<< 09-03-2016 >>

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10:54:27gourmorning...there was talk in the forums that wx bindings for widgets would be released, but i do not see anything in regard, although was not very present with Nim in recent time. any news in regard?
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11:06:33SalewskiGour: wxWidgets wrapper from Araq is available. I think someone intended to make a higher level wrapper available at some time, mayby Goran or Mr OderWat...
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11:18:15gourSalewski: i know about the former, but was thinking about the latter...yeah, probably by OderWat...i was not able to build wxnim
11:21:04gouri'd like to see something like this for Nim: https://twitter.com/cschorn/status/706504048514617344
11:23:50Salewskigour: Yes, message was from OderWat, see http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/1523#11463 near the bottom of that thread. I dont know if OderWat will add GC support.
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11:40:50gokrNo, although I would be interested in wx - I don't have time working on it.
11:41:02gokr(regarding higher level wrapper)
11:42:36Varriount_gour: https://github.com/Araq/wxnim
11:47:14*endragor joined #nim
11:48:42Varriount_gour: What prevented you from building wxnim?
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15:29:40ArrrrThat's funny because yesterday i got a problem which dissapeared when using echo too, endragor
15:30:13ArrrrVarriount_ discovered it only happened in 32b build
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20:54:58filippohi all, is it possible to an operator that work like the elixir pipe operator?
20:55:32filippoSo a |> b becomes b(a())
20:56:01filippoor a |> b("foo") becomes b(a, "foo")
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20:56:41flyxfilippo: the first one can definitely be done with templates
20:56:50flyxfilippo: the second one would need a macro
20:57:35filippoflyx: i tried to go with macros but it seems it's not possible to write infix operators
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20:58:22nchamberswhy not just do b(a())?
20:58:43filipponchambers: because if you have a(b(c(d()))) it
20:58:48filippoit's not readable
20:59:01def-filippo: In Nim you can write that as d().c.b.a
20:59:18filippoit's prettier d |> c |> b |> a
21:00:16nchambersI mean I wouldn't say its unreadable, but def-'s idea seems good
21:00:30flyxfilippo: well you can of course write a template that calls a macro
21:00:55flyxso you can implement the infix operator with macros
21:01:25filippodef-: lol shame on me :D
21:01:44def-filippo: it looks totally fine to me: https://gist.github.com/def-/18979a11675cf94f90ea
21:02:53filippodef-: yep you're right, my fault i don't know why it didn't come to my mind
21:03:10def-no problem, that's why there's a #nim irc channel :)
21:03:25filippoflyx: correct
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21:36:50filippois it planned to have sequtils to work at compile time?
21:38:50ldleworkIt doesn't?
21:40:24filippofor example map doesn't seems to work
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21:40:45filippo(but maybe i'm doing something wrong)
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22:02:03*gour quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
22:02:58filippoReading this one http://nim-lang.org/docs/nep1.html
22:04:14filipposhould i use two new lines between procs?
22:04:48filippolike python or not?
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22:07:49def-filippo: I've mostly seen 1 line, sometimes 2 lines for bigger separation and 0 lines for very similar 1-liner procs
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22:21:39filippoWriting this one: map(temp, proc(x: string): string = x & "fsd")
22:22:05filippowhere temp is var temp: seq[string] = @["foo", "bar"]
22:22:26filippoi get value of type 'seq[string]' has to be discarded
22:22:39filippoi'm doing this in a compile time proc
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22:39:19def-filippo: map(temp, proc(x: var string) = x.add("fsd"))
22:39:58def-see the definitions of map in sequtils, there are two, one returns a new seq, the other modifies it directly
22:40:50def-Oh, it's being renamed from `map` to `apply`
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22:57:10filippodef-: thanks
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