<< 08-01-2019 >>

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05:29:53FromDiscord_<Geroro / Grey Ghost> Hi all! I just loaded up SDL2 without problems but my program can't find SDL2_Image, I've included both in the same directory and after an hour of debugging am completely lost
05:38:44shashlickPlease post a snippet
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09:04:07FromDiscord_<Valgrind> Morning! What does `static x` (instead of say `var x`) mean?
09:04:39leorize!eval static x = 0
09:04:39NimBotCompile failed: <no output>
09:05:28leorize@Valgrind: are you talking about something like this `proc a(b: static int)`?
09:07:34FromDiscord_<Valgrind> Yes.
09:07:44leorizehere you go: https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#special-types-static-t
09:08:06FromDiscord_<Valgrind> Oh thanks.
09:10:58*Gertm left #nim ("Leaving")
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10:11:50FromGitter<mratsim> static means compile-time evaluation
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11:59:43ZevvIs there a specific philosophy in Nim design considering modifying/deleting lists/seqs/tables while iterating? When is this considered safe/unsafe?
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12:06:11Araqyes. don't
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12:17:10Zevvthat's pretty clear
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12:21:00FromGitter<alehander42> well you can modify an element
12:23:03ZevvTrue, the list doesn't care about the elements. But adding elements while iterating is not ok, just as deletion
12:23:21ZevvIs this mentioned in the docs somewhere?
12:24:11narimiranit is "well known"
12:25:29FromGitter<zacharycarter> is there a programming language where this is encouraged?
12:25:44FromGitter<zacharycarter> not trying to be a dick - genuinely curious
12:26:44Araqsystem.nim has an assertion to cover that
12:27:02Araqfor seqs and so in theory Tables also have this check
12:27:17Araqsince they are based on seqs. I never tried it though, let's see
12:28:08ZevvLua allows deletions: "The behavior of next is undefined if, during the traversal, you assign any value to a non-existent field in the table. You may however modify existing fields. In particular, you may clear existing fields."
12:28:49ZevvAraq: table's pairs() does not complain
12:28:55AraqI noticed, that's bad
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12:59:55FromGitter<mratsim> Python complains
13:08:01FromGitter<timotheecour> @araq is there a way to get RTTI in Nim? eg use case: nim-based lld (or gdb, doesn’t matter) helpers such as formatters, so I could simply run: ⏎ `(lldb) $ myvar` and have custom logic in nim to traverse `myvar` (eg print fields that i want etc)
13:09:03FromGitter<timotheecour> I know how to do it at CT, but I need to do it at RT since the queries are known at RT (say, during a lldb debug session)
13:10:32FromGitter<timotheecour> I don’t mind if it requires an extra flag that slows down performance a bit, it’s for debugging ; (also note that that could also be also useful for REPL applications)
13:15:11FromGitter<timotheecour> note that lldb API provides this (eg: https://lldb.llvm.org/python_reference/lldb.SBModule-class.html) but it’d require interop wrappers bw python and nim which is a pain (and would also have the cgen artifacts), so i was wondering if there’s a direct way, say, given a pointer to a variable + a type name
13:18:31FromGitter<alehander42> @timotheecour why don't you want to use python pretty printers? this is working well for gdb and I suppose it would well for lldb as well
13:20:32FromGitter<timotheecour> several reason: first, gdb hasn’t been supported on OSX since latest OSX (mojave) (see my other reported issues on this; there may be hope coming but still, lldb is more feature-rich)
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13:21:20FromGitter<alehander42> ok, but doesn't lldb also have support for python scripting
13:21:48FromGitter<timotheecour> 2nd, i did try (with patched gdb to overcome above limitations) but getting missing debug info eg: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ as well as `b foo` not working (whereas it works on lldb) [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c34a3ec82a6c30b90a3ba0f]
13:22:30FromGitter<alehander42> wait, what do you mean by "gdb is not working on osx"
13:22:42FromGitter<alehander42> gdb itself? even for c/c++ programs?
13:22:47FromGitter<alehander42> this can't be true
13:23:01FromGitter<timotheecour> third (but maybe consequence of above), with the `tools/nim-gdb.py` I’m getting errors of the form: ⏎ ⏎ ```configVars = , Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member named Sup.:``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c34a4354ed18278777a50cf]
13:24:04FromGitter<alehander42> I've written a good amount of various python commands for gdb last year and they seemed to work well with the nim debug info
13:24:49FromGitter<alehander42> hm, well this might be just a bug in nim-gdb.py, you should report it with reproducable example
13:24:51FromGitter<timotheecour> Sadly this is true, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49001329/gdb-doesnt-work-on-macos-high-sierra-10-13-3
13:25:38FromGitter<timotheecour> the fixes mentioned don’t work on latest OSX (mojave); (and even `brew` version of gdb doesn’t work; i’ve been following this closely and reporting bugs upstream since a year)
13:26:03FromGitter<alehander42> huh, very strange
13:26:28FromGitter<timotheecour> it’s a well known problem. gdb is just not tested on OSX.
13:28:58FromGitter<timotheecour> that being said, lldb is IMO the way forward, receiving much more development and features compared to gdb, and yes, to answer your quesiton there’s extensive python scripting available, I can do basic traversal of nim strucutres in lldb in python already
13:30:26FromGitter<timotheecour> but having some RTTI to do it in nim would have a lot of benefits for debugging (and REPL etc)
13:30:49FromGitter<alehander42> I've written commands that can traverse all kinds of nim values based on runtime info: the only limitation i had is that enum/case object info should be always emitted for all types in debug mode
13:31:45FromGitter<alehander42> @timotheecour what do you call 'rtti' exactly? rtti is additional data, but I feel like you're talking about additional functions? if it's data, what data do you think is missing?
13:32:06FromGitter<timotheecour> so how would that work given a pointer (just an address) and a type (eg `tyObject_TSym_JpsEh5i1AcKChGYbg7aV4w`) ?
13:32:39FromGitter<alehander42> well, you can analyze the type using the scripting api?
13:32:51FromGitter<alehander42> (at least in gdb this is easy to do)
13:33:20FromGitter<timotheecour> RTTI : run time type information; basically at CT it’s relatively easy to do traversal and it can be made to work with anything (seq, map etc); but not sure how to do it at RT where types are not known
13:33:41FromGitter<alehander42> wait, I see
13:33:44FromGitter<alehander42> so in gdb basically
13:33:48FromGitter<alehander42> you can traverse the types
13:33:54FromGitter<alehander42> it has this builtin
13:33:59FromGitter<alehander42> in the command API-s
13:34:07FromGitter<alehander42> is this not possible in lldb?
13:34:33FromGitter<alehander42> (basically the types are known, because they are in the debug info, e.g. dwarf etc)
13:35:04FromGitter<timotheecour> one problem is after c-gen I’m loosing the original nim struture, eg for generics, `Foo[int]` => no way to get `Foo` nor `int` param at RT from debug info, is there
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13:36:11FromGitter<timotheecour> yes, lldb can traverse types, but it’s the cgen types, we loose the original structured type (eg AST)
13:36:32FromGitter<mratsim> maybe with the typeinfo module? https://nim-lang.org/docs/typeinfo.html
13:39:00FromGitter<alehander42> @timotheecour yeah, but the cgen types are pretty important to be able to actually traverse the runtime value correctly
13:39:00FromGitter<timotheecour> I’m thinking of a compiler flag that could go over all known types and register a callback `print(p: pointer, typename: string)` that could then be used for all types given their name (which lldb knows); and that `printNim` could be itself implementd using an auxiliary proc that can traverse at CT
13:39:09FromGitter<alehander42> otherwise the generic thing is a good point
13:39:48FromGitter<alehander42> i think there was a sighashes flag which had some ability to serialize sighash => nim type
13:39:51FromGitter<alehander42> or something like that
13:40:53FromGitter<alehander42> btw @timotheecour you know, that you can also call dollar__<yourtype> right
13:41:03FromGitter<timotheecour> @mratsim oh ya. had forgotten about https://nim-lang.org/docs/typeinfo.html ; how would i use it given pointer + mangled typename ?
13:41:20FromGitter<alehander42> i've also done this before
13:41:25FromGitter<mratsim> I have no idea, I never used it but apparently that’s the way to do RTTI :P
13:41:33FromGitter<alehander42> basically you traverse all the dollar__ functions in your lldb script
13:41:41FromGitter<alehander42> and map them to types based on their arg type
13:41:57FromGitter<alehander42> and later you know which one you need to call for each value
13:42:04FromGitter<timotheecour> `dollar__<yourtype> ` would only work for `<yourtype>` that I implement though, right?
13:42:18Araqwhy is Foo[int] important? it's debugging, you get all the struct values
13:42:41FromGitter<alehander42> well yeah, but on the other hand this will let you `echo` while you're debugging: just another thing that might be useful for someone
13:43:23FromGitter<timotheecour> `Foo[int]` is important as it allows me to dispatch to appropriate printing proc (eg seq vs map vs my_custom_type_with_custom_print)
13:44:40FromGitter<timotheecour> by the time it’s a mangled name, all i get is low-level C fields ; i want flexibility of printing the way i’d do it nim `proc myprintT (a:T)` which can do anything
13:45:04FromGitter<alehander42> but it's very easy to demangle the fields and to get the higher level nim view of them
13:45:21FromGitter<alehander42> @timotheecour so why not just using `$`
13:45:32FromGitter<alehander42> it already works and people already implement it for their custom types
13:45:46FromGitter<alehander42> and you can have a universal repr as a backup
13:45:57*rect0x51 joined #nim
13:46:40rect0x51Hey guys, I am struggling to understand Concepts, what should I do other than reading the Manual?
13:46:42FromGitter<timotheecour> can u use nim's `$` in a debugger (gdb or lldb, whatver) on arbitrary variable? how could that work?
13:47:01FromGitter<alehander42> @timotheecour ⏎ ⏎ > @alehander42 ⏎ basically you traverse all the dollar__ functions in your lldb script ⏎ and map them to types based on their arg type ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c34a9d582a6c30b90a3e9ff]
13:47:33FromGitter<alehander42> at least that's what I did in gdb
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13:47:56Araqrect0x51, avoid them. ;-)
13:48:14rect0x51Araq: No! I like the concept of concepts
13:48:23Araqit's a fancy way to write generic parameter constraints, it's not an interface
13:48:53rect0x51Is there an interface feature like in Java, for Nim?
13:48:58Araqand parameter constraints hardly enable anything as the generic parameters are usually "lazily" checked
13:49:01FromGitter<alehander42> @rect0x51 well it's not hard to use it as an interface: you just need to list proc statements
13:49:26Araqconcepts are not interfaces and there is an eternal confusion about them.
13:49:50FromGitter<timotheecour> concepts = duck typing
13:49:58Araqwith an interface I can do seq[SomeInterface] and get a heterogenous collection
13:50:07Araqwith a concept I don't get that.
13:50:52FromGitter<alehander42> well yeah, i mean you can use them to immitate interface args, I agree it doesn't work for returning
13:51:04Araqthe Nim way of doing interfaces is to use first class procs or tuples of these
13:51:46rect0x51I need practice...
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13:53:16rect0x51Araq, I think I read something about Nim getting interfaces
13:53:31rect0x51Are there such thoughts floating around?
13:54:17Araqthere are macros to give you these, I don't want to add them to the language directly
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13:55:13AraqI programmed in C# quite a bit, Nim is better without 'interface'.
13:56:23rect0x51Yeah well, interface is nothing special, Nim's macros should cover it just find. Have to run... thanks for the advice, I'll try to find some project so I can practice macros and generics.
13:56:32rect0x51just fine*
13:57:05FromGitter<timotheecour> @alehander42 were u one of the authors of tools/nim-gdb.py ? i’m seeing it point to krux and coldome; looking at `DollarPrintFunction` it requires `$` to be instantiated in the binary otherwise the symbol won’t be available right? so if ur binary never calls `$(Foo[float])` but u wanna `echo` a variable who has a `Foo[float]` field, how can it work?
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14:20:15FromGitter<timotheecour> hah, so all i’d need is a way to get `rawTypePtr` from a variable in lldb; with it i could build a typeinfo.Any, and then I’d be in business
14:21:07FromGitter<timotheecour> (eg traversing fields at RT, dispatching etc)
14:26:12FromGitter<alehander42> @timotheecour no, they wrote it, I have my own equivalent set of python commands, that's what i based my comments on
14:27:10FromGitter<alehander42> @timotheecour well, I suppose that one can instantiate `$` for each materialized type in debug mode
14:27:17FromGitter<alehander42> this would make sense
14:29:35FromGitter<timotheecour> but i’m thinking a more generic approach is based on `typeinfo` ; all i need is a way to get the typePtr from lldb , and then we have all we need for arbitrary RT traversal or mutation; there shd be a way since lldb (or gdb, distinciton irrelevant here) already knows how to get type name and traverse it too
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14:33:58FromGitter<alehander42> well, you need a map between cgenned typenames and type ptrs?
14:35:12FromGitter<timotheecour> Ya
14:35:58FromGitter<timotheecour> so i guess i’d need to patch the compiler to output that right? (analog to the .ndi files that print mangled/unmangled pairs)
14:36:37FromGitter<timotheecour> unless that type pointer is somewhat accessible from a debugger? do u think that’s the case?
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15:14:36krux02timotheecour: you want to use the nim-gdb integration?
15:15:35krux02the good news is, you can call arbitrary nim functions from gdb, bad news is you can't reliably do so for printing values.
15:15:59krux02so basically you have to reimplement all `$` functions that you really care about in python with the API gdb provides.
15:16:34krux02I did so for most basic types, such as string seq enum and set
15:17:23FromGitter<timotheecour> see note above regarding fact that gdb is not supported on latest OSX (mojave); and about my failed attempts at using `tools/nim-gdb.py`
15:19:32FromGitter<timotheecour> I’m really thinking we can have a cleaner solution that can allow to not just pretty-print but also call arbitrary code in nim during debugging session; that’d really help debugging, providing something more akin to how it’s easy to debug in Matlab/python
15:21:13krux02gdb can be used to call arbitrary code, but that is not what you can reliably do when your program just crashed or most of your variables are still uninitualized memory pointing into illegal memory regions
15:23:11FromGitter<timotheecour> same note as above: ⏎ ⏎ > looking at DollarPrintFunction it requires $ to be instantiated in the binary otherwise the symbol won’t be available right? so if ur binary never calls $(Foo[float]) but u wanna echo a variable who has a Foo[float] field, how can it work?
15:23:47krux02well it doesn't the printer has to do some fallback for that
15:24:17krux02when you have a python printer, the existence of $ shouldn't matter.
15:24:18FromGitter<timotheecour> let me think for a day whether i can come up w POC based on RTTI
15:24:46krux02but for enums there is no type information in the binary to print them when $ isn't used in the banary, so then I fall back to integer printing
15:25:13krux02well first of all, you should get the existing solution to work on your computer.
15:25:22krux02you can install Linux on apple computers
15:25:36krux02even if it is in a VM it should work
15:25:38FromGitter<timotheecour> right, and lldb has same issue w enums; this is where the approach i’m working on could work
15:26:17FromGitter<timotheecour> correct, i shd try on linux since gdb is broken on osx
15:27:32krux02gdb isn't great, it has a horrible terminal UI
15:27:46krux02I use the emacs integration of gdb.
15:27:57krux02that is the clunkiest debugger I ever used
15:28:03krux02but it works
15:28:16FromGitter<timotheecour> well at least we both agree having a really good debugging experience is a must
15:28:30krux02emacs and eclipse work as a gdb frontend.
15:28:51krux02good debugging experience isn't something optional
15:29:53krux02I think lldb support should also be supported
15:30:31FromGitter<timotheecour> lldb works fine on OSX, modulo fact that `tools/nim-gdb.py` would have to be adapted, but other than that works
15:30:49krux02if you are able to do it, you can port the nim-gdb.py for the llvm API. it really isn't that much logic, I tried to keep everything minimal.
15:31:11FromGitter<timotheecour> (and modulo 1 bug i’ve reported specific to lldb, and 1 common to lldb/gdb)
15:31:15krux02but you should start going crazy and add a ton of features and gimmics to the lldb backend.
15:31:54krux02that isn't helpful, the implementation should stay minimal, as it break easily break when Nim changes.
15:32:53krux02I don't know any modulo 1 bug
15:34:31FromGitter<timotheecour> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/9753 and https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/9634 are the ones i was referring to
15:36:16FromGitter<timotheecour> when you get a chance i’d really appreciate if you could either comment or approve https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/9766 btw
15:37:00FromGitter<timotheecour> (i’ve addressed all ur past comments)
15:41:12krux02timotheecour: there is a # todo: merge with getSymRepr
15:41:33krux02I don't like these kind of comments
15:41:47FromGitter<timotheecour> i’ll remove it ; what other comments?
15:43:13krux02so basically you enable a command line option for the compiler so that it prints full paths to the console all the time?
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15:43:39FromGitter<alehander42> @krux02 the no enum RTTI unless `$` is instantiated should be fixed for debug mode
15:43:39FromGitter<timotheecour> done, removed the todo
15:43:50FromGitter<alehander42> i planned to do it , but not sure when
15:44:58krux02alehander42: so you suggest in debug mode there is always RTTI for enums no matter if there is `$` instantiated for it or not?
15:45:21FromGitter<timotheecour> well that’s part of that PR, but yes, `—listFullPaths` now is supposed to be honored everywhere (and if not , we can fix remaining places in future PR’s)
15:46:06FromGitter<timotheecour> (in earlier version of that PR i had introduced another flag for that but araq told me to consolidate with listFullPaths instead of adding another one)
15:46:14FromGitter<alehander42> @krux02 yes, otherwise pretty printers suffer, as you said
15:46:33FromGitter<alehander42> and good pretty printing for enums/case objects is very important as they are very prevalent in nim code
15:46:44krux02alehander42: I agree
15:46:53FromGitter<alehander42> (also rtti for case objects, NimDT_ stuff)
15:46:59FromGitter<alehander42> i can take a look tomorrow
15:47:01FromGitter<alehander42> if i have time
15:47:34krux02it is annoying to debug the compiler with `print node`, it is very verbose. But I don't know how to implement the variant types in python/gdb
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15:47:56krux02timotheecour: I think the PR is ok
15:48:11krux02I would benefit from these changes
15:48:49FromGitter<alehander42> @krux02 i pretty print variants using a patched cgen which adds a bit of rtti for them
15:48:51Araqinstantiating RTTI for debugging is the wrong idea IMO, instead use the .ndi file mechanism
15:49:03FromGitter<alehander42> but Araq told me i can do the same with the NimDT strucutres
15:49:09FromGitter<alehander42> just havent found the time to do it
15:49:12FromGitter<alehander42> I havent*
15:49:35Araquse the .ndi file mechanism
15:52:56FromGitter<alehander42> Araq, ndi files seem to only store mangling info ?
15:53:11Araqso make them store more crap
15:53:56Araqalso -- I have no idea how "the compiler instantiated every $ for debugging" could work
15:54:45FromGitter<timotheecour> if we’re gonna store more crap, i really want it ndi to be stored json (or protobuf or …), not custom text format, otherwise won’t be fwd/backward compatible
15:55:01Araqit's always the same story. You have a *tooling* problem and afterwards the *language* has a new feature.
15:55:15Araqstop doing that.
15:55:52Araqcase in point: system.once for hot code reloading.
15:55:57FromGitter<alehander42> i wanted to compiler to generate enum/NimDT rtti for each type, not every possible `$`
15:56:10FromGitter<alehander42> this seemed easy, ndi files might be ok too i guess
15:56:24AraqJSON for ndi is fine with me
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16:04:57AraqC++'s string_view also applies. Ok, slicing copies and that's bad. C++'s solution: break the symmetry between input and output types, add string_view to the *language* so that everybody has to think about writing string_view instead of string for input parameters. More cognitive load. Alternative solution: teach your optimizer about the f(s.substr(...)) pattern.
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16:07:13FromGitter<timotheecour> no broken symmetry with no null terminated string slices
16:08:31AraqAnd if you never find the resources to write an optimizer for the language in question (Nim?) because its type system turned into a black hole of sophistry (const T vs immutable T vs T), then maybe we need to rethink how we design programming languages.
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16:21:43Araq"no broken symmetry"? Vector<string_view> cannot be used for Vector<string>, different representations
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16:22:46FromGitter<timotheecour> i was talking about D’s approach here, where it’s all string_view
16:23:03FromGitter<timotheecour> (well, not exactly string_view, but closer to string_view)
16:23:33Araqtrue but the price is an unclear ownership model and a GC that needs to be able to handle interior pointers
16:23:56Araqthe unclear ownership doesn't matter because it's readonly, I know, I know.
16:23:57FromGitter<timotheecour> they’re verbotten
16:24:05FromGitter<timotheecour> in structs
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16:25:06FromGitter<timotheecour> and ownership would be made even easier with nim’s superior thread local GC instead of D’s shared model
16:25:22Araqthese things are hard but in the end I long for a Basic/Pascal-like language with metaprogramming
16:26:07Araqnot for a C+=2
16:26:15Araqor a C+=4
16:26:30FromGitter<timotheecour> what do u mean?
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16:29:22FromGitter<timotheecour> (and would allow us saving `sizeof(capacity)`bytes by removing `capacity` field, which disappears with D’s slices as it’s stored in GC segment instead of in each string/seq)
16:30:28FromGitter<timotheecour> that was a subtle point of the implementation
16:32:04Araqalternatively you can give dealloc() the size info your already have and save it in the allocator
16:33:07Araqor you invent a growonlySeq that checks if the size is a power of two (cheap 'and' instructions) in order to avoid storing a capacity
16:34:07FromGitter<timotheecour> `x=“abc”; x.setLen=0` => then capacity is lost with what u suggest? or im misunderstanding
16:34:27FromGitter<timotheecour> Oh, growonly
16:34:34Araqyeah, don't invent a growonlySeq, it cannot ever support reserve()
16:34:35FromGitter<timotheecour> but that’s very restrictive
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16:47:26Araqthat's true but consider this: after AST construction every 'seq' in there doesn't change anymore and yet we keep the capacity on the heap
16:48:10Araqall this "waste", we need a caplessSeq[T] instead
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20:13:28FromDiscord_<moerm> Hello
20:14:50shashlickwhat's up
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20:39:10FromDiscord_<moerm> Quick question: Can I, and if so how, force alignment (e.g. 16 Bytes) of an object or array variable?
20:45:56FromDiscord_<exelotl> I haven't come across a good way to do it so far
20:49:52FromDiscord_<treeform> Nim, like c/c++ will align your structures properly. But if you want specific alignment for network packets I would use streams and use the write/read interface.
20:54:54FromDiscord_<moerm> I mean variable, not packets or streams
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21:05:32rayman22201That is a probably an araq or a mratsim question. You might have to emit the gcc aligned pragma to do it.
21:07:11FromDiscord_<exelotl> that's one of the reasons I'm doing bindings for a GBA library instead of porting it or writing it from scratch
21:07:31FromDiscord_<exelotl> there's just no way to guarantee the layout I need for certain hardware structures
21:07:45dom96wat, I'm sure there is
21:07:59dom96If you can do it in C then you can do it in Nim
21:08:19FromDiscord_<moerm> rayman That's what I was thinking, too, yes. But I wanted a nicer Nim way.
21:08:57rayman22201technically C doesn't allow you specify alignment either. the align attribute is a GCC extension... more of a compiler "hack" than a language feature.
21:09:10dom96Anyway, I see at least one forum thread that can help you https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/2494
21:09:20FromDiscord_<moerm> exelotl No, rayman is right. One *can* do it via the emit pragma but it gets ugly
21:09:43dom96I guess you should upvote this too https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/1930
21:09:46FromDiscord_<moerm> dom96 I'll have a look right away ...
21:10:04dom96I should have probably said "might help you" :)
21:11:34rayman22201It would be nice to be able to do bit packing directly in Nim. I would like to use Nim on an ESP8266 one day, and that would be very usefull for embedded.
21:12:10narimiranhey dom96, i don't know if you're watching your github notification, so i'll mention it here too: for the new blog post to appear tomorrow, i think you need to do some server-stuff thingy :)
21:12:37dom96narimiran: if I do it now then it'll appear ahead of the date :)
21:12:53dom96actually, jekyll might even do some magic and decide not to generate it
21:13:11FromDiscord_<moerm> @dom96 OK, I looked. You were right, Thank you. the codegendecl pragma indeed is helpful (albeit still ugly, but nicer than a direct emit)
21:13:12narimiranyes, usually it is not generated until the date is not in the future
21:13:26narimirani don't know how it works with this extra step
21:13:36narimiran(will it appear automatically tomorrow or not)
21:13:37shashlickdom96: what's your highest priority next for choosenim and nimble
21:13:41FromDiscord_<exelotl> I'm struggling a lot with embedded at the moment... is this supposed to work with --os:standalone --gc:none? https://hastebin.com/raw/ukuhikalug
21:13:58shashlickI'm thinking of expanding the CI to osx and windows
21:14:14dom96narimiran: jekyll literally just generates static html of whatever is there
21:14:15FromDiscord_<exelotl> just a simple object instantiation gives "Error: system module needs: genericReset"
21:14:19dom96only when I `git push` it
21:14:38dom96narimiran: if you want you can change the date and I can push it now
21:15:02dom96shashlick: for choosenim I would love binary builds
21:15:03narimirandom96: if you'll be able to push it in the morning it is fine
21:15:09dom96(+ better analytics)
21:15:21dom96narimiran: only in the evening
21:15:47narimirani guess it is fine too :)
21:16:10dom96shashlick: for nimble it's lockfiles or an alternative, I want to research this well
21:16:20narimiran(i had changed the date from today to tomorrow, now i don't want to change it back again :D)
21:17:25shashlickI can setup nightlies as well for both
21:17:28*zyklon quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:17:32narimiran(nah, i'll change it, i think it is better that way, give me a minute or two)
21:17:58dom96shashlick: by "binary builds" I mean choosenim should download the Nim nightlies
21:19:40narimirandom96: changed the date. now it should all work and be visible once you do your thing :)
21:20:23shashlickOh yes sure
21:20:35narimirandom96: thanks!
21:20:42FromDiscord_<moerm> Btw, I'm just building some non trivial code for amd64 (nehalem+),, i386 (prescott+) and i386 (stoneage processors) with mainly Nim and some included C files and the Nim build system plus "when" constructs work nicely and are *much much* nicer and better than the old C way (make files, yuck).
21:20:49FromDiscord_<moerm> So, Kudos to the Nim team!
21:20:58*narimiran goes to sleep, bye
21:21:05FromDiscord_<moerm> cu
21:21:27dom96moerm: yep, I love that about Nim as well :)
21:22:25shashlickdom96: ok then first i'll make a PR for windows binary release builds from the older one
21:22:33shashlicki'll put in the powershell zip extract hack for near term
21:22:52shashlickonce i figure out nimarchive / nimgen / nimble stuff, we can move to that instead
21:23:34*narimiran quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:24:48rayman22201@moerm awesome
21:26:05rayman22201@exelotl, I think the person who did the Nintendo Switch support had similar issues and ended up just making a patch that implemented all the functions they needed in the system module under --os:switch
21:26:56FromDiscord_<moerm> rayman ? Sorry, I'm working so I missed what your "awsome" relates to. Nim's build system, I guess?
21:28:25rayman22201@moerm yes.
21:28:54FromDiscord_<moerm> 😉
21:30:12rayman22201I was able to get Nim sort of working on AIX at one point. It was very pleasant getting a nice language on such an obscure OS and architecture.
21:30:19FromDiscord_<moerm> Well noted, I'm even passing different switches to the **C** compiler depending on the processor target. Really cool what Nim offers there
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21:46:46shashlickdom96: what do you want to do with https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/88
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21:53:46dom96shashlick: Happy with the PR, just wish there weren't other changes to readme/gitignore
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22:03:11shashlickI guess you can edit it and merge per your requirements
22:03:19shashlickdon't need to wait
22:32:25shashlickdom96: the windows binary install PR is ready - do you have time to review it now?
22:32:34rayman22201@exelotl putting your let in a main function works. https://pastebin.com/raw/sLfB4xPH
22:33:34rayman22201it's probably because of the way Nim top level / global variables are allocated
22:33:40FromDiscord_<exelotl> ohhh
22:34:00rayman22201nowhere to put that stuff with no gc and no os
22:34:31FromDiscord_<exelotl> thanks so much, that solves a lot of my problems
22:35:04FromDiscord_<exelotl> there's one more thing I'm not sure about though, it's the same problem which this person had: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3910
22:35:19FromDiscord_<exelotl> wait
22:35:22FromDiscord_<exelotl> sorry wrong thread
22:36:06FromDiscord_<exelotl> this one: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3886
22:39:24FromDiscord_<exelotl> basically how to create a struct that goes into read-only memory (like data that's marked 'const' in C)
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22:41:35rayman22201Unfortunately, I don't think there is a good answer to that one, other than (again) dropping to C with an emit or a codegendecl pragma.
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22:43:14rayman22201I'm sad araq never answered that thread actually
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22:48:51FromDiscord_<exelotl> I'd be fine with using codegendecl for it, except I can't initialise a global object that way due to the previous issue
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22:49:08Araqprevious issue?
22:49:44FromDiscord_<exelotl> that this doesn't compile with --os:standalone --gc:none https://hastebin.com/raw/ukuhikalug
22:50:45rayman22201The issue is that he wants a struct declared as a global const so that it ends up in the RO memory of his embedded chip, yes?
22:51:05rayman22201i.e. it has to be outside the nim init code
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22:53:42FromDiscord_<exelotl> yeah what rayman said x)
22:54:41Araqoh not that bullshit again
22:55:07AraqI'll remove --os:standalone and --gc:none
22:56:06Araqjust compile your program with -d:noSignalHandler and maybe -d:useMalloc and maybe --gc:regions
22:56:11rayman22201You don't want Nim to work on embedded? or you think this is the wrong way to do it?
22:57:12Araq"embedded" works fine, it's just these switches, they are stupid
22:57:21rayman22201putting data in a RO memory is an important part of embedded development.
22:57:28rayman22201There should be a way to do it
22:57:38Araqthat's covered by .codegenDecl
22:59:22rayman22201except that codegenDecl can't move code around, only emit new code in the spot.
23:00:31Araq"move around"? it's readonly data
23:01:14rayman22201move the text, so the compiler puts it in the right place. Let me rephrase the question
23:02:09rayman22201declaring a struct as a global const at the top of a C file, will put that struct into RO memory (mostly by convention because that's what the embedded C compilers decided to do.)
23:02:20rayman22201How would do this in Nim?
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23:03:52Araqvar x {.codegenDecl: "const $# $# = {1, 2}".}: MyStruct
23:04:04dom96Araq: Please don't just willy nilly remove that
23:04:10dom96I use that flag and I'm sure many others do too
23:04:37AraqI never take good stuff away.
23:05:03Araqwhen I tell you you don't need them to develop kernels. Chances are, I'm right.
23:05:33rayman22201I believe you. I just don't know the answer. That's why I'm asking :-)
23:05:49Araqthe codegen was designed to only compile what you use, if your program doesn't use the GC, it won't be in your binary
23:06:52Calinouhi, my Nim t-shirt is on the way :)
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23:06:57Araqthere are some parts in system.nim that need refactoring but --os:standalone --gc:none is like using a chainsaw to cut your bread
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23:07:10CalinouI released a new version of my package (clr) to fix building with 0.19.0 since I forgot to make a release before
23:08:35CalinouI need to look into static linking OpenSSL/PCRE too, so Windows binaries don't need DLLs alongside
23:08:42FromDiscord_<exelotl> Araq: --os:standalone is necessary right? my toolchain is missing much of the C standard library so --os:linux won't work, and also the generated C code is quite heavy
23:09:11FromDiscord_<exelotl> e.g. the generated stdlib_system.c has static TNimNode TM_Q5wkpxktOdTGvlSRo9bzt9aw_0[108];
23:09:46FromDiscord_<exelotl> (when compiled with os:linux)
23:12:33Araqthere is a switch to make use Nim its own memset calls and Nim doesn't need malloc(), the TNimNode means you used a construct that uses RTTI
23:14:45Araqmost problems are caused by programmers who compile 'echo "hi"' for the device that lacks an OS, a filesystem and a display...
23:15:59FromDiscord_<exelotl> this is my entire program: https://hastebin.com/raw/ukuhikalug
23:16:51Araqput it in a main proc
23:22:39FromDiscord_<exelotl> the TNimNode stuff is still there even with a totally empty nim program, from what I can tell this is just a consequence of switching to --os:linux
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23:27:18rayman22201@araq was right (no surprise there lol). @exelotl this produces exactly the right C output: https://pastebin.com/raw/eqgLhY2m
23:27:44rayman22201and compiles correctly with no gc / no os
23:29:27FromDiscord_<exelotl> ouch so you have to embed the values into the codegendecl?
23:29:39FromDiscord_<exelotl> that's really not ideal
23:30:22rayman22201It's const going into RO data. Considering that, it's not terrible.
23:30:24FromDiscord_<moerm> @exelotl re your question: I just happened to use (and inspect the result) of .codegenDecl. And YES it works fine and you can use it to e.g. enforce something being const
23:33:32FromDiscord_<moerm> @exelotl "not ideal"? I don't see any significant problem with writing ``foo {.codegenDecl: "const $# $#".}: BazType`` instead of "foo: BazType". In fact a decent editor should offer you a way to automatize that
23:34:26rayman22201It's the struct member values initialization that is bothering @exelotl I believe
23:34:41rayman22201not the cdecl itself
23:34:49FromDiscord_<moerm> Oh, and: NO you don't need to embed your vars/consts. The pragma is literally the same for all your const stuff.
23:36:11FromDiscord_<moerm> struct members? Yuck. Maybe Araq has a cool way. I only used it for simple stuff (in my case var alignment)
23:36:37rayman22201If you look at the pastebin I just posted, you can see what we are talking about.
23:36:44FromDiscord_<exelotl> as in I can't do this let a {.codegenDecl: "const $# $#".} = Foo(x:10, y:20)
23:37:16rayman22201that has other problems @exeltol, because Foo(x:10, y:20) in a global scope is going to allocate.
23:37:59FromDiscord_<exelotl> yeah
23:38:17FromDiscord_<moerm> I guess .codegenDecl is for var *decl* - not for initilialization. I guess, Araq will be more than happy to correct me if I'm wrong *g
23:38:17rayman22201that's why using a main() function is really your best bet in general
23:38:54rayman22201well, as we said, the codegenDecl, does initialize the const correctly.
23:39:43FromDiscord_<moerm> but not the way exelotl needs it
23:39:57FromDiscord_<moerm> I guess he'll have to fall back to .emit
23:40:00rayman22201codegenDecl isn't about "decling" it's declaring a codegen node for the generator
23:41:57rayman22201pragmas can be used with macros. You could make the syntax look nicer with macros.
23:42:21FromDiscord_<exelotl> what I was hoping is that the value of `a` is something I could arrive at, at compile time, and then have it be placed in RO data
23:42:37FromDiscord_<exelotl> which could be really useful for things like converting graphics, generating lookup tables, etc.
23:43:11rayman22201Nim has const for compile time execution
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23:44:00FromDiscord_<exelotl> yep, but let a = myConst stil causes allocation when used at the top-level
23:44:38rayman22201Then don't use top level?
23:44:42rayman22201use a main function lol
23:45:27FromDiscord_<exelotl> but... I can't have something go into RO data if I put it inside a main function, right?
23:48:04FromDiscord_<exelotl> this feels like a big catch 22 to me :')
23:52:56FromGitter<mratsim> let foo {.global.} ?
23:53:09rayman22201this works fine: https://pastebin.com/raw/q7Vc28fS
23:53:17rayman22201outputs exactly the correct C code
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23:54:17rayman22201a is a global const of type Foo that is declared at the top of the file. GCC should stick that right in the RO section.