<< 05-09-2024 >>

00:07:07FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> Sometimes I've had to read package source code
00:07:14FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> Even Nim's
00:07:32FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> but the language is luckily pretty accomodating with that
00:22:35FromDiscord<jm_sts> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/VSUzNspK
00:22:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> yea just use the `error` procedure
00:29:05FromDiscord<jm_sts> I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean by error procedure. Like raise errors? ↵↵https://nim-lang.org/docs/exceptions.html↵?
00:44:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No inside std/macros there is a `error` procedure
00:44:30FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You can use it to write custom errors with specific line information from source AST
00:44:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> So it appears like a language level error
00:45:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The autocomplete is just not possible for untyped macros
00:50:37FromDiscord<jm_sts> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/itdpDytn
00:50:55FromDiscord<jm_sts> In reply to @Elegantbeef "The autocomplete is just": I will have to write typed macros then
00:51:50FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=WEghHetC
00:52:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Typed macros are typed so the code must be valid
00:52:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> htmlgen for instance cannot be done as it is as a typed macro
00:52:55FromDiscord<jm_sts> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=PMeUUzHU
00:53:36FromDiscord<jm_sts> I’ve gotten the impression from a few things i’ve read that typed macros are a much more intermediate task, is this true?
00:53:58FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> They operate on AST which compiles
00:54:07FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Whether that's intermediate is dependent on what you're doing
00:56:38FromDiscord<jm_sts> https://github.com/jmsapps/NTML↵↵This is what I’m working on, sporadically when I have time aside from work. For sure you’ve seen me ask questions related to this on the Nim forum, you’ve helped me
00:57:19FromDiscord<jm_sts> At my work we use React front end and python backend so I wanted to make something with a syntax thats like best of both worlds, which attracted me to Nim in the first place
00:57:55FromDiscord<jm_sts> But because Nim already has Karax I was thinking i would make this without a virtual DOM
01:04:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=dqRCZZSX
01:04:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The nature of untyped is that the compiler does not actually see the code
01:05:39FromDiscord<jm_sts> No no no I can’t, the syntax has to be how I have it
01:06:08FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Have fun with lack of tooling support
01:06:15FromDiscord<jm_sts> I have a musicians background the aesthetic is everything for me 🤣
01:06:22FromDiscord<jm_sts> Its a creative decision
01:06:29FromDiscord<jm_sts> I will figure something out
01:06:38FromDiscord<jm_sts> Forgive me if I appear stubborn
01:06:58*Lord_Nightmare quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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01:22:50FromDiscord<haoyu233> In reply to @fabric.input_output "`->` ;]": 看起来有点像 python 语法,
01:23:46FromDiscord<haoyu233> (edit) "In reply to @fabric.input_output "`->` ;]": 看起来有点像 python 语法," => "sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=sjcpyavU"
01:24:42FromDiscord<jm_sts> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Yea if you want": Maybe I can have untyped macros for the flexible syntax but inner typed macros for tooling?
01:25:00FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> If the outer macro is untyped so is the body
01:25:09FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> That's sorta required for untyped
01:25:56FromDiscord<jm_sts> Okay. So the issue if im understanding is that typed macros wont like the raw nnkStmtList’s i have?
01:26:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> typed macro force the code to be typed, which means it's semantically correct
01:26:44FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> untyped macros take the code right out of the parser so it has no forced semantics
01:27:03FromDiscord<jm_sts> Right, gotcha
01:27:15FromDiscord<jm_sts> Okay, I have a lot to think about, thank you so much as always
01:42:18*beholders_eye quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
01:53:49*xet7 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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05:04:24*SchweinDeBurg quit (Quit: WeeChat 4.5.0-dev)
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05:29:51FromDiscord<madonuko> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=kKWHyOYo
05:31:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You're passing a `ref` to a thread, that's not a good thing to do
05:33:26FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You could try `--mm:atomicarc` but without orc it'll likely leak
05:42:06*Artea quit (Remote host closed the connection)
05:53:54FromDiscord<Phil> Generally I can not recommend fiddling around in owlkettle with threads on your own
05:54:29FromDiscord<Phil> I'd recommend using their in-built procs for dispatching tasks etc., then GTK takes care of the multithreading for you, assuming you don't need the result of a piece of computation.
06:21:58*coldfeet joined #nim
07:08:03FromDiscord<madonuko> In reply to @isofruit "I'd recommend using their": yeah I think I'm going to go for this path instead then
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09:16:19FromDiscord<vindaar> @ch_dr_7 ↵As already mentioned for arraymancer / flambeau and similar libraries, better ask in the #science channel. There's only few of us who maintain these libs, so the chances that someone sees your messages in the main channel are pretty slim. Also feel free to open issues in any of the repos
09:17:27FromDiscord<vindaar> Did you manage to get the simple MLP arraymancer example working from the master branch though? It should work fine
10:03:57*Jjp137 joined #nim
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10:39:27FromDiscord<ch_dr_7> I'm not making that but that example seemed to work, there weren't errors when I made the stuff I actually needed. I'll mention it tho
10:39:56FromDiscord<ch_dr_7> Like my nn is doing something unrelated to the perceptron
10:45:59*gst2 joined #nim
11:12:02FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> Any idea what this strange error is about? (Karax):↵↵Error: ambiguous call; both vdom.setAttr(n: VNode, key: kstring, val: kstring) [proc declared in /home/david/.nimble/pkgs/karax-1.3.0/karax/vdom.nim(245, 6)] and vdom.setAttr(n: VNode, key: kstring, val: bool) [proc declared in /home/david/.nimble/pkgs/karax-1.3.0/karax/vdom.nim(256, 6)] match for: (VNode, string, string)
11:12:35FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> i'm knees deep in a refactor and this started to happen
11:13:05FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> how can this (VNode, string, string) even match (n: VNode, key: kstring, val: bool)
11:13:52FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> my first idea was "converter" but it does not seem like it
11:18:18*mfg joined #nim
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11:43:22Amun-Rai don't see val: bool in the error message, I see val: kstring
11:44:21FromDiscord<nnsee> the error message lists `vdom.setAttr(n: VNode, key: kstring, val: bool)` as one of the candidates
11:44:55FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> But it thinks that vnode,string,string would match vnode,kstring,bool
11:45:01Amun-Raah, I see that now
11:45:14FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> Or I read it wrong
11:45:24FromDiscord<nnsee> no, i think you're reading it right
11:46:40*lucasta joined #nim
11:59:29FromDiscord<Phil> @hotdog6666 , spread your wisdom!
12:08:22FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=cgyMutHy
12:08:50FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=CIHXpjZx" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=gKCGYKbq"
12:13:16FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> ok
12:13:27FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> it was completely unrelated and totally misleading error
12:13:56FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> i had two imports in js that should be only for native targets in one dependency
13:10:02*gst2 quit (Quit: Client closed)
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15:21:38FromDiscord<arm_3_d> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=MAJkwGPh
15:22:36FromDiscord<odexine> I assume using a closed channel is undefined behaviour
15:23:43FromDiscord<arm_3_d> How to check whether channel is closed? peek?
15:24:08FromDiscord<arm_3_d> `peek`'s documentation says that its not recommended using it
15:29:38*coldfeet joined #nim
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16:46:59*lucasta quit (Quit: Leaving)
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18:09:24FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> i think i've used tryRecv
18:09:48FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> and i've also used a specific message and then returned in the receiving proc
18:09:51FromDiscord<enthus1ast.> idk whats better
18:16:12FromDiscord<melmass> I would like to generate typescript types and code from my nim code, how would you approach that?
18:59:44*coldfeet quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:06:49*beholders_eye quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
19:19:49FromDiscord<tauruuuuuus> Question time: I know I can have a nimble project with two binaries but can I have them compiled with different compilers/flags? Can I specify in some way that they have to refer to two different config.nims?
19:40:15FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `myfile.nims` next to `myfile`
19:46:37FromDiscord<tauruuuuuus> woah, so simple? thanks!
19:46:46FromDiscord<tauruuuuuus> I seem to miss this kind of stuff all the time 😒
20:01:55*xet7 quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:04:16FromDiscord<demotomohiro> This kind of stuff is documented here: https://nim-lang.org/docs/nims.html
20:12:13FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://nim-lang.org/docs/nimc.html#compiler-usage-configuration-files even further here
20:32:22*beholders_eye joined #nim
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21:48:16FromDiscord<tauruuuuuus> Thanks guys for kindly telling me to RTFM 😄
21:48:33FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> As always
21:48:45FromDiscord<tauruuuuuus> I just told a colleague today
21:48:51FromDiscord<tauruuuuuus> I knew it was going to come back to me..
21:49:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's a doggy dog world (no I'm not falling for an eggcorn)
21:56:20FromDiscord<lolfriend> this is a doggy dog world🥲
21:57:59FromDiscord<lolfriend> i just learned what an eggcorn is
22:11:12*def- quit (Quit: -)
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22:13:10FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Sorry about that
23:08:35*beholders_eye quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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23:39:21FromDiscord<nocturn9x> uh
23:39:26FromDiscord<nocturn9x> does anyone know why threads will like
23:39:28FromDiscord<nocturn9x> randomly just die
23:39:30FromDiscord<nocturn9x> with no warning
23:39:42FromDiscord<nocturn9x> two of my virtualized servers have started doing this
23:39:53FromDiscord<nocturn9x> no issues on my local linux box or in another baremetal server
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