<< 08-02-2021 >>

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03:34:45FromDiscord<Yardanico> I did a similar thing a few years ago in my social network bot - https://github.com/Yardanico/nickel/blob/master/src/utils.nim#L69 (ignore the Russian comments)
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05:45:15FromGitter<Yardanico> > *<FromDiscord>* <ElegantBeef> Might only work on windows oddly enough ⏎ ⏎ test quote gitter
05:45:24FromGitter<Yardanico> oh, > and two newlines, got it
05:47:23FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Huh?
05:47:38FromDiscord<Yardanico> doing ircord stuff as usual
05:48:00FromDiscord<Yardanico> fixed the empty edit bug with embeds, adding reply support to discord now and I plan to do the same for the FromGitter bridge
05:48:01FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Ah i suspected asmuch but was a bit confused
05:48:09FromDiscord<Yardanico> because we have timo and 4raq who use Gitter
05:48:56FromDiscord<Yardanico> I mean I can only process gitter messages for Discord side (so if someone quotes a FromDiscord message in Gitter, the person in Discord gets notified)
05:49:05FromDiscord<Yardanico> (edit) "gets" => "will get"
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05:53:23leorize[m]just use the matrix bridge to deal with gitter :p
05:53:29leorize[m]gitter is a matrix server now
05:53:41Yardanicowell, idk how to set it up for our gitter
05:53:49Yardanicoand I don't have access to admin tools in our gitter room anyway :D
05:55:44Yardanicoleorize[m]: as far as I've checked you can't join matrix rooms that are not on gitter from it
05:56:02Yardanicoyou can post to Gitter rooms via a matrix.org gitter bridge though, but that's not what we want
05:56:33Yardanicopeople on Gitter can't join matrix channels on other matrix servers
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05:56:52leorize[m]ah yea, but the reverse work atm
05:56:59Yardanicoyes, but that'd make the situation even worse
05:57:30Yardanicoright now it's IRC <-> Gitter, with matrix.org gitter bridge it would be IRC <-> Gitter <-> Matrix (kind of, I know Gitter is a matrix server itself)
05:57:54Yardanicosorry if my point is not clear: I just don't understand how we can improve the current situation from the fact that gitter now speaks matrix
05:58:24Yardanicothey have "Ability to plumb existing Matrix rooms into Gitter natively" in "What remains", so we should wait for that I guess
05:58:40Yardanicoah maybe not
05:58:41Yardanico"Ability to join arbitrary rooms on Matrix from Gitter. This could consume huge resources on Gitter, and we’re not in a rush to mirror all of Matrix into Gitter. This will get addressed when Gitter merges with Element into a pure Matrix client."
05:58:46Yardanico"not planning to support"
05:58:51leorize[m]gitter replies and all that stuff is matrix-native, so you don't have to mess with gitter's api?
05:59:39Yardanicooh you mean we can reuse the same matrix bridging bot you used for nim matrix rooms?
06:01:18leorize[m]yea, so I can bridge gitter to discord and freenode natively
06:01:35Yardaniconot sure how to invite the bot to a gitter room, but yes, the idea might work
06:02:53Yardanicowith that we'll also be able to bridge gitter with more nim rooms
06:03:22Yardanicoright now only #nim and #nim-offtopic are bridged (and offtopic is named "twitch" because it was only added when 4raq and dom96 did some twitch streams)
06:03:37leorize[m]yep, gotta test it first though
06:03:55Yardanicoyeah sure, you can do it with the #test channel on Discord and your own gitter room
06:03:57leorize[m]would be hard since I don't know who is the admin on gitter
06:04:16Yardanicoi mean you can make your own gitter room to try first
06:04:16leorize[m]ah yea I can try it with a temp org
06:04:42Yardanicoyou don't even need to have an org
06:05:11Yardanicobasically click "+" -> Create community
06:05:21Yardanicohaving a GitHub org/repo is optional for Gitter nowadays
06:06:43Yardanicoanyways, time to push new ircord to the nim server
06:14:04saemnkEmpty seems to be used for more than just error cases. Guess it's time to push nkError in more places?
06:14:18saemI'll need to do some of that for the stability fixes.
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06:23:08Yardanico~stopping the discord bridge for a few mins hopefully~
06:23:12*FromDiscord quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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06:31:38Yardanicook, kinda done I guess
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06:36:22FromDiscord<Yardanico> In reply to @Yardanico "ok, kinda done I": reply
06:36:48FromDiscord<Yardanico> @dom96 not sure if it's the best way, but I added support for replies
06:36:50FromDiscord<Yardanico> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/808224802497364009/unknown.png
06:36:53FromDiscord<Yardanico> also fixed the embed edit bug
06:38:11FromDiscord<Yardanico> maybe there's a better way to represent a reply than the current `In reply to @Username: "first 4 words from the original message": reply`
06:38:33FromDiscord<Yardanico> also the reply thing is in italics (just like the code paste)
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06:50:57Yardanico@dom96 also, about the systemd service thing - you need to do the thing in https://superuser.com/a/1119686, otherwise my user systemd service is killed whenever I log out from ssh (I use screen for now)
06:51:20FromDiscord<Yardanico> asd
06:51:47FromDiscord<Yardanico> In reply to @Yardanico "@dom96 also, about the": @dom96 ^
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07:19:15FromDiscordUptime - 30 minutes
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07:35:38saemAraq: I have a vague memory of you mentioning a possible existing enum field in NodeKind that could be changed to nkError, was that just my imagination? I need to give that a whirl for the stability fixes because the nkEmpty ambiguity is biting us in a bunch of places.
07:35:57FromGitter<Araq> look at my araq-nkerror branch
07:36:02FromGitter<Araq> it already has the enum
07:36:29saemgot it, I'll use that as a starting point.
07:38:49saemOh yeah, I found Wirth's 2017 compiler design book (turns out it's a freely available), has a section on attributed grammars and semantics, pretty cool so far.
07:39:27saemIf people are curious here are the links for both parts of the book: https://people.inf.ethz.ch/wirth/CompilerConstruction/
07:40:30krux02saem, just downloaded them. Thank you.
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09:36:49ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by KnorrFG: Problem with sugar.capture and the js backend, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7486
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12:44:56krux02@Araq: Still waiting on your promised fix here https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/5795
12:46:36FromGitter<Araq> will do it later
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12:58:47PMunchHow much later? That issue is 3 years old..
12:58:57PMunchAlmost 4
13:04:38FromGitter<Araq> *shrug* we don't have the policy of closing old issues automatically
13:05:19FromGitter<Araq> there was heavy resistance to such a policy
13:18:41giacoI've finally completed "Nim In action". It was a pleasant read, is there any other book/blog/prosaic reading that you would suggest next?
13:19:32FromDiscord<mratsim> not really prosaic but this is pretty hands on with lots of various tasks: https://xmonader.github.io/nimdays/book_intro.html
13:21:55PMunch@Araq, no I agree that closing unfixed issues just because they are old is stupid
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13:23:16krux02Araq: so you want to say you wanted to "fix" the issue by just closing it unsolved.
13:25:08Clonkk[m]giaco I found http://ssalewski.de/nimprogramming.html useful
13:26:16FromGitter<Araq> no, we should replace 'linenoise' by nim code
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13:26:49FromDiscord<Rika> I tried
13:26:52giacomratsim, thanks for the link, also thanks for Synthetis, I've just started playing with it
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13:28:02PMunchIs there some place I can search all the nim-docs with a query string?
13:28:06FromDiscord<Rika> I think someone also made this before but this is just a direct port https://github.com/de-odex/linenoise-nim
13:28:14PMunchI want to set up a keyword in my browser to search nim docs
13:28:53Clonkk[m]<PMunch "Is there some place I can search"> You can try https://devdocs.io/nim/
13:28:53FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @PMunch "I want to set": theindex
13:29:28giacoClonkk[m]: thanks! I didn't know that Mr Salewski was also author of that manual. I do know him for gintro as he implemented most of gstreamer bindings for nim just for me (*much gratitude*)
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13:29:42PMunch@mratsim, theindex is Ctrl+f searchable, I can't do nim-lang.org/docs/theindex.html?q=my+query can I?
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13:29:59FromDiscord<mratsim> ^ing @haxscramper
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13:30:13FromDiscord<Rika> Tbh I use module names to query search
13:30:24FromDiscord<Rika> I don’t remember function names as well as module names
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13:30:54FromDiscord<Clyybber> In reply to @Rika "I think someone also": nice!
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13:31:31FromDiscord<Rika> I don’t remember why I made the port but it’s there
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13:32:17FromDiscord<Rika> I was gonna put some niceties for Nim since this isn’t C anymore but I didn’t bother because it always feels like no one seems interested in what I make lol
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13:36:10PMunchRika, well most of the time I do as well
13:36:20PMunchBut sometimes I just can't remember which module something comes from
13:41:05FromDiscord<haxscramper> I have ` 'nd' : 'https://nim-lang.org/docs/{}.html',` for for documentation in qutebrowser
13:41:17FromDiscord<haxscramper> So I just do `o nd os` to jump to module name for example
13:41:25FromDiscord<haxscramper> And then `/ funname` from it
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13:43:17FromDiscord<haxscramper> In reply to @mratsim "^ing <@!608382355454951435>": I you meant my haxdoc idea for `rofi` etc. it is not really ready as of now, though something like this could be supported
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13:43:45FromDiscord<mratsim> I don't know what rofi is, but just an idea of API.
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13:46:02FromDiscord<haxscramper> Noted. I think it shouldn't be that hard to support, though fault-tolerance (fuzzy name search) might require some work
13:46:13PMunch@Clonkk[m] can't quite get that to work either
13:50:07PMunchhaxscramper, that is a decent option
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13:57:05FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @haxscramper "Noted. I think it": if you allow fuzzy search you might open yourself to DOS-ing
13:57:33FromDiscord<haxscramper> I wanted to roll static site generator first, with something like flexjs
13:58:02FromDiscord<haxscramper> E.g. zero-setup, just put docs on github pages and done
13:58:45FromDiscord<haxscramper> Though it kind of conflicts with this API thing, but to be honest I don't have enough expertise to properly implement this
13:58:49FromDiscord<mratsim> I think for docs static site are likely the best
13:59:31FromDiscord<haxscramper> So I'd opt for static site, and ensure that people who know how to write more complex services can reuse my documentation generator for their tooling
13:59:35FromDiscord<haxscramper> As a library
13:59:54FromDiscord<haxscramper> And then provide any kind of API they see fit
14:00:46FromDiscord<mratsim> With section names you can use nim-lang.org/docs/theindex.html#my-proc
14:01:08FromDiscord<mratsim> nim-lang.org/docs/{module}.html?q={myproc}
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14:20:53FromDiscord<haxscramper> In reply to @mratsim "if you allow fuzzy": Although I have client-size fuzzy search implementation in nim, and I wanted to add it too
14:21:03FromDiscord<haxscramper> subltime-text-stdyle fuzzy search
14:21:08FromDiscord<haxscramper> (edit) "subltime-text-stdyle" => "subltime-text-style"
14:21:14FromDiscord<Clyybber> In reply to @Rika "I was gonna put": heh, now there is :D
14:21:20FromDiscord<Clyybber> (edit) "In reply to @Rika "I was gonna put": heh, now there is :D ... " added "(interest I mean)"
14:22:28FromDiscord<Rika> yeah let me see what my plans were
14:28:32FromDiscord<Rika> holy wow this is old (and shit) code lmao
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14:59:41ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Bobd: CreateInterpreter in a DLL, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7487
15:07:41reversem3since there is no trim method what do you guys do to remove white space and return chars?
15:10:10FromDiscord<pointystick> strutils.strip?
15:12:47reversem3ok so this then https://nim-lang.org/docs/strutils.html#strip%2Cstring%2Cset%5Bchar%5D
15:13:04FromDiscord<pointystick> yep
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15:14:52FromDiscord<pointystick> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2OKC
15:16:01reversem3sweet thanks
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16:25:26FromDiscord<CodeHz> Does anyone use nim extensions with vscode? seems it is still leaking the nimsuggest process https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/808372931767697448/unknown.png
16:25:34narimiranPMunch: is https://github.com/PMunch/protobuf-nim/pull/25 ready to be merged or should i send some more fixes?
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16:27:39saem@CodeHz that the extension I wrote and did you set the nim.project setting?
16:29:05FromDiscord<CodeHz> I didn't set nim.project yet..
16:29:23saemThat's likely not a leak
16:29:37FromDiscord<CodeHz> but I just switch file forth and back
16:29:43saemIt'll create one nimsuggest process per file by default
16:29:47FromDiscord<CodeHz> a.nim -> b.nim -> a.nim
16:30:24FromDiscord<CodeHz> https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13158903/107247990-d35c8400-6a6c-11eb-8a4a-60dc5661ec98.png -> and can easily hit 68 process
16:30:27saemThen it's possibly a combination of nimsuggest and the extension not getting along.
16:31:25FromDiscord<CodeHz> Trying disable another extension
16:31:45saemOh wait, how many files in your project?
16:32:02saemNim files
16:32:28saemFirst easy thing is set the project setting
16:32:49saemIf the problems go away it's likely indexing that's causing process creation
16:35:34FromDiscord<CodeHz> ok, when I set the nim.project, the problem is fixed
16:36:46FromDiscord<CodeHz> In reply to @saem "Oh wait, how many": only 10 files
16:37:42saemHmm, ok, not quite sure about that leak, something to poke at at some point. Hmm
16:37:48FromDiscord<CodeHz> to compare, when I removed the settings, the process go back to 10+ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/808376038923960340/unknown.png
16:39:11saemI'm guessing the way processes are uniquely identified is wonky maybe or there is a recovery path that's doing dumb things.
16:41:17saemAlso should make the extension easier to contribute to, it'd be pretty cool if Nimions could fearlessly fix things. It's be a cool community superpower.
16:41:20FromDiscord<CodeHz> wait, it only happens when I open the c++ language file at the same time
16:42:05saemWeird, it _should not_ care about that
16:43:14FromDiscord<CodeHz> ohhh. .json file can also hit this
16:45:04saemHmm, I wonder if the extension is being activated and deactivated and that's causing it to kick off a bunch of processes.
16:45:51saemI'm not at my computer to really look into it, but you could take a quick peek of you want
16:46:19saemI think the log even puts in a message ever time the extension activates and that'd be the first clue.
16:47:09FromDiscord<CodeHz> I got only one line log :↵`2021-01-02 00:0045:06.000474 - [info] Extension Activated`
16:47:40FromDiscord<CodeHz> I record a video about it https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/808378526888755240/nim.mp4
16:50:00FromDiscord<CodeHz> hmmm, suspicious log from the log (window) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/808379110044336158/unknown.png
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16:52:41FromDiscord<CodeHz> the cpuprofile that can be loaded from chrome devtools https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/808379789311606844/exthost-17bb8c.cpuprofile
16:53:34FromDiscord<CodeHz> tons of spawnSync call https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/808380008431091722/unknown.png
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17:02:30FromDiscord<CodeHz> it seems only spawn nimble... so it is unrelated problem
17:46:22FromDiscord<mratsim> can we do something about the nim.project setting?
17:46:34FromDiscord<mratsim> I don't think there is another language that needs that
17:49:42stefantalpalaruAny idea why I'm getting this in the "version-1-4" HEAD? "Nim/lib/system/memory.nim(38, 5) Error: cannot 'importc' variable at compile time; c_memcmp"
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17:53:01FromDiscord<haxscramper> stefantalpalaru: most likely you are trying to use something like `nimCmpMem` in compile-time context
17:53:10FromDiscord<haxscramper> E.g. in macro, or `static:` block
17:53:21leorize[m]@mratsim: most languages with an LSP need something like that
17:53:58FromDiscord<haxscramper> Is it possible to do `nimble build` without nimble trying to pull/install all dependencies?
17:54:42FromDiscord<haxscramper> I fee like I'm going to just work on nimph in couple of weeks
17:55:14stefantalpalaruhaxscramper: I think I'm just comparing strings at compile time.
17:55:37FromDiscord<haxscramper> Can you show the code?
17:55:58FromDiscord<haxscramper> https://play.nim-lang.org/
17:58:11stefantalpalaruThere's an operator overload for Eth2Digest that calls "equalMem()".
17:58:40FromDiscord<haxscramper> yes, most likely this is the problem
18:00:58stefantalpalaruIs "defined(nimscript)" still the best way to check if the code is executed at compile time?
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18:04:08FromDiscord<haxscramper> Maybe `when nimvm` can be used too
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18:27:27FromDiscord<Clyybber> Araq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/16849 is ready
18:28:12FromDiscord<Clyybber> @Araq ^
18:30:22saem@mratsim the project setting is unfortunate, but right now there really isn't enough information to do anything remotely sensible. I have a tough sketch on an idea but it's not going to move the needle until a bunch of other work lands.
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19:20:54FromGitter<Araq> saem: bad news, my nkerror branch looks far away from being ready
19:21:24FromGitter<Araq> your improvements are better done against devel
19:22:37saemAraq: I know, but that's maybe ok, the thing is what I'm working on is really running into needing it so I'll either have to inflate scope, accept a regression or two, or hope I can come up with enough creative little fixes to keep it relatively sane.
19:23:10FromGitter<Araq> "running into needing it"?
19:23:25saemI'll try that last option and resort to others if only necessary.
19:23:42FromGitter<Araq> well if you feel like it
19:23:52FromGitter<Araq> all that remains is to make all the tests green
19:23:56saemI can hack around it in pretty sure, but VM is pretty grumpy with some of the changes.
19:24:10saemGreen tests is fun!
19:24:11FromGitter<Araq> nothing more, nothing less
19:24:52saemI'll give it a whirl, but that's usually a nice game to play.
19:25:08saemnkError will make people happy, so win win
19:29:48FromDiscord<Clyybber> Araq: Addressed the review
19:30:59FromDiscord<Clyybber> @Araq ^
19:31:09FromDiscord<Clyybber> always forget that gitter requires the `@`
19:37:03FromDiscord<Kiloneie> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/2OM3
19:48:01FromDiscord<no name fits> Yeah the new audio is way better. The echo in the old one is pretty noticeable
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20:14:08FromDiscord<demotomohiro> new mic is better
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20:43:45FromDiscord<Kiloneie> and the headphone rattle/banging, cable whatever is causing it ? passable ?
20:43:51FromDiscord<Kiloneie> annoying ?
20:44:38FromDiscord<Kiloneie> i spent like over an hour in audacity trying to remove it with both noise gate and noise reduction and,.... not happening without making me sound really weird
20:46:33FromDiscord<Kiloneie> this sample recording didn't record any keyboard and mouse sounds which were a problem before, but from my other sample that i didn't upload, keyboard and mouse is now like 10% of the volume of my voice, pretty much noone should be annoyed by it
20:53:41FromDiscord<Daniel> In my experience, mic will pickup most of sounds in the environment, if its half a meter from your mouth, however, if its few inches away, your voice be very clear.
20:53:56FromDiscord<Daniel> (edit) "In my experience, mic will pickup most of sounds in the environment, if its half a meter from your mouth, however, if its few inches away, your voice ... be" added "will"
20:55:01FromDiscord<Daniel> it also depends to what you microphone is attached to, as the object to which it is attached to can also soak and transfer vibrations(sounds) into your mic
20:55:11FromDiscord<Daniel> (edit) "you" => "your"
21:03:01FromDiscord<Daniel> Have you tried using Noise reduction in a Audacity?@Kiloneie
21:04:42FromDiscord<Kiloneie> noise reduction is already applied via obs andd the mic is attachable boom mic
21:05:01FromDiscord<Kiloneie> im will take a pic in a few min
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21:18:55FromDiscord<Kiloneie> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/808446787140190208/IMG_20210208_221807.jpg
21:18:56FromDiscord<Kiloneie> Thats the mic
21:21:42FromDiscord<lqdev> the new audio is better yes
21:26:23FromDiscord<Kiloneie> With this mic i dont need a noise gate and i did try it and so far its not possible i think to remove headphone rattle/whatevervwith it, its for sure transfered via vibration
21:26:57FromDiscord<Kiloneie> Yes and no, lower sens. On mic lowered it
21:27:08FromDiscord<Kiloneie> But i cant go any lower
21:27:26FromDiscord<Kiloneie> Already at - 25 db with a 30 dB gain over that
21:28:18FromDiscord<Kiloneie> 30 dB gain is max for obs, yeh i can increase it further in edit but it makes the sound worse
21:29:42FromDiscord<Kiloneie> Maybe reattaching the double sided glue a bit further would help idk, i only got one left, gotta buy some
21:29:55FromDiscord<Kiloneie> Or 2... Cant remember
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22:38:52ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Pumpus: TA functions in NIM, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7488
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23:15:17FromDiscord<Pixtum> is there a reason I can't name a task clean in my .nimble file?
23:16:53Clonkk[m]That should be possible
23:22:41FromDiscord<Pixtum> ok correction, that's not the problem, apparently the issue is a function call within the task but the initial error says "generic instantiation of `task` " which is why I was confused
23:22:52FromDiscord<Pixtum> how do I delete a file from within nim?
23:23:47Clonkk[m]``rmDir, rmFile`` from Nimscript https://nim-lang.org/docs/nimscript.html should work
23:25:18FromDiscord<Pixtum> thanks
23:27:05FromDiscord<Pixtum> is it possible to assign types to task?
23:27:09Clonkk[m]Nimscript uses a different API than os for some operation
23:27:34Clonkk[m]AFAIK, no but you can define & call proc in nimscript
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23:59:04ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Alexeypetrushin: Questions about collect macro, and inconsistency in namings, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7489