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":vitalyx!~textual@g193203.upc-g.chello.nl QUIT :Quit: vitalyx", "timestamp": 1486167883}} {"Field0": 1486168541, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "couven92", "user": "~fredrik92", "host": "thnetii.td.org.uit.no", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Client disconnecting"], "origin": "Quit: Client disconnecting", "raw": ":couven92!~fredrik92@thnetii.td.org.uit.no QUIT :Quit: Client disconnecting", "timestamp": 1486168541}} {"Field0": 1486168969, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486168969}} {"Field0": 1486170347, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "pregressive", "user": "~pregressi", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": [""], "origin": "", "raw": ":pregressive!~pregressi@ QUIT :", "timestamp": 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":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :http://imgur.com/a/KTREO", "timestamp": 1486172130}} {"Field0": 1486172132, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "running in nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :running in nim", "timestamp": 1486172132}} {"Field0": 1486172134, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", ":D"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim ::D", "timestamp": 1486172134}} {"Field0": 1486173431, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Matthias247", "user": "~miranda", "host": "HSI-KBW-109-193-200-079.hsi7.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Read error: Connection reset by peer"], "origin": "Read error: Connection reset by peer", "raw": ":Matthias247!~miranda@HSI-KBW-109-193-200-079.hsi7.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer", "timestamp": 1486173431}} {"Field0": 1486174255, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "devted", "user": "~devted", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":devted!~devted@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486174255}} {"Field0": 1486174352, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:415f:e500:af24:4bad:a74e:4daa", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 255 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:415f:e500:af24:4bad:a74e:4daa QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "timestamp": 1486174352}} {"Field0": 1486175180, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94 JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486175180}} {"Field0": 1486176468, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: carterza"], "origin": "Quit: carterza", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net QUIT :Quit: carterza", "timestamp": 1486176468}} {"Field0": 1486176954, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026"], "origin": "Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "timestamp": 1486176954}} {"Field0": 1486177182, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "devted", "user": "~devted", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Sleeping."], "origin": "Quit: Sleeping.", "raw": ":devted!~devted@ QUIT :Quit: Sleeping.", "timestamp": 1486177182}} {"Field0": 1486177287, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486177287}} {"Field0": 1486177545, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "devted", "user": "~devted", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":devted!~devted@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486177545}} {"Field0": 1486178597, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Kingsquee", "user": "~kingsley", "host": "d206-116-126-21.bchsia.telus.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Kingsquee!~kingsley@d206-116-126-21.bchsia.telus.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486178597}} {"Field0": 1486178721, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "zachcarter", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":zachcarter!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486178721}} {"Field0": 1486178723, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MNick", "nick": "zachcarter", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["carterza"], "origin": "carterza", "raw": ":zachcarter!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net NICK :carterza", "timestamp": 1486178723}} {"Field0": 1486179341, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Snircle", "user": "~textual", "host": "2600:8801:c404:7900:c91f:5f60:d211:b6c1", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com"], "origin": "Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com", "raw": ":Snircle!~textual@2600:8801:c404:7900:c91f:5f60:d211:b6c1 QUIT :Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com", "timestamp": 1486179341}} {"Field0": 1486179638, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "ftsf", "user": "~ftsf", "host": "60-242-177-87.static.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "carterza, what's that?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":ftsf!~ftsf@60-242-177-87.static.tpgi.com.au PRIVMSG #nim :carterza, what's that?", "timestamp": 1486179638}} {"Field0": 1486179654, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "https://github.com/memononen/nanovg"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :https://github.com/memononen/nanovg", "timestamp": 1486179654}} {"Field0": 1486179751, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "ftsf", "user": "~ftsf", "host": "60-242-177-87.static.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "sweet"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":ftsf!~ftsf@60-242-177-87.static.tpgi.com.au PRIVMSG #nim :sweet", "timestamp": 1486179751}} {"Field0": 1486180075, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "I got some existing bindings to compile"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :I got some existing bindings to compile", "timestamp": 1486180075}} {"Field0": 1486180107, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "however when I try to use the wrapper in my own project I start getting forward declaration errors so I must be missing an include somewhere"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :however when I try to use the wrapper in my own project I start getting forward declaration errors so I must be missing an include somewhere", "timestamp": 1486180107}} {"Field0": 1486180507, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "brson", "user": "~brson", "host": "corp.mtv2.mozilla.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: leaving"], "origin": "Quit: leaving", "raw": ":brson!~brson@corp.mtv2.mozilla.com QUIT :Quit: leaving", "timestamp": 1486180507}} {"Field0": 1486180682, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "devted", "user": "~devted", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Sleeping."], "origin": "Quit: Sleeping.", "raw": ":devted!~devted@ QUIT :Quit: Sleeping.", "timestamp": 1486180682}} {"Field0": 1486181639, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 256 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94 QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "timestamp": 1486181639}} {"Field0": 1486181842, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "can anyone explain to me how to include a C header file in my nim code?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :can anyone explain to me how to include a C header file in my nim code?", "timestamp": 1486181842}} {"Field0": 1486181849, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "I\u2019m trying to avoid a forward declaration error"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :I\u2019m trying to avoid a forward declaration error", "timestamp": 1486181849}} {"Field0": 1486181925, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94 JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486181925}} {"Field0": 1486184773, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026"], "origin": "Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "timestamp": 1486184773}} {"Field0": 1486185132, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486185132}} {"Field0": 1486186912, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "http://imgur.com/a/5rV4l"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :http://imgur.com/a/5rV4l", "timestamp": 1486186912}} {"Field0": 1486187798, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 255 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "timestamp": 1486187798}} {"Field0": 1486187835, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz_", "user": "~bjz", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz_!~bjz@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486187835}} {"Field0": 1486188665, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486188665}} {"Field0": 1486188743, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz_", "user": "~bjz", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 264 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 264 seconds", "raw": ":bjz_!~bjz@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 264 seconds", "timestamp": 1486188743}} {"Field0": 1486189207, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "def-pri-pub", "user": "~ben", "host": "unaffiliated/def-pri-pub", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "carterza, you will probably need to use the emit pragma"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":def-pri-pub!~ben@unaffiliated/def-pri-pub PRIVMSG #nim :carterza, you will probably need to use the emit pragma", "timestamp": 1486189207}} {"Field0": 1486189225, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "def-pri-pub I got it straightened out "], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :def-pri-pub I got it straightened out ", "timestamp": 1486189225}} {"Field0": 1486189237, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "def-pri-pub", "user": "~ben", "host": "unaffiliated/def-pri-pub", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ag"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":def-pri-pub!~ben@unaffiliated/def-pri-pub PRIVMSG #nim :ag", "timestamp": 1486189237}} {"Field0": 1486189237, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "thank you though"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :thank you though", "timestamp": 1486189237}} {"Field0": 1486189238, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "def-pri-pub", "user": "~ben", "host": "unaffiliated/def-pri-pub", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ah"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":def-pri-pub!~ben@unaffiliated/def-pri-pub PRIVMSG #nim :ah", "timestamp": 1486189238}} {"Field0": 1486189240, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "def-pri-pub", "user": "~ben", "host": "unaffiliated/def-pri-pub", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: leaving"], "origin": "Quit: leaving", "raw": ":def-pri-pub!~ben@unaffiliated/def-pri-pub QUIT :Quit: leaving", "timestamp": 1486189240}} {"Field0": 1486189290, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Varriount|Mobile", "user": "~Varriount", "host": "pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Varriount|Mobile!~Varriount@pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486189290}} {"Field0": 1486189319, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Varriount|Mobile", "user": "~Varriount", "host": "pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "carterza: are you on gitter? The bridge is down again"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Varriount|Mobile!~Varriount@pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net PRIVMSG #nim :carterza: are you on gitter? The bridge is down again", "timestamp": 1486189319}} {"Field0": 1486189325, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Varriount|Mobile", "user": "~Varriount", "host": "pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "I responded though"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Varriount|Mobile!~Varriount@pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net PRIVMSG #nim :I responded though", "timestamp": 1486189325}} {"Field0": 1486189329, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Varriount I\u2019m not but I\u2019ll hop on"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :Varriount I\u2019m not but I\u2019ll hop on", "timestamp": 1486189329}} {"Field0": 1486189411, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPart", "nick": "Varriount|Mobile", "user": "~Varriount", "host": "pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Varriount|Mobile!~Varriount@pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net PART #nim", "timestamp": 1486189411}} {"Field0": 1486190157, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026"], "origin": "Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "timestamp": 1486190157}} {"Field0": 1486190952, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "xet7", "user": "~xet7", "host": "80-186-0-201.elisa-mobile.fi", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":xet7!~xet7@80-186-0-201.elisa-mobile.fi JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486190952}} {"Field0": 1486191041, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486191041}} {"Field0": 1486191244, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "unlaudable", "user": "~bleurgh", "host": "169-0-102-78.ip.afrihost.co.za", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":unlaudable!~bleurgh@169-0-102-78.ip.afrihost.co.za JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486191244}} {"Field0": 1486192729, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "unlaudable", "user": "~bleurgh", "host": "169-0-102-78.ip.afrihost.co.za", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":unlaudable!~bleurgh@169-0-102-78.ip.afrihost.co.za QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486192729}} {"Field0": 1486193347, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "zevlg", "user": "~user", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":zevlg!~user@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486193347}} {"Field0": 1486193409, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "nsf", "user": "~nsf", "host": "jiss.convex.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":nsf!~nsf@jiss.convex.ru JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486193409}} {"Field0": 1486194395, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Vladar", "user": "~Vladar", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Vladar!~Vladar@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486194395}} {"Field0": 1486194436, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026"], "origin": "Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "timestamp": 1486194436}} {"Field0": 1486195426, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Atomic_Rydbq", "user": "~atomic", "host": "p200300CD0BC27F0105EBAF016601652B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Atomic_Rydbq!~atomic@p200300CD0BC27F0105EBAF016601652B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486195426}} {"Field0": 1486195694, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Atomic_Rydbq", "user": "~atomic", "host": "p200300CD0BC27F0105EBAF016601652B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 245 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 245 seconds", "raw": ":Atomic_Rydbq!~atomic@p200300CD0BC27F0105EBAF016601652B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de QUIT :Ping timeout: 245 seconds", "timestamp": 1486195694}} {"Field0": 1486195975, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486195975}} {"Field0": 1486197414, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486197414}} {"Field0": 1486198439, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486198439}} {"Field0": 1486198472, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486198472}} {"Field0": 1486198751, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 255 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "timestamp": 1486198751}} {"Field0": 1486198816, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz_", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz_!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486198816}} {"Field0": 1486198912, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 258 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 258 seconds", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Ping timeout: 258 seconds", "timestamp": 1486198912}} {"Field0": 1486199056, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: carterza"], "origin": "Quit: carterza", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net QUIT :Quit: carterza", "timestamp": 1486199056}} {"Field0": 1486199403, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486199403}} {"Field0": 1486199780, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486199780}} {"Field0": 1486200052, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "couven92", "user": "~fredrik92", "host": "thnetii.td.org.uit.no", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":couven92!~fredrik92@thnetii.td.org.uit.no JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486200052}} {"Field0": 1486200747, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 256 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94 QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "timestamp": 1486200747}} {"Field0": 1486200917, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94 JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486200917}} {"Field0": 1486201676, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486201676}} {"Field0": 1486201712, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486201712}} {"Field0": 1486201878, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz_", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026"], "origin": "Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "raw": ":bjz_!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "timestamp": 1486201878}} {"Field0": 1486201918, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bungoman", "user": "~bungoman", "host": "2605:6000:8b40:bb00:7178:9194:18e2:cb2e", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Read error: Connection reset by peer"], "origin": "Read error: Connection reset by peer", "raw": ":bungoman!~bungoman@2605:6000:8b40:bb00:7178:9194:18e2:cb2e QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer", "timestamp": 1486201918}} {"Field0": 1486201964, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 255 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "timestamp": 1486201964}} {"Field0": 1486202265, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486202265}} {"Field0": 1486203652, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486203652}} {"Field0": 1486203731, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486203731}} {"Field0": 1486203767, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486203767}} {"Field0": 1486204043, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 255 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "timestamp": 1486204043}} {"Field0": 1486204565, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Matthias247", "user": "~miranda", "host": "HSI-KBW-109-193-200-079.hsi7.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Matthias247!~miranda@HSI-KBW-109-193-200-079.hsi7.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486204565}} {"Field0": 1486204875, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486204875}} {"Field0": 1486204911, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "dom96: is there a way to make nimble perform some tasks on install? my ustring depends on c lib. if it could be downloaded/unpacked automatically along with package that would be great."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :dom96: is there a way to make nimble perform some tasks on install? my ustring depends on c lib. if it could be downloaded/unpacked automatically along with package that would be great.", "timestamp": 1486204911}} {"Field0": 1486204966, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Vladar", "user": "~Vladar", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "rokups, check out \"requires\" key"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Vladar!~Vladar@ PRIVMSG #nim :rokups, check out \"requires\" key", "timestamp": 1486204966}} {"Field0": 1486205013, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Vladar: but that is for other nimble packages"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :Vladar: but that is for other nimble packages", "timestamp": 1486205013}} {"Field0": 1486205048, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Vladar", "user": "~Vladar", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "well, yes"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Vladar!~Vladar@ PRIVMSG #nim :well, yes", "timestamp": 1486205048}} {"Field0": 1486205052, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "rokups: checkout the new distros.nim module"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :rokups: checkout the new distros.nim module", "timestamp": 1486205052}} {"Field0": 1486205056, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "was designed for that"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :was designed for that", "timestamp": 1486205056}} {"Field0": 1486205080, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "but for now it only produces output like \"run apt-get boo to finish the installation\""], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :but for now it only produces output like \"run apt-get boo to finish the installation\"", "timestamp": 1486205080}} {"Field0": 1486205084, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: would that work for stuff that is not on os packages?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: would that work for stuff that is not on os packages?", "timestamp": 1486205084}} {"Field0": 1486205099, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "guess not"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :guess not", "timestamp": 1486205099}} {"Field0": 1486205109, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yes, kind of"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :yes, kind of", "timestamp": 1486205109}} {"Field0": 1486205145, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "distros.foreignCmd(...)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :distros.foreignCmd(...)", "timestamp": 1486205145}} {"Field0": 1486205147, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: SYS_gettid is a new change. doesn't compile on android. have you considered pthread_self for this purpose?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: SYS_gettid is a new change. doesn't compile on android. have you considered pthread_self for this purpose?", "timestamp": 1486205147}} {"Field0": 1486205190, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "well no. android needs its own implementation then"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :well no. android needs its own implementation then", "timestamp": 1486205190}} {"Field0": 1486205217, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: how about this: would it be somehow possible to obtain nimble package path at compile time? For {.compile.} consumption for instance."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: how about this: would it be somehow possible to obtain nimble package path at compile time? For {.compile.} consumption for instance.", "timestamp": 1486205217}} {"Field0": 1486205257, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "why not pthread_self? i guess this is a highly available api across platforms"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :why not pthread_self? i guess this is a highly available api across platforms", "timestamp": 1486205257}} {"Field0": 1486205343, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :Araq", "timestamp": 1486205343}} {"Field0": 1486205362, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yglukhov, maybe because pthread_self() returns not identifier, but address?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :yglukhov, maybe because pthread_self() returns not identifier, but address?", "timestamp": 1486205362}} {"Field0": 1486205412, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "it returns pthread_t which is a thread id semantically."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :it returns pthread_t which is a thread id semantically.", "timestamp": 1486205412}} {"Field0": 1486205498, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yglukhov, could you please test value `178` for android?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :yglukhov, could you please test value `178` for android?", "timestamp": 1486205498}} {"Field0": 1486205509, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i mean SYS_gettid = 178"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :i mean SYS_gettid = 178", "timestamp": 1486205509}} {"Field0": 1486205534, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "or 224"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :or 224", "timestamp": 1486205534}} {"Field0": 1486205559, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "hmm I thought pthread_self is not available on Linux"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :hmm I thought pthread_self is not available on Linux", "timestamp": 1486205559}} {"Field0": 1486205564, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "but I was wrong."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :but I was wrong.", "timestamp": 1486205564}} {"Field0": 1486205619, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ok, so patch it to use pthread_self please"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :ok, so patch it to use pthread_self please", "timestamp": 1486205619}} {"Field0": 1486205633, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "can we cast pthread_t to int?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :can we cast pthread_t to int?", "timestamp": 1486205633}} {"Field0": 1486205746, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "typedef unsigned long int pthread_t;"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :typedef unsigned long int pthread_t;", "timestamp": 1486205746}} {"Field0": 1486205822, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "good enough :-)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :good enough :-)", "timestamp": 1486205822}} {"Field0": 1486205841, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "stisa", "user": "~stisa", "host": "net-2-35-212-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":stisa!~stisa@net-2-35-212-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486205841}} {"Field0": 1486206043, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "nsf", "user": "~nsf", "host": "jiss.convex.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: WeeChat 1.7"], "origin": "Quit: WeeChat 1.7", "raw": ":nsf!~nsf@jiss.convex.ru QUIT :Quit: WeeChat 1.7", "timestamp": 1486206043}} {"Field0": 1486206251, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "derlafff", "user": "~quassel", "host": "der.ttyh.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":derlafff!~quassel@der.ttyh.ru QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486206251}} {"Field0": 1486206260, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "derlafff", "user": "~quassel", "host": "der.ttyh.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":derlafff!~quassel@der.ttyh.ru JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486206260}} {"Field0": 1486206605, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cheatfate, Araq, now that i've read a bit more about subj, pthread_self is not guaranteed to be unique. and to compare pthread_t one has to use pthread_equal, so thats a bit unwieldy i guess."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :cheatfate, Araq, now that i've read a bit more about subj, pthread_self is not guaranteed to be unique. and to compare pthread_t one has to use pthread_equal, so thats a bit unwieldy i guess.", "timestamp": 1486206605}} {"Field0": 1486206651, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "but i've found that android has pid_t gettid() func, so i'll make a patch for android"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :but i've found that android has pid_t gettid() func, so i'll make a patch for android", "timestamp": 1486206651}} {"Field0": 1486206768, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yglukhov, of course it has difference only in syscall number"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :yglukhov, of course it has difference only in syscall number", "timestamp": 1486206768}} {"Field0": 1486206785, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "and i think we need to define this numbers"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :and i think we need to define this numbers", "timestamp": 1486206785}} {"Field0": 1486206789, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "for all architectures"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :for all architectures", "timestamp": 1486206789}} {"Field0": 1486206813, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "so its why i asked you to test two values"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :so its why i asked you to test two values", "timestamp": 1486206813}} {"Field0": 1486206828, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cheatfate: why would we mess with this, if theres a gettid function available? "], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :cheatfate: why would we mess with this, if theres a gettid function available? ", "timestamp": 1486206828}} {"Field0": 1486206834, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "178 arm64, 224 for arm32"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :178 arm64, 224 for arm32", "timestamp": 1486206834}} {"Field0": 1486206859, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "because gettid is not declared in glibc"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :because gettid is not declared in glibc", "timestamp": 1486206859}} {"Field0": 1486206916, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "so?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :so?", "timestamp": 1486206916}} {"Field0": 1486206934, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "android ndk defines it in unistd.h"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :android ndk defines it in unistd.h", "timestamp": 1486206934}} {"Field0": 1486206984, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "gettid uses SYScall right?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :gettid uses SYScall right?", "timestamp": 1486206984}} {"Field0": 1486206994, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "you have broken android gettid()"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :you have broken android gettid()", "timestamp": 1486206994}} {"Field0": 1486207010, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "so you can watch your unistd for syscall number"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :so you can watch your unistd for syscall number", "timestamp": 1486207010}} {"Field0": 1486207013, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "gettid uses SYScall - i would suspect that"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :gettid uses SYScall - i would suspect that", "timestamp": 1486207013}} {"Field0": 1486207034, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "could you please grep it for `__NR_gettid`"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :could you please grep it for `__NR_gettid`", "timestamp": 1486207034}} {"Field0": 1486207061, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "so with your patch we can patch whole linuxes at ones"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :so with your patch we can patch whole linuxes at ones", "timestamp": 1486207061}} {"Field0": 1486207063, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "once"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :once", "timestamp": 1486207063}} {"Field0": 1486207074, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "not only android"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :not only android", "timestamp": 1486207074}} {"Field0": 1486207082, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "which i think uses 178 or 224"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :which i think uses 178 or 224", "timestamp": 1486207082}} {"Field0": 1486207525, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cheatfate: 224, 222 and 178"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :cheatfate: 224, 222 and 178", "timestamp": 1486207525}} {"Field0": 1486207593, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yglukhov, i was wrong threads.nim don't uses numbers and uses SYS_gettid"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :yglukhov, i was wrong threads.nim don't uses numbers and uses SYS_gettid", "timestamp": 1486207593}} {"Field0": 1486207609, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "have you such constant?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :have you such constant?", "timestamp": 1486207609}} {"Field0": 1486207748, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cheatfate, no SYS_gettid is not consistently present in all platforms. __NR_gettid seems to be present everywhere. gettid() is present everywhere."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :cheatfate, no SYS_gettid is not consistently present in all platforms. __NR_gettid seems to be present everywhere. gettid() is present everywhere.", "timestamp": 1486207748}} {"Field0": 1486207785, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i would really go with gettid() solution, because it looks like the most \"public\" api."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :i would really go with gettid() solution, because it looks like the most \"public\" api.", "timestamp": 1486207785}} {"Field0": 1486207804, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cheatfate: what advantage do you see in using syscall() ?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :cheatfate: what advantage do you see in using syscall() ?", "timestamp": 1486207804}} {"Field0": 1486207842, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "syscalls are better because they can't be changed :)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :syscalls are better because they can't be changed :)", "timestamp": 1486207842}} {"Field0": 1486207863, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "what do you mean \"changed\">"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :what do you mean \"changed\">", "timestamp": 1486207863}} {"Field0": 1486207865, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :?", "timestamp": 1486207865}} {"Field0": 1486207948, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i mean gettid is just a name which is not part of any standard"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :i mean gettid is just a name which is not part of any standard", "timestamp": 1486207948}} {"Field0": 1486207984, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "is __NR_gettid a part of any standard?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :is __NR_gettid a part of any standard?", "timestamp": 1486207984}} {"Field0": 1486208014, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "or SYS_gettid?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :or SYS_gettid?", "timestamp": 1486208014}} {"Field0": 1486208050, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "its system specific constant"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :its system specific constant", "timestamp": 1486208050}} {"Field0": 1486208057, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "linux os specific constant "], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :linux os specific constant ", "timestamp": 1486208057}} {"Field0": 1486208068, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "and i dont think this name will be changed"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :and i dont think this name will be changed", "timestamp": 1486208068}} {"Field0": 1486208130, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "just like gettid() is linux specific function, except SYS_gettid has different values across different linuxes, and gettid() behavior is always the same, so which one is more stable?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :just like gettid() is linux specific function, except SYS_gettid has different values across different linuxes, and gettid() behavior is always the same, so which one is more stable?", "timestamp": 1486208130}} {"Field0": 1486208193, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yglukhov, please make `man gettid`"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :yglukhov, please make `man gettid`", "timestamp": 1486208193}} {"Field0": 1486208196, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "and read notes"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :and read notes", "timestamp": 1486208196}} {"Field0": 1486208211, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", " Glibc does not provide a wrapper for this system call; call it using syscall(2)."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim : Glibc does not provide a wrapper for this system call; call it using syscall(2).", "timestamp": 1486208211}} {"Field0": 1486208316, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "so it looks like this name can be changed"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :so it looks like this name can be changed", "timestamp": 1486208316}} {"Field0": 1486208363, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 256 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94 QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "timestamp": 1486208363}} {"Field0": 1486208575, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94 JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486208575}} {"Field0": 1486208670, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cheatfate: let me put it in another way. android ndk doesnt provide SYS_gettid for all platforms, while it does provide gettid(). so other solutions do you see here, if not using gettid?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :cheatfate: let me put it in another way. android ndk doesnt provide SYS_gettid for all platforms, while it does provide gettid(). so other solutions do you see here, if not using gettid?", "timestamp": 1486208670}} {"Field0": 1486208690, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "__NR_gettid"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :__NR_gettid", "timestamp": 1486208690}} {"Field0": 1486208716, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "we need to change threads.nim to use `__NR_gettid`"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :we need to change threads.nim to use `__NR_gettid`", "timestamp": 1486208716}} {"Field0": 1486208739, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "so you kinda make your bet that SYS_gettid always equals __NR_gettid?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :so you kinda make your bet that SYS_gettid always equals __NR_gettid?", "timestamp": 1486208739}} {"Field0": 1486208787, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i don't making any bets here"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :i don't making any bets here", "timestamp": 1486208787}} {"Field0": 1486208804, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "why? is it documented anywhere?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :why? is it documented anywhere?", "timestamp": 1486208804}} {"Field0": 1486208824, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "just because android don't use `SYS_` constants for some reason, then we can use `__NR_` constants which are available for both kernels"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :just because android don't use `SYS_` constants for some reason, then we can use `__NR_` constants which are available for both kernels", "timestamp": 1486208824}} {"Field0": 1486209085, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ok, will change it to __NR_"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :ok, will change it to __NR_", "timestamp": 1486209085}} {"Field0": 1486209131, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i have downloaded NDK and checked headers"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :i have downloaded NDK and checked headers", "timestamp": 1486209131}} {"Field0": 1486209149, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "you also need to change"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :you also need to change", "timestamp": 1486209149}} {"Field0": 1486209158, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "header"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :header", "timestamp": 1486209158}} {"Field0": 1486209192, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i just renamed SYS_gettid to __NR_gettid and it worked just fine"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :i just renamed SYS_gettid to __NR_gettid and it worked just fine", "timestamp": 1486209192}} {"Field0": 1486209200, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "* compiled at least =)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :* compiled at least =)", "timestamp": 1486209200}} {"Field0": 1486209264, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i was wrong everything other is OK"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :i was wrong everything other is OK", "timestamp": 1486209264}} {"Field0": 1486209284, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "so just need to change `SYS_gettid` to `__NR_gettid`"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :so just need to change `SYS_gettid` to `__NR_gettid`", "timestamp": 1486209284}} {"Field0": 1486209399, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cheatfate: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5338"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :cheatfate: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5338", "timestamp": 1486209399}} {"Field0": 1486209552, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "krux02", "user": "~krux02", "host": "ip-94-114-49-90.unity-media.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":krux02!~krux02@ip-94-114-49-90.unity-media.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486209552}} {"Field0": 1486209798, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Snircle", "user": "~textual", "host": "2600:8801:c404:7900:c5e3:7e0c:5ff:bbb4", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Snircle!~textual@2600:8801:c404:7900:c5e3:7e0c:5ff:bbb4 JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486209798}} {"Field0": 1486209823, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "planhths", "user": "~manjaro-k", "host": "ppp005055242141.access.hol.gr", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":planhths!~manjaro-k@ppp005055242141.access.hol.gr JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486209823}} {"Field0": 1486209925, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "is there a method for getting raw keyboard input as part of the standard library?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :is there a method for getting raw keyboard input as part of the standard library?", "timestamp": 1486209925}} {"Field0": 1486210414, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, please explain `raw`"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, please explain `raw`", "timestamp": 1486210414}} {"Field0": 1486210440, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "rokups: you can do things like this: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/blob/master/tests/nimscript/nimscript.nimble#L27"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :rokups: you can do things like this: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/blob/master/tests/nimscript/nimscript.nimble#L27", "timestamp": 1486210440}} {"Field0": 1486210447, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "but I don't think 'before install' is supported yet"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :but I don't think 'before install' is supported yet", "timestamp": 1486210447}} {"Field0": 1486210455, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "it might be, but it's definitely at least buggy"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :it might be, but it's definitely at least buggy", "timestamp": 1486210455}} {"Field0": 1486210498, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "right now i am doing a `readline(stdin)` which is fine for reading a whole like, but i want to add keybindings to this, so need to interpret key events that don't belong to a set input (like control-s/arrow keys/tab)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :right now i am doing a `readline(stdin)` which is fine for reading a whole like, but i want to add keybindings to this, so need to interpret key events that don't belong to a set input (like control-s/arrow keys/tab)", "timestamp": 1486210498}} {"Field0": 1486210574, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, but i think all this control characters goes to stdin as escape sequences, am i right?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, but i think all this control characters goes to stdin as escape sequences, am i right?", "timestamp": 1486210574}} {"Field0": 1486210589, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Amun_Ra", "user": "~amun-ra", "host": "retro.rocks", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "nope"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Amun_Ra!~amun-ra@retro.rocks PRIVMSG #nim :nope", "timestamp": 1486210589}} {"Field0": 1486210687, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486210687}} {"Field0": 1486210689, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, you just need to read `stdin` with `read` not `readline`"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, you just need to read `stdin` with `read` not `readline`", "timestamp": 1486210689}} {"Field0": 1486210711, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486210711}} {"Field0": 1486210717, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486210717}} {"Field0": 1486210731, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486210731}} {"Field0": 1486210840, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Gilga", "user": "~hussam", "host": "84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Gilga!~hussam@84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486210840}} {"Field0": 1486211049, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, does it helps?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, does it helps?", "timestamp": 1486211049}} {"Field0": 1486211068, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "is that posix.read you mean? because i don't see a `read` in system"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :is that posix.read you mean? because i don't see a `read` in system", "timestamp": 1486211068}} {"Field0": 1486211188, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, please look at system.nim (readChar, readAll, readBytes, readChars, readBuffer)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, please look at system.nim (readChar, readAll, readBytes, readChars, readBuffer)", "timestamp": 1486211188}} {"Field0": 1486211213, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yeah i tried readChar, and that isn't doing what i want"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :yeah i tried readChar, and that isn't doing what i want", "timestamp": 1486211213}} {"Field0": 1486211253, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, maybe because escape sequences is not one byte length?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, maybe because escape sequences is not one byte length?", "timestamp": 1486211253}} {"Field0": 1486211279, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "touche"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :touche", "timestamp": 1486211279}} {"Field0": 1486211360, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "nsf", "user": "~nsf", "host": "jiss.convex.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":nsf!~nsf@jiss.convex.ru JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486211360}} {"Field0": 1486211361, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ok, i'm giving it one character input and it continues to block until i hit return"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :ok, i'm giving it one character input and it continues to block until i hit return", "timestamp": 1486211361}} {"Field0": 1486211400, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ok i see such too"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :ok i see such too", "timestamp": 1486211400}} {"Field0": 1486211412, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "then you need to read it via posix.read()"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :then you need to read it via posix.read()", "timestamp": 1486211412}} {"Field0": 1486211439, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "because this functions are aliases for C's FILE functions (which are buffered)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :because this functions are aliases for C's FILE functions (which are buffered)", "timestamp": 1486211439}} {"Field0": 1486211439, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "stisa", "user": "~stisa", "host": "net-2-35-212-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Read error: Connection reset by peer"], "origin": "Read error: Connection reset by peer", "raw": ":stisa!~stisa@net-2-35-212-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer", "timestamp": 1486211439}} {"Field0": 1486211453, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "which will not work on windows, correct?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :which will not work on windows, correct?", "timestamp": 1486211453}} {"Field0": 1486211464, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, C's FILE functions?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, C's FILE functions?", "timestamp": 1486211464}} {"Field0": 1486211470, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "no, the posix.read"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :no, the posix.read", "timestamp": 1486211470}} {"Field0": 1486211489, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yep, posix.read will not work on windows"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :yep, posix.read will not work on windows", "timestamp": 1486211489}} {"Field0": 1486211533, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "derlafff", "user": "~quassel", "host": "der.ttyh.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":derlafff!~quassel@der.ttyh.ru QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486211533}} {"Field0": 1486211536, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "so i could be better off implementing with readline or some other similar library"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :so i could be better off implementing with readline or some other similar library", "timestamp": 1486211536}} {"Field0": 1486211657, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "derlafff", "user": "~quassel", "host": "der.ttyh.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":derlafff!~quassel@der.ttyh.ru JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486211657}} {"Field0": 1486211691, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, ok you can disable buffering with setvbuf() on `stdin` handle"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, ok you can disable buffering with setvbuf() on `stdin` handle", "timestamp": 1486211691}} {"Field0": 1486211697, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, and _IONBF constant"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, and _IONBF constant", "timestamp": 1486211697}} {"Field0": 1486211730, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "is that going to be reliable?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :is that going to be reliable?", "timestamp": 1486211730}} {"Field0": 1486211735, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "stisa", "user": "~stisa", "host": "net-2-35-212-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":stisa!~stisa@net-2-35-212-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486211735}} {"Field0": 1486211781, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "nim don't such functions"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :nim don't such functions", "timestamp": 1486211781}} {"Field0": 1486211792, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "but i think it will be reliable for unix & posix"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :but i think it will be reliable for unix & posix", "timestamp": 1486211792}} {"Field0": 1486211853, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "and windows too"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :and windows too", "timestamp": 1486211853}} {"Field0": 1486211899, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "of course you can use stdin.getFileHandle() which returns descriptor, but we still don't have native cross-platform api for file reading/writing"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :of course you can use stdin.getFileHandle() which returns descriptor, but we still don't have native cross-platform api for file reading/writing", "timestamp": 1486211899}} {"Field0": 1486211961, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i see, then for now i might just implement this by handing off to a readline library and then allow users to enable the functionality as an opt-in"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :i see, then for now i might just implement this by handing off to a readline library and then allow users to enable the functionality as an opt-in", "timestamp": 1486211961}} {"Field0": 1486211994, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Gilga", "user": "~hussam", "host": "84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 245 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 245 seconds", "raw": ":Gilga!~hussam@84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 245 seconds", "timestamp": 1486211994}} {"Field0": 1486212086, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Gilga", "user": "~hussam", "host": "84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Gilga!~hussam@84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486212086}} {"Field0": 1486212090, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "but why you need readline library?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :but why you need readline library?", "timestamp": 1486212090}} {"Field0": 1486212127, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "are you trying to implement some kind of console editor?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :are you trying to implement some kind of console editor?", "timestamp": 1486212127}} {"Field0": 1486212163, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i was going to expand on the functionality i implmented here: https://github.com/samdmarshall/cmd.nim (interactive command prompt written in nim)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :i was going to expand on the functionality i implmented here: https://github.com/samdmarshall/cmd.nim (interactive command prompt written in nim)", "timestamp": 1486212163}} {"Field0": 1486212368, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486212368}} {"Field0": 1486212368, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Changing host"], "origin": "Changing host", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@ QUIT :Changing host", "timestamp": 1486212368}} {"Field0": 1486212368, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "unaffiliated/arrrr", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@unaffiliated/arrrr JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486212368}} {"Field0": 1486212383, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, i think it will be much easier to implement windows version of read()/write() :)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, i think it will be much easier to implement windows version of read()/write() :)", "timestamp": 1486212383}} {"Field0": 1486212495, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "hmmm, ok, i've got some other things to document and fix up in it first, so i will think on it."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :hmmm, ok, i've got some other things to document and fix up in it first, so i will think on it.", "timestamp": 1486212495}} {"Field0": 1486212568, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "also is there an equivalent to python's list comprehension in nim? it seems like map()+do syntax would be it but that seems ugly "], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :also is there an equivalent to python's list comprehension in nim? it seems like map()+do syntax would be it but that seems ugly ", "timestamp": 1486212568}} {"Field0": 1486212768, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Gilga", "user": "~hussam", "host": "84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 252 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "raw": ":Gilga!~hussam@84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "timestamp": 1486212768}} {"Field0": 1486212846, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ah, figured it out with sequtils.mapIt()"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :ah, figured it out with sequtils.mapIt()", "timestamp": 1486212846}} {"Field0": 1486213799, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "subsetpark", "user": "uid87346", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qjiqaqbaklckhuhs", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-: you can write list comprehensions directly using the lc[] macro imported from future"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":subsetpark!uid87346@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qjiqaqbaklckhuhs PRIVMSG #nim :demi-: you can write list comprehensions directly using the lc[] macro imported from future", "timestamp": 1486213799}} {"Field0": 1486213839, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "subsetpark", "user": "uid87346", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qjiqaqbaklckhuhs", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "https://nim-lang.org/docs/future.html"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":subsetpark!uid87346@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qjiqaqbaklckhuhs PRIVMSG #nim :https://nim-lang.org/docs/future.html", "timestamp": 1486213839}} {"Field0": 1486213853, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486213853}} {"Field0": 1486213889, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486213889}} {"Field0": 1486214141, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486214141}} {"Field0": 1486214438, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-: rdstdin.nim, terminal.nim modules exist and work"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :demi-: rdstdin.nim, terminal.nim modules exist and work", "timestamp": 1486214438}} {"Field0": 1486214811, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "thanks dom96. for sake of simplicity i just bundled relevant source code of utf8rewind in the package."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :thanks dom96. for sake of simplicity i just bundled relevant source code of utf8rewind in the package.", "timestamp": 1486214811}} {"Field0": 1486214970, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Gilga", "user": "~hussam", "host": "84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Gilga!~hussam@84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486214970}} {"Field0": 1486215429, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: yeah i saw rdstdin, but am unsure how to use it since the documentation seems a bit lacking"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: yeah i saw rdstdin, but am unsure how to use it since the documentation seems a bit lacking", "timestamp": 1486215429}} {"Field0": 1486215481, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ah, i will definitely give terminal.nim a try, that looks promising. thanks! "], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :ah, i will definitely give terminal.nim a try, that looks promising. thanks! ", "timestamp": 1486215481}} {"Field0": 1486215543, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Kingsquee", "user": "~kingsley", "host": "d206-116-126-21.bchsia.telus.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: https://i.imgur.com/qicT3GK.gif"], "origin": "Quit: https://i.imgur.com/qicT3GK.gif", "raw": ":Kingsquee!~kingsley@d206-116-126-21.bchsia.telus.net QUIT :Quit: https://i.imgur.com/qicT3GK.gif", "timestamp": 1486215543}} {"Field0": 1486215575, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "devted", "user": "~devted", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":devted!~devted@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486215575}} {"Field0": 1486215627, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486215627}} {"Field0": 1486215737, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", " var line = \"\""], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim : var line = \"\"", "timestamp": 1486215737}} {"Field0": 1486215737, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", " while readLineFromStdin(\"> \", line):"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim : while readLineFromStdin(\"> \", line):", "timestamp": 1486215737}} {"Field0": 1486215737, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", " echo \u201Eyou wrote \u201E, line"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim : echo \u201Eyou wrote \u201E, line", "timestamp": 1486215737}} {"Field0": 1486215835, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "dom96: i'm the guy from jblow's stream chat from a couple of weeks back. i was thinking of updating the game i showed you to work with the newer nim versions. i think i will try nim again but not use msvc this time. is there a guide to installing nim with an already-existing working mingw64 installation? (i have gcc 6.2, non-posix)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :dom96: i'm the guy from jblow's stream chat from a couple of weeks back. i was thinking of updating the game i showed you to work with the newer nim versions. i think i will try nim again but not use msvc this time. is there a guide to installing nim with an already-existing working mingw64 installation? (i have gcc 6.2, non-posix)", "timestamp": 1486215835}} {"Field0": 1486215880, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i'll release the code once i get it working and replace its ncurses dependency with pdcurses or something else"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :i'll release the code once i get it working and replace its ncurses dependency with pdcurses or something else", "timestamp": 1486215880}} {"Field0": 1486215895, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "(i can't remember why on earth i chose ncurses at the time...)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :(i can't remember why on earth i chose ncurses at the time...)", "timestamp": 1486215895}} {"Field0": 1486215949, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cncl: yay! Nice to see you here :)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :cncl: yay! Nice to see you here :)", "timestamp": 1486215949}} {"Field0": 1486215973, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "greetings"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :greetings", "timestamp": 1486215973}} {"Field0": 1486216017, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "the last version i used was like 0.11 or something"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :the last version i used was like 0.11 or something", "timestamp": 1486216017}} {"Field0": 1486216024, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cncl: I think the best way for you is to use one of the zip files here: https://nim-lang.org/download.html"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :cncl: I think the best way for you is to use one of the zip files here: https://nim-lang.org/download.html", "timestamp": 1486216024}} {"Field0": 1486216054, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "We still have a bit of work ahead of us to streamline Nim's installation process, especially on Windows."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :We still have a bit of work ahead of us to streamline Nim's installation process, especially on Windows.", "timestamp": 1486216054}} {"Field0": 1486216057, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz_", "user": "~bjz", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz_!~bjz@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486216057}} {"Field0": 1486216074, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i'm using a home-rolled mingw64 so i'm pretty used to suffering"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :i'm using a home-rolled mingw64 so i'm pretty used to suffering", "timestamp": 1486216074}} {"Field0": 1486216074, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "But hopefully you won't run into trouble by using the \"zip file\" method"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :But hopefully you won't run into trouble by using the \"zip file\" method", "timestamp": 1486216074}} {"Field0": 1486216089, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "heh"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :heh", "timestamp": 1486216089}} {"Field0": 1486216098, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "alright, i'll try that first. does it include its own mingw64? or will finish.exe find the one i already have"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :alright, i'll try that first. does it include its own mingw64? or will finish.exe find the one i already have", "timestamp": 1486216098}} {"Field0": 1486216106, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "finish.exe will find it"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :finish.exe will find it", "timestamp": 1486216106}} {"Field0": 1486216110, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "nice, ok"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :nice, ok", "timestamp": 1486216110}} {"Field0": 1486216119, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "If it complains it's possible that it's simply wrong."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :If it complains it's possible that it's simply wrong.", "timestamp": 1486216119}} {"Field0": 1486216134, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Especially if you have a home-rolled mingw64"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :Especially if you have a home-rolled mingw64", "timestamp": 1486216134}} {"Field0": 1486216150, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486216150}} {"Field0": 1486216176, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486216176}} {"Field0": 1486216273, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "it's one i modified from msys2 for doing some complicated stuff with qt cross compilation. i'm hoping it will work, though"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :it's one i modified from msys2 for doing some complicated stuff with qt cross compilation. i'm hoping it will work, though", "timestamp": 1486216273}} {"Field0": 1486216385, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "https://gist.github.com/randrew/f573661fd66f304e2a786b150c03a77b"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :https://gist.github.com/randrew/f573661fd66f304e2a786b150c03a77b", "timestamp": 1486216385}} {"Field0": 1486216409, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "vlad1777d", "user": "~vlad", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":vlad1777d!~vlad@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486216409}} {"Field0": 1486216448, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "subsetpark", "user": "uid87346", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qjiqaqbaklckhuhs", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "...But damn, mapIt is way more convenient than lc :)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":subsetpark!uid87346@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qjiqaqbaklckhuhs PRIVMSG #nim :...But damn, mapIt is way more convenient than lc :)", "timestamp": 1486216448}} {"Field0": 1486216487, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cncl: yeah... finish.exe is surprisingly unstable."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :cncl: yeah... finish.exe is surprisingly unstable.", "timestamp": 1486216487}} {"Field0": 1486216519, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cncl: it doesn't do anything that you can't do yourself though. Just add Nim to your PATH and you should be good to go. I assume you managed to compile it?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :cncl: it doesn't do anything that you can't do yourself though. Just add Nim to your PATH and you should be good to go. I assume you managed to compile it?", "timestamp": 1486216519}} {"Field0": 1486216536, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "nim --version works"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :nim --version works", "timestamp": 1486216536}} {"Field0": 1486216584, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i guess i should try compiling something"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :i guess i should try compiling something", "timestamp": 1486216584}} {"Field0": 1486216921, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486216921}} {"Field0": 1486216955, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486216955}} {"Field0": 1486217014, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486217014}} {"Field0": 1486217028, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486217028}} {"Field0": 1486217087, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cncl: working?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :cncl: working?", "timestamp": 1486217087}} {"Field0": 1486217216, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486217216}} {"Field0": 1486217230, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Jipok[m]", "user": "jipokmatri", "host": "gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "wow"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Jipok[m]!jipokmatri@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly PRIVMSG #nim :wow", "timestamp": 1486217230}} {"Field0": 1486217239, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Jipok[m]", "user": "jipokmatri", "host": "gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "it's working"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Jipok[m]!jipokmatri@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly PRIVMSG #nim :it's working", "timestamp": 1486217239}} {"Field0": 1486217243, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Jipok[m]", "user": "jipokmatri", "host": "gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "https://riot.im/develop/#/room/#freenode_#nim:matrix.org"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Jipok[m]!jipokmatri@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly PRIVMSG #nim :https://riot.im/develop/#/room/#freenode_#nim:matrix.org", "timestamp": 1486217243}} {"Field0": 1486217251, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486217251}} {"Field0": 1486217289, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Jipok[m]: matrix bridge?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :Jipok[m]: matrix bridge?", "timestamp": 1486217289}} {"Field0": 1486217307, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "dom96: seems to work"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :dom96: seems to work", "timestamp": 1486217307}} {"Field0": 1486217311, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Jipok[m]", "user": "jipokmatri", "host": "gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "+"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Jipok[m]!jipokmatri@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly PRIVMSG #nim :+", "timestamp": 1486217311}} {"Field0": 1486217328, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cncl: great"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :cncl: great", "timestamp": 1486217328}} {"Field0": 1486217390, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Jipok[m]", "user": "jipokmatri", "host": "gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Someone wants to write a client for the matrix?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Jipok[m]!jipokmatri@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly PRIVMSG #nim :Someone wants to write a client for the matrix?", "timestamp": 1486217390}} {"Field0": 1486217391, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Jipok[m]", "user": "jipokmatri", "host": "gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "on nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Jipok[m]!jipokmatri@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-eeddhpmekoyuvqly PRIVMSG #nim :on nim", "timestamp": 1486217391}} {"Field0": 1486217444, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Gilga", "user": "~hussam", "host": "84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 255 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "raw": ":Gilga!~hussam@84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "timestamp": 1486217444}} {"Field0": 1486217506, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "dom96: the .exe seems kind of big though. i remember them being smaller? 432kb for hello world (release build)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :dom96: the .exe seems kind of big though. i remember them being smaller? 432kb for hello world (release build)", "timestamp": 1486217506}} {"Field0": 1486217509, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 256 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "timestamp": 1486217509}} {"Field0": 1486217539, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Jipok[m]: why don't you write one? :)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :Jipok[m]: why don't you write one? :)", "timestamp": 1486217539}} {"Field0": 1486217591, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cncl: I'm sure you can get it down. https://hookrace.net/blog/nim-binary-size/"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :cncl: I'm sure you can get it down. https://hookrace.net/blog/nim-binary-size/", "timestamp": 1486217591}} {"Field0": 1486217599, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "But I don't understand why it matters so much"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :But I don't understand why it matters so much", "timestamp": 1486217599}} {"Field0": 1486217625, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i often commit compiled binaries into source repos for other people to use as part of a toolchain"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :i often commit compiled binaries into source repos for other people to use as part of a toolchain", "timestamp": 1486217625}} {"Field0": 1486217640, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "usually simple command line tools for things that artists run to rebuild assets"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :usually simple command line tools for things that artists run to rebuild assets", "timestamp": 1486217640}} {"Field0": 1486217698, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "if there are like 15 - 20 of these tools it can get annoying if the size for each one gets large. it's possible to put them all into a monolithic tool but then it changes frequently and people can get annoyed. not a problem that everyone would have, but it's something i sometimes have to deal with"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :if there are like 15 - 20 of these tools it can get annoying if the size for each one gets large. it's possible to put them all into a monolithic tool but then it changes frequently and people can get annoyed. not a problem that everyone would have, but it's something i sometimes have to deal with", "timestamp": 1486217698}} {"Field0": 1486217766, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "That article should help you get the size down"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :That article should help you get the size down", "timestamp": 1486217766}} {"Field0": 1486217773, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ah strip does remove a lot of stuff, i forgot how much of the runtime is unused"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :ah strip does remove a lot of stuff, i forgot how much of the runtime is unused", "timestamp": 1486217773}} {"Field0": 1486217789, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "although I don't know how much it applies to windows"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :although I don't know how much it applies to windows", "timestamp": 1486217789}} {"Field0": 1486218063, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "\"i often commit compiled binaries into source repos for other people to use as part of a toolchain\" -- thumbs up! :-)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :\"i often commit compiled binaries into source repos for other people to use as part of a toolchain\" -- thumbs up! :-)", "timestamp": 1486218063}} {"Field0": 1486218078, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "haha. it's the only way to fly"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :haha. it's the only way to fly", "timestamp": 1486218078}} {"Field0": 1486218090, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "lolsob"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :lolsob", "timestamp": 1486218090}} {"Field0": 1486218097, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "byte512", "user": "~user", "host": "h37n2-um-a32.ias.bredband.telia.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":byte512!~user@h37n2-um-a32.ias.bredband.telia.com JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486218097}} {"Field0": 1486218098, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "we have lots of usuability issues just because the git nazis are against binaries in git repos"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :we have lots of usuability issues just because the git nazis are against binaries in git repos", "timestamp": 1486218098}} {"Field0": 1486218110, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "*usability"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :*usability", "timestamp": 1486218110}} {"Field0": 1486218178, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "sure, it was much better a couple of years ago when a Nim clone was multiple GBs in size."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :sure, it was much better a couple of years ago when a Nim clone was multiple GBs in size.", "timestamp": 1486218178}} {"Field0": 1486218202, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "arnetheduck", "user": "~arnethedu", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":arnetheduck!~arnethedu@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486218202}} {"Field0": 1486218203, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "that had nothing to do with binaries."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :that had nothing to do with binaries.", "timestamp": 1486218203}} {"Field0": 1486218246, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yes it did"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :yes it did", "timestamp": 1486218246}} {"Field0": 1486218256, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "unaffiliated/arrrr", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Leaving."], "origin": "Quit: Leaving.", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@unaffiliated/arrrr QUIT :Quit: Leaving.", "timestamp": 1486218256}} {"Field0": 1486218263, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "the C sources were zipped up and placed in the repo"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :the C sources were zipped up and placed in the repo", "timestamp": 1486218263}} {"Field0": 1486218290, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "then updated periodically, but I guess you will argue that with the binaries you have in mind there will be no updates :)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :then updated periodically, but I guess you will argue that with the binaries you have in mind there will be no updates :)", "timestamp": 1486218290}} {"Field0": 1486218319, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "feel free to set up a separate repo for them"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :feel free to set up a separate repo for them", "timestamp": 1486218319}} {"Field0": 1486218336, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "if uploading them to a server is so hard"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :if uploading them to a server is so hard", "timestamp": 1486218336}} {"Field0": 1486218588, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "no, it's not \"hard\", it's not convenient for anybody. not for me, not for the users of my software."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :no, it's not \"hard\", it's not convenient for anybody. not for me, not for the users of my software.", "timestamp": 1486218588}} {"Field0": 1486218701, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "pretty sure not the zip was placed in the repo, but the generated C sources."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :pretty sure not the zip was placed in the repo, but the generated C sources.", "timestamp": 1486218701}} {"Field0": 1486218738, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "it was a zip, because the C sources caused the diffs to become too huge."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :it was a zip, because the C sources caused the diffs to become too huge.", "timestamp": 1486218738}} {"Field0": 1486218954, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ok, that was a bad idea :P"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :ok, that was a bad idea :P", "timestamp": 1486218954}} {"Field0": 1486218977, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "but I'll add DLLs to ui anyway"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :but I'll add DLLs to ui anyway", "timestamp": 1486218977}} {"Field0": 1486219024, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "please don't"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :please don't", "timestamp": 1486219024}} {"Field0": 1486219317, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Gilga", "user": "~hussam", "host": "84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Gilga!~hussam@84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486219317}} {"Field0": 1486219372, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "why not?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :why not?", "timestamp": 1486219372}} {"Field0": 1486219388, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "think 3MB will become \"gigabytes\" anytime soon?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :think 3MB will become \"gigabytes\" anytime soon?", "timestamp": 1486219388}} {"Field0": 1486219449, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486219449}} {"Field0": 1486219592, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "You don't need it in Git's history. What is so inconvenient about placing it on a server?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :You don't need it in Git's history. What is so inconvenient about placing it on a server?", "timestamp": 1486219592}} {"Field0": 1486219892, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "I build the library for win32, win64, osx, linux 64bit. I don't have \"upload to server\" on all of these machines. I do have \"git push\" though."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :I build the library for win32, win64, osx, linux 64bit. I don't have \"upload to server\" on all of these machines. I do have \"git push\" though.", "timestamp": 1486219892}} {"Field0": 1486219928, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "besides, Nimble doesn't really support external downloads yet either."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :besides, Nimble doesn't really support external downloads yet either.", "timestamp": 1486219928}} {"Field0": 1486219937, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: can you merge https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5338 pls?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: can you merge https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5338 pls?", "timestamp": 1486219937}} {"Field0": 1486219959, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "fine, so at least set up a separate repo for these DLLs"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :fine, so at least set up a separate repo for these DLLs", "timestamp": 1486219959}} {"Field0": 1486219990, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "on the other hand, downloading filezilla onto these machines shouldn't take that much effort"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :on the other hand, downloading filezilla onto these machines shouldn't take that much effort", "timestamp": 1486219990}} {"Field0": 1486220021, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486220021}} {"Field0": 1486220047, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz_", "user": "~bjz", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":bjz_!~bjz@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486220047}} {"Field0": 1486220135, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yglukhov: tests are red :P"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :yglukhov: tests are red :P", "timestamp": 1486220135}} {"Field0": 1486220155, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: thats not me :P"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: thats not me :P", "timestamp": 1486220155}} {"Field0": 1486220268, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "gangstacat", "user": "~Soak", "host": "2a03:8600:1001:1044::1006", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: \u011Cis"], "origin": "Quit: \u011Cis", "raw": ":gangstacat!~Soak@2a03:8600:1001:1044::1006 QUIT :Quit: \u011Cis", "timestamp": 1486220268}} {"Field0": 1486220471, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "so ... how long does it travis to see exitCode == 0 means \"build green\"?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :so ... how long does it travis to see exitCode == 0 means \"build green\"?", "timestamp": 1486220471}} {"Field0": 1486220476, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "*it take"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :*it take", "timestamp": 1486220476}} {"Field0": 1486220489, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Gilga", "user": "~hussam", "host": "84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: WeeChat 1.5"], "origin": "Quit: WeeChat 1.5", "raw": ":Gilga!~hussam@84.92-221-31.customer.lyse.net QUIT :Quit: WeeChat 1.5", "timestamp": 1486220489}} {"Field0": 1486220494, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "dom96: let's say i wanted to use nim to parse a c or c++ source file and find invocations of a special macro. it doesn't have to be a perfect parse, just exclude uses of the macro which are in comments or strings"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :dom96: let's say i wanted to use nim to parse a c or c++ source file and find invocations of a special macro. it doesn't have to be a perfect parse, just exclude uses of the macro which are in comments or strings", "timestamp": 1486220494}} {"Field0": 1486220512, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "is there a parser in a nim library that would be useful for that?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :is there a parser in a nim library that would be useful for that?", "timestamp": 1486220512}} {"Field0": 1486220552, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: an hour per job, as far as im concerned. but the problem is not the timeout, but script error"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: an hour per job, as far as im concerned. but the problem is not the timeout, but script error", "timestamp": 1486220552}} {"Field0": 1486220649, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "nsf", "user": "~nsf", "host": "jiss.convex.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: WeeChat 1.7"], "origin": "Quit: WeeChat 1.7", "raw": ":nsf!~nsf@jiss.convex.ru QUIT :Quit: WeeChat 1.7", "timestamp": 1486220649}} {"Field0": 1486220654, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "dom96", "user": "~dom96", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cncl: don't know of any library, but maybe you could reuse c2nim's parser"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":dom96!~dom96@ PRIVMSG #nim :cncl: don't know of any library, but maybe you could reuse c2nim's parser", "timestamp": 1486220654}} {"Field0": 1486220704, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cncl", "user": "~andrew", "host": "dev.cancel.fm", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "ok, thanks"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cncl!~andrew@dev.cancel.fm PRIVMSG #nim :ok, thanks", "timestamp": 1486220704}} {"Field0": 1486220834, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "c2nim's lexer does the job"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :c2nim's lexer does the job", "timestamp": 1486220834}} {"Field0": 1486220848, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "parser would give you some AST you don't need"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :parser would give you some AST you don't need", "timestamp": 1486220848}} {"Field0": 1486220858, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "gangstacat", "user": "~Soak", "host": "2a03:8600:1001:1013::1010", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":gangstacat!~Soak@2a03:8600:1001:1013::1010 JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486220858}} {"Field0": 1486220936, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486220936}} {"Field0": 1486220971, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486220971}} {"Field0": 1486220973, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486220973}} {"Field0": 1486221004, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "PMunch", "user": "~PMunch", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":PMunch!~PMunch@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486221004}} {"Field0": 1486221221, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486221221}} {"Field0": 1486221689, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486221689}} {"Field0": 1486222577, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "nsf", "user": "~nsf", "host": "jiss.convex.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":nsf!~nsf@jiss.convex.ru JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486222577}} {"Field0": 1486222885, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486222885}} {"Field0": 1486222921, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486222921}} {"Field0": 1486223169, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 245 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 245 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 245 seconds", "timestamp": 1486223169}} {"Field0": 1486223248, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486223248}} {"Field0": 1486223477, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486223477}} {"Field0": 1486223510, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486223510}} {"Field0": 1486223799, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 256 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds", "timestamp": 1486223799}} {"Field0": 1486224233, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "3 hours ago travis made some PR to issue dom96 posted yesterday, so maybe its time to check commit?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :3 hours ago travis made some PR to issue dom96 posted yesterday, so maybe its time to check commit?", "timestamp": 1486224233}} {"Field0": 1486224900, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: turns out align pragma is not even implemented. want to guide me through the process? i already enabled it in pragmas.nim for types and vars. not sure which part of codegen to poke now."], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: turns out align pragma is not even implemented. want to guide me through the process? i already enabled it in pragmas.nim for types and vars. not sure which part of codegen to poke now.", "timestamp": 1486224900}} {"Field0": 1486225153, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486225153}} {"Field0": 1486225495, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "stisa", "user": "~stisa", "host": "net-2-35-212-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": [""], "origin": "", "raw": ":stisa!~stisa@net-2-35-212-17.cust.vodafonedsl.it QUIT :", "timestamp": 1486225495}} {"Field0": 1486225667, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486225667}} {"Field0": 1486225701, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486225701}} {"Field0": 1486225769, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "stisa[m]", "user": "stisamatri", "host": "gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-razistbxgljradoi", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":stisa[m]!stisamatri@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-razistbxgljradoi JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486225769}} {"Field0": 1486225992, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "rokups: ccgtypes.nim I guess "], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :rokups: ccgtypes.nim I guess ", "timestamp": 1486225992}} {"Field0": 1486226001, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 252 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "timestamp": 1486226001}} {"Field0": 1486226111, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: yup, found the spot. thing is computeSizeAux() in types.nim overwrites alignment set by pragma. as temp measure i added check against default alignment of 2 but its wrong. besides compiler already uses that typ.align field though i dont quite grasp for what purpose exactly. maybe its different thing and that field is not a thing align pragma should"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: yup, found the spot. thing is computeSizeAux() in types.nim overwrites alignment set by pragma. as temp measure i added check against default alignment of 2 but its wrong. besides compiler already uses that typ.align field though i dont quite grasp for what purpose exactly. maybe its different thing and that field is not a thing align pragma should", "timestamp": 1486226111}} {"Field0": 1486226111, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "even set?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :even set?", "timestamp": 1486226111}} {"Field0": 1486226231, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "nsf", "user": "~nsf", "host": "jiss.convex.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: WeeChat 1.7"], "origin": "Quit: WeeChat 1.7", "raw": ":nsf!~nsf@jiss.convex.ru QUIT :Quit: WeeChat 1.7", "timestamp": 1486226231}} {"Field0": 1486226287, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "planhths", "user": "~manjaro-k", "host": "ppp005055242141.access.hol.gr", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Konversation terminated!"], "origin": "Quit: Konversation terminated!", "raw": ":planhths!~manjaro-k@ppp005055242141.access.hol.gr QUIT :Quit: Konversation terminated!", "timestamp": 1486226287}} {"Field0": 1486226706, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "well align should default to 0 and computeSizeAux touches it if it's 0"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :well align should default to 0 and computeSizeAux touches it if it's 0", "timestamp": 1486226706}} {"Field0": 1486227006, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "vlad1777d", "user": "~vlad", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":vlad1777d!~vlad@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486227006}} {"Field0": 1486227125, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq: ill try to implement that then. but when im done compiler would automatically insert custom alignment for structs all over the place because computeSizeAux() would set alignment. is this what should be happening?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :Araq: ill try to implement that then. but when im done compiler would automatically insert custom alignment for structs all over the place because computeSizeAux() would set alignment. is this what should be happening?", "timestamp": 1486227125}} {"Field0": 1486227129, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "vlad1777d", "user": "~vlad", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":vlad1777d!~vlad@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486227129}} {"Field0": 1486227160, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "irrequietus", "user": "~irqus", "host": "unaffiliated/irrequietus", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":irrequietus!~irqus@unaffiliated/irrequietus QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486227160}} {"Field0": 1486227366, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026"], "origin": "Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "timestamp": 1486227366}} {"Field0": 1486227409, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yeah, won't cause problems"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :yeah, won't cause problems", "timestamp": 1486227409}} {"Field0": 1486227417, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "we don't use align for code generation"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :we don't use align for code generation", "timestamp": 1486227417}} {"Field0": 1486227423, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486227423}} {"Field0": 1486227427, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "what is it used for?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :what is it used for?", "timestamp": 1486227427}} {"Field0": 1486227437, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "nothing"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :nothing", "timestamp": 1486227437}} {"Field0": 1486227458, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "for \"correct\" sizeof computations"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :for \"correct\" sizeof computations", "timestamp": 1486227458}} {"Field0": 1486227474, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "that I never got right and so 'sizeof' is not available at compiletime for complex types"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :that I never got right and so 'sizeof' is not available at compiletime for complex types", "timestamp": 1486227474}} {"Field0": 1486227496, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "i see"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :i see", "timestamp": 1486227496}} {"Field0": 1486227597, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "irrequietus", "user": "~irqus", "host": "unaffiliated/irrequietus", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":irrequietus!~irqus@unaffiliated/irrequietus JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486227597}} {"Field0": 1486228284, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "actually as i understand currently setting packing on some struct will set it for all following structs as well. scary. luckily we can fix that with using __declspec(align(1)) instead of #pragma pack(1) ;)"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz PRIVMSG #nim :actually as i understand currently setting packing on some struct will set it for all following structs as well. scary. luckily we can fix that with using __declspec(align(1)) instead of #pragma pack(1) ;)", "timestamp": 1486228284}} {"Field0": 1486228509, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Varriount|Mobile", "user": "~Varriount", "host": "pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 252 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "raw": ":Varriount|Mobile!~Varriount@pool-96-241-74-59.washdc.fios.verizon.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "timestamp": 1486228509}} {"Field0": 1486228666, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486228666}} {"Field0": 1486228701, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486228701}} {"Field0": 1486228773, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Jesin", "user": "~Jesin", "host": "pool-72-83-231-252.washdc.fios.verizon.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 252 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "raw": ":Jesin!~Jesin@pool-72-83-231-252.washdc.fios.verizon.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "timestamp": 1486228773}} {"Field0": 1486228796, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486228796}} {"Field0": 1486228811, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486228811}} {"Field0": 1486228977, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Jesin", "user": "~Jesin", "host": "pool-72-83-231-252.washdc.fios.verizon.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Jesin!~Jesin@pool-72-83-231-252.washdc.fios.verizon.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486228977}} {"Field0": 1486229491, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: carterza"], "origin": "Quit: carterza", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net QUIT :Quit: carterza", "timestamp": 1486229491}} {"Field0": 1486230892, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486230892}} {"Field0": 1486230892, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Changing host"], "origin": "Changing host", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@ QUIT :Changing host", "timestamp": 1486230892}} {"Field0": 1486230892, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "unaffiliated/arrrr", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@unaffiliated/arrrr JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486230892}} {"Field0": 1486233135, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "arnetheduck", "user": "~arnethedu", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":arnetheduck!~arnethedu@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486233135}} {"Field0": 1486233229, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486233229}} {"Field0": 1486233263, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486233263}} {"Field0": 1486233496, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486233496}} {"Field0": 1486233513, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486233513}} {"Field0": 1486233610, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486233610}} {"Field0": 1486233644, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486233644}} {"Field0": 1486233889, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486233889}} {"Field0": 1486233905, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "rokups, this is bug"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :rokups, this is bug", "timestamp": 1486233905}} {"Field0": 1486233915, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "it needs to be fixed"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :it needs to be fixed", "timestamp": 1486233915}} {"Field0": 1486233970, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "couven92", "user": "~fredrik92", "host": "thnetii.td.org.uit.no", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Client disconnecting"], "origin": "Quit: Client disconnecting", "raw": ":couven92!~fredrik92@thnetii.td.org.uit.no QUIT :Quit: Client disconnecting", "timestamp": 1486233970}} {"Field0": 1486233981, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "rokups, and this packing mostly used to crafting network packets"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :rokups, and this packing mostly used to crafting network packets", "timestamp": 1486233981}} {"Field0": 1486233988, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "because they don't need to be aligned in memory"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :because they don't need to be aligned in memory", "timestamp": 1486233988}} {"Field0": 1486234429, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4763"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4763", "timestamp": 1486234429}} {"Field0": 1486234845, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "themagician", "user": "themagicia", "host": "91-158-157-68.elisa-laajakaista.fi", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":themagician!themagicia@91-158-157-68.elisa-laajakaista.fi JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486234845}} {"Field0": 1486235156, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486235156}} {"Field0": 1486235317, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "byte512", "user": "~user", "host": "h37n2-um-a32.ias.bredband.telia.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":byte512!~user@h37n2-um-a32.ias.bredband.telia.com QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486235317}} {"Field0": 1486235499, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "couven92", "user": "~fredrik92", "host": "cECCE00C3.dhcp.as2116.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":couven92!~fredrik92@cECCE00C3.dhcp.as2116.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486235499}} {"Field0": 1486236950, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486236950}} {"Field0": 1486237379, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Jesin", "user": "~Jesin", "host": "pool-72-83-231-252.washdc.fios.verizon.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Leaving"], "origin": "Quit: Leaving", "raw": ":Jesin!~Jesin@pool-72-83-231-252.washdc.fios.verizon.net QUIT :Quit: Leaving", "timestamp": 1486237379}} {"Field0": 1486237493, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Jesin", "user": "~Jesin", "host": "pool-72-83-231-252.washdc.fios.verizon.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Jesin!~Jesin@pool-72-83-231-252.washdc.fios.verizon.net JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486237493}} {"Field0": 1486238244, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "vitalyx", "user": "~textual", "host": "g193203.upc-g.chello.nl", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":vitalyx!~textual@g193203.upc-g.chello.nl JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486238244}} {"Field0": 1486238570, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "unlaudable", "user": "~bleurgh", "host": "169-0-102-78.ip.afrihost.co.za", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":unlaudable!~bleurgh@169-0-102-78.ip.afrihost.co.za JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486238570}} {"Field0": 1486239096, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "unlaudable", "user": "~bleurgh", "host": "169-0-102-78.ip.afrihost.co.za", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":unlaudable!~bleurgh@169-0-102-78.ip.afrihost.co.za QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486239096}} {"Field0": 1486239476, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "unaffiliated/arrrr", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Leaving."], "origin": "Quit: Leaving.", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@unaffiliated/arrrr QUIT :Quit: Leaving.", "timestamp": 1486239476}} {"Field0": 1486239671, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "unlaudable", "user": "~bleurgh", "host": "169-0-126-113.ip.afrihost.co.za", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":unlaudable!~bleurgh@169-0-126-113.ip.afrihost.co.za JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486239671}} {"Field0": 1486239672, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "also used to map memory without having to build out constructors :P"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :also used to map memory without having to build out constructors :P", "timestamp": 1486239672}} {"Field0": 1486239727, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "rokups", "user": "uid197268", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Connection closed for inactivity"], "origin": "Quit: Connection closed for inactivity", "raw": ":rokups!uid197268@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jctngaxvxntbxxyz QUIT :Quit: Connection closed for inactivity", "timestamp": 1486239727}} {"Field0": 1486240601, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "unlaudable", "user": "~bleurgh", "host": "169-0-126-113.ip.afrihost.co.za", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 255 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "raw": ":unlaudable!~bleurgh@169-0-126-113.ip.afrihost.co.za QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds", "timestamp": 1486240601}} {"Field0": 1486240970, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "vitalyx", "user": "~textual", "host": "g193203.upc-g.chello.nl", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: vitalyx"], "origin": "Quit: vitalyx", "raw": ":vitalyx!~textual@g193203.upc-g.chello.nl QUIT :Quit: vitalyx", "timestamp": 1486240970}} {"Field0": 1486241112, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "omg, travis still has this bug"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :omg, travis still has this bug", "timestamp": 1486241112}} {"Field0": 1486241737, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486241737}} {"Field0": 1486241753, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "yup, maybe we should make our build less verbose"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :yup, maybe we should make our build less verbose", "timestamp": 1486241753}} {"Field0": 1486241771, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "maybe it's just the fact that's longer than 1000 lines"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :maybe it's just the fact that's longer than 1000 lines", "timestamp": 1486241771}} {"Field0": 1486242002, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "I think we need to remove this `Copying` lines"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :I think we need to remove this `Copying` lines", "timestamp": 1486242002}} {"Field0": 1486242020, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "but i dont hink it helps us with travis bug"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :but i dont hink it helps us with travis bug", "timestamp": 1486242020}} {"Field0": 1486242025, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "think*"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :think*", "timestamp": 1486242025}} {"Field0": 1486243127, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "nsf", "user": "~nsf", "host": "jiss.convex.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":nsf!~nsf@jiss.convex.ru JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486243127}} {"Field0": 1486243157, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "unaffiliated/arrrr", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@unaffiliated/arrrr JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486243157}} {"Field0": 1486243283, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486243283}} {"Field0": 1486243318, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486243318}} {"Field0": 1486243328, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486243328}} {"Field0": 1486243343, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486243343}} {"Field0": 1486243470, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "Ven", "user": "~textual", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Ven!~textual@ JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486243470}} {"Field0": 1486244510, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "heh, i'm disappointed `micro` don't show me any colors for some reason"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :heh, i'm disappointed `micro` don't show me any colors for some reason", "timestamp": 1486244510}} {"Field0": 1486244584, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Ven", "user": "~textual", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Read error: Connection reset by peer"], "origin": "Read error: Connection reset by peer", "raw": ":Ven!~textual@ QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer", "timestamp": 1486244584}} {"Field0": 1486244607, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cheatfate: ? you may need a theme set?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :cheatfate: ? you may need a theme set?", "timestamp": 1486244607}} {"Field0": 1486244665, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "set colorscheme xxx (monokai, solarized) doesn't help"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :set colorscheme xxx (monokai, solarized) doesn't help", "timestamp": 1486244665}} {"Field0": 1486244678, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "looks like problem with my putty client and some terminal strings"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :looks like problem with my putty client and some terminal strings", "timestamp": 1486244678}} {"Field0": 1486244895, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "demi-, is it possible to run micro in some kind of debug mode?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :demi-, is it possible to run micro in some kind of debug mode?", "timestamp": 1486244895}} {"Field0": 1486244918, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "because everything is works but in pure white color"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :because everything is works but in pure white color", "timestamp": 1486244918}} {"Field0": 1486244964, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "not that i'm aware of -- yeah it is highly dependent on terminal settings and env"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :not that i'm aware of -- yeah it is highly dependent on terminal settings and env", "timestamp": 1486244964}} {"Field0": 1486245276, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "annoying `set colorscheme monokai` shows only colored comments "], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :annoying `set colorscheme monokai` shows only colored comments ", "timestamp": 1486245276}} {"Field0": 1486245287, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "`set colorscheme simple` everything is white"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :`set colorscheme simple` everything is white", "timestamp": 1486245287}} {"Field0": 1486245292, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "demi-", "user": "blackmage", "host": "pewpewthespells.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "what is your TERM set to?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":demi-!blackmage@pewpewthespells.com PRIVMSG #nim :what is your TERM set to?", "timestamp": 1486245292}} {"Field0": 1486245504, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 252 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94 QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds", "timestamp": 1486245504}} {"Field0": 1486246281, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "def-pri-pub", "user": "~ben", "host": "unaffiliated/def-pri-pub", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":def-pri-pub!~ben@unaffiliated/def-pri-pub JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486246281}} {"Field0": 1486247072, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "libmanCloud", "user": "uid211250", "host": "gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xnttczfernldtwav", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":libmanCloud!uid211250@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-xnttczfernldtwav JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486247072}} {"Field0": 1486247121, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "chemist69", "user": "~apl", "host": "2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":chemist69!~apl@2a02:560:4197:4d00:e4ed:464b:9e1e:e94 JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486247121}} {"Field0": 1486247443, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026"], "origin": "Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "timestamp": 1486247443}} {"Field0": 1486248133, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486248133}} {"Field0": 1486248193, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cheatfate: I'm considering moving to a different CI host"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :cheatfate: I'm considering moving to a different CI host", "timestamp": 1486248193}} {"Field0": 1486248209, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "cheatfate", "user": "~cheatfate", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "Araq, how?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":cheatfate!~cheatfate@ PRIVMSG #nim :Araq, how?", "timestamp": 1486248209}} {"Field0": 1486248380, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "well travis is not the only website that can run a yml file with github integration"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :well travis is not the only website that can run a yml file with github integration", "timestamp": 1486248380}} {"Field0": 1486248598, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "Araq", "user": "~Araq", "host": "nim-lang.org", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "but good night"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":Araq!~Araq@nim-lang.org PRIVMSG #nim :but good night", "timestamp": 1486248598}} {"Field0": 1486248838, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Vladar", "user": "~Vladar", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Leaving"], "origin": "Quit: Leaving", "raw": ":Vladar!~Vladar@ QUIT :Quit: Leaving", "timestamp": 1486248838}} {"Field0": 1486249824, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Snircle", "user": "~textual", "host": "2600:8801:c404:7900:c5e3:7e0c:5ff:bbb4", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com"], "origin": "Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com", "raw": ":Snircle!~textual@2600:8801:c404:7900:c5e3:7e0c:5ff:bbb4 QUIT :Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com", "timestamp": 1486249824}} {"Field0": 1486249855, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "gitlab CI is nice"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :gitlab CI is nice", "timestamp": 1486249855}} {"Field0": 1486250035, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "yglukhov", "user": "~yglukhov", "host": "", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Remote host closed the connection"], "origin": "Remote host closed the connection", "raw": ":yglukhov!~yglukhov@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection", "timestamp": 1486250035}} {"Field0": 1486250626, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "Arrrr", "user": "~Arrrr", "host": "unaffiliated/arrrr", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: Leaving."], "origin": "Quit: Leaving.", "raw": ":Arrrr!~Arrrr@unaffiliated/arrrr QUIT :Quit: Leaving.", "timestamp": 1486250626}} {"Field0": 1486250866, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "nsf", "user": "~nsf", "host": "jiss.convex.ru", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: WeeChat 1.7"], "origin": "Quit: WeeChat 1.7", "raw": ":nsf!~nsf@jiss.convex.ru QUIT :Quit: WeeChat 1.7", "timestamp": 1486250866}} {"Field0": 1486250882, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "could someone help me understand how to call this proc"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :could someone help me understand how to call this proc", "timestamp": 1486250882}} {"Field0": 1486250893, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "proc nvgTextBounds*(ctx: NVGcontextPtr; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; string: cstring; "], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :proc nvgTextBounds*(ctx: NVGcontextPtr; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; string: cstring; ", "timestamp": 1486250893}} {"Field0": 1486250893, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", " `end`: cstring; bounds: ptr cfloat): cfloat {.nvg.}"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim : `end`: cstring; bounds: ptr cfloat): cfloat {.nvg.}", "timestamp": 1486250893}} {"Field0": 1486250927, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "what do I provide for the bounds argument"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :what do I provide for the bounds argument", "timestamp": 1486250927}} {"Field0": 1486250948, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "it wants an array of four elements"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :it wants an array of four elements", "timestamp": 1486250948}} {"Field0": 1486250955, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "carterza", "user": "~zachcarte", "host": "c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "or that is what the method is supposed to fill"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":carterza!~zachcarte@c-73-152-49-142.hsd1.va.comcast.net PRIVMSG #nim :or that is what the method is supposed to fill", "timestamp": 1486250955}} {"Field0": 1486251772, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "bjz", "user": "~bjz", "host": "14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026"], "origin": "Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "raw": ":bjz!~bjz@14-201-215-168.tpgi.com.au QUIT :Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz\u2026", "timestamp": 1486251772}} {"Field0": 1486252177, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "pleiosaur", "user": "~ben", "host": "li100-7.members.linode.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Ping timeout: 240 seconds"], "origin": "Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "raw": ":pleiosaur!~ben@li100-7.members.linode.com QUIT :Ping timeout: 240 seconds", "timestamp": 1486252177}} {"Field0": 1486252224, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MPrivMsg", "nick": "def-pri-pub", "user": "~ben", "host": "unaffiliated/def-pri-pub", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim", "cartersa: can you give me a link to the original NanoVG docs?"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":def-pri-pub!~ben@unaffiliated/def-pri-pub PRIVMSG #nim :cartersa: can you give me a link to the original NanoVG docs?", "timestamp": 1486252224}} {"Field0": 1486252225, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MJoin", "nick": "pleiosaur", "user": "~ben", "host": "li100-7.members.linode.com", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["#nim"], "origin": "#nim", "raw": ":pleiosaur!~ben@li100-7.members.linode.com JOIN #nim", "timestamp": 1486252225}} {"Field0": 1486252442, "Field1": {"typ": "EvMsg", "cmd": "MQuit", "nick": "couven92", "user": "~fredrik92", "host": "cECCE00C3.dhcp.as2116.net", "servername": "", "numeric": null, "params": ["Read error: Connection reset by peer"], "origin": "Read error: Connection reset by peer", "raw": ":couven92!~fredrik92@cECCE00C3.dhcp.as2116.net QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer", "timestamp": 1486252442}}