<< 04-06-2017 >>

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03:23:34ftsfhmm can I somehow pass a type to a generic function when calling it if none of the arguments are of that type?
03:24:09ftsfeg addData[float32](bytebuffer, 10) addData[uint8](bytebuffer, 10)
03:25:51ftsfi could just make separate procs for each type, but this seems like the thing generics are made for
03:26:19ftsfmaybe i need to use a template
03:28:27ftsfproc storeData*[T](self: var Vao, size: GLint, data: pointer, elements: int) = storeData[float32](vao, 3, inPosition, numVertexes) expression 'storeData[float32](vao, 3, inPosition, numVertexes)' cannot be called
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08:05:44FromGitter<Varriount> ftsf: yes, just pass the type in the generic argument list
08:07:06ftsfhmm i thought that's what I did with storeData[float32](...)
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08:07:23ftsfmaybe it cannot be called for some other reason
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09:04:32FromGitter<StefanSalewski> /quit
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12:43:23yglukhovAraq: hi, I'm trying to fix https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4384 . Could you please help me understand a couple of things?
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14:00:45FromGitter<evacchi> question about closures: it looks like the context they close over is gc'd, is this correct ?
14:02:02FromGitter<evacchi> I'm creating "curried" functions to represent an actor body... in other words I have a function `proc(parent: ptr Actor)` which returns a `proc(message: Message)` which is the message handler
14:02:34FromGitter<evacchi> then my code iterates over all the "actors" that have been created; it looks like at some point `parent` becomes nil
14:03:09FromGitter<evacchi> (actually, it's even a bit more complicated: `proc(parent: ptr Actor)` -> `proc(self: ptr Actor)` -> `proc(message: Message)`
14:03:52FromGitter<evacchi> (also, this is pseudo code, as I have `Actor[A]` and `Message` is generic `A`, but you get the problem)
14:04:47FromGitter<evacchi> this is currently single-threaded, the dispatcher just iterates over an Array of actor ptrs, which is pre-allocated (this is because I wanted precisely to debug this issue); even the actor mailboxes are pre-allocated Arrays
14:05:38FromGitter<evacchi> in other words, I'm using closures to persist actor states, but it seems like at some point the context I'm closing over is GC'd, so it is unreliable
14:07:28FromGitter<evacchi> in fact, the problem goes away if I use boehm
14:08:48FromGitter<evacchi> (in this context, actors are just shared ptrs to structs wrapping an array -- the mailbox)
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14:19:34FromGitter<evacchi> and it seems to fail more consistently with --threads:on
14:19:37FromGitter<evacchi> weird
14:21:34FromGitter<evacchi> here's an example https://gist.github.com/evacchi/aff9d3be19a695c2798f7ba5d4a26d6c
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14:56:42FromGitter<Varriount> @evacchi Yes, closures have a garbage collected state.
14:57:19FromGitter<evacchi> @Varriount ok, so that's never going to work :-P
14:57:29FromGitter<Varriount> Use the reference incrementing function to prevent them from being collected
14:58:54FromGitter<evacchi> you mean GC_ref[T] ? but that takes a `ref`
14:59:20FromGitter<evacchi> do I have to get somehow a ref to the closure state ?
14:59:33FromGitter<Varriount> Hm, good question
15:00:59FromGitter<Varriount> @evacchi try casting the result of https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#rawProc,T to a reference
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15:02:07FromGitter<Varriount> Sorry, I meant the rawEnv procedure
15:03:38FromGitter<evacchi> uhm... cast to a ref to what ? I can't seem to be able to just cast[ref]
15:04:00FromGitter<evacchi> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=593421606549436c7d15c0ef]
15:04:08FromGitter<Varriount> RootRef
15:04:13FromGitter<evacchi> this gives `n.nim(49, 24) Error: type mismatch: got (pointer) but expected 'int'`
15:04:29FromGitter<evacchi> ok
15:05:02FromGitter<evacchi> ICan'tBelieveItWorked™
15:05:10FromGitter<evacchi> :D
15:05:47FromGitter<Varriount> If this doesn't work out, I'd suggest just storing the closure in a reference type, and incrementing that
15:06:06FromGitter<Varriount> That's site to work, but means more bookkeeping
15:08:25FromGitter<evacchi> cool
15:10:08FromGitter<Varriount> There's a gc assert symbol that you can define, but I can't remember it offhand...
15:14:51FromGitter<evacchi> @Varriount what would that do?
15:16:02FromGitter<Varriount> Make sure that the gc incrementing is valid
15:16:29FromGitter<evacchi> huh
15:27:24FromGitter<Varriount> @evacchi What I would do is look at what the C code does to increment a reference to a closure, and see if you can produce Nim code that does the equivalent
15:27:44FromGitter<evacchi> right
15:28:44FromGitter<Varriount> *generated C code
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16:59:09FromGitter<Varriount> @evacchi Looking at the code, it appears that retrieving the closure environment, casting it to a RootRef, and then incrementing the reference count via gc_Ref should work.
16:59:45FromGitter<Varriount> That's what the assignment procedure does when assigning a closure.
17:00:06FromGitter<Varriount> You just need to be careful to decrement the reference count when you're done with the closure.
17:01:36FromGitter<Varriount> @araq: "Refcounting + Mark&Sweep. Complex algorithms avoided. Been there, done that, didn't work."
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17:44:57FromGitter<evacchi> thanks @Varriount that was really helpful!
18:00:51FromGitter<evacchi> so, in my code a shared ptr is holding a closure, so, since I'm managing the ptr myself I'm expected to +1 the ref count to the "behavior" closure. I guess it makes sense, right?
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18:32:32shmuphm ftsf NicoController isn't picking up anything except arrows. i.e. not A B or X and also pressing shift results in: SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?
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18:33:47demi-dom96: the memory leaks in jester seem to be getting worse :(
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19:16:16dom96demi-: Not sure I can do much about it without something that reproduces the issue.
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20:26:03shmupnvm ftsf
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21:01:07stefantalpalaruHi. I'm having trouble with ALE - a vim linting plugin that makes a /tmp copy of the edited buffer before checking it with "nim check --path:/original/path --threads:on --verbosity:0 --colors:off --listFullPaths /tmp/[...]/file.nim". How do I set the project dir so the proper config file can be loaded and the proper additional paths be set from it? It would be nice to also cover files in subdirectories (i.e.
21:01:07stefantalpalarusrc/* tests/*).
21:01:46stefantalpalarurelevant vimscript file: https://github.com/w0rp/ale/blob/master/ale_linters/nim/nimcheck.vim
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21:06:41dom96stefantalpalaru: You can't, the vim plugin should copy the config file from your project.
21:06:45dom96(to /tmp I guess)
21:07:53stefantalpalaruit can't really guess what's my project dir when I edit foo/bar/tests/test1.nim
21:09:23PMunchHmm, the stream.write procedure. Does it write with any specific byte order?
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21:11:41FromGitter<ephja> no
21:13:01PMunchSo no specific order?
21:14:24FromGitter<ephja> PMunch: that's right. there are no endian-aware streams atm
21:15:45FromGitter<ephja> so, either implement one or convert to the expected endian first
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21:17:38PMunchWell, the problem would be to get the expected endianness
21:18:09FromGitter<ephja> PMunch: see the endians module
21:18:49FromGitter<ephja> I said I was going to look at this but of course I didn't. unexpected, wasn't it
21:18:50PMunchBut the reader accepts and converts the endian-ness. So it should be fine whichever it uses
21:19:18FromGitter<ephja> I'll let you know if I create a PR
21:19:36FromGitter<ephja> alright, let's see. step 1: high level endians procs
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22:26:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> Sorry i was camping all weekend
22:27:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> Zetashift: ill have a look at the assimp errors
22:27:44stefantalpalaruALE problem solved by checking the original file (only on save, instead of on buffer change as before). Patch sent upstream: https://github.com/w0rp/ale/pull/620
22:32:01FromGitter<zetashift> @zacharycarter yoo, wb hope you enjoyed your trip. I fixed the asssimp one but I still get the type mismatch error
22:32:20FromGitter<zetashift> this one: https://pastebin.com/D4ZAHHcs
22:32:52FromGitter<zetashift> running the 00-hello world example
22:33:04FromGitter<zacharycarter> Okay cool and thank you. Unpacking now will have a look shortly
22:33:51FromGitter<zetashift> take your time! I'm in no rush
22:34:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> Thank you ☺
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