<< 07-04-2024 >>

00:05:44*une quit (Remote host closed the connection)
00:07:58FromDiscord<vanyle> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=gVJzgvlipOmd
00:10:47FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Odd
00:11:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Would explain why `malloc` fixed it
00:17:56FromDiscord<z3ntl3> da bot is smart tho
00:18:06FromDiscord<z3ntl3> can i pet you @ElegantBeef
00:18:20FromDiscord<z3ntl3> (edit) "@ElegantBeef" => "<@1196075973871943741>"
00:18:24FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Given I'm not a bot, it's physically possible, but extremely weird
00:18:33FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Lmao
00:18:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> But sir it says bot next to you!
00:19:13FromDiscord<z3ntl3> 🫡 you so cute
00:19:55FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> My dogs that cannot understand words appreciate it
00:20:58FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Speaking of bots... robyn when do you make a matrix bot 😛
00:22:47FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Speaking of bots... robyn": When I get the energy for it 😔
00:22:56FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> I think I managed to burn myself out again
00:27:30FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's sorta working here 😄
00:27:33FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> image.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1226327469506691112/image.png?ex=66245d74&is=6611e874&hm=e861a416fb831f03b40cc12a5884fe912e12c73cc5c1e544ffb702263cce2268&
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05:07:33FromDiscord<gogolxdong666> Is there any library for calling pretrained models?
05:14:49FromDiscord<morgan> so im just asking to make sure bcos im talking to some ppl who don't know nim about my current clap issue, for nim unions, it copies bytes equal to the max of the sizes of all members of the union, right?
05:20:53FromDiscord<polylokh_39446> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=qptEFdiZLEEt
05:23:56FromDiscord<polylokh_39446> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=LgQmJGHHLYMT
05:24:16FromDiscord<morgan> yeah a union pragma
05:24:32FromDiscord<morgan> i checked in the generated code and yeah its just a c union like the manual says https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1226402210573717545/image.png?ex=6624a310&is=66122e10&hm=4a494ec9d5550cfd992c8a6d20af3eff4f295a18172e6eae2633f804dcfdd6cf&
05:25:49FromDiscord<morgan> good to know it does the same with variant types
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08:29:15FromDiscord<vindaar> In reply to @heysokam "what's the difference between": I read it as "quoted by being accented". given that it's for the AST it would make sense to specify the type of quoting over the fact that it represents quoting of some kind.
08:39:06FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @Elegantbeef "image.png": what client is this?
08:40:24FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The one I'm writing
08:40:44FromDiscord<nnsee> in Nim?
08:41:11FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea
08:43:19FromDiscord<nnsee> and what looks like GTK?
08:43:31FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea using owlkettle
08:43:45FromDiscord<nnsee> right, neat
08:48:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No clue how far it'll get but at least it's wrapping the client-server api without forcing a request path so is async/sync.... agnostic
08:49:12FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Elegantbeef "No clue how far": Here's to hoping you'll be able to make good use from the toast stuff once its merged
08:49:40FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> toast?
08:52:00FromDiscord<nnsee> 🍞
08:59:13NimEventerNew thread by MauroG: SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access on server windows 2008 and windows 2019, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11381
08:59:47FromDiscord<.lisuwu_> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "I think I managed": painful 😭
09:24:26FromDiscord<rakgew> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/SFPfuYvWsxdE
09:25:51FromDiscord<rakgew> ^^ urls for that\:↵the exif.nim\: https://formats.kaitai.io/exif/nim.html↵and the kaitai\_runtime\: https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_nim_runtime
09:28:26FromDiscord<rakgew> I am currently trying it on nim2.0.0
10:09:29FromDiscord<rakgew> or is there a simpler way to just get the exif date and time?
10:12:33FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> I took a look but i can't figure out the issue on my mobile unfortunately. I made some work on the python runtime back then (atleast there was a PR from me with a python3 revamp). If there hasnt been anything useful for you ill try to take a look when im back at my PC. Its sunday though and family wants some attention, don't be sad if i dont make it today
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11:12:03FromDiscord<rakgew> @the_real_hypno \: thank you so much for the feedback and looking into it!↵sure no worries - enoy your sunday! \:-D↵if you happen to find out something later, I would love to hear.
11:33:53FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Elegantbeef "toast?": Notifications popping up from top/bottom are called "toasts" in design lang
11:35:06FromDiscord<Phil> Its this PR: https://github.com/can-lehmann/owlkettle/pulls↵And this widget: https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/libadwaita/doc/1.5/class.ToastOverlay.html
11:37:11FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "I think I managed": That makes one of us, I'm finally feeling like I'm slowly regaining mine!
11:37:48FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "mine!" => "my energy!"
11:38:34FromDiscord<Phil> Maybe I'm the anti-robyn, the Giftyn you could say
12:02:35FromDiscord<ase8540> any way to see whether I claimed nim airdrop or not?
12:03:34FromDiscord<ase8540> Claim.nim.network can’t see anymore whether can claim or claimed
13:09:17*SchweinDeBurg quit (Quit: WeeChat 4.3.0-dev)
13:14:03FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @isofruit "Maybe I'm the anti-robyn,": giftowt
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13:26:33FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @isofruit "Maybe I'm the anti-robyn,": Welp
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13:42:16FromDiscord<MDuardo> I still don't get modules↵I'm starting a project and I'm using `include`
13:42:35FromDiscord<MDuardo> I have to learn how it works
13:48:37FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> In reply to @rakgew "has anybody used kaitai": So, as far as i can tell you are right about the `isLe`. It def. doesnt exist in the runtime. Did you check if its maybe part of Nim and not of Kaitai?
13:49:09FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Its not part of https://nim-lang.org/docs/endians.html , thats what i saw already
13:50:04FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Its a bit weird all in all to be honest. Kaitai usually doesnt make assumptions about endianess
13:51:35FromDiscord<exelotl> @MDuardo you should use import for most things, here's an article that explains how they're different to python imports: https://narimiran.github.io/2019/07/01/nim-import.html
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14:05:05FromDiscord<MDuardo> Thank you very much, this is very useful↵(@exelotl)
14:05:29FromDiscord<exelotl> np! 👍
14:32:59FromDiscord<rakgew> sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/mKreqMjlPonn
14:33:43FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> In reply to @rakgew "<@383236491452612611> \: thank you": Its in the .ksy file
14:33:57FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=lvwDHJAQwgxP
14:34:19FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> https://formats.kaitai.io/exif/index.html
14:35:02FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Not sure how deep you worked yourself into the topic but usually you create those .ksy files and generate the code based on them
14:35:35FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> if your python approach failed aswell, chances are high that the "blueprint" (the .ksy file) has an issue
14:35:46FromDiscord<rakgew> ah ok in the .ksy thx
14:36:21FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> OR that the test file you are trying to work on is altered?
14:37:04FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> you might want to check it out in the online editor with the original file and .ksy blueprint
14:37:08FromDiscord<rakgew> kaitai is completely new to me. I was under the impression the .ksy gets transformed into the language module like exif.nim / exif.py ?
14:37:31FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Oh yes it does but its working a bit different than just transpiling
14:37:31FromDiscord<rakgew> the test files are not special or altered, to my knowledge
14:38:23FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> It takes this .ksy file and shots it through the scalar? compiler which builds the language based on predefined components
14:38:29FromDiscord<rakgew> just trying to write a portable renamer utility (did that in python a while ago with alib, but now wanted to see if I can get a small partable executable with nim working)
14:38:34FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> im a bit bad in explaining that i fear
14:39:30FromDiscord<rakgew> sounds like a good explanation to me. \:-D
14:40:02FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> I guess with renaming, you dont mean renaming the file but rather binary "renaming"?
14:40:59FromDiscord<rakgew> well it is actual file renaming\: iso date and time from exif would be the file names.
14:41:41FromDiscord<rakgew> since strangley some of the file time stamps are wrong (timezone offset maybe?)
14:42:25FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Is that a private file you work on? Might wanna send it so i can put it into the web editor aswell?
14:44:45FromDiscord<rakgew> it is a bunch of pictures, all in one dir - I can check if there are some non-prive ones.
14:45:33FromDiscord<rakgew> but I doubt there is anything special about the pics.
14:45:41FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> you could just overpaint it or something, if that doesnt change the timestamp
14:45:57FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Im not really interested in you private pictures, dont worry 😄
14:46:30FromDiscord<rakgew> heheh, sure no worries.
14:46:32FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> said the random guy on the internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
14:48:24Amun-Rawhat's binary renaming?
14:54:06FromDiscord<rakgew> @the_real_hypno\: ok, found one that should be fine, will send you a link.
14:54:42FromDiscord<rakgew> hm, does the discord - matrix bridge actually extend to direct messages?
14:55:34FromDiscord<rakgew> one way to find out..
14:56:27FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> i dont know? 😛
14:56:35FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> I havent received something yet
14:56:53FromDiscord<rakgew> did you get the invite?
14:57:01FromDiscord<rakgew> I just created a non-encrypted test room
14:57:07FromDiscord<rakgew> oh ok.
14:57:30FromDiscord<rakgew> then the answer is probably no.
14:58:16FromDiscord<rakgew> @the_real_hypno \: well then I send it here\: https://justbeamit.com/usrc9
14:58:35FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> you may delete if you want
14:58:36FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> have it
14:59:09FromDiscord<rakgew> ok it is one-time p2p anyway. ;-)
14:59:19FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> ah i see, perfect
15:01:00FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> yep it seems to be the beginning right?
15:01:13FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> FF D8 FF E0
15:01:25FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> seems to be unusual
15:01:59Amun-Rathat's JPEG signature
15:02:21FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> ah good to know, cheers
15:02:29FromDiscord<rakgew> are you looking at it in https://ide.kaitai.io/ ?
15:02:33FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> yes
15:02:58FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> just drag and drop it into it and chose image -> exif
15:04:09FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> So there is a part infront of your actual code you intend do parse. Up until 0x1D
15:04:43FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> at 0x1D your intended code starts
15:04:46FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> being LE
15:05:41FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> In reply to @Amun-Ra "what's binary renaming?": My uneducated wording of changing bytes representing a name in binary code
15:07:23FromDiscord<rakgew> ok, drag n drop worked, activating the exif.ksy as well.↵but then I get an UndecidedEndiannessError in the console at the bottom of the page.
15:08:11FromDiscord<rakgew> so if I changed the endianess in the ksy to le just for a test it should work in the webapp?
15:08:40FromDiscord<rakgew> nice - now I can see ExifBody
15:08:57FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Well, i could break your Jpeg file to make it work but thats not really what you want
15:09:17FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> you could extend the .ksy format to handle the bytes before the actual exif
15:09:35FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> which seems to be jpeg according to Amun-Ra
15:09:54FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1226549516216303767/IMG20240504150822.jpg_0x0-0x1d.bin?ex=66252c40&is=6612b740&hm=98ae38d86b2d9f53c54ec030f60152bc23e4f7b379f4052b74e5e20dd5423cac&
15:09:59FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> so this basically
15:10:13FromDiscord<rakgew> right
15:10:24FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> you need to handle this part (dont worry its just some bytes)
15:10:50FromDiscord<rakgew> ah so endianness 55551 is le?
15:10:56FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> no, 4949
15:11:07FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1226549825978368040/image.png?ex=66252c8a&is=6612b78a&hm=a173877548cc29db32d89efba6217561ad39da33b40f289b7d57dee1f6d6a9b8&
15:11:15Amun-Ra'II' is little endian, 'MM' is big endian
15:11:28Amun-RaI as in Intel, M as in Motorola
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15:11:56FromDiscord<rakgew> sorry I meant\: 0xD8FF
15:11:57FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Yes but we take a .ksy file which switches over these options:↵ 0x4949: le↵ 0x4d4d: be
15:12:16FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> No thats what im saying. Do you see my screenshot?
15:12:19FromDiscord<rakgew> that I am getting in the kaitai webapp
15:12:31FromDiscord<rakgew> yes
15:12:49FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> The marked bytes are conflicting with the part you intend to parse
15:13:01FromDiscord<rakgew> ah there - needed to scroll back in the hex viewer.
15:13:28FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> im a bit rusty i fear, let me try to monkey patch it
15:14:11FromDiscord<rakgew> cool, thx
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15:15:43FromDiscord<odexine> "youre a bit WHAT"
15:18:21FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Ok
15:18:32FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=sQVqvziixIde
15:18:36FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> with the original
15:18:59FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=xXJYyzaGEkUW
15:19:12FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> then it parses
15:21:42FromDiscord<rakgew> indeed - very nice!! (-\:
15:22:07FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> No you can rightclick the new .ksy file and generate the Nim file from it
15:22:45FromDiscord<rakgew> thank you so much!!
15:23:10FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Well, no problem, but keep in mind that that patch is really how i called it
15:23:12FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> monkey
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15:23:58FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> would be smarter to "move the cursor" to that spot or something
15:25:26FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> or just ignore everything until either 0x4949 or 0x4d4d get encountered. Its not much to work into but a base knowledge of kaitai is not avoidable if you intend to use it furth
15:25:27FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> (edit) "furth" => "further"
15:25:40FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> If thats all you wanted to achieve then whatever
15:27:02FromDiscord<rakgew> seems like I need to dig into kaitai a bit more. (-\:
15:48:19FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @MDuardo "I still don't get": I highly recommend never ever using include
15:48:44FromDiscord<Phil> Ah, I see exelotl already elaborated as to why one shouldn't
15:49:33FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @ase8540 "any way to see": Are you sure you're not mistaking nim the programming language with something else?↵Because what you just wrote I can't connect to anything nim related
15:50:29FromDiscord<ase8540> Nim airdrop page didn’t see any info when I connected to leap wallet
15:51:09FromDiscord<rosen> wrong nim my friend
15:52:27FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @ase8540 "Nim airdrop page didn’t": Nim itself doesn't really have anything to do with airdrop or wallets.↵This server is for nim, the programming language which appears to share a name with whatever you're referring to.↵https://nim-lang.org/↵This is the website of the language
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16:06:20FromDiscord<michaelb.eth> In reply to @ase8540 "Nim airdrop page didn’t": Maybe you’re looking for: https://x.com/nim_network↵↵The link you their discord is in their X/Twitter profile. It is completely unrelated to this community and the Nim programming language.
16:06:36FromDiscord<michaelb.eth> (edit) "you" => "to"
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19:33:43FromDiscord<user2m> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=JbMBkhaCTxog
19:36:00FromDiscord<ricky> working nim lsp is like a fever dream... 😔
19:40:31FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=dMRdBCQTuzFR
19:41:22FromDiscord<user2m> In reply to @isofruit "Honestly there's no way": yeah that's basically what i've been doing. wow can't believe theres not a more egonomic way
19:45:03FromDiscord<huantian> yk for some reason i thought beef's slicerator had something akin to python's list slicing
19:46:16FromDiscord<user2m> In reply to @huantian "yk for some reason": yeah I think it does but it also has way more than I need lol I wouldve thought backwrads slicing would be a primitive in any modern language
19:46:32FromDiscord<user2m> ill live
19:46:53FromDiscord<huantian> In reply to @user2m "yeah I think it": i don't think haskell has it 😛
19:48:28FromDiscord<huantian> rust probably doesn't because of rust
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20:43:59FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @user2m "yeah that's basically what": It's probably possible to implement it yourself but don't think the usecase is that common
20:44:19FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @isofruit "Honestly there's no way": `reversed()` exists too iirc
20:56:29*lucasta quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:07:19FromDiscord<demotomohiro> I guess Nim doesn't have reverse slicing because most of people don't use it.
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21:45:46FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Probably yeah
22:29:55FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> "list slicing"?↵(@huantian)
22:30:05FromDiscord<huantian> idk what it's called
22:30:24FromDiscord<huantian> when you do `some_list[start:end:step]`
22:30:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nim already has that
22:30:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Oh step