<< 07-02-2019 >>

00:02:57dom96It really makes me sad that mitsuhiko is just ignoring this https://twitter.com/d0m96/status/1092530232685445122
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00:10:45smitopWhy does my Nim program segfault when I call `glCreateProgram`?
00:11:02smitopI'm using the offical wrapper
00:11:23smitopI think it might have something to do with extension loading
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00:12:44smitop`SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?`
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00:19:15FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> smitop, did you created opengl context and call a proc to initialize opengl extension functions?
00:19:30FromDiscord_<Generic> loadExtensions()
00:20:17FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> loadExtensions() must be executed after the creation of a rendering context and before any OpenGL extension procs are used.
00:20:51FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> https://github.com/nim-lang/opengl
00:21:44FromDiscord_<demotomohiro> Readme.md of this repo say so
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04:27:10FromGitter<timotheecour> can anyone merge my PR? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10592 it un-breaks the current build failure
04:27:23FromGitter<timotheecour> @araq ?
04:31:13shashlicki'll set to merge when CI passes
04:33:27FromGitter<timotheecour> thx man; been fixing regressions all day...
04:34:07FromGitter<timotheecour> now we just need to convince araq to merge https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10588 which will unblock nimterop
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07:06:36krux02good morning
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07:25:59narimiranIMO, this deserves more attention than it is currently having: https://github.com/liwt31/NPython
07:33:05ZevvI'm trying to find a nice way to bind a library which takes a context pointer to all its functions. What I want to achieve is that a template creates an implicit instance of the context, which then gets passed to all the functions which are usable in the template block.
07:33:41ZevvProblem is that I need to define all procs/templates inside the main template to make sure they can reach the implicit context, but now I get redifinitions
07:33:59Zevvany obvious solutions I'm not smart enough to think of myself?
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08:13:25AraqZevv: yeah
08:13:51Araqhere is one idea:
08:14:20Araq- the wrapped C proc gets a suffix like 'Impl'
08:14:55Araqsay, proc fooImpl(c: Context, params) {.importc: "foo", etc.}
08:15:06Araqand then you have a foo template that does
08:15:20Araqtemplate foo(params) = fooImpl(context, params)
08:15:56Araqand then you can program almost as if 'context' is not an issue, since it's the convention to have a context in the current scope
08:16:07Araqthat is always named 'context'
08:16:31Araqthe fooImpl + foo combination can be generated from a template or macro
08:16:50Zevvthat makes sense; close to where I was but not quite. Let me try that
08:18:21ZevvI never though of referring to something in a template that doesn't exist :)
08:20:40ZevvYes, {.inject.} was the missing link
08:24:51enowhi guys, listen I ran into something super weird when dealing with websockets
08:25:14Araqenow: it stops serving after a while without a crash?
08:25:26enowwhen I had a passed a string to ws.sendPacket with a return value I had a delay
08:25:48enowbut if I first stored it in a varaible and then passed it to the function it went much quicker
08:27:29enowhm ah never mind probably nothing
08:27:42Araqok, good
08:28:37Zevvhehe: unsafeAddr vs[0] gives me an error "expression has no address; maybe use 'unsafeAddr'" :)
08:29:04Araqgah, report it please
08:29:10Zevvwas about to
08:29:16Zevvtrying to take unsafaddr of varargs
08:29:18FromGitter<timotheecour> ya, that error happens all the time, it’s annoying, please report it
08:29:44Zevvtimotheecour: more examples to trigger this?
08:30:48FromGitter<timotheecour> proc main() = echo unsafeAddr main
08:30:53FromGitter<timotheecour> this 1 liner will trigger it
08:31:09ZevvI needed 2 lines :)
08:32:09FromGitter<timotheecour> @araq we’re still block on the regression introduced by system refactoring; i’ve stripped https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10588 to the bare minimum, could u please review
08:34:28Araqyou got your tag
08:34:55FromGitter<timotheecour> ok thanks; what about this one: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10572
08:35:03FromGitter<timotheecour> u had requested it remember?
08:52:02Zevvif varargs implicitly converts the args into an array, why is it not possible to get the (unsafe
08:52:09Zevv) address of that array?
08:55:36Zevvoh nvrmind; template/proc
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09:08:18dom96narimiran: indeed, https://github.com/liwt31/NPython is super awesome. Thanks for flagging!
09:08:32dom96Did you guys see https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19086712?
09:10:05FromGitter<zetashift> yea I did
09:10:23FromGitter<zetashift> I like how several people commented Nim in the thread he
09:11:36FromGitter<zetashift> I dislike the `:=` operator for new variable assignment I find it unclear in Go. Also it seems it wants to have Rust manual memory management but easier, doesn't give a lot of details
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09:38:02dom96yeah, it's very wishy washy and I bet many people are projecting their dream language onto it
09:40:50FromGitter<zetashift> well tbf in the author's defense he wanted to wait for the actual release, it should've never been posted at HN
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09:56:02Zevvoh hi dom96, I see you are in the HN volt thread as well :)
09:58:58ZevvIf anyone happened to see my question from 08:33: the implicit context hiding using templates works just fine, but now I'd like to add a converter from some native types to Z3_ast. The converter needs the context as well, but converters are not templates so the above mechanism does not apply here.
10:19:30leorizeAraq: I've cleaned this up: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10496
10:19:34leorizeis it ok now?
10:22:45Araqmuch better, thank you!
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12:32:40shashlickNPython could have used tree sitter to save some time
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12:37:30shashlickVolt will be cool when he releases something, it's amazing vaporware
12:37:48shashlickHas anyone tried the Mac version?
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12:48:27FromGitter<alehander42> what is volt
12:52:39ZevvI*R, also
13:11:37shashlickVolt is a chat client built from scratch, supposed to be light weight compared to electron based stuff
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13:48:32Araqnimble install nimforum
13:48:39AraqError: Package not found.
13:52:31FromGitter<Clyybber> The two glfw packages in nimble are creating really wierd problems
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14:22:50PMunchAre there any larger projects that cross-compiles to the JS target?
14:27:04AraqPMunch, Reel Valley used it, they later abandoned the idea because emscripten produced better code
14:27:21Araqbut it used to work
14:27:24PMunchYeah, that's why I'm asking :P
14:27:41PMunchI wrote in my companion post that Reel Valley used the JS target for Facebook
14:27:51Araqit depends on what you're after, games are quite different from SPAs
14:28:14Araqfor an SPA you don't want to run it in an SDL2 emulator ;-)
14:28:21Araqyou need a DOM
14:28:28PMunchBut yglukhov[m] just corrected me over Telegram so I was looking for another example.
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14:29:30PMunchYeah I guess that's true, until we have a cross-platform UI framework that has a HTML target there isn't really many C/JS projects that makes sense
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14:58:35shashlickHas anyone written a package that makes shared data across threads with locks easier?
14:59:25FromGitter<Clyybber> dom96 are you there?
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15:07:51dom96_wshashlick: A Python parser in Nim is a pretty awesome and valuable thing
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15:09:24dom96_wPMunch: Not sure if my Snake game is large enough, but it does that.
15:10:00dom96_wAlso, the forum does too to a certain extent, it shares data structures which are sent between browser and server serialised as JSON
15:10:22dom96_wClyybber: Please ask whatever it is you need to ask instead of asking whether I'm around :)
15:10:37FromGitter<Clyybber> dom96_w: Hi, sry will do :D
15:10:52PMunchdom96_w, can you run the snake game without a browser?
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15:11:03dom96_wPMunch: nope
15:11:16PMunchAh, so it doesn't target both C and JS then..
15:11:36PMunchOr it's the same as the forums, C server and JS front-end
15:12:50narimirandom96_w: maybe he just wanted to know if you're here? :)
15:13:10*smitop quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
15:13:28dom96_wIt does target both
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15:14:18Araqdom96_w, why is nimforum not in nimble?
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15:15:19shashlickwhat is faster - channels or shared data with locks
15:15:39dom96_wAraq: There is no reason, except: I have no need for it to be in Nimble
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15:16:19dom96_wIt's not the type of application that will typically be installed via the language's package manager
15:16:27dom96_wYou're better off downloading the release tarball
15:16:33Araqok, how do I compile nimforum?
15:16:43Araq..\..\nim\lib\pure\md5.nim(172, 3) Error: undeclared identifier: 'zeroMem'
15:17:08FromGitter<Clyybber> dom96_w: There are two nimble packages for glfw, this one: https://github.com/rafaelvasco/nimrod-glfw and this one: https://github.com/ephja/nim-glfw , the problem is, the first one is called nimrod-glfw in nimbles package list, but it's nimble file defines the name as glfw, while ephja's package is called glfw in nimbles package list. This makes nimble install both to a glfw-[version] directory. ⏎ This causes nimble
15:17:08FromGitter... to get confused when you `require "nimrod-glfw"` as it will ask to overwrite itself everytime you run `nimble build`. ⏎ `require "glfw"` works and autodownloads ephja's library, except when nimrod-glfw is installed already. Then it will just use rafaelvasco's version. ⏎ Sorry for the wall of text :P [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c5c4bf4f04ef00644f5ed8b]
15:20:04dom96_wnimrod-glfw needs to change its name
15:20:54FromGitter<Clyybber> Yeah, this seems like the only viable solution
15:21:34Araqah never mind, I'm stupid
15:21:37FromGitter<Clyybber> Unfortunately its not really actively maintained.
15:24:09dom96_wAraq: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimforum#development
15:25:46Araq ... forum.nim(11, 3) Error: cannot open file: scgi
15:25:59narimiranmoved to graveyard, isn't it?
15:26:58Araqcould not load: libsass.dll
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15:34:28FromGitter<Clyybber> `docker pull nimlang/nim:devel` as described here https://nim-lang.org/install_unix.html doesn't seem to be the latest devel nim? Can anyone confirm?
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15:44:26FromGitter<Clyybber> Its on 0.15.3 ...
15:51:12dom96_wAraq: doubt it will work on Windows
15:51:20dom96_walso lol https://irclogs.nim-lang.org/18-12-2014.html#20:36:04
15:52:01narimiranhahah, how did you find that? you knew it was somewhere there?
15:52:28FromGitter<Clyybber> dom96_w: Do you maintain the docker images normally?
15:52:53dom96_wnarimiran: I had a deja vu and decided to search for libsass in the IRC logs :P
15:53:47narimiran"what do you remember from your highschool days?"
15:53:51livcdguys you were so excited with Reel Valley getting open sourced...you should try to at least compile it :P
15:54:01narimiran"weeellll, araq mentioned libsass once"
15:54:14FromGitter<Clyybber> Araq: FYI docker supports automated building, so nimlang/nim:devel could be made to work again.
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16:43:46Araqdom96_w: my nimble keeps saying 'what?'
16:47:48*craigger quit (Quit: bye)
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17:23:13federico3it's confused
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18:01:50xace_wait, reel valley became open sourced?
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18:03:03xace_i have really badly wanted to compile a nim program to a working android apk, but havent found the time to start working that out and almost resorting to using kivy instead...
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18:06:37dragananyone knows what is the equivalent of C++'s myTypeArr= new myType[int_num] in Nim?
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18:09:58leorizeis that a dynamically resizable array?
18:10:48leorizesee `newSeq`
18:11:52draganyes, but newSeq doesnt have type, only number of elements...
18:12:06leorizeit does
18:12:10leorizeit's a generic proc
18:12:12narimirandragan: `newSeq[int]()`
18:12:51draganuh, i didnt know that :)
18:12:56xace_var myTypeArray = newSeq[myType](int_num)
18:15:04leorizexace_: there's hope for a vim version of nim.nvim
18:15:15draganworks :)
18:16:05leorizeTheLemonMan told me that vim does support TCP connections, so it's possible to port my plugin over :)
18:16:17narimirandragan: and if your seq will not grow, it might be better to use `var mta: array[nrOfElements, int]`
18:17:25draganalso, its odd why sizeof(someStruct) cant be used in expression, but echo sizeof(someStruct) works
18:17:36xace_leorize: thats cool that makes me happy. yeah i saw the convo. but i was busy forcing very ugly hacks on the existing nim.vim script to support ctags and tagbar etc...
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18:18:24leorizethe bad part is that there's no universal interface for vim and neovim channels
18:18:31leorizeand I'm not willing to write one
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18:18:50leorizeif you can find one then I'll consider adding vim 8+ support
18:19:23dragannarimian: I tried that, but sizeof(someStruct) must be known at compile time, but echoing works, its a fixed int, nothing special
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18:19:40xace_yeah, don't feel bad about it, neovim and vim aren't exactly compatible
18:19:42leorizedragan: what version of Nim are you running?
18:19:53narimirandragan: what vers..... ah, leorize was quicker :)
18:20:36dragannim 0.19.4
18:20:50xace_leorize: unfortunately i have not been in much need of familiarizing with vim scripting, based on TheLemonMan's info he is more familiar with it. but I don't mind looking it up and letting you know.
18:21:05leorizethanks :)
18:21:14narimirandragan: can you send me your code with sizeof which didn't work? i'll test it on nim devel (0.19.9), it might work
18:21:16xace_no, thank you :)
18:21:46leorizeuse a paste service please :p
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18:23:28draganits a little tricky, im reading from a bin file
18:24:46leorizeyou can try striping the code to bare minimum
18:25:08leorizeall it matters is that the code compiles, right?
18:28:52narimirandragan: i don't know if this is what you want, but this works on devel http://ix.io/1Art
18:29:15*dom96_w quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
18:30:58draganhere it is: http://pasteall.org/1479779/
18:31:28narimiranyup, works on devel
18:31:44draganhow is that possible :)))
18:32:14narimiranbecause devel has some nice new stuff that 0.19.4 doesn't :)
18:32:38draganbut this is basic stuff lol
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18:33:52xace_leorize: this might be a early guess as i'm not familiar with your nim.nvim but browsing through your code it seems like https://github.com/prabirshrestha/async.vim # might be what you are looking for *jedi-mind-trick-hand-waving*
18:34:43leorizealmost :p
18:34:50leorizeit does have the job api, which is nice
18:34:58leorizebut not the tcp channels :(
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18:36:11xace_Hmm, you are right, these are not the droids you are looking for
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18:38:26xace_Oh, seems like TheLemonMan already mentioned it
18:43:23xace_leorize: for the moment i have set up an emergency environment for myself. but with time i'll look into your codebase and see what can be done, because just looking at your demo makes me smile because it's basically what I want for my vim/nim working environment
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18:49:31leorizexace_: glad you like it :) aside from the jobs/channels part the code should work in vim 8+
18:51:31dragancan i call fread directly, instead of proc fseek(f: File, offset: clong, whence: int): int {.importc: "fseek", header: "<stdio.h>", tags: [].} ?
18:51:52dragansorry, fseek, not fread
18:52:20leorizedeclare that once and you can call it as you'd like
18:52:29FromGitter<arnetheduck> so Araq, the system.io refactoring, `io` will still be implicitly imported?
18:52:36xace_leorize: yeah i ran it just now and it spits out some very specific lines, and since you seem to be looking positively at it, i feel like it's realistically a reachable goal... but before I go there I really need to clean up my vim config ._.
18:52:45narimiran@arnetheduck for now
18:52:58dragani thouth this is imported from io, or system
18:53:12leorizeit's a implementation thing
18:53:17leorizeso it's not exported
18:53:24FromGitter<Clyybber> narimiran Sry to ask again about docker, but do you know who the maintainer is?
18:53:54draganok, thanks
18:54:32narimiran@Clybber https://github.com/moigagoo/nimage
18:54:57FromGitter<Clyybber> Thank you :D
18:55:34leorizenarimiran: the std lib docs link in nim-lang.org is pointing to bleeding edge
18:55:41narimiranleorize: on purpose
18:56:06leorizewith the io split, you can't see io functions anymore
18:57:09leorizeand it's also referencing modules that don't exist in the latest stable
18:57:11FromGitter<arnetheduck> @narimiran every step counts ;)
18:57:29narimiran@arnetheduck patience.... :)
18:58:10narimiranleorize: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/c95616f6ee353dd939a10023c29be087644e85be there will be IO docs available
18:58:36leorizewell, but then you can't look for them in system doc :/
18:59:12narimiranleorize: yeah, some discrepancy is expected, but it is a compromise so now you can go through the more informative docs
18:59:38leorizeguess everything will be back to normal once 0.20.0 arrives?
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19:20:52TheLemonManwhy do we have two modules for atomic operations? (atomics and concurrency/atomics)
19:29:42TheLemonManawesome, the latter doesn't even compile in C mode, and using Atomic[T] in various places results in codegen errors :D
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20:30:46TheLemonManthe way we render the doc comments for enums is atrocious
20:33:20Zevv[ANN] https://github.com/zevv/nimz3, in case anyone needs to solve sudokus
20:35:28TheLemonManthat's cool AF
20:36:09narimiranTheLemonMan: the same goes for the other types too, no?
20:36:37Calinouwhat does Z3 do exactly? its README isn't very clear what you can use it for
20:37:02FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> ^
20:37:04ZevvCalinou: you give it constraints and it gives you a solution
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20:37:42Zevvso it can solve high school math problems "one apple costs $0.15, one banna..." etc
20:37:52Zevvbut it is also able to formally prove basic algorithms
20:38:00TheLemonMannarimiran, I wanted to write a long-ish blurb about what each of the items do but it's just rendered as a plain comment w/ no RST formatting
20:38:14ZevvI don't understand any of it, it's way over my head, but making the Nim binding is a nice way to pick it up
20:39:47shashlickwow it just works man
20:40:19shashlickmy text editor can now be remote controlled
20:40:48narimiranshashlick: my too, if i use keyboard as a remote
20:41:01Zevvshashlick: or use SSH :)
20:41:30shashlickwell, the goal is for the GUI to be separate from the files
20:41:50koranzahi all, has anyone had trouble with "choosenim update devel" recently? On my Linux VM (Manjaro) i get a build failure with the message: "... Hint: rst [Processing] ... ../lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim(780, 6) Error: ambiguous call; both rstast.add(father: PRstNode, s: string)[declared in ../lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim(92, 6)] and rstast.add(father: PRstNode, son: PRstNode)[declared in ../lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim(89, 6)] match
20:41:50koranzafor: (PRstNode, nil) ... FAILURE"
20:42:23shashlickso i can build/test my files on my linux machine which doing all routine editing on my windows laptop in a gui
20:43:02koranzaIf I manually edit rst.nim on lines 780 and 1541 to be 'add(result,"")' instead of 'add(result,nil)' the build works
20:43:05shashlickrun `find -iname *.nim | editor` and everything magically opens in your gui, wherever it is
20:43:14shashlickthat's teh goal anyway
20:44:02Zevvshashlick: sounds cool, but I'm too conservative for GUIs. I just do "vi `find . -name *nim`" :)
20:45:34shashlickwell, considering I live in a command line all day, it is the way to drive this editor too
20:45:55shashlickfull GUI power but driven from the command line
20:46:23shashlickwherever that command line is
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20:48:53shashlickmake that plural
20:50:47Zevvwhatever that command line isses
20:52:18shashlickwell, you can have multiple clients which all talk to the editor
20:52:32shashlickusing nng's bus protocol
20:52:49shashlickam trying to figure out how to identify each client so that i know which buffer belongs to who
20:58:23*smitop joined #nim
21:00:08smitopIf the nim compiler is written in Nim, what was the initial implementation written in?
21:00:23ZevvNim has always existed
21:00:26narimiransmitop: pascal, iirc
21:00:35ZevvI like my answer better :(
21:01:34Zevvsmitop: beleive there are still parts in the compiler source you're not supposed to look at, because these were converted/generated from the original pascal version, and Araq is not proud at the result
21:02:29TheLemonManI believe the ugly parts are intentional heh
21:04:16narimiranthat's my usual excuse too
21:07:05dom96koranza: Guessing the build is broken
21:13:08koranzadom96: is "the build" referring to choosenim or nim itself? I didn't see the issue on my windows machine btw
21:13:22dom96nim itself
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21:18:14koranzaOh, that makes sense. Could any "cfg" files play a role during the compile step with koch? The output looked like it only used the "cfg" files in .choosenim/toolchains/[...] instead of my home directory, but i thought maybe some compiler flag could play a role
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21:26:38FromDiscord_<Due_Kindheartedness> Is this legal nim code
21:26:43FromDiscord_<Due_Kindheartedness> alphaflag: array[0..25, bool] = [false..false]
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21:27:08shashlickcan you use streams peek* process on stdin?
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21:30:27FromDiscord_<Due_Kindheartedness> alphaflag: array[0..25, bool] = [false..false]
21:30:48FromDiscord_<Due_Kindheartedness> is this legal nim code? and if it's not, what is the legal equivalent?
21:32:01shashlickpeek of stdin doesn't work on windows, waits like read* procs, on linux it crashes
21:42:10TheLemonManDue_Kindheartedness, the array is already initialized to false
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21:46:31FromDiscord_<Due_Kindheartedness> when I have an else case that does nothing...do I just put nothing there and indent?
21:49:43TheLemonManadd `discard`
21:50:20TheLemonManyou can also do stuff like `discard "This case does nothing"` if you want to document your code
21:53:30TheLemonMancool, jstin manages to serialize/deserialize tables w/o any help by dumping the internal state :D
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22:34:18FromGitter<Varriount> TheLemonMan: jstin?
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22:44:35TheLemonManVarriount, https://github.com/LemonBoy/jstin
22:44:59TheLemonManJstin Timberlake, but he goes by Jstin
22:45:21smitopWhy would you discard a string? Nim has *actual* comments
22:45:58smitop# You can make comments like this
22:46:07dom96yeah, please don't abuse `discard` for this
22:46:14dom96we've got multi-line comments now
22:46:37TheLemonManthat's how our lord and saviour Araq used to comment stuff, I'm just spreading his gospel
22:50:54*solitudesf quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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23:18:13*TheLemonMan quit (Quit: "It's now safe to turn off your computer.")
23:22:38FromGitter<zah> discard “any objections to this style"
23:26:18FromGitter<arnetheduck> ```discard """ ⏎ this is what a multi-line comment looks like ⏎ """``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c5cbe9a80df6804a168a153]
23:30:09ozah, so comments are not a macro for discard ? :p
23:33:14FromGitter<dom96> @arnetheduck No. That's a hack that was deprecated.
23:34:01*koranza quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:35:43FromGitter<arnetheduck> oz, we have that too: ⏎ ⏎ ```runnableExamles: "put your comment here, nothing beautiful will break"``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c5cc0cf8328315decb7e6f2]
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