<< 10-12-2013 >>

00:01:01*boydgreenfield quit (Quit: boydgreenfield)
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00:02:21BitPuffinzahary: 3G ftw watcha talkin bout
00:03:34zaharyI feel like in 1996 when the first 14kbps modem ISP appeared in Bulgaria
00:07:25gradhazahary: I've heard good things about Bulgaria cybercafe bandwitdh, are you in the woods?
00:08:49zaharythere used to be a site that let you compare prices and quality of life metrics around the world - I managed to rank Bulgaria as #1 by choosing internet speed + price of beer
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00:09:31zaharyso yes, we have good internet connection at home, but I'm in the country-side now
00:10:09EXetoCwell those criterias are pretty important
00:11:02zaharycould you think of anything more important :P
00:11:48EXetoCthe price of bacon maybe
00:13:27OrionPKMman idetools doesnt work on osx at all
00:13:55zaharyI'm using "go to definition" all the time
00:13:59gradhaOrionPKM: maybe you are just unlucky on your queries, I use it pretty often
00:14:11OrionPKMo? maybe...
00:14:56OrionPKMi'm getting "arguments can only be given if the '--run' option is selected"
00:16:42*BitPuffin quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2)
00:17:20AraqOrionPKM: that's a regression I think
00:17:40OrionPKMmm, date range?
00:18:00VarriountHow does one echo a TWinChar?
00:18:04Araqlast couple of days, quoteIfContainsWhite was changed
00:18:27OrionPKMgradha you running latest?
00:19:04gradhalatest of what?
00:19:13gradhaAraq: see https://gist.github.com/gradha/7883627#file-betterobjc-nim-L176 for my wip, I think it's nicer this way
00:19:22gradhaOrionPKM: should be
00:19:31OrionPKMwithin the last 2 days?
00:20:05gradhaOrionPKM: there hasn't been much changes in the last 2 days, though maybe zahary's recent commits broke something
00:20:20OrionPKMgradha look what araq just said
00:20:39gradhaI'm running with that, presumably
00:20:57gradhaah, no, I'm not
00:22:17EXetoCVarriount: no stringifier for it? try repr then
00:22:31gradhawith the quote thingy the koch web fails pretty quickly
00:22:57gradhafor me it's dying instead on actors.nim
00:23:07EXetoCVarriount: but it's just a char
00:23:30gradhaOrionPKM: try to do "git checkout -b temp_fix; git revert 5dd5c78fdabfd4fb7c0a170b3f0ee87bf569fa29" and use that for the time being
00:25:09Araqgradha: please revert that quoteIfContainsWhite thing already
00:25:31EXetoCVarriount: well, not if unicode support is specified. then you might have to convert to its base type which is int16, and maybe to TRune after that and call unicode.toUTF8 :p
00:26:03EXetoCunless you know it's in the ASCII range or you just want the numeric value
00:26:16gradhaAraq: that's no fun
00:26:36gradhaAraq: git versions should be unstable and bite you an arm off whenever you use them
00:26:52Araqgradha: oh wait there is a pull request from zielinksi already
00:27:06gradhawell, good night, honey badgers
00:27:13*gradha is saved by the bell
00:27:16*gradha quit (Quit: bbl, need to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcDEWiH-ciw again)
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00:49:07VarriountAraq, I just found another bug with deleting files (and this one seems pretty common among languages and utilities)
00:49:33VarriountAraq, eraseFile cannot erase files with the R attributes
00:50:03Araqso fix your OS instead
00:50:06*Araq sighs
00:50:15VarriountAraq, I would.
00:50:25VarriountIf I didn't have a research paper to write.
00:50:32VarriountAnd a resume to build.
00:52:43*fowl joined #nimrod
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00:55:48*ics quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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01:20:26AraqVarriount: well fix it, good night
01:23:09EXetoCyeah fix it anyway ya lazy twat :p
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01:35:01*TylerE joined #nimrod
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01:36:33TylerE_If I have a working recent install, doing a git pull and then a koch boot is enouhg, right? I don't need to bootstrap from c again?
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01:40:19TylerE_unsigned really really sucks
01:40:20TylerE_I just have to say that
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01:41:59TylerE_uint upcasting seems to be broken. if a:uint16 < b:uint32 fails to compile
01:42:04TylerE_when I see no reason why it shouldn'ed
01:42:13TylerE_according to dock uint16 should implicit to uint32
01:43:35OrionPKMare you importing unsigned?
01:44:55TylerE_errors on line 32
01:46:00TylerE_grr some extra crap in the gist
01:46:28TylerE_it's the a.byteVal <= length line
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02:03:07TylerE_I stand by my statement that unsigned is a huge wart, though
02:03:15TylerE_it either should be in system
02:03:28TylerE_or you should need to import unsigned to even use the types
02:03:57OrionPKMaraq is racist against unsigned numbers
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02:12:00fowlTylerE_, im sure he would accept fixes
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03:05:20TylerE_heh, it's alive
03:05:29TylerE_only 2 hours in and I'm capable of reading in the data files
03:05:49TylerE_* - for about the slackest possible definition of reading the data files
03:06:56OrionPKMcool.. which data files?
03:08:38*xenagi quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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05:51:43Varriount_On Linux, does marking a file with the read-only attribute prevent it from being deleted?
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05:58:12*Varriount_ is now known as Varriount
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05:58:29VarriountAraq, fixed the removeFile proc. See pull request
05:59:30*boydgreenfield joined #nimrod
06:17:03joelmoI get this when using the caas with pipes: Error: unhandled exception: EOF reached [EIO]
06:17:32joelmoand --server.type:stdin
06:32:54joelmocompiler as a service
06:33:07Varriountjoelmo, is this for vim?
06:33:38joelmono, http://build.nimrod-lang.org/docs/idetools.html
06:33:58VarriountNo, I mean, are you trying to use ide tools for vim?
06:34:55joelmoVarriount: yes, but im trying to work on a solution that wont use python for it, using mkfifo instead
06:36:01joelmodon't know if it will work at all
06:36:20fowljoelmo, you'll have to catch zahary or Araq to ask them, or post your problem on the forums
06:36:39VarriountUnfortunately, I run Windows, and don't use idetools
06:37:02VarriountI do know that it is one of the areas of the codebase that needs some love
06:37:22joelmowhen is zah and Araq usually online?
06:39:18joelmobut this may be from the strutils and readLine?
06:39:42Varriountjoelmo, possibly. I'd have to see your code before I could make any judgements.
06:40:10VarriountAnd unfortunately, to do that, I would have to stay awake for another hour, which is doubtful.
06:40:33fowlVarriount, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bemgJDD75ng
06:40:35VarriountIt's 1 in the morning here, and about 7 in the morning where araq lives.
06:41:09fowljoelmo, ~5-6 hours
06:41:57Varriountfowl, is that blood on the window?
06:43:28fowlno i think its sauce
06:43:40joelmoshe didnt get her nuggets
06:45:40joelmoI use something like this: mkfifo /tmp/nimrod.in && nimrod serve --server.type:stdin < /tmp/nimrod.in, then echo 'cmd' > /tmp/nimrod.in
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07:15:06joelmogot help in #linux: while true; do cat /tmp/myfifo.in; done | nimrod serve --server.type:stdin
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08:19:39*radsoc quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
08:23:11*zahary quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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11:32:08Araqhi radsoc, tried a crit bit tree?
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11:39:48radsochi Araq, no, I'm very pleased with the CountTable performance (especially since I switched from silence mode to performance mode on my laptop...). But do you think the crit bit tree could perform better ?
11:40:19AraqI think it's worth trying, though my guess is memory usage would go up
11:40:38Araqdepends on how similar your short strings are iirc
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11:55:09radsocAraq: I'll certainly try. Have you ever heard about this tree algorithm? http://www3.in.tum.de/~leis/papers/ART.pdf I tried this implementation in C before discovering Nimrod https://github.com/armon/libart The performance was slighty better than with a Count Table (before the different optimizations). I would like to C2nim it but I'm a litlle reluctant to go into that process.
12:13:54Araqradsoc: at first sight ART looks rather similar to a crit bit tree
12:23:30radsocAraq: maybe. I also have to try the Free Lock Hash table. I didn't mean to test all tree and hash algorithms available on earth but I'm heading that way.
12:24:54Araqalright, good point
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14:45:46Mat3hi all
14:46:08Mat3hi fowl
14:46:26Mat3how's work going ?
14:46:30fowlare you still working on native code generator
14:46:34fowlheh im not working
14:46:56Mat3sorry, wrong terminology - yes, still working on it
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14:54:45*PortablePuffin quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
14:56:46Mat3succeeded someone here in compiling Nimrod on the Raspberri Pi (Version A, Rasperian) ?
14:57:17OrionPKMis that a question?
14:57:26OrionPKMI've got nimrod running on my RBPI
14:57:42OrionPKMw/ raspbian
14:58:05Mat3the 256 mB or 512 mB version ?
14:58:09OrionPKM512 I believe
14:58:21Mat3ok, how do you compile it ?
14:58:43OrionPKMnimrod c koch, koch boot -d:release
14:58:47OrionPKMdidnt have any issues
15:00:20Mat3hmm, I see. My first problem is: I can't compile Nimrod from the C sources so 'nimrod c koch' would not work
15:00:50OrionPKMhm, mine compiled fine
15:01:07Mat3seem to be a problem with to much, temporary memory usage
15:01:17Mat3(I have the 256 mB version)
15:03:05OrionPKMare you trying to fix it or are you just trying to get it working?
15:03:45Mat3just want to get it working
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15:05:19OrionPKMcan take out your sd-card and cross compile from a diff machine
15:06:17dom96Mat3: I had to set up a swap partition on my sd card to compile it.
15:06:30Mat3thanks dom96
15:08:40Mat3OrionPKM: thanks, I'm now trying compiling it per emulation with debian6 (including a dynamic swap file)
15:09:40BitPuffinnested procs are legal right?
15:12:15BitPuffinOrionPKM: and they can access parent proc variables?
15:12:56OrionPKMnot sure, make it a closure maybe
15:13:28BitPuffinwe'll see I guess
15:14:57Mat3last time I tried, accessing local variables within nested procs resulted in runtime errors
15:15:24Mat3however, the bug can be fixed now
15:16:32EXetoCat runtime? odd
15:21:11*Mat3 compiling Nimrod on the emulated Raspberri Pi system with 512 mB worked fine
15:25:15Mat3EXetoC: yes, compiling nested procs which do not access local variables of there parent worked fine however
15:26:20BitPuffinMat3: but then there is nearly no point to inner procs lol
15:27:20EXetoCif it's a bug then I assume that it was a crash, rather than some exception
15:28:33EXetoCI've been able to access outer vars at least once before
15:29:16EXetoCI wonder if it's possible to avoid the additional context in that case, because then it's still useful as a way of encapsulating the proc
15:29:25Mat3BitPuffin: you can't think of all reasons one want
15:29:45Mat3EXetoC: as written, can be fixed now
15:36:39*PortableEXetoC2 quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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15:50:01*Varriount joined #nimrod
15:50:15VarriountGood morning!
15:51:19Mat3hello Varriount
15:51:42VarriountIt's snowing wher I live. All my classes got cancelled.
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16:06:34*gradha joined #nimrod
16:08:37VarriountHello gradha
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16:09:14gradhaHello Varriount
16:09:25Mat3hi gradha
16:10:00gradhami Mat3
16:10:11gradhaor hi
16:17:45*gradha is confused, after downloading a girls' torrent there are boygroups here
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16:31:17brihatgradha: i wanna download that torrent too. care to share?
16:31:30gradhabrihat: you into kpop?
16:31:46brihatkorean pop?
16:31:51brihatgo ahead
16:32:54gradhathis one http://kpop24hrs.com/131210-arirangtv-simply-kpop/
16:33:06gradhadon't recommend it, it's low quality
16:33:25brihatam not really into it, but can have a look at it
16:33:33brihatit's free, so why ignore :P
16:33:38gradhaarirangtv wouldn't know what fullhd is even if it hit them
16:34:24EXetoC144p ought to be good enough for everybody
16:34:25gradhabrihat: then you may "enjoy" http://kpop24hrs.com/rania-dr-feel-good-live-collection/ more
16:34:50gradhaEXetoC: do you know japanese still make telecined blurays?
16:35:00gradhaEXetoC: it's like spitting in your face
16:36:51gradhaI'm sure when 4k arrives TV stations will find a way to botch it in some way or another anyway to be lower quality than youtube
16:39:50Araqhi gradha
16:39:58gradhahi Araq
16:40:07gradhalooks like today is greeting day?
16:40:34AraqI checked the pull request and it's meh ... so please revert that change to quoteIfContainsWhite
16:40:38Mat3hi Araq
16:41:22gradhaAraq: ok
16:43:18Araqhi Mat3 you keep getting better
16:43:55*radsoc joined #nimrod
16:45:08gradhaAraq: in objc 2.0 (hah!) there are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objective-C#Properties
16:45:30gradhaAraq: I want to create a macro for that, is there any example of "creating" similar syntax?
16:45:51gradhaAraq: I tried yesterday putting random words separated by commas and looking at the AST with treedump but didn't understand the rules
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16:46:45gradhaso to emulate "@property(copy) NSString *name;" I was trying things like "property Greeter, g(readonly, atom)" since atomic is a keyword
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16:50:46Araq"By default, properties are considered atomic, which results in a lock preventing multiple threads from accessing them at the same time. A property can be declared as "nonatomic", which removes this lock." er .. what?
16:51:34gradhawhen a property is atomic the compiler inserts mutexes and serious stuff to make your code technically thread safe but still incorrect
16:51:48gradhaso everybody uses nonatomic because that gives you the same safety without the overhead
16:51:50Varriount*cough*like java*cough*
16:52:29gradhathe fact that "atomic" is the default speaks a lot about the stupidity of objc designers/implementors
16:53:07gradhaAraq: but that's not relevant, I just want you to tell me what could approach that syntax so I can parse it in the macro and generate the setter/getters myself
16:54:04AraqI'm not sure you can use macros for that, you need to influence the codegen
16:54:08NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 3dccdd4 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±2 -0]: Reverts "Make quoteIfContainsWhite quote…". Refs #702.... 3 more lines
16:54:08NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 5b96890 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [+0 ±2 -0]: Merge pull request #732 from gradha/pr_reverts_quoting_changes... 2 more lines
16:54:39Araqso that it generates x.foo instead of foo(x) or [foo stupidName: x]
16:55:03gradhaoh, I'm not talking about that, that's already done
16:56:14Araqalright well I don't understand your question then
16:56:22gradhaAraq: see the example at https://github.com/fenekku/commandeer
16:56:36gradhathere's a statement macro "commandLine:"
16:56:44gradhathen, inside you write "argument number, int"
16:56:46fntzrHi. Is it possible in nimrod call function by string name ?
16:57:04gradhaso that part has to be valid nimrod syntax, I guess
16:57:07Araqfntzr: only if you know the string at compile time
16:57:23Araqor if you create the string->function dispatching table yourself with a macro
16:57:24fntzryes, i know string in compile time
16:57:40Araqthen yes, it's possible with a macro
16:58:26gradhameh, I'll go with commas for the time being
16:58:55fntzrHow to get all arguments for function? I'm trying to implement `alias` method.
16:58:56Araqgradha: yes that has to be in nimrod syntax
16:59:33Araqfntzr: that's harder and I think still not possible as we lack the type API for that
16:59:33Varriountfntzr, you can use a macro to inspect the ast tree
17:00:24fntzrAraq, ok.
17:00:33Araqmacros.emit("myfunction()") works in 0.9.2 but has recently been broken, fntzr
17:01:14gradhawouldn't it be the same to return what parseStmt does on a string?
17:01:15fntzrYes, it's broken in 0.9.3
17:01:18Araqtemplate myalias(a, b, c: expr): expr = foo(a, b, c)
17:01:26Araqit not to bad, is it?
17:02:16Araqgradha: yeah but you need to do it a macro context; that's how eval/emit worked
17:03:25gradhafntzr: yesterday I wrote myself a macro to loop over the parameter names/types of a procdef https://gist.github.com/gradha/7883627#file-betterobjc-nim-L64 maybe that's of any use
17:03:44VarriountAraq, any particular reason why a literal int shouldn't be implicitly converted to a uint64?
17:04:42fntzrgradha, ou thanks.
17:04:43VarriountAs in, pow(5'u64, 2)
17:06:45AraqVarriount: I guess not
17:07:24VarriountAraq, ok, where is the code for implicit literal conversion?
17:09:20VarriountFinally, my miniscule knowledge of the German language comes in handy. :D
17:10:10AraqI need to go now, see you later
17:12:16gradhashould have answered "biss später"
17:12:49Varriountgradha, I said "miniscule"
17:15:28gradhaand I should have used a single s
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17:18:26OrionPKMspäter for short :p
17:18:38OrionPKMspäter alligator
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18:16:35reactormonknow it's rolling O.o
18:17:55gradha rolling?
18:18:19VarriountI can't find out where nimrod handle's type conversions like var x = 4'u64;x += 5
18:32:06*radsoc quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
18:41:33Araqping zielmicha
18:44:57*PortablePuffin quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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19:10:37zielmichaAraq: ack
19:10:56AraqI don't like your PR sorry
19:11:19zielmichawhat's wrong?
19:11:20Araqparseopt is disliked by everybody anyway, so we can deprecate that module
19:11:29zielmichait's used by compiler
19:11:50Araqyes and so your changes can break things in a subtle way again
19:12:29Araqit's used by quite some tools in fact
19:12:48Araqwhich may rely on the undocumented weird parsing rules
19:13:58Araqso lets deprecate the module instead instead of "fixing" it and breaking clients silently
19:14:52zielmichado we have working parseopt? (in babel for example)
19:15:20Araqnot sure, there is a new argument parsing module in babel
19:15:31dom96does it not depend on parseopt?
19:15:32Araqbut I don't know if it's based on parseopt
19:16:54zielmichaSo maybe parseopt2 or something like this.
19:17:08zielmichaSo you could quickly make your code correct just by changing number.
19:17:18gradhano parseopt in sight https://github.com/fenekku/commandeer/blob/master/commandeer.nim
19:17:53Araqok, I like parseopt2
19:18:04gradhaparseopt2.0 is catchier
19:18:24Araqthat's not a valid module name though, gradha :p
19:18:48OrionPKMnumbering modules at all is bleh
19:19:17zielmichaso "git mv parseopt.nim parseopt2.nim", restore old "parseopt.nim" and PR? Or put parseopt2 in babel?
19:19:19OrionPKMimport parseopt -> user comes to #nimrod and complains -> try parseopt2
19:19:28gradhaOrionPKM: somehow parseopt5b96890181638aaca4583c32d60e49c92ec52a35 doesn't feel the same
19:19:53gradhamake it superparseopt then
19:20:02AraqOrionPKM: there is {.deprecated.} for modules
19:20:05gradhanobody will want to use the normal version having the super available
19:20:19zielmichathan still compiler needs to be fixed, so idetools work correctly
19:20:21dom96I think commandeer should be in the stdlib
19:20:34zielmichadom96: maybe with saner name
19:20:55OrionPKMaraq yeah, so they'll get a warning they'll probably ignore..
19:21:02dom96using parseopt is a bit... low-level. Especially when the language has macros which allow for cool things like what commandeer does
19:21:28OrionPKMyou'll have "well you should read the output" on your side, but that doesnt necessarily prevent complaints/confusion
19:21:32dom96zielmicha: name it argparse or something
19:22:11AraqOrionPKM: what's your solution then?
19:22:16Araqcomplaining is cheap
19:22:49OrionPKMAraq not sure I have any good ideas right now.. maybe versioning of modules to prefer later versions or something
19:23:04zielmicha(btw deprecated should accept error message)
19:23:09OrionPKM"import parseopts < 1.0" or something
19:23:27Araqyeah versioning hell is surely preferable
19:23:41Araqhas that ever worked in practice btw?
19:23:49OrionPKMit was just a spitball idea
19:24:12gradhaAraq: works for me using git and submodules, you get a version, and it never changes
19:24:21OrionPKM"oh your code broke and you dont want to fix it? change your imports to explicitly import the old version"
19:24:31*PortablePuffin joined #nimrod
19:24:59gradhaOrionPKM: dom96 wants to hear your versioning ideas for babel
19:25:08Araq.NET regularly complains that I have the wrong log4net dll version
19:25:24OrionPKMthats a restriction that the developer put in place
19:25:27zielmichashould compiler use old parseopt or new parseopt?
19:25:30Araqguess what? I couldn't care less, any version for logging is fine
19:25:38Araqbut no
19:25:41zielmichaif it'll use old, path in arguments still won't work
19:25:46Araqthat would not be "correct"
19:25:53zielmichaif it'll use new, tools using it will be subtly broken
19:25:57OrionPKMAraq they explicitly set it
19:26:29zielmichas/ arguments still won't work/ with spaces still won't work/
19:26:40Araqin .NET I regularly spent time working around the misguided notions of correctness that plague the modern developer
19:27:04OrionPKMmaybe you should switch to a dynamic language :p
19:27:06Araqno, toString(3.4) should NOT produce "3,4" for the german locale
19:27:26OrionPKMoh i hate that
19:27:27Araqyes, I know how to i18n my code, thank you
19:27:53OrionPKMI had issues parsing XML with my portuguese friend :p
19:28:45Araqzielmicha: the compiler can use parseopt2 if you test it
19:29:18Araqthat's the point really
19:29:26zielmichado we have buildbot or something?
19:29:29Araqyou change parseopt to parseopt2 and test again
19:29:53gradhazielmicha: there is http://build.nimrod-lang.org
19:29:54Araqzielmicha: we have a build farm
19:30:18zielmichayeah, I know - but what does it do?
19:30:28gradhait crashes a lot
19:30:33Araqruns the bootrapping and the test suite
19:30:38gradhasee https://github.com/nimrod-code/nimbuild
19:30:48Araqgradha: I'm working on it
19:31:09gradhaAraq: wat?
19:32:39OrionPKMI've got a lot of ideas for babel
19:33:02gradhabtw, I was running manually "nimrod check" and it used to sigsev, but only after checking files, has anybody had this behaviour?
19:33:06OrionPKMI might work on it after the sublimetext stuff, if dom agrees with what I want to add
19:33:20Araqgradha: I think I fixed that
19:36:07*brson joined #nimrod
19:37:08Araq"nimrod check" used to work pretty well but you know ... regressions really plaque us
19:49:40zielmichahttps://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/pull/730 now:
19:49:51zielmicha1. adds parseopt2 module
19:50:09gradhaI had imagined the check command is like compile but without invoking the compiler or generating files
19:50:15zielmicha2. deprecates old one
19:51:34Araqgradha: "check" aggregates all errors
19:51:56Araqso the first error tends to produce a 'nil' somewhere and then the rest of the compiler ain't used to that
19:53:20gradhasounds like a scenario for a cool random fuzzy input generator
19:54:02NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 49ea51f Michał Zieliński [+0 ±2 -0]: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:zielmicha/Nimrod
19:54:02NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 396cf6e Michał Zieliński [+0 ±1 -0]: Normalize whitespace in os.nim.... 3 more lines
19:54:02NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 97d0b6b Michał Zieliński [+0 ±1 -0]: Add commandLineParams to os.nim.... 2 more lines
19:54:02NimBotAraq/Nimrod master 518c4a7 Michał Zieliński [+1 ±2 -0]: Reimplement parseopt which parses arguments given as a sequence of strings, not single string.
19:54:02NimBot7 more commits.
19:54:52gradhauh oh
19:54:58Araqzielmicha: that's NimBot. NimBot: that's zielmicha
20:12:42gradhaah, I thought that "proc `@l`()" could be called like @l, but quoting is necessary
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20:25:47OrionPKMaraq idetools executes static: blocks?
20:29:44Araqit should
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21:27:43zielmichais it possible to cheat about exported symbols? In order to write unit tests, for example.
21:28:21gradhayou could try to include a file
21:28:35Araqoh yeah that works
21:30:52zielmichamaybe buildbot could check if module in stdlib contains "when isMainModule" and add it as test (if it already doesn't)
21:31:53zielmichaor something else, like "when isTestingLib"
21:31:56gradhaI wonder if macro + slurp could allow you to build dummy nim files which autoexport everything, and you can import those dummy instead
21:32:30gradhazielmicha: some of those when isMainModule are not really serious, or don't work any more
21:34:21zielmichaquick testing written after proc with something like "when isTesting:" would surely help fighting regressions
21:34:52zielmichabut I'm not sure if the would not decrease readibility, as *.nim files in stdlib are already quite long
21:36:36Araqimho a long 'when isMainModule' section with tests is irrelevant for readability
21:36:52*vendethiel joined #nimrod
21:37:02Araqhi vendethiel welcome
21:37:12vendethielhi Araq
21:37:22joelmoDo anyone know how I can do to read a fifo, from stdin? I get an error once it has red one message
21:37:27Araqgradha: which are "not serious"? these should be fixed
21:38:06gradhaAraq: lib/pure/times.nim
21:38:38Araqthen please fix it
21:38:52gradhaI asked dom96 about it but got nothing
21:39:11gradhathe tests are about times in the future, but the year range is quite limited
21:39:49gradhamaybe those tests work in js?
21:40:12Araqthey should be in a when defined(js) section then
21:40:55*ics quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
21:40:59gradhathe year range is -/+ 10_000, but the test expects 30143
21:41:38Araqwell we have to support year 40K for warhammer
21:42:36gradhathe change to add the range had the commit "changed integer promotion rules; breaks bootstrapping and lots of code"
21:42:51zielmichayeah, land rides will be programmed in Nimrod
21:42:54zielmichaWhat `extern: "nosp$1"` does in osproc.nim pragmas? I don't thing extern pragma is even mentioned in manual.
21:43:32Araqthe manual doesn't know about specific user defined pragmas
21:43:51Araqor maybe it's too new lol
21:44:20zielmichaI don't see definition (grep fails me)
21:44:28Araqyeah looks like it's the latter
21:44:58Araqwell obviously it only affect name mangling, without the "import" part of "importc"
21:45:27Araqwe tell the compiler which name to generate for DLL support
21:46:01zielmichaand why is it needed?
21:46:28Araqfor DLL support
21:46:43Araqusually that's enough of a reason for everybody
21:47:27Araq"what the...? -- bbbzzzt. DLL support!"
21:47:35Araqyou could turn that into a comic strip
21:47:41zielmichaI just want to add public proc to osproc (quoteShell), and I don't know what to do.
21:48:18zielmichawhy some are called nosp/npo/nt?
21:48:27zielmichaa some don't have this prefix?
21:49:31Araqwell just do what the other exported os procs do
21:50:17Araqthe prefixes are rather arbitrary
21:51:48*PortablePuffin quit (Remote host closed the connection)
21:51:50zielmichaok, they seem to be made of letters taken from module name.
21:52:22zielmichajust noticed
21:53:03*DAddYE_ joined #nimrod
21:53:47BitPuffinoh yeah Varriount the thing wasn't updated because I couldn't figure out how to reproduce the bug, so it may as well be closed because I'm not gonna bother more with it
21:56:11EXetoCbut wasn't the bug present in the gist where you did "4". .....? the only issue was that no instantiation info was printed IIRC
21:56:43*DAddYE quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
21:57:05EXetoCor is this not that template bug?
21:57:57BitPuffinEXetoC: well the bug was that it didn't tell me that I couldn't have a comment below or above or whatever it was
21:58:02BitPuffinbut then when I tried it it worked
21:59:31EXetoCI told you yesterday that it might've been in a proc initially, and that the end result might not be the same in a template
22:00:30BitPuffinEXetoC: something like that
22:00:39BitPuffinnot to keen on investigating it right now haha :)
22:00:47BitPuffingotta apply for jobs because fuck AF
22:01:42EXetoCthey won't let you? or you expect them to just send cash your way? :p
22:07:05*zielmicha quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
22:13:40gradhagood night, honey badgers
22:13:43*gradha quit (Quit: bbl, need to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcDEWiH-ciw again)
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22:21:32EXetoCBitPuffin: how will you load images? I've been using sdl_image, but I think I might go with stb_image instead
22:23:25BitPuffinEXetoC: I won't
22:23:41BitPuffinEXetoC: But I'd go with either stb_image or devil
22:24:23EXetoCso pure procedural?
22:34:29*ics joined #nimrod
22:34:45EXetoCI'll work on nim-portaudio first then
22:35:06EXetoCBitPuffin: you know you can't rely on me, but tell me if you're more in need of TTF rendering :>
22:35:31BitPuffinEXetoC: well you've been fairly reliable :P
22:36:03*brihat left #nimrod (#nimrod)
23:07:04joelmocan i reopen stdin? https://gist.github.com/41e7c7b8e3c5afbb054c im trying to read continously from a fifo
23:07:33joelmobut i get stuck at EOF :)
23:08:56BitPuffinEXetoC: I can never see what that smiley should be lol
23:09:15BitPuffinjoelmo: maybe you should ask about stderr instead. It's Araq's favorite topic
23:09:37OrionPKMI assumed it was a swedish smiley, but i guess not
23:09:42EXetoCc(:)-< what about this?
23:09:56joelmoits reddit
23:10:03BitPuffinI always think it's supposed to be a hat
23:10:08joelmowithout arms, a swedish smiley?
23:10:20BitPuffinbut it looks like he doesn't have a mouth or an end of the head
23:10:34BitPuffinc(:])-<-< makes more sense
23:10:49joelmomaybe if i get to know how to reopen stderr as stderr, i suppose thats fine too
23:12:43Araqjoelmo: which OS?
23:12:58EXetoCthat's like an ugly dude with a massive overbite
23:13:02joelmoAraq: Mac X
23:13:38Araqwhat code do you use? while not eof(stdin): readline ?
23:13:59joelmoAraq: I used this https://gist.github.com/41e7c7b8e3c5afbb054c
23:15:00joelmoAraq: works the first time when i write to the fifo, but second time its just stuck in the end forever
23:15:51joelmoI have seen the tail implementations use safe_read, I dont know if this would matter
23:16:58Araqwell I have no idea whether it's caused by nimrod's stdlib or the underlying C library or the OS
23:17:10Araqdoes it work in python/C/whatever?
23:18:17joelmoAraq: I have only tried with tail, so i wont know, i can try the same on linux
23:19:44AraqI never tried reopening of stdin
23:20:18Araqcan't you just read in from proper files like everybody else? ;-)
23:23:52Araqjoelmo: try to close(stdin) before you reopen it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9084099/re-opening-stdout-and-stdin-file-descriptors-after-closing-them
23:24:26Araqplus perhaps you want to use Posix's IO layer instead of Nimrod's (which is the same as C's)
23:26:46joelmoAraq: i get the same thing, alright i will try that :)
23:27:18Araqhave fun, posix doesn't know how to read a line iirc
23:27:38Araqsay hello to your own buffer handling