<< 09-08-2022 >>

00:03:13*pech is now known as disso_peach
00:06:41FromDiscord<huantian> always like the commit message overflowing
00:06:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Same
00:10:16*laintree is now known as lain
00:17:27FromDiscord<tomByrer> In reply to @dom96 "doubt you'll see more": Why don't you think I'll see performance increase (at least over JS, if not GoLang)? I'll be taking 1000s of screenshots of an element that is changing.↵↵`WebDriver` oh I forgot the name of that spec; cheers.
00:47:31*wallabra quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
01:02:01FromDiscord<flywind> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473o
01:02:13FromDiscord<flywind> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473o" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473p"
01:02:19FromDiscord<flywind> This should work.
01:02:44FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Uhh
01:03:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473q
01:08:11FromDiscord<!Patitotective> what does auto does there? does it create a generic?
01:08:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yes
01:09:55FromDiscord<j-james> beat me to saying it on that style insensitivity thread beef, lol
01:10:53FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I noticed
01:11:10FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I left the message and instantly got an updoot
01:20:31FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> for parameters patito `auto` is the same as `proc name[T](a: T)`
01:21:23FromDiscord<!Patitotective> i get it :]
01:44:54*cctor joined #nim
01:48:12FromDiscord<voidwalker> how do you pack two uint32s into an array/seq of byte?
01:48:49FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> grow the sequence then `copyMem`
01:50:14*cctor left #nim (ERC 5.4 (IRC client for GNU Emacs 28.1))
01:52:09FromDiscord<voidwalker> like this ?
01:52:12FromDiscord<voidwalker> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473w
01:52:30FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> yep
01:53:13FromDiscord<voidwalker> `Error: type mismatch: got <(ptr byte, ptr uint32, int)>↵but expected one of:↵proc copyMem(dest, source: pointer; size: Natural)`
01:53:22FromDiscord<voidwalker> Ptrs must be of the same type ?
01:53:35FromDiscord<Forest> Does Nim have a way for me to include a snipped of code at any point in the file?
01:53:41FromDiscord<Forest> Not at the start, but right at the middle
01:54:01FromDiscord<Forest> Ik it's probably not very idiomatic but it'd be way more convenient for me lmao
01:54:07FromDiscord<!Patitotective> `include`
01:54:16FromDiscord<!Patitotective> (edit) "`include`" => "`include module`"
01:54:25FromDiscord<Forest> Does that work at any point of the file?
01:54:33FromDiscord<!Patitotective> yep, just like import
01:54:38FromDiscord<Forest> And I'm assuming it'll preserve the indent?
01:54:57FromDiscord<!Patitotective> 🤨
01:55:24FromDiscord<Forest> I'm doing this literally in a block of code lmao, i need to include it in that block of code
01:55:58FromDiscord<!Patitotective> well, ill think it is included in that scope like normal identifieres
01:56:00FromDiscord<!Patitotective> (edit) "identifieres" => "identifiers"
01:56:09FromDiscord<Forest> Ah so the indent isn't needed?
01:56:13FromDiscord<!Patitotective> (edit) "ill" => "i" | "it is" => "itill be"
01:56:15FromDiscord<Forest> In the included file
01:56:24FromDiscord<!Patitotective> no
01:56:36FromDiscord<!Patitotective> why not import tho
01:56:41FromDiscord<Forest> Oh
01:57:12FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @Patitotective "why not import tho": Pretty sure it's compile time and I don't think futhark would work with an import
01:58:06FromDiscord<Forest> Okay yeah include doesn't work in that block that's not fun-
01:58:29FromDiscord<Forest> Welp, 500 lines into that the bindings generator file it is
01:59:20FromDiscord<!Patitotective> In reply to @Forest "Okay yeah include doesn't": example?
02:00:26FromDiscord<Forest> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473y
02:04:20FromDiscord<Forest> Futhark is doing it's own thing to the names at the same time, that's annoying
02:05:00FromDiscord<voidwalker> ``nim
02:05:03FromDiscord<Forest> It removes the casing
02:05:16FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @voidwalker "``nim": Nim doesn't have any syntax highlighting in Discord?
02:05:18FromDiscord<voidwalker> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473z
02:05:21FromDiscord<Forest> Not on mobile at least
02:05:43FromDiscord<voidwalker> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473z" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473A"
02:05:53FromDiscord<voidwalker> I get different values ;-s means it's not copier properly
02:05:59FromDiscord<voidwalker> (edit) "copier" => "copied"
02:08:45FromDiscord<!Patitotective> In reply to @Forest "Nim doesn't have any": it does
02:08:53FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> In reply to @Forest "Nim doesn't have any": It does, but I'm pretty sure there is no syntax highlighting on mobile
02:09:56FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> nvm there is syntax highlighting on mobile, it's just wonky
02:10:38FromDiscord<Forest> Ah alright
02:13:30FromDiscord<Forest> How can i rename the functions in futhark with my own casing? It seems like futhark disregards my casing no matter what
02:15:49FromDiscord<!Patitotective> doesnt this solve that? https://github.com/PMunch/futhark#hard-names-and-overrides
02:17:25*wallabra joined #nim
02:22:10FromDiscord<Forest> No, futhark seems to disregard my casing even after renaming
02:27:40FromDiscord<Forest> My renaming should of made `wgpuTextureViewDrop` become `TextureViewDrop`, but Futhark just set it to `Textureviewdrop` anyway
02:46:19*arkurious quit (Quit: Leaving)
02:48:58FromDiscord<j-james> i mean `Textureviewdrop == TextureViewDrop`
02:49:16FromDiscord<j-james> it's only ugly in the wrapper, not your code
02:56:43*wallabra_ joined #nim
02:57:21*oprypin joined #nim
02:57:22*wallabra quit (Remote host closed the connection)
02:58:30*def-- joined #nim
02:58:40*xaltsc_ joined #nim
02:58:53*wallabra_ is now known as wallabra
02:59:02FromDiscord<Forest> Wait is Nim case insensitive?
02:59:09FromDiscord<Forest> When calling stuff
02:59:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yes
02:59:39FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nim is style insensitive for all identifiers
02:59:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Only the first character matters
03:00:00FromDiscord<Forest> I've been stressing over this for a bit.... Sigh I'm dumb, thanks haha
03:03:04*oprypin_ quit (*.net *.split)
03:03:05*def- quit (*.net *.split)
03:03:05*xaltsc quit (*.net *.split)
03:03:06*estiquelapice quit (*.net *.split)
03:03:07*cornfeedhobo quit (*.net *.split)
03:03:07*def-- is now known as def-
03:07:36*cornfeedhobo joined #nim
03:13:43*estiquelapice joined #nim
03:37:38FromDiscord<Forest> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473N
03:39:05FromDiscord<Forest> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473N" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473O"
03:39:22FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> well, it has a `return` and `arguments` field.
03:40:04FromDiscord<Forest> Ah okay
03:40:07FromDiscord<Forest> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473P
03:40:16FromDiscord<Forest> Should be ez then
03:40:19FromDiscord<Forest> Hopefully
03:43:29FromDiscord<Forest> Oh, does Futhark have a way to only enable exports for the aliases to sane names? (Without numbers)
03:56:13FromDiscord<j-james> `Can't fold empty sequences [AssertionDefect]` come on 😒
03:57:37FromDiscord<j-james> so strange that the actual line number where the foldl happened was not anywhere in the stack track
03:57:39FromDiscord<Forest> https://github.com/PMunch/futhark/issues/43 made an issue
04:13:42*xcodz-dot joined #nim
04:15:59xcodz-dotI am working with binary data, Is there anyway for me to define a struct/type so that I can directly cast that binary data into it. I know the binary structure of that data.
04:16:51xcodz-dotIf that is also possible, I am pretty sure that nim is a powerful system's language.
04:30:24FromDiscord<Rika> What’s the layout of the data
04:33:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `copyMem` is pretty much you want
04:42:56FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @flywind "Yeah, I was wrong.": I had no idea you could just negate types like that, that is pretty cool. Thanks!
04:43:00FromDiscord<Rika> Yes but it depends on if the binary data fits the data structures Nim has, without needing any sort of conversion
04:43:41FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea nim's typeclasses support unions and intersections 😄
04:44:42FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> We'll see when xcodz replies whether that works
04:54:26FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=473Y
04:54:44FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> What happens if you use it
04:54:50FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> "cant" isnt very descriptive
04:55:35FromDiscord<Bubblie> so when I use it nim says it doesn't exist
04:55:49FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> and you're on a windows machine?
04:55:55FromDiscord<Bubblie> yes
04:56:16FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Are you sure you have that module imported?
04:56:32FromDiscord<Bubblie> how do I check? because I did do import staticglfw
04:56:37FromDiscord<Bubblie> do I have to import more things?
04:57:03FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No clue what module is that defined in?
04:58:28FromDiscord<Bubblie> well its in staticglfw.nim
04:58:34FromDiscord<Bubblie> in the bindings
04:58:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> then it should work
04:59:16FromDiscord<Bubblie> yeah... maybe when I imported staticglfw its not using the right version? it seems to be using the latest though...
04:59:23FromDiscord<Bubblie> how do I check the module ive installed on my end
04:59:34FromDiscord<Bubblie> like its code
04:59:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `.nimble/pkgs/pkg-version/`
04:59:51FromDiscord<Bubblie> thanks!
04:59:58FromDiscord<Rika> Are you using nimble to run your code
05:00:10FromDiscord<Rika> Have you put the module in either↵Your code base ↵Or another packages
05:00:13FromDiscord<Rika> (edit) "packages" => "package"
05:03:19FromDiscord<Bubblie> well I used nimble to install the module with git if that's what you mean?
05:09:32FromDiscord<Bubblie> Found the issue!
05:09:33FromDiscord<Rika> No
05:09:37FromDiscord<Rika> How do you compile your code
05:09:59FromDiscord<Bubblie> oh I just do nim compile --run
05:10:05FromDiscord<Rika> What was the issue
05:10:19FromDiscord<Bubblie> so it turns out when I installed staticglfw it is not using an updated version
05:10:34FromDiscord<Bubblie> its missing getWin32NativeWindow
05:10:43FromDiscord<Bubblie> and cocoaWindow
05:10:57FromDiscord<Bubblie> do you know how to use nimble to install the absolute latest from a git repo?
05:11:25FromDiscord<Rika> Absolute latest depends on the branch
05:11:37FromDiscord<Bubblie> naster then
05:11:50FromDiscord<Rika> Find the branch you want and add “@#” then that to the end of the link
05:11:58FromDiscord<Bubblie> okay!
05:12:19FromDiscord<Rika> Maybe that won’t work, in which case write “HEAD” instead of the branch name?
05:13:47FromDiscord<Bubblie> Okay I installed with head
05:14:53FromDiscord<Bubblie> do I have to change my import to anything or can I leave it as staticglfw
05:15:09FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4741
05:15:42FromDiscord<Rika> No difference
05:16:33FromDiscord<Bubblie> it works! :D
05:16:36FromDiscord<Bubblie> thank you so much for helping me
05:16:45FromDiscord<Bubblie> sorry im still trying to get use to nim 😅
05:40:08FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/uXz
05:40:23FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4746" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4745"
05:40:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> when statements my guy
05:40:59FromDiscord<Phil> Been there, tried that, got a compiler error. One sec, I'll see which one it was
05:41:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Or a template
05:42:27FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4747
05:42:42FromDiscord<Phil> The lower one does work
05:42:48FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Of course not
05:43:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `fieldPairs` is an unrolled iterator
05:43:05FromDiscord<Phil> The upper one I'll take as a demonstration that you can't store iterators like that
05:43:11FromDiscord<Phil> Check
05:43:15FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yes they're inlined
05:44:25FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4748
05:47:15FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You can store closure iterators like that, and closure iterators are fantastic
05:47:31FromDiscord<Phil> I think the template approach is the better one, because it doesn't lead to copies for value type objects
05:48:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You can define the template in your procedure if you dont want it to be used anywhere else of course
05:48:26xcodz-dotSorry, forgot about this
05:48:33xcodz-dotI will leave for now
05:48:36*xcodz-dot quit (Quit: Leaving)
05:48:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> How dare you
05:48:47FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Buh bye
05:49:18FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I'm glad matrix has a "who read" indicator cause i know leorize is now back and reading my inanity
06:14:56NimEventerNew thread by Treeform: Show Nim: New Pixie 5.0 release with significant performance improvements, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9356
06:17:29FromDiscord<treeform> ^ look we did a thing 🙂
06:17:48FromDiscord<treeform> check out our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Did21OYIrGI
06:19:08FromDiscord<Phil> You make me want to write code with pixie treeform, and I don't even have a usecase for it on my webapp
06:19:28FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> make a profile pic generator
06:19:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Good for you since it doesnt work on the web
06:19:35FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> :(
06:19:50FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Good for you since": Why wouldn't it?
06:20:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Cause pixie uses native code
06:20:10FromDiscord<Phil> Send request to backend, backend generate pic, pic stored on disk somewhere, done
06:20:15FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> Like the SIMD stuff?
06:20:30FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> does pixie work on arm?
06:20:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Hey i dont do web stuf, when i hear webapp i think someone taking js and ruining my day
06:20:39FromDiscord<guzba> In reply to @Rainbow Asteroids "does pixie work on": yes, including neon simd now
06:20:40FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yes
06:21:08FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @Isofruit "You make me want": here is how to make a profile pic tutorial: https://github.com/treeform/pixiebook/blob/master/tutorial.md#for-websites
06:21:09FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Hey i dont do": Fair point, I included the backend in my definition of webapp, that might be overly inclusive
06:21:09FromDiscord<guzba> pixie is not intended for js use, however wasm should work though we haven't tested it in a logn time
06:21:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> on matrix i responded before him, dont hate me!
06:22:10FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @guzba "pixie is not intended": wasm is 32bit, we have not tested 32 bit in a long time...
06:22:38FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Hey i dont do": what matrix frontend do you use?
06:22:55FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @treeform "here is how to": I could add PFPs I guess, and start storing a list of folks who wrote/edited an article and then show their pfp's somewhere
06:23:25FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @Rainbow Asteroids "does pixie work on": It has worked on arm before, but now it works on arm very fast 🙂
06:23:33FromDiscord<Phil> hmmm, but page loading times at 100ms
06:23:49FromDiscord<treeform> pixie could get you a pic in like 1ms
06:24:32FromDiscord<Phil> Pixie would be mostly a 1-off cost. The delay would come mostly from me doing additional queries to fetch article authors and the links to their pfp's
06:24:33FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> In reply to @Isofruit "hmmm, but page loading": just have all your clients use satellite internet. they won't be able to see the 100ms delay then
06:24:53FromDiscord<Phil> Since I currently don't do that
06:25:05FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Statically generate the page 😛
06:25:11FromDiscord<Phil> In fact I don't even store that.
06:25:38FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Statically generate the page": And send HTML over the internet? Blasphemy!
06:26:03FromDiscord<Phil> Send json and burn through your client's cpu to figure out what HTML that should be!
06:26:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Statically generate the page then cache the N number of recent pages, problem solved 😄
06:27:56FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> fools. write an web renderer that uses the canvas API, and send HTML to the custom renderer.
06:27:58FromDiscord<treeform> naa you should just create a full screen video and stream your pages as H.264
06:28:15FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> no as gifs
06:29:43FromDiscord<Phil> 4k video I say
06:29:52FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @Rainbow Asteroids "no as gifs": pixie does animated gifs now
06:30:22FromDiscord<treeform> https://github.com/treeform/boxy/blob/master/examples/animated_gif.nim
06:31:28FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> freeform rewrites ffmpeg in nim when
06:31:38FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> (edit) "freeform" => "treeform"
06:31:46FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> I hate mobile keyboards
06:31:51FromDiscord<ajusa> In reply to @treeform "check out our video:": just finished watching, fantastic work you guys!
06:31:57FromDiscord<treeform> thanks!
06:32:03FromDiscord<guzba> In reply to @ajusa "just finished watching, fantastic": thanks for watching!
06:32:48FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @Rainbow Asteroids "treeform rewrites ffmpeg in": I was thinking of a lossless video codec optimized for computer generated stuff like screen sharing
06:33:10FromDiscord<guzba> In reply to @treeform "I was thinking of": streamy when?
06:33:25FromDiscord<ajusa> In reply to @Rainbow Asteroids "treeform rewrites ffmpeg in": I hope they tackle audio format playback
06:33:31FromDiscord<ajusa> (edit) "In reply to @Rainbow Asteroids "treeform rewrites ffmpeg in": I hope they tackle audio format playback ... " added "someday"
06:33:51FromDiscord<treeform> https://github.com/treeform/slappy ?
06:33:56FromDiscord<ajusa> but I think beef's got a miniaudio wrapper going, which should be sufficient for my needs
06:34:12FromDiscord<ajusa> In reply to @treeform "https://github.com/treeform/slappy ?": I meant in pure Nim
06:34:18FromDiscord<ajusa> which is what I love about pixie
06:34:34FromDiscord<ajusa> that's why it was easyish to get it running on 3DS/obscure targets
06:34:43FromDiscord<ajusa> (edit) "that's why it was easyish to get it running on ... 3DS/obscure" added "Nintendo"
06:34:50FromDiscord<treeform> sound is harder
06:35:03FromDiscord<treeform> so sanative to thread preemption
06:35:13FromDiscord<treeform> (edit) "sanative" => "sensitive"
07:17:53FromDiscord<Pure Hyperborean Stuka Flieger> Hey everyone!!
07:18:21FromDiscord<xzntrc> oops should probably change my name back
07:19:32FromDiscord<Prestige> Hello
07:19:49FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> How would you write a transpiler that creates readable output, the simplest way possible?
07:20:14FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Like, I heard pattern matching is good for this, just lack the idea of how this would actually look
07:20:20FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Make it so it only transpiles a single thing extremely well
07:20:33FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> A single thing, as in?
07:20:43FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Single component of the target language?
07:20:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `echo "Hello World"` -\> `prinf("Hello World")` boom doneski
07:20:58FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Shit my joke failed as i cannot type and forgot `;`
07:21:21FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> https://develop.kde.org/docs/extend/plasma/scripting/#advanced-example-adding-a-widget-to-the-system-tray
07:21:24FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The way to do it is parse the language into AST then reason off that AST what you need to do in the coresponding language
07:21:42FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Oh, no 1:1 conversation?
07:21:59FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Most of the lang is already transpiled (Javascript)
07:22:15FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> I am just trying to translate examples like that
07:22:41FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> So, how would you do Nim --> Javascript in this example above
07:22:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Ok so you're not looking into designing a transpiler
07:22:58FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Ok
07:23:01FromDiscord<xzntrc> Ok I had an idea for my shell to make it fast (hopefully); instead of reading through each file in /bin/ or whatever, it keeps the location of each binary saved in a local file. So instead of looking through eachtime, it saves it.
07:23:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Import all the procedures you need then write the equivalent code in Nim
07:23:23FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Reminds me of the Smalltalk VM
07:23:31FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> That is also only saved
07:23:40FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Including the whole IDE
07:24:10FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Import all the procedures": That's a little bit too abstract for me
07:24:21FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Wouldn't you just map it via pattern matching?
07:24:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Map what?
07:24:41FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> I dont even need much granularity, it would be enough to map to the shown code
07:24:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You want to write the code you have there in Nim and export JS?
07:25:00FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> My goal is to extend the JavaScript compiler and make it work with these libraries
07:25:11FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> To the explicit JS code shown
07:25:19FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> How doesnt it already work though?
07:25:24FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> To much less to arbitrary code, or unexpected one
07:25:39FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Since Nim doesnt know about this specific library?
07:25:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> So import the library
07:25:58FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> I want to write in Nim a few lines and get that output in JS
07:26:07FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> But how would that look like?
07:26:10FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> I have no idea
07:26:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> you'd use nim's FFI to import the JS types/procedures
07:26:45FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/version-1-6/lib/std/jsfetch.nim is a reference for that
07:28:25FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Thanks
07:28:28FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> https://github.com/ShalokShalom/plasma-applet-lib/blob/6b936b43c52409d17c32e06ef4bc5b7cf8221ac2/package/contents/ui/lib/AppletVersion.qml
07:28:37FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> That would be another example 🙂
07:29:20FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's It's mostly all the same use `importjs`/ `emit` to create the corresponding JS
07:29:41FromDiscord<xzntrc> if I want to write a config for my program, what file format should be used for the config?
07:29:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Though QML is going to be a pain to work with probably as Nim writes large large JS files
07:29:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> TOML is what i suggest for that
07:30:20FromDiscord<xzntrc> is there a package for TOML?
07:30:27FromDiscord<xzntrc> or do I read it just like a text file
07:30:30FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> There are multiple
07:30:49FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> So that jsfetch.nim integrates the Javascript library into Nim
07:30:56FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> And I can use it then from Nim
07:31:03FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yep
07:31:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://github.com/status-im/nim-toml-serialization may work for you
07:31:22FromDiscord<xzntrc> ty beef
07:31:27FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Though QML is going": I wouldn't actually use Nim for that
07:31:43FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> I just currently try to figure out, how it would be to implement something
07:31:48FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> In the different languages
07:31:52FromDiscord<enthus1ast> for config often parsecfg is good enough
07:32:14FromDiscord<vindaar> there's also `parsetoml`, which I use a lot
07:32:14FromDiscord<flywind> What's this error "Unable to locate package libsfml-dev:i386" when switching from 16.04 to 18.04? Did it get removed?
07:32:22FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> clearly just use environmental variables and have a shell script to load it 😄
07:32:24FromDiscord<flywind> (edit) "What's this error "Unable to locate package libsfml-dev:i386" when switching from ... 16.04" added "ubuntu"
07:32:42FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's here on debian so no clue about ubuntu
07:32:43FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Though QML is going": I dont know, how TOML could replace QML↵↵They are totally different languages
07:32:49FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It cannot
07:32:55FromDiscord<vindaar> https://github.com/NimParsers/parsetoml
07:32:58FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I was talking to the one asking about config languages
07:33:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Eh parsetoml is manual parsing
07:33:03FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Ah, confused two things
07:33:15FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Atleast i dont see a `.toX`
07:33:20FromDiscord<xzntrc> In reply to @Elegantbeef "I was talking to": sorry if I interupted anything
07:33:22FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `.to(X)` rather
07:33:23FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> In reply to @xzntrc "if I want to": Do you know dhall?
07:33:37FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> https://dhall-lang.org/
07:33:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Dont apologise you're not the one lacking context 😛
07:33:51FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> It can export to JSON, TOML and others
07:33:58FromDiscord<xzntrc> huh that seems cool
07:34:12FromDiscord<xzntrc> oh yeah, is there anyway to stop my program from being stopped with ctrl c?
07:34:18FromDiscord<xzntrc> im assuming it's apart of terminal?
07:34:23FromDiscord<xzntrc> i couldn't find anything tho.
07:34:26FromDiscord<vindaar> huh, compared to what?
07:34:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> stuff like the stdlib json library
07:34:49FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> where you can just do `myData.to(MyType)`
07:34:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#setControlCHook%2Cproc%29
07:35:37FromDiscord<vindaar> oh, the status one supports that? neat
07:35:45FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea but they dont have callbacks iirc
07:36:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Frosty is what people really should use for all their formats
07:36:10FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> There used to be a Nim implementation of dhall as well, but it stopped in development
07:36:23FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> But you dont need that, so long as you can export to usual formats
07:36:44FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Just some very fancy features are missing, like function calls or something
07:37:35FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> @Elegantbeef#0000 Nim seems to have imports figured out quite well↵↵This looks more confusing in Fable/F€
07:37:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Frosty is fantastic, it just needs someone to add different formats
07:37:44FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> (edit) "Fable/F€" => "Fable/F#"
07:37:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nim's FFI for JS is quite easy
07:38:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You can leave it weakly typed or make it statically typed if you wish
07:40:08FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Yeah, I see
07:40:57FromDiscord<flywind> ubuntu 20.04 doesn't seem to support i386 I suppose https://superuser.com/questions/1686108/ubuntu-20-04-on-i386-computer
07:41:00FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> While weakly and statically are not really opposites
07:41:06FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It does but you need to enable it
07:41:21FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Its more weakly/strongly and statically/dynamic 😜
07:42:06FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Sure, except in this case it's weakly and dynamically typed
07:42:13FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Yeah
07:42:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `JsObject` is weakly typed in Nim and dynamically typed by the runtime
07:44:31FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> And vindaar you scare me with that parseToml comment, you manually parse your toml files?
07:44:36FromDiscord<xzntrc> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474r
07:44:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `testProc`
07:44:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You arent calling it you want the pointer procedure of it
07:45:55FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Thanks a lot
07:45:59FromDiscord<vindaar> what's manual about accessing a toml file like a nim table? seems perfectly fine for me. if you have super complicated config files, fine something automatic is neat, but for the stuff I need it for?
07:46:16FromDiscord<vindaar> it's not like I need to write a toml parser 😜
07:46:26FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Lol
07:46:45FromDiscord<xzntrc> In reply to @Elegantbeef "You arent calling it": forgot the `{.noconv.}` on the proc too
07:48:11FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> To be fair vindaar due to the fact status' doesnt to my knowledge support user defined hooks i've manually parsed a lot with it
07:49:16FromDiscord<flywind> It seems that we can drop linux 32 bit CI support since few linux distributions support 32 bit processor and Azure CI is going to remove ubuntu 18.04.
07:49:32FromDiscord<flywind> (edit) "It seems that we can drop linux 32 bit CI support since few linux distributions ... support" added "still"
07:50:08FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> All 3 people interested in Nim on 32bit are deeply saddened by this
07:50:21FromDiscord<xzntrc> wait
07:50:25FromDiscord<xzntrc> how the fuck do i end this now
07:50:36FromDiscord<xzntrc> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1006469531989975120/unknown.png
07:50:36madpropsi wanna know to
07:50:48FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You ask it nicely
07:52:42FromDiscord<flywind> In reply to @Elegantbeef "All 3 people interested": We have no other simple choice since azure pipelines only provide ubuntu image and ubuntu 20.04 doesn't support i386 processor.
07:52:51FromDiscord<flywind> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1006470097281503242/unknown.png
07:53:21*gsalazar joined #nim
07:59:10FromDiscord<flywind> Is there anyone willing to review my PR? => https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/20176
08:09:57FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Elegantbeef "All 3 people interested": Isn't 32bit possibly of interest for embedded?
08:10:59FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The CI isnt testing 32bit embedded
08:11:26FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> So i guess like yea it's a larger subset that might be interested in the CI but anywho
08:11:31FromDiscord<Bung> `proc GetDisplayModeList1(this:ptr IID;EnumFormat: DXGI_FORMAT; Flags: uint32; pNumModes: ptr uint32; pDesc: ptr DXGI_MODE_DESC1): HRESULT {.stdcall, dynlib:"dxgi",importc.}↵` could not import: GetDisplayModeList1 , what's wrong here ?
08:12:12FromDiscord<Phil> Is testing for 32bit embedded significantly different from 32bit... whatever that was before?
08:13:06FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I mean a lot of it will overlap but a lot of the stdlib is useless there
08:15:26FromDiscord<Phil> I think PMunch as our resident embedded person might have a better opinion on this, from what I'm seeing it just looks like that embedded might be losing their test-safety
08:16:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Wow way to undermine elcritch/girvo
08:16:17FromDiscord<Phil> I have never heard or read of them I don't think
08:16:31FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Head to #embedded 😛
08:18:21FromDiscord<Bung> oh , I found that file extension is .lib not dll
08:18:51FromDiscord<Phil> Infiltrating a channel you don't belong in, a secret spy mission even, one might say
08:19:09FromDiscord<Phil> Mission impossible music flaring up in the background
08:19:12FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Hey i dont belong there and i get to insult girvo's code it's a easy choice
08:19:45FromDiscord<Phil> But yeah, in that case also girvo and elcritch would have a better opinion on this
08:21:52FromDiscord<Rika> 32 bit ARM has many dialects so there is some contribution from desktop to embedded but it’s not a replacement environment for testing
08:21:59FromDiscord<Rika> You still have to independently test both
08:22:52FromDiscord<xzntrc> is there an easier way to do this?
08:23:00FromDiscord<xzntrc> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474z
08:23:07FromDiscord<xzntrc> a way where each proc need not be stated
08:23:08FromDiscord<Rika> Beef going to hit them with case statement
08:23:13FromDiscord<xzntrc> kek
08:23:24FromDiscord<Rika> Waiting for his message
08:23:27FromDiscord<Rika> Any second now
08:23:45FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Time!
08:23:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474A
08:23:55FromDiscord<Rika> Fuck I didn’t time you shit
08:24:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Shit
08:24:02FromDiscord<xzntrc> LOL
08:24:14FromDiscord<xzntrc> is it possible to do something where i dont have to state them all?
08:24:34FromDiscord<xzntrc> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474B
08:24:38FromDiscord<Rika> No not really
08:24:43FromDiscord<Rika> I mean yes with a macro
08:25:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You could use a table of procs
08:25:06FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474C
08:25:09FromDiscord<xzntrc> case works
08:25:11FromDiscord<Phil> If the procs all share signature you could.... dangit beef!
08:25:22FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> They dont even need to share signatures
08:25:24FromDiscord<xzntrc> signature?
08:25:27FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Object variants exist
08:25:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yes if the procs are all the same type
08:25:44FromDiscord<Phil> But that becomes so painful to deal with for large amounts of variations
08:25:47FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @xzntrc "signature?": If the types of the arguments and return is the same
08:25:52FromDiscord<Rika> Then the signature is the same
08:25:54FromDiscord<xzntrc> right
08:25:55FromDiscord<xzntrc> thats cool
08:33:33FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> @Elegantbeef#0000 What does the after the names mean? ↵↵https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/version-1-6/lib/std/jsfetch.nim#L11
08:33:41*def- quit (Quit: -)
08:33:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Exported
08:33:45FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Is this some kind of wildcard?
08:34:00FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Ah, thanks
08:34:07FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No it's nim's export marker to indicate "importing modules can access this symbol"
08:34:34FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> So more like importing markers?
08:34:56FromDiscord<flywind> It is from oberon programming language => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberon_(programming_language)#:~:text=Oberon%20is%20a%20general%2Dpurpose,%2C%20and%20Modula%2D2).
08:34:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> no
08:34:59FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Like, "I allow this to be used by imports"
08:35:03FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Thanks
08:35:23FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Fly mentioning oberon just reminds me how Go does this
08:35:36FromDiscord<Rika> I’ll be honest this was an odd choice
08:35:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Not as odd as Go
08:35:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> "It's a capital letter, it must mean you want to export it"
08:36:13FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> I saw a very nice interview with Wirth
08:36:27FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Nice dude
08:36:44FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> He even designed his own chip, own OS and own language
08:36:49FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> All on the same platform
08:37:16FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Not as odd as": Don’t remind me
08:37:21FromDiscord<Rika> I wish I never knew
08:37:26FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Lol
08:37:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It could be worse rika they could use an arbitrary timestamp to format dates
08:37:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Which only makes sense if you're Merican
08:38:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Wait i wrote "they could"
08:38:56*def- joined #nim
08:41:44FromDiscord<flywind> there are lots of semRecord or xxxRecord which confuses me first, later I know they mean objects.
08:41:50FromDiscord<flywind> (edit) "confuses" => "confused" | "confusedme ... first," added "at"
08:41:53FromDiscord<flywind> (edit) "know" => "knew"
08:42:29FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The odd thing is just how explicit pointer types are in Oberon
08:42:50FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Wirth went from `^MyType` to `POINTER TO MyType`
08:43:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Maybe his ageing got to him and he couldnt see the `^` anymore
08:43:16FromDiscord<Rika> It’s better but not by much
08:45:47FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Shit oberon-07 allows using case for "type extension tests"
08:45:53FromDiscord<Rika> Is Wirth doing good I do wonder
08:46:29FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> He's almost 90 and didnt work on Go he's doing fine!
08:46:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yes that's a shot at Ken Thompson
09:04:23FromDiscord<xzntrc> does nim have a var[:3] equavilent
09:04:34FromDiscord<xzntrc> I'd like to get everything after the first 3 characters in a string
09:04:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Is that slicing?
09:04:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `s[3..^1]`
09:04:48FromDiscord<xzntrc> Is that what it's called?
09:05:01FromDiscord<xzntrc> my brain has become so adjust to python
09:05:04FromDiscord<xzntrc> I'm a python cuck
09:05:21FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Python's a snake right?
09:05:39FromDiscord<xzntrc> lol
09:05:47FromDiscord<xzntrc> correct
09:06:04madpropsi watched a john cleese interview recently
09:06:20madpropshe's 82 right now
09:06:22FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Aw shit one of the beetles?!
09:06:26FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Python's a snake right?": Yeah it’s strangling the poor lad from the neck
09:06:38madpropsmonty python guy
09:06:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Why did i think pythons were not constrictors
09:07:00FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> madprops i know
09:07:11madpropswasn't sure
09:07:29madpropsnow i have to finish that john carmack interview
09:07:34FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The assumption that i dont know the pythons with my grand comedy, tsk tsk
09:08:22madpropscarmack's interview is 5 hours long
09:08:35madprops1 hour to go
09:08:36FromDiscord<xzntrc> In reply to @Elegantbeef "`s[3..^1]`": can that be performed directly on a string?
09:09:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Why would someone suggest something that wouldnt work
09:10:21madpropsthat works
09:11:42FromDiscord<xzntrc> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Why would someone suggest": just because it told me "constant expression expected"
09:12:05FromDiscord<xzntrc> oh wait fuck
09:12:08FromDiscord<xzntrc> ignore me
09:12:11FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Compiler errors are wonderful
09:12:32FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @xzntrc "just because it told": Keep in mind that in nim, slicing like this is inclusive, in python it was... I think the last index was not included or sth?
09:12:45FromDiscord<xzntrc> correct
09:13:03FromDiscord<Phil> So python:↵someString[:3]↵nim:↵someString[0..2]
09:13:22FromDiscord<xzntrc> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1006490363919347713/unknown.png
09:13:24FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> @Elegantbeef#0000 is that shadowing going on, or why is this proc fetch defined twice?↵↵https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/version-1-6/lib/std/jsfetch.nim#L107
09:13:32FromDiscord<xzntrc> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1006490405870772245/unknown.png
09:13:37FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Overloading
09:13:43FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Or does the type signature make it something unique
09:14:15FromDiscord<that_dude> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474R
09:14:32FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `"cd "[3..^1]` the hell are you doing
09:14:42FromDiscord<that_dude> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474R" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474S"
09:14:45FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `"cd "[3..^1]` is ""
09:15:21FromDiscord<xzntrc> Yeah i just realized
09:15:25FromDiscord<Phil> `"cd "[3..^1]` gets compile time evaluated (all comparison-values in a case-statements are)
09:15:28FromDiscord<xzntrc> i meant to get before the first three
09:15:31FromDiscord<Phil> So yeah, that's ""
09:15:42FromDiscord<xzntrc> Yeah i fucked up
09:15:49FromDiscord<xzntrc> in
09:15:53FromDiscord<xzntrc> i need to use
09:16:04FromDiscord<xzntrc> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/hkp
09:16:17FromDiscord<xzntrc> I think that works
09:16:18FromDiscord<xzntrc> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474U
09:16:27FromDiscord<Phil> does it?
09:16:30FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Why are you slicing \`"cd"
09:16:42FromDiscord<Phil> You can just type in the string directly
09:16:49FromDiscord<Phil> It's all compile-time anyway
09:16:50FromDiscord<xzntrc> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Why are you slicing": because if user inputs `cd blah blah blah`, it assumes it's all one comnmand
09:17:00FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> you cannot slice like that
09:17:08FromDiscord<xzntrc> Really?
09:17:12FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Case statements are compile time
09:17:22FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> case statements of branches are compile time constants\
09:17:32FromDiscord<Phil> You are currently at compile time, which means before your program has even started to run
09:17:45FromDiscord<xzntrc> how do I ensure that it atleast contains "cd"
09:17:50FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> you want to capture the first word which means you should look at `std/parseutils`
09:18:17FromDiscord<Phil> `std/strutils` might have some "startsWith" proc or the like
09:18:34FromDiscord<xzntrc> perfect
09:18:36FromDiscord<xzntrc> thanks
09:18:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=474V
09:18:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Then you can do `case myCommand.getCommand`
09:18:53FromDiscord<xzntrc> thanks dud
09:19:11FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Phil really out here trying to make you use an if statement
09:32:29madpropsxzntrc I recommend this:
09:32:31madpropss.split(" ").filterIt(it != "")
09:32:42madpropsthe filter makes sure that if you have multiple spacing between words, it's ignored
09:32:58madpropsso you get a list of every word every time
09:35:09FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Overloading": I don't find anything about proc overloading in the docs. ↵↵There are just a couple of Reddit posts of people who are also confused about it.
09:35:24FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#overload-resolution
09:35:51FromDiscord<that_dude> Doesn't nim also have something like `"cmd" in @[strings]`?
09:35:57FromDiscord<that_dude> so you can combine the two
09:36:01FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://nim-lang.org/docs/tut1.html#procedures-overloaded-procedures
09:36:03FromDiscord<that_dude> (edit) "so you can combine the two ... " added "into a one liner"
09:37:19FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @madprops "s.split(" ").filterIt(it != "")": You’re gonna run into difficulty once you want to include strings into the shell
09:37:27FromDiscord<Rika> In which case you need to go to big boy parsing
09:38:08madpropsah right, strings could have multiple spaces, validly
09:38:41FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Best just to get used to parseutils as it's going to make you happy
09:38:55FromDiscord<Gabben> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4752
09:39:06FromDiscord<Rika> Because the generic is not satisfied, I assume
09:39:19FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `Obj` isnt an instantiated object so it's not `object` it's a typeclass of all possible `Obj`
09:42:09FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> In reply to @Elegantbeef "https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#overload-reso": Thanks a lot. Don't you think it would make more sense, to actually name it 'proc overloading'
09:42:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4753
09:42:22FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> So that we can find it, when we look for it in the documentation?
09:43:23FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Ah, there is a tutorial about it
09:43:25FromDiscord<Gabben> In reply to @Elegantbeef "It's equivlent to expecting": Thanks, I got it
09:43:30FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Thx
09:45:13FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> So in the above example, proc fetch gets called according to its type signature?
09:45:48FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/version-1-6/lib/std/jsfetch.nim#L107
09:46:13FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Or how does the caller figure out which fetch is meant?
09:46:31FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The type of the parameters change what is called
09:47:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> If you dont past options the first is called otherwise the latter
09:47:16FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Anyway i'm outta here so someone else get the helping 😄
09:48:14FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Ah, I see.
09:48:17FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Thanks a lot
10:16:42*jmdaemon quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
10:16:46FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Phil really out here": I am?
10:16:59FromDiscord<Phil> Ah, because of startsWith
10:17:00FromDiscord<Phil> Eh
10:17:03FromDiscord<Phil> It's an option
10:20:03*genpaku quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:20:44*genpaku joined #nim
10:37:51FromDiscord<srozb> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=475b
10:42:14*gsalazar quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:42:32*gsalazar joined #nim
10:54:55*guggy_warle joined #nim
10:55:09guggy_warlewhy does this compile? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=475e
11:12:15FromDiscord<Rika> Tags I don’t think are considered in side effects, they’re different systems I believe
11:17:27guggy_warlehow do you designate side effects then?
11:19:08guggy_warleoh, I needed to use tags: [] instead of noSideEffect, sorry
11:19:28*guggy_warle quit (Quit: Client closed)
11:27:46FromDiscord<Bung> have problem when static link dxgi.lib , https://github.com/bung87/gamode/blob/main/src/gamode/dxgi.nim any hint?
11:31:45FromDiscord<Forest> Futhark is using macros to generate the code right? It should be possible for me to remove the code that exports the numbered functions...
11:33:18*xcodz-dot joined #nim
11:34:21xcodz-dotI was looking through logs to see what I missed and it seems Pixie 5.0 is near release. Could anyone please tell how I am suppose to load images in pixie without premultiplied alpha
11:39:05FromDiscord<Forest> Why is futhark so complicated-
11:54:21FromDiscord<voidwalker> why do I read futhark every time I look at main chat for a few days ? : P
11:54:35FromDiscord<voidwalker> (edit) "?" => "now?"
11:59:46FromDiscord<Forest> Probably because many people are using it for bindings lmao
12:06:25*gsalazar quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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12:18:30FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Forest "*Why is futhark so": A question only Pmunch can answer
12:26:28FromDiscord<demotomohiro> I guess it is because C lang and their tools are complex because it must run as fast as possible.
12:58:15FromDiscord<Forest> Fair
12:59:03FromDiscord<Forest> @PMunch, is there a way to disable exporting the numbered identifiers?
12:59:12FromDiscord<Forest> It really messes with autocomplete
13:04:53*xaltsc_ is now known as xaltsc
13:09:13*xcodz-dot joined #nim
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13:27:08NimEventerNew thread by Chaemon: Getting compile command in compile time. , see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9357
13:38:00*arkurious joined #nim
14:19:27FromDiscord<Forest> I realised the small shitty generator i made here https://github.com/Mythical-Forest-Collective/ngpu-bindings can be applied to most things that don't have Nim bindings
14:24:32FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @srozb "Hey, I've been struggling": you need ptr UncheckedArray[char] or cstring
14:26:51FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @Forest "I realised the small": _writing shitty generator to create bindings to Nim_
14:27:01FromDiscord<mratsim> (edit) "_writing" => "_/me writing"
14:27:07FromDiscord<mratsim> (edit) "In reply to @Forest "I realised the small": _/me writing ... shitty" added "a"
14:27:13FromDiscord<Forest> That's what i did :)
14:27:17FromDiscord<Forest> It just uses Luthark
14:27:32FromDiscord<Forest> Oh yeah need a license
14:27:48FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @Forest "That's what i did": I mean, from Nim code, generate C bindings: https://github.com/mratsim/constantine/blob/master/bindings/generated/constantine_pasta.h
14:28:59FromDiscord<Forest> Wait
14:29:13FromDiscord<Forest> So you mean so you can use a Nim library in C?
14:29:24FromDiscord<Forest> Iirc there should be a library that makes a header for that...
14:29:28FromDiscord<Forest> What was it
14:29:38FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @Forest "Iirc there should be": Genny
14:30:00FromDiscord<Forest> Ah yeah that's it, does it not work for your case?
14:30:03FromDiscord<mratsim> Tried, but it doesn't support generics or the shenanigans I use.
14:30:15FromDiscord<mratsim> https://github.com/mratsim/constantine/pull/195
14:30:26FromDiscord<mratsim> I raised 4 bugs, as usually when I try something 😛
14:30:54FromDiscord<Forest> Ah fair lmao
14:31:06FromDiscord<mratsim> - Add support for generics↵- Add support for type aliases↵- Add support for generic fields↵- Add support for distinct base types
14:31:19FromDiscord<mratsim> my shitty generator works for me ™️
14:31:30FromDiscord<Forest> Lmao
14:33:21FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @Forest "Lmao": 39 lines: https://github.com/mratsim/constantine/blob/master/bindings/gen_header.nim#L153-L192↵↵and you put what you export there - https://github.com/mratsim/constantine/blob/master/bindings/gen_bindings.nim#L20-L40
14:34:00FromDiscord<Forest> This makes zero sense to me because I'm chronically dumb :)
14:34:42FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @Forest "This makes zero sense": gimme 2 weeks and it won't make sense to me anymore
14:39:10FromDiscord<Forest> Pfff fair enough
14:58:58FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @srozb "Hey, I've been struggling": you can make it `functions: ptr UncheckedArray[pe_exported_function_t]` then just `for i in 0 ..< s.functions_count: s.functions[i]`
15:00:00FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @mratsim "_/me writing a shitty": Are you going to just do C or many other languages?
15:01:16FromDiscord<treeform> Nim has a ton of features to make work
15:11:53FromDiscord<Forest> Question, how would i generate code that i can just output into a file?
15:12:10FromDiscord<Forest> Like, programmatically in Nim
15:12:22FromDiscord<Forest> To generate custom bindings
15:17:13FromDiscord<auxym> you mean like, writing strings to a file?
15:25:49FromDiscord<Bubblie> What would be the equivalent of GetModuleHandle in nim?
15:25:54FromDiscord<Bubblie> I know its used in C
15:34:58FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @auxym "you mean like, writing": Kind of? I want to generate automatic bindings to a library after i parse it, but I don't know how I'd write it to the file in a way not involving me to do string manipulation (because there's chance for all sorts of wacky things like that)
15:42:47FromDiscord<srozb> In reply to @treeform "you can make it": Thank You!!!
15:50:11FromDiscord<leorize> the windows function? you should find it in winim↵(@Bubblie)
15:54:56FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=476z
15:55:49FromDiscord<Phil> That error is pretty cryptic, so I'm not quite sure what's broken. Syntactically and Logically this looks perfectly fine to me.
15:56:16FromDiscord<Phil> 5 is implicitly int. So this should evaluate to "int is (object of ref object)", which is valid syntax and is false
15:56:32FromDiscord<domosokrat> I think the error tries to tell you that you are calling a compiletime function at runtim
15:56:32FromDiscord<auxym> In reply to @Forest "Kind of? I want": You want to generate nim code? I don't see many other options other than string manipulation (or macros but I don't think that's what you want). That's what I do in svd2nim: parse an xml file to an internal structured representation, then just generate a bunch of strings (nim code) from that.
15:57:07FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @domosokrat "I think the error": Oh shoot me, that one gets me way too often, I knew this sucker was familiar
15:57:15FromDiscord<Forest> Ah okay then, thanks!
15:57:25FromDiscord<domosokrat> you need `static: echo isObject(5)` or remove the compiletime pragma
15:57:43FromDiscord<Phil> compiletime was the point, just wanted to check if it does what I thought it does
16:00:12FromDiscord<Rainbow Asteroids> https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#pragmas-compiletime-pragma↵> The compileTime pragma is used to mark a proc or variable to be used only during compile-time execution. No code will be generated for it. Compile-time procs are useful as helpers for macros.
16:00:56FromDiscord<domosokrat> I just tried it with the static and it said that 5 is not an object
16:01:35FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Rainbow Asteroids "https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#pragmas-compi": Aye, I'm mostly using that one for a couple when statements in a loop over an object with the fieldpairs iterator
16:01:58FromDiscord<flywind> I guess a clear message will be more helpful.
16:02:43FromDiscord<Bubblie> In reply to @leorize "the windows function? you": Thanks!
16:05:12*xcodz-dot joined #nim
16:10:26FromDiscord<tbrekalo> what's the difference between std/re and std/nre? which one should I use?
16:11:17FromDiscord<leorize> different APIs, they're both libpcre-based implementations otherwise
16:11:49FromDiscord<leorize> I'd recommend either `re` or `nim-regex` as those are more maintained
16:12:24FromDiscord<tbrekalo> ty 😄
16:18:22xcodz-dotCould someone please explain what is `dll`, `lib`, `so`, `dynlib`, `a` files. Or probabbly link me a resource to understand this.
16:21:13FromDiscord<tbrekalo> https://www.jwhitham.org/2017/10/dll.html#:~:text=dynamically%20linked%20libraries%20(.-,dll)%20and%20shared%20objects%20(.,for%20executable%20code%20and%20data.
16:21:15FromDiscord<tbrekalo> seems fine
16:22:06FromDiscord<tbrekalo> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2649334/difference-between-static-and-shared-libraries
16:25:53*xcodz-dot quit (Quit: Leaving)
16:28:14FromDiscord<tbrekalo> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/476G
16:59:18FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=476N
17:11:41FromDiscord<leorize> it's a template/iterator bug from what I can tell
17:12:26FromDiscord<leorize> iterator matching is only activated in certain context and the template kinda mess it up
17:12:59FromDiscord<flywind> Can I import `stdout` or `stderr` from `msvcrt.dll` by dynlib?
17:14:12FromDiscord<leorize> yes but don't
17:14:35FromDiscord<leorize> https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20140411-00/?p=1273
17:15:29FromDiscord<flywind> Reaaly, but the `symAddr` cannot find `stdout` in `msvcrt.dll`
17:15:34FromDiscord<flywind> (edit) "Reaaly," => "Really,"
17:16:00FromDiscord<leorize> you can peek into their header to see what the real symbol is
17:16:24FromDiscord<leorize> iirc the symbol is `something` and `stdout` is a C macro
17:16:47FromDiscord<leorize> I'd not recommend using dynlib at all tbh
17:18:00FromDiscord<flywind> But I would like to make libffi work with Nim on windows.
17:18:41FromDiscord<leorize> why would you need dynlib for that? we are already using msvcrt stdout (if you compile with msvc), no?
17:18:48FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @leorize "iterator matching is only": So a bug that gets me to be shit out of luck when I want to resolve what the template is supposed to do at compile time, dangit
17:19:44FromDiscord<leorize> and if you use mingw, you're out of luck for using it with any msvc-compiled libraries, so you'd need mingw-libffi
17:20:33FromDiscord<leorize> welcome to nim \:P interactions like this happens a lot↵(@Phil)
17:20:46FromDiscord<leorize> your best bet is to file an issue and look for an alternative
17:20:58FromDiscord<leorize> I think it is possible to write a for-loop macro to workaround this
17:27:02*kenran joined #nim
17:33:16FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @leorize "welcome to nim \:P": It's honestly the first time I'm pretty much stuck there. Macro would be the way around this I guess, but I kinda don't wanna get into that at the moment
17:36:27FromDiscord<jseb> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4773
17:38:12FromDiscord<jseb> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4773" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4775"
17:39:58*kenran quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
17:42:07FromDiscord<jseb> as the book didn't mention specifics flags for compiling, i suppose it's straightforward
17:43:47FromDiscord<!&luke> does nim have a static site generatore
17:43:48FromDiscord<!&luke> (edit) "generatore" => "generator"
17:44:32*kenran joined #nim
17:45:33FromDiscord<jseb> @!&luke did you tried jester ?
17:45:56FromDiscord<!&luke> That’s not static
17:46:04FromDiscord<!&luke> Nor is it a generator
17:46:08FromDiscord<InventorMatt> @!&luke https://hastysite.h3rald.com this may be what you are looking for
17:46:35*kenran quit (Client Quit)
17:47:14FromDiscord<Prestige> In reply to @jseb "i've tried the first": Do you have sdl installed on your system?
17:47:14FromDiscord<!&luke> Oh
17:47:28FromDiscord<Prestige> Not the nim package but the actual library
17:47:59FromDiscord<jseb> @Prestige: yes (2.0.22)
17:48:59FromDiscord<!&luke> In reply to @InventorMatt "<@704106773660827690> https://hastysite.h3rald.com ": I’m probably just gonna go with gatsby
17:49:07FromDiscord<!&luke> It seems more polished
17:49:20FromDiscord<exelotl> In reply to @jseb "i've tried the first": hmm, it works for me https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1006620207411904645/Screenshot_from_2022-08-09_18-49-39.png
17:49:46FromDiscord<leorize> you can use karax to generate a site, it has limited server-side generation support↵(@!&luke)
17:50:17FromDiscord<pruno> Is it possible to not use dynlib on windows so that it does not import kernel32.dll or msvcrt.dll by default when compiling for windows ?
17:51:03FromDiscord<exelotl> the other week I wasn't able to find a Nim static site generator I liked, so I ended up going with Pelican
17:51:12FromDiscord<jseb> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477c
17:51:57FromDiscord<!&luke> In reply to @leorize "you can use karax": It gets compiled to js so all the speed of c gets thrown out the window
17:52:07FromDiscord<domosokrat> do you have the sdl2-dev package installed?↵(@jseb)
17:52:21FromDiscord<exelotl> @jseb what does `nimble list -i` give you?
17:52:34FromDiscord<!&luke> In reply to @ripluke "It gets compiled to": At that point why just not use raw js, saves you the nim -> js step
17:52:47FromDiscord<domosokrat> And does `nimble path sdl2` show the correct path?
17:53:00FromDiscord<jseb> only sdl2_nim, no other packages
17:54:01FromDiscord<jseb> (edit) "only sdl2_nim, no other packages" => "sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477d"
17:54:08FromDiscord<Prestige> In reply to @ripluke "At that point why": I'm not sure what it uses but maybe check out nimja
17:54:21FromDiscord<domosokrat> I meant the deb package (or what your distribution uses)
17:55:57FromDiscord<jseb> of course, path to sdl2_nim is ok
17:56:19FromDiscord<jseb> so must be a missing sdl2 flavour
17:56:30FromDiscord<!&luke> In reply to @Avahe "I'm not sure what": I am was using it, but it isn’t very static as you need something like jester to serve it
17:56:33FromDiscord<leorize> karax ssg is meant to be natively compiled↵(@!&luke)
17:56:40FromDiscord<!&luke> (edit) removed "am"
17:57:40FromDiscord<leorize> see\: https://github.com/karaxnim/karax/blob/master/tests/nativehtmlgen.nim
17:57:44FromDiscord<domosokrat> @jseb\: Could try again with sdl2? With sdl2\_nim I also get the same error
17:58:14FromDiscord<jseb> ok i have reinstalled sdl2, and it's ok now
17:58:25FromDiscord<!&luke> In reply to @leorize "see\: https://github.com/karaxnim/karax/blob/master": Ok
17:58:29FromDiscord<jseb> thank you domosokrat
17:58:36FromDiscord<Prestige> In reply to @ripluke "I was using it,": Does it not just create html? I believe that's what most static site generators do
17:59:06FromDiscord<jseb> but isn't sdl2 installed as a dep of pixels package ?
17:59:22*mahlon_ is now known as mahlon
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17:59:30FromDiscord<!&luke> In reply to @Avahe "Does it not just": Hmm
17:59:37FromDiscord<Forest> We're able to use Øpir without Futhark, right? Since the license is MIT
18:00:01FromDiscord<Prestige> Then you serve the site yourself with like, nginx or similar
18:00:29FromDiscord<leorize> nope, you do need them to an extent to access Windows syscalls (maybe not msvcrt, though)↵(@pruno)
18:00:30FromDiscord<domosokrat> @jseb\: It is for me
18:00:32FromDiscord<Prestige> Or for local dev you can use nimhttpd
18:00:33FromDiscord<!&luke> Hmm id probably need to write a script to compile it, but after that it should work
18:01:28FromDiscord<leorize> you /can/ substitute it with import libraries given the correct flags, but the effect is pretty much the same
18:01:45FromDiscord<hotdog> In reply to @ripluke "I was using it,": Nimja is a templating engine, so you can write out static files if you want to
18:01:55FromDiscord<hotdog> I’ve used it this way
18:02:19FromDiscord<pruno> In reply to @leorize "you /can/ substitute it": I see, thanks
18:02:37FromDiscord<!&luke> In reply to @hotdog "Nimja is a templating": Yea I’ll probably get rid of jester
18:10:40FromDiscord<Forest> Do C structs map to Nim types?
18:11:00FromDiscord<leorize> yesn't
18:11:06FromDiscord<pruno> In reply to @leorize "you /can/ substitute it": What if i have my own implmentation of getprocaddress & loadlibrary ?
18:11:19FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @leorize "yesn't": Yesn't?
18:11:35FromDiscord<Forest> (ik what yesn't is)
18:11:56FromDiscord<Forest> Do you mean in the way that with importc, it's close enough?
18:12:20FromDiscord<leorize> use `--dynlibOverrideAll` and `--passL` around to link with the right import libraries. That would make the compiler link with the actual symbol instead of loading them manually↵(@pruno)
18:12:38FromDiscord<leorize> then you can probably just link with whatever library that you want to override those specific symbols
18:12:48FromDiscord<pruno> I see, i'll try that
18:13:54FromDiscord<leorize> objects are compatible with C struct only because the optimizations for them are not implemented, officially their compatibility is undefined↵(@Forest)
18:14:11FromDiscord<leorize> `importc` doesn't do much on an object not specified by `header` directive btw
18:15:21FromDiscord<leorize> and you'd need to tag all wrapped objects with `bycopy` to keep C semantics (this could be undesirable)
18:16:07FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @leorize "objects are compatible with": Ah okay, thanks!
18:16:12FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @leorize "and you'd need to": Ah
18:20:22FromDiscord<leorize> a note on why `bycopy` might be undesirable\: so Nim have this optimization where it will pass an object via pointers if it deemed that doing so would improve performance (since you don't have to copy the object to the new stack frame). ofc, C doesn't have this so `{.bycopy.}` is used to turn that off. But, that'd also affect all Nim functions that take the struct, and most C libraries do this manually for their API by requesting pointers
18:20:55FromDiscord<Phil> I now understand why norm uses ref types for models. Properly writing parsing for value-type-objects is a pain in the keister
18:21:07FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "for" => "from row to"
18:21:34FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @leorize "a note on why": Aaah okay, thanks Leorize!
18:22:41FromDiscord<noiryuh> if i have a string of a typename↵how could i know if it's `ref object`?
18:23:13FromDiscord<leorize> yea, you can only do that cheaply and easily if you know the db type at compile time, see https://github.com/araq/ormin for something that does that↵(@Phil)
18:23:54FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @leorize "yea, you can only": Wait, there's a performance reason? I'm only seeing a code complexity reason, that being I keep effing up where the value-type object needs to do a copy
18:23:57FromDiscord<leorize> you can't, what are you trying to do?↵(@noiryuh)
18:24:20FromDiscord<noiryuh> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/41L
18:24:30FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "copy" => "copy, so that I retain all my previously parsed values instead of just default initialization values"
18:25:21FromDiscord<noiryuh> In reply to @leorize "you can't, what are": i'm contributing to genny↵so ref object could present as opaque type which is an pointer
18:25:46FromDiscord<leorize> you can detect a ref type at compile time with `T is ref`
18:25:50FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477m
18:26:01FromDiscord<leorize> the name won't cut it, you need the symbol
18:26:32FromDiscord<Phil> `proc isRefObject[T](s: typedesc[T]): bool = T is ref` is off the table?
18:26:40FromDiscord<noiryuh> yeah, but in genny, it receives a string
18:26:49FromDiscord<Phil> oof
18:27:03FromDiscord<Phil> Can you scan a namespace for symbols ?
18:27:07FromDiscord<noiryuh> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477n
18:27:11FromDiscord<Phil> Is that a possible thing?
18:27:26FromDiscord<noiryuh> In reply to @Isofruit "Can you scan a": i have been looking for that too
18:27:27FromDiscord<leorize> you can't, but you can inline code to the target namespace that does that
18:27:31FromDiscord<leorize> either way it's a pita
18:28:26FromDiscord<demotomohiro> Maybe macros.parsestmt can do that: https://nim-lang.org/docs/macros.html#parseStmt%2Cstring
18:29:02FromDiscord<leorize> parseStmt works in the namespace of the caller, unfortunately
18:30:33FromDiscord<noiryuh> what about NimNode?
18:30:47FromDiscord<leorize> oh, a model you mean, I'm not too well versed in that aspect of norm, but I can imagine it has to do with how inheritance is used for them↵(@Phil)
18:31:07FromDiscord<noiryuh> i see the caller parsing NimNode to get a list of procParams
18:31:30FromDiscord<noiryuh> maybe i could change it to accept a bool to determine if it's object or not
18:32:41FromDiscord<leorize> it's hard to recommend without knowing too much on the input that you're handling
18:33:47FromDiscord<leorize> my quick skim of genny shows that it work completely in macro land without passing strings around for exporting
18:33:53FromDiscord<leorize> in that case you have all the information you need
18:34:04FromDiscord<noiryuh> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477p
18:34:32FromDiscord<noiryuh> i'm interested in `procParams`
18:35:30FromDiscord<leorize> you want to know which of those are `ref T` or something?
18:35:39FromDiscord<noiryuh> yeah
18:35:53FromDiscord<noiryuh> i'm reading str/macros
18:36:16FromDiscord<leorize> if you use `typeKind` you should be able to get `ntyRef` from the symbols
18:36:28FromDiscord<leorize> ofc, there's also `ntyAlias` to handle as well
18:37:39FromDiscord<noiryuh> ?
18:37:42FromDiscord<noiryuh> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477q
18:37:42FromDiscord<leorize> yep
18:38:27FromDiscord<noiryuh> thank you
18:38:28FromDiscord<leorize> I guess a good start would be to see how the C backend handles them?
18:38:40FromDiscord<noiryuh> he uses `long long`
18:39:35FromDiscord<noiryuh> i'm not C expert, but i could feel something wrong when using `long long` for pointer
18:39:50FromDiscord<leorize> that's just a cheap cop-out \:P
18:40:02FromDiscord<leorize> yea, you'd want to export the type properly
18:40:27FromDiscord<noiryuh> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477r
18:40:59FromDiscord<noiryuh> In reply to @leorize "that's just a cheap": he went with the easy path↵but it's easy to somehow modify the value
18:41:23FromDiscord<noiryuh> unsafe, i guess
18:42:18FromDiscord<Forest> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477s
18:42:18FromDiscord<Forest> But uh, looks janky as hell
18:42:27FromDiscord<leorize> well, handling Nim type AST is certainly a pain, so I can understand why they wouldn't want to work with that
18:42:29FromDiscord<Phil> We don't have a convenience proc to get a number of fields in a type right? I do have to use fieldpairs, correct?
18:42:33FromDiscord<Forest> Is there a better way to write it to be more idiomatic?
18:42:55FromDiscord<Phil> Or any other iterator
18:43:22FromDiscord<leorize> yea, you can probably get away with `getType` and take it's length from a macro, ymmv a lot↵(@Phil)
18:45:02FromDiscord<Phil> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477t
18:47:11*neceve quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
18:52:39FromDiscord<leorize> funny how we have tupleLen but no objectLen
18:54:51FromDiscord<noiryuh> if i have 2 proc with same name
18:55:08FromDiscord<noiryuh> how `typeof` could know which it should use
18:58:01FromDiscord<leorize> it doesn't, there will be an ambiguous error
18:58:22FromDiscord<leorize> a way to "select" is to manually convert the function type, but it's unreliable
19:03:50FromDiscord<noiryuh> 🤔
19:13:14FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> https://nim-lang.org/docs/tut2.html
19:14:09FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> How does Nim composition?↵↵This tutorials mentions TWO TIMES how composition is preferable over inheritance and does also show how to do inheritance
19:14:33FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> And it does NOT show how to do composition xD
19:14:51FromDiscord<leorize> c
19:15:10FromDiscord<exelotl> composition is just objects with objects in them
19:15:12FromDiscord<leorize> composition requires a different design paradigm so that it doesn't turn into "inheritance but I don't say inherit"
19:15:30FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> I mean code examples
19:15:36FromDiscord<leorize> it's definitely a bad match for cases crafted to demonstrate inheritance
19:15:42FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Explenations
19:16:00FromDiscord<exelotl> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477B
19:16:18FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> How can you say x is better than y, and then dont show how x works
19:16:27FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> And do show how to use y
19:16:45FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> It doesn't take a 5 year old to detect that
19:16:51FromDiscord<exelotl> why not make a PR to improve it then?
19:17:18FromDiscord<leorize> I think that particular tutorial is flawed from the start \:P
19:17:21FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> I am asking how composition works
19:18:02FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> In reply to @leorize "I think that particular": I have never seen any documentation so high in volume and low on quality
19:18:25FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Like, there is basically every described, its just borderline hard to find it
19:18:50FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Or it's not there in there first place, and that counts for the really fundamental stuff
19:18:56FromDiscord<leorize> ikr
19:18:59FromDiscord<exelotl> it used to be worse
19:19:07FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> I would also like to know, if there is any composition operator
19:19:33FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Like, in FSharp, Haskell and even Ruby can I compose functions with an operator
19:19:45FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Googling this brought me to that tutorial
19:20:27FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Since obviously even Google thought mentioning it twice in a favorable sense might indicate some description
19:20:37FromDiscord<exelotl> composition in functional language is not the same as composition for modelling object types
19:20:48FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Yeah, I know
19:21:09FromDiscord<Forest> Would it be better to implement a new 'backend' to another language the way Nim does it for C, JS, etc, or is just using the AST tree from Nim okay?
19:21:44FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> The guys from Nimskull mean its pretty broken
19:21:49FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> The current backends
19:22:43FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> There is nlvm https://github.com/arnetheduck/nlvm
19:23:09FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> This is a pure Nim -> LLVM compiler, so free from old baggage
19:23:41FromDiscord<ShalokShalom> Despite from the type of baggage, that counts like a feature ;)
19:24:08FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @ShalokShalom "The guys from Nimskull": Wdym?
19:24:46FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @ShalokShalom "This is a pure": Yeah I've seen that but not what i really want or need
19:25:04FromDiscord<Forest> I wanna be able to make Nim generate pure Python or Lua code
19:26:22FromDiscord<leorize> I'd recommend implementing a new backend in the compiler, the macro life is painful and thankless
19:27:00FromDiscord<leorize> also, you need transformations like `for` -\> `while`, `expr` -\> temporaries, and only the compiler provides facility for those
19:32:51*jmdaemon joined #nim
19:49:15FromDiscord<Forest> Ah okay, thanks ^^
19:49:22FromDiscord<Forest> God it just looks so complicated lmao
19:50:24FromDiscord<Aiz> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477G
19:50:39FromDiscord<Bubblie> what does a C struct look like in nim?
19:51:07FromDiscord<leorize> any `object` would do
19:51:19FromDiscord<Aiz> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477I
19:52:06FromDiscord<Aiz> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477J
19:52:13FromDiscord<Bubblie> In reply to @leorize "any `object` would do": thanks :)
19:52:18FromDiscord<leorize> you don't need to index, the type AST is kinda stupid
19:53:17FromDiscord<Aiz> but `sym.getTypeInst` is `typeDesc[Bar]`↵so i have to access `[1]` to get typeKind of `Bar`
19:54:25FromDiscord<Aiz> if i use it directly by `sym.typeKind` then it will be `ntyTypeDesc`
19:55:09*Guest2776 quit (Excess Flood)
19:55:22*Guest2776 joined #nim
19:56:14FromDiscord<Aiz> oh, i have logined the wrong account
19:56:42FromDiscord<noiryuh> lol
19:57:14FromDiscord<noiryuh> multiple accounts problem
19:59:55*Guest2776 quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
20:00:02FromDiscord<leorize> only access `[1]` if the container is `ntyTypeDesc`
20:00:56FromDiscord<leorize> yea this is why I hate nim's type ast
20:01:45FromDiscord<leorize> https://github.com/alaviss/union/blob/main/union/typeutils.nim#L21-L34 \<- I have tools for this stuff
20:03:59FromDiscord<Aiz> In reply to @leorize "you don't need to": that's true
20:04:20FromDiscord<Aiz> i used `sys.typeKind` directly and it somehow worked
20:04:54FromDiscord<Aiz> (edit) "`sys.typeKind`" => "`sym.typeKind`"
20:08:38FromDiscord<mratsim> In reply to @leorize "yea this is why": PTSD from 5 years ago
20:08:46FromDiscord<mratsim> I raised so many type issues
20:31:22FromDiscord<Forest> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477T
20:31:39FromDiscord<Forest> Both me and a friend has tried taking a crack at it but we really don't get it (and the docs don't help)
20:32:21FromDiscord<leorize> hmm I never knew that you can do it like that, kinda risky, though
20:33:43FromDiscord<Forest> That's just the C code lmao
20:34:06FromDiscord<Forest> Need the Nim equivalent but just, can't port it? It's hard as hell
20:34:20FromDiscord<Bubblie> I understand the C code but when I try to convert it to nim code I just absolutely :reducedtoatoms:
20:36:00FromDiscord<!Patitotective> i dont understand the code, is it calling a `wgpuAdapterRequestDevice` function with `adatapter` and some struct?
20:36:21FromDiscord<leorize> there you go
20:36:23FromDiscord<leorize> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=477W
20:37:14FromDiscord<Forest> Thank you, you don't understand how much of a lifesaver you are-
20:38:03FromDiscord<Bubblie> YOU REALLY HELPED US SO MUCH
20:38:04FromDiscord<Bubblie> THANK YOU!
20:38:58FromDiscord<leorize> so some tips for handling this\: `(type) {}` is struct construction (I guess this is GNU C syntax?) and `&` is the address taking operator
20:39:25FromDiscord<Forest> Yup we understand that, it was just, wow
20:40:52FromDiscord<Bubblie> yeah it is just a matter of actually applying these concepts to nim, because as much as I love this language im use to languages like C/C++ so im still somewhat inexperienced with nim itself
20:41:28FromDiscord<leorize> this code is plenty unsafe so make sure you encapsulate it in a function or something
20:43:18FromDiscord<Bubblie> yeah, we are putting it all into a procedure so it is all handled there
20:49:53*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:50:46*krux02 joined #nim
21:11:39FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4785
21:12:09FromDiscord<Bubblie> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4785" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4786"
21:14:31FromDiscord<Bubblie> I am pretty sure i cannot cast a ptr Chainedstruct to Surfacedescriptorfromwindowshwnd but im not sure exactly how to cast it like C does
21:18:25FromDiscord<Bubblie> if anyone has anything please let me know :)
21:43:08FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=
21:43:10FromDiscord<Bubblie> specifically this
21:43:17FromDiscord<Bubblie> how do I write something like this in nim?
21:43:21FromDiscord<Forest> Oh, nim has a cast function iirc
21:43:26FromDiscord<Forest> Uh lemme see
21:43:33FromDiscord<Bubblie> yeah but how would this cast work :thonk:
21:43:50FromDiscord<Forest> https://nim-by-example.github.io/variables/type_casting_inference/
21:44:05FromDiscord<Forest> There ^^
21:45:02FromDiscord<Forest> @Bubblie read-
21:45:49FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=
21:48:44FromDiscord<Bubblie> WAIT
21:48:53FromDiscord<Bubblie> I may have got it im gonna try running it now
21:49:22FromDiscord<Forest> Eyy!
21:52:30FromDiscord<Bubblie> nope
21:52:32FromDiscord<Bubblie> LMFAO
21:52:58FromDiscord<Forest> Oof-
21:53:02FromDiscord<Forest> What's the issue now?
21:54:22FromDiscord<Bubblie> I don't really know
21:57:18FromDiscord<Forest> Sadge
21:58:17FromDiscord<Bubblie> hmmm
21:58:46FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478p
22:03:10FromDiscord<leorize> looks correct with that modification, though not sure what's up with those names
22:03:45FromDiscord<leorize> btw HInstance is a pointer on its own
22:03:50FromDiscord<leorize> you don't need to ptr it
22:06:15FromDiscord<Bubblie> oh okay
22:06:27FromDiscord<Bubblie> yeah im trying to figure this out 😅
22:06:31FromDiscord<!Patitotective> you dont have to do `: type`↵nim can infer it
22:07:42FromDiscord<Bubblie> the names need to be fixed
22:07:48FromDiscord<Bubblie> we are just fixing them as we go
22:08:00FromDiscord<leorize> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478t
22:08:33FromDiscord<leorize> that one should have all type issues handled
22:08:54FromDiscord<leorize> except for the nextInChain, I might have used the wrong type but it's easy fix
22:11:08FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478v
22:11:19FromDiscord<Bubblie> god :reducedtoatoms:
22:11:25FromDiscord<leorize> you can cast it to pointer
22:11:37FromDiscord<leorize> HInstance should be a pointer, probably a distinct type
22:12:04FromDiscord<leorize> or worse, some one wrapped it as `int`, not wrong, but that's C for you
22:12:17FromDiscord<Bubblie> C is the bane of my existence
22:12:50FromDiscord<Bubblie> should I check Winim to see if it was wrapped as an int?
22:13:12FromDiscord<leorize> winim is auto generated from mingw iirc, and some types are marked as int there...
22:13:22FromDiscord<Bubblie> oh
22:13:29FromDiscord<leorize> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478w
22:14:08FromDiscord<leorize> iirc winim wraps HANDLE and its derivatives as `int` since they're not really pointers, just pointer-sized
22:15:41FromDiscord<Bubblie> I see
22:16:21FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @leorize "or worse, some one": I can use futhark to retype it but idk the expected type
22:16:42FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478x
22:16:52FromDiscord<leorize> same type
22:17:21FromDiscord<Forest> So just retype it to int? Or cuint?
22:17:22FromDiscord<leorize> all `H` types are different names of `HANDLE` specialized for a particular purpose
22:17:22FromDiscord<Bubblie> oh okay
22:17:50FromDiscord<leorize> C doesn't have `distinct` like Nim so people use whatever they can think of at the time
22:18:29FromDiscord<Bubblie> C truly is one of kind 😭
22:19:18FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Hey C has distinct, you just make a new struct with a field named `data` that's the type you want then tediously handle everything related to that 😄
22:19:19FromDiscord<leorize> better yet you retype it to `winim.HINSTANCE` \:P↵(@Forest)
22:19:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Sadly it's not cause we have C++, Carbon, C--, ....
22:21:22FromDiscord<Bubblie> Carbon is um... interesting
22:21:26FromDiscord<Bubblie> I can't say I like it or dislike it
22:21:32FromDiscord<Bubblie> I feel like it just, exists
22:23:21FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @leorize "better yet you retype": I mean i could do that
22:23:55FromDiscord<Forest> However uh, that should only be done when Nim is running on windows
22:24:07FromDiscord<Forest> Let me see... Futhark lets ya redefine functions so-
22:24:45FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @Bubblie "yeah for some reason": Bub, exact code giving that error? The line?
22:24:52FromDiscord<leorize> I mean, aside from the winim flaw that it could only be installed on Windows, it's fine to retype it like that
22:24:56FromDiscord<Forest> Where is HINSTANCE from?
22:25:08FromDiscord<leorize> remember that Nim is a cross-compiler at heart
22:25:23FromDiscord<Bubblie> In reply to @Forest "Where is HINSTANCE from?": winim
22:25:27FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @leorize "I mean, aside from": Oh so it'll just keep it as int otherwise?
22:25:39FromDiscord<Forest> So what do i need to retype exactly- brain is ded
22:26:22FromDiscord<Bubblie> definitely um
22:26:24FromDiscord<Bubblie> doing something wrong
22:26:25FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478y
22:26:36FromDiscord<leorize> retype your hInstance field to use the actual HINSTANCE type
22:26:41FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478z
22:26:42FromDiscord<Forest> Yeah i think it's due to a binding error (I'm using to fix)
22:26:47FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @leorize "retype your hInstance field": Alright!
22:28:26FromDiscord<leorize> at least that's what I can infer from the snippets you've sent
22:28:26FromDiscord<leorize> `Requestadaptercallback` -\@Bubblie)
22:29:22FromDiscord<leorize> the one with capital `R` is probably the type of the one with lower case `r`
22:30:24FromDiscord<Bubblie> it seems to not be 💀
22:30:34FromDiscord<leorize> you got the C code then?
22:30:37FromDiscord<Bubblie> yea
22:31:04FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478C
22:31:05FromDiscord<Bubblie> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478C" => "https://paste.rs/vuf"
22:31:05FromDiscord<Bubblie> btw I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me out with this
22:31:29FromDiscord<Bubblie> do you want the github link of the entire native example?
22:31:39FromDiscord<Bubblie> https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu-native/blob/master/examples/triangle/main.c feel like it would be easier to view
22:31:44FromDiscord<leorize> since it's a callback, I think you have to write one yourself
22:32:11FromDiscord<leorize> yea you need to write your own, the example imports this one\: https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu-native/blob/master/examples/framework.c#L32
22:32:11FromDiscord<Bubblie> ?
22:32:18FromDiscord<Bubblie> oh
22:32:24FromDiscord<Bubblie> 😭 thank you for pointing that out
22:32:46FromDiscord<Bubblie> okay that begs the question what the hell is that binding even used for what...
22:32:55FromDiscord<Bubblie> not gonna question it
22:38:30FromDiscord<Bubblie> wait how is C calling request_adapter_callback without filling in the parameters wtf it is just blank
22:38:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> pointer procedure
22:38:51FromDiscord<leorize> it's a function pointer
22:39:46FromDiscord<Bubblie> oh
22:39:49FromDiscord<Bubblie> god I suck at C
22:40:54FromDiscord<Bubblie> so what does a pointer procedure look like in nim in that case
22:41:07FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> the name of the procedure
22:41:48FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478D
22:42:08FromDiscord<Bubblie> ah okay
22:45:52FromDiscord<Bubblie> so in my case I have parameters and it isn't void so, would I use a lambda or something?
22:46:01FromDiscord<Bubblie> sorry
22:46:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You could use a anonymous procedure if you want
22:47:01FromDiscord<Bubblie> ?
22:47:24FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Pointer procedures work the same regardless of the procedure's type
22:47:49FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> you can take the address of `proc doThing(a: int): string` just the same as a void proc
22:48:38FromDiscord<Bubblie> is there a code example of an anonymous procedure in nim?
22:48:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `var a = proc() = echo "Hello"`
22:49:08FromDiscord<Bubblie> oh I see
22:53:05FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478H
22:53:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `userData: pointer`
22:53:43FromDiscord<Bubblie> ah
22:59:48FromDiscord<Bubblie> okay so I think I need to have the proc return the Requestadaptercallback binding that exists, based on the procedure callback I just made and its parameters?
23:00:34FromDiscord<Bubblie> because InstanceRequestAdapter seems to be only taking in Requestadaptercallback (not proper casing I know this was generated)
23:03:24FromDiscord<leorize> no, that type is the type of the proc itself
23:03:30FromDiscord<Bubblie> oh
23:03:38FromDiscord<leorize> also, mark your proc with `{.cdecl.}`
23:03:39FromDiscord<Bubblie> oh shit yeah you are right 😓
23:03:52FromDiscord<Bubblie> In reply to @leorize "also, mark your proc": the anonymous proc right
23:05:39FromDiscord<Bubblie> okay I marked it
23:05:59FromDiscord<Forest> Issue, I can't import winim on Termux to compile it
23:06:12FromDiscord<Forest> (I generate the bindings on Termux and use the outputted file in the cache)
23:07:24FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478L
23:08:40FromDiscord<!Patitotective> what's this channel if not to ask
23:09:09FromDiscord<!Patitotective> what is `Requestadaptercallback_436208375`¡
23:09:10FromDiscord<!Patitotective> (edit) "`Requestadaptercallback_436208375`¡" => "`Requestadaptercallback_436208375`?"
23:11:30FromDiscord<Forest> Futhark lmao
23:12:49FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @Forest "(I generate the bindings": But ye this is my issue.... Wait is there a way to make a generic type that'll do different things on windows and other distros?
23:12:51FromDiscord<Forest> Or
23:12:57FromDiscord<Bubblie> so the numbers are because of futhark, but Requestadaptercallback is a callback that is part of wgpu, and it was generated from the header file. It is supposed to be a type of the callback which is technically a proc but yeah
23:13:05FromDiscord<Forest> Because it still needs to compile on Termux
23:13:17FromDiscord<Forest> (Aarch64 linux environment)
23:14:22FromDiscord<leorize> complain to nimble to disable building the winim generator binary \:P then you can use winim like, anywhere
23:14:33FromDiscord<leorize> alternatively just don't retype it at all
23:15:28FromDiscord<Forest> Wdym?
23:15:57FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @leorize "alternatively just don't retype": You suggested retyping it :p
23:16:38FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478N
23:16:45FromDiscord<Forest> I mean, i could make two separate bindings but uh, not really what i wanna do
23:16:45FromDiscord<leorize> what I meant is, if you can't retype it, don't
23:17:00FromDiscord<Forest> Oooh okay
23:17:43FromDiscord<leorize> the only way is to read up on what that weird type is↵(@Bubblie)
23:18:13FromDiscord<Bubblie> alright
23:18:49FromDiscord<leorize> ah, I found it, `message` is cstring
23:19:03FromDiscord<leorize> your message is cuchar
23:19:12FromDiscord<leorize> (yea, I wish that the error for this one is better too)
23:19:23FromDiscord<Bubblie> thank you 😭
23:21:30FromDiscord<Forest> Wonder if i can provide a stub type thing-
23:21:48FromDiscord<Forest> Not important now anyway
23:22:03FromDiscord<Bubblie> what the hell is this type :thonk:
23:22:36FromDiscord<Forest> Wdym?
23:22:54FromDiscord<Bubblie> the type of the proc Requestadaptercallback
23:23:49FromDiscord<Bubblie> In reply to @leorize "the only way is": should I dig through the bindings for this
23:25:14FromDiscord<Bubblie> the proc is well, void if that counts?
23:26:15FromDiscord<Forest> In reply to @Bubblie "the type of the": The proc itself is `requestadaptercallback` afaik
23:27:35FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=
23:27:43FromDiscord<Bubblie> in the generated bindings
23:27:58FromDiscord<Bubblie> @Forest
23:28:02FromDiscord<Bubblie> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=478P
23:28:18FromDiscord<Forest> Huh
23:28:24FromDiscord<Forest> Did you do git pull?
23:28:31FromDiscord<Forest> Procs should be lowercase
23:28:52FromDiscord<Bubblie> lemme pull
23:29:21FromDiscord<Forest> Aight
23:29:49FromDiscord<Bubblie> it uh
23:29:50FromDiscord<Bubblie> didn't change
23:30:03FromDiscord<Bubblie> did you push?
23:31:00FromDiscord<Bubblie> @Forest
23:31:40FromDiscord<Forest> I definitely did
23:32:58FromDiscord<Bubblie> why hasnt it changed then wtf
23:34:15FromDiscord<Bubblie> im on the github
23:34:20FromDiscord<Bubblie> yeah none of the procs changed
23:44:05FromDiscord<Forest> No idea
23:44:08FromDiscord<Forest> Huh that's... Odd
23:44:17FromDiscord<Forest> Regenerating them now anyway (with improved casing)
23:48:07FromDiscord<Bubblie> Why was making the triangle for nim vulkan easier than this 😭
23:48:44FromDiscord<gaopow> hey all, new to nim and cross-compiling (coming from a data science background). I currently have a script that i've written on an m1 mac and am trying to cross-compile for ubuntu x86_64. Can't seem to get it to work (missing things like `read.c` and `nimbase.h`). I've tried looking online, but I think it's a bit over my head. Where would be the best place to discuss this issue? Happy to redirect to a more appropriate location
23:50:07FromDiscord<leorize> cross compiling is just hard, don't worry
23:50:23FromDiscord<leorize> you'll need a C cross-compiler for linux first
23:51:08FromDiscord<gaopow> something like musl?
23:51:47FromDiscord<gaopow> was also looking into docker cross-compilers
23:51:51FromDiscord<leorize> not really, you need an actual, real, C cross-compiler to Linux, in this case for Ubuntu, you're targeting glibc
23:52:01FromDiscord<leorize> looks like this stuff is just non-existent for OSX
23:52:07FromDiscord<leorize> your other solution is to run a VM then
23:53:02FromDiscord<leorize> yea, if you can run linux docker images, that'd be a very easy way to get this working
23:53:39FromDiscord<!Patitotective> In reply to @gaopow "hey all, new to": just use github actions
23:55:42FromDiscord<gaopow> so in either case, i would find something with an ubuntu x86 base, install nim and any dependencies I need, and then just compile it in that environment?
23:56:26FromDiscord<!Patitotective> github actions has runners, ubuntu, windows and macos↵https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-github-hosted-runners/about-github-hosted-runners
23:56:44FromDiscord<!Patitotective> heres an example https://github.com/Patitotective/ImTemplate/actions/workflows/build.yml
23:59:04FromDiscord<gaopow> Thanks -- I'll try that
23:59:19FromDiscord<Forest> Can futhark rename fields?