<< 04-10-2016 >>

00:02:43*derka quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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00:24:55FromGitter<girvo> Question: can `sh build.sh` be executed in a "quiet" mode?
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00:44:43PMunchdom96, added a pull request for my SDL2 game library: github.com/nim-lang/packages/pull/416
00:45:10PMunchI will send another for my pool implementation probably tomorrow
00:45:17*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
00:46:01LindsayLojbancompetition :3
00:51:00kulelu88LindsayLojban: does your new username have anything to do with Lindsay Lohan?
00:51:51*libman left #nim (#nim)
00:52:24*fredrik92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
01:01:29*ftsf_ quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
01:01:52LindsayLojbankulelu88: yeah its a pun on her name
01:02:08kulelu88what does Lojban mean?
01:02:34FromGitter<girvo> IIRC its a constructed language?
01:06:05LindsayLojbanMost natural languages are based on "predicate logic" but have evolved syntaxes for representing that logic.
01:06:24LindsayLojbanLojban is a constructed language based on the same logic as natural languages like english, but with the minimal syntax
01:06:37LindsayLojbanIts a lot like calling functions in a programming language
01:06:45LindsayLojbanverbs/predicates take N arguments
01:06:51LindsayLojbanx1 VERB x2 x3 x4 ..
01:07:07LindsayLojbandunda: x1 gives gift x2 to recipient x3
01:07:11LindsayLojbanmi dunda ti do
01:07:15LindsayLojbanI give this to you
01:07:54FromGitter<girvo> Neat!
01:11:14*mitai quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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08:19:57cheatfateAraq_, is it possible with macros create c like `for`?
08:21:28Araq_yeah, but inline iterators and Nim's for is superior.
08:23:47cheatfateAraq_, yeah i know but, sometimes when you adopting C code to nim, you got constructions like this `for (cps = c + 2*len, ap = a + len; ap-- > a; cps--) {`
08:24:28Araq_the only problem is ap -- > a here
08:25:06Araq_template postdec(ap): untyped = let x = ap; dec(ap); x
08:25:36cheatfatenot usual construction even for me, but i just want to have simple c like for construction
08:27:09Araq_I would run c2nim over it
08:29:09Araq_and perhaps patch c2nim to use my postdec template
08:29:27Araq_iirc c2nim doesn't do the right thing with ap-- > a
08:40:33FromGitter<moigagoo> @dom96 I've fixed the scoop installer by downloading the DLLs, unpacking them into bin, then copying dist/nimble/src/nimblepkg to bin as well. Basically, I just looked at the old version and recreated the layout. Works well so far.
08:54:33*fredrik92 quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
08:54:43FromGitter<dom96> @moigagoo what about nimscriptapi.nim?
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09:17:46FromGitter<coffeepots> I'm a bit late but congratulations on 0.15, and very nice changes to the docs with sorting and searching :)
09:30:05*bjz quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
09:30:36FromGitter<moigagoo> @dom96 It's now found since it's sitting in a directory next to nimble.exe.
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09:44:12FromGitter<dom96> why wasn't it sitting there initially?
09:47:40*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
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11:33:31krux02If I remember correctly there was a statement that allowed me to explicitly emit spcific C code, I can't find that in the documentation
11:33:48krux02was it called emit?
11:34:22hohlerdekrux02: yes
11:35:47hohlerdekrux02: http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#implementation-specific-pragmas-emit-pragma
11:36:01krux02thanks I was looking for that
11:36:40krux02I didn't find it and was scared for a minute that it was removed with the new version, but false alarm. Thanks
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12:07:56FromGitter<moigagoo> @dom96 No idea. I downloaded and unpacked the official installer with 7zip, and there're just 3 files in bin: nim.exe, nimble.exe, and nimsuggest.exe. Whereas for 0.14.2 bin contained nimblepkg and DLLs.
12:09:04FromGitter<moigagoo> So, I'm just adding the DLLs and nimblepkg in the post-install routine to restore the 0.14.2-like layout.
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14:09:58PMunchdom96, did you see the changes I did to the pull request?
14:10:43PMunchFor some reason Vim was using tabs and not spaces
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14:31:17FromGitter<dom96> merged
14:31:23FromGitter<dom96> btw, next time please just put it at the bottom
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14:56:27krux02is there an #ifdef alternative?
14:56:35krux02something like when defined?
14:58:44krux02sorry parenetly it is "when defined"
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20:24:31filcucgiven a nims with a task how can i execute it?
20:25:21dom96nim <task_name>
20:26:04filcucdom96: thank you, i searched through the documentation but didn't find anything that explain it
20:26:17dom96np :)
20:28:36filcucbtw with nimble i don't have to specify "nim c filename.nim"
20:28:47filcucwhat is the equivalent with nims?
20:40:12dom96what do you mean you don't have to specify that?
20:40:20dom96nimble supports nimscript tasks too
20:40:26dom96but they are defined in the .nimble file
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20:52:58filcucdom96: i mean that with nimble i simply type "nimble build" but i did not have to write "nim c main.nim"
20:53:33filcucdom96: instead with nims i've to create a task and write the "exec("nim c main.nim")"
20:55:53dom96You can write exec("nimble build") too IIRC
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