<< 10-05-2016 >>

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03:38:40onionhammer@dom96 gokr i think the general opinion out there seems to be that VS code is markedly faster than atom
03:38:54onionhammereven though theyre both built on electron
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08:51:10salocinHi I'm new to the nim language. Currently I am trying to install the aporia ide, but the autocomplete doesn't seem to be working, can anyone help? Install nim via the nim exe for 64bit windows and I have 64bit win 10.
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08:57:37salocinWhen i use the autocomplete function in aporia i get a cmd prompt which close right after opening instead of autocomplete options
09:04:36salocinand i had gtk2 installed prior to installing the nim exe (64bit)
09:12:01salocinanyone here?
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09:19:37salocindoes the aporia ide which is provided from the windows binary installer has autocompletion?
09:26:25Araq_it should yes
09:26:42Araq_but it needs to find nimsuggest.exe
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09:28:29salocini get a cmd prompt which closes immediately
09:35:24salocinand i get the error no items found to suggest
09:36:18Araq_suggestions only work after a dot
09:36:27Araq_foo. # request suggestions
09:36:37Araq_maybe that's the problem?
09:40:26salocindon't think so since it doesn't even work for keywords like echo or string
09:44:06Araq_that's exactly what I'm talking about.
09:44:27Araq_what should be suggested for 'echo'?
09:45:03Araq_or do you want ech and then the completion to 'echo'? that's not what nimsuggest does and aporia doesn't have this feature yet.
09:45:34salocinyes right that is what i meant
09:47:24salocinwill this feature be in the next release of aporia?
09:48:13Araq_not sure but it's something many people stumble over
10:02:34*Salewski joined #nim
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10:05:32SalewskiAraq, latest nimsugest does name completion fine, at least when started from terminal. If I have "var longname", and I type "lon" sug command displays longname suggestion.
10:07:21SalewskiInstalling nimsuggest is still difficult, but at least it wotks now. When I have some time I will try it with GTK3 sourceview.
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10:22:38Araq_Salewski: maybe but that's merely a sideeffect of the "suggest everything" fallback then. iirc.
10:25:55Araq_Salewski: please tell me why installing is still difficult. :-)
10:26:13Araq_you need to put nimsuggest(.exe) next to nim(.exe). done.
10:29:03SalewskiIt is on Linux. I did install a week ago, and was happy I got it working at all, after 15 minutes of trying. Can not remember details, but can do installation again and write down problems.
10:33:35SalewskiOne problem was, that on nimsuggest github page command "nimble build" was given, but for me only "nimble install" worked. And nimble told me that nim compiler was already installed, I had to select reinstall.
10:35:23SalewskiAnd http://nim-lang.org/docs/nimsuggest.html is outdated, nimsuggest is on github now.
10:36:48Salewskihttps://github.com/nim-lang/nimsuggest # Clone this repo and nimble build. No more info there.
10:37:19Araq_aha, very well.
10:37:42SalewskiAnd finally I had to fix the path. Then it was working.
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10:41:03dom96putting it beside nim(.exe) shouldn't be necessary anymore
10:41:07dom96if it is then that's a bug
10:42:58Araq_maybe but I don't see the point of putting it somewhere else
10:43:33dom96If you're using Nimble already then there is a point.
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18:59:52zipR4NDhi all, i am trying to make an object hold a sequence of procs with different signatures .. is there any way to do that?
19:00:35dom96zipR4ND: you can use an object variant to wrap the procs.
19:01:12ldleworkerzipR4ND: but not in the way you're imagining
19:01:24zipR4NDdom96: i see
19:01:27ldleworkersince the signature of a proc affects its type
19:01:39zipR4NDand Generics don't help either ..
19:01:40ldleworkerso really with variants you're just making different objects, that each hold one specific proc type
19:01:40dom96zipR4ND: https://gist.github.com/dom96/b1147c09564061dc2323e5bccf516355
19:01:43dom96Something like that
19:01:59dom96Then you can create a `seq[ProcType]`
19:02:20ldleworkerThis will make it so the size of each ProcType value is the size of all the variants put together
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19:02:33zipR4NDI want to create a DSL where the user(programmer) registers callbacks
19:02:48ldleworkerzipR4ND: Sounds like you want a macro :)
19:03:00zipR4NDhmm, actually yes
19:03:27zipR4NDI'm writing a lexer that will get the callbacks as production rules for regexes ..
19:04:32zipR4NDhmm. ok but I got a direction now, thank you!
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19:50:55tautologicois the fibonacci sample in the book (in action) supposed to work?
19:51:37tautologicoI think trying to get to the 1000000th fibonacci number using int64 is always going to overflow
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20:10:36zipR4NDdom96: trying out you snippet i get: not all cases covered .. shouldnt it be sufficient if I cover all possible types of the enum?
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20:11:10dom96zipR4ND: oh, the enum needs to be above the object variant definition
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20:11:23dom96(I recently created a bug to make the error message clearer for that)
20:11:47dom96but hopefully that won't be an error soon anyway
20:12:04zipR4NDdom96: it already is ..
20:12:49dom96huh? It's not, it's below https://gist.github.com/dom96/b1147c09564061dc2323e5bccf516355
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20:13:58dom96This compiles for me: https://gist.github.com/dom96/cfb85b546e914f73b7cde4f429e9d06c
20:18:06zipR4NDdom96: this stripped down version doesn't compile: http://pastebin.com/urMVhn1u
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20:18:38dom96zipR4ND: you can't have the same field names
20:18:41dom96in each branch
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20:21:11zipR4NDdom96: ok
20:21:30dom96once again, the error message could be better :)
20:22:11zipR4NDdom96: using callback[A|B|C] doesn't work either ..
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20:25:15zipR4NDdom96: its the result type of the procs ..
20:25:24dom96you've got a stray ')' at the end of your field des
20:25:25zipR4NDif y comment them out it compiles
20:26:19zipR4NDok, thanks alot dom96!
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20:57:00Araq_zipR4ND: check out strscans.scanp (name is work in progress)
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21:30:05dom96rkj-b: hi
21:34:21nivheey dom96, cool stuff you trying my dodgy little lib
21:35:05dom96niv: :)
21:35:26nivalthough im not sure a distinct type is called for here .. sendText is supposed to receive a string after all
21:35:29dom96I'm making a little multiplayer game with Nim. If I succeed it'll be awesome.
21:36:12dom96niv: well, what I mean is that there should be a `distinct AsyncSocket`
21:36:29dom96called `WebSocket` or something
21:36:36dom96that way I can't accidentally call `send` on it
21:36:51nivoh, the socket, not the payload
21:37:24dom96yeah :)
21:38:21nivthe only thing missing from the lib is per-frame-deflate and similar. its not operation critical, just nice to have. i looked at it but then saw there wasnt any good zlib support in stdlib and thought i'll do it "later"
21:41:09dom96That would be nice. I'm actually wondering whether it would make sense to use a binary protocol for my game.
21:41:36rkj-bGlad _you_ are here!!! I'm a total n00b as I haven't programmed a toaster since year 2000. Why in the world has Nim (which I wish to learn) been exiled from Hacker News and Lobsters. Nim looks like what Go should have been. And it looks like Rust is only for super-secure applications. This troubles me. It even feels like a conspiracy!
21:41:59dom96rkj-b: hah. Why do you think it's been "exiled"?
21:44:52rkj-bWell, there seem to be about three rather trivial articles up about Go and Rust all the time. But I haven't seen a thing about Nim in about two+ months!
21:46:26dom96rkj-b: I think it's because there aren't really all that many new articles being written about Nim.
21:49:40nivdom96: well, sorry about the send socket issue. thats the kind of thing i could never have thought of myself. im glad to hear though its working well for you :)
21:49:58nivdom96: what it doesnt do yet is disconnect handling, so any send/recv call could exception on you. i wonder if i should even add it or let the user handle it
21:49:59dom96niv: no need to be sorry :)
21:50:32dom96I think an exception is sensible anyway
21:51:33dom96You could maybe wrap it in a custom exception or something like that
21:51:45dom96not sure if that's necessary though
21:52:25rkj-bdom96: It seems very clear to me that (almost) no one is going to use Nim if no one hears about it. I think somebody has to start pumping out lots of trivial articles about Nim. And soon!
21:52:57dom96rkj-b: I agree. Wanna be that somebody? ;)
21:54:48rkj-bI'm afraid that would have to be some one who actually, you know, knows what they're doing. (Not me! Maybe in two years.)
21:56:23dom96The problem is that the primary members of the project are far too busy to be writing articles.
22:02:34rkj-bThere must be something that can be done for publicity. Maybe just an announcement every time a new version of the language, transpiler, or Aporia comes out?
22:04:11dom96We do announce every new version of those.
22:05:13dom96I do spend a fair bit of time keeping our Twitter active: https://twitter.com/nim_lang
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22:15:23federico3rkj-b: Nim is not backed by any large organization
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22:22:45federico3what's the best way to initialize a zeroed string of known size? repeat('\0'.. )?
22:23:45federico3...or should I use a seq[cuchar] instead?
22:31:48rkj-bI have tried to use the Nim transpiler and Aporia on a Linux distro. After the install from GitHub, it was working but my su log-in was then borked. (This distro had a rep. for this issue, I learned.) Tired of Linux and needing to "trust" every one who builds the kernel, distributions, file systems, desktops, systemd, etc. Want PC-BSD so I only have to trust one group!!! So therefor I really...
22:31:49rkj-b...hope Nim will made easy to install and use with PC-BSD!
22:32:32*PMunch quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
22:33:12Araq_rkj-b: Nim runs on BSD afaik
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22:36:17tautologicoI think the nim site could mention installation from brew as a possible method on os x
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23:30:05libmanThe version in ports (http://www.freshports.org/lang/nim) is out of date, you should compile from source.
23:33:55libmanSame for OpenBSD (http://openports.se/lang/nim) and Dragonfly (https://github.com/DragonFlyBSD/DPorts/tree/master/lang/nim), but pkgsrc is up to 0.13.0 (https://github.com/joyent/pkgsrc-wip/tree/master/nim).
23:37:23libmanhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/Consts-defined-by-the-compiler uses "pcc" for Pelles C, but what about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_C_Compiler ? I think the latter is much more important.
23:38:53libmanIf LLVM/Clang switches to Apache license (seems unlikely, but it has been proposed; they have "a team of lawyers looking into it")... What Copyfree compilers will be left for Nim?
23:40:41Araq_llvm is MIT, right?
23:41:47libmanPortable C Compiler would then be our savior. There's the Amsterdam Compiler Kit (ACK), but I don't know if Nim supports that. Not many choices beyond that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_compilers#C_compilers
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23:43:22libmanTechnically LLVM is under the "University of Illinois / NCSA Open Source License", but as long as it's Copyfree these details don't matter (http://copyfree.org/standard/licenses).
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23:44:41Araq_libman: I cannot see Portable C ever catching up
23:45:43Araq_before that happens somebody will fork LLVM and keep it under a copyfree license
23:47:24tautologicohow can I constrain the type of a type parameter? for instance, for requiring that some proc is implemented for the type?
23:47:48libmanPortCC isn't going to catch up in terms of architectures and optimization features, but it could be a clean and sufficient C99 compiler for the OpenBSD types.
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