<< 05-06-2018 >>

00:23:39*find0x90 joined #nim
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01:42:48FromGitter<gogolxdong> How to send email in Nim?
02:01:23*shashlick quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
02:02:11FromGitter<honewatson> best to use mailgun I think
02:02:18FromGitter<honewatson> or something similar
02:02:30*yglukhov[i] joined #nim
02:03:15FromGitter<honewatson> Generally if you try to use your own email server there are a lot of hoops to go through to avoid email going to spam
02:04:03*DarkArctic_ joined #nim
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02:19:12*Guest21281 is now known as lainon
03:07:08FromGitter<gogolxdong> @Varriount Can you help me to issue a request to AWS pricingList service with this http header ?
03:07:15FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link```
03:07:54FromGitter<gogolxdong> I got `{"InvalidSignatureException":{"Message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details."}}`
03:12:19*endragor joined #nim
03:12:40FromGitter<gogolxdong> The sample http header in AWS documentation has `Host` which was removed for EC2 sevice intentionally, and an additional `x-amz-target` ,for your information , https://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/latest/APIReference/API_pricing_DescribeServices.html
03:45:38FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b160762b6eece791ddd1a0c]
04:03:20FromGitter<Varriount> @gogolxdong I'll see if I can sort that out tomorrow. It's almost bed time for me here.
04:09:09*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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04:13:13*yglukhov[i] quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
04:21:01FromGitter<gogolxdong> well ,thanks anyway.
04:23:18FromDiscord<2vg> This is the latest techempower's benchmark result, but in json test mofuw is in 24th place ;-;
04:23:18FromDiscord<2vg> https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=test&runid=aad43f39-48a2-460c-a363-99cd543a772a&hw=ph&test=json
04:23:31*yglukhov[i] joined #nim
04:35:56*xkapastel quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
04:49:16*nc-x joined #nim
04:50:36nc-xvscode-nim plugin added support for nimpretty some time ago https://github.com/pragmagic/vscode-nim/issues/79 but isn't nimpretty not yet ready for prime time?
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04:59:24*miran joined #nim
05:01:15*yglukhov[i] quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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05:25:41FromGitter<Varriount> 2vg: I still wonder why jester performs so badly on that benchmark.
05:46:00*SenasOzys quit (Remote host closed the connection)
06:00:41*lainon left #nim ("Leaving")
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06:13:34*miran quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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06:32:55Araq2vg: try packedjson ?
06:37:36FromDiscord<2vg> @Varriount jester seems to be using the old Nim x (
06:37:50*yglukhov[i] joined #nim
06:38:26FromDiscord<2vg> @Araq ya, i will try it :3
06:57:43*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)
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07:22:52*PMunch joined #nim
07:52:46shashlickif https://pastebin.com/JxVeANcZ and I have ```var test: CFileInStream```, does the object have any memory associated with it?
07:54:36shashlickyep it does, never mind
08:03:57*gmpreussner_ quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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08:24:26FromGitter<data-man> @Varriount: Haha, I can't reopen #7415 :) Button "Reopen pull request" disabled for me. Welcome to M$ GitHub? :)
08:25:25Yardanico@data-man you probably can't do that because it was closed by Nim repository collaborator
08:25:44YardanicoYou can probably reopen pull requests created by you or other people (who is not in the nim repository)
08:27:09FromGitter<data-man> @Yardanico: No. For other closed PRs the button is enabled.
08:28:09Yardanicoprobably this branch was removed
08:28:44Yardanicoit says " from unknown repository"
08:29:28FromGitter<data-man> See https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5b159cf122a05f5e71fe8f42 "That's odd... I didn't click close on that ticket. " :)
08:43:34*yglukhov[i] quit ()
08:49:14*couven92 joined #nim
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09:11:50FromGitter<mratsim> Apple deprecating OpenCL and OpenGL ...
09:13:01Yardanicobut at least there's MoltenVK
09:13:15Yardanico@mratsim time to install Linux or Windows on your mac book :D
09:13:17FromGitter<survivorm> reading this news now :)
09:13:30FromGitter<mratsim> or just not update
09:13:46Yardanicowell, I watched WWDC live
09:13:49Yardanicowith dom :)
09:14:03Yardanico(we've talked in #nim-offtopic)
09:14:31FromGitter<mratsim> I already have a 2015 MBP with proper USB, HDMI, DisplayPort ports, updating to a touchbar Mac and carrying 4 dongles hum hum ...
09:15:11FromGitter<survivorm> Now they recommend this https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Miscellaneous/Conceptual/MTLProgGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html
09:15:34Yardanicoyeah, but they're forcing developers to make hard decisions:
09:15:39FromGitter<mratsim> link is dead
09:15:48FromGitter<survivorm> hm
09:15:49Yardanicosupport one more framework or not support macOS at all
09:16:10Yardanico(or for some - support only this ml framework)
09:16:17FromGitter<survivorm> https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal
09:16:22FromGitter<mratsim> Basically: Photos/Video applications/Suite/framework will have a lot of issue
09:16:22FromGitter<survivorm> this one's not
09:16:40Yardanico@mratsim there's MoltenVK and MoltenGL
09:16:43FromGitter<mratsim> Adobe must have a crisis meeting
09:16:49Yardanicosadly MoltenGL is not free
09:16:52Yardanico(but MoltenVK is FOSS)
09:17:22YardanicoAnd Valve already demonstrated that MoltenVK gives more FPS over OpenGL in dota 2
09:17:41YardanicoMoltenVK is a Vulkan->Metal translator
09:17:49FromGitter<survivorm> @Yardanico if they've taken that cource, they may deprecate this things as well
09:17:57*Cthalupa quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
09:18:01FromGitter<mratsim> but companies still didnโ€™t switch to Vulkan itโ€™s to new
09:18:03Yardanicowhat things?
09:18:08YardanicoMoltenVK is not made by apple
09:18:20FromGitter<survivorm> OpenGL is?
09:18:35FromGitter<survivorm> or OpenCL?
09:18:48FromGitter<mratsim> OpenGL Iโ€™m not worried for games, Unity/Unreal supports them, will be ough for small indies though
09:19:10FromGitter<mratsim> tough*
09:19:27YardanicoYeah, it's not an issue for games using big game engines
09:20:17FromGitter<mratsim> Anyway, companies like Blender, Maya, Maxthon (Cinema4D) will have to rewrite all their OpenCL code
09:20:45YardanicoI think someone will create MoltenCL :D
09:21:09Yardanicoguys, btw, go to http://mentoring.exercism.io/ if you want to review Exercism solutions of other people
09:21:18Yardanico(Nim is available here too)
09:21:27Yardanicothey will release Exercism v2 soon
09:21:41FromGitter<mratsim> Iโ€™m not sure if there are CAD softwares on mac, but the whole engineering industry for aeronautical, structural and automotive engineering rely on OpenCL as well
09:21:50FromGitter<alehander42> what happened with codewars, wasnt there a nim track too?
09:22:21Yardanicothere is AFAIK
09:22:38FromGitter<mratsim> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/Yxs2/2018-06-05_11-22-30.png)
09:22:40Yardanicoyeah, I just checked
09:22:44FromGitter<mratsim> > wait what? live longer?
09:22:47Yardanico@mratsim :D
09:23:57FromGitter<survivorm> I think they mean a lot of laugh in reading some code examples
09:24:22Yardanicocurrently there is only 2 mentors for Nim
09:24:28FromGitter<survivorm> Which prolongues your life :)
09:24:37Yardanicobut OTOH, there's only 2 solutions in Nim every day
09:25:01FromGitter<survivorm> I might submit for that, but i'm not too skilled in nim
09:26:21Yardanicoand yeah, if you apply for mentor - they just approve you automatically and send you an invite to their slack
09:29:52FromGitter<mratsim> Not sure I want/have the time to commit to it.
09:33:24Yardanicowell, I'm not forcing anyone, just in case you have like ~60mins a week and you want to spend it on helping people learn Nim :)
09:36:07dom96Hrm, is that time commitment a requirement?
09:36:18dom96It might be good to create a new forum thread about this ;)
09:38:18PMunchHmm, maybe that would be fun
09:44:20Yardanicodom96 well, it's based on Nim stats
09:44:26Yardanicoe.g. how many nim solutions are there per day
09:44:44Yardanicoand estimated ~5 min per solution
10:15:38Yardanicoit's sad that https://github.com/pragmagic/vscode-nim is not really actively developed :(
10:16:22*krux02 joined #nim
10:19:47krux02Yardanico: well no ide for Nim is "actively" developed.
10:20:04krux02they are all developed from time to time.
10:20:38PMunchWe should start working on language-server..
10:21:39PMunchAnyone know if @barcharcraz is still around?
10:22:53*xet7 joined #nim
10:22:59*codester joined #nim
10:23:16codesterHow to `-d:ssl` using .nimble file
10:25:01Yardanicocodester you can add switch("define", "ssl")
10:25:29Yardanicoadd it somewhere in your nimble file (maybe after package name, version, etc and before nimble tasks)
10:26:09PMunchOr use a nim.cfg file
10:26:16PMunchIsn't that the "proper" way to do it?
10:26:57Yardanicomodern way is to use .nims file :)
10:27:46codesterYardanico: switch(...) is not working.
10:28:02Yardanicowell, create nim.cfg file then
10:29:30*codester quit (Quit: Page closed)
10:44:09PMunchFrom language-server-protocol specification: "The offsets are based on a UTF-16 string representation". Damn them and their silly love for UTF-16..
10:44:49YardanicoMicrosoft :D
10:47:18krux02I already said it once, but I think it is funny how much Jonathan Blow hats lang server
10:47:50krux02He thinks it will make programming miserable for forever.
10:49:09PMunchI mean the idea is good enough
10:49:47*dddddd joined #nim
10:50:05dom96I don't understand why Mr. Blow hates it so much
10:50:22dom96IIRC I even read his tweets about it and I still didn't get it
10:50:53dom96If somebody wants to create a lang server implementation then I'll love to help out
10:51:10dom96I have a high-level idea of how it should work
10:53:35krux02has something changed with "getTypeInst"?
10:54:22PMunchdom96, I'm looking into it
10:54:41PMunchJust created some issues in your 3yo jsonrpc library :P
11:00:05FromGitter<zetashift> Ditto on the langserver!!
11:02:02Yardanicowell, at least nim will automatically get support in more editors with langserver
11:04:25*ftsf joined #nim
11:13:30PMunchIt shouldn't be that hard to do, just a lot of work..
11:21:02*yglukhov[i] quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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11:48:56*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:53:27*endragor quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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11:59:10*nsf quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
12:08:39Yardanicowait wtf
12:08:43Yardanicowhat happened with master branch?
12:09:21YardanicoI don't see "master" branch on github either
12:10:07PMunchOh shit..
12:10:13PMunchThat's not good
12:12:58Yardanicowell, "master" still exists in my local copy
12:13:05FromGitter<mratsim> fat finger?
12:13:09FromGitter<mratsim> cat?
12:13:58FromGitter<mratsim> Microsoft conspiration?
12:14:01YardanicoLet's ping Araq
12:14:04Yardanicoyeah, probably Microsoft
12:20:50*DarkArctic_ quit (Quit: Leaving)
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12:32:46dom96lol what
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12:35:25Yardanicodom96 idk, you can probably check who deleted it in https://github.com/organizations/nim-lang/settings/audit-log
12:35:35Yardanico(but I don't really show if it will show up there)
12:35:42dom96yeah, I'm trying to find it
12:35:49Yardanicowe should use this probably https://help.github.com/articles/about-protected-branches/
12:35:53Yardanico(in the future)
12:35:56dom96GitHub's search in this audit log is as shitty as its code search
12:40:52dom96Should be easy to restore anyway
12:41:07Yardanicoyeah, I think a lot of us have a local copy of it
12:41:07dom96to be honest, the fact that these docs use `master` is bad
12:41:14Yardanicowell, why?
12:41:20Yardanicothese docs are made for stable releases
12:41:22dom96It means all the older doc's links will be broken
12:41:31dom96it should use the git tag
12:41:37Yardanicooh, probably yes
12:43:22euantorRegarding lang server, I was thinking of having a go at it, and just proxying back to nimsuggest since I believe it should already handle most of the hard work
12:43:44Yardanicoyeah, maybe it just should be implemented as a part of nimsuggest? maybe Araq wouldn't agree
12:44:21*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
12:45:10euantorWell I was going to implement it separately so that it goes `editor -> proxy -> nimsuggest`
12:45:28Yardanicowell, nimsuggest is not really stable sometimes :)
12:45:50euantortrue, but there's a good chance that a brand new langserver wouldn't be stable at all for a while :P
12:46:06Yardanicoalso we should really make a new way to check for code errors in a file
12:46:19Yardanicocurrently I use a hack - run "nim check" on every save in vscode
12:46:22Yardanicoand auto-save every 1ms
12:46:24euantorlike a lint tool?
12:46:33Yardanicoeuantor like "nim check" but automatic checking
12:46:54euantorAh, so it should watch files for changes?
12:47:03Yardanicoyeah, maybe
12:47:12Yardanicoidk if lang-server allows that
12:47:26YardanicoMy point is - it should work even if file is not saved, maybe if it will be integrated into editor
12:47:33euantorNo idea. Only time I've used it is with Rust
12:47:51euantorIt works well enough, but the Rust one takes a couple of seconds after saving before it tells you what's wrong
12:48:17Yardanicooh, nim check does the same
12:48:23Yardanico(vscode nim plugin automatically calls nim check on every save)
12:48:39dom96It shouldn't be part of nimsuggest
12:48:47dom96it should manage nimsuggest
12:49:02dom96restart it when necessary (high memory usage)
12:49:18dom96and it should avoid nimsuggest in certain cases altogether
12:49:20euantorThat's what I was suggesting by using it as a proxy @dom96
12:49:37dom96yep, good :)
12:49:38euantorIt should have the option to either run NimSuggest as a child, or to proxy to an existing NimSuggest
12:50:17PMunchlanguage-server gets a notification for each change
12:50:25Yardanicothat's awesome
12:50:25PMunchAnd then it can respond with errors etc.
12:55:51*xkapastel quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
13:03:09PMunchDoesn't nimsuggest work on a file though?
13:03:26PMunchIf so then we need to store a temporary file with the code
13:03:33PMunchWhich might be slow...
13:03:50PMunchNot sure how often a language server will send the change command
13:04:17PMunchBut rewriting a file on disk (assuming you don't have a tmpfs) for every character you write isn't optimal..
13:07:52*nsf joined #nim
13:20:38FromGitter<mratsim> a good way to kill your SSD too
13:29:59*floppydh joined #nim
13:36:28PMunchHmm, this language-protocol thing doesn't specify how it should communicate, only what data it will send..
13:36:57PMunchI looked at some Python implementation and it had TCP and IO (which I assume is stdin/stdout)
13:40:33PMunchShould we spin it up in a thread and send it messages through a channel?
13:43:25FromGitter<survivorm> Did you see the panic: โŽ https://monitor.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/github-importer?orgId=1&from=now-90d&to=now
13:44:01FromGitter<survivorm> either someone parses github
13:44:17FromGitter<survivorm> or people begin to pack things
13:48:27FromGitter<matrixbot> `xomachine` It looks like the Nim repo mirror on gitlab has broken couple weeks ago (https://gitlab.com/nim-lang/nim) Are there plans to support it?
13:51:42PMunchsurvivorm, ouch that explains why GitLab was so slow yesterday :P
13:52:28PMunchxomachine, there was some talk about it yesterday. Not sure if they agreed on something but you can look it up in the logs: irclogs.nim-lang.org
13:53:16YardanicoPMunch I asked Araq about it (he's the owner of the mirrored repo)
13:53:37FromGitter<matrixbot> `xomachine` Oh, thanks
13:56:36*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
13:58:43PMunchWould it be possible to shorten this? "<FromGitter> <matrixbot> `xomachine`"
13:58:50PMunchIt's a bit excessive..
13:59:12PMunchxomachine, by the way there is a matrix -> IRC direct bridge thingy
13:59:18PMunchNo need to go through gitter
14:14:28*xomachine[m] joined #nim
14:18:41PMunchNice xomachine[m] :)
14:19:04xomachine[m]Hm, the gitter room was the first thing I've found about Nim in the matrix. Now thing should be better
14:21:18PMunchYeah that's better
14:21:29PMunchMatrix integrates really seamlessly from IRCs end
14:22:04PMunchWhen you connect through gitter it's the matrixbot which says all your messages, and they are then relayed to IRC through the FromGitter bot..
14:37:35*PMunch quit (Quit: Leaving)
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15:25:42FromGitter<Varriount> @dom96 Would it be ok for me to enable branch protection on devel?
15:31:14*DarkArctic_ joined #nim
15:35:02Yardanico@Varriount I think you should go for it
15:35:13*DarkArctic quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
15:35:33Yardanicoso who will restore master branch guys?
15:41:58*DarkArctic__ joined #nim
15:42:16*floppydh quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)
15:44:36*Guest89407 joined #nim
15:44:39Guest89407Minere bitcoin BTC via CPU https://getcryptotab.com/718967 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luzqQN3kL4g&t=166s
15:45:05Yardanicodom96 again :(
15:45:57*DarkArctic_ quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
15:47:16FromGitter<Varriount> Yardanico: I don't have an up-to-date version of master.
15:51:00*noonien joined #nim
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16:11:27*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)
16:12:53dom96`master` == v0.18.0
16:13:59FromGitter<kayabaNerve> You guys now Elixir? If we murder their devs, they'll become a dead language. More room for Nim :thinking:
16:14:25FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Damn lack of emojis. I don't blame IRC but I do blame Gitter. Also, this should've been in offtopic. Sorry
16:14:41dom96Yeah... maybe let's not make plans to murder people
16:15:04FromGitter<kayabaNerve> dom96: What if they're an alien imposter of you threatening to push bad code to the master branch?
16:15:31FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I'd watch a movie of that
16:17:04FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Actual statement, How does a set of just a bool only have 1 byte?
16:17:18FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Aren't C bools 1 byte meaning both values = 2 bytes?
16:17:44FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Not that it can't be compressed to 1 bit
16:17:49FromGitter<kayabaNerve> But then it's 0.25 bytes
16:22:46FromGitter<zetashift> b-b-but I like elixir
16:23:55FromGitter<alehander42> I have contributed to elixir :D
16:24:05FromGitter<alehander42> dont kill me :D
16:24:14FromGitter<alehander42> otherwise are you talking about bitsets?
16:24:24dom96alehander42: blasphemy
16:25:17*nc-x[m] joined #nim
16:25:26FromGitter<alehander42> it was four years ago, but I'll never forget that they left 5 hearts in different colors on my PR
16:25:35FromGitter<alehander42> later I found out they do this for most PR-s
16:25:39FromGitter<alehander42> :(
16:26:00dom96I fixed master
16:26:06Yardanico@kayabaNerve just use plain emojis
16:26:13Yardanicowithout using gitter-specific ones
16:26:21FromGitter<Varriount> dom96: What happened?
16:26:28Yardanicolike ๐Ÿ˜€
16:26:30dom96I have no idea
16:26:48dom96Guessing someone with write access removed it by accident
16:27:08Yardanicodom96 can you protect master and devel branches?
16:27:18Yardanicoso no one will be able to remove them or force-push to them
16:27:25FromGitter<Varriount> I protected development
16:27:30Yardanicoah ,ok
16:27:33dom96Yeah, I protected master
16:27:47nc-x[m]@dom96 `master` = 0.18.0 + (1-2) PR's which as far as I remember were merged into master but not into devel
16:28:13dom96master is supposed to be 0.18.0
16:28:20*dddddd quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
16:28:23dom96if PRs were merged there then that was wrong
16:28:29FromGitter<alehander42> btw something like elixir's binary matching would be cool as a lib here
16:28:52FromGitter<alehander42> maybe @PMunch 's binary parse lib is actually a good equvalent
16:29:42FromGitter<zetashift> So the `<>` operator ?
16:30:16*Snircle joined #nim
16:30:22FromGitter<alehander42> do we have a good way to parse nim.cfg files btw ?
16:30:28FromGitter<alehander42> something in stdlib?
16:30:34FromGitter<alehander42> yeah `<.`
16:30:36FromGitter<alehander42> `<>`
16:32:08nc-x[m]@dom96 https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pulls?utf8=โœ“&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+base%3Amaster+
16:33:22dom96cool, we might have to ask people to redo them
16:36:44Yardaniconc-x[m] they're invalid anyway
16:36:53Yardanicoall PRs should be created against devel branch
16:37:01dom96True, but some look important
16:37:04dom96and have been merged
16:37:29dom96We need a bot that checks the base branch and rejects PRs on master
16:37:38Yardanicothis is not in devel it seems? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7793/files
16:38:15dom96Thoughts about this? https://github.com/nim-lang/website/pull/86
16:39:04Yardanicodom96, well, I think there should be a button to go on github, but I'm fine with both choices (a ribbon or a counter)
16:39:41Yardanicodom96 so we should re-do all PRs made against master to devel?
16:39:49YardanicoPCRE is still PRCE in devel :D
16:39:50nc-x[m]Yeah. If they were merged to master maybe then master could have been merged to devel..
16:39:51nc-x[m]But anyways, now the option is to redo the pr to devel or if git allows to pick commits manually and merge them, then that is also good.
16:39:53FromGitter<alehander42> I think the fork thing usually means exactly "this is my github repo, go there", people dont care it says "fork me"
16:39:57dom96Yardanico: Not all, only the ones that have been merged
16:40:10dom96and only if before v0.18.0 release date I guess
16:40:41FromGitter<alehander42> but I admit i've seen beginner people fork by mistake thinking it's starring
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16:41:42Yardanicodom96 here you go: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=base%3Amaster+merged%3A%3C2018-03-01+
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16:42:03Yardanico(all PRs made before 0.18 to master)
16:42:09nc-x[m]Most people I have seen fork a repo as a bookmark, that I want to take a look at it later but don't have time right now
16:42:11Yardanicobut there are some PRs made to master after 0.18.0 release
16:44:46Yardanicodom96 I've left comments on 4 most recent PRs which were merged to master
16:44:57Yardanico(because 5th is mine :D )
16:45:11dom96cool thanks
16:46:55Yardanicodom96 and yeah, as you said - why do we really need master? Is it required if we have release tags?
16:47:35Yardanicoand yeah, people create PRs against master because links from docs go to master branch
16:48:03dom96yeah, I don't think we need it
16:48:12dom96for next release we should use the tag
16:48:38dom96For the older docs I suppose I can quickly grep replace the 'master' URLs
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16:50:19Yardanicothe only downside - if there's a link in stable docs to view source code of a specific proc, it can lead to some another proc (for example when this proc was moved/replaced)
16:50:42Yardanicotldr - line number can change
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16:52:10dom96it can't change
16:52:21dom96Because the tag always stays put
16:52:31Yardanicooh, right
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17:50:46FromGitter<zetashift> @survivorm you there by any chance?
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17:59:12Yardanicoyahooo, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7770#event-1664356105 merged!!!!11
18:00:37PMunchEy, the master branch is back as well :P
18:00:48YardanicoPMunch yeah, dom96 restored it :)
18:00:57Yardanicoand both devel and master are now protected
18:01:14PMunchWhat happened to it?
18:01:19PMunchAnd what does protected mean?
18:03:16shashlickvarriount: i've added the ability to rename files in nimgen, it's working for my 7z wrapper
18:03:16YardanicoPMunch protected branches (github feature) can't be deleted, or force-push can't be used to them
18:04:09PMunchAh, makes sense I guess
18:04:15YardanicoPMunch and what happened to it - well, someone deleted it (probably by accident)
18:04:58PMunchSomeone? How many people have write access to the repo? :P
18:06:29YardanicoPMunch more than 10 for sure
18:06:58PMunchOh really? More than I would imagine
18:11:23FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I have pitchforks if we decide to go that route
18:13:24PMunchHuh, who are we pitchforking?
18:16:24YardanicoWe should probably try to fix macOS builds on travis
18:17:24Yardanicooh https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/9511
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18:20:58PMunchHmm, do we have any JSON validation libraries?
18:21:22PMunchAs in taking some JSON and a "schema" of sorts and checking if it matches
18:21:29PMunchLooking at https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification
18:22:00PMunchWould be nice to have a way to define the interfaces in a way that could give us some automatic checking
18:24:38Araqwhat is a pitchfork?
18:24:50ldleworkan ok music festival
18:26:17PMunchIt's the traditional disgruntled peasant tool used for moving hay and protesting
18:26:45ldleworkback in the day, only disgruntled peasants moved hay
18:27:16PMunchSomething like this: http://twoicefloes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/the-mob-672x372.jpg
18:27:31PMunchldlework, -_-
18:29:16Araqoh I see.
18:29:24AraqI thought it was some IT term.
18:29:42PMunchOh haha, that makes sense
18:29:53PMunchProbably is tbh
18:35:20Yardanicoyay, it seems to work (yes, a dirty unix hack found on github in travis issue tracker ) https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7962
18:35:38Yardanicobut I'll wait until it will actually start running the test suite
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18:36:50FromDiscord<jos> hey
18:36:55FromDiscord<jos> i think i asked this a while ago
18:37:01FromDiscord<jos> i finally ported over my
18:37:04Yardanicoplease don't paste your code in discord, use gist :) (just a precaution)
18:37:12FromDiscord<jos> uhh okay
18:37:16FromDiscord<jos> anyway
18:37:41FromDiscord<jos> does anybody know a semantic way to abstract a library from macos and linux
18:38:02Yardanicoyou mean separate implementations?
18:38:05Yardanicofor macos and linux?
18:38:15FromDiscord<jos> i wrote two separate implementations, one for linux, and one for macos
18:38:18FromDiscord<jos> in c
18:38:21FromDiscord<jos> and i want to abstract the c implementation away
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18:39:07YardanicoAraq I fixed osx builds on travis ( https://travis-ci.org/nim-lang/Nim/jobs/388419737#L3411 ) with PR https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7962
18:40:00Yardanicobasically this "rvm" overwrites system "cd" command
18:40:37PMunchjos, dynamic or static library?
18:40:41YardanicoI'll link a issue where I found this solutioin
18:40:46FromDiscord<jos> statically linked
18:40:49FromDiscord<jos> compiled together AOT
18:41:07PMunchEither way you can use a when statement to pick which one to load
18:41:44PMunchAssuming they have fairly similar interfaces it should be a pretty easy job
18:42:12FromDiscord<jos> i was curious if there was a semantic way
18:44:00PMunchWhat do you mean?
18:45:12PMunchLot's of wrapped C libraries do this, declare all your procedures with the correct cdecl statements and then use a single when statement on the top to select which library to load
18:46:14FromDiscord<jos> right, but that's really lame
18:46:24FromDiscord<jos> i don't want to compile both files, or include two headers
18:46:38PMunchThat's what the when statement is for..
18:46:51PMunchIt will select, on compile time, which header to use
18:46:54FromDiscord<jos> oh ok
18:46:58FromDiscord<jos> i assumed you were talking about the c files
18:47:03FromDiscord<jos> i guess nim has a preprocessor statement
18:47:16PMunchNot really pre-processor
18:47:52PMunchYou can do lot's of crazy stuff on compile-time in Nim
18:52:01FromDiscord<jos> oh nice
18:52:04FromDiscord<jos> okay, i'll look at that
18:52:10Yardanico@jos a large subset of Nim can be used at compile-time
18:52:14FromDiscord<jos> perfect
18:52:19FromDiscord<jos> is there an example somewhere in a good library
18:52:27Yardanicofor "when"?
18:53:09Yardanico@jos https://github.com/stefanos1316/Rosetta-Code-Research/blob/6f6f59f3118db5a692b9f46c04db77cbb273f0bd/Scripts/Task/metaprogramming/nim/metaprogramming-2.nim
18:53:23PMunchMy protobuf library parses a file and creates code based on it, all on compile-time. If you are looking for a large example :P
19:13:04FromDiscord<jos> nice, awesome
19:13:08FromDiscord<jos> i just want an example that isn't whacky
19:15:30FromGitter<Varriount> jos: The question is, how deep do you want to go? Macros are essentially procedures that run at compile-time, but they aren't created too often.
19:16:00FromGitter<Varriount> Templates on the other hand, are *evaluated* at compile time, and used much more often.
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19:49:47FromGitter<kayabaNerve> PMunch Do we want to pitchfork? If so, yes
19:50:19PMunchPitchfork who?
19:50:30Yardanicoelixir devs afaik
19:50:45FromGitter<kayabaNerve> I was talking about whoever messed up the Git repo or whatever
19:50:46Yardanicomaybe :)
19:50:56PMunchOh, haha :P
19:51:00FromGitter<kayabaNerve> PMunch: They're taking up room that belongs to Nim
19:51:07YardanicoI think crystal does
19:51:10FromGitter<kayabaNerve> No other languages means Nim can rise
19:51:16PMunchWe still don't know who it was..
19:51:18Yardanicowell, that's a solid point
19:51:19FromGitter<kayabaNerve> We shall bring an era of language peave
19:51:24FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Never seen before
19:51:26YardanicoPMunch and we probably wouldn't
19:51:28FromGitter<kayabaNerve> It shall be imperial
19:51:30FromGitter<kayabaNerve> And we will prosper
19:51:32Yardanicobecause it seems that GitHub doesn't log that
19:51:33FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Nim or die
19:51:39Yardanicosome communist ideas I see :)
19:52:18FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Yardanico Seize the means of coding!
19:52:27FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Comrade
19:53:02Yardanicoyes, I'm actually from Russia, comrade
19:53:25FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Cyka blyat I'm busted. They know I'm a fraud
19:53:40FromGitter<kayabaNerve> *sorry for offending the Russians, it's a joke from the internet, please don't beat me up*
19:53:54FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Really from CS: GO...
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19:54:14Yardanico@kayabaNerve yes, I know about it :)
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20:03:31FromGitter<zetashift> As a dota2 player I also am well versed in the cyka and blyat
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20:10:49FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Oh really?
20:11:22FromGitter<kayabaNerve> @zetashift Please write a paper describing their linguistic origin and cultural effects on South Americans who have been exposed to these words via online gaming.
20:11:34FromGitter<kayabaNerve> You're not a true fan if you can't.
20:12:03FromGitter<kayabaNerve> You're only a true fan if: You have blades. You spin really fast. You cool people off. You aren't alive.
20:13:32Yardanicobtw, we have #nim-offtopic
20:13:39Yardanico(it's nim-lang/twitch on Gitter AFAIK)
20:13:56FromGitter<zetashift> I'm not a true fan, I'm simply well versed hehe, putting this on topic by adding I'm a true fan of nim
20:14:17Yardanicoyou can ask me if you need a native speaker
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20:56:21FromGitter<alehander42> is cyka blyat a popular meme in russia
20:56:32FromGitter<alehander42> oh i missed this convo
20:56:34FromGitter<alehander42> :D
20:57:57FromGitter<zetashift> it might continue one day in nim-offtopic who knows!
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21:39:17FromGitter<zetashift> Does rand(max: int) in the random module include the max number?
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21:43:54FromGitter<Vindaar> @zetashift as far as I can tell from the code https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/pure/random.nim#L113 I'd say it does include the max value
21:44:26FromGitter<Vindaar> which fits to the documentation claiming it covers the range 0..max
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21:49:08FromGitter<zetashift> ah alright I wasn't sure when reading it and testing it on the nim playground wasn't effective..
21:50:21PMunchLet's get this party going: https://github.com/PMunch/nimlsp.git
21:51:32FromGitter<alehander42> @PMunch oh lsp awesome
21:51:56FromGitter<alehander42> ping @zah about it too, I think he had some ideas about compiler support for it
21:52:17PMunchCompiler support?
21:52:36FromGitter<alehander42> I don't remember exactly, but it was about LSP too
21:54:02FromGitter<alehander42> I have to read a bit more, but iirc it wouldn't be easy to have a quallity lsp without a bit more support
21:54:53PMunchIt's really just the humble beginnings though, all PRs and issues greatly appreciated. If I have to pull this load on my own it will probably take ages and/or not get done. But I was tired about everyone nodding their heads and saying "yes LSP would be great" but no-one doing anything about it :P
21:55:54PMunchBut now it's time for bed. One of your better contribute something while I'm asleep! jk (but not really)
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21:56:39FromGitter<alehander42> :D absolutely, I guess you can get fat anyway!
21:56:43FromGitter<alehander42> far ***
21:56:44FromGitter<alehander42> oh man
21:57:57FromGitter<alehander42> which other lsp implementations do you use as inspiration?
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