<< 06-05-2018 >>

00:01:21FromGitter<sherjilozair> Oh wait, import does execute all the code in the imported module, right?
00:01:38FromGitter<sherjilozair> So can't you create the context then and put it in an object and return that as `am`.
00:01:56FromGitter<mratsim> Yes import execute everything
00:01:58FromGitter<sherjilozair> So user would do `from arraymancer import am`, and `am` is a struct with context.
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00:03:38FromGitter<mratsim> I can follow what we do for our key library: https://github.com/status-im/nim-eth-keys/blob/master/eth_keys/libsecp256k1.nim#L81 or what is done in Nim random https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/pure/random.nim#L41
00:05:24FromGitter<sherjilozair> Right, that seems reasonable.
00:06:47FromGitter<mratsim> or what I do for OpenCL: https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/blob/master/src/tensor/backend/opencl_global_state.nim#L31
00:07:23FromGitter<mratsim> or cuda: https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/blob/master/src/tensor/backend/cuda_global_state.nim#L37
00:18:48FromGitter<sherjilozair> @mratsim What do you think about the .npy format for loading/saving tensors?
00:19:11FromGitter<sherjilozair> I think it would be a good idea to play well with the python ecosystem.
00:19:53FromGitter<mratsim> Yes, reading/loading from.npy would remove a lot of friction.
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00:23:03FromGitter<mratsim> going to sleep, see ou tomorrow
00:23:26FromGitter<sherjilozair> gnight!
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00:32:59PMunchProtobuf have been updated to support optional fields, with a touch of magic: https://github.com/PMunch/protobuf-nim
00:33:39PMunchOnly the fields that have explicitly set a value will be written
00:34:14PMunchAnd reading a protobuf stream will only set those fields that are present in the stream. Trying to read a field that is not present will lead to an error
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00:52:04FromGitter<gogolxdong> great
00:54:11FromGitter<gogolxdong> How does protobuf-nim support js? I got stuck using protobuf.js when loading proto file.
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01:00:35FromGitter<gogolxdong> Idea of removing dependency of protobuf compiler is brillant.
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01:31:04skrylarI feel like Smalltalk suffers from the same problem as Lisp communities. Time and time again people come to voice grievances (like, say, the IDE is hard coupled with the developed product) and instead of replying "Wow, you're the 800th person to suggest that" one is just told "Oh but the IDE is powerful, so rationalization rationalization, your needs are stupid."
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01:44:35skrylarsorry. porting some smalltalk code i wrote to nim :p
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01:49:34CodeVanceI feel some of the same pain
01:49:43CodeVanceI want to quickly read nim code
01:49:56CodeVancebut often to understand things its all over the place
01:53:29skrylarwell, current opinion: Nim is probably close to the best in the "work in a text editor, compile/link/run loop" workspace. But that comes with the usual downsides of compile/link/run and long text files
01:53:50skrylarSmalltalk's class browser and live debugging are absolutely great, but their communities are willfully blinded to any downsides they have
01:54:20skrylarboth of them have a lack of heavy lifters outside of just getting a working compiler
01:56:29CodeVanceI can
01:56:54CodeVanceI can't really say much about it, since I haven't really contributed much
01:57:11CodeVanceBut there are a few things I miss.
01:57:24CodeVanceBut this is me trying to get nim to work
01:57:32CodeVanceinstead of something else
01:57:50skrylaras for getting the compiler going, not had a problem with that
02:00:02CodeVanceMe neither... but I've had problems with getting 3d rendering... It's just gonna take time for me to understand the wrapper/C code
02:00:25skrylarhmm. did it with raw gl and also that bfx thing
02:00:41skrylarwrappers are easy but mind numbingly tedious (and also not glorious)
02:02:20CodeVanceMy hope is to get bgfx to run
02:02:28CodeVanceBut most examples are for opengl3
02:02:42CodeVanceLol and for vsc compiler
02:02:51CodeVanceSo I have to work around that first
02:04:01skrylarare you using very old hardware
02:04:17skrylarunless the box is mobile or ~2009 era, it should run GL3
02:04:28CodeVanceNope. But intel stops supporting opengl drivers
02:04:37CodeVanceAnd its a laptop
02:04:48CodeVanceSo no gpu
02:04:57skrylarmy intel chip supports 3.x and most extensions, but not 4
02:05:19CodeVanceMine is old but like only a few years old
02:05:21CodeVancenot 10+
02:05:41CodeVanceits got win7 for crying out loud
02:05:51CodeVanceI can run dx9 and dx11
02:06:01CodeVancebut not ogl3 XD
02:06:36CodeVancewhich is why I'd like to get bgfx working
02:06:45CodeVanceSo that I can make dx and opengl games
02:08:13CodeVancebut that's besides the point
02:08:20CodeVanceI want to run open gl 2
02:08:27CodeVanceAnd I finally got it working
02:08:35skrylarI forget if BGFX lets you go that old
02:08:51skrylarIt might do GLES which is more or less that
02:09:52CodeVanceGLES is fine
02:10:15CodeVanceOpenGL 2.1
02:10:20CodeVanceYup its supported
02:10:40CodeVancebut this is what I'm actually after Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11
02:18:10skrylarbleh. had more of a talk in another channel
02:18:18skrylaralways sad when communities are hopelessly braindead
02:18:41skrylaralways sad when communities are hopelessly braindead
02:46:40skrylarfinished porting some math code.
02:56:30*vivus quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:06:00FromGitter<brentp> This code: ⏎ ⏎ `````` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5aee7117b37eab7d046e7d5e]
03:06:04FromGitter<brentp> ``````
03:06:13FromGitter<brentp> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5aee71251eddba3d04d697ca]
03:06:55FromGitter<brentp> gives an error because `text` is not defined. How would I have it serialize without putting a value for `text`?
03:07:09FromGitter<brentp> or a key for `text`?
03:08:54skrylaryou might be able to set a default value <<text*: seq[string] = nil>> but i suspect you have to supply an initializer with a text key, though the value may be nil
03:09:26skrylaralternatively make a factory function with optional parameters
03:15:36FromGitter<brentp> I'd like to avoid adding requirements to the constructor or incoming data.
03:15:44FromGitter<brentp> can I define my own `proc `%`(o: object)`?
03:17:25skrylaryou can
03:17:36skrylarwell, it wouldn't be o: object, it would be o: MyType
03:18:37CodeVancethat's an operator overload
03:19:17CodeVancemyobject% would be converted to `%`(myobject)
03:20:21FromGitter<brentp> aye
03:25:38FromGitter<brentp> ``````
03:25:47FromGitter<brentp> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5aee75bb6d98e53e04563ec8]
03:28:52skrylarwonder if mratsim still stalks these halls
03:32:29CodeVancegitter halls now
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08:15:03FromGitter<gogolxdong> Does Nim support RISC-V?
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09:21:20FromGitter<mratsim> @gogolxdong I don’t see why not. We’re interested into using Nim for Risc-V as well at work but didn’t try yet
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09:35:04federico3it does since #7417
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09:46:09FromGitter<mratsim> woohoo! awesome
09:52:18miranhey mratsim! why hadn't you posted arraymancer news on /r/programming?
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09:57:00FromGitter<mratsim> mmmh usually I don’t post Tensor stuff in programming
09:57:16FromGitter<mratsim> though it might be interesting for people as the news is also about OpenCL
09:57:36FromGitter<mratsim> —> Nim has first class OpenCL support.
09:57:44miranok, then post in both in /r/programming and /r/datascience ;)
09:58:20FromGitter<mratsim> I spammed datascience/neuralnetworks/deeplearning/machinelearning the week before to ask about my domain specific language already ;)
10:10:23miranyou're being too modest. promote your good work! people should know about it! :)
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10:28:32FromGitter<mratsim> @miran, I can’t do a text publication in R programming, meeeh ...
10:29:07miranyeah, that's the reason why i didn't cross-post it already for you :)
10:29:24FromGitter<mratsim> I really need a blog
10:29:31mirani guess, the link to github and then explanation in comment would do the trick
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10:33:58FromGitter<mratsim> I will write the post in the documentation in the “under the hood” part
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10:39:35alpha1220_What do you guys think about having separate scrollbar for the index in the stdlib docs, something like https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/
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11:03:49FromGitter<mratsim> I’m pretty sure I complained about needing a floating menu on IRC at least, there might even be a feature request.
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11:07:54FromGitter<mratsim> @miran here you go: https://mratsim.github.io/Arraymancer/uth.opencl_cuda_nim.html
11:15:38FromGitter<mratsim> post is in /r/programming. You can vote now
11:16:45FromGitter<mratsim> also in https://www.reddit.com/r/CUDA/
11:26:45FromGitter<mratsim> and now OpenCL: https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenCL
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12:13:45*dom96 wonders why closure iterators don't allow 'var' param capture
12:20:23dom96`var request = request` to the rescue!
12:20:33dom96Undoubtedly will kill performance though
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12:48:08enthus1astdom96: do you know what would be cool? Jester with websocket support : )
12:48:22dom96I know :)
12:48:45enthus1asti was looking into it and it seems that just the async socket is missing from the jester request
12:49:00enthus1astto leverage niv's websocket
12:49:24dom96I'm actually refactoring jester right now
12:49:51enthus1astit would be awesome :)
12:50:25dom96niv's websocket package might need some editing to work with jester (and especially httpbeast)
12:57:39enthus1astit would also be usefull if jesters nice path matcher would be also available for asynchttp
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13:18:08federico3+1 dom96
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14:51:06FromDiscord<goeo_> hey, do you guys have any idea why this might be happening https://ghostbin.com/paste/pbwgt
14:53:02dom96can you 'cat' that file?
14:56:02FromDiscord<goeo_> yes, i included the stat to make that clear
14:56:17FromDiscord<goeo_> has read permissions for everyone
14:58:21dom96I guess you're using asyncfile? Maybe it's a bug in that. Try reproducing it in a standalone program and see if `readFile` works
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16:43:15FromGitter<xmonader> Are you guys familiar with pymotw? Python module of the week?
16:43:26poopBoti am not :)
16:44:01FromGitter<xmonader> Pymotw.com/3
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16:50:37federico3xmonader: you want a Nimmotw? :)
16:56:39FromGitter<xmonader> Gitter android client is horrible. Can't edit or retry sending
16:57:29FromGitter<xmonader> @FedericoCeratto yes that is where nim suffers the most
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17:43:55FromGitter<narimiran> @xmonader hmmm, 'Nim module of the week' sounds very interesting to me!!
17:57:37CodeVanceIs yield in try a good idea?
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18:40:57FromGitter<xmonader> Just finished my German course. Yeah it would be very cool to have such project and even might get merged with stdlib docs
18:41:16miranmerged? how?
18:42:54FromGitter<xmonader> I mean when it's mature enough it can be part of nim modules official docs
18:44:21AraqHallo, guten Abend, wie geht es dir?
18:44:36miranguten Abend zu dir auch!
18:45:16mirani've learned german before some nim mantainers were born :D
18:45:18Araq"dir auch einen guten Abend"
18:45:43Araq"(ich wünsche) dir auch einen guten Abend"
18:45:56miranja, naturlich :)
18:46:31FromGitter<xmonader> Ich habe schon a1 bestanden 😊
18:47:09Araq"guten Abend dir auch" would also be possible, but unusual
18:48:47FromGitter<xmonader> @araq don't think I got a feedback of u on nim days did u check it out?
18:49:14FromGitter<xmonader> From*
18:49:21miranxmonader: those are just for us mortals ;)
18:50:29Araqhmm Nim days
18:50:34Araqwhat's that?
18:52:23FromGitter<xmonader> Wow 😂
18:52:59FromGitter<xmonader> @Araq https://xmonader.github.io/nimdays/
18:53:14FromGitter<xmonader> @miran Yes sure but we won't survive without proper mentoring :D
18:54:03livcdxmonader: good thing to promote Nim
18:54:10livcdwhat's going to be in chapter 7 ?
18:54:43FromGitter<xmonader> @livcd, well i'm considering a simple nbd server, i did an advanced one before in tarantool, production ready
18:54:59FromGitter<xmonader> and a url shortening service using sqlite and jester
18:56:03FromGitter<xmonader> I posted it on HN but it was like it's not even there :D https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17001726
18:56:24miranwith HN is usually hit or miss, luck plays a big role
18:56:43livcdwhen did you post it ? :D you need to post it during US hours
18:56:58mirantry reposting it once it is finished (btw, yould that be 30 days? less?)
18:57:32FromGitter<xmonader> I posted in egypt time 8 hours difference that US xD
18:57:53FromGitter<xmonader> @miran it's okay, still having a chance to put more days, free days into it and getting more feedback
18:58:07federico3someone should correlate topic / timezone / friendly-or-nasty comment
18:58:36FromGitter<xmonader> actually colleagues of mine are showing interest in developing the same project for another languages like rust
18:59:42livcdit's nice keep it up
19:00:19FromGitter<xmonader> I'm having doubts about the NBD server, but definitely will go for the url shortening service day
19:01:16livcdyou already have an ffi but maybe you could cover some interfacing with win32 apis
19:01:40mirancross-compiling would be an interesting topic (to me)
19:01:59miranhow can i make something for my Raspberry Pi, etc.
19:02:18FromGitter<xmonader> @livcd, I'm afraid I don't use windows
19:02:25livcdwill also be interesting for lots of sysadmins
19:02:38livcdthere's still lots of sparc,ppc,itanium out there that's actively used
19:02:55livcdand you are usually stuck with ksh and perl
19:03:04livcd(i do not count java and c/c++)
19:03:06miranalso, a post about GUI stuff would interest me (NiGui seems like a cool library)
19:03:12FromGitter<xmonader> @miran also i'm not electronics guy too, tried to get a raspberry pi to do some rust course, but it was rare a bit
19:03:48FromGitter<xmonader> about gui, i've this in curses, npyscreen library, might do it in nim? ⏎ https://github.com/xmonader/secretconf
19:03:54livcdNiGui is interesting but I would have to first see some nice working app to believe it works as it should be
19:04:39miranlivcd: that's why an article about it might be useful
19:05:23livcdis not shaslick working on an installer with Nigui ? :D
19:06:05FromGitter<xmonader> I tried to work on the nim playground a bit to add predefined examples, kinda like a tour but couldn't get the code to work @zacharycarter
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19:46:44dom96xmonader: You should make a separate site for that
19:47:31FromGitter<xmonader> @dom96 for nimotw? I believe so yes
19:47:45dom96xmonader: for playground tour
19:48:04FromGitter<xmonader> @dom96 quick jester question, all post forms should use multipart even if not containting files?
19:48:50FromGitter<xmonader> i should get it to work in nim first, or are you guys okay with a generic python solution crafted for nim maybe?
19:49:08FromGitter<xmonader> @dom96 SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) that's what i get when trying to access the formData table
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19:49:27FromGitter<xmonader> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5aef5c461eddba3d04d8b470]
19:49:28dom96xmonader: it'll be in the 'params'
19:49:32dom96or some other field
19:50:04FromGitter<xmonader> but params should be for the url string, and query string not post data no?
19:50:05dom96writing it in Python would be blasphemy :P
19:50:45dom96"For application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the body of the HTTP message sent to the server is essentially one giant query string -- name/value pairs are separated by the ampersand (&), and names are separated from values by the equals symbol (=). An example of this would be: "
19:51:45FromGitter<xmonader> @dom96 very interesting
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20:03:22FromGitter<mratsim> @miran/@narimiran, you can rebenchmark now: the regression is fixed and on my benchmark it’s even 30% faster than before the regression (probably a perf improvement that was hidden): https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/issues/221#issuecomment-386907838
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20:21:28miranmratsim: good to know! i'll run some tests tomorrow (if i don't forget :))
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22:14:47FromGitter<mratsim> My test shows that single-threaded Arraymancer is now as fast as optimized multi-threaded Numpy (Intel MKL + OpenMP), and about 2.7x faster than normal, default Numpy.
22:16:02FromGitter<mratsim> multithreading for that particular benchmark is broken though (3x slower than single threaded) probably due to cache invalidation/conflicts between the core when they try to read and write data from the same cache line. That’s always a super pain to debug.
22:16:50FromGitter<mratsim> did you see the fix dom? :P https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/88cf6573e04bd7ee8762aa336460b9748f0d4644 that’s the most powerful one-liner ever
22:17:06dom96yeah, amazing fix :)
22:18:17FromGitter<mratsim> That’s probably a super low-hanging fruit in many libraries. I have to see why i need noInit that much
22:20:11dom96Now just keep writing blog posts emphasising this speed difference and spam HN with them until they get to the front page ;)
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22:44:29FromDiscord<Salvak> oh hi
22:44:50FromDiscord<Salvak> just 3 channels?
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22:46:06FromDiscord<Salvak> oh no... its an irc bridge! 😮
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22:48:13CodeVance_how Hey
22:49:44CodeVance_How to compile to temporary directory?
22:51:44skrylari still need to test arraymancer someday
22:51:53skrylarstarted writing nim code again. still using an old jank tensor lib
22:56:36skrylarCodeVance_, you mean, a different one? it already builds everything under a separate build dir
22:57:45CodeVance_to a specific temp directory I choose
22:57:59CodeVance_its under the TMP TEMP environment variable
23:03:12CodeVance_I just manually typed in the directory
23:03:16CodeVance_And it works
23:12:00FromGitter<ephja> ich mag Züge
23:17:04CodeVance_I like trains?
23:17:13CodeVance_Weird google results XD
23:24:04skrylarthe amount of boilerplate to start a gtk3 application is astounding
23:24:31skrylarheaderwise. i guess its not that bad with existing bindings
23:33:03CodeVance_What you doing atm?
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23:43:27FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> Hey guys
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23:47:50FromGitter<ephja> choo choo