<< 08-05-2016 >>

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17:55:54zodiakis there any extra debugging I can enable to track down what is not 'gcsafe' when I try to spawn a method ?
17:56:45zodiakI am trying to basically thread my app, so I figured I could jst spawn the main method (which takes nothing in)
17:57:05zodiak(when I say main method, I mean listeningForRequests() not main() ;)
17:57:38zodiakI mean, I can run like 25 instances of the single thread app but, that feels, weird
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18:26:20dom96zodiak: The compiler should give some hints
18:26:28dom96maybe you need to mark your proc {.gcsafe.}
18:26:40dom96or compile with --verbosity:4
18:26:46dom96or some other high number :)
18:27:22zodiakaaahhh.. higher verbosity should give me hints.. dankeschoen
18:30:25zodiakthat's definitely the trick.. danke
18:36:09zodiakprune_service.nim(4, 6) Warning: 'find_if_georequest' is not GC-safe as it accesses 'defaultSSLContext' which is a global using GC'ed memory [GcUnsafe2]
18:36:28zodiakdefault system library/module not gcsafe
18:36:34zodiakthat kinds screws my pooch
18:37:59zodiakanyway to make this threadsafe ? ; var res = postContent(url=analyzer, body=need)
18:38:16zodiakI assume it's that, and not the parseJson
18:43:53zodiakhuh.. I am running nim 0.13 but this https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/2692 is marked as fixed.. but it's not..
18:44:19zodiakoh. right. 0.13 was released jan 9th, this was merged later. got it.
18:53:02libmanI'm always looking for fresh pro-Nim propaganda for my Facebook Page, especially comparing it to Rust, Julia, and especially Go. ;)
19:04:48elroodi guess we'd prefer convincing people with practicality, efficiency, quality and generally a positive experience than with propaganda
19:07:46notfowlzodiak: don't you just need to pass your own SSL context to that function
19:09:37*derka quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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19:29:35zodiaknotfowl: whelp... I am getting a ; prune_service.nim(8, 20) Error: undeclared identifier: 'SSLContext'
19:29:48zodiakeven after including net, httprequest, and jst about everything else under the sun
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19:33:34zodiakI understand os isn't needed tbf
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19:40:18zodiakif I can create a context (and that snippet apparently doesn't work on glot.io either) then I can do; var res = postContent(url=analyzer, body=need, sslContext=mySSLContext)
19:49:10*fastrom quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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20:24:22dom96zodiak: did you compile with the `-d:ssl` option?
20:24:35zodiakI did.. and it gave me some more socket errors
20:24:40zodiakI am jst aborting using ssl atm
20:24:57zodiakI can fallback to regular with jst setting SSLContext=nil which is 'good enough' for me
20:25:35zodiakand now it's all threaded. vunderbar.
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20:27:26zodiakany desire to use protothreads at all ?
20:30:45dom96zodiak: it's `protTLSv1` not `ProtTLSv1` :)
20:30:59dom96what are protothreads?
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20:37:17elrooddom96, http://dunkels.com/adam/pt
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20:44:21zodiakdom96 dear gods.. if that's been my issue all along. I will try that after dinner (good catch :)
20:44:58dom96yeah, the compiler really needs to give suggestions about that sort of stuff.
20:49:51*libman quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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20:56:54*derka quit (Quit: derka)
20:59:10*space-wizard quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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