<< 04-10-2024 >>

00:00:12*albe quit (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
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04:05:17FromDiscord<__nycto__> I know I can pass around iterators by flagging them with the `{.closure.}` pragma, but that incurs a memory allocation that I want to see if I can avoid. Is it possible to return a _pointer_ to an iterator?
04:07:55FromDiscord<odexine> iterators require keeping state when reified, so a closure would be made regardless
04:09:00FromDiscord<__nycto__> Totally. But my goal is to put it on the stack instead of the heap
04:09:57FromDiscord<odexine> what would a "pointer to an iterator" be then exactly
04:10:04FromDiscord<odexine> (i dont understand)
04:11:02FromDiscord<__nycto__> I'm differentiating between the implementation of the iterator, versus the data needed to hold the state of the iterator
04:11:57FromDiscord<__nycto__> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=qVETlwIT
04:12:36FromDiscord<__nycto__> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=uJtojCDB
04:12:39FromDiscord<odexine> i dont think nim can do that for you, all i can think of is doing it manually with procs and your own state objects
04:13:17FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @__nycto__ "So I would love": ah if you want to do that maybe doing it on CT would work?
04:18:50FromDiscord<__nycto__> CT?
04:22:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Compile time I assume
04:23:46FromDiscord<__nycto__> Ah
04:25:06FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=PhCpTRpX
04:25:25FromDiscord<__nycto__> Not in this case. I'm doing a form of dependency injection
04:28:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=jErUyeLA
04:28:05FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Is another choice
04:28:13FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Not ideal but it works
04:28:40FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Easier to bite the bullet and use closures though sadly
04:54:26FromDiscord<__nycto__> Yup. I had implemented my own version of re-entrancy, but it wound up being slower than using Nim's closure iterators.
06:13:52*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
06:17:27*Lord_Nightmare quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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06:59:27FromDiscord<madonuko> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=eYQMwmvu
06:59:43*attah joined #nim
07:00:03FromDiscord<madonuko> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=fOSpvSUV
07:56:14*ntat joined #nim
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10:56:59FromDiscord<pmunch> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=nUkFRfSR
10:57:13FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @pmunch "Uhm, that's not how": ?
10:57:39FromDiscord<pmunch> It is trying to install a package named `/builddir/build/BUILD/choosenim-0.8.9-build/nim-2.2.0/bin` in your snippet
10:57:59FromDiscord<pmunch> Try `--path=/builddir/build/BUILD/choosenim-0.8.9-build/nim-2.2.0/bin` instead
10:58:22FromDiscord<madonuko> uhh… so there's basically no difference other than the `=` part?
11:03:50FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @pmunch "Try `--path=/builddir/build/BUILD/choosenim-0.8.9-b": yeah that gives the exact same error
11:13:34FromDiscord<pmunch> Hmm
11:13:56FromDiscord<pmunch> Oh wait
11:14:13FromDiscord<pmunch> What are you trying to achieve with that `--path` argument?
11:14:49FromDiscord<madonuko> let's just say uhh I don't know I just copied the entire thing from choosenim's gh CI
11:14:58FromDiscord<pmunch> Right
11:15:09FromDiscord<madonuko> well I tried it without the `--path` argument and it gives the same error
11:15:11FromDiscord<pmunch> Okay, so what are you trying to do with the entire command?
11:15:35FromDiscord<madonuko> if I understand this correctly, this command install all nimble build dependencies
11:15:37FromDiscord<pmunch> Without the `--path` argument gave the same error? I find that hard to believe..
11:15:39FromDiscord<madonuko> (edit) "install" => "installs"
11:16:09FromDiscord<pmunch> Okay, then unfortunately you don't understand things correctly
11:16:15FromDiscord<madonuko> https://github.com/nim-lang/choosenim/blob/master/.github/workflows/release_build.yml#L37-L38
11:16:41FromDiscord<madonuko> I tried both with and without `--path=...` for `nimble install -y`
11:19:05FromDiscord<madonuko> I mean there is kinda a `--depsOnly` flag and I use it in my own projects but idk
11:19:22FromDiscord<madonuko> I think the error happens regardless of my understanding anyway
11:22:59FromDiscord<pmunch> `nimble install` installs the local package on your system
11:23:25FromDiscord<pmunch> But it's definitely not the same error
11:23:37FromDiscord<madonuko> I kinda knew that but supposedly it also builds and downloads the deps
11:23:44FromDiscord<pmunch> Because the error you got there specifically points to the file you pass in through `--path`
11:24:26FromDiscord<pmunch> Well yes, it builds and installs dependencies because that's part of the install procedure
11:24:36FromDiscord<pmunch> What are you trying to do though?
11:24:42FromDiscord<madonuko> build it?
11:24:43FromDiscord<pmunch> Build `choosenim` locally?
11:24:46FromDiscord<madonuko> yeah
11:25:34FromDiscord<pmunch> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=UJCAsOSx
11:25:37FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @pmunch "Without the `--path` argument": https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1291722891326394450/D5lZz16.png?ex=67012230&is=66ffd0b0&hm=dd07f563a2b1463adc7f439467aca967dc9f63a8856646a43a350de174091b48&
11:25:40FromDiscord<pmunch> I just did that on my machine and it worked fine
11:26:02FromDiscord<madonuko> I think I tried that but guess I'll try again
11:28:08FromDiscord<pmunch> Hmm, Hmm, that cannot open file is strange
11:28:13FromDiscord<pmunch> How did you install Nim?
11:28:32FromDiscord<madonuko> I packaged it myself
11:28:41FromDiscord<pmunch> That's probably the issue
11:28:54FromDiscord<madonuko> eh…? it works on other things tho
11:28:56FromDiscord<pmunch> Because Nim is struggling to find some of its own library files
11:29:26FromDiscord<madonuko> well I'm using it on my system right now, I also use it to build other things just fine
11:29:54FromDiscord<pmunch> Yes, but Nimble isn't any other thing
11:30:09FromDiscord<pmunch> It requires some things from Nim itself
11:30:22FromDiscord<pmunch> And in this case it doesn't appear to be able to find your Nim install properly
11:31:30FromDiscord<pmunch> It's actually this line which fails: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/compiler/nimblecmd.nim#L19
11:32:08FromDiscord<pmunch> Which is imported into Nimble from here: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/blob/ee62dffc2183d0762eb5dee6bfc25e9c43301b42/src/nimblepkg/tools.nim#L11
11:32:56FromDiscord<madonuko> I don't believe this with a very good reason
11:33:01FromDiscord<madonuko> like
11:33:15FromDiscord<madonuko> I tried using both my packaged version
11:33:28FromDiscord<madonuko> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=GFssqizJ
11:33:34FromDiscord<madonuko> which is what choosenim's CI is using
11:33:37FromDiscord<madonuko> both of which didn't work
11:34:03FromDiscord<madonuko> this is done inside a container so there should be no conflict
11:34:28FromDiscord<madonuko> so this is probably not an issue with my nim build
11:34:40FromDiscord<pmunch> Which the default install creates from here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/7dfadb8b4e95d09981fbeb01d85b12f23946c3e7/koch.nim#L209-L211
11:34:56FromDiscord<madonuko> I'm aware of koch
11:35:22FromDiscord<pmunch> Okay, if you don't believe me, could you find the nimblecmd.nim file for me?
11:35:38FromDiscord<pmunch> Which folder is it in?
11:36:02FromDiscord<madonuko> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1291725514473607249/qL1kOyX.png?ex=670124a1&is=66ffd321&hm=75fa5f42b0bc845b379cbd5d8fd09818cefe1f6077b9f97ef7e936b28d75c514&
11:37:32FromDiscord<madonuko> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=aEjYlEDr
11:38:15FromDiscord<madonuko> for reference the package file list can be obtained by `dnf rq --files nim`
11:38:50FromDiscord<madonuko> actually it's right here https://fedora.pkgs.org/rawhide/terra/nim-0:2.2.0-1.fcrawhide.x86_64.rpm.html
11:39:23FromDiscord<madonuko> the structure should be the same as arch linux's version of nim
11:39:54Amun-Rayou can copy nim's directories anywhere and it'll just work
11:40:43Amun-Rathen a few symlinks to /usr/local/bin and you're good to go
11:40:44FromDiscord<madonuko> that's good to know, so that means it doesn't matter since the nimblecmd.nim file definitely exists
11:41:42Amun-RaI have separate version in /opt/nim-2.0.8 etc then symlink /opt/nim to the latest dir
11:41:50*ryuukk quit (Remote host closed the connection)
11:42:01FromDiscord<madonuko> so it's most like a problem from either choosenim or nimble
11:44:21*ryuukk joined #nim
12:05:21FromDiscord<spotlightkid> @pmunch\: the `install.sh` file from official Nim source distribution is broken, IMO. If you use it to install to `/usr`, you end up with a Nim install, which is broken in several ways.
12:05:54FromDiscord<spotlightkid> I started collecting notes about Nim packaging on Linux here\: https://collab.0x20.eu/s/nim-linux-packaging#
12:05:54*beholders_eye quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:07:03FromDiscord<pmunch> @madonuko, okay do you have a `/usr/lib/nim/dist` folder?
12:07:06FromDiscord<spotlightkid> But I still haven't figured it all out completely, thatswhy I haven't posted about this in the forum yet or made an issue.
12:07:27FromDiscord<pmunch> Or a `/usr/share/nim/dist` folder
12:08:02FromDiscord<pmunch> In reply to @madonuko "that's good to know,": I just asked for that file since it asks for the `dist` directory relative to itself
12:08:15FromDiscord<pmunch> So if you haven't installed `dist` where it expects to find it then you can't build Nimble
12:09:04FromDiscord<pmunch> In reply to @spotlightkid "<@392962235737047041>\: the `install.sh` file": Yeah installing Nim on Linux and getting it to work with XDG is tricky
12:09:11FromDiscord<pmunch> I just use choosenim and don't think about it
12:10:03FromDiscord<spotlightkid> I believe this can happen, if you have `/usr/lib/nim/compiler`, but not `/usr/lib/nim/dist`.
12:10:57FromDiscord<spotlightkid> So, either, as you say, use choosenim, or don't install `/usr/lib/nim/compiler` and use `nimble install nim` to instal lthe compiler package, which includes the `dist` directory.
12:11:54*beholders_eye joined #nim
12:19:16FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @pmunch "Or a `/usr/share/nim/dist` folder": nope
12:19:37FromDiscord<pmunch> In reply to @madonuko "nope": Right, so your Nim install isn't complete as I suspected
12:19:57FromDiscord<pmunch> The lines I linked you above from `koch` shows how it installs the `dist` folder
12:20:06FromDiscord<pmunch> If you recreate that in your setup then it should work
12:21:22FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @pmunch "Right, so your Nim": well if that's the case, I'm afraid nim doesn't work as expected on debian and arch either
12:21:27FromDiscord<madonuko> they don't have the dist folder too
12:21:43FromDiscord<pmunch> Depends on how you install it
12:21:50FromDiscord<madonuko> system install
12:21:53FromDiscord<madonuko> apt and pacman
12:21:58FromDiscord<pmunch> I'm on Arch and use Nim through choosenim and it works just fine
12:22:06FromDiscord<pmunch> Oh yeah, pacman install has always been broken
12:22:19FromDiscord<spotlightkid> Yes, but the `nim` package is broken.
12:22:26FromDiscord<pmunch> Which is why I always recommend people install it via choosenim
12:22:43FromDiscord<madonuko> well choosenim doesn't install nim onto the entire system
12:22:47FromDiscord<madonuko> it just installs nim per-user
12:22:59FromDiscord<madonuko> which breaks nim lsp servers
12:23:09FromDiscord<madonuko> not an ideal setup
12:23:27FromDiscord<pmunch> Hmm, my LSP runs, but it is a bit wonky sometimes
12:23:37FromDiscord<spotlightkid> @madonuko\: I maintain the [choosenim](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/choosenim) AUr package. It should work.
12:23:46FromDiscord<madonuko> ah
12:24:15FromDiscord<spotlightkid> And it even has a fix for issue #13 with the hanging nimsuggest processes.
12:24:40FromDiscord<madonuko> choosenim-execv.patch?
12:24:59FromDiscord<madonuko> let me steal that rq
12:25:04FromDiscord<madonuko> thanks
12:25:13FromDiscord<spotlightkid> I am in the process of updating the [choosenim](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/choosenim-bin) package too.
12:25:31FromDiscord<spotlightkid> I am in the process of updating the [choosenim-bin](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/choosenim-bin) package too.
12:25:49FromDiscord<madonuko> btw idk if it's just me but the lsp doesn't run in neovim
12:25:54FromDiscord<madonuko> if it's not a system install
12:26:08FromDiscord<spotlightkid> I still need to write tests for that patch, so it can be merged upstream.
12:26:11FromDiscord<madonuko> like if you use choosenim + neovim there are no suggestions
12:26:32FromDiscord<spotlightkid> Sorry, I use VS code or Zed.
12:26:41FromDiscord<madonuko> I'm using zed
12:27:10FromDiscord<spotlightkid> The Nim extension isn't perfect yet, but is workable, imo.
12:27:23FromDiscord<madonuko> nah it's great
12:27:37FromDiscord<madonuko> has been working like a breeze
12:27:41FromDiscord<pmunch> I use Vim with LSP and it works with choosenim installed Nim
12:27:47FromDiscord<madonuko> overall the experience is better than vscode imo
12:28:34FromDiscord<spotlightkid> You need to make sure that `~/.nimble/bin` is in `PATH`, even for programs started from the desktop environment.↵(@madonuko)
12:29:05FromDiscord<spotlightkid> VS code is a a resource hog.
12:29:21FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @pmunch "The lines I linked": if I understand I can just copy `dist/` directly into `/usr/lib/nim/dist`?
12:29:31FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @spotlightkid "You need to make": it's a path
12:29:32FromDiscord<madonuko> (edit) "a" => "in"
12:29:44FromDiscord<madonuko> actually
12:30:17FromDiscord<madonuko> I think I just realized the issue is probably it's using bash (not my default shell) which basically has no PATH modification by choosenim
12:30:17*beholders_eye quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:30:25FromDiscord<madonuko> that's probably it
12:30:28FromDiscord<pmunch> But is it in PATH for graphical programs? Those might vary..
12:30:42FromDiscord<madonuko> neovim is not a graphical program
12:30:46FromDiscord<pmunch> Yeah, that's quite likely the issue
12:30:52FromDiscord<madonuko> yeah
12:32:26FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @madonuko "I think I just": yeah nevermind that's not it https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1291739704995348480/HIQ6vwH.png?ex=670131d9&is=66ffe059&hm=feae7c97378d20bec41a545778ee21be641bb84a51f79fbb5b44d2573052238e&
12:32:53FromDiscord<madonuko> exported PATH in .bashrc
12:33:52FromDiscord<pmunch> Uhm, is your LSP trying to rebuild nimlsp every time it runs?
12:34:05FromDiscord<madonuko> nope
12:34:19FromDiscord<pmunch> No idea what that error message says though..
12:36:01FromDiscord<madonuko> it just says command not found
12:36:12*beholders_eye joined #nim
12:36:35FromDiscord<spotlightkid> So it is a PATH problem.
12:37:06FromDiscord<madonuko> well… kinda?
12:37:38FromDiscord<madonuko> it's right here tho https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1291741013706018977/MmOL8jd.png?ex=67013311&is=66ffe191&hm=160516e305ebe598689b278edeee602e2c3a1651d570a44af030d6906b785d44&
12:37:41FromDiscord<madonuko> so I've no idea what's wrong
12:41:02FromDiscord<pmunch> If you enter command mode in Neovim and run `!echo $PATH` what do you get?
12:41:22FromDiscord<madonuko> wtf
12:41:27FromDiscord<madonuko> yeah there's no nimble
12:43:39*ntat quit (Quit: Leaving)
12:49:35*beholders_eye quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
12:52:48FromDiscord<spotlightkid> That's why I wrote\:↵> even for programs started from the desktop environment.
12:53:34FromDiscord<madonuko> neovim is a cli program
12:54:21FromDiscord<spotlightkid> Also, make sure that `.bashrc` is actually sourced by `.profile` or `.bash_profile`, because normally it is only used for interactive sessions. But I think debian does that by default. Not sure about Arch, but I have set it up that way too.
12:55:06FromDiscord<spotlightkid> But how do you start it?↵(@madonuko)
12:55:31FromDiscord<madonuko> terminal?
12:56:32FromDiscord<spotlightkid> And how do you open the terminal and what shell is running in the terminal?
12:56:54FromDiscord<madonuko> ah of course it works after a reboot
12:57:07FromDiscord<madonuko> of course
13:00:31FromDiscord<spotlightkid> Yeah, environment variable changes don't propagate "upwards" and changes to `.bashrc` only affect new sgells, unless you `source` it again manually. That's why environment variables are confusing / cumbersome in some cases. In other cases that's exactly what you want, e.g. for configuring docker containers or similar.
13:00:46FromDiscord<spotlightkid> Yeah, environment variable changes don't propagate "upwards" and changes to `.bashrc` only affect new shells, unless you `source` it again manually. That's why environment variables are confusing / cumbersome in some cases. In other cases that's exactly what you want, e.g. for configuring docker containers or similar.
13:03:37FromDiscord<madonuko> yup, anyway thank you very much
13:12:14FromDiscord<omareladly> I’m trying to use OpenGL glut ↵And this is the error :↵could not import: GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN
13:12:28FromDiscord<omareladly> even though I’m not using it
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16:11:14FromDiscord<nervecenter> Why can't I pass a string to `removeFile()` as a Path? I'm getting type errors and I'm unsure how to pass the file I'm trying to give it.
16:11:26FromDiscord<nervecenter> (edit) "Why can't I pass a string to `removeFile()` as a Path? I'm getting type errors and I'm unsure how to pass the file ... I'm" added "path"
16:16:16FromDiscord<madonuko> `mystring.Path`
16:17:06FromDiscord<demotomohiro> If you are using `removeFile` in `files`, it takes only `Path` and `Path` is `distinct string` type.
16:21:27*attah quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
16:22:16FromDiscord<nervecenter> In reply to @madonuko "`mystring.Path`": Tried, compiler complained
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16:24:39FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @nervecenter "Tried, compiler complained": works on playground https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1291798144446763129/BIbj0pF.png?ex=67016846&is=670016c6&hm=7d8e2ccfd872d790ecdc42251ede49082240127e2921dc3f048d38a2ce7d3715&
16:26:46FromDiscord<nervecenter> This time it didn't complain...I'm confused
16:26:50FromDiscord<nervecenter> Whatever, ignore me
16:29:42FromDiscord<John Warren> Any Cashapp? Chime? Zelle? Btc? Usdt?Skrill? Apple Pay? Pay pal? Venmo? BOA? Wells Fargo? Join my channel
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16:29:54FromDiscord<usawiniko> <@&371760044473319454> ?
16:31:51FromDiscord<fabric.input_output> why do we get so many of these god dammit
16:32:12FromDiscord<Phil> Hmm mjolnir banned them fairly quickly, surprising that message deletion didn't happen yet
16:32:27FromDiscord<madonuko> why wouldn't the matrix bridge sync deletes
16:32:41FromDiscord<Phil> Don't mistake my statement - it didn't even delete them on matrix yet
16:33:03FromDiscord<madonuko> bans don't delete messages?
16:33:10FromDiscord<madonuko> didn't know
16:33:16FromDiscord<madonuko> makes sense tho
16:33:31FromDiscord<Phil> In matrix in general - no.↵Mjolnir should have a feature in built that does I think
16:33:53FromDiscord<Phil> I'll go ahead and do it manually
16:46:32*lucasta quit (Quit: Leaving)
17:06:48FromDiscord<kiloneie> whats the diff between nim-lang.org nim extension and saem's ?
17:06:58FromDiscord<kiloneie> as in, better ? Faster ? idk
17:13:26FromDiscord<kiloneie> Installation unclear, found only "nimble install nimlangserver" which is now building for the last 10 minutes
17:24:32*ovenpasta joined #nim
17:25:33ovenpastaHi, just wanted to say that my memory leak in arc/orc was solved with nim 2.2.0! Thanks for the great work!!
17:27:01Amun-Rathere's 2.2.0? :O
17:27:45ovenpasta ~> nim --version
17:27:45ovenpastaNim Compiler Version 2.2.0 [Linux: amd64]
17:27:46ovenpastaCompiled at 2024-10-02
17:27:46ovenpastaCopyright (c) 2006-2024 by Andreas Rumpf
17:27:47ovenpastagit hash: 78983f1876726a49c69d65629ab433ea1310ece1
17:27:47ovenpastaactive boot switches: -d:release
17:33:24FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @kiloneie "as in, better ?": saem's extension uses nimsuggest, the nim-lang extension uses the lang server
17:36:47FromDiscord<kiloneie> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "saem's extension uses nimsuggest,": Go on.
17:49:10FromDiscord<nervecenter> In reply to @Amun-Ra "there's 2.2.0? :O": we have 2.2.0 at home
18:03:59ovenpastaactually, it still leaks :(
18:15:34*ntat quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:24:10*beholders_eye joined #nim
18:28:47FromDiscord<TFed> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=lTzdmEgi
18:28:57FromDiscord<michaelb.eth> In reply to @ovenpasta "actually, it still leaks": is it actually leaking, or is Nim’s allocator not releasing memory back to the OS that it allocated previously?
18:29:15FromDiscord<TFed> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=NlMXnBnj
18:29:39FromDiscord<TFed> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=cFGOUDJR
18:31:51FromDiscord<odexine> is it likely for you to make more in the future? DRY↵is this all you need? KISS
18:31:55FromDiscord<TFed> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=GWiGusyx
18:32:39FromDiscord<TFed> more in the future, so `DRY`↵(@odexine)
18:41:33FromDiscord<TFed> I'm not sure, so I will keep `KISS` yet 🙂
18:45:28FromDiscord<odexine> thats true too, if its not likely enough then keep it as is
18:45:35FromDiscord<odexine> you can switch once you have way more
18:47:51FromDiscord<user2m> does anyone have any idea on how to implement hot realoding with a traditional framework like prologue? just watched this example with happyx and I loved the hot reloading https://youtu.be/0u7jCDr9NzU
19:12:49*ovenpasta quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
19:16:34FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @kiloneie "Go on.": sorry, fell asleep
19:16:39FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> as i was saying
19:18:11FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> nimsuggest is shipped with the compiler, but is also more limited and not as good as the langserver, while the langserver is made specifically to work with the LSP protocol and yeah i think is faster?
19:19:27FromDiscord<odexine> the langserver relies on nimsuggest to create suggestions, it probably is just around as fast
19:20:36FromDiscord<kiloneie> I saw it gave quite different suggestions
19:54:34*beholders_eye quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
19:58:21*Onionhammer quit (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
21:17:43FromDiscord<logan01012> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/UAVZXczn
21:21:25FromDiscord<odexine> <@&371760044473319454>
21:23:49FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> Okay, so I just banned them on Mjolnir, let's see if mjolnir removes the message or not
21:24:36FromDiscord<odexine> hasnt
21:25:26FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> I'm giving it another couple minutes just in case this is a setup where it iterates over all channels twice, once to ban the user and second to delete the message (that one might take a bit)
21:28:32FromDiscord<Phil> I gave up and removed it manually
22:19:27*jjido joined #nim
23:20:14*jjido quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)