<< 09-03-2018 >>

00:24:36noonienwhat cwd does ni/nimble run gcc in?
00:29:24noonienoh, same cwd nimble was called in aparently
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01:02:12FromGitter<data-man> I prefer tup for C/C++. And Premake5.
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05:30:08ieatnerdsIts late here and I think I'm just not doing something correctly.
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11:17:32Yardanicoare there any aes implementations in Nim except nimAES ?
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11:59:51PMunchYardanico, nimssl has some AES stuff
12:00:01*SenasOzys quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
12:01:03PMunchAnd there is a wrapper for libsodium
12:01:07PMunchWhich I think have AES
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12:07:41federico3it does
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12:34:10PMunchHmm, why doesn't this work: http://ix.io/UuT/
12:34:16PMunchError: cannot generate VM code for int32
12:41:09PMunchWhat I want to have is a lookup table that I can access to get the type related to some input type for when I want to generate Nim code from it
12:41:31PMunchSo if something is of type "sint32" in the input I want to map it to a "int32" in my output
12:41:49PMunchBut I can't simply use strings as I need to support e.g. "seq[uint8]"
12:42:14PMunchHuh, with a let it worked fine
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13:27:59dom96PMunch: seems like it
13:29:39PMunchLike a bug?
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14:20:20FromGitter<krux02> PMunch isn't a const section in a static section a bit overkill?
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16:08:17FromGitter<krux02> @Temperance: my minimal CMakeLists.txt example is the most stared github project that I have :P
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16:42:26FromGitter<samdmarshall> is there an easy way to check when a method call was introduced into the stdlib? the docs pages don't seem to list when it became available
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16:44:45FromGitter<samdmarshall> also what is the best way to debug a SIGSEV i'm getting from the compiler? :(
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16:46:13mirancan you show us the part of the code that raises sigsegv?
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16:46:59PMunchsamdmarshall, if you can find it in the source you can always run a git blame on it
16:47:21PMunchThat will give you a commit number which you can use to find the first tag with that commit in it
16:47:53Araqkoch temp c foo.nim
16:47:58Araqto get a stack trace
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16:48:37FromGitter<samdmarshall> @araq thanks, will do that, just a sec
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16:55:39FromGitter<samdmarshall> @Araq https://gist.github.com/samdmarshall/d0367b71bd3a75f497a10f0f912220ba
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17:00:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> I effing hate terraform
17:01:04FromGitter<zacharycarter> and aws really
17:03:27*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:16:25Araqsamdmarshall, never seen this one before
17:16:37Araqplease report it properly with an example program that triggers it
17:19:23FromGitter<samdmarshall> ok, i'll try to narrow down what i'm doing that is causing it
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17:31:32FromGitter<krux02> @zacharycarter I now use glad to generate the opengl binding. This is much more flexible than the official opengl bindings, because I can choose what extensions I want to be generated and much more important, I can check at runtime if a function/extension is available.
17:32:19FromGitter<krux02> this allowed me to put in much better handling of fallback solutions for MacOS wich only has this very old 4.1 context.
17:32:43FromGitter<krux02> So maybe you can soon try out my library on mac if you want. But not right now it is still all on the branch glad-test
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17:33:02FromGitter<krux02> tell me if you are interested, for now I have to go.
17:37:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> sure I am! @krux02 - I'm using BGFX again in my re-write of frag - but I'd be interested to try out opengl playground for sure
17:42:24FromGitter<data-man> @krux02: And do not thank me! :-D
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17:54:48FromGitter<samdmarshall> @Araq hmmm, so I've narrowed it down to performing a `.filter()` on some data, but i'm having trouble reproducing the same thing in an example. changing my filter code to a for loop instead does allow it to compile successfully, do you have any recommendation on how I could further debug this?
17:58:12Araqhmm no, we need a small program to reproduce it. or a longer one if you don't mind submitting it
17:59:38FromGitter<samdmarshall> ok, if i cannot get it narrowed down further then i'll just submit the code it happens on -- it is already public code so i don't mind
17:59:58Araqcan't help to have larger examples in the test suite
18:00:04Araq*can't hurt
18:00:21Araqon the other hand
18:01:06FromGitter<samdmarshall> the only downside is i don't know if it is related to a third-party library in addition to my code :(
18:01:27Araqwell I think I know
18:01:42Araqyou're capturing a variable that is destructured
18:01:59*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
18:02:09Araqseems easy to fix but a test program would be nice
18:02:25Araqunlikely that a third-part lib is to blame here
18:02:37FromGitter<samdmarshall> ok
18:48:00*xkapastel quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
19:24:02ieatnerdsis there a best way in nim to get cpu usage? it seems like the psutil library hasnt been touched in over a year and cpu usage was never completed.
19:24:38ieatnerdsim on linux, so right now im just using two readings from /proc/stat, but it feels like ther should be a better way
19:25:50FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3769405/determining-cpu-utilization - should be easy to reproduce in Nim
19:30:37ieatnerds seems like the accepted answer is what im already doing. ill just work on optimizing my code. might make my own port of psutil and update it too.
19:32:40ieatnerdsfork* not port
19:35:26Araqthe stdlib has some support for it, it's cpuinfo.nim iirc
19:35:57AraqNim's thread pool measures CPU usage to determine whether to spawn new threads
19:36:52Araqin retrospect a pretty bad idea for deterministic runs but hey, it's multithreaded :-)
19:39:30ieatnerdsThank you Araq!
19:39:48Araqmy bad it's in lib/pure/concurrency/cpuload.nim
19:40:09Araqand the interface is not what you want, but copy&adapt the code
19:40:14AraqPRs are welcome too
19:40:58Araqoh and it has no implementation for the inferior OSes for now
19:41:20Araq(OSX and the LSDs)
19:41:57ieatnerdsI'll take a look after my lunch. Again thank you!
19:42:35ieatnerdsalso while I'm at it, thank you for such a beautiful language. I've been in love since I found nim and have been getting all my friends to use it too
19:43:24Araqcool. I hope you have more friends than me then. XD
19:43:56Araq("than I have" is probably better English)
19:44:14ieatnerdsI think both work fine
19:59:42Araqok, well. Thank you too, you're welcome.
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20:32:31FromGitter<zacharycarter> I just got a new macbook pro and I've installed nim on it
20:32:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm gettting - cannot open 'compiler/ast' when I try to use any compiler module
20:32:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> any ideas?
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20:32:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> I also ran ./koch tools
20:32:53Araqnimble install compiler ?
20:33:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> ah - didn't realize I needed to do that, thanks Araq
20:33:10Araqor inside nim/compiler
20:33:15Araqnimble develop
20:33:24Araqwhich is probably the better option
20:33:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> gotcha thanks
20:34:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5aa2efc0e4ff28713a13a20f]
20:34:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'll go with the former
20:35:16FromGitter<Araq> maybe cd ..
20:35:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah - that worked, thanks!
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22:16:10shashlickdom96: merged all packages PRs into one - was using nimble publish since it's so easy :D
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22:17:25dom96shashlick: thanks :)
22:17:51shashlickare there any other major C libs that could do with a nim wrapper?
22:18:05dom96seems that the tests failed though
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22:20:03dom96oh, not related to the PR
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22:21:14shashlickis the lib page showing all unofficial packages? not for me https://nim-lang.org/docs/lib.html
22:21:47shashlickhttps://nim-lang.org/docs/nimblepkglist.js <= 404
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22:30:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> I think I'm going to start on a graphql implementation for Nim
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22:44:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> well - I guess the first step - is wrapping: https://github.com/graphql/libgraphqlparser
22:44:41FromGitter<zacharycarter> I was unaware of its existence until just now :D
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22:49:24shashlick@zacharycarter: would be cool if you could try using nimgen for that
22:50:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> shashlick: link plz?
22:51:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> thx
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23:01:20shashlickit's only OSX or Linux
23:01:31FromGitter<zacharycarter> that's fine - I'm on osx
23:05:12Araqwhat? why? what's platform specific about nimgen?
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23:05:41FromGitter<zacharycarter> well that was extremely easy using nimgen (assuming it works)
23:05:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> the code produced I mean
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23:30:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> running into this problem with nimgen now - fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
23:30:19FromGitter<zacharycarter> when trying to prepare in the cfg with a git repo
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23:34:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> I don't know - I think I find c2nim easier to use than nimgen - nimgen is nice but being more familiar with c2nim makes me biased I think - I know how to control things more in c2nim vs nimgen and the default nimgen / naive setup isn't working for me
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23:50:26shashlickmakes sense
23:50:53shashlicknimgen is more about automation of c2nim
23:51:04FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah
23:52:47shashlickcheck out nimssh2, it will be similar to this lib
23:53:02shashlickI can help if you are interested in continuing with it
23:56:34shashlickaraq: I meant the graphql parser is only on OSX and Linux
23:56:45shashlicknimgen can run anywhere
23:56:51shashlickit's pure nim
23:57:18Araqoh ok