<< 10-04-2019 >>

00:00:23shashlicknimterop doesn't bail but skips stuff it doesn't recognize, you get a wrapper but it could be missing stuff. Anything referenced that is missing gets caught by compiler though so it's decent
00:01:40shashlickIt also defers preprocessing to the preprocessor and allows recursively wrapping
00:01:48shashlickYou can
00:02:06shashlickalways just check in that generated wrapper and maintain it that way
00:02:26shashlickAll said and done, I doubt I have the patience to hand wrap large libs
00:03:25*abm quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:03:35shashlickIt isn't available or maintainable long term
00:26:09shashlickScalable, but available
00:26:16shashlickUgh forget it
00:54:34*stefantalpalaru quit (Quit: stefantalpalaru)
01:10:44FromGitter<brentp> with a nim devel, I am getting `../../nim/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim(288, 7) Error: invalid type: 'KeyValuePairSeq[system.string, proc (argv: seq[string]){.locks: <unknown>.}]' for var` on code that used to compile and run. Any ideas?
01:11:25FromGitter<brentp> this code: https://github.com/brentp/genoiser/blob/master/src/genoiser.nim#L653-L669
01:17:33FromGitter<brentp> work-around: https://github.com/brentp/genoiser/commit/a59d3aeeef282f0f310304f81aa308be47ab47ff
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01:27:25FromGitter<brentp> also appears that strformat/fmt no longer stringifies bools?
01:30:37FromGitter<brentp> ok: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/3a5a0f6d46fa0b43ec223d60b2e0f600305eb5f8
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01:48:00FromGitter<arnetheduck> @shashlick - I'm with @stefantalpalaru on that point - generating a dep on treesitter and all its dependencies just to have wrapping re-run by the whole world on what is a static file is a bit extreme - I think users are better served by a pure .nim file they can just import, as long as that nim file is generated automatically
01:50:04FromGitter<arnetheduck> also, to get to a repro state, you need to lock treesitter itself as well as nimterop, and all treesitter depends on - so many moving parts that each can go wrong - easier to cut off the dependency chain and stay pure nim
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02:06:59*banc quit (Quit: Bye)
02:11:00shashlick@arnetheduck - I attempted to explain my rationale in this discussion we had some time ago - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/8327#issuecomment-441726793
02:11:46shashlicknimterop does not force you to depend on it - you can still just generate the wrapper and use it per usual like with c2nim
02:13:48FromGitter<arnetheduck> yeah - we've just been fighting quite a bit with getting repro builds lately and this has surfaced as an issue, as anticipated
02:14:24shashlickwith nimgen, I got into the library business, it didn't scale as a one man show so I am putting that knowledge into nimterop and let users use it as they wish
02:14:51FromGitter<arnetheduck> ie at some point you have to draw the line, or you end up with something very impractical.. basically, what I'm saying is that if we were to try to use any libraries that all require pulling in nimterop+deps, it would no longer be feasible - thus any such libraries are likely off limits to us
02:17:24shashlickI understand it gets hard quickly with complex projects, but given how nimterop is today, it doesn't force itself to be a dep, if you have any feedback on that, happy to improve that
02:18:13shashlickhere's how I have 3 wrappers being used in the style i'm talking about - https://github.com/genotrance/feud/tree/master/wrappers
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02:18:48shashlickbut here's a static wrapper of tree-sitter since it is needed to compile nimterop itself - https://github.com/nimterop/nimterop/tree/master/nimterop/treesitter
02:20:17FromGitter<arnetheduck> yeah, I did a first pass on sqlite3 the other day but that failed for whatever reasons - preprocessing helped but led to other problems - have to get back to that at some point
02:21:03FromGitter<arnetheduck> treesitter still looks like it depends on macros & imports
02:24:42FromGitter<arnetheduck> one thing I'm curious about - how do you deal with `#include`? I've been thinking about setting something up for https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5698 but it would have rather strict requirements on the wrapper gen, in terms of reusing the right types across includes etc.. `glibc` rivals `system.nim` when it comes to `when`/`#define` jungles..
02:25:43shashlickthat's a good point - nimterop wrappers do depend on https://github.com/nimterop/nimterop/blob/master/nimterop/types.nim
02:25:57shashlickbut that's to build a layer of convenience procs that make interop easy
02:26:06shashlickso there's more to nimterop than just the wrapping itself
02:26:35shashlickwe could always make it spit out that content as well in the wrapper if required though that's ugly
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02:30:50FromGitter<arnetheduck> it looks a bit ragtag as well - `time_t`?? the enum stuff could easily just be expanded in the wrapper,
02:31:29FromGitter<arnetheduck> va_list etc - those, in order to get a precise ABI, should probably be parsed as well - else you can't sizeof properly
02:31:58FromGitter<arnetheduck> same with `wchar_t`, whose definition unfortunately depends on compiler flags, often
02:32:42shashlickopen to improve all those, basically one place to implement all interop so that every wrapper doesn't need to redo it
02:33:02shashlicki won't claim to be an expert
02:34:14FromGitter<arnetheduck> that's what #5698 is about actually - the std lib has the same problem, it reimports lots of `c` abi stuff in multiple places, sometimes with different definitions in nim
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02:40:58shashlicki'd rather offload as much to gcc/clang as it can tell me
02:41:13FromGitter<arnetheduck> I don't want to be an expert, but I unfortunately get to see too much of it :)
02:42:41FromGitter<arnetheduck> that's limited though, because if you can't sizeof/offsetof/alignof, it becomes harder to do many kinds of the slightly non-standard operations that sometimes are necessary at a systems level
02:43:14FromGitter<arnetheduck> non-standard as in, not usually seen in the average script
02:43:49shashlickmakes sense
02:43:52FromGitter<arnetheduck> and it affects c wrappers the most - that's actually when you most need it, for example to fill a c union etc
02:44:24shashlickhere's a test against mingw's math.h that nimterop runs and generates a functional wrapper - https://ci.appveyor.com/project/genotrance/nimterop-8jcj7/build/job/ajsiygbfs24m5e8j?fullLog=true#L914
02:44:28FromGitter<arnetheduck> another thing is that it's nice to have these things at compile-time in nim, for example to size an array to a constant that comes from C - not possible otherwise
02:45:28shashlickhere's the test wrapper https://github.com/nimterop/nimterop/blob/master/tests/tmath.nim
02:47:16shashlicki only run the preprocessor at this time, can always invoke for other stuff
02:47:37FromGitter<arnetheduck> nice job in general, generated code looks good
02:50:07shashlickthanks 🙂
02:50:22shashlicklet me try sql.h and see how it works
02:51:09shashlicki also need to add {.dynlib.} support, right now it only works with {.header.}
02:52:19FromGitter<arnetheduck> yeah that would be a prime reason to use a generator like this, to be completely independent of the header file - imagine what a boon that would be for windows for example, not to have to download mingw and deal with all that mess
02:57:12shashlickwell, you'd still need mingw or similar to compile right?
02:57:31shashlickwere you targeting win or lin for sqlite?
02:58:56FromGitter<arnetheduck> both - what I want is an sqlite package that's versioned together with upstream (so I can choose from nim which sqlite version to use), compiles the amalgamation, links statically and offers the raw c api
02:59:58FromGitter<arnetheduck> with nlvm, I won't need mingw, it's stand-alone.. like here: https://twitter.com/jcksie/status/1102589679168376832
03:02:05FromGitter<arnetheduck> on windows linking is less of a mess there from what little I remember (haven't used windows in a bit, but I'd still like to see support).. though there's no cool appimage format like above, afaik, which makes it harder to distribute a single executable like above
03:03:53shashlickya i'm on windows most of the time which is why i prefer building source into my packages instead of hunting for dlls
03:04:51FromGitter<arnetheduck> linux is no different - os-supplied packages tend to vary wildly in versions and compile options, so it's hard to rely on them to deliver a working app
03:05:47FromGitter<arnetheduck> except if you deliver it as part of the distro of course - but then it's on the distro to test the app against their cocktail of packages, really
03:07:41FromGitter<arnetheduck> @kaushalmodi was doing some cool stuff with musl as well - that's nice c library that could work well with wrapping, they have very hygienic header files as opposed to glibc
03:09:19shashlicki just used holy build box to make static nim binaries on linux nightlies, seems to be good enough
03:10:20shashlickfound dockcross too late
03:35:42shashlick@arnetheduck - here's what I got for sqlite3.h - http://ix.io/1CTQ/nim
03:35:44shashlickcompiles too
03:39:23FromGitter<arnetheduck> very nice! what does `codeReordering` do?
03:39:43shashlickorder of procs or types doesn't matter
03:39:55shashlickeven though nimterop does put all types up top, never know
03:40:29shashlickthis is the wrapper file - http://ix.io/1CUl/nim
03:40:31FromGitter<arnetheduck> what about procs that call each other? still need forward decl?
03:41:10shashlicknot required, works great
03:41:21shashlicknote that this isn't the dynlib version
03:41:30shashlickam looking at whether it is an easy change
03:41:31shashlickshould be
03:41:53FromGitter<arnetheduck> oh wow, didn't know that existed even, been bugging me for years.. wonder why it's not default then.
03:42:09FromGitter<arnetheduck> regardless, if the wrapper doesn't need it..
03:43:01leorizecode reordering is experimental and buggy iirc
03:43:02FromGitter<arnetheduck> for header, it looks accurate enough that it shouldn't be needed really - is there an option to not generate header at all? that hard-coded path looks like it might cause trouble if one were to distro that file
03:43:39FromGitter<arnetheduck> forward declarations is what you did in the 1990s
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03:45:35FromGitter<arnetheduck> and there's the nimterop import, which in this case looks like it's not even needed - with those two things out of the way, looks like the perfect sqlite wrapper
03:45:45shashlickadding the dynlib option should skip header altogether
03:46:25FromGitter<arnetheduck> oh and one more thing, a `{.compile: "sqlite3.c".}` directive in there as well, can that be generated?
03:46:41shashlickdo you mean just have {.importc.} and skip header
03:47:44shashlickjust add these two lines and you are done
03:47:54shashlick{.passL: "-lpthread".}
03:49:31FromGitter<arnetheduck> yeah, just `{.importc.}`
03:49:44shashlickif you don't like the sqlite3_ prefix, can use cPlugin() to edit the proc symbols
03:50:15FromGitter<arnetheduck> together with ccompile, you *should* end up with a working statically linked sqlite library that way
03:50:34FromGitter<arnetheduck> so what's the command line you used to generate that?
03:51:07leorizeshashlick: I think prefix stripping is common enough that you should add a proc or some documentation for it.
03:51:13shashlickjust nim c s.nim
03:52:01FromGitter<arnetheduck> I would probably not prefix-strip.. nim's module namespacing is pretty limited, so I'd probably want to reserve the "nice" names for hand-written wrappers on top of that raw c api that would make it nicer to use from nim
03:52:17shashlickon the command line, just toast -pn sqlite3.h but that won't give you the cCompile and passL
03:53:09FromGitter<arnetheduck> so if I want to generate the cCompile as well, into a pre-baked nim file?
03:53:20shashlickcimport adds some conveniences over toast
03:53:50shashlickhttp://ix.io/1CUq/nim is the wrapper gen file
04:10:20FromGitter<arnetheduck> just for completeness, when compiling with nim, there are some advantages to using `header` still - specially if the header contains compiler-specific instructions that nimterop fails to translate.. this might be hints like `noreturn` etc
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04:12:31shashlickso are you saying to leave the header in?
04:13:43FromGitter<arnetheduck> I'm saying the option might be nice, for some situations
04:15:24FromGitter<arnetheduck> option to remove, that is - with how nim is structured today, it's probably better to have it there by default
04:32:39FromGitter<gogolxdong> ../../c/Nim/lib/std/varints.nim(83, 30) Error: cannot copy openArray on latest devel
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06:42:03Araqgogolxdong: we know, fixed.
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07:02:15FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: I think you'll like this - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/a-fork-in-the-road/
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07:04:54livcdIs there like a string -like "Foo*" ?
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07:24:35AraqVarriount, omg, hell yes
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07:56:19FromGitter<alehander42> so, is it possible to pass "newline nodes" to renderer.nim
07:56:39FromGitter<alehander42> e.g. a PNode that just signifies i want an additional newline in the rendered output
07:57:00Araqmaybe with some hacky nkStmtList
07:57:53FromGitter<alehander42> my problem is
07:57:54FromGitter<alehander42> https://paste.ofcode.org/pFmdKV7R6pSC3Rc5qui7Ga
07:57:57FromGitter<alehander42> here
07:58:15FromGitter<alehander42> all those const/method/call etc nodes are always rendered directly one after another
07:58:35FromGitter<alehander42> instead of e.g. having an addtional empty line
07:59:58FromGitter<alehander42> one thing i thought about is that maybe it makes sense to render nkEmptyNode as a new empty line if its a direct child of nkStmtList
08:00:08FromGitter<alehander42> would this break any assumptions?
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08:08:30Araqno idea, sounds risky
08:09:31*stefanos82 joined #nim
08:10:58Araqinstead I would fix the renderer to produce the newlines where you seem fit
08:11:07Araqregardless of empty nodes
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08:14:05FromGitter<alehander42> yeah it seems if i use it liberally
08:14:08FromGitter<alehander42> i get too many newlines
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08:14:24FromGitter<alehander42> ok, another thing i wondered is if there is a way to just somehow use renderer.nim in "nimpretty" mode
08:14:33FromGitter<alehander42> i thought it would add such things
08:14:41FromGitter<alehander42> otherwise i'add fix the renderer
08:20:47FromGitter<alehander42> ok your idea
08:20:53FromGitter<alehander42> seems to works great for my case
08:20:54FromGitter<alehander42> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10995
08:21:02FromGitter<alehander42> (are there any renderer tests?)
08:21:35Araqthe docgen has tests and so does nimpretty
08:21:45Araqthough nimpretty doesn't use the renderer anymore iirc
08:23:18FromGitter<alehander42> hm i guess my change wouldn't really affect docgen but not entirely sure
08:23:39FromGitter<alehander42> should i check for some docgen flag in those cases
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10:56:34livcdcan I lookup constants by their value in nim file?
10:56:47FromGitter<mratsim> ctrl+F?
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11:01:35narimiran`gd` if you're using (neo)vim :)
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11:11:54livcdi mean programmatically :D
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11:22:13ZevvVarriound: nice find, the fork() paper
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11:47:47FromGitter<liquid600pgm> Zevv: thanks for your help with textures :) I wouldn't think that uniforms could be the problem
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11:51:24PMunchHmm, have to do some light web-dev. Karax+Jester is the way to go?
11:53:33livcdI am also going to try karax soon
11:53:44PMunchHmm, I feel Karax is a bit "too much" for what I need
11:54:36Araqkarax is still quite small
11:54:38PMunchI basically just need a page with some text, a couple buttons, and some logic to validate a form. Then the server get's the input, does some work, and responds with a reply
11:54:46PMunchOh yeah, I wasn't thinking of size
11:55:03PMunchCan I easily use it on just a part of the page?
11:55:34PMunchBasically just a template file with some custom tag that Karax would grab and populate
11:58:10*JustASlacker joined #nim
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12:02:18livcdi just noticed that the example in todoapp references nimcache/todoapp.js but when I do nim js todoapp.nim it creates it in the current directory
12:04:04PMunchThat is probably a leftover
12:04:12PMunchnim js used to place the output in nimcache
12:07:48livcdwhat are you going to create PMunch ?
12:08:29PMunchSmall internal tool at work
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12:32:55AraqPMunch, that's easily done with Karax
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12:33:31PMunchYeah I just realised that it uses id="ROOT"
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12:52:35PMunchHmm, Jester doesn't seem to like files in forms..
12:55:43PMunchThrows an exception when it tries to parse the request
12:56:45PMunchThe form looks a little something like this: http://ix.io/1FOo/
13:03:50*fanta7531 quit (Quit: fanta7531)
13:08:29PMunchHmm, seems like no forms work. Tried to swap if for a simple text input
13:24:02FromGitter<liquid600pgm> apitrace doesn't want to show filenames in backtraces for some reason, even with `--debugger:native`
13:24:10FromGitter<liquid600pgm> line numbers*
13:25:08FromGitter<mratsim> are you sure it's just not release eating your line numbers?
13:25:19FromGitter<liquid600pgm> yes
13:25:43FromGitter<liquid600pgm> I'm using `nim c --debugger:native -r tests/t_window "windows" "creation"` to compile my program
13:25:59FromGitter<liquid600pgm> (yes I know I'm running it for no reason but that's not the point)
13:26:15FromGitter<liquid600pgm> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/OqYD/image.png)
13:26:18FromGitter<liquid600pgm> ↑ this is what apitrace shows
13:27:09FromGitter<mratsim> no idea then, usually I either use the raw Nim stacktrace or gdb/lldb backtrace
13:27:34FromGitter<liquid600pgm> I'm trying to debug OpenGL calls so that's not really viable
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13:45:24PMunchAah, I was missing a response..
13:45:34PMunchWeird crash though.. Could've been better
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14:15:15chickendanTried sorting a rather large counttable, ran for over ten mins before killing it. Now, is there another fast workaround besides creating a seq and sorting that? https://pastebin.com/x7Vpcvk7
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14:25:22FromGitter<mratsim> SortedTable is missing though maybe strtab can help?
14:26:40narimiran" # we use shellsort here; fast enough and simple" :)
14:27:48narimiran(that's a doc comment for CountTable.sort)
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14:52:20chickendanYeah, narimiran, looking at the github code right now. Shame, because the above would be by far the cleanest solution compared the other languages I've tried. What do you think, would a PR with a faster sorting algorithm be accepted or is this a too obscure of a use case and thus likely a "won't fix"?
14:55:11narimiranchickendan: Araq is the one who can answer that, but my first response would be: "show me the numbers" (i.e. benchmark both your example and some other more common ones (with smaller CountTable))
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15:05:19FromGitter<akavel> Hi! Do you know if Araq, or anybody from the Nim Core Team, is active now?
15:06:23FromGitter<akavel> I've tried sending a job application letter to [email protected] recently, but then I heard that the hiring is probably already closed now;
15:08:00FromGitter<alehander42> He and narimiran are usually around here most of the time
15:08:01FromGitter<akavel> I'd highly appreciate if I could get a confirmation (I didn't seem to get a response over the week since I sent it).
15:08:14FromGitter<alehander42> So keep an eye here
15:09:45FromGitter<akavel> @alehander42 Ok, cool, thanks! narimiran seems to have been active ~20min ago indeed, so maybe I'll try to ping them...
15:10:14narimiranyes, i'm here, but i'm not the one who you're after
15:11:00FromGitter<akavel> heh, ok :) then do you maybe know who's The One? :D or is it Araq, and Araq only? :D
15:12:14FromGitter<akavel> I tried emailing dom96 already, but he also couldn't confirm with 100% certainty :D
15:14:28narimiranyes, it is him. i guess he's AFK currently, but he's usually here non-stop :) so you'll catch him, don't worry :)
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15:39:45disruptekchickendan: try critbits.
15:40:02disruptek(it will blow your mind)
15:47:14disruptekand please let us know how fast it is. i'm kinda curious after having looked at your paste.
15:49:37jkenIs there an environment variable or commandline arg for choosenim that changes where it is installed to? say I want it to live in ~/.env/nimble rather than ~/.nimble
15:51:08dom96and --nimbleDir:<dir>
15:51:27jkenah, well look at that. Ill just set those in a choosenim alias
15:51:49Araqwho summoned me?
15:52:59*floppydh quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.4)
15:53:09Araqbetter be quick before I watch "Jaedong vs Effort"
15:55:56FromGitter<alehander42> @akavel wanted to know about Nim jobs
15:56:45FromGitter<alehander42> (he sent an email to the Nim lang email but never got an answer: wondered if Nim lang is still hiring)
15:58:12AraqI PM'ed him
15:58:55FromGitter<mratsim> and @chickendan wanted to know if he could implement a faster sort for count table and how likely it is for it to be merged
15:59:23FromGitter<mratsim> though personally maybe we should have a SortedTable and SortedCountTable instead
15:59:40Araqwill be merged
15:59:58Araqthough it's always sad to replace shellsort :P
16:00:35Araqit means Sedgewick was wrong
16:00:55disruptekAraq: i didn't mean to give you a hard time about `import foo from foo`. ;-)
16:01:14disruptekshellsort is good. critbits is better.
16:02:32FromGitter<mratsim> ah forgot about critbits when I talked about strtabs
16:02:57FromGitter<mratsim> we need a "working with strings in Nim" article
16:03:21FromGitter<mratsim> between the regex/strscans and the tables solutions, it's very easy to forget some modules
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16:03:52FromGitter<arnetheduck> I can't ever tell how to format string actually.. the two options present are sufficiently similar that there's no compelling reason to use one over the other, and it ends up being pretty random
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16:04:12disruptekthe only compelling reason seems to be avoiding an import. :-D
16:04:25Araqin doubt use &"{x}"
16:04:39Araqbut I don't like it ;-)
16:04:49FromGitter<mratsim> I'm happy strformat now works with generics, but AFAIK it's still broken in templates
16:05:12FromGitter<mratsim> Python has 3 ways of formatting strings ;)
16:05:12FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, that's the problem kind of.. there are two bad options essentially
16:05:30FromGitter<alehander42> Well we need to fix strformat
16:05:33Araqno, it's not broken. The rules for template expansions are clear and don't cover "expand within string literals early"
16:06:05FromGitter<alehander42> It's API seems best to me
16:06:59FromGitter<mratsim> BTW https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/10996 close?
16:07:59chickendandisruptek: critbits is slick indeed, and runs in 33s on my sluggish machine, around as fast as perl and python. Now, but it's only sorting the string mapping, isn't it, or am I missing something?
16:12:21Araqfor me all string formats are broken... terrrible single character mini languages that I can never remember
16:15:12narimiran@mratsim isn't now there a documented workaround which makes strformat not-broken in templates?
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16:16:14FromGitter<mratsim> @Araq & is the same character used for concatenation, much more consistent that Python f-strings and + for concat
16:16:24disruptekchickendan: what is it you are trying to accomplish? can i see your crit code?
16:16:35disruptekshould be quite a bit faster than 33s.
16:16:40FromGitter<mratsim> he wants to replace countTable for strings with critbits
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16:17:53disruptekright, but without knowing the purpose, it's hard to say if he's using it correctly. ;-)
16:17:58chickendanI want an ascending/descending list of number of occurrences of certain words in a file, think source code dir.
16:18:21chickendanCritBitTree code is virtually the same as before.
16:18:22FromGitter<mratsim> @narimiran you mean this ugly hack? :p https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/7632#issuecomment-481542932
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16:19:12disruptekyou want to sort on the number of occurences, right? not the word itself?
16:19:36chickendanAlthough a tad slower than rust and c++, critbits is on par memory-wise, all are using around 80mb for around 560k of uniq words. Which is fantastic.
16:20:11chickendan50 abc
16:20:13chickendan30 def
16:20:18chickendan20 xyz
16:20:20chickendanand so on
16:20:30narimiran@mratsim it is not ugly if it does its job :P
16:20:43FromGitter<mratsim> Brainfuck says hi ;)
16:21:21Araqchickendan, gah slower than C++ and Rust ... we must optimize it further :-)
16:21:44chickendanNah, that's not what i meant. Runtime before was over 10mins. :)
16:21:53Araqmratsim: try to understand how template expansion really works and the hack disappears
16:22:04chickendanEven interpreted chicken scheme was faster than nim, hehe.
16:22:11disrupteki think i would probably use crit to count the words and then move the data into a structure you can use for your queries.
16:22:13Araqchickendan, how many entries are in the count table?
16:22:26chickendanhalf a million.
16:22:37Araqand why is shellsort so slow with that... something is wrong
16:22:53Araqhalf a million is nothing :-/
16:23:21disruptekcrit is great for ooo access, but you cannot quickly query by value.
16:23:55FromGitter<mratsim> @Araq, I already try to understand generics early resolution, if you also throw template late resolution in the mix it gets messy ;)
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16:30:07chickendandisruptek: crit is indeed a gem, thanks for pointing me in that direction, pretty sure I can utilize that in the future. But for now I'm going with counttable -> seq for sorting, which is fast enough.
16:30:37disruptekis the wordlist public data? i'm kinda curious to play with this problem.
16:34:20Araqfix that bloody counttable.sort already
16:40:25shashlick@arnetheduck, @leorize - from yesterday's conversation, i have the following feedback for nimterop - dynlib support, make header optional, make prefix/suffix easier or better docs, can anything be done for hardcoded header path in generated wrapper, allow standalone wrappers not depending on nimterop/types
16:40:36shashlickany other feedback? let me know - thanks
16:41:59disruptekwhat's wrong with counttable.sort?
16:42:11narimiranchickendan: in your pastebin you wrote that just populating your CountTable took 20 seconds. can you compare that to other languages, how long does it take them without sorting?
16:42:37FromGitter<arnetheduck> there was one thing I ended up not understanding.. how do I get from http://ix.io/1CUq/nim to a concrete nim file that I can give to someone that doesn't have nimterop installed? you implied the command line tool would not be quite it.
16:42:42narimirandisruptek: didn't we just conclude that it is way too slow?
16:42:55disruptekthat's why crit should be used instead. you populate much faster. then you simply move the data into a seq and sort numerically.
16:43:26shashlick@arnetheduck - if you run `nim c wrap.nim`, it will spit out the entire wrapper
16:43:41shashlickcan > file.nim and edit it to avoid those issues
16:44:12shashlickthat's one of the feedbacks i noted, to make standalone wrappers a bit cleaner
16:47:42FromGitter<arnetheduck> cool - well, there's one final thing I'll be looking into how to do: lock down nimterop version (including all its deps) - nimble is probelmatic in that aspect in that you get a random version every time.. so basically, to create a reproducible wrapper, I also need to make sure I'm using a particular nimterop version
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16:48:31disruptekif only there were a nim package manager than could yield reproducible builds...
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16:50:18shashlick@arnetheduck - right now, I've not versioned nimterop so that's been a problem - will have to use commits which are ugly
16:50:45shashlickalso for wrappers, gitPull() allows to pull specific tag/commit so you can use that to pull upstream and have that committed
16:51:00shashlickthat way you can have consistency
16:51:49FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, what I'm likely to do is to lock down to a particular nimterop git hash. the trouble is getting those pesky deps right
16:52:10FromGitter<arnetheduck> regex, cligen, that stuff
16:52:36shashlickokay i see what you are saying, also, nimterop moves as tree-sitter moves
16:52:50FromGitter<arnetheduck> yeah that too
16:52:51shashlickthat's easy to lock down since I use gitPull() for upstream
16:53:49shashlickthing though is that while I try to support n, n-1 and n-2 even if possible, sometimes, other lib authors don't quite see the point
16:55:15FromGitter<arnetheduck> my thing is that once I arrive at a working wrapper, I'm unlikely to care about anything you do, until I run into a problem, at which point I'll want to upgrade once, then keep not caring :)
16:55:41shashlickyes and that's totally doable today with some minor fixes which i'm working on
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16:58:41shashlickand on my side, I am striving on keeping nimterop running correctly on devel and stable
16:58:49shashlickwith all the changes
16:59:28shashlickso hopefully the next time you come to use nimterop, it will work, with more functionality as time permits
16:59:37disrupteki don't see anything wrong with counttable.sort, but i don't understand why we have to scan the entire table to yield largest() or smallest(). can't we keep track of when those values change?
17:00:26shashlickthing is that the CLI is limited when compared to using the cimport API so i will continue to invest in that strategy
17:00:36shashlickthere's only so much CLI flags can do
17:01:14shashlickbut will continue to support both strategies of using nimterop as a dep or simply checking in the generated wrapper
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17:24:14FromGitter<arnetheduck> shashlick, one more thing - since the codeReordering is not needed and potentially unstable, I'd remove that too, as a feature req
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17:42:06shashlickOk i will make it optimal
17:42:19disruptekall i ask is that it's optimal.
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18:01:13chickendannarimiran: sorry for the delay. Sorting is not the issue: c++, rust, python and others execute one or two secs faster when sorting disabled. Furthermore, 20ms is the whole runtime, which includes printing. Piping to /dev/null reduces the nim (sans sort) runtime to around 13s.
18:01:50chickendandisruptek: yes, the data is public since I only stumpled over this problem myself: https://ptrace.fefe.de/wp/timings2019.txt
18:01:55chickendanCheck the top lines.
18:02:26FromGitter<arnetheduck> @shashlick https://github.com/arnetheduck/nim-sqlite3-abi - model wrapper library, as I imagine it. someone that depends on `sqlite3_abi` in their nimble file have everything ready, with the same versioning as upstream as well. probably, your `gitPull` is better for most libraries, instead of that `.zip` download, but for sqlite, they have the amalgamation that's really really easy to use
18:02:43chickendanThe original plan was to submit a nim multi-threaded version. :)
18:04:08narimiranchickendan: 20ms? you mean 20s, right? if others are 1-2 seconds faster, that's 10%
18:04:22chickendanOh, yeah, sorry.
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18:10:35narimiranchickendan: and the table with the results you sent is with sorting? i would expect nim to be in that sub-10s crowd
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18:13:34chickendanThe timings are not mine, it's a somewhat public und completely unscientific benchmark initially brought up ten years ago, but was revieved recently. Whole stuff is here, readme contains the whole problem description: https://ptrace.fefe.de/wp/
18:15:09chickendanThe initial goal was to provide idiomatic solutions, but people went the fast route instead. Wanted to see how nice idiomatic nim would hold up and how easy it would be to parallelize the whole damn thing afterwards.
18:24:26FromDiscord<treeform> I heard that we will be getting rid of {.pure.} enums? When?
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18:30:58disruptekchickendan: thanks, i will take a look in a few hrs. :-)
18:32:27disrupteki did make a random word list (random 1-12 char words) >240mb in size, 32MM+ words, and loaded it into crit in <50s single-threaded.
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18:33:50chickendanThat's because you have a beast of a machine and not a crappy underclocked celeron cpu like I do. :)
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18:36:03disruptekjust a data-point. i'm not even sure my crit accesses are optimal. but at least now we can compare apples to apples. :-)
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19:12:33dom96Seems a 0.19.6 is needed, 0.19.4 has a broken Nimble :( https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/616
19:13:05shashlick@arnetheduck - you might want to make those .c and .h paths relative to current path
19:13:08shashlickusing currentSourcePath
19:13:17shashlickcause once it is a nimble package, it may or may not work
19:14:34FromGitter<arnetheduck> that's a `devel` feature, right?
19:16:35shashlickno I think currentSourcePath should work even on stable
19:17:26shashlickhere's a sample of a nimgen wrapper - http://nimgen.genotrance.com/nimssl/aes.nim.html#L-23
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19:24:49ryukopostingtfw nimcrypto has no releases
19:25:34FromGitter<arnetheduck> @shashlick is there a way to ignore things in the header file / exclude symbols?
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19:27:46shashlickyes - you can use cPlugin for fine grained control or cSkipSymbol to just skip them
19:28:01shashlickyou can also cOverride to write your own implementation and nimterop will skip them
19:48:36FromGitter<arnetheduck> nice
19:49:22narimirandom96: updated nimble is also needed ;)
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20:01:46ryukopostingVarriount: nimcrypto and httputils don't have any git tags. Until their creators have made official release tags, I can't safely package code that depends on either of them
20:05:32ryukopostingthis is absolutely ridiculous, seriously. Who in their right minds would think it makes any sense at all to contribute a package to a public package repository, with the intent that people will download and use it, if they aren't going to version it????
20:07:06rayman22201Not defending the lack of tags, but use a git commit hash as a work around?
20:07:18ryukopostingand I don't want to hear any "oh it's still unstable" crap. If it's still too unstable to be used, it doesn't belong in that repository in the first place. If it's still buggy but good enough for people to start trying out, that's what 0.0.x tags are for
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20:08:42ryukopostingrayman22201: it works as a kludge, but that's the problem. A git hash gives no indication of the state of the package, its stability, compatibility with other git hashes, etc.
20:09:15disruptekryukoposting: neither does a version tag.
20:09:34FromGitter<liquid600pgm> are there any good, lightweight sound playback libraries for Nim?
20:09:43ryukopostingthey damn well better provide that information disruptek
20:09:46krux02ryukoposting, versioning is overrated
20:09:49disruptekif your package depends on another, specify which version it depends upon. or, ideally, the git hash. :-)
20:10:14krux02liquid600pgm: well I use SDL, but I did use sound much yet.
20:10:32ryukopostingkrux02 if you honestly think any project that takes itself seriously is going to rely on another package without even being able to specify what version it depends on, then you are out of your damn mind and I might as well kill the AWS project right now
20:10:32krux02it also really depends on what you want to do.
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20:10:54FromGitter<liquid600pgm> I just want to play back some small sound effects
20:11:02disruptekhey, don't kill awsome. i like it. i want it. i need it.
20:11:14krux02ryukoposting, I think you are exaggerating. Quality of software has little to do if it has a version tag or not.
20:11:15ryukopostingyou're not the only one disruptek
20:11:53ryukopostingkrux02 that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is this: If I can't idenfity whether your package is stable, how the hell do I know if it's stable?
20:12:03disruptekby testing it. nawabs ftw!
20:12:05krux02liquid600pgm: I could succesfully play sound files with SDL
20:12:29FromGitter<liquid600pgm> yeah, but SDL is pretty heavy and I don't want to pull its entirety into my project
20:12:30ryukopostingIf I can't explicitly define a minimum version for a dependency, how the hell am I going to make sure that everyone can use my package without it exploding in their faces?
20:12:44FromGitter<liquid600pgm> I might check out soundio, seems like a fairly lightweight option
20:12:46krux02it's not that heavy if I know
20:13:02krux02when you initialize SDL, you can select to only use it's sound component
20:13:23FromGitter<liquid600pgm> yeah, but is it possible to compile *only* the sound component?
20:13:30disruptekagain, by testing it and pinning any hash that passes. this is how you, similarly, omit versions of your dependencies that do not work with your software.
20:14:02krux02well you don't compile SDL anyway. You use a shared library.
20:14:08krux02all you compile is the SDL2 header.
20:14:25krux02the nim wrapper uses the full header all the time as far as I know
20:14:31krux02but it is also not that big.
20:14:50FromGitter<liquid600pgm> I want something I can compile statically, right into my exec, and that wouldn't add too much size
20:15:03krux02forget about that
20:15:04ryukopostingwhy is it now my responsibility to filter through every single commit of someone else's package to determine which one is usable?
20:15:17krux02you need to access the hardware somehow
20:15:26FromGitter<liquid600pgm> I already do that with GLFW, what's the problem?
20:15:27krux02that only works by interfaces of the operating system
20:15:40FromGitter<liquid600pgm> I just compile it statically
20:15:43disruptekyou don't need to track all their changes. you only need to know whether the current hash works. or, bisect until it does.
20:15:53krux02I think you can compile SDL2 statically as well
20:15:53shashlick@liquid600pgm - there's a bass wrapper - nimbass
20:15:57krux02but it is not recommended
20:16:03ryukopostingsince when did your text editor roll out arbitrary releases online, leaving you responsible for figuring out which one doesn't crash?
20:16:25krux02SDL2 is designed in a way that it can provide a stable API, even when the operating system under it slightly changes.
20:16:35ryukopostingsuch a thing would be completely obnoxious, and nobody would use it. I certainly wouldn't, at least.
20:16:35disruptekyou don't have to rely upon their code. i'm giving you solutions to your problem. ;-)
20:16:58disruptekwhat software do you rely upon that you're struggling with?
20:17:02shashlickthere's also a soloud wrapper being tested in nimterop
20:18:27FromGitter<liquid600pgm> rayman22201: I'm browsing that rn
20:18:28disruptekalso, i DO regularly have to debug other people's code to figure out bugs in my system. i mean, this is the state of the world right now. yes, it's obnoxious.
20:18:42shashlick@liquid600pgm - the soloud wrapper is fully compiled in so might work for you
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20:18:49shashlickbass is a separate dll
20:18:57FromGitter<liquid600pgm> nice, I'll try that wrapper out
20:19:14krux02liquid600pgm: why is it so important to you to have everything statically linked?
20:20:14krux02hardware interfaces are really better when they are dynamically linked.
20:20:27krux02best example for this is GPU drivers.
20:20:31FromGitter<liquid600pgm> I just like to have a single, portable executable I can easily share
20:20:40shashlick@ryukoposting - I relate to what you are saying about stability, but how do versions help? if a package does dev in branches and only delivers stable to master, commits should be good too right?
20:21:03krux02You can write a game in OpenGL and run it on hardware that doesn't even exist yet, because the driven can be injected later
20:21:07FromGitter<arnetheduck> I think what ryokoposting is after a social tool that let's producers of packages give consumers of packages a semi-structured way to discover which versions are expected to mix well, and what their believed state is. this is immensly useful, because you can take that social information, and efficiently pick a set of dependencies to start your testing with - the suggestion to use a git hash doesn't scale well, as
20:21:08FromGitter... the combinations of versions to try grows quickly.
20:21:41shashlickthis is back to the earlier discussion on lock files
20:21:57FromGitter<arnetheduck> once you have that set of packages, you lock it down using git hashes, so it does slip away from under your feet
20:22:04disruptekbut you don't need to try all combinations. look at homu/bors. once you have software that works, it should stay working.
20:22:08krux02so you really should link your SDL2 dynamically and put the dll next to it.
20:22:28krux02yea it sucks I know
20:22:54disrupteklook at lolbench for a demo of git bisecting. it really doesn't have to be as onerous as you suggest.
20:22:56krux02but that is how it is most likely to run everywhere
20:23:41disruptekthat kinda tooling would be a real asset to nim. i wouldn't mind working on it.
20:24:03FromGitter<arnetheduck> disruptek - you assume an automated test suite with full coverage for git bisect to work with. that's optimistic.
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20:24:32FromGitter<arnetheduck> a bit of social lubricant goes a long way, usually.
20:24:38disruptekno, the two are separate. you can bisect locally, or at least in your own branches.
20:25:00disruptekie. you don't submit a change to upgrade the hashes of your deps until you (at least) have tested them.
20:25:12krux02arnetheduck: I didn't follow the conversation entirely, what do you want to bisect?
20:25:29disruptekit's the "not rocket science" essay.
20:25:54disrupteki would provide a link, but i'm on a console atm.
20:26:24FromGitter<arnetheduck> disruptek - consider that I use a json library. I want to test that my code works with the new version. what do I use as bisect criteria?
20:26:33krux02as far as my experiece with ``git bisect`` goes. I thought it would be as frustrating to learn as all the other git workflows. But then when I eventually tried it out, I was surprised how intutive it is.
20:27:12disruptekyou run the new version. if it works, great. if not, you bisect between HEAD and the version you depend upon in your master branch.
20:27:41FromGitter<arnetheduck> but I cannot possible run the new version with all the possible json files that exist?
20:27:47rayman22201The assumption is that you have a reliable and robust way to figure out "it works, great"
20:27:58disruptekif your tests are inconclusive, you have a different problem.
20:28:24FromGitter<arnetheduck> rayman22201, that's the assumption I'm challenging. it doesn't blend well with reality.
20:28:36rayman22201exactly, I agree with you @arnetheduck
20:28:55rayman22201I should have elaborated. You can't always have that assumption
20:28:57FromGitter<arnetheduck> indeed - the social glue is there to deal with the inconclusive gray zone
20:29:16disruptekwell, frankly, i don't trust the social glue more than my tests.
20:29:41disrupteki mean, you guys seem smart and all, but i'm not going to base the quality of my software on your say-so. :-D
20:30:09FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, you do already, unless you claim that your test suite covers every possible execution of your program
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20:30:53disruptekyou say that like it's something infeasible.
20:31:07rayman22201it is for some cases
20:31:24shashlickthe world is a big place
20:31:33FromGitter<arnetheduck> it is, for most cases, specially if you your program is written in a turing complete language :)
20:32:10disrupteksymbolic analysis is pretty advanced these days. check out what you can do with KLEE.
20:32:29shashlickif it were so achievable, you'd not see so many software bugs
20:33:11disruptekyou're suggesting that the challenge of writing mostly-working software is greater than the challenge of writing provably-correct software.
20:33:22disruptekpeople are lazy. programmers, especially.
20:34:25disruptekif you can't tell me whether your software works when based upon my software, then how can you criticize me for not having working software?
20:35:04FromGitter<arnetheduck> I'm suggesting that you can't prove correctness, just like you can't prove an argument. you start with a set of axioms from which you build your arguments - same thing with software, you start with a line of trust. that's usually the compiler, and to be efficient, a bunch of libraries as well. you 100% trust your cpu for example, even though history has proven that this is an unsafe assumption.
20:35:59FromGitter<arnetheduck> you can prove correctness according to some criteria in limited, though ever expanding, cases, but that's about it
20:36:06shashlickthe fact that there's a human behind anything is a big enough factor
20:36:45disrupteki don't think anyone is arguing that point. the point was, as the publisher of software that depends upon software, you have all the tools you need to ensure stability.
20:36:57FromGitter<arnetheduck> I'm also claiming that it's *efficient* to trust the social glue - you'll produce better outcomes globally if you choose the right trust set.
20:37:10FromGitter<arnetheduck> at least if getting shit done is your objective :)
20:37:12disruptekno one said you had to track changes to underlying dependencies. if it works, use it. you don't have to upgrade.
20:38:03disrupteki guess there are two solutions for ryukoposting, then. :-D
20:38:36FromGitter<arnetheduck> you can't ensure stability - I just gave you an example with the json file. you have to compromise.
20:38:45disruptekryukoposting: btw, do you have r53 models?
20:39:12disrupteki don't lose sleep over all the json files i won't be able to test. neither should you. ;-)
20:40:12shashlickhere's the thing, most production software doesn't change deps unless they have to
20:40:15FromGitter<arnetheduck> I don't. therefore, I also like to rely on a package manager to choose a set of compatible versions for me, based on the social information that developers feed me
20:40:32FromGitter<arnetheduck> then I lock that down and sleep well until I have to change
20:40:33disruptekand, you don't have to change deps. again, just pin the git hash you want.
20:40:39FromGitter<liquid600pgm> shashlick: your soloud wrapper doesn't compile on Nim 0.19.9
20:40:57shashlickwhich OS
20:41:01FromGitter<liquid600pgm> Linux
20:41:08FromGitter<liquid600pgm> Fedora 29, to be precise
20:41:21FromGitter<liquid600pgm> there's a ton of linker errors
20:41:23FromGitter<arnetheduck> yes, but that first step of finding a nice set of deps is crucial - it underpins my ability to reuse other people's code, at scale
20:41:56disruptekhow you go about that is your business.
20:42:02FromGitter<liquid600pgm> oh wait, I have to compile with nim cpp now
20:42:04FromGitter<liquid600pgm> how annoying
20:42:45disruptekthe js ecosystem is a good example of why i don't trust versions AT ALL.
20:42:50FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, yeah. but I think ryukoposting was looking for a method to do that, and it's lacking in several nim libraries
20:42:57shashlickLinux needs the right libs installed, am not testing it on travis
20:43:17FromGitter<liquid600pgm> no, it was just nim cpp
20:43:18disrupteki probably noticed the convo late; what exactly is he looking for?
20:43:40shashlickit should work with nim c too, at least as far as soloud is concerned
20:43:54shashlicksoloud is tested on appveyor ubuntu
20:44:01shashlickof course, there's no real sound card
20:44:05shashlickso load fails
20:44:23FromGitter<arnetheduck> the js ecosystem is an amazing feat of human collaboration across the world - with a few bad eggs here and there. easy to poke at those because they're so much more visible.
20:44:34disrupteknim reactor doesn't work with 0.19.9 but it works with 0.19.4. more proof, if you needed it.
20:46:10disruptekto me, what's amazing about the js ecosystem is that it works at all.
20:48:05FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, that admission is a strong signal that perhaps they're on to something as well :) not perfect, but perhaps a learning point at least.
20:48:05FromGitter<liquid600pgm> is it possible to disable printing of code generated by nimterop to the console?
20:49:34disrupteki've learned a lot from js. it has changed my code for the better. and part of what i've learned is how much trust i want to put on someone's semver. ;-)
20:50:45*Snircle quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
21:03:45shashlickYes turn debug off
21:04:09shashlickPresuming you are talking about the cimport method and not toast
21:04:27shashlickRemove cDebug()
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21:20:58FromDiscord<treeform> @dom96, "Is netpipe a reimplementation of TCP?" - yes and no. TCP is really bad for short latency sensitive messages. TCP was designed for throughput (downloading files) not latency (games). Netpipe will resend stuff faster then TCP, netpipe will not buffer and you also get nat punch-through (which TCP does not have). Netpipe is basically "like TCP but for games". I should write a section about TCP vs netpipe in the readme.
21:21:35dom96narimiran: I sadly don't have the time to release a new Nimble.
21:21:58dom96@treeform did I ask that?
21:22:48FromDiscord<treeform> @dom96 not these exact words you said "That's a cool library, but I wonder: isn't this almost a complete reimplementation of TCP? treeform? :)"
21:23:11dom96ahh right, that was a while ago
21:26:43ryukopostingtreeform: sounds an awful lot like UDP to me
21:28:14ryukopostingdom96: hoping to hear your thoughts on this https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/issues/1051
21:29:38FromDiscord<treeform> ryukoposting, netpipe is built on top of UDP, gives you reliable in order delivery and connection handling just like TCP.
21:29:55ryukopostingah okay,
21:29:59ryukopostingneat, I like the sound of that
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21:40:42disruptekwow, i guess counttable.sort IS broken.
21:41:56disruptektakes me only 8s to stuff the words into crit and then 0.7s to pull them out and sort them. all one thread.
21:42:47disruptek1.8MM words from the llvm sources...
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22:00:07FromDiscord<treeform> @dom96, @ryukoposting: I have updated the readme https://github.com/treeform/netpipe please let me know if stuff does not make sense.
22:02:26ryukopostingretry for something that's targeted at soft real-time systems seems like a strange choice, but very interesting nonetheless. Sample code looks very good,
22:03:51disruptekcounttable can count the words in only 1.5s. something is very broken here. :-(
22:05:23FromDiscord<treeform> ryukoposting, working on RTS games where stuff needs to always sync up. If I was working on an FPS or more action like game, I would implement non-reliable flag, which I think would not be that hard.
22:06:21ryukopostingthat's what I was gonna suggest, a one-bit field that says "don't bother retrying this one"
22:07:36ryukoposting(make sure to support async!)
22:14:41*rnrwashere quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:31:12disruptek1.5s to count, 0.8s to sort. i'm not happy that crit isn't faster, but at least we fixed counttable and achieved an impressive speed bump.
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23:45:27FromGitter<deech> Why are `const` objects not allowed? eg. `const O = Object()` is a compiler error
23:54:55noonienhello folks
23:55:06noonienis it possible to cross-compile to armv7 from x86_64?
23:55:37ryukopostingyes, it is
23:55:43ryukopostingdeech I'll help you in a sec
23:56:36noonienawesome, thanks!
23:56:41noonienit's a linux target, btw
23:56:49ryukopostingnoonien if you set --os:standalone --cpu:arm, that's the first step
23:57:05ryukopostingI'll shoot you an example of the nim.cfg file you'll need
23:57:13noonienthat would be awesome!
23:57:21noonieni also need to set the correct CC, right?
23:58:53ryukopostingnoonien https://dailyprog.org/f/2g53
23:59:02noonienryukoposting: thank you so much!
23:59:23ryukopostingname that bad boy nim.cfg and put it in the same directory as the file you wanna compile, or at the root of the project you wanna compile
23:59:40ryukopostingthen change the passC arguments to fit your needs
23:59:42noonienhmm, actually, it should be arm-linux-gnueabh-hf
23:59:53noonieni'm guessin i just change that to --os:linux