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00:19:49 | FromGitter | <timotheecour> @dom96 how familiar are you with osenv.nim ? there’s some design aspect that causes issues and wondering if we can change it. namely the fact that `environment`is being tracked makes multithreaded use of this module very buggy |
00:23:01 | xace | does choosenim have a command to clean up unnecessary files or remove old versions? or should I just go in and remove it manually? |
00:24:16 | xace | is it safe to delete the c_code directory? or is it used by nim? |
00:24:57 | FromGitter | <dom96> Not all that familiar I'm afraid |
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00:27:40 | xace | based on https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/98 I guess it's safe to remove the c_code directory |
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07:47:20 | shashlick | I'm working on a pr to implement that xace |
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08:48:55 | Araq | timotheecour: how is it buggy? it uses thread local storage and only on Windows iirc |
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10:33:30 | Araq | https://nim-lang.org/araq/quirky_exceptions.html I did it again, wrote an article over the holidays |
10:33:33 | Araq | bbl |
11:09:06 | Zevv | Is injecting also trivial with nested calls like f(g())? |
11:09:35 | * | kapil____ quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) |
11:12:16 | Zevv | well, that's of course the same as in your "OMG?! That's terrible" section |
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11:59:42 | Zevv | Thins thing seems so simple and logical, it makes you wonder why this is not how it always worked. |
12:13:04 | sheerluck | In Nim I miss f-strings from Python: I like "Name is {p.name}, he is {p.age} years old" more than "Name is " & p.name & ", he is " & $p.age & " years old" |
12:13:31 | Zevv | it's there |
12:13:40 | Zevv | srtformat |
12:14:00 | Zevv | echo &"Name is {p.name}, hi is {p.age} years old" |
12:14:25 | Zevv | https://nim-lang.org/docs/strformat.html |
12:14:27 | FromGitter | <xmonader> wasn't it fmt"{varname}" ? |
12:15:02 | Zevv | There's fmt and & with slightly different semantics |
12:15:17 | sheerluck | oh thank you |
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13:23:37 | Araq | Zevv, "trivial" or not, some Java-to-C compilers do that |
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13:31:34 | Zevv | I dared call it 'trivial' after seeing the size of your changes in Git :) |
13:31:55 | FromGitter | <arnetheduck> nice, @Araq - good article! makes me think of the fpu which works pretty much this way.. really good when, as you point out, continuing execution makes no permanent damage to the state / say, is inside a transaction or stopped because the system / fwrite prevents you - assuming you can plug the leaks |
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13:34:09 | FromGitter | <arnetheduck> re string formatting, is there any *one* formatter people prefer over the others? |
13:35:06 | Araq | &"" works much better because it does the right thing for &"\n" |
13:35:46 | Zevv | will throwing a second exception just overwrite currentException, or will throw also check and warn? |
13:44:09 | Araq | in practice it seems better to stack them |
14:25:38 | leorize | Araq: have you posted your blog post anywhere other than IRC? :P |
14:26:42 | * | kobi7 joined #nim |
14:27:18 | narimiran | leorize: i think it is better to wait for monday for some promotion. sunday is a very slow day and bad for this |
14:27:58 | kobi7 | Hi guys, how do I unquote html entities in an html file? what 'htmlparser.entityToUtf8' does to a single character. |
14:35:36 | kobi7 | is there a hash table of entities and their utf8 repr, so I can multireplace the text? |
14:36:05 | Araq | certainly, but it might not be exported :P |
14:36:53 | * | Vladar joined #nim |
14:38:21 | Araq | arnetheduck: maybe it's just escape analysis at work here. Don't store state from a raising proc into escaping memory |
14:39:54 | Araq | leorize, I posted it here for some early feedback before we "release" it into the wild |
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14:54:53 | Zevv | kobi7: it seems there is no table, entityToUtf8 uses entityToRune which is a proc with a large case |
14:55:38 | kobi7 | so for this use case, implement my own? |
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15:04:42 | Araq | kobi7, you can parseHtml your string |
15:05:00 | Araq | the lack of HTML tags shouldn't matter, it's a forgiving parser |
15:10:22 | kobi7 | htmlparser is fine, but the text is a little mess, even some tags were encoded, for example / became / |
15:10:36 | kobi7 | sorry |
15:10:37 | kobi7 | bbl |
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15:19:57 | dom96 | narimiran: I think worrying about what day to submit things on is going too far :) |
15:20:08 | narimiran | haha, might be |
15:20:37 | * | dom96 submits |
15:21:48 | narimiran | dom96: while i have you here: do you want to take a look at https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/pull/979 ? |
15:22:05 | dom96 | Sure |
15:22:14 | dom96 | Araq: Your forum's posts need a unique <title> ;) |
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15:22:29 | narimiran | since it is my PR i didn't want to be the one who also merges it |
15:22:52 | dom96 | narimiran: Looks good :) |
15:22:55 | narimiran | now that was fast :) |
15:23:00 | dom96 | And yeah, best to get someone to take a look |
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15:25:40 | dom96 | Sooo, who's coming to FOSDEM? |
15:47:54 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> I wish... |
15:48:18 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> I'm pretty sure @alehander42 was asking about it a few weeks ago |
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16:02:31 | Zevv | dom96: i might if my wifes schedule allowes. If I go, bring me a Nim shirt :) |
16:05:02 | dom96 | heh okay, I'll try |
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16:20:50 | FromGitter | <kaushalmodi> I cannot go to FOSDEM, but where do I get the official Nim t-shirt? |
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16:22:29 | Zevv | https://teespring.com/nimlang1#pid=374&cid=100046&sid=front |
16:23:53 | FromGitter | <kaushalmodi> cool! thanks |
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16:41:12 | FromGitter | <alehander42> @dom96 @zacharycarter yeah, I was asking if there is a meetup / anything scheduled for fosdem |
16:55:39 | dom96 | alehander42 what time will you arrive in Brussels? |
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17:04:35 | Calinou | hmm, I could buy a Nim t-shirt |
17:04:43 | Calinou | need to check how much shipping costs to France though |
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18:11:02 | FromGitter | <alehander42> @dom96 1 feb around 2-3 pm probably |
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18:38:22 | dom96 | alehander42: Ahh, I'll probably be there around 7pm |
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19:44:16 | FromGitter | <rayman22201> @araq great article. I love the name "quirky exceptions" lol. Small English grammar error : "judging from the limited amount of experiments that I have been able to pursuit" - pursuit should be pursue |
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19:45:36 | FromGitter | <rayman22201> I would love to go to Fossdem but flights to Europe from the US are annoyingly expensive. |
19:52:48 | FromGitter | <alehander42> @dom96 well, I planned travelling somewhere on 1st anyway, I supposed a nim meeting would be in the weekend |
19:54:05 | FromGitter | <alehander42> @rayman22201 maybe if we had low cost supersonic airflights, this could work |
19:54:18 | FromGitter | <alehander42> no idea, but I hate i missed concord |
19:54:44 | * | rect0x51 joined #nim |
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19:57:20 | rect0x51 | what's the difference between `(ref IOError)(getCurrentException())` and `cast[ref IOError](getCurrentException())`? |
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20:00:46 | leorize | rect0x51: one use the object conversion |
20:00:52 | leorize | one `cast` |
20:01:05 | leorize | the former got error checking |
20:02:20 | rect0x51 | the former is safer but can only used for references? |
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20:07:51 | rect0x51 | leorize: nvm |
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20:24:41 | FromGitter | <rayman22201> @alehander42 |
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20:25:07 | FromGitter | <rayman22201> Lol the concord was a marvel of engineering but was not cheap! |
20:27:57 | Araq | rayman22201; ah ok thanks, I used a new word :P |
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20:35:36 | FromGitter | <rayman22201> NP. English is a weird language |
20:36:52 | Calinou | dom96: I just ordered a Nim t-shirt :p |
20:37:21 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> English is totally normal - because I only know one language. |
20:37:49 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> Unless you call my horrible Spanish, knowledge ;P |
20:38:15 | FromGitter | <alehander42> @rayman22201 yeah, but if they continued to fly, maybe competition would spin up some competitors and cheaper airlines using them, no idea :D |
20:38:17 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> I wish the t-shirt place wasn't just a giant middleman |
20:38:38 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> because if you order a t-shirt AND a mug - you're paying for shipping, twice, even to the same destination |
20:38:57 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> I ordered like four or five hoodies through that site once and the shipping was almost as much, if not as much or more, than the actual merchandise |
20:39:09 | FromGitter | <alehander42> well, you'll have to drink tea from your tshirt |
20:39:16 | Calinou | it's €4 here |
20:39:18 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> :P |
20:39:19 | Calinou | (for the shipping) |
20:39:40 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> I think the shipping fee varies depending on where the printing is fulfilled |
20:39:51 | Zevv | you can also just upload the nim logo to some local shop and have it printed on a shirt an a mug |
20:39:53 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> I mean - yes - I agree 4 Euros is not bad for shipping |
20:40:11 | Calinou | it's alright, it's similar to Redbubble where I ordered a few other shirts |
20:40:17 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> but if you order five plus items and they all have at least that shipping fee |
20:40:27 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> I - personally - wouldn't be happy |
20:40:49 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> Zevv: very true |
20:41:13 | Zevv | I'm a bit picky with shirt qualities, and you never know what you'll get from these shops |
20:41:20 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> they do tend to suck |
20:41:45 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> the Nim t-shirt I got wasn't printed very well - there wasn't enough ink |
20:42:21 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> and the shirt is a gildan shirt - so are their hoodies |
20:42:28 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> which, aren't great to begin with |
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20:44:04 | Zevv | Araq: can you explain in a few words why Peg is an invalid type for const, or is that very complex stuff? |
20:44:35 | Araq | it contains a 'case' and/or a ref |
20:45:07 | Zevv | its a variant type indeed |
20:51:30 | * | endragor joined #nim |
20:52:34 | FromGitter | <Varriount> @zacharycarter I can speak some German... |
20:53:38 | FromGitter | <sheerluck> @Varriount I speak russian |
20:55:47 | FromGitter | <alehander42> i can speak both horrible german and horrible russian |
20:56:21 | FromGitter | <alehander42> we really need a learning-deustch-slash-nim channel, but it will lead Araq to a herz attack |
20:56:51 | * | Ven`` quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
20:57:03 | FromGitter | <zacharycarter> @Varriount that's infinitely more useful in the Nim world :P Also - happy new year buddy! |
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22:30:10 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> when I import the unicode module with --os:standalone, I get the following error |
22:30:15 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> `msys32\home\geckojsc\nim\nim-0.19.0\lib\pure\unicode.nim(252, 3) Error: type mismatch: got <seq[char]> but expected 'string'` |
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22:31:44 | Araq | we know. |
22:31:56 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> I'm not intending to use it at runtime but I would like to parse JSON at compile time. Is such a thing possible? |
22:31:57 | Araq | --os:standalone means you're on your own |
22:32:18 | Araq | ah bah |
22:32:54 | Araq | the old compiletime vs runtime problem. maybe use staticExec |
22:33:27 | Araq | but don't use --os:standalone, it's stupid |
22:33:57 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> well I kinda need to because I'm targeting the GBA xD |
22:34:29 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> at least I couldn't see any other way to make things work |
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22:35:23 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> but yeah that's fair enough, I can just split my codebase into a couple of different programs |
22:38:16 | Araq | GBA? |
22:38:30 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> gameboy advance |
22:38:42 | Araq | does it lack libc? |
22:40:17 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> the toolchain has a fair chunk of the standard library, probably not all of it |
22:42:53 | Araq | tread it like --os:linux --cpu:i386 |
22:45:06 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> hmm it's missing sys/mman.h |
22:51:55 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> but yeah looking at the outputted stdlib_system.c, I think this approach is too heavy for the GBA, it's better to treat it like an embedded system |
22:52:35 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> that said it would be nice to still use high-level nim features at compile time |
22:54:09 | rect0x51 | how do you run anything on GBA? |
22:57:46 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> well my approach is quick and dirty but I took one of the devkitARM example projects and made it so that Nim generates the source directory |
23:00:01 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> I've been writing nim bindings for the libraries provided by https://www.coranac.com/tonc/ because I think they're better than the 'libgba' that comes with devkitARM (more consistent, better documented, literally has a book to go with it) |
23:01:53 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> and then yeah I just run make and it works |
23:02:14 | rect0x51 | how do you physically load the code into the device? |
23:02:25 | rect0x51 | (just curious) |
23:03:51 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> there's a couple of GBA flashcarts available these days, EZFlash Omega and Everdrive GBA both let you play roms from a micro SD card |
23:05:50 | rect0x51 | I see, expected something like that. Well, --os:standalone seems mandatory for GBA... |
23:05:58 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> also it's possible to do it without a flashcard if you have a multiboot <-> USB cable, but I think you have to make one yourself with soldering and stuff, idk |
23:06:40 | rect0x51 | also for your string error... there is cstring which is seq[char], string is different I think, |
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23:07:47 | rect0x51 | nvm |
23:08:57 | rect0x51 | is GBA 16bit or what? |
23:09:41 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> It's 32-bit |
23:10:07 | rect0x51 | interesting |
23:11:09 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> the error is weird cause I'm not actually using the module, it just complains as soon as I import it... but looking at the source, I fail to see how the line is related to the error |
23:11:58 | rect0x51 | unicode.nim probably relies on standard library |
23:12:03 | rect0x51 | so that's why |
23:13:05 | rect0x51 | just don't import it? :P |
23:17:01 | rect0x51 | "Use the standalone target (--os:standalone) for a bare bones standard library that lacks any OS features." |
23:17:27 | rect0x51 | that "bare bones standard library" probably doesn't support unicode. |
23:19:21 | FromDiscord_ | <exelotl> yeah, I guess what I was hoping was that I might be able to use --os:standalone for the output code but still have nice things like JSON parsing at compile time only |
23:22:19 | rect0x51 | So you want to use the json library but it imports unicode, I see |
23:23:22 | rect0x51 | It would be nice if it was documented exactly what you can use with --os:standalone |
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23:25:46 | rect0x51 | dom's sample might help you https://github.com/dom96/nimkernel |
23:25:52 | Araq | nothing. There, documented. |
23:27:06 | rect0x51 | haha, then what does "bare bones standard library" mean? |
23:32:15 | rect0x51 | oh btw Araq, is there a list of all pragmas? If not I think it's almost trivial to make and convenient to have, so can write them down and make a nim doc. |
23:32:33 | rect0x51 | would that be cool? |
23:38:08 | FromGitter | <timotheecour> hi @araq all comments addressed in https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10183 ; any more concern or is `merge_when_passes_CI` ok? |
23:38:36 | FromGitter | <timotheecour> (i have other PR’s that depend on it) |
23:39:53 | FromGitter | <timotheecour> @rect0x51 how about adding that list of pragmas to `nim dump --dump.format:json` |
23:41:21 | rect0x51 | timotheecour: Sure, good idea! |
23:43:04 | FromGitter | <timotheecour> I’d also wanna add to it all the magic procs the compiler adds in `registerCallback` which are non-trivial (you can’t grep for them since the symbols are assembled at CT , see compiler/vmops.nim) |
23:51:22 | rect0x51 | I see. So we can just add those too. For the pragmas what I had in mind is a nice doc that lists them all and explains each one of them briefly. Something we could add at https://nim-lang.org/documentation.html |
23:55:26 | rect0x51 | timotheecour: astToStr(op) what is `op`? |
23:55:48 | rect0x51 | does it produce different symbols depending on OS or what |
23:57:42 | Araq | omg no |
23:58:06 | Araq | 'nim dump' is not a dumping ground for everything |
23:58:22 | Araq | pragmas are documented in the manual and in the compiler guide, read them |
23:58:27 | Araq | good night. |
23:58:37 | rect0x51 | gn |
23:58:49 | FromGitter | <timotheecour> @rect0x51 `op` resolves to the op, eg `wrap1f_math(sqrt)` => stdlib.math.sqrt , as u can see by adding echo under `registerCallback` |