<< 07-11-2013 >>

00:00:45*fredmorcos quit (Quit: Leaving)
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00:45:48VarriountAnyone know what system.safeAdd is meant for?
00:46:19*vidot_j joined #nimrod
00:46:26vidot_jhi all
00:46:29VarriountHello vidot_j
00:47:40vidot_jCan you tell me how I can get the arguments passed with "nimrod compile --run file.nim arg1 arg2" into my code ?
00:47:59fowlvidot_j, paramStr() and paramCount()
00:48:10fowlor use optparse module
00:48:10vidot_jthanks fowl ^^
00:49:29EXetoCVarriount: if you check the definition you'll see that it prevents a crash in case of a nil input
00:49:41EXetoCand the plans are to make that the default IIRC
00:50:17vidot_jyes i read the doc ^^
00:50:32VarriountEXetoC, crash as in, complete program crash, or crash as in, an error is thrown?
00:52:04EXetoCsegfault basically, since it's a null dereference, except you get a nice custom error message
00:52:11EXetoCI wonder if it appears in release mode as well
00:52:35VarriountMeh, I rarely use release mode.
00:52:44VarriountIt's for... releases
00:53:15*webskipper quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
00:53:23EXetoCyup, what it says on the tin basically :p
00:54:10EXetoCthe plan is also for strings and sequences to default to "" and @[] respectively
00:54:16OrionPK*sigh* why are the slutty ones always christian
00:54:35VarriountThing is, I rarely ever need the speed, but I often need the error information.
00:54:42VarriountOrionPK, hard night?
00:55:10VarriountEXetoC, I even have the compiler compiled in debug mode.
01:24:06*freezerburnv joined #nimrod
01:25:58EXetoCVarriount: yeah might as well do if speed isn't a concern, which it generally isn't so that's nice
01:29:32*Ricky_Ricardo joined #nimrod
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02:42:01shevyare there speed comparisons with nimrod? as in how it compares to other languages?
02:42:27xenagishevy, yea
02:42:29xenaginimrod is fast
02:43:32shevynimrod is slow
02:43:40shevybut now we need some way to verify those two statements
02:45:37xenagisomeone wrote a blog with a benchmark
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02:45:57xenagii cba to find it again tho
02:46:03xenagii'm sure if you google it, it'll turn up
02:46:36shevyhmm one seems to be at http://togototo.wordpress.com/2013/08/23/benchmarks-round-two-parallel-go-rust-d-scala-and-nimrod/
02:50:01*DAddYE quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
03:12:45*Varriount has about 1/2 of the python itertools module translated to nimrod
03:13:48xenagioh nice
03:15:01*fowl quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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03:49:29VarriountAraq, dom96, under what circumstances does an iterator maintain its state? As in, how would I, say, pass around a variable with a countUp iterator that has been initialized with the arguments 1, 20?
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03:51:35fowlVarriount, when its a closure
03:51:49fowlcountup is inline iterator
03:52:33*Varriount feels silly
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03:58:38Varriountfowl, so, now I'm confused. Why does this output 1, and then 2? -> https://gist.github.com/Varriount/7348747
03:59:44fowlthats what you want
04:00:17Varriountfowl, sorry, look at the gist again, I mis-pasted
04:02:08fowli dunno how it works
04:02:38fowlyou should be able to call x() after the first call with args
04:03:26VarriountI guess I'm just unused to nimrod iterators. In python-land, an iterator is a function-like *object*. Nimrod seems to think of an iterator as something more like an inside-out function
04:07:47*vidot_j quit (Remote host closed the connection)
04:09:44Varriountfowl, here's something wierd -> https://gist.github.com/Varriount/7348835
04:10:04VarriountA sliding average, of sorts.
04:12:06fowltbh ive only messed with closure iters with no params so i dont know whats going on
04:13:45VarriountWell, I think what's happening is that when the iterator is being advanced, it's references to the parameters its passed are always being updated.
04:14:15VarriountIt's interesting behavior, akin to python iterator's send() method.
04:18:28VarriountWell, goodnight
04:19:13fowlgood night
04:33:42*jdp_ is now known as jdp
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04:56:29*fowl quit (Quit: Leaving)
05:15:22*xenagi quit (Quit: Leaving)
05:18:47*Demos joined #nimrod
05:22:49Demosanyone have a little circle between working on c++ projects and nimrod projects. It is like "c++ has these nice libraries but is painful ima go work on nimrod tools <-> nimrod has all these nice features but no tools ima go work on c++
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11:54:54BitPuffinyoho yoho!
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12:42:27BitPuffinhey EXetoC what's up?
12:43:31*Varriount_ joined #nimrod
12:43:31EXetoCBitPuffin: writing a parser
12:43:41freezerburnvMornin all
12:47:00*Varriount quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
12:47:19*Jackneill joined #nimrod
12:49:39BitPuffin EXetoC for your language?
12:49:47BitPuffinmorning freezerburnv
12:56:13*Ricky_Ricardo joined #nimrod
13:04:32BitPuffindom96: why is varchar used for post content instead of text in nimforum?
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13:37:14*DAddYE joined #nimrod
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13:44:28*webskipper joined #nimrod
13:51:59webskipperdoes support nimrod real threads ?
13:52:13webskipperdistributed on multi cores ?
14:02:33profmakxwhy shouldn't it?
14:12:00EXetoCthere's no reason it shouldn't, but what exactly do you mean? you could just use posix threads if you really wanted to
14:12:33EXetoCif for some reason more high level constructs weren't available. I don't know the details, but I think a couple of libs in the standard lib might be of relevance
14:12:51BitPuffinpretty sure the threading in nimrod uses real cores
14:13:00EXetoCthey are working on improving it though
14:13:12*OrionPK joined #nimrod
14:19:04EXetoCwebskipper: see the core section in the library documentation. about three modules seem relevant
14:19:20EXetoCand the asyncio branch is also of relevance, right?
14:23:49EXetoCdo all the major platforms allow threads to be spread out evenly? because of load-balancing and so on
14:24:47Varriount_webskipper, nimrod != python
14:24:53*Varriount_ is now known as Varriount
14:26:08webskippersystem module doc is too big, really
14:26:15webskipperone page...
14:26:30Varriount*shrug* it's autogenerated
14:26:34webskipperand module threads we should not use....
14:27:04Varriountwebskipper, you can use threads
14:27:10VarriountEr, the threads module
14:27:12webskipperVarriount: sure but thats not the point
14:27:22VarriountYou just can't import it *explicitly*
14:27:26webskipperNo I am not allowed ^^
14:27:40webskipper"Do not import it explicitly."
14:27:56webskipper"Do not import it directly. "
14:28:24Varriountwebskipper, it's imported the same way the system module is imported.
14:30:15EXetoCyes, says it here http://nimrod-code.org/threads.html
14:30:44VarriountAraq, dom96, have you considered having someone clean up the tickets a bit? I've noticed that at least 3 tickets for the same bug (lack of implicitly generic lambdas)
14:36:16EXetoCyou can cross-reference issues if you want
14:36:57VarriountEXetoC, they're all reports for the *same* issue
14:37:56EXetoCyes but I don't know if they are aware of that
14:38:27*DAddYE joined #nimrod
14:39:03VarriountWell, some of the issues are 3+ months old
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14:57:58webskipperhmm, aporia: could not load: libglib-2.0-0.dll
15:01:07webskipperok, had to restart the shell
15:04:13webskipperhmm, does not work really. no fullcreen and i cant edit the code :/
15:07:41EXetoCany terminal output?
15:13:04CarpNeti think i'm hitting a bug in the compiler when compiling this (narrowed it down) https://gist.github.com/acolley/7356220
15:13:23CarpNeti get a "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)"
15:13:53CarpNetin the case of a proc though it correctly catches the bug (the : at the end of the declaration instead of an = for the method/proc body)
15:16:16CarpNeti'll open an issue about it if it's not already been seen before
15:17:39EXetoChttp://www.kotaku.com.au/2012/05/epics-tim-sweeney-next-gen-needs-more-power-and-more-open-platforms/ isn't that Tim Sweeney the DJ?
15:17:48EXetoCApparently he's also the founder of Epic. amazing
15:17:57EXetoCthat's some bad journalism right there
15:32:35*p0nce is now known as ponce
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16:03:58BitPuffinOrionPK: any chance you'll refactor out your sha1 implementation into a separate lib than websockets?
16:04:15BitPuffinso that we can do babel install sha1
16:04:43OrionPKBitpuffin yeah, when I submit them to babel they will be separate
16:05:00BitPuffinOrionPK: cool!
16:05:06BitPuffincan we really trust sha1 though?
16:05:11BitPuffinIt was designed by the NSA :P
16:05:31OrionPKfor websockets it's not used for security purposes
16:08:26BitPuffinOrionPK: by the way if it already works why not submit it immediately to babel?
16:08:31BitPuffinthe sha1 I mean
16:10:39OrionPKpatience :P
16:13:54BitPuffinOrionPK: do you also plan to implement other sha algos?
16:15:52VarriountAraq, ping
16:17:22BitPuffinaw :(
16:18:38VarriountBitPuffin, fowl and I found something interesting with iterators last night.
16:21:34EXetoCfowl and you, or Bitpuffin and fowl and you?
16:21:39EXetoCambiguous comma :p
16:24:46Varriountfowl and I.
16:24:56VarriountEXetoC, BitPuffin, https://gist.github.com/Varriount/7348835
16:25:04*MFlamer joined #nimrod
16:27:06dom96hi guys
16:27:10dom96what's up?
16:27:14BitPuffinhey dom96!
16:27:25Varriountdom96, tickets need managing.
16:27:28BitPuffinVarriount: what's the output? and does that have to do with me >.<
16:27:56dom96Varriount: Manage them then
16:28:25Varriountdom96, I don't have the right privledges.
16:29:05dom96Varriount: What sort of managing do they need?
16:29:36EXetoCs/: int/: string
16:30:14Varriountdom96, some are duplicates, some are questions that have been answered, etc
16:30:15EXetoCI was that yesterday, but this example is a little clearer
16:30:41dom96Varriount: You can certainly write a comment saying "This is a duplicate of #bug"
16:31:12Varriountdom96, and for the answered questions?
16:31:34dom96Varriount: Give a link to where it has been answered.
16:32:51EXetoChow does the loop prevent a crash?
16:33:43VarriountNo, I mean, there are tickets, that are questions, that have comments, that answer the questions.
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16:35:11Varriountdom96, I'd just like to lower the number of open tickets a bit - not only because it kinda reflects badly on nimrod, but also because it makes it harder for those who want to find tickets that they can fix
16:35:36dom96161 tickets is hardly a lot
16:37:00VarriountBut it's still enough to make it something of a challenge to sift through
16:37:22dom96Well what do you want me to do? You can ask Araq to give you access to the repo if you want.
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16:40:28EXetoCexample? trying to find an issue now where the answer implies that it should be closed
16:40:51EXetoCany relatively new ones?
16:41:48EXetoCdom96: what're you working on these days?
16:42:17dom96nothing sadly
16:43:08dom96Busy with school stuff
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16:48:47EXetoCVarriount: *highlight*
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16:52:41EXetoCVarriount: highlight as in being notified when your nick is typed. the above was directed towards you in case it was unclear
16:53:32VarriountOne moment
16:55:33VarriountEXetoC, -> https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/issues/658
16:58:24EXetoCVarriount: what about it? I thought it'd be a useful shortcut
16:58:52EXetoCand it has been closed so it's not related to what you said before
16:59:08VarriountEXetoC, then why is it still in the open category?
16:59:59VarriountAnother example -> https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/issues/644
17:00:04EXetoCI don't see it
17:00:17freezerburnvIs there anything in Nimrod similar to Python's "with open(...) as someFile: ..." syntax?
17:00:36Varriountfreezerburnv, I think there's a block template..
17:00:39EXetoCis this when searching for it? if so, then be sure to click on "Open"
17:01:36VarriountEXetoC, Oh, it apears that I needed to refresh my page for your issue to appear in the closed category.
17:01:57VarriountH/e, that other link *is* in the open cateory.
17:02:49freezerburnvVarriount: Looking at block in the manual, it looks like the same kind of thing as "{ declare some vars } vars no longer bound" in C/C++. But optionally you can give the block a name and break out of that specific block by name. Rather than in Python where you can do some special things via the __enter__ and __exit__ magic methods in python (or whatever they're called)
17:02:49freezerburnvVarriount: Unless I'm missing something
17:03:00EXetoCyes, but doesn't Araq's comment imply that it might be fixed by a commit later?
17:03:39EXetoCfreezerburnv: python does a little more than that though
17:03:39Varriountfreezerburnv, I didn't mean the block staement. Look at the section on macros and templates
17:04:09VarriountThere's a kind of template (or possible a macro) that allows you to write it as a block
17:04:25EXetoCnamely the ability to intercept exceptions, which I think is useful
17:05:06webskipperdon't try to use cython + mingw - buggy shit
17:05:29Varriountfreezerburnv, see http://nimrod-code.org/manual.html#passing-a-code-block-to-a-template
17:05:32freezerburnvEXetoC: I know :) Just looking for a way to do something simple
17:06:11freezerburnvVarriount: Awesome, thanks!
17:07:27VarriountActually, if you come up with a with..Open template/macro for nimrod, I wonder if Araq would be willing to add it.
17:08:18BitPuffindom96: did you see my question about varchar in nimforum?
17:08:36EXetoCVarriount: "You make lots of good points. :-) I will take some deeper look later." so yes, that implies potential future commits
17:09:11dom96BitPuffin: Yes, can you give me a link to the code you're talking about?
17:09:18VarriountFine, you win... *goes back into his hole*
17:10:52*gradha joined #nimrod
17:13:02EXetoCmore labeling might help, and closing reduces noise slightly, but then you need to be able to find it later somehow
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17:29:42gradhadom96: babel installs packages with version numbers, but is there any mechanism for the local copy to "learn" about new versions? Even babel update won't know, this info is not in the json
17:31:20gradhamaybe the packages.json could grow a version number, and after "babel update" it could spit out what installed modules can be updated
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17:37:33BitPuffindom96: https://github.com/nimrod-code/nimforum/blob/master/createdb.nim#L58
17:38:42gradhaBitPuffin: a limit sort of prevents spam?
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18:16:18VarriountAraq, in the compiler directory, what do types.skipTypes and types.skipGeneric do, and what are they used for exactly?
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18:19:58webskipperHave I to give a type in "var q = initQueue(4)" , for example "initQueue[int](4)" ?
18:20:04BitPuffingradha: but 1000 is kind of short
18:20:08webskipperdoc says [T]
18:20:44VarriountWebskipper, try it.
18:22:16webskipperVarriount: it seems so. But on other side add(q, 100) instead of add[int](q, 100) is allowed ....
18:23:37Varriountwebskipper, I think it might be because you're giving a literal int.
18:26:02webskipperVarriount: Ok. I guess I have to use add[MyType] than if its not a literal.
18:26:37VarriountWait, what?
18:27:03webskipperadd[MyType](q, varofMyType) ?
18:29:02VarriountSorry, I think we have a misunderstanding. You have to explicitly say initQueue[int](4), because, in that context, there's no way to infer what data type the initQueue holds
18:29:47VarriountHowever, once you use the add procedure, the type should be inferred from the kind of queue you are using.
18:30:38gradhaBitPuffin: it has served well so far
18:30:39EXetoCBitPuffin: yes. we don't have return type inference a la Rust AFAIK
18:31:30webskipperVarriount: ok, but why is it in doc written as proc add[T] ?
18:31:32EXetoCI think there are future plans regarding overloading of return types, but I wonder what that implies
18:32:01Varriountwebskipper, because you can also call add that way - add is a generic procedure
18:32:37Varriountwebskipper, in your case, the [T] doesn't need to be added, because it can be inferred.
18:32:49EXetoCthe return type can be selected using a generic type, so I really don't know what purpose that would serve
18:32:50webskipperVarriount: is it faster if I give the tyoe ?
18:32:59Varriountwebskipper, no
18:33:17webskipperVarriount: than its useless ? Give me an example please :D
18:33:37*CarpNet quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:33:38EXetoCunless for some reason T: int|char is considered worse </speculation>
18:34:29EXetoCBitPuffin: ok wait a minute
18:34:57webskippervar mydirection : TDirection = north
18:34:57webskipperadd(q, mydirection) , works !
18:34:58EXetoCdon't you simply mean this: proc f[T](x: T)? :p
18:35:15EXetoCor proc f[T](x: T): T or something like that
18:35:44EXetoCBitPuffin: of course I'm replying to you even though it was webskipper who asked
18:37:26Varriountwebskipper, -> https://gist.github.com/Varriount/7359636
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18:38:16VarriountAlthough, why nimrod can infer types when given t.proc(a) , and not proc(t, a), I don't know.
18:38:28*exhu joined #nimrod
18:38:48EXetoCit can't? hm. will you have to try it
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18:39:57webskipperVarriount: ty
18:40:46EXetoCVarriount: when can't it? add[float](x, 20); add(x, 20); x.add(20); compiles
18:40:48exhui have so much hobbies and almost no free time to progress in each of them :( want to play guitar, draw, photography and write gui lib for nimrod, but have only time for one of them :(
18:41:15gradhaexhu: clearly you are here to learn guitar playing
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18:41:51exhugradha, exactly :)
18:42:32webskipperAnd initQueue needs the T Type because it has to reserve memory with size of T I guess ?
18:42:44EXetoCa high level gui lib? we do have gui libs, but mostly in the form of 1:1 ports
18:42:58exhugradha, had some progress with gui -- have a top x11 window and a post-thread-message implemented in nimrod
18:43:21shevybindings for gtk, but also for qt?
18:43:24EXetoCIUP seems like an interesting gui lib, and maybe it wouldn't be too hard to wrap it. I think it also has OpenGL widgets
18:43:45shevyexhu yeah, lack of time is killing me too :(
18:43:56exhui'm writing a pure cross-platf nimrod lib (using x11 and win32 api)
18:44:06dom96gradha: Yes, this is currently missing. Updating this information in packages.json would be annoying though.
18:45:08EXetoCEXetoC: does mac OS use X11?
18:45:11gradhadom96: by the time it gets annoying you will write a jester web app for people to submit/update/manage the info
18:45:32exhuEXetoC, you can run x11 apps using XQuartz
18:45:34dom96gradha: Hopefully :P
18:46:51exhuEXetoC, it's a so-so solution, but better than nothing. I've not implemented win32 part yet, and will not have time to support three platforms.
18:47:58EXetoCit's obviously less painful to wrap GTK for instance, but whatever floats your boat :-)
18:48:30exhuEXetoC, GTK is a huge and buggy platform both under windows and mac
18:48:51exhuEXetoC, i would say it's linux-only
18:49:29webskipperuse HTML + JS, HAHA :D
18:50:51EXetoCexhu: how is it buggy? I think pidgin is the only GTK app I've run on windows, and I can't recall having any issues with it 6-7 years ago
18:51:30EXetoCjust saying. that's obviously not an extensive "test"
18:51:39exhuEXetoC, it's buggy under mac -- both x11 and cocoa versions i tried. Under windows it's just bloated.
18:52:00gradhaexhu: please release your incomplete GUI for others to contribute the missing ports you won't have time to implement
18:54:03exhugradha, my work is already open, i've posted the url on the forum, https://bitbucket.org/exhu/paulina
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18:58:03webskipperhave to ask: why is "proc add[T](q: var TQueue[T]; item: T)" not written as "add[T](q: TQueue[T], item : T) ? Why is var statement used ? Thanks.
18:59:04exhuwebskipper, probably the proc modifies the queue
18:59:15gradhaexhu: I don't see your design working on macosx, unless you duplicate the menu bar inside the apps window
18:59:49exhugradha, yes it has to be duplicated. global mac menubar sucks
19:01:24exhugradha, i've been working on mac for 5 yrs now and i still cannot get used to the top menu bar.
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19:02:04gradhaI don't use any menu bar, could do without them
19:02:11dom96BitPuffin: Yeah, I think gradha is right.
19:02:16dom96BitPuffin: (About the varchar)
19:03:49gradhaexhu: what's preventing you from implementing this over SDL and have that portable? is that much difference in performance with regards to using raw win32?
19:04:29exhugradha, well mainly my gui design is like a web app in the browser :)
19:04:37exhugradha, SDL uses busy waiting.
19:04:57EXetoCwebskipper: consider the difference between these: "proc f(x: int) = x = 1", and "proc f(x: var int) = x = 1". x can only be modified in the latter
19:05:18exhugradha, allegro is too big to write bindings for, i don't feel like doing that.
19:05:18gradhafair enough, busy waiting is so DOS anyway
19:05:24dom96exhu: How much of Paulina is done?
19:05:38exhudom96, main loop =)
19:05:48gradhaexhu: if you get over the macros you could use c2nim
19:06:29EXetoCnot specifying 'var' in a parameter is very similar to declaring a variable with 'let', where "let x = 1; x = 2" won't work, but where "var x = 1; x = 2" will
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19:08:02gradhaexhu: did you look at a5? presumably it's modular now
19:08:24exhugradha, i have written bindings for fontconfig which is one header file and it took a lot of hours to make it correct although I used c2nim
19:08:42EXetoCexhu: I guess it's only the rest that remains then :p
19:08:59EXetoCthat's always something
19:10:24exhudom96, the problem with paulina is that each time i begin working on it, i reread the sources and notes and think over what have to be done next and then i have to leave for a sleep or the job.
19:13:25exhui also don't like the idea to adapt the C libraries to nimrod coding style etc, i.e. cairo bindings are heavily translated so that it makes hard to quickly find the appropriate info the C API reference.
19:14:48exhuLook at the hello world: https://bitbucket.org/exhu/paulina/src/a574f4884f7b4c1330345ad205ce72eb5a87416f/src/tests/test1.nim?at=default
19:14:51Varriountexhu, I agree. It's better to create as direct a wrapper as possible. Then, if need be, create a separate library/framework
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19:19:58dom96exhu: Yeah, I know what you mean. It's hard to work on things when you've only got a couple of hours per day to do it in. Most of the work I do happens when I have a couple of days of freedom which is starting to happen less and less.
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19:24:30exhudom96, it was easier to me during university days (18-22) to sleep 2-3 hours a day, have lectures and practice done from 8 to 17, then homework to prepare for practice and then half night to program as a hobby -)
19:25:01reactormonkexhu, I need 9h otherwise I'm sleepy all day :-/
19:25:08EXetoCexhu: it'd be more of a wrapper then, but it looks to me like it is a direct binding
19:25:26EXetoCapart from the omission of the "cario_"-prefix, which is redundant
19:26:06EXetoCor is that the actual problem?
19:27:20exhuEXetoC, i don't remember which library functions i could not find in the api docs, but i found them to be named in a non-c way, like without underline chars etc
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19:28:47exhuEXetoC, aha PSurface in cairo bindings, it would be better to keep it *cairo_surface*
19:30:00exhuEXetoC, or even cairo_surface_t
19:30:13*ics quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:32:48exhuGuys, should the gui lib have it's own 2D graphics functions or cairo is ok?
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19:33:35exhui mean an abstract 2d graphics api which maps to cairo or anything else underneath?
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19:36:56EXetoCI think it's fine as long as the interface is binary equivalent. Too bad we can't start polls on the forum
19:37:08reactormonkexhu, for starters, just go for plain cairo. If you want any fancy wrappers, make them optional.
19:37:15reactormonkEXetoC, write some \o/
19:38:46gradhathe other day I overheard how dom96 was willing to accept pull requests for nimforum polls, just nobody was willing to implement them
19:39:16dom96Where did you overhear that?
19:39:23exhureactormonk, i mean introduce abstracted api for 2d graphics which is implemented using cairo on linux and directgraphics on windows etc.
19:39:40reactormonkexhu, uh-oh.
19:40:04EXetoCsame deal with cairo eh? good on linux, not-so-good on windows?
19:41:08EXetoCI know that there are hardware-accelerated backends, but maybe that's only for linux
19:41:19reactormonkexhu, actually, I would advise against that, as such an abstraction tends to break at some time :-(
19:41:22exhucairo is just another extra dll to provide with an app -) using native apis on mac/win can reduce dependencies. Anyway i don't feel like writing optimized platform-specific stuff in the nearest future but intent to use cairo everywhere.
19:41:24fowlgradha, go ahead and merge your other PR on nake
19:42:46gradhafowl: have you had time to review them?
19:42:48exhui just don't want to go the GTK way with dozens of DLLs to distribute with a hello-world app -)
19:43:03VarriountThis is probably a stupid question, but in what case would you use *methods* as opposed to *procedures*?
19:43:25exhuVarriount, methods are for dynamic binding
19:43:26fowlgradha, yea, looks good
19:43:35fowlgradha, thanks
19:48:12Varriountexhu, yeah, but what circumstances? Can you give me an example situation?
19:48:52exhuVarriount, OOP: inheritance and polymorphism
19:48:56EXetoCVarriount: think Virtual member functions in C++
19:49:18EXetoCis the OOP section of the tutorial unclear?
19:49:22VarriountAh, so when you want to override an already existing procedure, for example?
19:49:50VarriountEXetoC, the tutorial is 4 years old, and though clear, demonstrates only a small part of nimrod.
19:49:53fowlVarriount, http://build.nimrod-code.org/docs/manual.html#multi-methods
19:51:05EXetoCthe static type might be T, but obj.method() might invoke method(U) rather than method(T) if such a method exists
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19:54:20EXetoCI think that's what you meant
19:55:29fowlthat section of the manual should explain everything
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20:24:14EXetoCreactormonk: I might. looking at the code now
20:24:59EXetoCthe inject pragma is used a couple of times. that can't be good for readability
20:25:16gradhaBitPuffin: can't begin to think when https://github.com/nimrod-code/babel/issues/10 is useful
20:25:39gradhaisn't that too jester-server specific?
20:26:02VarriountOk, I'm trying to solve a recently reported bug, concerning the compiler crashing when ":" is used instead of "=" in a *method*
20:26:39EXetoCdom96: ^
20:26:40VarriountDoes anyone have any pointers? I suspect that it is a problem with the parser, since the same error does not occur with procedures
20:27:09EXetoCwhat do you think? I only use such templates when I need to invoke it lots of time
20:27:09gradhaIIRC that bug is older than me, other than that, no idea
20:27:51dom96EXetoC: Are you asking me what I think?
20:28:23VarriountGah, aren't there ny bugs that are A: Within my ability, and B: Within my time, to fix?
20:28:44dom96Varriount: That does seem like a fairly simple bug to fix. Look at the stack trace.
20:29:12VarriountDom, the stack trace is an out of bounds error, because the ast is malformed
20:29:49VarriountThe compiler *should* be reporting that "method foo(x: int): int :" has invalid syntax
20:29:59VarriountOr has invalid indentation.
20:30:18dom96But instead it probably generates an incorrect AST
20:31:05dom96gradha: Perhaps it would be useful for other applications, but it will be a while before I implement that.
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20:32:31EXetoCdom96: yes. I don't know who wrote what pieces though
20:33:05dom96EXetoC: Are you referring to the same thing gradha is referring to? if not then please elaborate.
20:35:45EXetoCdom96: That was very vague indeed. I'll get back on that a little later
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20:46:46AraqVarriount: pong
20:50:04BitPuffingradha: um no it isn't just for server
20:50:13BitPuffingradha: the server there was just an example
20:51:22BitPuffingradha: it is useful for when using babel as a build system (and yes nimrod is also its own build system, and babel does and should continue to leverage that)
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20:54:47BitPuffingradha: but basically it would mean that you wouldn't have to do nimrod c -r -d:release --oneParameter --anotherParameter:3 --passL:"-lfarts" ./path/to/just/one/of/my/executables/in/this/projects/that/I/want/to/have/specific/options/for
20:54:56BitPuffingradha: so instead you could have a preset
20:55:17BitPuffinbabel run thatoneExeWithItsIndividualOptions
20:55:27AraqBitPuffin: you know about project.nimrod.cfg, right?
20:56:03BitPuffinAraq: I know about nimrod.cfg, but I don't know about a way to have multiple options for different targets etc :o
20:56:14Araq@if ?
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21:02:49gradhaBitPuffin: you should use nake for that, then "nake run"
21:03:19BitPuffinAraq: something that I have noticed when writing code that creates operators is that you often want that operator to work with reversed order of the parameters, for example in the case of scalar*vector you also want vector*scalar, wouldn't it be nice to have a pragma that provides a template that takes the reverse order and rewrites it to the normal way (like I do manually with templates in linagl). Because
21:03:21BitPuffinsurely this isn't something that just shows up when making 3d math operators
21:03:35BitPuffinthat defines operators*
21:04:13BitPuffinI know I can just use a macro as a pragma for that but it seems like it is something that would be common enough to be good for not just me
21:04:27VarriountBitPuffin, suggest it for the stdlib
21:04:54BitPuffingradha: hmm, yeah I guess :P
21:05:21AraqBitPuffin: that's just some stdlib macro. we need to find a module name for those perhaps
21:05:45BitPuffinAraq: so it already exists
21:05:50AraqI suggest nimrod.fu.std.templategen.macros
21:06:15Araqany other name would not be enterprisey
21:06:23BitPuffinvery subtle "fuck you" to the programmer in there :P
21:06:48filwitAraq: you forgot the system. at the beginning
21:07:03filwitBitPuffin: use a template as a macro?
21:07:10filwitBitPuffin: sorry
21:07:17gradhaa library path is not enterprisey enough if it doesn't contain oracle in it
21:07:17filwitBitPuffing use a template as a pragma?
21:07:52VarriountHow about.. metatools?
21:07:53BitPuffinfilwit: http://nimrod-code.org/manual.html#macros-as-pragmas
21:08:37BitPuffinby the way we NEEED an irc bot where we can just go !manual macros as pragmas
21:09:01gradhadom96! manual macros as pragmas
21:09:07*gradha thinks that wasn't hard
21:09:13filwitBitPuffin: ... did not know Nimrod had that ability.. that.. kinda fixes something i was thinking about recently. Awesome, thanks
21:09:36*gradha wonders if the bot learned to high five
21:09:44gradhaNimBot: high five!
21:10:02filwitNimBot: kirby rape!
21:10:24filwitthere it is
21:10:44filwitlol, Araq, nice
21:10:47*Araq only knows "ping
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21:11:03*Araq !ping
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21:12:47filwitfowl_: btw, the OpenGL module works fine
21:12:56fowl_sure why wouldnt it
21:13:03VarriountBitPuffin, I do think metatools would be a good name for a module covering misc. templates and macros
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21:13:11filwitfowl_: i just wasn't calling loadExtentions() earlier, so it wasn't linking i think
21:13:22BitPuffinVarriount: tell that to Araq then :D
21:13:41Araqthe docs clearly mention it. and yet NOBODY calls loadExtensions
21:13:51fowlfilwit, ^
21:13:59gradhaamazing, there's rule34 on kirby
21:14:02Araqbut clearly we need MORE documentation that people can ignore
21:14:08filwitAraq: no one reads docs...
21:14:19AraqI know
21:14:24BitPuffinfilwit: skimming the fm at least once helps with knowing what features nimrod has
21:14:40filwitBitPuffin: fm?
21:14:52BitPuffinfilwit: the manual
21:15:06filwiti've read through the manual a ton
21:15:19filwitbut when you're writing code, sometimes you're not in "reading" mode
21:15:22BitPuffin │22:09:08 filwit | BitPuffin: ... did not know Nimrod had that │
21:15:23BitPuffin │22:09:08 filwit | BitPuffin: ... did not know Nimrod had that │
21:15:30BitPuffindamn that keeps happening
21:15:38VarriountAraq, what are the plans on implicit generic parameters?
21:15:47filwitBitPuffin: what's your point?
21:15:47BitPuffinfilwit: no that's true
21:15:52Araqwhat about them, Varriount ?
21:16:14BitPuffinfilwit: Well I thought you didn't know because you hadn't gotten the full overview of what features are available
21:16:48VarriountAraq, well, to be blunt, they're kinda half-baked at the moment, and the only time I see them is when people accidentally use them and trigger errors
21:17:01filwitBitPuffin: well i didn't know about that feature, but to be fair there's a lot involved with Nimrod's macro/templates
21:17:18filwitBitPuffin: and that is only a very small chunk of the docs that talk about it :)
21:17:25BitPuffinfilwit: yeah that's very true
21:17:30AraqVarriount: tell that zahary ;-)
21:18:03AraqI'd prefer empty [] for implicit generics and better type inference for proc (a, b)
21:18:08BitPuffinVarriount: I think implicit generics are pretty cool
21:18:18BitPuffinjust that they are a bit buggy atm
21:18:23dom96gradha: of course, that is the very definition of rule 34 :P
21:18:26Araqproc (a, b) # type inference
21:18:34Araqproc [](a, b) # generic
21:18:43VarriountBitPuffin, I just wish I knew how to actually fix their bugs
21:18:56BitPuffinVarriount: Well I've been wrestling with one
21:19:00BitPuffinit's kinda hard :(
21:20:21dom96BitPuffin: The one I reported
21:20:32BitPuffindom96: which one?
21:21:27BitPuffindom96: I've been working on fixing this one https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/issues/618
21:21:36BitPuffinI'm not far away really but I'm kind of stuck
21:21:46dom96I see.
21:22:09dom96I'm talking about: https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/issues/641
21:22:30Varriountdom96, also https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/issues/643
21:22:54dom96Varriount: Yeah, nice coincidence that you just referenced my issue from a different issue heh.
21:22:58Varriount618, 641, and 643 are all related to implicit generics
21:24:21VarriountOh, and also 599
21:24:26BitPuffinVarriount: that's a chilly bug you've got there har har har
21:25:16BitPuffinyou know
21:25:19BitPuffinbecause of the ICE
21:26:37BitPuffindom96: we still haven't decided on a project
21:26:46BitPuffinping EXetoC
21:27:17VarriountBitPuffin, my project is fixing bugs.
21:27:41VarriountOr at least, helping fix them. -_-
21:28:00BitPuffinVarriount: my project is getting helped by Araq to fix the bugs :P
21:30:23fowlimplicit generic procs shouldnt be necessary once user defined type classes exist
21:30:41BitPuffinfowl: now why is that
21:30:41Varriountfowl, I thought they already did?
21:30:50Araqfowl: why? please elaborate
21:31:00BitPuffindoesn't make any sense fowl
21:31:09fowlenough with the pings jeez
21:31:26BitPuffinping fowl
21:31:34BitPuffinsorry :P
21:31:37dom96BitPuffin: Will we ever agree on anything though, it seems like everyone wants something different.
21:31:49fowlyour proc is going to call something like len(arg) or something thats covered by comparable[t]
21:31:57BitPuffindom96: well maybe
21:32:51fowlhow you use the arg is going to (or should be) covered by a typeclass
21:32:51BitPuffindom96: Well my suggestion is some kind of multiplayer coop survival shooter game thingy
21:33:08fowlBitPuffin, postal 2 with pee only
21:33:23BitPuffinfowl: games are bad they make you bad
21:33:26fowlfemale characters allowed but completely ineffective
21:34:06dom96Let's just make a sex simulator.
21:34:22dom96Should become popular :P
21:34:32VarriountAhem, I thought that user defined type classes already existed?
21:34:36BitPuffinprobably not with the right audience though lol
21:35:09BitPuffindom96: we could have driving in the survival game, didn't you say driving games were cool xD
21:36:39fowlVarriount, guess they do
21:37:11dom96BitPuffin: Yes! Driving!
21:37:18dom96With realistic car damage!
21:37:36filwitso much work...
21:37:44OrionPKyou guys are insane
21:37:52BitPuffindom96: driving is possible, realistic car damage not so much :P
21:38:22dom96BitPuffin: ok, simple car damage like in GTA Vice City then :P
21:38:31OrionPKyou guys shouldn't try to do a story driven game, story = art = artists
21:38:31fowlhow you use the generic arg should be covered by a type class ^^
21:38:38BitPuffindom96: well there should at least be car damage :P
21:38:41filwitbecause you guys can't make up your mind on what game to make.. just make them all in one!
21:38:49VarriountAraq, is having to call closure iterators with the same types of arguments they were instanciated with an intended feature? See this -> https://gist.github.com/Varriount/7348835
21:38:52BitPuffindom96: so that your car can crash and die, and you get eaten by zambees
21:39:24filwitplay space invaders on the window of your car as you race through zombies around tight corners in a tactical COD-style shoot/racer
21:40:00dom96BitPuffin: hrm, sure.
21:40:13dom96BitPuffin: But zombies are boring.
21:40:19dom96We need something more modern.
21:40:37dom96Alien invasion!
21:40:45filwitfrom the sea!
21:41:29fowlhow about an anti illuminati game
21:41:33AraqVarriount: what does it output?
21:41:44BitPuffindom96: how about redneck invasion?
21:42:00Varriount"Hello" then "Hello World" then "Hello World!"
21:42:04VarriountAraq, ^
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21:42:07dom96BitPuffin: mehhhh
21:42:12fowlgame based on NWA's classic track "fight the power"
21:42:14BitPuffindom96: what about middleground between zambees and aliens
21:42:36BitPuffindom96: aliens that take control over humans
21:42:52*freezerburnv quit (Quit: freezerburnv)
21:42:53dom96Sure, why not.
21:42:54fowlremake of lion king for SNES
21:43:18fowldom96, lets just finish your gb emulator
21:43:28BitPuffindom96: then we could have both aleans and some kind of infected human who will eventually become alien but is struggling against the control of their body
21:43:31BitPuffindom96: ala ss2
21:43:38filwithonestly.. y'all want to make a game to get Nimrod noticed? Make first-person scare game and put it on the Oculus Rift.. then submit it to PudyPie and all other youtube oculus reviewers
21:43:41dom96fowl: Actually.... good point.
21:43:43dom96I need to finish that.
21:43:49filwitscare games are easy to make
21:43:58dom96True. A scare game would be cool.
21:44:01filwitand oculus has a Linus SDK
21:44:01dom96Something like SCP.
21:44:16BitPuffinmeh I will release scare games
21:44:18fowlBitPuffin, you should wrap xscreensaver
21:44:20BitPuffinpatience gayz
21:44:22AraqVarriount: yeah that's how it's supposed to work
21:44:30BitPuffinfowl: why?
21:44:38fowlBitPuffin, because screensavers in nimrod
21:44:44BitPuffinfowl: why?
21:44:44fowlneat right
21:45:04BitPuffinI think an open source game project is more fun if it is a multiplayer game
21:45:11BitPuffinbecause we can enjoy it together as we're making it
21:45:13VarriountAraq, it just makes things... a bit odd if you're trying to pass iterators around.
21:45:17BitPuffinand it sticks
21:45:38BitPuffinand filwit, pudypaj also makes vids where he plays multiplayer games :P
21:45:44VarriountAnd can also be quite unexpected.
21:46:33EXetoCBitPuffin: bong
21:46:42dom96BitPuffin: Co-op horror game? There are not many of those.
21:46:48dom96Maybe we should do that?
21:46:50filwitBitPuffin: just saying, everyone likes watching people get scared.. so they're really popular right now, and Oculus Rift could be a great movement to ride the coat-tails of (in terms of public awareness)
21:47:32filwitBitPuffin: every time i youtube "oculus rift" it's normally the scare games that people are reviewing
21:47:34BitPuffindom96: well isn't that kind of the suggestion already with the zambee aleans and the stuff
21:48:00OrionPKwho are you going to get to do your meshes/textures/creature design/level editing?
21:48:07BitPuffinfilwit: sure but those videos are for people looking for a quick laugh, not something that they will play and play
21:48:18dom96BitPuffin: hrm, true.
21:49:07filwitBitPuffin: yes, but if millions of people have seen the game because review X played it.. then you can go on tech forums and be like "yeah.. that was written in Nimrod"
21:49:17BitPuffinmultiplayer would also be a nice distribution of skills, dom96 is good at network programming etc, I am a graphics programmer by self education and a 3d artist by education and EXetoC must be good at something :P
21:49:33filwitBitPuffin: and you get more WOW factor because lots of people know the game from the reviews
21:49:48OrionPKbitpuffin set your sights too high, and you're doomed to fail. Make something simple and stylistic (like cell shading) and you wont have to worry about artwork as much
21:50:10filwitBitPuffin: realistically, games are a lot of work.. so your original visions probably wont match the actual product
21:50:30filwitBitPuffin: but scare games can be crappy and still get noticed cause the Oculus Rift is blowing up
21:50:30OrionPKgames are a LOT of work, and you need more than just programmers to make a AAA game
21:50:52BitPuffinOrionPK: that's more or less what I had in mind anyway
21:50:55gradhasettle for a Z game
21:51:13EXetoCdom96: I was referring to the templates in forum.nim for example that inject symbols, which I think should be restricted to situations where it needs to be repeated at least 10 times or something like that
21:51:20filwitone of the biggest problems with games is they require a TON of artwork..
21:51:35OrionPKyes, unless they rely on procedural art
21:51:39filwitanyone here (besides me) know how to model, texture, and animate 3D artwork?
21:51:41BitPuffinfilwit: well I've already got nimrod horror games in my personal cooker so it's fine
21:51:55BitPuffinOrionPK: well you may have noticed that I said that I am also a 3d artist by education
21:52:02BitPuffinOrionPK: so I'm not just a programmer :P
21:52:05filwitBitPuffin: Awesome! :)
21:52:08BitPuffinplus I'm also interested in the sound stuff
21:52:11OrionPKbitpuffin cool, I didn't know that
21:52:20OrionPKbitpuffin got a link to your work?
21:52:22filwitBitPuffin: you're a 3D artist? that's cool
21:52:43filwitBitPuffin: me too (not by education though) :)
21:52:49fowlBitPuffin, ping
21:52:53fowlBitPuffin, how do you like it
21:52:59fowlBitPuffin, gettin blown up
21:53:14BitPuffinthem pingz
21:53:16fowlgot notifications? jerk
21:53:30BitPuffinfowl: nope, no notifications :P
21:53:31EXetoCBitPuffin: nope, not really good at anything
21:53:55BitPuffinOrionPK: sure, I don't have much online but I do have a quick concept up I did a while back for a monster for one of my games
21:54:08BitPuffinEXetoC: yeah you are :D
21:54:12*Dispatch quit (Quit: Page closed)
21:54:25BitPuffinOrionPK: http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/6575/deserter23romp.jpg
21:54:46filwitBitPuffin: Sculptris, cool :)
21:54:51OrionPKthats fucked up
21:55:07EXetoCda fuk
21:55:14filwitBitPuffin: though Blender's a better Sculpting app these days for dynamic-topology
21:56:24OrionPKbitpuffin how about skeletal animations?
21:56:29EXetoCBitPuffin: no :p
21:56:29filwitBitPuffin: learning curve is much higher, but it has a ton of things that Sculptris doesn't (toggle asym sculpting, boolean ops, zsphere-type base mesh creation, etc..)
21:57:40gradhathere you go https://code.google.com/p/graphicsdemoskeleton/ for your game
21:58:11BitPuffinfilwit: yep I replaced sculptris with blender as soon as the feature was added
21:58:48BitPuffinOrionPK: what about skeletal animations?
21:59:09filwitgradha: looks like a D3D code-base.. meaning all Matrix/Quaternion math will be row-major and will need converting to OpenGL col-major probably
21:59:10OrionPKhave you done them?
21:59:46BitPuffinOrionPK: actually I did test animate that model really quickly but I didn't do it with a clean retopologized mesh (because I didn't know better then) so it turned out to be shit
21:59:56BitPuffinOrionPK: but the result is on the toob
22:01:10filwitAnimation is a huge world.. you can just do forward kinematics, to do any walk-cycles or anything you need to know how to create proper IK rigs, etc
22:01:32filwitthis is why video games cost millions of dollars today
22:02:07filwityou have a army of artist/coders working on specific things... one guy does texturing, one guy does rigging.. no way to build a decent game without knowledge on all those fronts
22:02:21filwitthat's why i said Scare game..
22:02:42filwiteasy cause there doesn't even need to be animations (just look at the Slendy games.. he just glides along)
22:03:00gradhaor model kirby
22:03:02filwitso it's just ray-intersection with the world and rendering polygons and you're done
22:03:40OrionPKfilwit a lot of work has to go into the ambiance though
22:03:44OrionPKfor a horror game
22:03:46gradhait could be a game where the only model is a kirby model
22:03:54OrionPKyou need music, good lighting, etc
22:04:04gradhaso to differentiate things, you use different kirby colors
22:04:24gradhaand if you put three or more kirbies of the same color, they disappear and you score some points
22:04:25filwittrue, but that's much easier to do and it's all just creative sound/artwork at that point.. no "we can't do this cause no one knows how to properly UV unwrap models fast enough"
22:04:36gradhayou could name it… kirbtris, or kirby crush
22:04:54filwitor.. make a game like a puzzle or tetris game
22:05:01filwitsomething along those lines
22:05:03OrionPKsomething arcady would be a lot easier
22:05:23OrionPKand be a good first go on making a game in nimrod
22:05:31BitPuffinanyways I think we could remedy the problem of this kind of project being huge by making it pseudo procedural
22:05:33OrionPKsomething fun that you can just pick up and play with no story
22:05:43BitPuffinso that assets are already created etc
22:05:56BitPuffinbut the world is layed out in a unique way each time
22:06:06gradhaI reckon you can create shapes of anything with small enough kirbies, like pixel size small
22:06:15filwitBitPuffin: perfect! just make a Minecraft clone!
22:06:21filwit(jk.. don't actually do that)
22:06:25BitPuffinfilwit: no >.<
22:06:36filwit^ lol
22:06:59fowlthis convo should go in another room
22:07:06fowl#nimrod-community or something
22:07:45filwitsure fowl. though it's not like there's a ton of people asking Nimrod-related questions atm
22:09:26BitPuffinfowl: exactly, you can just zap to another channel :P
22:09:32BitPuffinno but I dunno
22:09:39BitPuffinmaybe #nimrod-game or something
22:09:40fowlif there was it would be washed out
22:11:42OrionPKfowl welcome to IRC
22:12:12fowlthanks, ive been here since i was 11
22:14:26*filwit discovered IRC only a couple years back
22:14:55BitPuffindom96: okay so how does this sound: each session starts with the actual invasion + outbreak thing where the players start with nothing to defend themselves with. So you have an intense start each game when you go hunting for weapons, and then from there it's about survival or maybe even defeating the invasion? with random worlds each time?
22:15:10BitPuffinpoop and stuff?
22:15:39OrionPKbasically killing floor
22:16:04filwitOrionPK, it's all been done before.. the point is to do it with Nimrod i think
22:16:12AraqVarriount: that they keep state is essential for async stuff
22:16:28BitPuffinOrionPK: killing floor isn't random and open
22:16:38BitPuffinOrionPK: it's with pre-built maps and more closed
22:16:59EXetoCshould only take a month or two
22:17:03BitPuffinEXetoC: :P
22:17:10BitPuffinEXetoC: don't you mean a weekend?
22:18:04BitPuffinno but if you keep things simple from there (simple art style etc) it isn't a huge mega project
22:19:16*musicalchair joined #nimrod
22:19:24BitPuffinhello musicalchair
22:19:43musicalchairhello BitPuffin!
22:20:07BitPuffinmusicalchair: are you new?
22:21:37musicalchairBitPuffin: I've been hanging out in this channel here and there. I've *barely* played around with nimrod. I recently picked up D and have been doing my best to focus on that for at least a month =P
22:22:14dom96BitPuffin: to be honest I doubt I will have enough time to work on it :(
22:22:39BitPuffinmusicalchair: ah okay! Yeah I've been a D user too. Let us know if you need any help if you decide to stick with nimrod for a while!
22:23:30BitPuffindom96: perhaps :/
22:24:43musicalchairBitPuffin: after using D for a little, the effects system nimrod has seems pretty nice. What's your biggest nimrod > D feature?
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22:25:11BitPuffinmusicalchair: well one thing about D that breaks the deal a bit is the stop the world GC
22:25:56BitPuffinmusicalchair: nimrod also has much nicer metaprogramming abilities (macros etc) and a pretty syntax
22:26:36musicalchairBitPuffin: yes, I'm eager to play around with nimrod's metaprogramming (and hopefully not fall down a rabbit hole)
22:27:43BitPuffindom96: well at least it's what i could come up with that was 3d and multiplayer that wasn't yet another warsow/xonotic
22:28:38filwitmusicalChair: I think the "biggest" Nimrod > D feature is specific to your goals. I came from D as well, and for me it's the GC and performance of Nimrod over D (and that it compile to C, which is nice for ARM, etc, which D doesn't support well)
22:29:31BitPuffinyeah compile to C definitely brings it to all possible kinds of platforms
22:29:34musicalchairBitPuffin: I'm no GC expert. From http://nimrod-code.org/gc.html I gather that the nimrod GC only runs on memory alloc. At which point a partial GC can occur, stopping the world (for that thread). I guess, from my uninformed perspective, it seems like nimrod also stops the world, but more deterministically
22:29:38BitPuffinlike you could run nimrod on a console for example
22:29:47musicalchairfilwit: portability is definitely on my mind =)
22:30:02BitPuffingame console that is
22:30:35musicalchairI also want to learn about compilers so it seems like a young language like nimrod might have more opportunities for me to learn
22:30:43Araqmusicalchair: since it's thread local it doesn't stop "the world" (which would be "stop every thread")
22:30:51BitPuffinmusicalchair: well yeah the GC doesn't stop the entire program and it dosn't stop for a noticable time
22:31:11musicalchairok, makes sense
22:31:21Araqalso it doesn't "stop" it takes up the time slice you give to it
22:31:45Araqand is able to collect a little, in other words does useful work and returns
22:31:54filwitmusicalchair: all GC's technically "stop the world" (i think), some just don't need to collect everything all at once (like Nimrod's GC)
22:32:09Araqas opposed to merely doing nothing useful for the time you give to it
22:32:42BitPuffinyeah that's a much better explanation
22:32:55BitPuffinAraq is really the guy to talk to about this
22:33:09filwitmusicalchair: that's what an "incremental" GC is. In my experience, Nimrod's GC is simply the best around (in terms of performance, control, and multi-threading).
22:33:38filwitfilwit: granted, i've never tested Java's GC much, and I'd imagine it'd give Nimrod's a run for it's money
22:34:40Araqthe GC's throughput is not nearly as good, but we'll get there
22:34:40BitPuffinfilwit: I'm not sure it would be all that much better
22:34:55BitPuffinmaybe better but not run for its money better
22:35:29*MFlamer joined #nimrod
22:35:32Araqalso one more thing: a good GC is barely an implementation detail
22:35:37filwitwell i've just heard that Java's GC is "the best", but don't actually have (much of) any experience with it
22:36:25BitPuffinwell java also loses some performance because its not native cewd
22:36:28Araqthe language semantics need to be adapted for efficient GCs
22:37:03Araqand both D and Golang get that horribly wrong :P
22:38:20BitPuffinAraq: nimrod got it right. It's got the acyclic pragma
22:39:25filwitmusicalchair: on top of what Araq just said, Nimrod also has a ton of control of it's GC, and (if memory serves), it's standard lib works well without the GC, so turning it off in areas is actually doable (compared to D)
22:39:36filwit(Araq: correct me if i'm wrong on that)
22:40:53Araqactually since the GC works rather well the stdlib does allocate without caring too much
22:41:13Araqallocations are only avoided for performance reasons but it does allocate
22:41:29AraqD's stdlib is getting crazy about avoiding GC
22:41:42Araqsince they can't make the GC fast :P
22:41:46filwiti see, okay well nevermind then
22:42:26filwitI think some big AAA game company just revealed they're using some C++ GC on all their code anyways..
22:42:28musicalchairinteresting points! Being able to control the GC time slices seems awesome
22:43:02musicalchairAraq: I'd be interested in hearing about your thoughts on coupling language semantics to the GC sometime
22:43:31Araqsure it would make a great blog post I guess
22:43:58Araqbut then it took years of pain to gain all that knowledge, so I'd rather write a book about it :P
22:44:00BitPuffinfor sure
22:44:16musicalchairI think so =)
22:44:40MFlamerBitPuffin: how did that bug fix turn out?
22:45:01filwitAraq: that's not a bad idea actually. You could sell it.. i found D randomly, but I learned it by buying Andreas "The D Programming Language" book
22:45:24Araqhis name is alexandrescu
22:46:06filwiti always for his name cause i'm American
22:46:16filwitand i use that as an excuse not to remember things like that
22:46:34BitPuffinAraq: wait your name is not Andrei Alexandrescu?
22:46:48AraqBitPuffin: no, I'm not famous
22:46:56filwitnot yet
22:47:12filwitgoal is to put Araq's picture on all the code blogs
22:47:15BitPuffinMFlamer: didn't work on it today, got stuck yesterday, but it's near completion I think :P
22:47:23BitPuffinAraq: it was a joke
22:47:29BitPuffinactually I also own that book
22:47:39filwitAraq, i'm going to make one of those "Hope" obama images with your face on it
22:47:47filwitAraq: hahaha
22:47:53Araqfilwit: gah
22:48:01*OrionPK quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
22:49:22filwitAraq: a bit more serious though, any word on your talk yet?
22:50:04filwitAraq: i forget when dom96 said that would be available. was it Nov, Dec, or Jan ?
22:50:27Araqno idea, nobody asked for my permission and I'm too busy to ask them
22:50:44BitPuffinAraq: what are your thoughts on Andrei?
22:51:14Araqhe's brilliant but underestimates the cost of parametrization
22:51:17filwitAraq: also, what's your thoughts on the Pope, Ghandi, and Princess Diana?
22:51:33Araqthe new Pope is creepy
22:51:44BitPuffinhe does look like a sith lord
22:52:43filwitidk, i haven't really been keeping up with the Catholics. The old guy looked creepy, so if the new guys looks worse...
22:53:06fowlthe last one looked liek palpatine
22:53:19EXetoCin the meantime, check out other presentations, such as "Taking PHP Seriously" for example
22:54:45BitPuffinAraq: doesn't nimrod also have a lot of parameterization? or are you referring to D's stdlib?
22:55:02BitPuffinAraq: also isn't walter kind of an optimization guy who should raise a red flag if it costs too much :P
22:56:50AraqBitPuffin: well tbh in the long run I expect somebody figures nimrod can easily do D-styled ranges and uses them everywhere
22:57:14BitPuffinAraq: how can one do that btw?
22:58:39filwitBitPuffin: to long to explain in IRC
22:58:42Araqhu? how is that in any way hard to do?
22:59:28BitPuffinAraq: well not sure, I didn't really ever use them
22:59:49filwitBitPuffin: a "range" in D is just a generic pointer + length type (used in all their stdlibs instead of iterators)
23:00:25*Amrykid quit (Excess Flood)
23:00:40EXetoCit can be anything that implements its interface
23:00:49*Amrykid joined #nimrod
23:01:12EXetoCpopFront and all that
23:01:14filwitBitPuffin: yeah, what EXetoC said.. it's just an duck-typed interface
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23:02:59BitPuffinsounds goofy
23:03:27EXetoCI shouldn't say interface though
23:03:54filwit"prototype" ?
23:04:24Araqafaict D makes the mistake to use ranges for everything including streams
23:04:25filwitbtw, Araq: does Nimrod have any {.noInstanceOfThisType.} pragma?
23:04:45Araqbut for streams you should use dynamic binding to avoid code bloat
23:05:11musicalchairBitPuffin: I seem to remember you wanted to write a wayland shell in nimrod. How's that going? Do you have any goals? I'm toying with the idea of a WM that reveals communication links between processes and allows manipulating, inspecting them
23:05:35filwitmusicalchair: just port Weston to Nimrod :D
23:05:47Araqso ... the design doesn't really work, though maybe they have workarounds in place for that
23:06:12musicalchairfilwit: that could be a nice exercise. hmm
23:06:42Araqfilwit: no but you might be able to fake it with a TR macro
23:06:45filwitAraq: to be fair, ranges work quite well for some things.. and the Steams example is more like a bad use of ranges rather than ranges themselves being "bad"
23:07:01filwitAraq: okay, just wanted to know.
23:07:12Araqranges are hard to write, nimrod's iterators are much easier to write
23:07:25Araqrange work well when you use them though
23:08:01Araqbut then C#'s IEnumerable is comparable and C# has yield ...
23:08:18filwitnot inlineable though!
23:08:22filwit(i think?)
23:08:24EXetoCexcept when you're trying to be const-correct
23:09:17Araqfilwit: I think it's inlinable with a bit of effort
23:09:30BitPuffinmusicalchair: well it's on ice until an issue with the wlglamor driver is fixed
23:09:50filwitAraq: C#'s? Even if it is, i highly doubt they do it.
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23:10:39Araqfilwit: I guess they don't but you'd be surprised what a typical JIT for JS does with these things
23:12:06musicalchairBitPuffin: I see
23:12:16filwitAraq: I've looked at V8 a bit, i understand a JIT can do a lot of fancy things.
23:14:54*fredmorcos joined #nimrod
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23:36:15BitPuffindom96: non mod prop hunt? :P
23:37:21*fredmorcos quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:44:45gradhagood night
23:44:55*gradha quit (Quit: bbl, need to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7pXRdkdJxI again)
23:45:04dom96BitPuffin: huh?
23:46:40BitPuffindom96: game
23:47:03dom96I know, but I'm not sure what you mean by what you said.
23:47:49BitPuffindom96: well standalone open source version of prop hunt
23:48:00dom96no idea what prop hunt is :P
23:48:09fowllike duck hunt
23:48:12fowlcept you hunt props
23:50:27BitPuffindom96: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=prop+hunt
23:52:13dom96hah, that's brilliant.
23:52:20dom96Never heard of this.
23:52:30BitPuffinit's hilarious
23:52:32dom96Looks like I need to spend more time on youtube
23:52:52fowlfirst time i've heard someone say that ^
23:54:13BitPuffindom96: would be cool to have that except with random placement of props, because after a while you learn how a level should look and it becomes obvious what's the props
23:54:46*MFlamer joined #nimrod
23:57:42dom96Going to need lots of models for props though I think
23:59:15dom96BitPuffin: EXetoC: We should play some gmod :P
23:59:36BitPuffindom96: props are easy