<< 05-12-2019 >>

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00:56:42FromDiscord_<mratsim> so @Clyybber I had to remove the backoff mechanism for now because it has a race condition and can deadlock 😛
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01:23:46madpropsim doing something like this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23Ac
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01:24:26madpropsoh wait
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01:46:13FromDiscord_<mratsim> I'm jealous of your super widescreen if you can spend tab space like that :p
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02:48:48disrupteki'm just gonna write a nimph subcommand that will setup missing tags for your project, binding every single nimble version update to the commit that introduced it.
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02:55:37dchemhi everyone, if I do "let a = b", where 'b' is an instance of an Object, 'a' is a ref to 'b' and not a copy of 'b', right?
02:55:56zedeusif it's a ref object, yes
02:56:31dchemIs Iterator a ref object?
02:57:04dchemSorry I'll look it up myself, I think that helped. Thanks zedeus
03:00:12FromDiscord_<Rika> if b is a ref object, b stores a reference (heap pointer). hence, let a = b will copy the pointer to a, making a a reference to whatever b was referencing
03:00:24FromDiscord_<Rika> thats my thought process at least
03:04:38dchemGot it, and the iterator returned by items[T](iterable) is the pointer to the element of the iterable, right?
03:05:16dchemSorry if question is super basic, just making sure I understand this. Thank you in advance.
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04:49:24FromDiscord_<Rika> it depends on whats contained is it not
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07:23:14sealmovehey, is anyone here?
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07:24:06sealmovein a macro, how can i instruct compiler to wait for a symbol (which will be generated in the same macro)?
07:24:22sealmovebecause I get Error: undeclared identifier: 'myIdentifier'
07:24:37sealmovebut I myIdentifier will exist, compiler just don't know it
07:24:51zedeusexample code?
07:25:13zedeusI think quote do checks idents
07:25:26sealmovewait, I
07:25:31sealmove'll write a simple example
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07:32:12sealmovehere you go zedeus
07:33:18sealmoveoops, the example is wrong, wait
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07:39:07sealmovehmm, I can't reproduce
07:43:45sealmovexDDD sorry nvm, I confused an identifier from the to-generate code with an identifier from actual code
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09:31:11Araq„Hi, I've concluded from asking questions around in the Nim communities that Nim is a great language with mostly just a PR issue. As I'm learning and adopting the language, I want to spend time closing this gap in the hope that more will have the opportunity to appreciate this language.
09:31:12AraqWith that, can I propose we pimp up this sub, starting from adding the crown icon and creating a color theme that matches the Nim's website?“
09:31:31Araq^ is that the beginning of something that will be turned into spam anytime soon?
09:31:40Araqlooks like it to me, but what do you think
09:32:47ZevvNah, don't think so. They know about the crown!
09:33:17livcdWhere do you see that ?
09:33:44livcdPosted 19daus ago on /r/nim
09:34:26Araqlivcd: I'm an admin on the forum so I can see what you cannot
09:34:38livcdah ok
09:34:58Zevvbwah why do I explictly make a has[] to be able to use my enum as Table index :/
09:35:22Zevvhash(), that is
09:38:46AraqZevv: because you're supposed to use an array with enum indexes
09:38:56Araqmuch faster
09:39:58Zevvgap in my enum :(
09:40:10Zevvbut true, I hear you
09:41:51Araqmind the gap.
09:43:17Araqofftopic but when I was in England I found this so funny... "mind the gap" the signs said on the train station. I said, "no, I don't mind the gap, it was a single step over it"
09:49:32PMunchHow does one wrap a C++ abstract class in Nim?
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10:08:28livcdAraq: i dont get it :F
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10:09:02FromGitter<alehander92> nice joke
10:09:13FromGitter<alehander92> but my english is faulty :P
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10:20:40AraqPMunch, better-codegendecl is still not ready :-(
10:20:50Araqso much trouble introduced by this patch
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10:22:29PMunchIt's been working fine for me
10:23:33PMunchBy the way, any idea what introduces __mulohisi3, __mulshisi3, __negsi2, etc in the Nim binaries?
10:23:53PMunchI'm trying to figure out why the Nim generated binaries are bigger than the standard AVR ones
10:32:06AraqI don't know, no.
10:33:31PMunchHmm, they are most of the things I don't recognise in the list of different symbols: http://ix.io/23BH
10:33:44PMunchAlong with "next" and "random"
10:35:21PMunchI'm trying to get "nm -l" working to list where these come from. But so far with little luck
10:35:37PMunchThe documentation just says it looks for "debugging information" but doesn't specify what kind..
10:36:19*nc-x joined #nim
10:36:38nc-xPMunch: They seem to be defined by gcc for avr https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/master/libgcc/config/avr/lib1funcs.S
10:37:02nc-xatleast thats what google search shows and me thinks
10:37:09PMunchYeah, but the weird thing is that they don't appear in the same sketch compiled through the Arduino IDE
10:37:28PMunchSo something in the generated Nim code prompts it to include them
10:39:03nc-xMaybe Arduino IDE uses lib1funcs-fixed.S (those symbols are not defined here), whereas nim uses lib1funcs.S (https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/tree/master/libgcc/config/avr)
10:39:29nc-xI don't know the difference between *-fixed.S vs the normal file though
10:39:39PMunchBut they should've been removed if they aren't used by the program
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10:47:09Araqnc-x, understood my remark about the bug you asked about?
10:49:13nc-xWell... The fix is done. will create PR in a few minutes. --Hopefully, I understood it correctly--
10:50:03Araqwow nice
10:50:14AraqPMunch, I think I just fixed the "last" bug about it
10:50:44PMunchOooh nice
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10:55:09PMunchHmm, it looks like these odd functions are 32 or 16 bit math functions
10:55:31PMunchIs this possibly related to the fact that Nim thinks AVR is 16 bit instead of the actual 8 bit?
10:56:47Araqpossible yes
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10:57:16Araqmaybe it's as simple as patching nimbase.h
10:57:25Araqso that it uses C's 16 bit integers?
10:57:38Araqlook at the NI typedef
10:58:10ZevvPMunch: avr is not really really 8 bit always, its a kind of hybrid.
11:00:10solitudesfanother bot https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/5642
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11:00:41nc-xAraq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12814
11:00:43disbotFixed objects being erroneously zeroed out before object construction @11nc-x
11:01:09Araqsolitudesf, lol, told you
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11:12:50FromDiscord<mratsim> Oooh, is that what I think it is? A fixed to the double zeroMem?
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11:16:12Araqthe fix for that is to use a better C compiler
11:19:46FromDiscord<mratsim> Well, often you need to help it, that means tagging restrict, pure, const for example
11:21:19Araqwe got --asm for easier asm code inspection
11:22:19Zevvaraq: #12777 should be ok to go
11:22:20disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12777 -- 3Increased TInstr field sizes: allow long jumps and 65535 VM registers 🌈11zevv
11:24:21FromDiscord<mratsim> I've been doing Nim ASM code inspection for almost 3 years now, that's why I'm writing my own compiler with macros
11:25:01Araqgood for you, so please me precisely when the double memsets are a problem
11:25:59Araqand not the usual "result = 0; result = 0" omg inefficient! cargo cult
11:26:35FromDiscord<mratsim> This: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6501
11:26:37disbotAssignment in result variables generates genericResets @11edubart; snippet at https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23BW
11:27:16Araqthat's 'genericSeqAssign', not memset afaict
11:27:27Araqalso I fixed it in 1.0. I think
11:27:30FromDiscord<mratsim> you have double memSet in the generated code
11:27:51Araqso what do I have it in the asm too? if so, why?
11:27:55FromDiscord<mratsim> one because Nim always have one, and another brought in by genericReset AFAIK
11:29:10FromDiscord<mratsim> 30% perf difference: https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/issues/104
11:29:11disbotBottleneck: find what generates "GenericResetAux"11mratsim
11:29:24FromDiscord<mratsim> also remember when noInit didn't work anymore?
11:30:10FromDiscord<mratsim> I even used templates to workaround those issues: https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/issues/104#issuecomment-336235661
11:30:11disbotBottleneck: find what generates "GenericResetAux"11mratsim
11:30:48FromDiscord<mratsim> Ultimately I will remove all seq and use pointer + length potentially with my own allocator
11:31:03FromDiscord<mratsim> but those were very annoying to hunt and fight against
11:33:24Zevvhmm did nim not once do run time checks on enum values? I can do 42.MyEnum even if 42 is not a valid member, and then $ will show "(invalid data!)" only
11:34:30FromGitter<alehander92> where would it run them
11:35:20FromGitter<alehander92> some foreign code can always "corrupt" an enum, and i hope we dont check each enum access, too slow
11:36:11Zevvwe also check ranges and overflows, right?
11:36:26Araqyou're saying "do something about the double memsets" and then every bug you bring up is about genericReset
11:36:42Araqso all I'm asking for is to be precise
11:37:10FromGitter<alehander92> Zevv, but this is an operation check: we probably check it for enums in arrays as well
11:37:28FromGitter<alehander92> what do you want for a == value (enums)
11:37:47Zevvno, I'd expect an exception on assignment of an illegal enum value
11:37:52Zevvwhen not running -d:danger, at least
11:38:24Zevvbut maybe I'm wrong and this never was like that in the past
11:38:35FromGitter<alehander92> does this happen for ints?
11:39:14FromDiscord<mratsim> I have to check in the nimbus codebase/bug tracker for the double memset, but we do have those as well
11:39:16FromGitter<alehander92> enums should be as fast as ints out of `debug mode` imo
11:39:26FromGitter<alehander92> and this still wouldn't catch all cases
11:39:48FromGitter<alehander92> e.g. some c code setting an enum to other value, or casting
11:40:58FromGitter<alehander92> we should check value.MyEnum imo
11:41:04PMunchZevv, yeah that is true
11:41:45FromGitter<alehander92> because thats where corruption can be introduced, the other cases should be checked from the type systems
11:41:53FromGitter<alehander92> and cast-s are wild west anyway
11:42:10FromGitter<alehander92> sorry, if thats what you meant originally
11:42:26Araqok, give me one sec please
11:42:51Zevvalehander92: well, 4.MyEnum is technically not a cast
11:43:21AraqZevv, I think it never produced a check
11:43:26Araqbut it should :-)
11:43:39Zevvranges do throw RangeError, but enums do not
11:44:22FromGitter<alehander92> ok so conversions "always unchecked"
11:44:25FromGitter<alehander92> in the manual
11:44:43FromGitter<alehander92> Zevv thats what i say
11:44:55FromGitter<alehander92> that enum conversions make sense to me to be checked
11:45:13Zevvright, I feel an enum deserves the same treatment as a range[]
11:45:14PMunchAha, tried to add a "uint32_t" global variable and do some simple multiplication with it in the main loop of the program. Tha bumped the size up considerably and now it has "__muluhisi3" defined as well
11:45:18FromGitter<alehander92> but it seems the manual insists that now (from 1.0.4) type conversion are always unchecked
11:45:39Zevvoh :(
11:45:47PMunchSo these are definitely caused by Nim somewhere spitting out multiplication, division, and modulo operations on various int types
11:47:25PMunchNow to figure out where this happens..
11:48:58*nif quit (Quit: ...)
11:49:01Araqalehander92: no. conversions to *unsigned* integer types are unchecked
11:49:07*nif joined #nim
11:52:15Zevvso, should I file an issue for this?
11:52:40FromGitter<alehander92> well this should be a bit clarified in this paragraph
11:52:47FromGitter<alehander92> but sorry , i should've noticed the upper one indeed
11:52:49PMunchHmm, tried to grep after the word "int" in the cache directory gave me nothing. Commenting out every mention of 32 bit integers in nimbase.h didn't throw an error..
11:57:29PMunchInteresting, I moved some "passC" statements from the nim.cfg file over to {.passC:.} pragmas and added a strdefine constant to specify where to import from. And even though I import the same files the binary dropped 400 bytes..
11:58:58FromGitter<alehander92> but Zevv
11:59:13FromGitter<alehander92> i still think you should write "check conversions" not assignments
11:59:14PMunchDoing it the way I originally had it apparently created an intFunc and a nothingv function, not sure what they do.. http://ix.io/23C3
12:00:04FromGitter<alehander92> they are the problem here
12:00:13FromGitter<alehander92> and they can happen e.g. in calls
12:00:31Zevvright, updated
12:01:14FromGitter<alehander92> thanks!
12:03:37*clyybber joined #nim
12:03:39Zevvboy are'nt we just nice people
12:04:57clyybberZevv: Does a conversion to enum really not raise a range error? I relied on that in my code :p
12:05:14Zevvsee https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/12815
12:05:16disbotNo run time checks on illegal values for enum with gaps 🌈11zevv; snippet at https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23C5
12:05:23Zevvit does if you go too low or too high, but not if you hit a gap
12:05:46clyybberHuh, that explains something..
12:05:47Zevvah, how sweet, I even got a little red heart from alehander92!
12:05:59clyybberlemme give you one too
12:06:15clyybberZevv: I think I'll try to implement contains for enums
12:06:20clyybberThat should be really handy
12:06:50Zevvat the typedesc level?
12:07:14clyybberI don't know I just *want* to do it. I'm gonna think afterwards :p
12:07:57clyybbermaybe it needs to be magic :\
12:08:59clyybbermratsim: Why not just patch atomics.nim instead of that workaround?
12:09:39clyybberIts just a matter of adding enum to it, right?
12:11:12Araqoh no
12:11:20Araqso it's just the enum with holes *again*
12:11:28Araqsuch an expensive, silly feature
12:11:44PMunchAha, I was compiling in "cores/arduino/WMath.cpp" which added all those things
12:11:50PMunchRemoving it made them disappear
12:12:48clyybber!eval echo bool is enum
12:12:55FromGitter<alehander92> Zevv no problem
12:13:06clyybberwhy is bool not an enum, when it actually is?
12:13:11FromGitter<alehander92> of course this should be turnable off
12:13:27FromGitter<alehander92> clyybber int64-s are also kind of enums :P
12:13:48clyybberalehander92: But bool is literally defined as an enum
12:14:30FromGitter<alehander92> huhh
12:14:30clyybber!eval type myBool = false, true; echo myBool is enum
12:14:31NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 20) Error: invalid indentation
12:14:44clyybber!eval type myBool = false, true\n echo myBool is enum
12:14:46NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 20) Error: invalid indentation
12:14:54Zevv"mind the holes"
12:14:54FromGitter<alehander92> no spaces
12:15:08clyybberno spaces?
12:15:14FromGitter<alehander92> remove the space
12:15:16FromGitter<alehander92> before echo
12:15:21clyybber!eval type myBool = false, true\necho myBool is enum
12:15:23FromGitter<alehander92> !eval bool is enum
12:15:23NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 20) Error: invalid indentation
12:15:24NimBotCompile failed: ???(0, 0) Error: expression 'false' is of type 'bool' and has to be discarded
12:15:43FromGitter<alehander92> !eval echo bool is enum
12:16:24FromGitter<alehander92> !eval type myBool = enum false, true
12:16:26NimBot<no output>
12:16:31FromGitter<alehander92> !eval type myBool = enum false, true
12:16:34NimBot<no output>
12:16:43FromGitter<alehander92> !eval type myBool = enum false, true\necho myBool is enum
12:16:45NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 31) Error: identifier expected, but got '\'
12:16:49clyybber!eval type myBool = f, t\necho myBool is enum
12:16:50NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 16) Error: invalid indentation
12:16:56*abm joined #nim
12:16:58FromGitter<alehander92> no youre forgetting the `enum`
12:17:14clyybberI tested it on playground
12:17:17clyybberit returns true
12:17:24FromGitter<alehander92> !eval type myBool = enum false, true \necho myBool is enum
12:17:25NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 32) Error: identifier expected, but got '\'
12:17:26clyybberSo its a bug exclusive to our little bool
12:17:34clyybberdon't use false
12:17:36clyybberor true
12:17:40clyybberbut t and f
12:17:55clyybber!eval type myBool = enum f, t\necho myBool is enum
12:17:57NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 24) Error: identifier expected, but got '\'
12:18:08clyybber!eval type myBool = enum f, t; echo myBool is enum
12:18:09NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 24) Error: identifier expected, but got ';'
12:18:17Araqbool is not an enum. Proof: you cannot write 'if myenumValue:'
12:18:45PMunchOkay, so now with my imports and compiles better defined the overhead of using Nim comes down to 4 extra bytes of program memory
12:19:06FromGitter<alehander92> it works with false and true clyybber
12:19:07clyybberAraq: Thats not a proof :p We could just say that if takes a bool and not an enum.
12:19:10FromGitter<alehander92> ah in the playground
12:19:23clyybberalehander92: Yeah, the bot does some things I don't understand
12:19:33clyybberI looked into fixing it once, but I don't see the error
12:19:52FromGitter<alehander92> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23C9
12:20:28*tklohna joined #nim
12:20:36FromGitter<alehander92> notice that echo a
12:20:39FromGitter<alehander92> echoes false :D
12:20:50clyybberbecause of the magic
12:20:57clyybberremove it and it echoes true
12:21:20FromGitter<alehander92> yeah i know
12:22:04FromGitter<alehander92> but this means we can make our own
12:22:07FromGitter<alehander92> bool-like types
12:22:11FromGitter<alehander92> which we can `if`
12:22:14FromGitter<alehander92> e.g. ternary
12:23:25clyybberAraq: fuuuuck, I made a dumb mistake, I accidently pressed commit since the github UI displays that now instead of create PR :(
12:23:33Araqmratsim: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23Ca
12:23:48Araqit optimized one memset call out for me
12:24:07FromGitter<alehander92> and this means that we can do
12:24:07FromGitter<alehander92> wow
12:24:09FromGitter<alehander92> wow
12:24:12clyybberAraq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/267fed53ee6ce6be70ff9f410e82b5847ddfa734
12:24:39clyybberIts a simple change, but I didn't intend on commiting it directly, sorry :/ wont happen again
12:24:42Araqthat's what I'm talking about, we don't have to optimize it. only genericReset and friends are terrible
12:25:03Araqclyybber, we'll be fine, it is the development branch
12:25:07FromGitter<alehander92> ok nevermind it didnt need a custom bool type
12:25:15FromGitter<alehander92> but yeah we can do if @[2]: like in python
12:25:20FromGitter<alehander92> i didnt realize it before
12:25:30Araqwe can but it's a bad idea
12:25:33FromGitter<alehander92> or if @[]: # false
12:25:36FromGitter<alehander92> i agree
12:25:52FromGitter<alehander92> just another strange `converter` thing :P
12:28:27PMunchHmm, weird that the math functions were included in the final binary though.. I wonder how the regular AVR compilation manages to avoid this and still have the procedures available when it needs them..
12:28:33clyybbermratsim: welp, consider #12812 fixed :p
12:28:34disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/12812 -- 5Enums should be considered Trivial types in Atomics ⚫11mratsim
12:28:36FromGitter<alehander92> ok a converter from T to U doesnt work at least
12:29:03*tklohna quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
12:31:33Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12799 it's green!
12:31:34disbotbetter support for PROGMEM like annotations for lets/vars; fixes #12216 👑11Araq
12:31:53clyybberAraq: Niiice, what was the source of that math issue?
12:32:15*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.6)
12:32:23PMunchAha, linker flags was the key!
12:32:27Araqclyybber, global lets in a loop are special and cannot rely on top level inits
12:34:53*rockcavera joined #nim
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12:37:37PMunchHmm, I have "PFlashStringHelper* {.importc: "const __FlashStringHelper*".} = distinct pointer" But this gets translated to a void * in the C code
12:38:08PMunchI had it without "distinct" to begin with, and that generated the correct type, but that meant Nim would see calls as ambiguous.
12:39:28PMunchIs that a bug?
12:42:16*tklohna quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
12:49:22Araqno. the backend is allowed to ignore the 'distinct' and your importc requirement
12:49:58Araqlet Nim do the pointer annotation and import it like
12:50:16AraqFlashStringHelper* {.importc: "const __FlashStringHelper".} = object
12:52:48PMunchAh superb, that works well
12:53:19PMunchSo that's how you import an abstract C++ class :)
13:11:52PMunchHmm, more weird interesting bugs
13:12:21PMunchvar test: uint32; {.emit: [arduboy, ".print(sizeof(", test, "));"].}
13:12:26PMunchThat prints out 2
13:12:47PMunchSo somehow NU32 has become 2 bytes long..
13:19:37PMunchSo apparently "HAVE_STDINT_H" wasn't defined and nimbase.h pointed NU32 to "unsigned int" which is a 16-bit integer on this board.
13:20:06Araqfix it
13:20:12PMunchUsing "passC = -DHAVE_STDINT_H" made it work, but I feel there is a proper place to fix it
13:20:29Araqpatch it
13:20:46Araqor maybe it got moved into the codegen, don't remember
13:21:01PMunchNah there is a section here that defined HAVE_STDINT_H
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13:36:33FromDiscord<mratsim> @Clyybber @Araq, no it's not enums with holes, just plain enums
13:36:57FromDiscord<mratsim> and I didn't patch the stdlib because I want to continue my investigation and then sleep
13:37:03FromDiscord<mratsim> wanted*
13:37:12*thomasross quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
13:37:16PMunchAraq, done: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12817
13:37:17disbotFix AVR target to define ints properly @11PMunch
13:37:56PMunchI notice that I'm a bit off the beaten path here :P
13:38:36FromDiscord<mratsim> ah enu with holes was regarding Zevv issues not atomics, okay
13:43:39*thomasross joined #nim
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13:48:04clyybbermratsim: Yeah, I was referring to the issue that enums werent considered Trivial for Atomics
13:48:29FromDiscord<mratsim> Casting is life
13:48:35FromDiscord<mratsim> Casting is living*
13:49:50FromDiscord<mratsim> Anyway, the thing is still broken, I need to readup on Software Transactional Memory or change the backoff scheme to something similar to what they use for Wifi and that is probabilistic and doesn't use synchronization. It increases latency and power consumption though
13:59:40*ng0 quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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14:09:32disruptekZevv: lemme know when your package manager manager is ready; i wanna use it to build nimph.
14:17:29FromDiscord<mratsim> ??? Yo dawg I heard you like package manager so I create a package manager to package your package manager?
14:18:25disruptekthere are enough open issues in nimble/nimterop that it's actually hard to build.
14:20:22*solitudesf quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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14:22:15clyybbermratsim: You made me curious, how can one get the compiler to not semfold? And is that a bug?
14:23:45FromDiscord<Clyybber> @mratsim
14:26:16FromDiscord<mratsim> I use a proc
14:26:17nc-xAraq: Fixed `isPartOf()` https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12814/files
14:26:18disbotFixed objects being erroneously zeroed out before object construction @11nc-x
14:29:07clyybbernc-x: Nice
14:29:11*dddddd joined #nim
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14:36:44nc-x38and while I was reading Clyybber's msg, and congratulating myself, the build failed :)
14:37:06nc-x38that too without any error https://builds.sr.ht/~araq/job/118193
14:37:20nc-x38found the error
14:38:49nc-x38appveyor's interface was the best to find out where build actually failed
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14:44:01*PMunch quit (Quit: Leaving)
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15:03:13FromDiscord<yewpad> Dark themed Nim docs soon! thanks @araq for taking over
15:03:52FromDiscord<yewpad> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/652163230096949258/unknown.png
15:03:55FromDiscord<yewpad> 👀
15:04:11FromGitter<alehander92> i want a light theme
15:04:18FromGitter<alehander92> like, white, not just light :O
15:04:46clyybberalehander92: just buy a lamp?
15:04:49FromDiscord<yewpad> You can toggle between light and dark
15:04:50FromDiscord<yewpad> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/652163473127637043/unknown.png
15:05:01FromGitter<alehander92> no, i dont mean the current ones
15:05:09FromDiscord<yewpad> What do you mean?
15:05:27FromGitter<alehander92> i just want a white, simpler background
15:05:51FromDiscord<yewpad> For the documentation page(s)
15:05:52FromDiscord<yewpad> ?
15:06:17clyybberalehander92: I think you really are alone with that heretic wish
15:06:27FromDiscord<yewpad> i don't get it
15:06:41clyybberyewpad: He wants white white, not yellowish white
15:07:15FromGitter<alehander92> yes for the doc pages
15:07:28FromDiscord<yewpad> I don't know about you but for me it is all white, like pure white. Maybe I configured my monitor the wrong way or his monitor isn't configured the right way
15:07:33FromGitter<alehander92> i liked dark backgrounds in the past
15:07:37FromGitter<alehander92> no its not, look at the css
15:07:46FromGitter<alehander92> its very slightly not white but its not
15:08:08FromGitter<alehander92> however these days i dont really dig black backgrounds much, but i know people have prefs
15:08:34FromDiscord<yewpad> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/652164414035853334/unknown.png
15:09:15disruptekinstall a browser extension like stylebot.
15:09:18clyybberFFFFFF is what he wants
15:09:26clyybberdisruptek: or stylus
15:09:34FromGitter<alehander92> yeah thats not #fff
15:09:38disruptekdark reader makes me happy.
15:09:53FromGitter<alehander92> yeah no problem, i just wondered if its a more general scheme change
15:09:53FromDiscord<yewpad> The difference between FFFFFF and FCFCFC is pretty much non-existent lol
15:10:19clyybberyou start to notice it after training your eyes on the blank sun
15:10:34FromGitter<alehander92> yewpad sorry it is
15:10:43FromGitter<alehander92> you underestimate people's eyes :P
15:10:47disruptekhow are these two lines ambiguous?
15:10:51disruptek+ proc add*[K: string, V](group: Group[K, V]; url: Uri; value: V)
15:10:56disruptek+ proc add*[K: Uri, V](group: Group[K, V]; url: Uri; value: V)
15:10:57FromGitter<alehander92> we tend to notice very small differences with enough habit
15:11:02FromDiscord<yewpad> Yeah, welp, just install an extension that re-styles the page
15:11:23*FromGitter quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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15:11:48disrupteki can sorta understand why nim doesn't accept it, but i think it's a defect.
15:11:52*Vladar joined #nim
15:12:09FromGitter<alehander92> disruptek we dont see any lines
15:12:26FromGitter<alehander92> ah its the bridge thing
15:12:27FromGitter<alehander92> sorry
15:12:42disruptekshould i repaste?
15:12:49FromDiscord<yewpad> @araq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12816
15:12:49FromDiscord<yewpad> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/652165484048810011/3ii7md.png
15:12:50disbotfeature dracula themed doc 👑11Araq
15:13:04FromGitter<alehander92> yewpad well .. thats what i can tell you about your theme :P
15:13:13*Hideki_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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15:14:37clyybberdisruptek: Looks like a bug to me
15:14:47clyybber(well, depending on what Uri is)
15:15:24FromDiscord<yewpad> idc, i just need a dark theme because i can't stand this white at nighttimes anymore and i don't like the extensions that change everything to something dark the naive way. i like if something looks aesthetically pleasing
15:17:01FromDiscord<yewpad> maybe i can build in a contrast mode of some sort?
15:17:01FromDiscord<yewpad> idk
15:17:02FromGitter<alehander92> disruptek i cant reproduce
15:17:18disruptekcan you share your attempt so we can hack at it?
15:17:34FromGitter<alehander92> yewpad ok, i was just looking at if people did want more themes
15:18:06FromGitter<alehander92> http://ix.io/23CM
15:18:28disruptekthanks 😉
15:18:40FromGitter<alehander92> i mean i have to pass [string,int] to constructor
15:18:47FromGitter<alehander92> but i think thats a separate thing
15:19:11*Hideki_ quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
15:23:46FromGitter<alehander92> didnt you expect that
15:24:01disrupteklol yes.
15:24:07disruptekbut it's not working in nimph.
15:24:13FromGitter<alehander92> ah
15:24:29disruptekmaybe it's my compiler.
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15:27:42FromDiscord<yewpad> "oversubscribed"? :DDD
15:27:42FromDiscord<yewpad> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/652169229176406016/unknown.png
15:29:10disruptekthis is so odd.
15:32:13clyybberdisruptek: Not your compiler?
15:33:39disruptekyou know what it is?
15:34:14disrupteki think i do.
15:34:17FromGitter<alehander92> its RUSSIA
15:34:21clyybbernarimiran: Whats left to kill of appveyor and travis?
15:34:35narimiranclyybber: why would you want to do that?
15:34:51clyybber2 much wait no fun 4 me
15:35:02narimiranthey don't run on PRs anymore
15:35:15disbotarc devel 👑11Araq
15:35:17narimiranonly on commits to our branches
15:35:41narimiranyeah, it is in "araq-arc-devel" branch
15:35:49narimiran"3rd party" PRs don't have that
15:35:56clyybberI see, thanks
15:36:12clyybberSo that PR is technically green as a PR and can be merged by you now?
15:36:16disrupteki thought maybe i wrote Url instead of Uri, but, seems like that ain't it.
15:36:33FromGitter<alehander92> but whats your error
15:36:34narimiranyeah, but what's the rush? :)
15:36:44*ng0_ quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
15:37:16narimirantravis will be done in less than 10 minutes
15:37:30clyybberappveyor hasn't started yet :(
15:38:17disruptekthis makes absolutely no sense.
15:38:33*leorize quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.6)
15:38:36clyybberdisruptek: can you extract a test case or is it a heisenbug?
15:38:40narimiranclyybber: ok, compromise, i'll merge it once travis is green :)
15:38:50FromGitter<alehander92> are you editing the right file
15:39:31clyybbernarimiran: \o/
15:39:48disrupteknow i manually changed it to [K: Uri] ... url: Uri ... and it passes muster, but then i get collision elsewhere.
15:41:27disruptekoh, that one is my mistake. maybe the other is too.
15:41:42clyybberso the error message was wrong?
15:41:54disrupteki think so.
15:42:26disruptekthe problem was that my K type was string, and I was trying to all a Uri method.
15:42:54disrupteknot sure about the original bug yet.
15:43:53disruptekhmm, /still/ doesn't work.
15:44:39disrupteki mean, look at this error message:
15:44:48disruptek/home/adavidoff/git/nimph/src/nimph/thehub.nim(178, 8) Error: ambiguous call; both group.add(group: Group[add.K, add.V], url: Uri, value: V) [declared in /home/adavidoff/git/nimph/src/nimph/group.nim(92, 6)] and group.add(group: Group[add.K, add.V], url: Uri, value: V) [declared in /home/adavidoff/git/nimph/src/nimph/group.nim(107, 6)] match for: (HubGroup, Uri, HubResult)
15:45:00FromGitter<Willyboar> !search pandoc
15:45:02disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6429 -- 3[Doc gen Feature request] Grid Table ⚫11mratsim 7& 6 more...
15:45:14disruptek!repo pandoc
15:45:16disbothttps://github.com/jgm/pandoc -- 9pandoc: 11Universal markup converter 15 17425⭐ 2029🍴 7& 29 more...
15:45:17FromGitter<Willyboar> !repos pandoc
15:45:19disbothttps://github.com/jgm/pandoc -- 9pandoc: 11Universal markup converter 15 17425⭐ 2029🍴
15:45:19disbothttps://github.com/mszep/pandoc_resume -- 9pandoc_resume: 11The Markdown Resume 15 842⭐ 422🍴
15:45:21disbothttps://github.com/Wandmalfarbe/pandoc-latex-template -- 9pandoc-latex-template: 11A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX. 15 1980⭐ 335🍴 7& 27 more...
15:45:30disruptekpandoc for everyone!
15:46:11FromGitter<Willyboar> hmmm. no nim lib
15:47:04disrupteki think the error message is composed wrong, but it might be incorrectly emitted, too.
15:50:51disruptekhttps://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23CW -- working
15:52:08*Hideki_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
15:52:45clyybberso is there a bug?
15:52:48*Hideki_ joined #nim
15:52:57disruptekhttps://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23CW -- broken!
15:53:21clyybbernarimiran: \o the time has cometh o/
15:54:18narimiranclyybber: can all that be squashed, or better not?
15:54:41*junland quit (Quit: %ZNC Disconnected%)
15:54:50narimiranwell, some of the commits might be useful. on the other hand, there are lots of "wip" and similar
15:55:55*junland joined #nim
15:55:59clyybberI think squashing is normal procedure right?
15:56:36disruptekyou could just hold onto the branch.
15:56:37narimiranhmmm, some of the commits have [backport] tag
15:56:41disruptekcosts you nothing.
15:56:46narimirani'm not touching this :)
15:57:38clyybbernarimiran: Not to worry, those two commits are already in devel
15:57:48narimiranclyybber: oooh, then ok
15:59:02FromGitter<alehander92> ` git log | grep WIP | wc -l` 267
15:59:10FromGitter<alehander92> i put wip in too many of my commit
15:59:13narimiranthere, merged
15:59:20clyybbernice, thank you
15:59:24narimiranand if there's any trouble, i'll just point at you clyybber
15:59:32*Hideki_ quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
15:59:33clyybbernarimiran: heh
15:59:40disruptekdisbot: you awake?
15:59:42disbotyep. 😊
15:59:48disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/2724 -- 5Generics + inheritance – type mismatch / dispatch issues @11boydgreenfield; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23CX
16:00:26narimirancan't somebody volunteer to periodically speak to disruptek, so he doesn't have to talk with his bot? come on guys, it is christmas time!
16:00:38disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/88 -- 5inheritance for generics does not work 👑11Araq
16:00:46disrupteknow that's an old issue.
16:01:54FromGitter<alehander92> i can cook him panaguristhe eggs
16:02:11FromGitter<alehander92> with a bit of a hardware upgrade
16:02:42disruptekwell, (88) snippet works.
16:03:19solitudesfdisbot: you asleep?
16:03:28solitudesfa fuck
16:03:57disrupteki patched your bug eventually, solitudesf. thanks again.
16:04:08disruptekhttps://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23CZ this is 2724.
16:05:03solitudesfyeah, i checked it out. now i need to find how do i fit it in my workflow.
16:05:25disruptektell me.
16:08:32*Hideki_ joined #nim
16:08:38disruptekoh, when i pasted the "broken!" link, it was the wrong link.
16:11:54disruptekuncomment the last line to break: https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23D3
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17:09:48Araqclyybber, can we generalize =operation?
17:10:05Araqlooks to me like we can and it's easy
17:10:10*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.6)
17:12:51clyybberAraq: Care to elaborate?
17:13:34Araqproc `=yournameHere`(x: T; otherargs) # attach to T like the other existing =hooks
17:13:59Araqand then it's lifted for objects, case objects, arrays of objects yadda yadda
17:14:31FromDiscord<yewpad> @araq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12816
17:14:32disbotfeature dracula themed doc 👑11Araq
17:15:08Araqyewpad: somebody needs to confirm it works and looks nice
17:16:29clyybberhow do I build the docs?
17:16:33Araqand what's var(--secondary-background) ?
17:16:37Araqnew CSS?
17:16:45FromGitter<alehander92> but how would one use\
17:16:46Araqclyybber, 'koch docs'
17:16:50FromGitter<alehander92> the custom =name
17:17:06clyybberhmm, I did koch doc
17:17:10clyybberand it works too
17:17:11clyybberI think
17:17:16Araqalehander42: `=hook`(x)
17:17:25Araqcall it with backticks if you have to
17:17:50FromGitter<alehander92> but why not a normal name
17:18:08Araqclyybber, of "doc", "docs": buildDocs(op.cmdLineRest)
17:18:10Araqboth work
17:18:14clyybberAh nice
17:18:30Araqalehander42: normal procs are not attached to types
17:18:31FromDiscord<yewpad> `var(--secondary-background)` is basically the "cheap" version of scss/sass. it's vanilla css where you can define custom variables and use them with `var(--name)`
17:19:24Araqyewpad: but ... my lynx doesn't know it and I cannot afford to use anything invented after 1980
17:19:31Araqjust kidding.
17:19:39FromDiscord<yewpad> lynx?
17:20:25FromDiscord<yewpad> lul
17:20:32FromDiscord<yewpad> never heard of that
17:20:55FromDiscord<mratsim> wait until you hear about elinks and links2, which support colors :p
17:20:59clyybberNot to worry, lynx will just ignore it :)
17:21:12clyybbermratsim: Or emacs :P
17:21:18clyybberthe os
17:22:05FromDiscord<yewpad> I know that this was probably a joke but the latest release was in 2018. How can it know about the var thingy
17:22:06FromDiscord<yewpad> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/652198015133679637/unknown.png
17:22:41FromDiscord<yewpad> Unless, of course, the var thingy was released just recently
17:22:45FromDiscord<yewpad> Doubt that though
17:23:36FromDiscord<yewpad> Can choosenim setup me the devel version of Nim
17:23:37FromDiscord<yewpad> ?
17:24:23FromGitter<alehander92> Araq: i see
17:24:23FromDiscord<yewpad> yup, seems like
17:24:24FromDiscord<yewpad> cool
17:24:41FromGitter<alehander92> it still sounds to me like procs on typedesc
17:24:45FromGitter<alehander92> but probably i am missing something
17:24:50clyybberNo its procs
17:24:54clyybberbut attached to the type
17:25:00clyybberso when you export the type
17:25:08clyybberand import it
17:25:12clyybberyou will get them too
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17:30:26clyybberAraq: Confirming that it works!
17:30:38clyybberlooking really slick
17:30:44FromDiscord<yewpad> hold the phone
17:30:49FromDiscord<yewpad> testing it too right nw
17:30:51FromDiscord<yewpad> now
17:31:24clyybberyewpad: It resets to light mode when I click on `Manual` or `Standard Library`
17:31:36clyybberCould be thats because im viewing it locally
17:32:20FromDiscord<yewpad> The script sometimes doesn't get hold of the preference. It sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Couldn't figure out why, for now, sorry
17:32:32clyybberhmm, wierd
17:32:37clyybberI can't search either
17:32:38FromDiscord<yewpad> I had that too
17:32:43FromDiscord<yewpad> It is pretty random
17:33:05FromDiscord<yewpad> Now I didn't change anything besides the styling and **added** some JavaScript
17:33:14FromDiscord<yewpad> So the search thingy isn't on my behalf
17:33:40clyybberyeah, my firefox is broken atm
17:33:47clyybberso probably not your fault :)
17:35:44FromDiscord<yewpad> Is working (Brave [Chromium], Linux lambda 5.0.0-37-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 14 00:14:01 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)
17:35:44FromDiscord<yewpad> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/652201451170430977/unknown.png
17:37:53clyybberI'm on firefox
17:38:05FromDiscord<yewpad> Oh yeah, forgot to mention that: I think there is still one or there are two syntax highlighting "categories" I couldn't include in the Dracula version: I think it was ASM and something else. I didn't find any ASM related syntax in the docs so yeah
17:38:15*Trustable joined #nim
17:38:38FromDiscord<yewpad> Because the css somewhat had colors for asm syntax
17:40:29FromDiscord<yewpad> This is the cause why the search doesn't work
17:40:29FromDiscord<yewpad> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371759389889003532/652202646115188736/unknown.png
17:40:36FromDiscord<yewpad> it assumes this is hosted
17:40:46FromDiscord<yewpad> so it attempts to do some form of request to localhost
17:40:48clyybberah, yeah that explains it
17:41:26FromDiscord<yewpad> and theindex is not being generated
17:41:38FromDiscord<yewpad> i think you must provide a switch for that in the command line
17:41:52clyybberI can access the index
17:41:57FromDiscord<yewpad> yeah
17:41:57Araqthe only thing that is beginning to annoy me is the inline CSS
17:41:58FromDiscord<yewpad> ?
17:42:16Araqit's time we use an external .css file IMO
17:42:20FromDiscord<yewpad> true
17:42:27Araqthen the tests wouldn't require updates either
17:42:56Araqand we need to deploy dochack.js into the proper outdir already so no complexity is added
17:43:18FromDiscord<yewpad> before i began work on the dracula theme, i initially thought 'this is f'ed right up how css is included in the docs'.
17:45:15Araqwell I agree. now fix it please
17:45:29FromDiscord<yewpad> wa what me?
17:45:33FromDiscord<yewpad> lol
17:50:27FromGitter<Varriount> yewpad: The first one to complain about a problem gets the gift of fixing it. :3
17:50:45FromDiscord<yewpad> ironic isn't it
17:50:46FromDiscord<yewpad> lol
17:50:56FromDiscord<yewpad> not gonna fix that
17:50:59FromGitter<Varriount> The spirit of the season graces #nim
17:53:15FromGitter<Willyboar> Someone gets an early xmas gift @yewpad :p
17:54:10FromDiscord<yewpad> nah nah nah baitin' not working on me lol
17:54:47FromDiscord<yewpad> baitin' doesn't work lol*
17:54:58FromDiscord<yewpad> sry, my brain's dead, haven't slept in a while
17:55:49*Hideki_ joined #nim
17:56:11FromGitter<Willyboar> Go to sleep. You have a lot of time until next release.
17:56:19FromDiscord<yewpad> xD
18:00:18*Hideki_ quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
18:05:33FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: So, what Big Things are currently being worked on?
18:05:52FromDiscord<mratsim> gc:arc
18:06:00clyybbercycle checker
18:06:07FromDiscord<mratsim> and then it's back to incremental compilation AFAIK
18:06:20FromDiscord<mratsim> and a proposition for a threading API
18:06:22*nsf joined #nim
18:07:07clyybberand if you include works by other ppl then destructor eliding, init eliding, default fields, and the great weave
18:07:09FromDiscord<mratsim> What is liftLocals doing? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/bab5e30972743d9dc343c9c4d3ad06f3645e5741/tests/fields/tfields.nim#L99 from the name I thought it would help me create my own closures but it doesn't seem so
18:10:50FromDiscord<Rika> Incremental compilation on a language that compiles so quickly already 🤔 kinda exciting
18:11:17*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:11:46AraqVarriount: you're a prophet, you told me to use refcounting + a cycle collector and it looks like we'll get it
18:13:38Araqmratsim: isn't it obvious?
18:14:05Araqindeed it's a mechanism for "roll your own" closures
18:26:39FromDiscord<mratsim> I don't even see how "t" is used there >_>
18:27:19FromDiscord<mratsim> I just want to write a macro so that I extract all the non-local variables in a "parallel" / "parallel_for" block
18:27:33FromDiscord<mratsim> this way I can serialize them
18:28:22FromDiscord<mratsim> removing the liftLocals still make the code produce the same output so I fail to see what it brought
18:29:03Araqthe locals are moved inside the 't' so you can stop and resume the function
18:29:22Araqbut you're right, it's a mechanism for closure iterators, not for ordinary closures
18:29:59FromDiscord<mratsim> ah, I guess I need a liftNonLocal then
18:30:31FromDiscord<mratsim> basically I want to replicate "for i in 0||10: echo i"
18:31:22FromDiscord<mratsim> more like "var a = 10; for i in 0||10: echo(a+i)"
18:31:58FromDiscord<mratsim> I guess I could use the owner magic macro
18:32:22FromDiscord<mratsim> I wonder about the compilation time though
18:34:08AraqI fail to see how that's a "liftNonLocal"
18:35:28FromDiscord<mratsim> var a is not local to the for loop scope
18:35:38FromDiscord<mratsim> maybe I'm using wrong vocabulary
18:36:17FromDiscord<mratsim> to multithread this I need to capture the value of "a" as it's not local to the for loop but defined before
18:36:25FromDiscord<mratsim> and I need to send it to each thread
18:38:05FromDiscord<mratsim> so I need to transform this to proc generated_mt_proc(i: int, env: PoorMansClosure) = let a = readFromEnv(env); echo(a+i) (something like this)
18:47:02FromDiscord<mratsim> seems like "owner" won't help
18:48:28Araqexplicit captures are all the rage these days
18:52:18*Hideki_ joined #nim
18:54:07FromDiscord<mratsim> If I have too I will but it's very verbose
18:56:13FromDiscord<mratsim> Ah I have an idea of a reasonable syntax for explicit captures
18:57:15*Hideki_ quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
19:02:31FromDiscord<mratsim> yes I'll do it with explicit captures, it will still be way beyond the C++ TBB or Swift Grand Central Dispatch ugly syntax
19:03:53Araqat least until we figured out a more elegant system
19:04:25Araqwhat's wrong with a 'parallel' block btw? inside it you can analyse the locals and it's the idiomatic Nim solution
19:04:38Araqas macros are not supposed to look "up" in the syntax tree
19:05:49FromDiscord<mratsim> I don't mind the parallel block
19:06:10FromDiscord<mratsim> it's analyzing what is locals/what is defined in the outer scope that I want to do
19:06:28FromDiscord<mratsim> because what is in the outer scope needs to be packaged in tasks
19:06:46FromDiscord<mratsim> so that it can be shared between threads, or be stealable and so on
19:07:13FromDiscord<mratsim> maybe I missed an obvious solution
19:07:35clyybberif its a block
19:07:43clyybberyou could collect all var and let
19:07:49clyybberso all variable declarations
19:08:14clyybberand then to check wether its of an outer scope just check that its not in the previously collected set
19:08:44FromDiscord<mratsim> But I need to design something that collects all symbols used in a block
19:09:01*wink joined #nim
19:09:12FromDiscord<mratsim> I'm pretty sure it exists somewhere in the compiler that's why I wanted to piggyback on it
19:09:23FromDiscord<mratsim> but for now explicit capture will be fine
19:09:50winkhello. I just tried choosenim and it fails to build on Ubuntu 18.04 - any ideas? https://gist.github.com/winks/7332db98eceb0678cffb95bf7d3ef0b8
19:10:15wink"use --verbose" is a bit annoying if you have no means to use it.
19:11:39lqdev[m]how can I take an enum in a macro and generate a string with all of its possible values? the enum is provided by the user in a nnkIdent
19:11:55lqdev[m]and the macro is AST-phase (no typed params)
19:12:08Araqlqdev[m], then it's impossible
19:12:14Araqwink, do you have GCC installed?
19:12:29Araqit's the "build-essentials" package for Ubu or something like that
19:12:34winkAraq: yes, 7.4.0
19:12:55winkright. I'll try that one
19:13:04FromDiscord<mratsim> So I will do macros that do the following transformation: https://gist.github.com/mratsim/4d0ccfb89a0cec3fc12ec60eefa720ec
19:13:24Araqstrange, try the download from https://nim-lang.org/install_unix.html
19:13:37Araqmratsim: that's my point
19:13:51FromDiscord<mratsim> @lqdev: with getImpl
19:13:53Araqthe "variables from outer scope" must all be inside your 'parallel' block
19:14:53FromDiscord<mratsim> they are available, but they are not defined in there.
19:15:10FromDiscord<mratsim> anyway I'll go with that for now
19:15:42FromDiscord<mratsim> now I just need to find a name, parallel_for is verbose, parfor is strange, forEach misses the parallel part
19:17:04FromDiscord<mratsim> ah, I could use for loop macros for in in parallel(0..10)
19:20:20lqdev[m]@mratsim not possible, I can't have typed parameters
19:20:25lqdev[m]but I found a workaround
19:22:31clyybbermratsim: Collecting all symbols in a block is not that hard, just recurse to nnkVarSection/nnkLetSection
19:23:09lqdev[m]did this for the time being, maybe it can be improved somehow https://github.com/liquid600pgm/euwren/blob/162d4a680247fb7c2b13cb9eff8a6b6081d88507/src/euwren.nim#L884-L901
19:23:58FromDiscord<mratsim> @clyyber, I know, I wrote the freshIdent macro that is used everywhere in sugar 😉
19:24:28FromDiscord<mratsim> I just don't like reimplementing the compiler as macro
19:24:49disrupteksomething we need to get used to.
19:25:05FromDiscord<mratsim> explicit capturing also has benefits on safety and also on not copying consts
19:29:23*rockcavera joined #nim
19:34:21lqdev[m]any ideas on how I could implement the syntax for this? https://github.com/liquid600pgm/euwren/issues/4
19:34:43lqdev[m]I was thinking about creating a `[static]` attribute, but then I remembered that's a keyword -_-
19:37:12FromDiscord<mratsim> you can use [`static`] with quote
19:37:33FromDiscord<mratsim> quotes allow you to use keywords
19:37:45FromDiscord<mratsim> very useful for the block keyword and C interop
19:37:56lqdev[m]yeah, but it looks pretty ugly
19:38:09lqdev[m]maybe [exStatic] for 'explicit static'?
19:39:05FromDiscord<mratsim> ecstatic
19:39:37FromDiscord<mratsim> or just CT?
19:39:50FromDiscord<mratsim> or if it's for a constant, use constant or immut
20:09:40*narimiran quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
20:12:13*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.6)
20:22:10lqdev[m]it's not for a constant, it's for a static method in a class
20:22:27*NimBot joined #nim
20:29:49clyybbergood job disbot
20:33:23disruptekdon't be rude.
20:35:27clyybberdon't be dude.
20:36:26Zevvjust be nude!
20:36:48disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/12815 -- 3No run time checks on illegal values for enum with gaps 🌈11zevv; snippet at 12https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=23C5
20:37:47Zevvif nick in coolDudes: nick = "🌈" & nick
20:38:22disruptek!pull author:clyybber
20:38:22disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12793 -- 5Refactor injectdestructors ☁️11Clyybber 7& 29 more...
20:38:29disruptekhe got his cloud.
20:43:56clyybberZevv: Thats the spirit!
20:44:45clyybberdisruptek: nice
20:50:35clyybberdisruptek: Why is the PR red and not purple?
20:51:25disruptekhmm, it doesn't seem to know it's a pr.
20:55:04planetis[m]...I just wonder how long till someone finally bans that forum spammer :-D
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21:19:52dom96which one?
21:22:22FromDiscord<Joco223> How can I get which arrow key was pressed with `getch()`? I looked online but couldn't find much, calling it again if `ord(getch())` is 0 return 0 again
21:22:59clyybberJoco223: Arrow keys send escape sequences
21:23:23clyybberIncidentally I'm working on a lib that does that for you rn
21:24:44clyybberJoco223: But to answer your question, you must check for '\e'
21:24:51clyybberAnd then call getch() again
21:25:25clyybberand parse the input for '\eOX' or '\e[X'
21:25:40clyybberWhere X is either A, B, C or D depending on which direction was pressed
21:26:15FromDiscord<Joco223> I suppose \eOX is pressed and \e[X is released?
21:26:31FromDiscord<Clyybber> Nope
21:26:43FromDiscord<Clyybber> Older terminals used to sen \eOX when it was pressed
21:26:48FromDiscord<Clyybber> and something else when released
21:26:55dom96You probably want to use a library which abstracts this for you, there is many platform-specific differences
21:26:57FromDiscord<Clyybber> Some newer ones send \e[X
21:27:19FromDiscord<Joco223> Ah ok, thanks
21:27:44FromDiscord<Joco223> I'm just using `terminal` module right now, seems fitting enough (Making a simple terminal text editor btw)
21:27:57FromDiscord<Clyybber> nice
21:28:18*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:28:20FromDiscord<Clyybber> If you want I'll let you know when my lib is ready for public consumption
21:28:22dom96you might want to make a nice package that abstracts this then :)
21:28:42FromDiscord<Joco223> Sure
21:33:21*Jesin joined #nim
21:34:11FromDiscord<Joco223> Just another thing, how do I compare against '\eOX' and '\e[X'? Just doing `if input == '\eOX'` where input is `input = getch()`, Nim doesn't seem to like that
21:38:13clyybberJoco223: Because getch returns one char
21:38:19clyybberYou need to collect them
21:40:09FromDiscord<Joco223> Oooh
21:56:58*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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22:26:54FromDiscord<treeform> So using Visual Studio Code + nim plugin, but when editing JS files it wants to compile them as C files which causes errors. Is there a way to get the plugin (which uses nimsuggest) to suggest things as if the file was compiled in JS mode?
22:27:19FromDiscord<treeform> "compile them" for intelisence
22:34:11*solitudesf quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
22:36:38*PMunch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:37:23Araqtreeform: in your config --define: js
22:37:57FromDiscord<treeform> Araq, that worked! Thanks!
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23:14:57disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12718 -- 6Cosmetic compiler cleanup ☁️11Clyybber
23:15:30disruptekpulls are annoying.
23:18:17*Hideki_ quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
23:18:47clyybberdisruptek: Whats the problem?
23:18:58clyybberOr did you test the bot?
23:19:04disruptekno, fixing the bot was annoying.
23:19:46clyybberah, but now it works?
23:20:04disbothttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/12793 -- 6Refactor injectdestructors ☁️11Clyybber
23:20:16disruptekalso with random searches that find a pull.
23:20:20disruptek!search cloning requirement ssh remote
23:20:21disbothttps://github.com/disruptek/nimph/issues/13 -- 5when cloning one of your github packages as a requirement, setup an ssh remote automatically 🧚11disruptek
23:37:11*abm quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:37:59*clyybber is now known as cloudber
23:42:15*Hideki_ joined #nim
23:43:42FromDiscord<treeform> Are we doing `x..y/x..<y` ? I just changed all my code to `x .. y/x ..< y` ?
23:44:08FromDiscord<treeform> because I though the other thing was the standard
23:45:08FromDiscord<mratsim> @clyyber @Araq, good news, I managed to do a parallelFor macro with a pretty good syntax, including capturing scope.
23:45:08FromDiscord<mratsim> Bad news, if I capture, the compiler crashes just after toStrLit in "semAfterMacroCall"
23:45:08FromDiscord<mratsim> https://github.com/mratsim/weave/blob/parallel_for/weave/parallel_for.nim#L170
23:45:09cloudbertreeform: Do what you like more :)
23:45:31FromDiscord<treeform> cloudber, but I want to do the nim style?
23:46:00cloudbertreeform: The nim style is: don't do x.. y or x ..y
23:46:30cloudbertreeform: I prefer x..y since it feels more "connected"
23:46:39cloudberwhich makes sense for a range IMO
23:46:41*Hideki_ quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
23:46:52cloudberthats why the compiler for instance is now using that style
23:48:46FromDiscord<treeform> ok
23:49:01FromDiscord<treeform> which one does nimpretty pick?
23:49:14cloudberaccording to narimiran x .. y
23:49:38cloudberBut I think it should be patched to just do what is more common in the file that it operates on
23:49:44cloudberor just don't care
23:50:03cloudberor be configurable
23:51:41FromDiscord<treeform> I don't want configurable, I want it to be strict. But world isn't about what I want.
23:54:02*dchem joined #nim