<< 10-07-2015 >>

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00:25:18dgellowhow can I do a binary AND operation ? the ampersand (&) doesn't seem to be used for something other than string concatenation.
00:25:47dgellowand push to array
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00:27:11dgellow`and` converts to `&&`, no ?
00:27:25dtscodein the compiler?
00:28:03dgellowyes, in the compiler
00:28:19dtscodesure, at some point I would assume it would be converted
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00:30:41dgellowI want the C `&` operator
00:31:07dtscodeyou mean like int a = 4 & 5?
00:31:23dgellowbitwise AND
00:31:47dtscodethen use it
00:31:53dtscodeif it doesn't exist you can make an operator for it
00:32:11EXetoCit does exist, and it won't be && for integers
00:32:50dgellowokay, so xint and ynt => xint & yint ?
00:33:09*shevy left #nim ("I'll be back ... maybe")
00:34:33dtscodeI thought and was for short circuit conditions
00:35:12EXetoCit's for that too. there are separate overloads for ints and booleans
00:35:20dtscodeah TIL
00:35:34dtscodenmd, yes dgellow your last statement is correct
00:36:02EXetoCand these things are exposed as procs and have doc comments. see the documentation for the system module
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00:38:33dgellowokay, thank you both.
00:51:13*EXetoC quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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01:03:04dgellowhmm … there is no proc `and`(x, y: uint): uint in system module
01:03:39def-dgellow: import unsigned
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01:04:25dgellowdef-: exactly what I was looking for! thank you
01:04:41def-will land in system module soon I Hope
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01:52:12apenseis the an ability (or plans to have one) to assign operator precedence? like infixr and similar do for Haskell?
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01:53:53apenseI know you can control it by the first character. I guess that's all you really need.
02:07:13Varriountapense: The strongspaces feature can make operator precedence better.
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09:02:06VarriountAraq: Do you want me to change the style guide so that the recommended seperator for parameters of disparate types is ';'?
09:03:30VarriountSince I noticed you prefer to use a comma for seperating parameter groups (eg 'a, b: string') and a semicolon for parameters of different types ('a: string; b: int')
09:13:33*Miko_ quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
09:24:05AraqVarriount: ok. that's also what "nim doc2" generates.
09:25:55Araqdef-: you haven't answered yet. Otherwise I would have pulled it already.
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10:06:15*aziz quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:09:21coffeepotso proc stuff(a: int, b: string, c: float) will be less preferred than stuff(a: int; b: string; c: float) ?
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10:13:55coffeepot:( personally I liked commas over semi colons after working in pascal, which uses semis like this. Is there a parsing reason, or just preference?
10:14:24Araqjust continue to use what you like better.
10:15:36*Xe quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:15:48Araqit's more effort to enforce 100% consistency than just to allow for slight variations in coding styles
10:15:57Araqmuch more effort.
10:16:25AraqI wonder when programmers will learn this. :P
10:17:14coffeepotwell it's a testament to Nim's adaptability that you consider this a slight coding style difference :)
10:20:08Araqwhen I was in the army we all had to roll up our sleeves at the same time (!) for consistency.
10:20:41AraqIt wasn't for consistency. It was bullying.
10:24:20AraqVarriount: the style guide is a very valuable as a *guide* so people can stop thinking about irrelevant details and focus on the code's purpose. But it's not a law.
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10:27:10coffeepotI actually really like the way Nim is pretty style insensitive. I'm happy we get more options, taking options away is what would have made me sad.
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10:28:46Varriountcoffeepot: I agree with you. I only use semicolons when there are 'parameter groups', eg, 'b, c: string'
10:29:07VarriountAraq: I'll see what I can do to make the style guide more... guide-ish
10:36:08AraqVarriount: no worries. It's acceptable to be more picky than Araq. :P
10:38:17Araqhrm I think this should be "pickier". lol
10:38:32coffeepotmore pickier? :)
10:39:01VarriountAraq: On another topic, I have a walkTree implementation nearly done (Improved walkDirRec)
10:40:10VarriountAlso, the expandSymlinkProc is giving me trouble. One of the core data structures used by a Windows API seems to be padded incorrectly (Possibly by GCC?)
10:41:36Araqthat's bad. how is the new windows API coming along?
10:42:36VarriountAraq: I keep running into things that make me have to re-run it.
10:43:19VarriountThis time, it was the fact that I had (mistakenly) presumed that the library I'm using would filter out duplicate urls
10:43:37VarriountWhich it didn't, and so my ram was nearly eaten up.
10:44:25VarriountAraq: In the meantime, I'm working on macros to make interfacing a bit easier.
10:44:33Araqdid you check out whether something like "Google cache" can give you a .zip or something?
10:45:09VarriountOf an entire website? Not likely.
10:45:56VarriountAraq: With regards to speed, I'm actually limiting it right not to 1 request every 2 seconds. I'd rather not get blocked from msdn.
10:46:02Varriount*right now
10:46:27Araqthat's a very reasonable thing
10:50:40Araqyou could also read the full list of exported functions from user32.dll and kernel32.dll and use the function names for Google site:microsoft searches
10:51:07Araqinstead of crawling microsoft
10:51:28VarriountAraq: Actually, the functions get scraped rather quickly. It's the structures that take a while.
10:51:46Araqah ok
10:55:26VarriountOh, and before the most recent restart, it was because I ran out of handles. I had used a scheme which kept the handles of all the output files open.
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11:06:17Araqdo you use c2nim for this?
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12:50:21drewsremWhenever I call a macro with a set of parameters that get rejected by the macro, causing it to call "error(some_message)", the StackTrace never starts at the place where I call the macro from, but rather inside the macro itself. - Any pointers?
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12:54:22AraqI think you get 2 stack traces, one from the compiler with "instantiation from here", the other from the VM
12:56:55Araqif not, we can make it so
12:58:15Araqhrm, drewsrem
12:58:34Araqin compiler/vm.nim there is this snippet
12:58:38Araq # XXX test if we want 'globalError' for every mode
12:58:40Araq if c.mode == emRepl: globalError(c.debug[pc], msg, arg)
12:58:41Araq else: localError(c.debug[pc], msg, arg)
12:59:02Araqmake it always call globalError please and see what happens
12:59:10Araqif it works, make a PR
13:01:08drewsremI'll try
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13:08:56drewsremAraq, didn't change it, I may have said it wrong tho, when I said "whenever" I meant, with the macros I wrote, I may just write them wrong? :|
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13:10:34Araqdrewsrem: just tested it, works for me without compiler patch:
13:11:07Araqmacro m(n: expr): expr =
13:11:08Araq error "foo bar a"
13:11:10Araqm 30
13:11:27AraqI get "instantiation from here"
13:11:29drewsremThen I'm sorry, I'm just doing it wrong then: http://ix.io/jDC
13:12:03drewsremAhhhhhhhh "Instantiation from here"
13:12:20drewsremSorry wasting your time, didn't see it
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13:20:01drewsremIt just seems that IDE support for it is lacking, neither Aporia nor the vim-plugin I'm using make use of the "Instantiation from here" line
13:20:34drewsremthat is, they don't highlight it and Aporia doesn't show it in its "Error list"
13:21:56drewsremProbably because nim doesn't flag the "instantiation from here" line as an error?
13:23:27Varriountdrewsrem: Most likely.
13:23:54VarriountI don't think I've special cased it in the NimLime plugin for Sublime Text either.
13:26:12drewsremWould be great to have it, makes templates/macros feel second-class citizens in your editor :)
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14:23:54coffeepotr-ku was just having a gander at your coroutines stuff. What's the basic mechanism it uses, just out of interest? I see c_setjmp along with getframe/setframe, is it timeslicing or something?
14:24:34coffeepotor does it depend on the coroutine returning control?
14:28:04coffeepotI may not understand what a coroutine is :3
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14:29:11coffeepoti think i'm confusing them with goroutines actually...
14:33:41drewsremAre sequences always allocated on the heap?
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14:48:44Miko_How can this line of code: " result=int8(s.data[2])" get me a runtime error "unhandled exception: value out of range: 128 [RangeError]" ?
14:49:21Miko_Espcially since is is 0..129 so 128 should be inside the range
14:49:34Miko_^ s
14:52:46drewsremMiko_, 128 is out of valid range
14:53:27Miko_As in "too big for int8," not as in "array out of bounce"
14:54:03drewsremindeed, int8 is [-127, 127]
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14:55:35drewsremI think lib/pure/endians is broken: http://ix.io/jEG
14:57:10EXetoCMiko_: what was that you said about "string" and "cstring"? just wondering because nim's string is just a cstring prefixed by a length and a capacity
14:58:58Miko_EXetoC, I don't know how Nim handles string. I meant "Sequence of Bytes" (as strings in C) as opposed to "Valid UTF-8 Squence of Bytes", as most other languages handle their regular strings. I thought Nim did the later.
15:02:35EXetoCno it's not checked, so string streams might indeed be useful to you
15:02:49EXetoCif indeed you want to do things like fetching integers from a byte buffer
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15:05:44Miko_Yes, exactly. Mostly variable lenght encoded integers.
15:06:40fowldrewsrem you have the order wrong
15:08:01drewsremfowl, wow you're right, guess because the comment starts with "inp" I assumed the parameters did too, I'm not very sharp today
15:09:54EXetoCI'm used to having the source parameter first
15:10:16EXetoCI dunno if it's more common or if it's just the libs I've been using
15:10:30EXetoCbut this is another use case for specifying parameters by name
15:11:39EXetoCwe could enforce that for particular procs :p
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15:17:37drewsremcopyMem also has destination first, I think it's convention and I'm just not used to it
15:18:37EXetoC"in -> out" feels more natural to me, but convention is what matters
15:18:58drewsremI agree
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15:25:41EXetoCMiko_: ok well as long as the integer bits appear in sequence, which is usually the case I guess
15:26:05EXetoCI don't see anything about endians though, but it's just a matter of providing a custom callback I think
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15:26:59r-kuAraq: turns out fasm can indeed make .o that gcc eats (along with .obj for msvc). i suppose we can totally use that, even bundle it in repo since its just some kb. i already started porting setjmp/longjmp from musl. i think with this we can totally cover majority of compilers. i can do asm for x86/x64 archs and sysv/ms ABIs but someone will have to do ARM. :p
15:27:48AraqmuslimC doesn't support ARM?
15:27:59r-kuoh well yeah it does
15:28:02r-kulol muslimc :D
15:28:39r-kuwell i might manage adapting it to w/e arm assembler we would use
15:28:49r-kuand write 5 more instructions for switching stack pointer
15:28:51Miko_EXetoC: Well, I think I'll write a few tests and see what's happening
15:29:07Araqwhat's fasm's license?
15:29:21r-kuBSD-something, very permissive
15:29:24Miko_I don't think endianess will be a huge deal
15:29:36fowlEXetoC destination-first mirrors assignment
15:29:56Araqat one point even copyFile used destination first
15:31:42Araqspeaking of which, assignment is backwards, x = y is "evaluate y and store it into x"
15:31:58Araqand so should be written as y -> x
15:32:15Araqbut there is only so much you can fix in a new programming language
15:32:25fowlThere is a language that does this and it makes the code completely unreadable
15:32:30r-kuAraq: to simplify things i think we can even put assembling part to compiler build process. now i just made lib/arch folder with asm files and build object files to there. coro.nim having {.passL: "path_to_obj".}. so not even any compiler modification to support external assembler needed. just some mod to koch
15:32:58Araqr-ku: but I like compiler support for it
15:33:41fowlYou could also say x=y means "set x to the result of y"
15:33:58r-kudidnt get last msg. weechat crashed again. this gay shit..
15:35:10Araqfowl: evaluation order is pretty obvious though
15:35:39Araqbut from that perspective g(f(x)) doesn't make sense either so *shrug*
15:36:59VarriountSo what standard are we following?
15:37:07Araqx -> g -> f is cool though. somebody should write a macro for it
15:37:21EXetoCisn't LGPL fine? but I try to avoid it in any case, because of the negative connotation
15:37:42AraqF# uses |> iirc
15:37:45fowlx | f | g
15:38:31fowlLike our beloved unix pipes :D
15:39:04AraqUnix copied that from F# though and threw away the type system
15:39:22EXetoCseems legit
15:39:30fowlIsnt f# fairly new
15:40:00Araqfowl: I'm kidding
15:40:34Miko_One use =: and :=, too
15:40:49Miko_x := y or y =: x
15:41:15Miko_Unless you use J
15:41:28AraqMiko_: but but but Pascal!
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15:41:51Miko_J uses =: but the semantic of that is right to left, unlike all other languages
15:44:25Araqcan you program in J?
15:45:14Miko_No, and IMO the verb rank is a bad idea
15:45:34Miko_K OTOH is quite nice
15:45:50Miko_But both suffer from wirte only code, IMHO
15:48:19Miko_Ah, my internet is very unstable
15:54:31EXetoCyou have your own internet?
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16:06:42dgellowA small sh function to find every proc in a file with a given type as first parameter: https://gist.github.com/dgellow/cfaa2106f6ffee46e3a8
16:06:42dgellowUse case is "I want to see what procs are available for the array type"
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16:08:21EXetoCdgellow: neat. how fast is it?
16:08:31EXetoCfast enough probably
16:12:45Araqdgellow: that is a planned feature for "nim doc2" too
16:15:14EXetoConly one lookbehind after all
16:16:15*coffeepot quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
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16:31:15zach__Is there string interpolation (like ruby's "name: #{firstname} #{lastname}") in nim?
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16:34:06EXetoCnot that I know of, but see this http://gradha.github.io/articles/2014/11/swift-string-interpolation-with-nimrod-macros.html
16:35:01EXetoCit would be a good addition to strfmt
16:36:05EXetoCthere is such a feature already http://lyro.bitbucket.org/strfmt/#string-interpolation-interp
16:37:28zach__Thank you!
16:40:04zach__Strange, I can't seem to import strfmt. Gives the following error: main.nim(1, 8) Error: cannot open 'strfmt'
16:43:49EXetoCit's not in the path then. did you install it with nimble?
16:46:04zach__got it fixed
16:46:12zach__Thanks for your help
16:46:33zach__(I'm on day 3 of using nim, hadn't come across nimble yet)
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17:03:42dgellowAraq: (my response is a bit late) That's cool, maybe I can help make it happen. Is there a docgen roadmap somewhere (or just some thoughts in a github issue) ?
17:04:35Araqno, and the Nim roadmap doesn't reflect reality either :P
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17:12:22dgellowAraq: haha, okay :)
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17:15:51dgellowI will give it a try
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17:17:07dgellowbut don't expect anything out of it, I'm still in my first week with nim
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18:05:57reactormonkpigmej, I'm gonna be out for the next few days (+/-), so feel free to accept PRs
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19:03:13Miko___Bit Operations on signed integers are a way more compilicated
19:05:02dtscodebit operations are a bit complicated
19:05:25EXetoCit is? either way, use unsigned integers if it makes more sense
19:08:36EXetoCit's just that you don't need them for things like lengths and so on, except in rare situations
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19:11:37EXetoCalso, foo.int8 is the same as int8(foo)
19:12:53*Pisuke quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
19:26:24AraqMiko___: agreed, but Nim supports unsigned
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20:14:49StrikecarlHow do i make a raw string? i'm trying to make a string with \ and " but it really doesnt like it if i do r"shit\"here"
20:16:17EXetoCyou need to to "" rather than \": http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#lexical-analysis-raw-string-literals
20:17:34Strikecarl"invalid character constant"
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20:20:46dtscodeStrikecarl: You can't escape any character in nim
20:20:51dtscodeonly certain ones
20:20:55apenseanyone know of a websocket implementation in Nim out there? nothing on Nimble
20:20:55StrikecarlI did """ shit here """
20:20:58Strikecarland it seemed to work
20:21:17dtscodeapense: you mean like sockets or asyncnet?
20:21:39apensespecifically for the websocket protocol (ws:// wss://)
20:21:55dtscodeah ok. Sorry I don't know of any
20:22:01apensedtscode, no problem :)
20:22:59*yglukhov___ quit (Quit: Be back later ...)
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20:25:48EXetoCthere's only this I think https://github.com/onionhammer/onion-nimrod/blob/master/websockets/websockets.nim
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20:31:08Miko___The first regression test are passing in both the js and the native build
20:32:51def-apense: or https://github.com/joewalnes/websocketd which is of course not ideal
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20:35:16StrikecarlGuys, tryign to make an auto update system, that automaticly downloads an exe if bla is true ballbalabl u get the point, but it seems to freeze after it has downlaoded and executed the file
20:35:31Strikecarllemme pastebin
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20:36:38Strikecarlnvm saw the problem
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20:47:46apensethanks EXetoC and def-
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20:49:54SalewskiDo we have something as un-named structs in Nim for type composition as mentioned in an GO-Lang OOP post: http://www.goinggo.net/2013/07/object-oriented-programming-in-go.html "The Dog struct is using an un-named struct (embedding) for the Animal type."
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20:55:29EXetoCwrong slash :p
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21:06:59SalewskiI asked because for object composition instead of inheritance long identifiers may occur as for Aporia win.globalSettings.keyCompileRunCurrent.keyval
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21:48:49AraqOnO: awaiting your patch that gets rid of --verbosity
21:53:16Araqfowl: http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/1440
21:55:30federico3any way to generate bash/zsh completions for nim and nimble?
21:56:57Araqsure but no idea how to do that
21:59:01federico3hm, they both are not using docopt
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22:14:30drewsremHow do I deal with wrapping c opaque structs?
22:14:43drewsremc2nim seems to ignore them
22:15:15Araqtypedef opa opa; // forward decl, c2nim ignores it
22:15:34Araqtypedef opa {} opa; // c2nim produces an object
22:15:51Araqbut +1000 for asking c2nim :-)
22:16:13drewsremc2nim <3
22:17:01AraqI just wrapped wxWidgets with c2nim :-)
22:17:44Araqfor the first time in c2nim's history it's good enough that *no* manual tweaking of the generated Nim code is necessary
22:18:56EXetoCdoes it handle ## yet?
22:24:34drewsremReally looking forward to wxnim
22:24:56fowlAraq ill reply in a min
22:25:49Araqdrewsrem: https://github.com/Araq/wxnim
22:28:23drewsremI'm on Linux and both examples don't compile, for example2 "private/image" is missing, for example1 I get: "fatal error: wx/wxprec.h: No such file or directory"
22:33:23Araqwell you need to compile wxWidgets
22:33:32Araqso that you have wx/wxprec.h
22:34:16drewsremahhh this is statically linked?
22:34:40drewsremright right right
22:34:44Araqand yeah, I only made it work with windows
22:35:05Araqyou need to at least adapt the config to link with unix's lib*.a names
22:35:50drewsremprivate/image is missing on GH tho
22:35:56Araqgood catch
22:36:03*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:37:41EXetoCso you're going with static linking?
22:42:56AraqEXetoC: it's a direct C++ wrapper, no C layer in between so DLLs don't work well, if at all
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23:30:44onionhammerapense the websocket implementation works with ws:// only, not secure websockets
23:31:12onionhammerapense also it works fine, its just that there may or may not be a memory leak... depending on nim's GC
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23:35:41Araqonionhammer: there is no leak iirc
23:39:19EXetoCwhat would we lose by defining the seq interface for example in userland?
23:39:57apenseonionhammer, thanks!
23:43:38AraqEXetoC: interaction of seq with the GC is non-trivial
23:43:51Araqit would require more pragmas :P
23:44:09Araqquite some work. what's the gain?
23:47:25EXetoCno idea
23:47:48EXetoCseqs is an odd abbreviation :p
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