<< 10-09-2017 >>

00:15:34*def-pri-pub joined #nim
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00:18:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> how do you do eager matching on libnames for dll imports
00:18:16FromGitter<zacharycarter> I want to do something like - const LibName = "Assimp32|64.dll"
00:19:53skrylarmacros don't like you redefining []=
00:20:56skrylaroh nvm
00:22:54skrylarzacharycarter did that set of easing routines ever turn out to be useful
00:23:00skrylari never made the tweening module they were for :\
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00:33:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> I haven't used them yet skrylar but I imagine they will be once I start to need them
00:33:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> there is zero easing logic in zengine atm so as soon as I need some I imagine it will become useful
00:34:02FromGitter<zacharycarter> sprite animations are about to be a thing so I imagine we could find some use there
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00:49:02FromGitter<mratsim> Is it normal on Travis to wait for 10+min to get a MacOS machine? (and I’m still waiting …)
00:49:24FromGitter<superfunc> @mratsim they've been having issues
00:49:26FromGitter<superfunc> https://www.traviscistatus.com/incidents/4qylrqvy50gy
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00:52:00FromGitter<zacharycarter> @mratsim do you have any good resources for learning about scientific computing? like intro level stuff?
00:55:32FromGitter<mratsim> @superfunc thanks
00:56:02FromGitter<mratsim> @zacharycarter I can only help you regarding deep learning and data science. The reference is: http://www.fast.ai/
00:56:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> thanks
00:58:26FromGitter<mratsim> And bonus: this is the project/excuse that got me started on Nim: https://karpathy.github.io/neuralnets/. (Before I only did project euler code)
01:00:03FromGitter<mratsim> Both are target at programmers that want to start with deep learning/neural net. The first one will give you high level tools, understanding while the second one is on low level implementation
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01:05:16FromGitter<mratsim> And there are 2 hello world in Data Science: ⏎ ⏎ 1) Predicting survivors/dead in the Titanic: https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic (general machine learning ⏎ 2) Recognising 60k+ handwritten digits from bank cheques: https://www.kaggle.com/c/digit-recognizer... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b48fcc210ac2692011b52d]
01:09:01*def-pri-pub quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
01:09:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> thank you this is awesome
01:12:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> weird I"m getting "could not find symbol: glCreateShader" errors on windows
01:12:47*yglukhov joined #nim
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01:15:52*FromGitter * zacharycarter hopes someone else can try out some opengl loading code on windows
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01:23:32FromGitter<superfunc> @mratsim looks like mac builds are slowly being kicked on again, my PR just had the mac build finally start
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02:09:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> if anyone can do me a solid and try building and running frag on windows and linux flavors I'd be extremely grateful
02:19:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> I've been trying on my VMs but failing
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02:22:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> sorry I meant zengine
02:40:49subsetparkGood news y'all - I will be giving a talk on Nim at PyGotham in October
02:41:20FromGitter<zacharycarter> :D
02:41:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> please record it!
02:41:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> or have slides or something
02:41:54FromGitter<zacharycarter> I love talks on Nim
02:43:00subsetparkMe too... I'll just have to figure out what I'm gonna say first
02:45:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> :P
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03:21:05FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm going to write a roguelike tutorial with zengine
03:21:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/md7s/Screen-Shot-2017-09-09-at-11.20.48-PM.png)
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08:36:15FromGitter<Varriount> @zacharycarter If you need any writing advice or review, feel free to ping me.
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08:56:05*Yardanico joined #nim
08:58:42FromGitter<mratsim> @dom96: You closed this https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/18 but I still have the error, is it because you replaced it by: https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/issues/33
09:00:16FromGitter<mratsim> The label changed from High priority to Low priority as well :/ it prevents me from using choosenim for TravisCI on Mac
09:00:52FromGitter<mratsim> ah no silly me, I need to use choosenim devel
09:16:14*jsgrant quit (Quit: jsgrant)
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09:25:53FromGitter<mratsim> I’m searching https://dev.to/ and the only results for Nim are completely unrelated, some guy called “Scott Nimrod” >_>
09:32:05*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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09:37:18Yardanicowell i've never heard about this website before
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09:42:25ArrrrWhat code style do you prefer? I think 2 could be faster https://gist.github.com/anonymous/46731da1c984f255bd65caa49952d69c
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09:47:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> thanks @Varriount I'll probably take you up on that once I'm a bit further along
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09:57:45FromGitter<Varriount> Arr: Any reason the enum members can't be assigned those numbers?
10:01:48FromGitter<mratsim> @Yardanico dev.to seems like Medium with only devs as audience
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10:11:50FromGitter<zacharycarter> I need to start writing something like - https://github.com/Thraka/SadConsole for zengine
10:16:10Yardanicowell it's made for console :)
10:16:16Yardanicoyeah, we need gui toolkit for console :D
10:16:47FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah but it uses monogame behind the scenes so it's just a terminal emulator
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10:24:56Yardanicowell you would need to make pluggable backend support for zengine then :)
10:25:02Yardanicoand gui toolkit in zengine itself
10:26:36*ShalokShalom_ joined #nim
10:26:47FromGitter<zacharycarter> this roguelike has some kickass graphics
10:26:54FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikedev/comments/6yieqt/testing_nonsquare_tiles_on_a_square_grid_what_do/
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10:28:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> Yardanico: aye
10:29:35*ShalokShalom quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
10:32:44federico3zacharycarter: text-based yet enjoyable, it's brilliant
10:33:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> federico3: I agree! I wish I knew how he was rendering those walls
10:33:29Yardanicolook at his code ? :)
10:34:20Yardanicoah, sorry
10:34:23Yardanicobut you cna read his comments
10:35:06Yardanicobtw his twitter - https://twitter.com/Sin_tel
10:35:14federico3"The tiles are 8x12 but they are drawn on an 8x8 grid. Make sure everything is drawn back to front, so the extra 4 pixel can overlap"
10:35:44FromGitter<zacharycarter> whoa that is rad
10:35:50Yardanicoalso he applies some effects
10:35:54Yardanicobloom, scanlines
10:36:04Yardanicoin ascii game lol
10:36:16Yardanicowait, is this game run in an terminal?
10:36:21FromGitter<zacharycarter> no way
10:36:28Yardanicoor it's ascii-like, but in normal window?
10:36:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> yaeh
10:36:33federico3and coloring... but even the explosions are done with the font alone
10:36:59federico3Yardanico: it's scrolling smoothly...
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10:42:01FromGitter<zacharycarter> okay I think I get it
10:42:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> the walls are just images 8x12
10:42:12FromGitter<zacharycarter> on an 8x8 grid
10:42:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> going to try to play with this concept real quick
10:42:38federico3zacharycarter: everything, not only the walls - and they are not "images" but font characters
10:42:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> are they actually characters?
10:43:06FromGitter<zacharycarter> I guess he made his own font?
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11:15:10FromGitter<mratsim> so @zacharycarter when is Nim wrapper for Love2D (the engine he uses) ?
11:16:27Yardanicoit uses SDL
11:16:43FromGitter<krux02> @mratsim shameless self advertisement: https://github.com/krux02/opengl-sandbox
11:16:50FromGitter<krux02> not love2d
11:17:15FromGitter<krux02> great macro library to easily use opengl functionality efficiently
11:17:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> @mratsim heh I have no idea
11:17:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> I imagine it's possible since it's written in Lua
11:17:56FromGitter<krux02> It runs on all platforms with a half decent OpenGL implementation (excludes MacOS)
11:17:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> and things like
11:18:04Yardanicowell it would be not efficient
11:18:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://github.com/jangko/nimLUA
11:18:12FromGitter<zacharycarter> no probably not
11:18:39FromGitter<ephja> IIRC a lot of it is written in C++
11:18:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> my advice is to pick a Nim project, like zengine or opengl sandbox or nimgame etc and contribute!
11:18:53FromGitter<mratsim> Yep I saw it before @krux02, looks really nice. Maybe someday I will try learning game dev.
11:18:58FromGitter<zacharycarter> and if you don't want to do that, use godot nim
11:19:22FromGitter<krux02> did you see the video?
11:20:26FromGitter<mratsim> where is it? I can’t find a link
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11:20:46FromGitter<krux02> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO0iqGDgFqA
11:20:55loc8Are generic types handled at compile time?
11:20:58FromGitter<mratsim> ah “Demo” at the top
11:20:58FromGitter<krux02> it doesn't cover everything
11:21:03FromGitter<krux02> loc8: yes
11:21:09FromGitter<krux02> like c++ templates
11:21:40FromGitter<mratsim> You should put 10 seconds of it as an animated GIF directly at the beginning of the readme
11:21:54loc8I have a `Type[T] = object of RootObj` and I extend it with `String* = ref object of Type[string]`
11:22:10loc8on the `newString` proc, I create the new object normally
11:22:34loc8It receives a `T` and stores it at the property `value: T` of `type`
11:22:46loc8It works normally with regular variables, but the compiler complains if it's a const
11:22:59Yardanicocan you give an example code snippet?
11:23:07Yardanicoon gist for example
11:24:24Yardanicowell maybe you're trying to create a "ref" type as a const
11:24:32Yardanicooh wait this would work
11:24:53Yardanicoah, no
11:25:33FromGitter<mratsim> btw I remember a recommendation/suggestion to use `object {.inheritable.}` instead of `object of RootObj`, is there any practical difference?
11:26:19FromGitter<mratsim> well more like `customType {.inheritable.} = object` I suppose
11:26:20FromGitter<krux02> @mratsim I guess that RootObj increases the size of the object
11:26:36loc8Yardanico, https://gist.github.com/10c8/42d3e849251756721666972b014b567a
11:26:47FromGitter<krux02> but I am not sure here
11:26:51loc8Can't create const refs?
11:26:51Yardanicoyou can't make ref types as const
11:26:54Yardanicoloc8, you can't
11:27:01Yardanicobecause they're references
11:27:17Yardanicoah wait
11:27:31FromGitter<ephja> I dunno why RootObj would take up more space
11:27:44loc8It still gives me an error even when it's an `object of Type[string]`, not ref
11:27:53FromGitter<krux02> loc8: my hint, if you try to avoid ref types, you will realize you won't need them
11:27:56Yardanicowell yeah
11:28:01Yardanicothere's some different error
11:28:27loc8Same one, `cannot create null element for: [T]`
11:28:37YardanicoI mean it's not related to ref
11:28:41loc8Oh got it
11:29:59FromGitter<mratsim> @krux02 The part around 11:16 is worth a GIF in my opinion: https://youtu.be/JO0iqGDgFqA?t=676
11:30:13loc8Any idea what it's related to then>
11:30:44Yardanicowell it's already reported
11:30:46Yardanicoon github
11:31:14loc8So it's a bug
11:31:18FromGitter<krux02> @mratsim you mean the postprocessed cube?
11:31:28FromGitter<mratsim> yeah
11:31:57FromGitter<krux02> I will think about it. And yes it shows some non trivial to implement processing steps at the same time
11:32:07FromGitter<krux02> but still it is very simple
11:32:44FromGitter<mratsim> Showing that only a few lines of code allow that is good, and OpenGL is graphics, so talk with graphics ;)
11:33:25FromGitter<krux02> well I am a bit tied to opengl I never really learned another rendering API
11:33:42FromGitter<krux02> there isn't that much choise on Linux
11:34:03Yardanicoand opengl is most cross-platform and supported everywhere
11:34:08FromGitter<krux02> there is Vulkan, but that is new and I am not exited to be the first who seens all the bugs
11:34:40FromGitter<mratsim> Why are you using Nim then ;)
11:34:43FromGitter<krux02> Yardanico: well you would guess, but opengl support on MacOS is pretty weak
11:35:18Yardanicolol, I didn't knew
11:35:28Yardanicodo they have their own API?
11:37:13FromGitter<krux02> http://www.g-truc.net/doc/OpenGL%204%20Hardware%20Matrix.pdf
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11:37:40FromGitter<krux02> yes they have their own API now called metal and since then OpenGL hasn't been developed further
11:37:44FromGitter<krux02> on Apple
11:37:57FromGitter<krux02> the newest version Apple supports is now 7 years old
11:38:46Yardanicook, but I can't really say anything about that because I don't own any of the Apple products :)
11:39:03FromGitter<krux02> good for you
11:39:09FromGitter<krux02> me neither
11:39:11Yardanicoonly hackintosh on my PC (just wanted to test macOS)
11:39:22Yardanicoit works without any issues, but it's not for me
11:39:25FromGitter<krux02> I once had an Apple ][ from my father in my room when I was little
11:39:43FromGitter<krux02> I played frogger
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11:40:08FromGitter<krux02> that's my experience with apple, and back then my father decided Apple is too expensive
11:40:48Yardanicowell it is quite expensive in Russia too comparing it to the average salaries :P
11:41:02FromGitter<krux02> I found an old catalog with apple products, the floppy drive alone was 600$
11:42:34FromGitter<ephja> I don't have a floppy drive :/
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11:45:10FromGitter<mratsim> I use a MacBook Pro as my main machine. It’s quite nice. I remember on KDE4 Archlinux, having to fiddle with X every time I plugged a second screen. Also suspend / hibernating not working because of an USB device. And the best thing: battery life.
11:45:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah I like my macbook pro as well
11:45:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> even if it doesn't support the latest opengl extensions
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11:45:36FromGitter<zacharycarter> :shrug:
11:46:02FromGitter<krux02> well I don't have the latest opengl extensions as well
11:46:14FromGitter<krux02> but at least within the last 7 years there has been development
11:46:21FromGitter<krux02> there was momentum
11:46:29FromGitter<krux02> on Apple it is just no momentum at all
11:47:01FromGitter<krux02> I run on MESA software renderer, and that one has better extension support than APPLE drivers
11:47:37FromGitter<krux02> I am talking about mesa software rendering, and that one was never something you wanted to use
11:47:47Yardanicoyou don't have a GPU?
11:49:36FromGitter<krux02> well I have a used laptop that is too many years old and was never good at graphics with intel chip
11:49:47FromGitter<krux02> my later opengl Version is 2.1
11:50:13FromGitter<krux02> I don't want to use that version, I wanted at least to use a core version so I switched to software opengl
11:50:44FromGitter<krux02> it has the nice sideeffect that all examples in the examples folder run smoothly on software rendering
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11:58:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> def-pri-pub: when you get to being around please ping me, I have a question about the 2d texture in 3d space thing
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12:13:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> wondering if you mean something like -
12:13:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/MJe9/Screen-Shot-2017-09-10-at-8.13.19-AM.png)
12:13:41FromGitter<zacharycarter> or if you mean billboarding, or something else
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12:59:07FromGitter<abijahm> guys parse url with doubleslashes throws a valueerror causing asynchttpserver to crush ⏎ ⏎ ```localhost:8080// -- crashes the server``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b5371b162adb6d2e881853]
12:59:45Yardanicowell I think you should report this
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13:17:24*ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom
13:17:47FromGitter<mratsim> BTW, is that intended that this snippet gives “undeclared identifier ‘a’” ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ Seems like if-else has a different scope [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b53b7b210ac2692013cbfb]
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13:21:28Yardanicoit has a different scope
13:22:14Yardanicowhy it wouldn't?
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13:25:16FromGitter<mratsim> Using this syntax to keep the let and the conditional ⏎ ⏎ ```let a = if true: 0 else: 1``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b53d3c210ac2692013d2c8]
13:25:24*haha_ quit (Quit: haha_)
13:25:49Yardanicowell yeah
13:25:52Yardanicoyou can also have this
13:26:14FromGitter<Yardanico> ```let a = ⏎ if true: ⏎ 0 ⏎ else: ⏎ 0``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b53d76bc46472974170445]
13:26:44FromGitter<Yardanico> so you can have many statements here
13:26:47FromGitter<mratsim> but in practice I start having big code block and redundant testing (actual application) ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b53d97bac826f0549d3e56]
13:26:57*Pisuke quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
13:27:20FromGitter<Yardanico> b.strides[int(b_is_colMajor)] ⏎ lol
13:27:25FromGitter<Yardanico> :)
13:29:16FromGitter<mratsim> mmmh, well it works technically lol. but actually you could have strides[2] and strides[3] for more general implementation :P
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13:30:00Yardanicocase statement then
13:30:48Yardanicoyou can do this(lol):
13:30:53FromGitter<Yardanico> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b53e8cc101bc4e3aac4fa2]
13:31:00FromGitter<mratsim> na that’s fine, I can leave with the code, I ws just curious of if (bunch of let) else: (bunch of let)
13:31:44FromGitter<Yardanico> well "if" should really have a new scope
13:32:11FromGitter<Yardanico> it has in all major languages
13:33:16*haha_ quit (Client Quit)
13:34:49FromGitter<mratsim> In major language, since they don’t have the let/var distinction they use the following ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b53f794e50cfde27235104]
13:35:12Yardanicowell "let" is only used for programmer
13:35:18Yardanicoin nim (for now)
13:35:35Yardanicobut yeah, use if 1: something else: another
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16:21:32FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Hi, what is the correct way to emit a warning during compilation phase ?
16:22:35ipjkMaybe, static: echo "[warning] this shouldn't happen"?
16:23:14FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I want to emit a warning when a circular dependency is detected between other things than types or consts when using the reorder pragma
16:24:40FromGitter<BigEpsilon> but this wont get the color like compiler warnings and hint right ?
16:25:33Yardanicoipjk, no
16:25:51Yardanicouse this pragma
16:25:56Yardanico{.warning: "sample text"}
16:26:04Yardanico{.warning: "sample text".}
16:26:42ipjkOh, cheers for the heads up
16:26:56FromGitter<BigEpsilon> thanks for you both !
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16:27:19ipjkSeem to be quite some usefull ones
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16:28:04FromGitter<BigEpsilon> in fact it is not realy a compile time warning that I need sry
16:28:27FromGitter<BigEpsilon> it is during the processing of a pragma
16:28:50FromGitter<BigEpsilon> in the compiler
16:29:11FromGitter<BigEpsilon> so it's a runtime warning in the compiler
16:29:13Yardanicothen search compiler source ? :)
16:29:28FromGitter<BigEpsilon> yes 'ill search for that warning pragma
16:29:36FromGitter<BigEpsilon> and see what it does
16:29:46FromGitter<BigEpsilon> thks
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16:33:36YardanicoBigEpsilon: so what kind of warning you want to output?
16:34:31FromGitter<BigEpsilon> "Circular dependency detected starting at line X, reorder pragma may not be able to function properly"
16:34:41FromGitter<BigEpsilon> something of that kind
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16:36:05FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I can indicated all the nodes which are in this dependency, but it may become to verbose
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16:36:25Yardanicoit seems you need to use "message"
16:36:53FromGitter<BigEpsilon> yes I found it in msgs
16:37:05FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I'm adding it now
16:41:20FromGitter<BigEpsilon> ```code paste, see link```
16:41:46FromGitter<BigEpsilon> treorder.nim(15, 1) Warning: Circular dependency detected. reorder pragma may not be able to reorder some nodes properely [User]
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16:42:20FromGitter<BigEpsilon> what do you think about such a warning ?
16:42:35Yardanicowell it's OK probably
16:43:03SusWombatCould anyone tell me what i did wrong here? https://hastebin.com/yuvimicire.nim i get "index out of bounds"
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16:46:54FromGitter<BigEpsilon> in the loop
16:47:05FromGitter<BigEpsilon> you add a seq of size 0
16:47:16FromGitter<BigEpsilon> then try to access its element
16:47:32FromGitter<BigEpsilon> you most create it with size width
16:47:49FromGitter<BigEpsilon> world.add(newSeqint8 (0))
16:47:56FromGitter<BigEpsilon> becomes
16:48:25FromGitter<BigEpsilon> ```world.add(newSeq[int8](width))```
16:49:24SusWombat oh
16:49:41SusWombatshouldnt .add resize it?
16:50:08Yardanicowell just remove 0
16:50:08FromGitter<BigEpsilon> it resize the first seq
16:50:21FromGitter<BigEpsilon> the one that contains your height seqs
16:50:24Yardanicobut you don't actually need a nested seq here :)
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16:50:57tjyocoYeah a seq[tuple[int8, int8]] would be easier right?
16:51:09Yardanicowell I mean you can do that with just seq[int8]
16:51:13FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Yes if your code need to be fast, you better use a seq of size width*height
16:51:50FromGitter<BigEpsilon> easier maybe but slower than using a just a seq on int8
16:52:02FromGitter<BigEpsilon> of* int8
16:52:27Yardanicotjyoco, ^
16:52:56Araq_BigEpsilon: I'm not that happy with your PR :-)
16:53:11tjyocoahh nice
16:53:18FromGitter<BigEpsilon> tell me about it :)
16:53:25Araq_you introduced special cases, overfitting the test suite
16:53:44Araq_instead you should have documented precisely why which test fails ;-)
16:54:01Araq_and then we can make these tests {.reorder: off.}
16:54:08FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Oh I did
16:54:09SusWombatThanks guys
16:54:14FromGitter<BigEpsilon> In the PR
16:54:26FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I explained why this tests failed
16:54:27Araq_must have missed this then
16:54:35YardanicoSusWombat, well I don't know if it would help you :)
16:54:44FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Its a test that uses the reorder pragma
16:54:45Yardanicobut yeah, it should work
16:55:06SusWombatYardanico, well i meant for pointing me to my mistake. your grid thing is intresting tho
16:55:32Yardanicowell it requires one multiplication and one addition at each index access
16:55:35FromGitter<BigEpsilon> @Araq_, see my last comment : https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/6326
16:55:39Yardanico*indexed access
16:56:10tjyococan anyone inform me as to what "Error: internal error: openArrayLoc: ResourceType" means?
16:56:25Yardanicotjyoco, some internal compiler error, report it
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16:57:22tjyocoYardanico, ah okay, because it was working one minute and haven't been able to get it to work since. Open an issue on GitHub then?
16:57:28FromGitter<BigEpsilon> My PR does not enable the reorder pragma by default, because at don't believe it should be, like I explained in the PR
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16:57:56Araq_BigEpsilon: it should be "opt-out", not "opt-in"
16:57:57Yardanicotjyoco, yeah, and share your code snippet with us here
16:58:42FromGitter<BigEpsilon> May be after more testing ?
16:59:28Araq_well I don't understand your remarks
16:59:39FromGitter<BigEpsilon> The Compiler compiles with reorder enabled but for that I had to be very strict in the reordering
16:59:40SusWombatoh ... just know i fully realize why my code didnt work ... embarrasing
16:59:47Araq_this test was written by me and used to work
17:00:19FromGitter<BigEpsilon> yes i can make it succeed, but it will break a lot of working code
17:01:10FromGitter<BigEpsilon> foo() is a command
17:01:22FromGitter<BigEpsilon> and defined() is another
17:01:47FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I have to keep their original order, other wise alot of code will be broken
17:02:11FromGitter<BigEpsilon> this introduces a circular dependency in that test
17:02:22FromGitter<BigEpsilon> so the original order is kept
17:02:27FromGitter<BigEpsilon> an the test fails
17:02:42Araq_1. within push/pop you can reorder
17:02:55FromGitter<Bennyelg> How Can I handel AsyncRequest? ⏎ newHttpClient is good enuge ?
17:03:01FromGitter<Yardanico> No
17:03:18FromGitter<Yardanico> You handle it with async http server
17:03:58FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Yes this can be enabled but needs some work
17:04:52Araq_2. which cycle prevents the reordering from working?
17:05:04Araq_it *used* to work :P
17:06:12tjyocoYardanico, this is my project with the error https://github.com/Tyler-Yocolano/nimbomb/tree/internal-error, I'm really not sure how to simplify it down for an issue report.
17:06:32FromGitter<BigEpsilon> when defined(testdef): depends on foo()
17:07:20FromGitter<BigEpsilon> and the definition of foo depends on whendep
17:07:41FromGitter<BigEpsilon> and when whendep depens on "when defined(testdef):"
17:08:48FromGitter<BigEpsilon> This is the circular dependency
17:10:39FromGitter<BigEpsilon> without this restriction some a lot of tests will fail
17:10:55Araq_ok I believe you
17:11:16FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I introduced all this restriction will trying to compile the compiler and make all the test succeed
17:11:51FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Is it possible to make the reordering during the semantic phase ?
17:12:07Araq_yeah but I feared the complexity :P
17:12:09FromGitter<BigEpsilon> when we would have real dependencies
17:12:35Araq_yes but when I tried that I had to rewrite all of the semantic pass
17:12:53FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I can tell you complexity escalated quicly when I started compiling system.nim :-)
17:13:11FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I understand
17:13:13Araq_system.nim is a special case
17:13:23Araq_we can disable it for system, as I said
17:13:58FromGitter<BigEpsilon> not just system, the compiler
17:14:50FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Its your call if you want to enable it by default, and disable it for specific cases
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17:15:20FromGitter<BigEpsilon> personaly I dont feel I need it for other cases than when using code generated by c2nim
17:17:04FromGitter<BigEpsilon> but top level commands will always be a problem for reordering
17:18:17Araq_well for now it'll stay disabled
17:19:17FromGitter<BigEpsilon> yes I think it should
17:19:25Araq_and c2nim can produce {.reorder: on.}
17:20:51FromGitter<BigEpsilon> do you have any plan to introduce forward type declaration into nim like for procs ?
17:21:06FromGitter<BigEpsilon> it is also a solution for the same problem
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17:53:24Araq_BigEpsilon: yes indeed, they are needed too
18:02:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> @Yardanico can I steal said grid?
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18:06:12ipjkIsn't an array better if you know the size?
18:06:22FromGitter<zacharycarter> yes
18:06:32FromGitter<zacharycarter> but you have to know the size at compile time
18:10:28Yardanicowell steal it
18:10:38YardanicoI just ported it from some C++ project :D
18:10:43Yardanicofound it here
18:11:41Yardanicowell yeah, it can be changed to array
18:11:49Yardanicobut I don't think it would be a lot faster
18:12:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> thank you
18:16:39*haha_ quit (Quit: haha_)
18:16:45Yardanicowell yeah
18:16:50YardanicoI get exact same results with seq and array
18:17:06Yardanicoif size is known
18:18:21Yardanicocompile with -d:release -r as usual
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18:22:32ipjkboth are the same, right?
18:22:39ipjkno newArrayGrid
18:23:52ipjkand I think you should grow the grids quite a bit from 10
18:24:10Yardanicowell why?
18:24:14Yardaniconimbench is used for benchmarking
18:25:06Yardanicohmm, nim for some reason emits 9223372036854775807 as an array size
18:27:31YardanicoIDK how to make ArrayGrid work properly :P
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18:46:54ipjkvar grid = newArrayGrid[20, int](10, 10) doesn't work?
18:48:07Yardanicoand it would be 100, not 20 :)
18:48:29ipjkAh, you're right.
18:48:39YardanicoI don't know how to make it work
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19:06:13livcdis there a nim blog you guys can recommend ?
19:06:45federico3livcd: https://planet.nim-lang.org/ collects Nim blogs
19:08:05ipjkCould it be a compilerbug?
19:09:39Yardanicoipjk, I don't really know
19:09:51Yardanicowe need someone who is fluent in Nim :)
19:14:38federico3nimprof is breaking a multithreaded application when imported
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19:34:49livcdwhat is this {.inline.}= syntax ?
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19:42:01livcdah foun dit
20:04:54FromGitter<Bennyelg> freaking vscode STOPed show goto difinition
20:05:01FromGitter<Bennyelg> this is hell to program like this.
20:07:59Arrrrif you want to specify a integer as a generic, use T: static[int]
20:13:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> @Bennyelg the tooling for Nim isn't as advanced as other languages, but I wouldn't describe it as hell either
20:14:36FromGitter<Bennyelg> I was handling it just fine till 3 days ago somehow after I installed the nim via git instead of the brew
20:14:54FromGitter<Bennyelg> The goto difinition and auto completion stoped
20:15:05*Arrrr quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20:15:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> sounds like an issue with the vscode extension
20:15:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> or nimsuggest
20:15:49FromGitter<Bennyelg> how do I check if I have nimsuggest installed
20:16:04FromGitter<Bennyelg> ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ nimsuggest ⏎ zsh: command not found: nimsuggest
20:16:45tjyocoWhen i've gotten nim from git ive had to go to the nim folder and do .\koch nimsuggest
20:17:00FromGitter<zacharycarter> I think ./koch tools works too
20:17:26tjyocooh does that just build all of them?
20:17:31FromGitter<zacharycarter> yup
20:17:35FromGitter<zacharycarter> including nimble
20:17:45FromGitter<Bennyelg> working on it , thanks
20:19:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> sure
20:21:27FromGitter<Bennyelg> Yea, Fixed
20:21:29FromGitter<Bennyelg> finally
20:27:15*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:30:00FromGitter<Bennyelg> I tried to nimble push for the first time, my package
20:30:04FromGitter<Bennyelg> this is what Im getting
20:30:04FromGitter<Bennyelg> ➜ csvql git:(master) ✗ nimble publish ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b5a0cc177fb9fe7ea3d56d]
20:30:09FromGitter<Bennyelg> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b5a0d1cfeed2eb65f1b95d]
20:31:26TheManiacHi, me again, with my newbie questions
20:31:41TheManiacIs it possible to make type restrictions recursive?
20:31:56TheManiaci.e. are there a few magic words that I would have to add to https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=f7d0515324d892daf27087ff7e6c6f6c to make it compile
20:32:25TheManiac```Error: cannot instantiate Node
20:32:26TheManiacgot: (type N: enum, type T: string or seq)
20:32:26TheManiacbut expected: (N: enum, T: string or seq)``` is baffling me
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20:34:20TheManiacother than missing `type`, I feel I've satisfied the compiler god...
20:50:44FromGitter<zacharycarter> hrm let's say I have a bunch of constants declared and I want to select a random one - what would be the best way of going about implementing this?
20:51:12TheManiacput them in an array and select a random member of the array?
20:51:47FromGitter<zacharycarter> I was thinking of something a little more elegant - something that didn't me require to keep another listing of them
20:51:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> @Bennyelg please consult @dom96 on that one
20:52:22FromGitter<Bennyelg> @zacharycarter thanks.
20:52:34TheManiacIf they're all super related, you could make them the values of an enum?
20:52:54tjyocoI was about to suggest that
20:53:19TheManiacHopefully that says good things about us :)
20:53:41FromGitter<zacharycarter> could I write like macro that would let me identify all the constants in the file and then select one at random?
20:53:50tjyocoI'm not confident in my nim-fu at all
20:54:01FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm a macro noob btw so if that question is laughable please just ignore it :P
20:54:21tjyocowhat type are your constants?
20:54:22TheManiacno doubt, but I'm going to ask the obvious question, why would you want to do such a thing?
20:54:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> I have this file -
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20:55:25*TheManiac generally assumes you can do anything in macros if your fu is strong enough
20:55:49*TheManiac wonders if you could rewrite lex & yacc as a nim macro executed at compile time :)
20:56:17*TheManiac 's fu however is weak - sad 
20:56:36FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=7831cc33dca29209155fd1f3a50aafab
20:56:39FromGitter<superfunc> A macro could do that, not sure if its warranted here
20:56:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> ideally I have a proc / template / macro / something where I can say randomColor and return one of those const values
20:57:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> and I'd prefer to not have to redeclare them as another array / set / anything to keep maintenance low
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20:58:01TheManiacThat definitely feels worth of a 'DefaultColors' enum
20:58:22tjyocoTheManiac, since your N is always an enum, can't you just take that out of the type definition and put it in the constructor
21:00:53TheManiacIt's operating in an environment where there are several different types of enum floating around (representing different kinds of node), so it's out here to allow me to type check that it's the same enum as I'm expecting
21:01:51TheManiacand the N: enum is defined by the user, not in this file (if you see what I mean), hence needing to parameterise it as it's not known in advance
21:02:04tjyococould you create your own `==` operator and just compare the x.kind == y.kind
21:02:27TheManiacyes, but wouldn't that only get caught at runtime?
21:02:43TheManiacI want it to note compile if you pass in the wrong type of enum when you create a Node
21:02:48tjyocoOh i see what you mean now
21:03:47TheManiacI've obviously stripped this down, but I have functions like `dosomething[N, T](rule: Rule[N, T], node[N, T])`
21:04:07TheManiacso I need to make sure that Rule and Node have the same N & T
21:04:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/2PFB/Screen-Shot-2017-09-10-at-5.04.04-PM.png)
21:04:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> now for glyph rendering
21:04:29TheManiacs/node/node: Node[N, T]/
21:05:26TheManiac壟 (assuming that that's the output you were hoping for :))
21:06:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> meh I just wrote a random color proc to return values between 0 and 255 :P
21:06:14FromGitter<zacharycarter> but same effect
21:06:26FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm trying to create a console / terminal emulator on top of my game engine for roguelikes
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21:12:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> need to figure out how to center text over those rectangles now
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21:39:39tjyocomaybe a dumb question but how should getters/setters look in nim
21:40:12FromGitter<zacharycarter> probably shouldn't have them
21:40:54tjyocoWhat do I do if I want a read-only type of variable
21:40:59FromGitter<zacharycarter> don't expose it
21:41:21FromGitter<zacharycarter> or declare it with let if that's what you mean
21:41:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> then it will be immutable
21:42:15tjyocoHow do you declare an objects field like that then?
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21:43:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59b5b20c162adb6d2e8a10eb]
21:43:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> something like that
21:45:33tjyocoHm, I thought you meant I could declare a field using let or something like that. Because I have ref objects that I want to read some fields but not be able to change them. oh well
21:46:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> I don't think you can declare a field as being immutable
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21:50:36FromGitter<zacharycarter> I imagine the way to do it is provide accessor procs to the fields you want and then don't expose them
21:51:22obadzdoes the document explain how new() works anywhere?
21:52:02tjyocoSo no shortcuts basically. Just getFoo*(bar: Bar) : type = return bar.foo; everytime
21:52:32tjyocoobadz, https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#new,ref.T
21:53:20obadztjyoco: thanks. so it takes a var ref T. how's that different from a ref T ?
21:53:43FromGitter<superfunc> @obadz that means its mutable
21:53:46obadzor is that like a var (ref T)
21:53:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/QiMm/Screen-Shot-2017-09-10-at-5.53.39-PM.png)
21:53:55obadzsuperfunc: aren't all refs mutable?
21:54:47tjyocozacharycarter, that looks harder to understand than dwarf fortress
21:55:12FromGitter<zacharycarter> well it's totallyr andom atm
21:55:40tjyocojust messing around lol
21:55:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> :P
21:55:59FromGitter<zacharycarter> I guess I can start coding the roguelike now?
21:57:08tjyocoare you just using sdl2
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21:58:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> nope
21:58:49tjyoco@obadz I think when something says var in front that means that the object you pass is changed directly. Not having that creates a copy and changes only the copy
21:59:14FromGitter<zacharycarter> tjyoco: this uses my game engine https://github.com/zacharycarter/zengine
21:59:35obadzis var ref T the same as var (ref T) ?
21:59:49obadzi.e. it's really a mutable cell containing a reference?
21:59:59obadzwould kind of be a **T in C
22:02:21obadzhttps://gist.github.com/obadz/c331c7657de7877c58658d04c1e4e56c ⇐ finalizer doesn't seem to be called. Is that normal?
22:04:31FromGitter<mratsim> @ipjk, @Yardanico: you can also copy paste the code from andrea’s linalg and neo (static array and seq, your choice) and rename the field.
22:09:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> obadz: I has no idea... it looks to me like it should be getting called but Araq or someone who knows the language better than I do would be a better person to ask
22:19:37FromGitter<superfunc> the vscode plugin is pretty nice, im enjoying it over the nim.vim one, and their vim emulation is solid enough for me 
22:20:35adam12Does ctrl-z (suspend) insert any characters? That's the hardest part of me switching editors (and finding :wq in files that don't compile :\)
22:20:41obadz@superfunc: have you tried this one: https://github.com/baabelfish/nvim-nim ?
22:21:12adam12obadz: Oh very nice. I just installed zah/nim.vim today.
22:21:21obadzadam12: me too :)
22:21:36FromGitter<superfunc> @obadz: I havent, I saw it hadn't been updated in forever so I kinda didnt bother
22:23:04FromGitter<superfunc> I'll give it a shot today
22:23:18obadz(I haven't tried it myself)
22:25:19*FromGitter * superfunc rolls the dice
22:38:27FromGitter<cabhishek> @adam12 did zah/nim.vim work as expected? I couldn't get it work for error checking and code navigation
22:41:18adam12@cabhishek Only spent a few minutes with it so far. Haven't tried error checking or code navigation. Syntax highlighting looks OK
22:41:40adam12I haven't touched nim since 2015. Just taking another look at it now and realized I needed syntax highlighting :)
22:44:39FromGitter<cabhishek> @adam12 ok! well, syntax highlighting works great. But that's all I could get it to work out of the box.
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22:53:49tjyocoim using the nim/vim plugins for vscode as well and they work pretty darn good. I tried forever and syntax highlighting was the only thing I could get working in Vim so I gave up.
23:03:54FromGitter<zacharycarter> anyone good with strscans module?
23:04:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm trying to capture a word between two qutoation marks using scanf
23:04:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> assert scanf(subStr, "file=\"$w\"", texFileName)
23:04:21FromGitter<zacharycarter> not working...
23:17:01*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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23:22:36FromGitter<cabhishek> @zacharycarter https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=2f3fb7480579146f719fbdb630a90a08 something like this?
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