining about the stdin reading?
12:56:03FromDiscord<Phil> Because the channels should deep-copy so that shouldn't be reading stuff from thread A in thread B
12:56:27FromDiscord<Phil> So the std-in stuff is the only thing I could think of
12:58:50PMunchNah I removed the stdin reading
13:01:10FromDiscord<Phil> I mean one of the things bad about it is that the while-loops stress the CPU they're on
13:01:28FromDiscord<Phil> Do all while-loops inevitable need some `sleep(100)` or sth ?
13:01:56FromDiscord<Phil> Since otherwise the while-loop iterates as fast as the CPU has cycles
13:02:41PMunchIf you're polling then yes, a sleep is a good idea
13:03:00PMunchThe better solution is of course to flip the architecture around
13:03:01FromDiscord<Phil> Is there any "defaults" to this?
13:03:12FromDiscord<Phil> I mean I'm seeing "sleep(1)" to already reduce CPU usage by a ton
13:03:29PMunchYeah, a millisecond is forever in CPU terms :P
13:03:50FromDiscord<Phil> But more generally is there like a "You should use 50ms" or something?
13:03:59FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "But more generally is there like a "You should use 50ms" ... or" added "guideline"
13:04:21PMunchA 3Ghz processor runs 3 billion operations a second, so 3 million operations in a millisecond
13:04:36PMunchNah, it all depends on what you're doing
13:04:48PMunchAnd how big of a latency is acceptable
13:04:53FromDiscord<Phil> wait, sleep(0) also helps?
13:05:05FromDiscord<Phil> ❓
13:06:20FromDiscord<Phil> Docs on sleep don't say anything about what sleep 0 does
13:06:34FromDiscord<Phil> Yeah I'm just confused
13:07:49PMunchThis is getting into task scheduling weeds
13:08:13PMunchBasically your OS is scheduling all the different threads on your machine
13:08:51PMunchIt has an interrupt, whenever it fires it pauses the execution of the currently running thread, picks a new one to run based on some heuristics, then starts that
13:09:18PMunchWhen you sleep a process you're basically telling the OS to not schedule you again until that time has passed
13:10:07FromDiscord<Phil> I'll use sleep(0) in the example since its the min value basically
13:11:08FromDiscord<Phil> Any thoughts on one channel that you push an object variant through vs one channel per datatype Pmunch?
13:11:14PMunchSo by doing `sleep(0)` you're telling the OS to start some other task and not run your task until at least 0 milliseconds have passed. So it goes looking for other tasks, if it finds one it will run for a bit before your task gets run again
13:11:17FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "Any thoughts on one channel that you push an object variant ... through" added "of all different datatypes"
13:12:21PMunchThe alternative is of course what you do with files and other such things, you tell the operating system to not wake the task up until the file operation has triggered an event
13:12:55PMunchYou can set up selectors like this for more than one task, and then either poll them, or wait for an event from a set of them
13:13:06PMunchThis is how async is implemented
13:13:32PMunchWell as long as you can maintain the object variant then it might be doable
13:13:42PMunchBut are you pushing Gtk stuff through it?
13:14:14FromDiscord<Phil> Nah, I'm prototyping the GTK stuff as a frontend thread sending data to a backend thread that sends reponses etc.
13:15:06FromDiscord<Phil> Like in my head I'm basically writing a webapp with only websocket messaging, but instead of websocket messages I send channel messages, instead of Angular my frontend is GTK and instead of an actual server I have a thread
13:15:30FromDiscord<Phil> Or rather I would be, I'm not working on a project, just trying to work out how this kind of thing would be set up
13:16:08PMunchAh yes, that sounds like a sensible architecture
13:16:56FromDiscord<Phil> It achieves a clean split between representation and work which I guess is why its rather wide-spread
13:17:22FromDiscord<Phil> client-server really is surprisingly universal as an architecture
13:18:03PMunchHmm, tried to run the thing without the channel and no cross-thread communication, Helgrind isn't any happier
13:18:29FromDiscord<Phil> Next question, in the example, don't I strictly speaking have 3 channels in total?
13:18:39FromDiscord<Phil> I have the sender thread, the receiver thread and the nim-main thread, right?
13:18:50PMunchBut only one channel
13:18:52FromDiscord<Phil> With the nim main thread kinda being dead since it's not doing jack
13:19:28PMunchYeah, it has told the OS that it doesn't need to wake up until the two other threads are dead through the `joinThreads` statement
13:19:40PMunchSo it's not running at all
13:21:20PMunchThey are all "Possible data race" errors though, so hopefully it's implemented in a way where that can't actually happen IRL
13:21:24PMunchBut who knows
13:21:43PMunchNot a great look either way
13:22:47FromDiscord<Phil> Hmm still wondering about one vs. many channels
13:22:56FromDiscord<Phil> One channel has the advantage that I can know the order of messages
13:23:17FromDiscord<Phil> Disadvantage: If that one channel dies the application just became braindead
13:23:36FromDiscord<Phil> Or rather if its overloaded from too many messages
13:23:56FromDiscord<Phil> So it's not like it scales insanely well
13:33:02FromDiscord<odexine> Most people IIRC use the main thread as either the GUI or the compute thread
13:33:39FromDiscord<odexine> “Hey Phil, you know you could avoid a lot of these threading issues if you used El—”
13:35:14PMunch@Phil, well with many channels it would slowly deteriorate in weird and unexpected ways if a channel died..
13:35:22PMunchNot exactly sure how a channel would die though
13:35:38FromDiscord<Phil> Generally it's more that a channel can have a capacity
13:35:49PMunchFilled up sure, but that means your UI thread isn't able to cope with the amount of messages, not much you can do about that
13:35:59FromDiscord<Phil> And if that is full (because the client is sending more messages than the server can process) you have a problem
13:36:05FromDiscord<Phil> Or that
13:36:06PMunchOne flaw with channel systems is that you can't really abort an event
13:36:10FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "that" => "the other way around ofc"
13:36:36FromDiscord<Phil> I mean you can, you can have mechanisms that discard an event if stuff takes too long or the like
13:36:47FromDiscord<Phil> Or you just drop the next 50 events or sth
13:36:48FromDiscord<odexine> We can’t be in an ideal world sorry everything has limits
13:37:09FromDiscord<Phil> Heresy, give me fixes for all my problems, solve world hunger while you're at it, it's just a logistical problem after all
13:37:19PMunchUnless of course you implement another thread which only reads from the channel, filters requests, and then somehow communicates with the UI thread about the next thing to do
13:38:00PMunchWhat?! Just dropping events would make it super confusing to program against and lead to all sorts of bugs
13:38:28FromDiscord<Phil> I'm thinking in HTTP requests, I guess in a UI scenario where it's all the same user that would be problematic
13:38:32FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @PMunch "Unless of course you": That would still have to handle the limits as well no?
13:38:53FromDiscord<Phil> Multiple channels have the benefit that you could have multiple "servers"
13:38:55PMunch@odexine, of course
13:39:00FromDiscord<Phil> Even more threads
13:39:04PMunchAs you said, there will always be limits
13:39:22PMunchBut you can't have multiple servers..
13:39:30FromDiscord<odexine> I always kinda think back to the Erlang model not gonna lie
13:39:33PMunchGtk is single-threaded, that's why you're doing this to begin with
13:40:04FromDiscord<Phil> Yes, I mean you could have one thread for GTK, one thread for the chess-engine, the third thread to... I dunno, play a video
13:40:15FromDiscord<Phil> However crazy many features with compute stuff you have
13:40:22PMunchOh yeah, but UI events will all have to go into the UI channel
13:40:30FromDiscord<Phil> That I absolutely agree with
13:41:07FromDiscord<Phil> I'm never mentally splitting the GTK work over multiple threads, in my brain right now GTK is "just" the webpage/webapp and there's a lot of background work that you can split into various threads, same way you have microservices in the backend
13:41:39FromDiscord<odexine> Well do you need to
13:41:53FromDiscord<odexine> I’d say the overhead might be bigger than the benefit
13:41:57PMunchI was more thinking of a scenario where you have for example a text box with some auto-complete feature. Your user is typing away, creating events for the auto-complete to render, but if the system is lagging behind it won't know it can discard events, so it has to do every single update
13:42:00FromDiscord<Phil> Absolutely need, I'm spitballing possible architectures to figure things out, I don't have a specific project in mind
13:42:04FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "need," => "not,"
13:42:13PMunchWell, that's one way multiple channels to the UI thread could help actually
13:42:13FromDiscord<odexine> I think maybe just splitting the GUI and the compute is enough for most applications
13:42:36PMunchHave each channel be a set of events, but only the last one is valid
13:42:51FromDiscord<Phil> Yes-ish, imo you should solve that by "rate-limiting" the event-sending on the client-side
13:42:53FromDiscord<odexine> “Hey wait that’s just RX”
13:42:57FromDiscord<Phil> Exactly
13:43:02FromDiscord<odexine> No I won’t do RXNim
13:43:11FromDiscord<Phil> So I heard you're definitely doing RXNim
13:43:24FromDiscord<odexine> I still don’t have a good understanding of how to implement streams
13:43:53FromDiscord<Phil> > ~~No~~ Yes I ~~won’t~~ will do RXNim↔- Rika↔↔See, there's the quote
13:44:10FromDiscord<odexine> Looking at other implementations have been unhelpful as they are often tied to specific implementations of async in the language I believe
13:44:50FromDiscord<odexine> I mean I’m up to do it but I’ve also kinda gotten consumed by Haskell right now
13:45:08FromDiscord<odexine> Maybe I’ll understand if I look at an FRP implementation in Haskell
13:45:23FromDiscord<Phil> On an unrelated note, I don't understand why PMunch's example is not burning through my CPU right now, I see that dang while-loop without sleep, why is the CPU not at 100% !
13:45:50FromDiscord<odexine> Which?
13:46:17FromDiscord<odexine> I assume the paste link
13:46:21FromDiscord<odexine> recv is blocking
13:58:58NimEventerNew question by Philipp Doerner: How to set up a small client-server example between threads in nim?, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77590638/how-to-set-up-a-small-client-server-example-between-threads-in-nim
13:59:43FromDiscord<Phil> Self answered, just me setting up a minimal multi-threaded example.
13:59:55FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "example." => "example, which is basically PMunch's"
14:05:11PMunchYeah recv basically buts the thread to sleep until something writes to it
14:18:03*rockcavera joined #nim
14:59:14FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @PMunch "Yeah recv basically buts": Okay so I have a basic owlkettle example, but I'm not insanely happy with it as sending a message from backend to frontend can't automatically trigger a rerender and thus UI update =/
14:59:53PMunchWhat do you mean?
15:00:04FromDiscord<Phil> One sec, posting the code
15:00:54FromDiscord<Phil> Setup is similar to before, but 2 channels: One for server => client and one for server <= client↔Had to do that because otherwise you have client reading and writing to a channel and thus possibly reading their own messages
15:01:04FromDiscord<Phil> And one of these days play.nim-lang will spit out a link
15:01:13PMunchNo it won't
15:01:19PMunchix.io is down as I said
15:01:27FromDiscord<Phil> Ohhhhhhh check
15:01:30PMunchAnd the playground uses ix.io for the links
15:02:25FromDiscord<Phil> https://pastebin.pl/view/5408fc92↔Okay, there we go
15:02:52FromDiscord<Phil> So the setup is basically you click a button, that sends a channel message from the owlkettle thread to the "server" thread
15:03:26FromDiscord<Phil> That will read said message in and respond with some channel message back to the owlkettle thread.↔Which reads the next message upon re-render and displays it.
15:04:06FromDiscord<Phil> Issue being that the messages only get read upon re-render, so you read 1 message from the server per owlkettle re-render and you're basically always "behind" a bit
15:04:28FromDiscord<Phil> Because the server sending a message does not cause a re-render an owlkettles side, which would cause reading the message etc.
15:05:13PMunchHard to figure out a fix without knowing what goes in in the owlkettle renderer..
15:05:35FromDiscord<Phil> Not sure if that's fixable without owlkettle implementing a channel you can send a message to to trigger a re-render
15:07:00PMunchWell you might be able to tell the window to re-render through some other mechanism
15:08:19FromDiscord<Phil> The issue is more that I need a "hook" in owlkettle to put the "read from channel" call in that regularly gives it some time to check said channel
15:08:45FromDiscord<Phil> Though maybe the entire idle thingy could be used for that
15:08:49FromDiscord<Phil> Fair
15:08:55FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/8KQAv
15:11:14FromDiscord<Phil> If I get this to work I'll feel like the new coming of Jesus, ow my head
15:12:34FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @PMunch "https://www.yhi.moe/blog/en/asynchronous-gui-update": Turns out that's not for gtk4, looking for equivalents there
15:15:52PMunch"If you want to take advantage of multi-threading in a GTK application, it is usually best to send long-running tasks to worker threads, and feed the results back to the main thread using g_idle_add() or GAsyncQueue. GIO offers useful tools for such an approach such as GTask." from the Gtk4 docs
15:17:33PMunchSo you run `g_idle_add` before handing control over to owlkettle with a function that checks the channel and triggers a re-render signal of some kind if it gets an event.
15:18:28FromDiscord<Phil> Other way round I think, I'd add a GTask to trigger a re-render or somesuch... I'll come back once I've played around more
15:18:38FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "Other way round I think, I'd add a GTask to trigger a re-render ... or" added "every time I send a message"
15:18:54PMunchIn that function you run `tryRecv`, if you receive something you fire a Glib signal, either way you return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE so that it will be run again
15:20:55PMunchNah you should be fine with just a signal
15:21:24PMunchBasically in `startOwlkettle` you run `g_idle_add` before `adw.brew`
15:21:47PMunchAnd it just fires a signal of some kind
15:22:06PMunchWait, does owlkettle re-create the whole Gtk widget tree on every view?
15:22:34PMunchOr does that DSL do a lot more smarts than I thought it did?
15:23:47FromDiscord<Phil> You'd need to ask can.l, even if my brain weren't 90% occupied with the current thread thingy I don't think I could answer.↔ @can.l
15:24:06FromDiscord<Phil> Ah, no, not the GTK widget three
15:24:50FromDiscord<Phil> It has its own representation in the form of Widget and WidgetState (GtkWidget is the pointer under control of GTK).
15:26:16FromDiscord<Phil> WidgetState is the nim representation of GTKWidget, containing a reference to the GtkWidget as well as copies of all the properties of it.↔If you update the state, via hooks you immediately also update the GtkWidget.↔Widget is what gets recreated every redraw and leads to updates of WidgetState, but only if the value on Widget is different from the one it had before, so if an actual update occurs.
15:27:04FromDiscord<Phil> So re-render => Recreate Widget instances with all the new values, but no GtkWidget reference or the like.↔Update WidgetStates with values from new Widget => Value changes get propagated to GtkWidget
15:27:59FromDiscord<Phil> Basically WidgetState instances "stay alive" for the duration of the program or until they explicitly get destroyed (same as GtkWidgets), it is Widgets that get recreated all the time
15:28:12FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "all the time" => "every re-render"
15:28:57PMunchI see, so it does a lot more smarts than I thought it did :P
15:30:58PMunchAnd all signals trigger a re-render?
15:31:10FromDiscord<can.l> Yeah, its basically like a virtual dom from webdev.
15:31:16FromDiscord<can.l> In reply to @PMunch "And all signals trigger": Nearly all
15:32:15FromDiscord<can.l> There are some exceptions for rendering signals in `GlArea` and `DrawingArea` where you can manually choose whether you want to redraw the rest of the gui tree
15:32:25FromDiscord<can.l> Otherwise you would get infinite loops
15:32:44FromDiscord<can.l> (edit) "Otherwise you would get infinite loops ... " added "(app redraw -> drawingarea redraw -> app redraw -> ...)"
15:33:20FromDiscord<can.l> Signals from anything that is not a widget also do not redraw
15:34:28PMunchAh I see, that makes sense
15:35:05PMunchHmm, that "anything that is not a widget" rule might make your job harder @Phil
15:35:18FromDiscord<can.l> We spend large amounts of effort on building the state syncing for each widget. Gtk is not really meant for this application, so a lot of care needs to be taken that updates end up in predictable states after redraws.
15:35:36FromDiscord<Phil> Strongly depends, let me finish my playing around
15:35:51FromDiscord<Phil> I am not yet willing to give up the attempt of having a thread-channel-message trigger an owlkettle rerender!
15:36:17FromDiscord<can.l> That should be possible
15:36:41FromDiscord<can.l> isn't there a tryRecv you can just call in a idle task?
15:36:48FromDiscord<Phil> Currently trying to copy and modify a version from redrawFromThread
15:37:57FromDiscord<can.l> Should also work, yes
15:38:45PMunch@can.l, that's what I told him to do :P
15:38:54PMunchThe tryRecv in an idle task that is
15:39:19FromDiscord<can.l> Ah sorry, I didn't read the conversation before I was pinged xD
15:39:27PMunchNo worries
15:39:46*lucasta joined #nim
15:40:51FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/Enr1w
15:41:26FromDiscord<Phil> Okay, the proc compiles now, first things first
15:41:41*Jjp137 quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
15:43:35FromDiscord<Phil> errrr
15:45:09FromDiscord<can.l> Yes, because it is not instantiated yet.
15:45:18FromDiscord<can.l> (edit) "instantiated" => "built"
15:45:38FromDiscord<can.l> gui returns a tree of updaters not of widget states
15:46:14FromDiscord<can.l> if you want to do setup, move it inside the `afterBuild` hook of app
15:46:22FromDiscord<can.l> (edit) "if you want to do setup, move it inside the `afterBuild` hook of ... app" added "the"
15:46:34FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/4F2Di
15:46:54FromDiscord<Phil> right, its a viewable, it also has all the hooks
15:51:53FromDiscord<piqueiras> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/Tyn9H
15:53:01FromDiscord<Phil> Wut? Okay so it's executing but somehow "hub" disappears after the first loop
15:53:12FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "Wut? Okay so it's executing but somehow "hub" disappears after the first loop ... " added "and turns into nil, causing understandable segfaults"
15:55:30FromDiscord<Phil> Ohhhh because the unwrapSharedCell resets it
15:55:45FromDiscord<can.l> unwrapSharedCell is single use
15:58:18FromDiscord<spotlightkid> @Phil\: For Nim 2+, isn't it recommended to use channels from https://github.com/nim-lang/threading ?
15:58:21FromDiscord<Phil> Yeah just realised, basically threw it out and just unreffed manually
15:58:22FromDiscord<pmunch> In reply to @piqueiras "Hi, how could I": What do you mean? That should work exactly like you've typed it..
15:58:54FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @spotlightkid "<@180601887916163073>\: For Nim 2+,": I am, this is a bit of a more complex thing.↔Hooking into GTK's async-mechanism to feed it updates coming from a channel message
15:59:06FromDiscord<Phil> the gtk bit is all on the same thread
15:59:33PMunchWait, is the channels that are auto-imported in Nim not the new ones?
15:59:38FromDiscord<piqueiras> In reply to @pmunch "What do you mean?": does not seem to, or i'm using some old version
16:00:12FromDiscord<piqueiras> I get wrong number of variables
16:02:04FromDiscord<Phil> I am unofficially in my own mind the second coming of christ.↔Sure I still need to polish it up, but it owkrs
16:02:07FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "owkrs" => "works"
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16:02:42FromDiscord<Phil> https://pastebin.pl/view/966ff601
16:04:14FromDiscord<Phil> What I don't quite get is how it pumps CPU usage again to 100%, I swear I sleep everywhere I need to
16:06:07*targz77 quit (Quit: Leaving)
16:06:47FromDiscord<spotlightkid> I don't think so. `threading/channels` called are called `Chan`, not `Channel`. But maybe these replaced the old one from `system` in Nim 2? I dont know.↔(<@709044657232936960_=50=4dunch=5b=49=52=43=5d>)
16:07:02FromDiscord<pmunch> In reply to @piqueiras "does not seem to,": Oh my bad, the lines iterator doesn't have a pair version. Look at https://nim-lang.org/docs/enumerate.html, that should help
16:08:31FromDiscord<Phil> đŸ€Š
16:08:48FromDiscord<Phil> I am not a smart man.↔Yknow, putting a sleep statement after a return statement should be obvious that it won't execute
16:09:23FromDiscord<piqueiras> In reply to @pmunch "Oh my bad, the": enunerate, thats the one I forgot
16:09:43*azimut quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
16:09:43FromDiscord<Phil> Hmm no still not it, still at 100%
16:10:30FromDiscord<pmunch> If you're using sleep you should probably not use the idle thing and instead go for the timer version
16:10:37FromDiscord<Phil> Wait it was the flipping redraw mechanism!
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16:11:17FromDiscord<Phil> I am finally out of tunnelvision since I have a working thingy now, what timer version?
16:11:41FromDiscord<Phil> g_idle_add?
16:11:47FromDiscord<Phil> Wait no that's what I'm using
16:14:49FromDiscord<Phil> Okay no I can't find reference to a timer thingy, what do you mean PMunch?
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16:26:32rockcaveradifference between `sizeof(Obj)` in refc and arc/orc is it normal or is it a bug?
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16:34:20rockcaveraIt seems like behavior that has to do with seq/string, which I remember as changes between arc/orc and refc
16:38:07FromDiscord<Phil> @can.l Do we have a hook that just always runs?↔Updating Appstate within "view" when you get a serverMessage feels "odd", but I don't think it could happen anywhere else
16:38:13FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "Appstate" => "AppState"
16:38:49FromDiscord<Phil> Though I guess I could push the value into AppState directly inside the serverListener proc... hmm
16:39:45FromDiscord<can.l> In reply to @isofruit "Though I guess I": that sounds like a good idea
16:40:06FromDiscord<can.l> (as long as the update happens on the gui thread)
16:41:21FromDiscord<can.l> In reply to @isofruit "<@893965307171979326> Do we": hooks only execute on widget build/updates. the `App` is built once and never updated
16:41:34FromDiscord<can.l> (edit) "In reply to @isofruit "<@893965307171979326> Do we": hooks ... only" added "(well except for read)"
16:57:28NimEventerNew thread by glaforge: Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/10721
17:29:40*hochata quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
17:33:41FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @can.l "that sounds like a": I wonder if it could make sense to make this kind of setup easier somehow.↔Like providing a way to add "idle-tasks" to an App in the brew proc for example
17:34:14NimEventerNew question by Philipp Doerner: How to have a message from a thread-channel trigger an update in owlkettle?, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77591469/how-to-have-a-message-from-a-thread-channel-trigger-an-update-in-owlkettle
17:34:31FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @NimEventer "New question by Philipp": This is self-answered again as per the usual
17:42:01PMunch@Phil, sorry I was off eating dinner. This one: https://docs.gtk.org/glib/func.timeout_add.html
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17:55:27PMunch@Phil, saw your post on the forum, why don't you repurpose the main thread as the owlkettle thread?
17:55:59FromDiscord<Phil> Honestly because my brain was hurting and I already had the 3 thread setup from my first experiment into the entire thing
17:56:09PMunchHaha, fair enough
17:56:32FromDiscord<Phil> It was easier to think symmetrically in this case in 3 threads where client and server are equally "important" rather than "asymmetrically" (in my mind) where one thread is also the nim-main thread
18:01:19FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @PMunch "Haha, fair enough": And from what I can see, I don't think it actually causes any resource cost?↔Like maybe a few milliseconds on startup because you spawn one more thread than necessary but after that it seems stable
18:02:16PMunchOh sure, it's not a huge burden. But you are creating an extra thread, which takes up memory and a little time to initialize
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18:14:25FromDiscord<Phil> Mostly because I don't get how the entire data-bit works in this case.↔Like I don't think these would allow me to pass in external data... would they?
18:14:50FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/Zyp1B
18:15:45PMunchNot quite sure what you mean by that first statement..
18:16:28PMunchOh, your messages got shuffled on IRC
18:17:22FromDiscord<Phil> Timeoutproc itself seems to take no parameters either
18:17:25FromDiscord<Phil> ` TimeoutProc = proc(): bool {.closure.}`
18:18:11PMunchAh, but it is a closure
18:19:06FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/EitYH
18:19:11PMunchBasically you'd just capture what you need in the closure, and the addGlobalTimeout unpacks the closure into the call to the procedure and the pointer to the environment
18:20:51FromDiscord<Phil> Huh that does work
18:23:09PMunchBasically something like this: https://paste.rs/mHLnT
18:23:59PMunchThe data pointer which is passed into g_timeout_add_full is now a pointer to the closure environment and the function is the closure procedure pointer.
18:24:46FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/NNXT5
18:25:27PMunchThat's the magic of closures, they essentially lift all the captured values out into an object type, then the procedure they create just takes that object as the parameter. So when you pass a closure in somewhere what you pass is a pair of two pointers, one to the unchanging procedure, and one to the captured environment.
18:26:12PMunchWhy do you have these consts by the way?
18:26:27PMunchGetting ready to refactor them out later on?
18:27:36FromDiscord<Phil> Nah, I just want to know what the hell they stand for and forgot to replace the magic number there afte rlike 50 refactors
18:29:03FromDiscord<Phil> Like particularly egregiously the boolean that the listener proc has to return irks me
18:29:55PMunchWell you could use the ones defined in Glib for this exact purpose
18:29:58FromDiscord<Phil> It is so non-semantic that this output when running a task determines whether it runs again.↔Like I'm aware that is because that's useful and all but you have to know that beforehand
18:30:50PMunchie. G_SOURCE_CONTINUE
18:31:26FromDiscord<Phil> That one requires you to know stuff about GTK, otherwise "G_SOURCE_CONTINUE" is also a mystery name (in my opinion)
18:31:34PMunchFairly common practice in frameworks like this
18:32:25FromDiscord<Phil> Its domain knowledge, which is fine, but I'd like to not require readers have it
18:32:42PMunchFor example Nims async system works the same way: https://nim-lang.org/docs/asyncdispatch.html#addRead%2CAsyncFD%2CCallback
18:33:11PMunchFair enough
18:35:07FromDiscord<Phil> I now have found my argument why I actually like the three thread setup more
18:35:26PMunchPlease enlighten me :)
18:35:40FromDiscord<Phil> if I only move e.g. the server onto its own thread, then I have to move the joinThread call somewhere inside the owlkettle bits of the code
18:35:50FromDiscord<Phil> because IIRC the brew proc blocks with its own loop
18:36:28PMunchWell considering that shouldn't really ever happen I'd just slap the joinThread below the brew method in my code
18:36:28FromDiscord<Phil> At least that's what I'm finding now that I'm trying to move the owlkettle bits into the main thread
18:37:35FromDiscord<Phil> ... the hell, that works? Why? I thought brew was blocking
18:40:22PMunchOf course it works, and yes brew is blocking
18:40:33PMunchI feel you might not know what joinThreads does..
18:41:02FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/ixl8r
18:41:11FromDiscord<Phil> I do not in fact, I thought it was also blocking
18:41:37PMunchIt is blocking
18:41:40FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/dHCKG
18:41:41FromDiscord<Phil> Or rather I read the docs, barely understood them without a functional mental model and went on
18:41:48PMunchjoinThreads waits until all the threads you give it have quit
18:43:08FromDiscord<Phil> I mean, based on this description:↔> Waits for the thread t to finish. Source Edit ↔↔I would assume that ... wait I just found my mistake in my mental image
18:43:31FromDiscord<Phil> Somehow my mind went that the server doesn't get started up and spawned until joinThreads is called
18:43:56FromDiscord<Phil> Which is obviously wrong since setupServer starts the thread/server, joinThreads just provides a "blocker" underneath
18:44:43FromDiscord<Phil> Which your code waits at for all of 5ms or something I guess, since "brew" from setupClient will be where most CPU time is spent and when it exits then pretty much so does the rest of the application
18:44:56PMunchThe difference is that in your first snippet the brew method is blocking and joinThread is never encountered (unless the brew call returns for some reason (GUI closed for example))
18:45:08FromDiscord<Phil> I maybe should add some "shutdown" functionality where on destroy it kills the server thread or sth
18:45:22PMunchIn your second the thread with brew on it just stays blocking and the main thread is now blocking on the `joinThreads` call
18:46:21FromDiscord<Phil> Errrrrr is there a "destroyThread" function?
18:46:35FromDiscord<Phil> Because I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be killing processes if I want to hit a thread
18:46:55PMunchNope, there is no thread kill
18:47:07PMunchThey have to quit by their own volition
18:47:17FromDiscord<Phil> I could of course also add channel message upon which the server-function breaks its while-loop, thus ending the thread, but that seems like effort...
18:47:29PMunchTypically you pass an exit message over a channel which the thread will read and quit from
18:47:44PMunchHaha, exactly
18:47:57FromDiscord<Phil> Are there "typical" exist messages that you definitely won't be sending accidentally?
18:48:02FromDiscord<Phil> Like some kind of standard
18:48:25PMunchNot really, since your channel can have any type
18:48:33FromDiscord<Phil> Hmmm I guess if I were to use an object variant that wouldn't really matter, it'd have a "killMessage" bit or the like
18:49:26PMunchIf you have strings then the empty string is typical
18:50:19FromDiscord<Phil> ... do we have some kind of application-server package that communicates through channels?
18:50:35FromDiscord<Phil> Basically prologue but a single thread and no HTTP
18:51:25FromDiscord<Phil> Does that kind of thing have a name? I feel like that should exist.↔Like if there's so many webserver-frameworks out there I feel like there should also be at least some appserver frameworks, right?
18:55:59PMunchWhat exactly would it provide?
19:00:56FromDiscord<Phil> Could even allow middlewares to execute before running a controller with a given message
19:01:20FromDiscord<Phil> And it could also just provide convenience procs and default messages, such as "killServer" etc.
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19:02:09FromDiscord<Phil> I mean fundamentally speaking this is the same as a webserver, doesn't need nearly as many bells and whistles but it's completely analogous in the problem domain it deals with
19:02:14FromDiscord<Phil> sent a long message, see https://paste.rs/5TAAc
19:02:40FromDiscord<Phil> Heck I could imagine the application server sitting atop an sqlite database, that actually sounds like a pretty standard setup
19:04:58PMunchHmm, fair enough, I guess that could make sense
19:05:29PMunchAt least for something like this where the goal of doing multiple threads is responsiveness and not raw speed
19:07:39PMunchOh well, I should get ready for my AoC stream :)
19:07:48FromDiscord<Phil> It'd have another benefit, if you want to do just more multithreading - well just spawn another application server, it has its own channel, copy paste some of the controllers over, done
19:15:02FromDiscord<Phil> You can play this game until you basically have a single thread for every task, god damn this is all so damn analogous to webdev and microservices
19:15:17FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "You can play this game until you basically have a single thread ... for" added "and channel"
19:16:42PMunchHaha, looking forward to the library you'll write for it ;)
19:16:58FromDiscord<Phil> PMunch, stop rummaging in my brain!
19:17:06FromDiscord<Phil> I don't wanna write that lib! I want it to already exist!
19:17:19FromDiscord<Phil> But also it'd be interesting... but also exhausting!
19:17:21PMunchI could hear those cogs turning from here, you've already started designing the library
19:17:35PMunchAoC stream day 2 is live! https://twitch.tv/pmunche https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCeM4R4Nuoc
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20:40:12FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/ggNij
20:40:29FromDiscord<System64 ~ Flandre Scarlet> In reply to @sys64 "C is a goofy": @exelotl Do you have any ideas about how I can fix this problem please?
20:55:58FromDiscord<pmunch> @Phil, just put them in a {.compileTime.} variable
21:03:10FromDiscord<Phil> Oh ffs
21:03:11FromDiscord<Phil> static:
21:03:12FromDiscord<Phil> Once again
21:03:26FromDiscord<Phil> I fall for that every time I leave compile time procs alone for a while
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21:03:50FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/ym3aE
21:06:12PMunchHaha, yeah there are some things to keep in mind
21:06:25FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/aRxD8
21:06:34PMunchOf course since this is compile-time you don't have to fall back to strings for the type
21:06:49*notbad is now known as NunavuT
21:10:20PMunch@Phil: https://paste.rs/awK6q
21:10:55PMunchSince it stores the typed node it would work with same-name types from different modules as well ;)
21:24:39FromDiscord<intellij_gamer> Macro cache might be better for this situation↔https://nim-lang.org/docs/macrocache.html
21:27:28PMunchOh indeed!
21:28:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I've pointed pmunch to macrocache before, I swear it!
21:28:48FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Pmunch sees "ElegantBeef\>...." and goes "Nah I won't read that" 😄
21:29:31PMunchI don't doubt it for a second, but I have a tendency to forget even the most important of things..
21:31:48FromDiscord<Phil> Beef!
21:32:15FromDiscord<Phil> How do I use sth. like quote do to generate nodes in a loop!↔I'm using evil dumpAstGen stuff to generate an object variant and... I mean it works but also eh
21:35:50FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/NvzBt
21:35:58FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/zJLuu
21:36:07FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You cannot use `genast` or `quote` to generate partial AST
21:36:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I do not know why I did `recCase.add:` 😄
21:38:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/NqOW8
21:51:06FromDiscord<Phil> Apparently I'm not supposed to use some kind of server setup but DBus instead according to gtk devs, hmmm
21:54:28FromDiscord<Phil> One sec, "Thread" and "Process" are different things right?↔If I run an application and it spawns 10 threads, then that is still a single process, correct?
21:54:32FromDiscord<Phil> Just checking my terminology
22:06:30FromDiscord<alireza0x0> how can i define something like -d:something but inside the code...? for a particular module or even global compilation
22:06:41PMunchThink of processes like individual programs
22:07:07FromDiscord<Phil> I wonder if I should go through the pain of using GAsyncQueue or just nim's stuff
22:07:13PMunchDBus is typically used for inter-process communication
22:07:49FromDiscord<Phil> The thing about nim's stuff is that it deep copies, meanwhile GAsyncQueue is just a queue of pointers that you push between threads back and forth
22:07:54PMunchGAsyncQueue probably does some clever tricks with selectors, so you could get rid of the timeout thing
22:08:19FromDiscord<Phil> However, it also means having to convert back and forth to CTypes all the time
22:08:24FromDiscord<Phil> Which is annoooooooooyiiiiiiing
22:08:50PMunchHmm, true
22:08:53FromDiscord<Phil> And having to care more about memory safety since nim frees my message crap for me
22:09:03PMunchI guess you could use a GAsyncQueue to maybe trigger a channel read?
22:09:30PMunchJust keep pushing nil pointers or something :P
22:09:52PMunchOr if you have multiple channels just use the pointer as an int and pass a channel id
22:11:06FromDiscord<Phil> Converting to c-types comes with zero cost right?
22:11:25PMunchUhm, depends on what you're converting
22:19:47*rocketman74 quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
22:22:08FromDiscord<Phil> cstrings, cints and cuints
22:22:20FromDiscord<Phil> well, also cbool and enums but those count unter cints
22:23:29PMunchWell those are already C types..
22:24:23FromDiscord<Phil> Perfect
22:25:02FromDiscord<Phil> Keep in mind I have no idea about how the type differences between C and nim look like at what level, I just know I need to type-cast here and there and don't know what happens as part of that process
22:26:15Amun-Raenums in nim have size of 1, I always add {.size: cint.sizeof.} to C enums
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22:35:46PMunchSlight correction, enums in Nim are as big as they need to be to fit all your values
22:36:44Amun-Raah, right
22:58:24FromDiscord<Phil> Question, can I take in a ref type and just turn it into a pointer? And by that I mean basically disable its destructors
22:58:44FromDiscord<Phil> The idea would be to eat a ref type, turn it into a pointer type and transfer ownership of said pointer type to another thread
22:59:10FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "The idea would be to eat a ref type, turn it into a pointer type and transfer ownership of said pointer type to another thread ... " added "via GAsyncQueue (both threads share a ref to GAsyncQueue, which is a lockable struct in heap)"
22:59:49PMunchHmm, not sure that's a good idea
23:00:04FromDiscord<Phil> The goal would be to transfer data-ownership between threads at zero cost compared to nim's channels
23:00:15FromDiscord<Phil> Mostly trying to implement it and compare against the channel implementation
23:00:33FromDiscord<Phil> Particularly how beautiful or not beautiful the code is in terms of maintenance, performance etc.
23:00:49PMunchWait, the new channels don't copy do they?
23:00:57FromDiscord<Phil> They don't?
23:01:11FromDiscord<Phil> Was I in tunnel vision when that was dropped?
23:03:14FromDiscord<Phil> Oh right, the threading package
23:05:51FromDiscord<Phil> Wait, that threading package is experimental!
23:07:22FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @PMunch "Wait, the new channels": The new channels in threading don't but those are experimental↔The "old" channels in std/system do (according to docs), those are stable.↔The threading/channels package should be a drop-in replacement though https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1180646418503958678/image.png?ex=657e2da9&is=656bb8a9&hm=9fe2db0484558223438f4c47149f94358077bf26553a5694be4b166701d6b800&
23:07:30FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "though" => "though, when its time."
23:07:42PMunchHmm, right
23:11:14FromDiscord<Phil> Boah my brain feels like it expanded three sizes today
23:12:52FromDiscord<Phil> I started it not knowing jack about actual multi-threading, specifically in nim.↔Ended it with suddenly having solid beginners knowledge of multi-threading communication in nim, a first glance at how GTK does it and started looking into future ways nim might do it (threading package)↔And on how to generate an object variant on the fly just casually on the side
23:13:51PMunchNot sure that's great for you..
23:13:54FromDiscord<bostonboston> In reply to @alireza0x0 "how can i define": i dont know exactly what you mean but you can -d:thing anything and use `when defined(thing):` at compile time, or in config.nims, theres also `{.strdefine.}` and other defines to get compile time differences
23:14:36FromDiscord<bostonboston> In reply to @isofruit "I started it not": you should write a good long doc about it for me to read
23:14:56FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @PMunch "Not sure that's great": It isn't, I'm dying
23:15:07FromDiscord<Phil> 💀
23:15:34FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @bostonboston "you should write a": Best you'll get is a nim forum thread asking others to evaluate them for me
23:15:50FromDiscord<Phil> And an example on how to use nim's channels for multi-threading in a server-client type of way
23:17:32FromDiscord<bostonboston> 😩
23:18:06FromDiscord<bostonboston> what do emojis do on the bridge, do they show as their name
23:20:06PMunchNope, shows up as the emoji
23:20:21PMunchI'm on IRC, I'm not in the past, emojis still exist here
23:20:43FromDiscord<Phil> (That's a lie, PMunch secretly is frozen in time due to Norway being just that cold)
23:21:09PMunchCrap, just realised that I'm older than emoji..
23:21:17FromDiscord<bostonboston> its so over
23:22:11FromDiscord<Phil> You're basically dead if you're older than emojis 😛
23:22:17FromDiscord<bostonboston> ancient
23:22:25FromDiscord<Phil> Pre-historic
23:25:02*advesperacit quit ()
23:28:27PMunchGee thanks guys
23:31:40FromDiscord<odexine> it is our pleasure, o ancient one
23:32:53NimEventerNew post on r/nim by accountmaster9191: How to use nim as a substitute for javascript., see https://reddit.com/r/nim/comments/189g4gy/how_to_use_nim_as_a_substitute_for_javascript/
23:41:58*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
23:44:13NimEventerNew thread by Isofruit: GAsyncQueue vs system/channels vs. threading/channels, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/10723
23:48:30Amun-RaI'm trying to remove some false positives with asan and gtk4, emit works fine, exportc does not, is there something I'm missing? https://dpaste.com/GVN98BUA7
23:49:23FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> throw a `dynlib` on it
23:51:35*Lord_Nightmare quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
23:52:41Amun-Rawhy dynlib?
23:53:43*jmdaemon joined #nim
23:54:07Amun-Rathese function have to be defined in the resulting executable in order for lsan to read ignore list
23:54:48*Lord_Nightmare joined #nim