<< 06-04-2018 >>

00:05:21*FromGitter quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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00:34:36FromGitter<drewp> @phrmoy i was surprised how easy it is to segfault if you don't construct objects right. i was expecting the compiler to mostly tell me about those errors. Otherwise after a few days to get it going on my ESP32 chip, i'm pretty uninterested in writing C again.
00:36:00FromGitter<phrmoy> Thanks for sharing @drewp!
00:37:20FromGitter<drewp> https://github.com/drewp/oled/tree/master/src
00:39:33FromGitter<phrmoy> for the windows install, do I still need to Nim's tools separately or running ```finish.exe``` will do?
00:53:12FromGitter<phrmoy> alright so I ran ```koch nimble``` and ```koch tools```, anything else to be done?
00:53:42FromGitter<phrmoy> we should make the windows installation a bit easier, maybe I can help with that
00:54:50shashlickyou should try choosenim
00:55:27shashlickotherwise there's just koch boot -d:release and koch tools -d:release
00:55:49FromGitter<phrmoy> choosenim?
00:56:34FromGitter<phrmoy> aaa wasnt aware of that
00:56:40FromGitter<phrmoy> was following website instructions
01:01:05shashlickare you using 32-bit or 64-bit gcc - choosenim doesn't work with 64-bit yet
01:01:30FromGitter<phrmoy> oh i installed the 64-bit version
01:01:53FromGitter<phrmoy> my manual installation so far seems ok
01:02:39shashlickya if it works, no reason to switch, but worth knowing about choosenim for the future
01:03:43FromGitter<phrmoy> agreed, thank you
01:06:38FromGitter<phrmoy> what is ```distrohelper```?
01:07:32shashlickoprypin: you around?
01:09:12*S1tiSchu joined #nim
01:10:50FromGitter<phrmoy> hm should there be a ```%USERPROFILE%\.nimble\bin``` directory after installation? I don't have one.
01:12:44*S1t1Schu quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
01:18:12FromGitter<phrmoy> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ac6cad4270d7d370899a1cd]
01:18:15FromGitter<phrmoy> ;((
01:19:10*SenasOzys quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:19:19shashlickwhat was the command you ran?
01:19:35FromGitter<phrmoy> ``````
01:19:50FromGitter<phrmoy> my ```gcc``` is on the ```$PATH```
01:19:59*SenasOzys joined #nim
01:20:08FromGitter<phrmoy> but surely there not ```mingw``` in ```dist```
01:22:05shashlickok, not sure what's going on - how did you download nim? git clone or a zip?
01:22:24FromGitter<phrmoy> zip file from the website
01:22:59FromGitter<phrmoy> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ac6cbf36d7e07082bc3a122]
01:23:13FromGitter<phrmoy> so, i guess i shoudnt worry about it then since it's on path?
01:23:32FromGitter<phrmoy> it happens after I say y to the above
01:25:44shashlickso why were you running koch if you downloaded the binary build?
01:28:31FromGitter<phrmoy> trying to follow the instructions as given
01:28:46FromGitter<phrmoy> don't what im supposed to do, only what im reading
01:28:52shashlickwhich instructions are you following?
01:29:16FromGitter<phrmoy> the websites, and those given in the install file
01:31:49FromGitter<phrmoy> alright so I compiled but there is no bin in .nimble
01:32:01FromGitter<phrmoy> so I am going to create that manually and add it to the PATH
01:32:19shashlickok I see what you're saying - you did koch nimble
01:36:17*max3 joined #nim
01:37:22FromGitter<phrmoy> just curious why do we need to rename nimble to something like nimble1?
01:37:40FromGitter<phrmoy> hopefully that's for the install
01:38:45shashlickso here's the thing - nimble.exe is already available in the ZIP you downloaded
01:38:50shashlickit's already in the bin directory
01:39:11shashlickso there was no need to koch nimble - per the install.txt, you only need to do that for the source based install
01:39:28FromGitter<phrmoy> I see
01:40:36shashlickanyway, welcome to Nim :)
01:44:57FromGitter<phrmoy> Thank you!;)
02:09:07*leorize joined #nim
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03:34:13FromGitter<sivakon> @shashlick Actually I am trying to create a wrapper for MxNet for DeepRL with GYM with HTTP API.
03:47:32*endragor joined #nim
03:47:40FromGitter<gogolxdong> How to transform between JsonNode and NimNode?
03:57:47shashlicknot sure how you got there - how do you get json working in a macro?
04:00:16FromGitter<sivakon> The `c2nim` tool currently does not support `,`. I have enums in my header file. How do I get c2nim to work around it.
04:02:46shashlick@sivakon: can you post a snippet or point to the header you are trying to process?
04:03:18*xkapastel joined #nim
04:07:20FromGitter<sivakon> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ac6f278e3d0b1ff2ca829f6]
04:20:13FromGitter<sivakon> That `enum` has to be rewritten.
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04:35:08shashlickya, you typically need to change up code a bit for c2nim to get through
04:35:28FromGitter<sivakon> Yep. What do you have in mind>
04:36:08shashlickon second thought, it's C++ so you run "c2nim --cpp file"
04:36:30FromGitter<sivakon> Oh. Let me check
04:36:42shashlickit works that way
04:38:30*yglukhov joined #nim
04:42:58*yglukhov quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
04:46:45FromGitter<sivakon> I got a different error now.
04:46:48FromGitter<sivakon> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ac6fbb82b9dfdbc3a5f21e8]
04:46:56FromGitter<sivakon> Error: '(' expected
04:50:22*leorize quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
04:54:18shashlickI don't think c2nim understands operator overloading yet, you'd need to rename operator< to something else for c2nim to deal with it
04:57:43FromGitter<sivakon> But then I have to look at every `<` and check whether if it's overloaded one or not
04:58:26FromGitter<sivakon> Thanks anyways, I am tempted towards Arraymancer.
05:04:54*ketralnis joined #nim
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05:51:44FromGitter<phrmoy> oh are u guys really doing a c2nim?
05:51:48FromGitter<phrmoy> how awesome is that!
05:57:55*leorize quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
06:04:16*xkapastel quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
06:06:07*miran quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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06:20:36FromGitter<phrmoy> "To call a procedure that returns a value just for its side effects and ignoring its return value, a discard statement must be used. Nim does not allow silently throwing away a return value:"
06:20:54FromGitter<phrmoy> Can't I just pass void as the return type? Would I still have to discard that?
06:22:08FromGitter<phrmoy> that seems to work, I did not have to use discard
06:22:16FromGitter<phrmoy> to ignore the returned value
06:30:04FromGitter<narimiran> @phrmoy `proc foo(a: int) = echo a` can be "discarded" without any statements
06:32:44FromGitter<phrmoy> hm ok, one of the tutorials im reading seem to infer that you need to discard them (at least that's how it read to me)
06:32:45FromGitter<phrmoy> thanks!
06:40:04FromGitter<narimiran> if you had `proc foo(a: int): int = 10*a` (a proc which returns a value), then you would need to discard it
06:53:41*yglukhov joined #nim
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07:24:23FromGitter<phrmoy> I see, that makes more sense, so we are saying is that if we are returning a value, we can't just ignore it, we must discard it.
07:28:29FromGitter<narimiran> yep
07:29:16FromGitter<narimiran> @dom96 you here maybe?
07:38:33*xkapastel joined #nim
07:54:22*aguspiza quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
07:58:01FromGitter<phrmoy> finished my first tutorial, Nim is the bomb!
08:01:32*SenasOzys joined #nim
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08:04:23FromGitter<narimiran> indeed it is :)
08:04:27*athenot quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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08:59:42FromGitter<narimiran> i'm having a problem with `doAssertRaises`, if somebody has an experience how to test if something fails some asserts - i have couple of questions
09:03:22*Vladar joined #nim
09:03:56Araqnever used it
09:05:43FromGitter<narimiran> Araq: haha, ok, dom96 told me to use it to test if something raises an error - but it seems to be not very good for testing (examples to follow)
09:06:52FromGitter<narimiran> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ the first example should raise the `AssertionError`, but the second shouldn't. and this passes. [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5ac738ac2b9dfdbc3a60158e]
09:07:51FromGitter<narimiran> (first example should raise it after a fix in `strutils`, currently is broken)
09:08:19Araqobviously this works but doesn't run the 2nd discard line
09:08:33FromGitter<alehander42> I think I used `expect` ⭕
09:08:44Araqthink about it please.
09:08:58Araqthe first line raises the exception, the doAssertRaises is happy
09:09:06Araqthe 2nd line is not run.
09:09:34FromGitter<narimiran> remove the first line, run just with the second - doAssertRaises is still happy (and i think it shouldn't be)
09:09:35FromGitter<nathandaly> Hey `envVars.add(key & "=" & $value)` I have a seq and I want create a string (for a command) `value` could be a string or an int, this works `echo envName & " = " & $envValue`. The error I get is `SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)`
09:10:40Araqusually you don't have "could be a string or an int", you have "string" instead
09:11:11FromGitter<nathandaly> it's reading vals from a json file
09:11:17FromGitter<nathandaly> port number isn't wrapped in quotes
09:12:12FromGitter<narimiran> Araq if you're happy with `doAssertRaises` happiness, i'll just ignore it and send my fix :)
09:12:59AraqI'm looking at its implementation
09:13:00FromGitter<dom96> You should have two doAssertRaises there...
09:13:13Araqand AssertionError cannot be handled by doAssertRaises :D
09:13:29Araqbecaues it raises that when nothing it raised ...
09:13:46FromGitter<narimiran> @dom96 it's not a problem to have two of them, the problem is that it is happy when there was no assertion error
09:13:52*dddddd joined #nim
09:13:59Araqit's just a bug, not hard to fix
09:14:26FromGitter<dom96> Tbh this is a bit messy
09:14:53FromGitter<dom96> If you're using assert then it will disappear in release mode
09:14:59FromGitter<dom96> And then your tests will fail
09:15:06FromGitter<narimiran> yeah, if i change it to `doAssertRaises(ValueError)` then it is not happy when there's no value error
09:15:10Araqthis code needs to use a bool flag instead of raising an Assertion...
09:15:15FromGitter<narimiran> i'm using `doAssert`
09:15:41FromGitter<dom96> If you're using doAssert then you may as well raise an exception
09:15:53FromGitter<narimiran> i currently have `doAssert(sub.len > 0, "Sub must not be an empty string.")`
09:16:11FromGitter<dom96> Why not?
09:16:11FromGitter<narimiran> if you have a better option to raise this, let me know
09:16:23Araqwell it's debatable but usually the stdlib doesn't raise ValueError for programmer bugs
09:16:35FromDiscord<--HA--> @nathandaly how did you create your seq? I only started looking at nim a few days ago so I probably don't know what I'm talking about but that error you got reminds me of what I saw when I left out the @[] in my seq declaration. When I use something like this I could add to sequences: var stringseq: seq[string] = @[]
09:16:43Araqand AssertionError is not catchable, strictly speaking
09:17:06FromGitter<dom96> Yeah ok
09:17:27FromGitter<GULPF> @Araq how come that semfold.nim uses saturated arithmetic? wouldn't it make more sense to raise an error if the constant folding overflows?
09:18:04AraqI think it only uses it to compute the range types
09:18:07FromGitter<dom96> If you're happy to pay the price of an extra check then the doAssert is fine
09:18:11Araqa feature we got rid of
09:18:24Araqthinking about it
09:18:39Araqit should probably do nothing to the string
09:19:00Araqnot die with an AssertionError
09:19:16FromGitter<dom96> Read my comments please
09:19:18FromGitter<narimiran> should i raise an error (which one?) instead of asserting?
09:19:26AraqI'm sure Aporia and friends call 'replace' without checking for the empty string
09:19:26FromGitter<dom96> Split asserts too
09:20:11Araqbut then you have to add the "if x != "": replace()" to make it not crash
09:20:23Araqyou might as well make that the behaviour of 'replace'
09:20:41FromGitter<dom96> It was never a problem in practice
09:20:54FromGitter<dom96> Pretty sure it leads to infinite loops
09:20:57AraqI bet it crashes my NimEdit :P
09:21:00FromGitter<dom96> So we would have noticed
09:21:03FromGitter<narimiran> my first solution was to just return the original string if `sub` is `""`, but people said it might be better to raise/assert (https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7509)
09:21:04Araqthe infinite loops are horrible
09:21:15Araqbut turning it into a nop makes much sense
09:21:50FromGitter<dom96> Consistency with split is good
09:22:14Araqso fix split too while we're at it
09:23:33FromGitter<narimiran> also to have a check in split? ok. but what should be the wanted behaviour? returning the original or raising something?
09:23:44Araqreturn the original.
09:24:03FromGitter<dom96> Please read the original discussion around split
09:24:10Araqthese asserts only mean I need to protect the call at the callsite
09:24:17FromGitter<dom96> There might be a good reason why this was done
09:24:51FromGitter<narimiran> ok, i'll wait until you two have the same opinion :) (this might take a while? :D :D)
09:25:49FromGitter<narimiran> btw, while we're at it, do you prefer `if sub.len == 0` or `if sub == ""`? (so i don't have to change it later :) )
09:26:05Araqtoo lazy to read it, reason was probably "Python does it this way"
09:27:22Araqto which I say, "copying bad design is not good design"
09:28:05Araqif sub.len == 0 is preferred
09:29:37Araqnimgrep also doesn't validate its calls to 'replace'
09:45:01yglukhovIs anyone aware of the case when combining exceptions and async yields incorrect runtime behavior?
09:46:39dom96Here is the relevant PR https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5125
09:47:24FromGitter<narimiran> PR submitted: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7521
09:47:58*xkapastel quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
09:48:52dom96Do link to your previous PR like I just did for reference :)
09:49:05dom96yglukhov: Are you using 'try'
09:49:26*hal1 joined #nim
09:49:28Araqdom96, that doesn't add any new insights
09:49:48dom96Araq: Yeah, but it's worth a look
09:50:19FromGitter<narimiran> @dom96 ok, will do next time
09:51:11yglukhovdom96: yes. I just want to know the possible runtime bugs when using try:except: win async code. I've found only this one: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/2650, but that seems to be "finally:" problem.
09:52:21dom96yglukhov: If you want reliable error checking with async, then use an if statement https://nim-lang.org/docs/asyncdispatch.html#asynchronous-procedures-handling-exceptions
09:53:05yglukhovdom96: yes, that's not what I'm asking about. I wonder if there are any code samples that demonstrate unreliability :)
09:54:26dom96None that I'm aware of
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09:55:21yglukhovgot it, thanks. Please toss those at me in case you find any.
09:56:18*leorize quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)
09:56:19yglukhovdom96: but why do you think that try:except: is unreliable? =)
09:56:39dom96because it doesn't match normal try semantics
09:56:54dom96it performs a transformation that moves yields out of the try
09:56:56dom96and does it poorly
09:57:29FromGitter<narimiran> @dom96 how do i add that check to the template `splitCommon`? what should be returned/yielded?
09:59:21dom96narimiran: Wait until we decide what should be done. Otherwise you'll be editing back and forth :)
10:00:02dom96Although to answer your question: I think you can just 'return' in that template
10:00:28FromGitter<narimiran> haha ok, i'll go grab some lunch and wait for the situation to settle :)
10:01:28Araqwell 'replace' should be a nop, I don't care about split, I don't call split directly with user supplied input anywhere
10:02:28dom96Araq: Can't we copy another language's behaviour?
10:02:41Araqno because I know better.
10:03:18Araqin fact, I don't use split, split is a code smell.
10:04:23dom96I think copying Python's behaviour makes sense
10:04:36hal1Hello again. My goal is to add a setLastModificationTime proc to os. I was talking from discord yesterday. For the call to the windows api SetFileTime function I need variables of type FILETIME. I would like the proc to accept a Time type from times though. Can I add a toWinFileTime to Time, like there is toUnix, does that seem like a good idea?
10:05:39hal1that would return a FILETIME
10:06:10Araq>>> "abc".replace("", "def")
10:06:43dom96hal1: I think you can do: time.toUnix().unixTimeToWinTime()
10:08:41hal1I tried that, it returns an int64. The FILETIME type consists of two DWORD (int32) dwLowDateTime and dwHighDateTime that are basically the int64 split into two halfs as far as I see it.
10:09:14dom96hal1: So you'll have to split the int64 :)
10:09:30hal1yes, so the result from time.toUnix().unixTimeToWinTime() would require further conversion and I was not clear on where to best do that
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10:10:15dom96I would say, just do it in the setLastModificationTime function
10:10:21hal1not something to add to time but to do in the new os.setFileModificationTime?
10:10:22dom96It should be fairly trivial
10:17:45hal1I remember now why I struggled with it yesterday. You can not call time.toUnix().unixTimeToWinTime() just like that. toUnix returns an int64 and unixTimeToWinTime expects a CTime which is a not public type from times.
10:17:56hal1import times
10:17:59hal1import winlean
10:18:01hal1let wint = getTime().toUnix().unixTimeToWinTime()
10:18:03hal1echo wint
10:18:17hal1time.nim(4, 30) Error: type mismatch: got <int64>
10:18:19hal1but expected one of:
10:18:21hal1proc unixTimeToWinTime(time: CTime): int64
10:18:22Araqcheck how winlean.nim does it
10:18:23hal1expression: unixTimeToWinTime(toUnix(getTime()))
10:19:06hal1there the linux time is multiplied and added to by two constants for the conversion
10:19:51dom96I think these should be exported
10:20:05dom96Otherwise you can only guess how to use unixTimeToWinTime
10:20:10FromGitter<GULPF> `unixTimeToWinTime`and `winTimeToUnixTime` are messy because previously `posix.Time` and `times.Time` was the same type. They should probably be replaced with proper conversion procs for `posix.Time` and `winlean.FILETIME` in the future.
10:21:12FromGitter<nathandaly> @FromIRC Thanks I was missing the `= @[]` Is there general started documentation?
10:22:50FromGitter<nathandaly> Is there general started documentation? a lot of the examples aren't basic mistake prevention :)
10:24:00dom96nathandaly: https://nim-lang.org/docs/tut1.html#advanced-types-sequences
10:26:48hal1they could be exported or if there was something that gave a winlean.FILETIME as result that would be good yes. That was why I thought if a toWinFileTime for time made sense. How should I best proceeed with this? Can I change unixTimeToWinTime to accept int64 and return winlean.FILETIME?
10:28:01hal1Sorry, got to go for a bit. I'll read answers when I return.
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10:33:24FromGitter<GULPF> @hal1 Don't change it, it might break stuff. I'd suggest adding `proc toFILETIME(t: Time): FILETIME` and `fromFILETIME(ft: FILETIME): Time`to the times module.
10:35:07FromGitter<GULPF> and then unixTimeToWinTime can be deprecated
10:41:46FromGitter<tim-st> @dom96 do you heard of this behaviour: https://github.com/2vg/mofuw/issues/31 (the same happens for jester minimal example) is it normal?
10:45:10*leorize joined #nim
10:49:56dom96GULPF: Are we sure that Win time is only used for this FILETIME structure?
10:50:19dom96I would suggest keeping things simple, we can fix this unixTimeToWinTime thing later
10:51:09dom96To be honest, I don't think low-level structures like FILETIME belong in the times module
10:52:29dom96tim-st: yeah, I dunno, there are some problems to do with memory usage
10:52:33dom96I'm not sure how to solve them
10:52:53FromGitter<tim-st> ok, thanks. Does it happen on unix too?
10:54:44FromGitter<tim-st> I will test it later in vm, I have the feeling it is because of async
11:09:39dom96If you can figure out the reason it happens that would be awesome :)
11:14:19Araqping shashlick
11:17:38*leorize quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.1)
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11:23:29FromGitter<krux02> it's a bit off topic, but the author of the famous WAT screencast made all his commercial screencasts free until 10.4.2018 (10th of April) https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/screencasts/catalog
11:32:14skelett2Is there a way to make the nim compiler automatically detect the missing type in `can_fail` so that `err("fail")` works? https://files.skelett.io/test.nim
11:33:25skelett2I'm trying to implement something similiar to the `Result` type from rust
11:35:06FromGitter<krux02> skelett2: the common naming scheme for the enum would be ResultKind, not ResultType, because the result type is already `Result`
11:35:26dom96skelett2: No, Nim can't infer those types currently
11:35:55skelett2krux02: changed, thanks!
11:36:41skelett2dom96: that's unfortunate. Thanks!
11:36:45dom96although hrm
11:36:51FromGitter<krux02> well the result type is usually the type of result, so you can make it a method
11:36:59FromGitter<krux02> result.fail("err")
11:37:16FromGitter<krux02> but the problem is that then you have to specify the error type
11:37:38dom96strange that `result.err("fail")` doesn't work
11:37:58dom96krux02: there should be no need for methods
11:38:22dom96Araq: Thoughts ^ ?
11:38:22FromGitter<krux02> dom96: well I think I accidentially swapped err and fail
11:38:59skelett2`Error: in expression 'result.err("fail")': identifier expected, but found 'result.err'`
11:39:25FromGitter<krux02> I would make the result type without a generic type in the error though
11:39:37FromGitter<krux02> I would just create an error type that handles errors well.
11:40:26dom96skelett2: I would say this is a bug, at the very least the error message should be better
11:40:37FromGitter<krux02> I think the error is one of the rare cases where I would accept a ref type
11:40:41FromGitter<narimiran> @dom96 @Araq is there a consensus regarding `split` and `replace`regarding empty string parameter? returning the original string or raising an error? (or should i leave to you two to sleep on it?)
11:40:58FromGitter<krux02> so that you can create a list of errors each containing their root cause
11:41:15dom96krux02: sure, there are many ways to design it. But the author wants to emulate Rust
11:41:42FromGitter<krux02> that's true though
11:41:54dom96skelett2: Please report it: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/
11:42:28FromGitter<krux02> this is a good use case for the `Nothing` type
11:42:36FromGitter<krux02> that doesn't exist in Nim
11:43:39skelett2I'm trying to narrow that bug down to a minimal case
11:44:24dom96skelett2: awesome, thanks
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11:52:28skelett2Ok problem seems to be that the member of the object is called the same as a function
11:53:19skelett2so `<obj>.foo` can either be the `<obj>.foo` or `foo(<obj>`
11:53:55skelett2=> it's ambiguous
11:56:14skelett2s/the same as a function/the same as a function accepting an instance of this object as first argument/
11:56:36FromGitter<krux02> http://ix.io/172a
11:57:02FromGitter<krux02> skelett2: I could get a bit further, but still no solution
11:58:20skelett2cool idea!
12:00:26dom96skelett2: Ahh yes, so all you need to do is rename the field :)
12:00:33dom96Definitely needs a better error message
12:00:34dom96please report it
12:00:38Araqno need
12:00:45AraqI just fixed the error message
12:01:49FromGitter<krux02> skelett2: when you come over to gitter, your s/../../ substitution would actually change your comment in the past instead of sending it
12:05:37dom96krux02: and none of us on IRC would see it
12:06:04FromGitter<krux02> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
12:10:13Araqnever mind report it properly, this is not easy to solve
12:10:22Araqother error messages get worse with my fix :P
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12:33:42FromGitter<krux02> Araq: should I also create a identName proc? It would be analog to symName
12:34:27FromGitter<krux02> I would really like to call it then just `proc name(arg: NimNode)`, but sadly that function is already taken
12:35:30FromGitter<tim-st> @dom96 I tried different gcs when I use your jester example with `--gc:v2` the server crashes after ~15 requests with `SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)`. Should every gc work with jester?
12:36:49dom96perhaps Araq can answer that
12:37:18FromGitter<tim-st> ok
12:38:53Araqtim-st: well v2 is supposed to be stable. it crashes bootstrapping though :-(
12:39:58FromGitter<krux02> just a random thought about GC. when I last thought why is disliked GC so much, it was not that GC did only do harm. One issue was the GC always was a global thing that lived undermined everything. It could be tweaked, but only globally for a specific program. And that is a pretty bad situation when one module says "set the GC to A" and the other module said "set the GC to B".
12:40:16FromGitter<krux02> So thread local GC is really a good thing.
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12:41:08FromGitter<krux02> it would be best if the GC woul not be a compiler setting, but a thread thing.
12:41:29Araqthink about the codegen implications and you know why we don't do that
12:42:05FromGitter<krux02> wel I have no idea about the codegen implications, but now that you remind me of it, yea you are right
12:42:06dom96We really need something to help diagnose memory leaks
12:42:27FromGitter<tim-st> @araq ok thanks
12:42:45dom96Is it possible to get a memory dump of a running application and then look for duplicated values?
12:42:47FromGitter<krux02> but it would really be cool
12:42:51dom96Maybe that could help us find what is leaking?
12:43:09FromGitter<krux02> dom96: where do you have a memory leak?
12:43:17Araqfor leaks we have some mechanisms, dumpNumberOfInstances()
12:43:33dom96krux02: in the forum, nimbot, etc.
12:43:45dom96Any program that uses async leaks
12:44:00Araqoh, wasn't aware it's that bad :P
12:44:05FromGitter<krux02> well gcc has some tools for that, too
12:44:19FromGitter<krux02> there is the address sanitizer
12:44:22Araqbut SSL leaks memory
12:44:27FromGitter<krux02> and valgrind
12:44:40Araqmost leaks I've seen are in the stdlib
12:44:57FromGitter<tim-st> @krux02 try a jester minimal example, I'm not sure if that's normal but with each ten times I press F5 in browser on localhost it eats 80kb memory and size grows in memory
12:46:00dom96problem is that it takes a long time to get the memory up
12:46:07dom96days of uptime
12:46:09dom96if not weeks
12:46:24Araqagain, SSL wrapper leaks memory
12:46:30Araqand HTTPS is everywhere
12:46:38FromGitter<tim-st> I didnt use ssl (I think)
12:46:56dom96Araq: I doubt that's it
12:48:57Araqthat is a leak that only shows up after weeks
12:49:06Araqprobably there are others though :P
12:49:55FromGitter<krux02> I am pretty sure the compiler leaks, too. but it doesn't become a problem because the compiler just quits and the memory is free again
12:54:00skelett2with which gcs do the leaks happen?
12:54:05Araqnimsuggest doesn't leak though. at least not in the tests that I did with it
12:54:44Araqthe compiler itself disables the mark&sweep step in order to run faster :P
12:55:08Araqalso by its nature it can only "leak" memory.
12:55:11dom96I've seen people complaining about high nimsuggest memory usage
12:55:22Araqhigh memory usage != leak
12:55:36dom96Currently using 300MB on my system
12:55:41hal1In preparation for an eventual pull request should I make changes based on the devel branch?
12:55:47dom96hal1: yep
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12:56:12Araqbut yeah, I wouldn't write the compiler in this way anymore... takes up too much memory, too little control over it too
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12:58:05FromGitter<tim-st> @ skeIett2 I don't know if that's called a memory leak or if it's normal for a webserver to consume 80kb per ten times F5 in browser and dont free it. But if that's not normal then all that I tried and v2 crashed
12:58:40dom9680kb isn't much
12:59:01FromGitter<tim-st> yes, but shouldnt they free it after some minutes?
12:59:18FromGitter<tim-st> otherwise my webserver could only server the fist x users
13:00:29dom96Use 'wrk' on it
13:00:37dom96That will hit it with thousands of requests
13:00:49FromGitter<tim-st> ok, will try, thanks
13:01:51FromGitter<tim-st> Though I'm interested, what is stored at all in the memory (when I just ship out "hello world") besides possible tcp connection keep alive?
13:03:03hal1I'm following the instructions on compiling right now. Once that is done and after I changed for example times.nim will a ./koch boot be enough to build that changed version?
13:03:21dom96Many things, the file descriptors for the TCP connections and the event loop, buffers for the sockets
13:04:27FromGitter<tim-st> ok, thanks. I thought only on tcp syn flood information of this size stays in memory and not on regular calls
13:04:32FromGitter<krux02> dom96: I just looked up this pattern to find memory leaks from Eskil Steenberg
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13:05:48FromGitter<krux02> he has a macro that replaces every instance of malloc with his own allocation that stores along with the allocation the line and the file where the allocation happens. that means whenever there is some leaked memory it can be tracked down to where it leaked.
13:06:00FromGitter<krux02> but that is a patter from C. I don't know how that applies to Nim
13:06:11AraqNim's GC does that, check its source code
13:06:25dom96If Nim's GC does that, then how can I enable this thing?
13:06:26FromGitter<krux02> cool
13:06:32Araqbut dumpNumberOfInstances works better
13:06:50dom96what's dumpNumberOfInstances?
13:07:07Araqcompile with -d:nimTypeNames
13:07:17Araqand then it's a proc you can call at runtime from time to time
13:07:23Araqand see where things grow
13:07:44Araqdocumented in the wiki
13:07:59FromGitter<krux02> that is pretty cool
13:08:10Araqbut our wiki is not an article by Eskil Steenberg, so *shrug* :P
13:08:25dom96But it's by the great Andreas Rumpf
13:08:28FromGitter<krux02> Araq: should I give NimIdent the same treatment as NimSym?
13:08:45dom96Okay, I will play around with this later
13:08:46Araqkrux02: I think so
13:09:02FromGitter<krux02> then I will do it.
13:22:37hal1dom96: sorry about all the questions, I have not actually done a pull request before. Could you give me some pointers perhaps? I made a very small change in times so that CTime type is exported. That allows one to use this for example: CTime(getTime().toUnix()).unixTimeToWinTime()
13:23:08hal1Would it be ok to put that in a PR so I know how that process works or is it too much hassle for such a small thing?
13:29:27dom96You can start off by committing this change to a new branch
13:29:42dom96Creating a PR then is just the click of a button on GitHub
13:30:00dom96(Before you can push the changes though, you'll need to have forked the repo)
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13:38:42euantor`dumpNumberOfInstances` is indeed very useful. I've used it in the past and it's really helpful
13:42:25hal1dom96: Thanks. Does the branch name matter or is there a naming schema I should be aware of?
13:42:39dom96hal1: nope, name it whatever you wish
13:42:53dom96best names are descriptive though
13:43:30hal1the PR can consist of multiple commits in the end?
13:44:21FromGitter<GULPF> @hal1 @dom96 I really don't think we should export CType. @hal1 don't need to fix this mess in this PR, just copy the logic from `unixTimeToWinTime`to os.nim for now. Having to do `CTime(getTime().toUnix()).unixTimeToWinTime()` is not sane
13:45:22dom96GULPF: Let's be aware of hal1's time, we can always fix this later.
13:46:31FromGitter<GULPF> that's why I said he doesn't need to fix it
13:46:59dom96yeah, but asking to make constant changes will get tiring :)
13:47:20hal1Oh I'm happy to work on this. Excited to contribute something to a project, no need to worry about my time. If you have patience with me to guide me to what to do I'm glad to do it.
13:47:38dom96In that case, listen to GULPF :)
13:49:02hal1GULPF: there is however the issue that if I duplicate the unixTimeToWinTime in os that I need two constants which are also not exported
13:49:09hal1 epochDiff = 116444736000000000'i64
13:49:11hal1 rateDiff = 10000000'i64 # 100 nsecs
13:49:22hal1are used to convert the time from one system to the other
13:51:13FromGitter<GULPF> You can copy those over as well. I'll write a PR later to fix the code duplication
13:52:08hal1Alright. Out of interest how would you fix that, what is the correct or better way to do it?
13:53:12Araqimport winlean?
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13:53:52FromGitter<GULPF> Well what we need are procs for converting `Time`->`FILETIME` and `FILETIME`->`Time`
13:54:21dom96I think it's subject to debate whether these should be exposed in the times module
13:54:41dom96The FILETIME structure is a windows-specific and low-level structure.
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13:55:08FromGitter<GULPF> yes but they need to be somewhere, and both times.nim and os.nim needs the `FILETIME`->`Time` proc
13:55:21dom96why does times need it?
13:56:20FromGitter<GULPF> for getting the current time. I don't remember how it does it now, but it in my sub second resolution PR it gets the current time as a FILETIME
13:57:19AraqFILETIME belongs in winlean.nim
13:57:32FromGitter<GULPF> the type yes
13:58:13Araqand the helpers too
13:58:20dom96both the type and the helpers
13:58:32dom96FILETIME is used in epochTime
13:58:33FromGitter<GULPF> but winlean can't import times without a circular dependency, so it can't defined a `FILETIME`->`Time` proc
13:59:07dom96So it needs to return some other type
13:59:07Araqwinlean should not import times
13:59:16dom96times module shouldn't export such a low-level procedure
13:59:37Araqwinlean is for the Win API, the Win API doesn't depend on our times.nim
13:59:50Araqthere is a clear hierarchy here
13:59:54FromGitter<GULPF> oh I agree that winlean shouldn't import times
14:00:45dom96Actually, I think CTime should also defined in posix and winlean
14:00:56FromGitter<GULPF> CTime is in posix
14:01:01FromGitter<GULPF> it's the same type as posix.Time
14:01:08dom96and then you can define a helper to convert from FILETIME to CTime in winlean
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14:01:31FromGitter<GULPF> we don't want FILETIME->CTime, because that's not a lossless conversion
14:01:46FromGitter<GULPF> CTime is in seconds, FILETIME is in hectonanoseconds
14:02:01FromGitter<GULPF> Time is in seconds now, but in nanoseconds after my PR
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14:02:38FromGitter<GULPF> we could have `FILETIME` -> tuple[unix seconds, nanoseconds] in winlean I suppose
14:03:23dom96I think that would be better
14:05:02FromGitter<GULPF> yes I think that's the best option
14:05:11hal1apart from the FILETIME issue, shouldn't it be possible to run some version of time.toUnix().unixTimeToWinTime()? CTime is not defined in winlean, and not exported in times but unixTimeToWinTime expects it as parameter type
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14:06:27FromGitter<GULPF> I'd rather see that unixTimeToWinTime gets deprecated. CTime shouldn't be a part of the times api
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14:09:11hal1Could a proc also be added to winlean that works the other way unix seconds -> FILETIME? And if so, do you mind if I give that a try?
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14:10:53hal1then time.toUnix() (from times, it returns a int64) could be the input for that proc in winlean that returns a FILETIME from unixtime?
14:11:19FromGitter<GULPF> that sounds fine, but do it with unix seconds + nanoseconds so it's still easy when Time gets nanosecond resolution
14:11:45hal1like your tuple example just the other way around
14:11:55FromGitter<GULPF> e.g proc toFILETIME(unix: seconds, ns: nanoseconds): FILETIME
14:12:25FromGitter<GULPF> *unix: int64, nanoseconds: int
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14:28:53FromGitter<tim-st> @dom96 I now tested it using wrk and it seems to work quite good (it uses quickly ~25mb ram, but after this never more), so probably everything is good, thanks for your help
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14:57:40hal1what is an easy way to see the bit represantion of an int?
15:00:21FromGitter<mratsim> bit or byte?
15:00:51hal1bit would be best
15:01:47FromGitter<mratsim> for bit representation you will have to fiddle with masking and shr like here: https://github.com/mratsim/chirp8/blob/master/src/cpu.nim#L245
15:01:53FromGitter<mratsim> this unpack bits from a byte
15:02:18FromGitter<mratsim> for byte representation you just need to castarray[8, byte (yourint)
15:02:43FromGitter<mratsim> urgh gitter ate my brackets ...
15:02:59hal1thank you
15:03:04FromGitter<mratsim> cast to array\[8, byte\] your integer for byte representation
15:05:15FromGitter<alehander42> :D
15:05:26FromGitter<alehander42> gitter loves brackets
15:10:29hal1sorry I thought I got that with the array but I didn't. I also can't find the documentation for cast atm
15:14:28FromGitter<mratsim> it’s in the system module
15:14:41FromGitter<mratsim> It’s raining RFCs :O
15:15:13FromGitter<mratsim> cast\newType\ (old_variable)
15:15:50FromGitter<mratsim> it’s hidden because it’s unsafe and very low-level
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15:20:25FromGitter<narimiran> `testnewType (old_variable)`
15:20:47FromGitter<narimiran> nope, doesn't like brackets even inside of a code block
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15:21:20hal1ah, got it: cast[array[8, byte]](myint)
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15:55:57dom96mratsim: hal1: If I understand correctly, you can also just use toBin: https://nim-lang.org/docs/strutils.html#toBin,BiggestInt,Positive
15:58:24FromGitter<mratsim> oh I didn’t know about that one
16:03:10dom96Some really awesome results for @2vg's web framework: https://github.com/tbrand/which_is_the_fastest/issues/101#issuecomment-379293774
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16:05:04dom96Beating everything except cpp_evhtp
16:05:12dom96I really need to get httpbeast finished :)
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16:10:12Araqspeaking of which ... my new toy project should finally be packedjson.nim
16:10:43FromGitter<alehander42> wow mofuw is cool, finally beating crystal at those web games :D
16:10:50FromGitter<alehander42> the README is brilliant haha
16:12:33dom96Araq: Not translating system shock to Nim? :(
16:17:55Yardanicodom96, it would be awesome if mofuw would have roughly the same results without unsafe operations ;)
16:18:04shashlickhey araq - just catching up here, saw your message
16:18:17Yardanicobut it's very impressive
16:18:58dom96Yardanico: hrm, true
16:19:14Yardanicofaster than rust/go and all other languages :D
16:19:20dom96But nonetheless, impressive
16:19:43dom96hope @2vg won't be dissuaded if I work on httpbeast :)
16:19:55dom96Always better to have two fast http servers than just one
16:28:08dom96So, let's see what I can get done on httpbeast today
16:28:29dom96Hope my dissertation doesn't suffer too much as a result
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16:32:25miran...famous last words
16:33:28Araqshashlick: where is your gist about Nim's potential versioning again?
16:34:23Araqdom96: meh, it's system shock, not system shock *2*
16:34:48dom96Araq: hah
16:38:16Araqshashlick: mind to make that an RFC?
16:39:31shashlickSure, both or just trunk based?
16:39:48dom96Which do you suppose is faster for a simple hello world benchmark: keeping a cache of common requests and responses (with all the expiration logic that comes with this approach) or not doing that?
16:40:43dom96shashlick: Make an RFC but link to that gist instead of embedding it.
16:41:29shashlickOk cool
16:48:48dom96meh, getting rid of the caching
16:48:52FromGitter<mratsim> @dom96 Your question triggered the following keywords in my head: “memoization”, “LRU cache”, “Look-up tables” ….
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16:57:40Araqjust forget about the cache and optimize it properly :P
16:58:36dom96that's what I'm doing :)
17:01:37shashlickRFC created - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/7527
17:05:44dom96of course, wrk, curl and chrome all send HTTP requests differently
17:07:10*dom96 wonders why browsers are sending crap after the \c\r
17:11:30FromGitter<Varriount> ?
17:11:46dom96Bug in my code :)
17:13:30dom96I'm finding myself reaching for unsafe Nim too
17:14:13FromGitter<krux02> what is unsafe in your code?
17:14:16FromGitter<krux02> race condition
17:14:24FromGitter<krux02> nil dereference?
17:14:31dom96use of 'addr'
17:14:47FromGitter<krux02> well the use of "addr" is not per se unsafe
17:15:08dom96Any usage of 'ptr', 'addr', 'cast' is unsafe
17:15:26dom96It's the unsafe subset of Nim
17:15:31dom96Doesn't matter if the code is proven to be safe
17:15:32FromGitter<krux02> in c you do that all day long, and people write good software with it (of course also a lot of crap)
17:16:02FromGitter<krux02> I am not sure if there is a "safe" subset in Nim
17:16:16FromGitter<krux02> I mean Nim doesn't prevent you from race conditions like rust does
17:16:57FromGitter<krux02> also nim has lot's of nil ref types
17:17:08FromGitter<krux02> I don't think ref are much safer than ptr types
17:17:44FromGitter<krux02> the only thing ref's do is they free the memory, when the object is not referenced anymore, but apart from that there is nothing they provide
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17:19:31FromGitter<krux02> don't assume you are safe, just because you don't use "ptr" "addr" and "cast"
17:20:39Araqthere is a memory safe subset of Nim and 'nil' doesn't introduce memory unsafety otherwise C# and Java are "unsafe" too and that's simply not a useful definition
17:21:13dom96'ref' is significantly safer than 'ptr'
17:22:36dom96Also, I'm fairly sure Nim offers similar race condition protections as Rust
17:24:38FromGitter<tim-st> @dom96 which gc was used for compilation for the results you linked? I remember that I read on an other benchmark page markAndSweep was determined to be best for this with nim
17:25:04dom96tim-st: no idea, probably default
17:25:12FromGitter<tim-st> ok
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17:32:56Araquse-after-free -- impossible with 'ref', possible with 'ptr'.
17:33:01dom96ugh, I can't seem to set max fds on macOS
17:33:51FromGitter<krux02> Araq: true, but that doesn't make ref safe
17:33:57FromGitter<krux02> you can still have race conditions
17:35:26FromGitter<krux02> my argument is, you still have to know what you are doing, no matter if you use ref or ptr. I think I can pretty much avoid use after free. I don't claim to be perfect here, but I did that mistake already often enough.
17:35:43FromGitter<krux02> also pointer into a seq and then appending to the seq
17:35:49dom96My god Apple, https://blog.dekstroza.io/ulimit-shenanigans-on-osx-el-capitan/ :'(
17:37:36dom96Yeah, I'm just going to give up on that lol
17:39:57FromGitter<krux02> dom96: where does nim provide race condition checks similar to rust?
17:40:20dom96gc safety
17:40:24dom96You can't share memory between threads
17:40:33FromGitter<krux02> well you can
17:40:38FromGitter<krux02> createShared
17:40:46dom96And what does that create?
17:40:47dom96A 'ptr'
17:41:09dom96i.e. it's unsafe
17:43:14FromGitter<krux02> and what happens when you pass a ref from thread to thread?
17:43:19dom96it gets copied
17:43:19FromGitter<krux02> I never tried it
17:43:36FromGitter<krux02> the ref or the value behind the ref?
17:43:52dom96the object behind the ref
17:45:06FromGitter<krux02> well I actually did't know that
17:45:21FromGitter<krux02> maybe I should try to create a thread now
17:46:58FromGitter<wu-lee> On this topic, how well does nim support immutable data? i.e. enforcing it, as well as supporting persistent (i.e. data-sharing) datastructures?
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17:51:03FromGitter<krux02> well arguments (when you don't use ref types) are by default immutable
17:51:14FromGitter<krux02> so it encourages not to mutate data
17:54:30FromGitter<wu-lee> But refs are pretty unavoidable, no?
17:55:20dom96What makes you think that?
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17:57:04FromGitter<wu-lee> If you want to define a sharing datastructure, for instance. Or use polymorphism.
17:58:26FromGitter<wu-lee> But I'd be very happy to be proved wrong :)
17:58:28dom96You can achieve polymorphism using generics too
17:58:30FromGitter<mratsim> Are there shared immutable data structure?
17:59:12FromGitter<krux02> well all immutable datastructures can be safely shared
17:59:35FromGitter<krux02> the problem is that Nim doesn't help you with "immutable" datastructure
17:59:35FromGitter<wu-lee> Clojure's datatypes are all immutable, I believe based on fancy stuff like finger trees, typically. But a simple case is a linked list, as in lisp.
17:59:56FromGitter<mratsim> https://github.com/vegansk/nimfp
18:00:02FromGitter<wu-lee> Two lists can share the same tail.
18:00:09FromGitter<krux02> @wu-lee but clujure is a lisp and that has other problems, for example bad memory layout.
18:00:44FromGitter<krux02> they say they have a performance penalty factor of 4 compared to other languages
18:00:51FromGitter<wu-lee> @krux02 - as may be, that's besides the point really
18:00:58FromGitter<krux02> yea it is
18:01:02FromGitter<mratsim> Basically if you can prevent people from dereferencing your ref object, you can be immutable.
18:01:55dom96hrm, unittest module doesn't really support async tests :)
18:01:59FromGitter<mratsim> otherwise for ref Nim only allows shallow immutability, if you search in the forum for that, you will see a couple of my posts talking about shallow immutability, write-tracking and stuff like this
18:02:18FromGitter<mratsim> with a reference to some feature requests
18:02:21FromGitter<krux02> @mratsim I think you can provide a getter fuction that returns an object by value that is stored on the shared heap
18:02:39FromGitter<wu-lee> Am I right to think that nim doesn't copy the content of refs passed as (non var) parameters?
18:02:59FromGitter<mratsim> var are not copied either
18:03:06FromGitter<wu-lee> i.e. like `const &` in C++
18:03:08FromGitter<krux02> ``proc getImmutableObject(): ObjectType = objptronsharedheap[]
18:03:30FromGitter<mratsim> Nim only copies primitive types or array with a size less than 3 words.
18:03:41FromGitter<krux02> yes and the return values are also not copied as long as you don't assign them to a variable
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18:03:59FromGitter<wu-lee> useful to know...
18:04:08FromGitter<tim-st> @dom96 When I tested the webservers (e.g. jester) some hours ago I saw only one cpu is used. Wouldnt it be better to use all cpus or atleast 2?
18:04:21dom96tim-st: yes, it would. I'm working on that now.
18:04:42FromGitter<tim-st> Do you know how information is shared between multiple cpus?
18:04:50FromGitter<tim-st> Python uses tcp sockets for this :(
18:05:12dom96tim-st: channels
18:05:30FromGitter<tim-st> I mean that could have slow down, or is it better than the python way?
18:05:50dom96you can also share memory, but that's unsafe
18:05:54dom96(for now at least)
18:06:01FromGitter<tim-st> ok, thanks
18:06:08FromGitter<krux02> until now `ref` types are like `std::shared_ptr` but now I know they are not
18:06:36FromGitter<wu-lee> Are immutable refs ever going to be supported in nim?
18:06:45FromGitter<krux02> `ref` types are not to share objects with threads and therefore are therefore not std::shared_ptr
18:07:00FromGitter<krux02> @wu-lee I don't think so
18:07:07FromGitter<krux02> but you don't need to
18:07:30FromGitter<krux02> you can just use the underlying value type to make make the type immutable
18:07:44FromGitter<krux02> I also don't want c++ const madness in nim
18:07:52FromGitter<wu-lee> @krux02 - got an example?
18:08:14FromGitter<wu-lee> C++ const madness comes partly from allowing mixed const/mutable fields
18:08:39FromGitter<k0pernicus> Immutable references are great to share between threads - Rust, for example, makes the thing easily, and it gives you safety when you are working with multi-threaded programs
18:08:55FromGitter<wu-lee> @k0pernicus - precisely my point
18:09:02FromGitter<k0pernicus> @krux02 I am interested for an example too :-)
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18:10:27FromGitter<krux02> hmm, I wonder how to get generically the object type of a ref type
18:10:36FromGitter<krux02> these ref types are everywhere
18:11:16dom96k0pernicus: If you use Nim's channels then the 'ref' will be copied across to the other thread
18:11:55FromGitter<wu-lee> @krux02 I've been trying to work out how to do that, passing refs as non-ref to ensure immutability, but I am scared of creating incomplete types and shooting my foot
18:12:10FromGitter<krux02> hmm incomplete types?
18:13:43FromGitter<wu-lee> @krux02 given `a : ref RootObj = TypeA.new` and `a2: ref RootObj` then a2[] = a[] won't copy all the fields of `TypeA`
18:14:00krux02I am struggling myself right now to get the object type from a ref type
18:14:04dom96wu-lee: why do you need this?
18:15:09FromGitter<wu-lee> I'm trying to understand what's possible with nim. I like the typesafety, but want the thread-safe immutability @k0pernicus refers to.
18:20:25FromGitter<mratsim> Relevant discussion/feature request: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6793
18:20:31FromGitter<wu-lee> @krux02 that's more or less what I've been doing
18:21:31FromGitter<wu-lee> Been tying myself in knots a bit, tho, reaching the limits of my newbie Nim know-how.
18:21:40FromGitter<mratsim> And maybe one day we will get data: https://nim-lang.org/araq/writetracking.html, plus tehre is also the borrow checker hum “lent” checker: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/Destructors
18:21:52FromGitter<mratsim> not data -> that
18:30:08Araqmeh I can enable write tracking for 'func' so that you guys can play with it
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18:32:05FromGitter<wu-lee> Write tracking is interesting. I believe Clojure solves the const-ness "wart" problem by making *everything* const (as does Haskell).
18:32:35FromGitter<krux02> yea but everything const, I don't bevieve in it
18:32:41Araqclojure gives you immutable data structures, you can use these in Nim too
18:32:44FromGitter<krux02> mutability is necessary
18:32:50Araqdoesn't require language support.
18:34:37FromGitter<wu-lee> mutability isn't necessary, apparently. or not in the large. but you have to give some things up, and the consequences are things like, you have to use recursion instead of loops, and some other stuff C programmers would consider batshit
18:35:22FromGitter<wu-lee> but i gather there are big gains in provably correct code, thread safety, etc.
18:35:37Araqnot only C programmers, every CPU ever built also considers it batshit
18:36:14FromGitter<wu-lee> @Araq indeed :)
18:37:26hal1dom96: toBin looks perfect
18:38:57FromGitter<wu-lee> I think the grand plan is to find a way to compile immutable languages down to CPU-friendly code, minus the bat shit, but still retaining the FP rigor
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18:59:49Widdershins@wu-lee that's the dream
19:01:30dom96oh my goodness, why is running processes so difficult :(
19:04:59Araqis this really correct, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7415 ?
19:05:13subsetparkSomething I've never understood: if i have an expression like `when (callback is proc(x, y: string)):` - do the names x and y matter?
19:05:30subsetparkWill that not type-match for a procedure declared `proc(y, z: string)`?
19:06:46Araqthe names are only for readability
19:06:53Araqthey don't affect type checking
19:06:53subsetparkOk, that's what I've been assuming
19:22:03FromGitter<wu-lee> given a `ref RootObj` can I discover the type of the object it is referencing? (my experiments with typetraits etc. suggest not..)
19:22:39FromGitter<wu-lee> and if I can discover the type, can I then initialise a new ref of the same type?
19:25:12FromGitter<krux02> I think you can
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19:59:53FromGitter<mratsim> @wu-lee I understand where you’re coming from, my first language was Haskell, but there are some stuff that are just a pain to do with immutability
20:00:39FromGitter<mratsim> In high performance computing for example you need to control memory allocation very carefully. Embedded device too.
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20:46:04Araqso many open PRs ...
20:53:08FromGitter<k0pernicus> @mratsim I don’t think @wu-lee requests *only* immutability - he asked for a way to pass immutable references in threads :-)
20:55:49YardanicoAraq, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/7191 so you will fully remove PHP backend in the near future?
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21:04:21FromGitter<mratsim> It will be moved to stdlib/php :P
21:09:05dom96we'll get a COBOL backend next :P
21:10:27FromGitter<k0pernicus> @dom96 I was hoping for brainfuck...
21:11:19dom96I'm still waiting for someone to make a Brainfuck -> Nim AST macro "compiler" :)
21:16:53*xkapastel quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
21:20:32FromGitter<data-man> Snowball -> Nim. Then we will have a stemming library.
21:22:30AraqI ported the stemmers for English and German once from Snowball
21:22:45AraqYardanico, yeah.
21:23:04Araqwhat's up with that exponentiation operator mess?
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21:24:52Araqso we have 2 PRs dealing with the same, both wrong in their own ways?
21:28:36Widdershinsis there an order-of-operations snafu right now?
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21:35:24AraqWiddershins, what do you mean?
21:38:54dom96Does unlikely vs. likely actually do much?
21:39:12dom96I suppose I should check the asm to be sure
21:39:28FromGitter<Varriount> dom96: It can affect how the backend compiler emits branching code.
21:39:50FromGitter<Varriount> Though, it might be more effective if a specific processor is targeted, rather than a general architecture.
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22:04:42WiddershinsAraq: you were talking about some "exponentiation operator mess", what's the dealio? i'm unfamiliar :)
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22:16:22dom96GC Warning: Repeated allocation of very large block (appr. size 1930674176)
22:16:25dom96Achievement unlocked?
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22:19:29dom96Amazing how much damage a missing `i.inc` can cause
22:19:49dom96At least macOS managed to survive even after it allocated 19gb of RAM
22:20:04dom96My Mac only has 16 so that's quite a feat
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22:37:14Widdershinsi count that as 1.9 billion, not 19 billion
22:37:43Widdershinsslightly under 1.8GiB
22:39:01Araqdom96, there is no such GC warning. do you use Boehm?
22:39:37dom96Araq: I am :)
22:41:11dom96lol how?
22:41:38dom96In case anyone wants to look for more optimisation opportunities :) https://github.com/dom96/httpbeast/blob/master/src/httpbeast.nim
22:41:45dom96It's pretty much complete now
22:41:51dom96GET and POST works
22:41:58dom96That's all that is needed really :P
22:42:39dom96Looks like the need for 'import times' is gone
22:45:33dom96boehm and default GC are pretty similar on mac
22:45:55dom96My results keep varying between 60k req/s and 70k req/s
22:46:09dom96It annoys me that I can't tell for sure which is better
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22:48:16Araqyou need to disable hardware interrupts for reliable benchmark results
22:48:23*Araq is kidding
22:49:20dom96Now this is interesting
22:49:57FromDiscord<2vg> awesome. httpbeast will work quite efficiently…!
22:51:15shashlickdom96: how's httpbeast different from jester
22:51:31dom96Araq: As soon as I use an {.async.} proc for my onRequest proc memory usage rises with no sign of slowing down
22:51:42dom96shashlick: httpbeast is an http server, jester is a web framework
22:52:24dom96Araq: newFuture() for each request doesn't grow memory
22:52:39dom96so there must be something inside the async transformation doing it
22:53:25shashlickOh ok, so how is it different from httpserver then :)
22:53:42dom96you mean the asynchttpserver stdlib module?
22:54:11dom96It's built with speed in mind :)
22:55:25dom96and it doesn't support Windows
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22:58:48dom96yay, awesome that I was able to just copy the code emitted by the async macro
22:59:00dom96The 'not' isn't being rendered properly though ;)
22:59:41shashlickYa I'm just curious how is it architecturally different since speed is on everyone's minds these days
23:00:31shashlickGood design guidelines for other nimmers looking for the same thing
23:02:37dom96shashlick: It uses the system's event loop directly
23:02:57dom96There is no async await usage in the "hot" parts
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23:08:38FromDiscord<2vg> why not use TCP_NODELAY? ;)
23:09:09shashlickOk any chance of porting the improvements back into stdlib
23:11:34dom96So it appears that raising an exception thousands of times and then catching it is the reason for the memory leak
23:11:49FromGitter<Varriount> dom96: Is Windows support unfeasible? Or just not implemented?
23:11:59dom96Varriount: just not implemented
23:12:06dom96I doubt I'll focus on it
23:14:48dom962vg: TCP_NODELAY huh? I'll need to read up on taht :)
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23:21:53dom96For those interested: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/7532
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23:42:26FromGitter<Varriount> dom96: What was thie fix?
23:42:51FromDiscord<2vg> likely ?
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