<< 11-06-2015 >>

00:01:52*gokr quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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01:13:58Varriountreactormonk: Two binaries?
01:22:26reactormonkVarriount, yeah, compiling two binaries
01:24:08Varriountreactormonk: Can't you use '--out:' to override the filename?
01:24:38reactormonkVarriount, hm, yup, but you can't compile two binaries with a single command
01:24:57Varriountreactormonk: Why would you want to?
01:25:23reactormonkVarriount, http://blog.silentsignal.eu/2015/06/10/poisonous-md5-wolves-among-the-sheep/
01:27:58*BitPuffin|osx quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
01:55:38Varriountozra: Compared to the current syntax scheme, do your changes fix highlighting of procedures with generics?
02:05:48ozraVarriount: Damn, I haven't even looked at that. Are there any specifically generic heavy modules I can look at?
02:11:09ozraI'll look through a bunch of files in lib and look around for goofy highlighting...
02:13:51*wepy joined #nim
02:14:26wepyany good arg parsing that can handle: -a -b foo --bar baz
02:15:06wepyi think i tried parseopt2 and it was kinda lame.. but not much documentation
02:20:38*brson quit (Quit: leaving)
02:32:59reactormonkwepy, try parseopt and parseopt2
02:34:18reactormonkdom96_, what to do with https://github.com/Araq/Nim/issues/2341 ?
02:43:50jackvwepy, you might also want to look at docopt
02:44:14reactormonkoh yeah, docopt is awesome
02:45:11jackvdocopt is, I think, the easiest way to do arg parsing
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02:53:29Varriountwepy: Or you could just parse the command line.
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03:28:31mleiseIs this true? http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=6771453&cid=48860921
03:30:09jackvmleise, well to start, Nim does have a wiki page, that seems to be fairly well sourced at this point
03:30:43mleiseI mean, the insults and sarcasm stuff
03:31:16mleiseIf you settled on reasoning and fairness I'm out. I only joined for the fun.
03:32:33jackvmleise, I've seen no problems recently, but I mostly lurk
03:33:04mleise:( gonna watch cute cat videos then
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03:38:05Varriountjackv: The internet is a remarkable place, isn't it?
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03:40:22jackvVarriount, indeed
03:41:00VarriountTo be fair, that slashdot commenter just had the misfortune of joining the channel at a bad time.
03:42:47onionhammerVarriount: How are we doing?
03:42:52*wepy quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
03:42:54jackvI find it hard to believe that that sort of thing NEVER happens anywhere else
03:43:12jackvlike #nim is supposed to be some sort of model community
03:43:26reactormonkjackv, I hope not, I wanna try my banhammer at some point
03:43:48Varriountonionhammer: Well, I haven't found any bugs running things on ST2. What about you and ST3?
03:47:16onionhammerYou still aren't able to get go to def working though?
03:47:27dddddd_lol sladhdot
03:47:29dddddd_garbage website
03:47:31onionhammerI need to test more thoroughly
03:48:27Varriountonionhammer: I'm pushing out a new version tomorrow. Go-to-definition working or not.
03:48:30dddddd_they censor all discussion about their malware spread on sourceforge
03:48:43Varriountdddddd_: Huh?
03:49:24dddddd_sourceforge owns slashdot
03:49:58dddddd_everyone is leaving sourceforge
03:50:10Varriountdddddd_: Yes, I know about the account-hijacking. I was unaware that slashdot was censoring information though.
03:50:19jackvdddddd_, agreed, slashdot is garbage
03:50:27jackvespecially after the sourceforge thing
03:52:03Varriountdddddd_: I would really like to know who is ignorant enough to think that censoring information will cause good PR.
03:52:19VarriountIt's like burying your head in the sand on a battlefield.
03:52:48dddddd_The Streisand effect lol
03:55:05Varriountdddddd_: This is interesting... http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=reddit%2C%20digg%2C%20slashdot%2C%20fark%2C%20metafilter&date=1%2F2004%20129m&cmpt=q&tz=
03:55:27Varriountdddddd_: Under regional interest, click 'fark'.
03:55:44VarriountApparently they have a good userbase in Turkey?
03:56:20VarriountOh, here's a more specific view - http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=reddit,+digg,+slashdot,+fark,+metafilter&cmpt=q&date=1/2004+129m&geo=TR
03:56:25*dom96_ quit (Quit: Page closed)
03:58:13onionhammerOK. It would be nice if you could test it though Varriount
03:58:27onionhammerI think your refactors broke it :p
04:01:14dddddd_wow insane http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=sourceforge.net
04:01:37dddddd_Malicious software includes 5680 virus, 3541 trojan(s), 1074 exploit(s).
04:05:47Varriountdddddd_: http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=github.com
04:10:12*squirtle joined #nim
04:10:45VarriountHello squirtle
04:10:53squirtlehello Varriount
04:12:44VarriountHm. It just ocurred to me that the reasoning for using the regex-as-highlighter scheme for an IDE is rather flawed. As long as you have an AST with line numbers, you can invalidate and re-parse sections of it as the user edits the source.
04:17:55*wb quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:18:31reactormonkVarriount, sure, if nimsuggest would be so kind ;-)
04:20:31dddddd_lol use regexp, now you got 2 problems
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10:00:21kashyap_I've been using RegEx for HTML scraping and have had no issues with it so far .... But after hearing Araq mentioned "using Re to parse is misguided" I'd like to know what is a better way to parse and extract information from scraped documents
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10:20:57coffeepotI don't have an answer for you kashyap_ but why parsing html with regex is bad is explained comedically here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1732348/regex-match-open-tags-except-xhtml-self-contained-tags/1732454#1732454
10:22:36coffeepotusing the term "explained" loosely ;)
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10:25:12coffeepotfor a more helpful response, have you looked at the parseutils module?
10:28:19TEttingerkashyap_: "\"</body>\""
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10:31:23kashyap_thanks coffeepot .. I am looking at parseutils ... also thanks for the link
10:32:43TEttingerregexes are ok for very very simple cases of HTML handling
10:33:02TEttingerif that's all you need, you're fine with regexes
10:33:27TEttingerstuff like following redirects gets complex fast :)
10:34:50squirtleI would use it to lex html
10:35:25kashyap_yeah .... while it gets the job done ... I am looking for getting started with the right way .. and practice it till it comes naturally
10:39:32kashyap_looks like lexbase may be a good place to start
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12:09:24coffeepotdoes anyone know of any projects that do interop with C functions, particularly buffers with strings in nim?
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12:16:08coffeepotscratch that, finally solved my problem! XD Haappppyyyyy
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12:17:18Arrrrcoffeepot: how did you solve it?
12:20:04coffeepotwell my problem was reading string data from odbc, and ofc that expects an untyped pointer to write the data to. Providing data to C is okay, using cast[ptr cstring](buffer)[] = dataItem.strVal
12:20:10coffeepotbut reading i had garbage
12:20:27coffeepotso turns out all i had to do was use $cast[ptr cstring](buffer)[]
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12:21:00Arrrry-you have to convert cstring to string?
12:21:14coffeepoti was getting garbage out because i wasn't dereferencing the pointer properly, so essentially casting the address to a string :-|
12:21:49ArrrrWell, im happy as a pot you fixed it
12:22:41coffeepotlol me too, but the tldr is I didn't know wtf i was doing :D
12:22:55coffeepotyou don't normally have to cast to get a string from a cstring btw, no
12:23:23coffeepotbut it was an untyped pointer so I had to tell nim what it was pointing to
12:24:23coffeepotmy main issue was that I thought it was a utf-8 problem (even though as most people know utf-8 is basically ascii in english)
12:26:11coffeepotalso I'm not used to garbage collection and interop with C so I was suspicious of the memory being swept up as I had to keep it around for several odbc calls
12:26:33coffeepotwhich meant alloc0 and dealloc etc, and i dunno, just got my panties in a twist really
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12:29:22coffeepothopefully i can start actually writing some nim code now instead of this interop stuff (I kid, of course I'm gonna have to do more C interop)!
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12:33:01coffeepotrandom aside, has anyone thought it might be nice to extend something like 'algorithms' with quad &/or octrees?
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13:32:56scoeriDoes anyone know how variable names are resolved when using macros?
13:33:21scoeriIn the following code I get an "undeclared identifier: 'x'" error
13:33:39scoeribut I get it after macro expansion time
13:34:08scoeriprints out the correct AST
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13:42:39wuehlmausdoes someone know how the nim name came to exist and why?
13:44:33wuehlmauswhy nimrod?
13:45:36wuehlmausAraq: this one is for you, i guess :)
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13:49:46Araqscoeri: 'quote do' changed recently so even I'm not sure how it works :P that said, your example is strange. why not use 'x' in f's body?
13:50:50Araqwuehlmaus: Nimrod is an acient king that built the Tower of Babel. but nobody understood this reference, so we renamed it to Nim. Which sounds "cooler" for Americans anyway ... I've been told.
13:51:41scoeriAraq: it's just an example, I'm writing some macros that manipulate ASTs
13:51:50scoeriand I got a similar error
13:52:03scoeriI just wanted to boil the error down to its essence
13:53:23scoeriis there any other way to generate quoted expressions?
13:53:26wuehlmausAraq: yes, i saw that entry in wikipedia :)
13:53:42AraqI use templates and getAst for AST constructions. 'quote do' is translated into that anyway
13:55:53wuehlmausAraq: is it called niem or nimm ? :)
13:56:15wuehlmausah, thanks, i did it correctly then
13:57:48Araq"error: Source/Engine/Engine/Engine.cpp: does not exist in index"
13:58:14Araqbut the file does exist and it clearly is in the index cause 'git status' doesn't complain it's new
13:58:21Araqany ideas?
14:00:30Araqflaviu: any experience with "git am"?
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14:12:34ddl_smurfgit status might not complain if there's another .git folder further down, if the file is ignored by gitignore, info/exclude or attributes
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14:14:37ddl_smurfgit am will also not work well if that file has changed names between the parent you're comparing to and where you are
14:15:03Araqddl_smurf: gave up on "git am". now searching for a smart version of "patch"
14:15:31ddl_smurfi think git *is* the smart version of patch =)
14:15:44Araqmaybe something interactive where I can tell the program where to find the file and stuff
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14:15:49*Araq is dreaming
14:16:09ddl_smurfyou just need to set the start and end points right
14:16:16Araqddl_smurf: git cannot even give me error messages that make any sense
14:16:34*banister quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
14:16:39ddl_smurfit might be easier for you to just copy the whole thing, git rebase -i the commits into one that represents your patch, then git show that
14:17:14ddl_smurfwell you know it is, its saying as much as it can, it makes sense if you're comfortable with gits data model
14:17:41ddl_smurf*how it is
14:18:55ddl_smurfthe git message translated is : "That file that is changed in the patch, does not exist in whatever you're basing the am on"
14:19:01*dtscoded quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
14:19:10ddl_smurfso probably git diff start..stop
14:19:15Araqyeah but the file exists and is in the index
14:19:19Araqso it makes no sense
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14:19:52ddl_smurfyou're asking it for a delta that can apply on a non existent file, am is just preventing you from exporting an incomplete patch
14:19:56Araqand http://blog.siphos.be/2012/09/git-patch-apply/ suggests that I'm not alone with this problem
14:20:22ddl_smurfno git is indeed very misunderstood
14:21:01Araqwell I have 14 patches and I can apply them by hand
14:21:08ddl_smurfyou have a base commit and a commit with the results, and you want the patches between into one file ?
14:21:57Araqno, I have these 14 patches and want them applied
14:22:03ddl_smurfi think you're missing a patch
14:22:32ddl_smurfone of those patches is trying to edit a file that doesn't exist at the point its being applied
14:22:41AraqI can apply them without using my brain. but I prefer to use machines for tasks machines excel at.
14:23:29Araqit's not a hard AI problem, I don't care what git's data model has to do with this problem either.
14:24:05ddl_smurfyoull probably have the same error trying to apply the patches manually
14:24:41ddl_smurfyou're either basing of the wrong commit, or have an incomplete or mis-ordered set of patches
14:26:00scoeriAraq: I tried using templates but I get the same error
14:26:32ddl_smurf(btw, wtf with the patches ? the whole point of git was to avoid doing that)
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14:27:46Araqscoeri: yeah but that's hygiene in action
14:28:02Araqtry a .dirty template
14:28:59Araqddl_smurf: well I don't care, I'm writing my own non-bullshit program to apply these patches then
14:29:02scoeriyeah, that already explains a lot
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14:31:43ddl_smurfjust beware that git is warning you that the result you'll get can be different from whoever exported those patches, "non-bullshit programs" non-withstanding
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14:32:23Araqddl_smurf: jezz, I will look at "git diff"s results anyway and run this thing through a compiler
14:33:23AraqI don't further patronizing from a program that doesn't understand C++'s sematics anyway and treats it as a blob of random bytes
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14:34:54Araqin a real reality these things would operate on a proper AST 3 decades ago anyway
14:35:15ddl_smurf(to be faire there is --function-context on git diff)
14:35:44ddl_smurfevery projection based editor i've seen sucks ass so hard its not funny
14:36:10Araqbut we're living in this pseudo-reality instead where trailing whitespace is the new Hitler
14:36:28ddl_smurfwhat ?
14:36:45ddl_smurfin c and posix trailing space always has been a hitler
14:37:00ddl_smurfall that shell "\\\n" type escapes
14:37:11Araqok screw the 'new' then
14:37:31ddl_smurfif you don't care about it, tell your tools, git will hapily ignore all the whitespace bs
14:37:54Araqtried the option, made no difference
14:38:11Araqalso the error suggests that "the file is not in the index"
14:38:37Araqnot "cannot merge because spaces eat little children"
14:39:08ddl_smurflike i said, it wouldn't say that without a reason, and that message means that the patch is applied to non existing file, this should be a fatal error, that it is ignored by othertools is not necessarily desirable
14:39:11scoeriAraq: thanks a lot, it works now. Maybe you can answer an earlier question I had as well. macros using varargs are not working for me
14:41:07Araqscoeri: that's an unimplemented feature in the compiler. workaround: use .immediate and then callsite() to look at the arguments
14:41:18ddl_smurfi do agree with you about the ASTs, but the only tools that look like they have complete implementations are jetbrains MPS, emacs' paredit and maybe to some degree the smalltalk toys
14:42:05ddl_smurfif there is something out there doing that right i'd love to hear about it, but saving for that, you need some gofmt or astyle kind of thing, and that's as close as it gets while bearably fluid
14:42:57Araqddl_smurf: iirc mathematica got that 90% right
14:43:21ddl_smurfast editing ?
14:43:24ddl_smurfin the notebooks ?
14:43:43ddl_smurfi do not know about that ?
14:44:29Araqyou type in crap with lots of square brackets and it renders a 2d formula on the fly
14:44:32ddl_smurfwould be cool to have a nim syntax for mps though just for kicks
14:44:47ddl_smurfyeah but you can type invalid crap all the same
14:46:21Araqwell of course, it's still keyboard based. not sure what you're saying
14:46:25*Ven quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
14:46:36scoeriAraq: thanks, I'll try that
14:48:00ddl_smurfif we did code like that, most merge conflicts, api deprecations, styling/syntaxing problems would just disappear
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14:53:17Araqddl_smurf: yeah, so it's unlikely to happen in our lifetimes
14:54:33ddl_smurfwell i smoke a lot but maybe the younger folk will see it if we work on it
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14:57:45ddl_smurfin http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#syntax-grammar what do you mean by ^+ ? literal '+' ? Is this a standard notation ? (don't recognize the &() either)
14:58:16Araqno, it's my personal extension to BNF, but it's explained in the manual
14:59:09ddl_smurfare the terminals of OP0 | OP1 | OP2 etc listed in there too ?
14:59:36ddl_smurfok gotcha sorry
14:59:46Araqyeah, these are defined in the operator precedence table
15:00:58ddl_smurfjeez man, #!strongSpaces and you complain about git beeing anal about spaces
15:01:55Araqdifferent things. I never made my language trailing whitespace sensitive
15:02:06ddl_smurfthank god for that
15:02:50ddl_smurfi don't think anyone would argue that it ever had been a good idea - judging by the number of tools that warn/highlight/delete it, its been a problem
15:03:12ddl_smurfand for me #!strongSpaces <-- hell no
15:03:34ddl_smurfi'm barely convinced optional parentheses on functions was a tolerable idea
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15:05:20ddl_smurfalso why make it look like a shebang ?
15:05:54Araqwhy? if 90% of your code consists of function calls the () are just noise anyway? it's not like they scream "side effect here!" or anything
15:06:41Araqddl_smurf: never thought about the shebangs, was just natural for me. # comment, #! screaming comment aka parsing directive
15:07:40ddl_smurfyou should make it #!/strongSpaces so we could put an interpreter there =)
15:09:04ddl_smurfi guess it doesn't matter much, could just trigger some magic number based things
15:09:17Araqthere is a request to make it #@ instead
15:09:22Araqor whatever
15:09:35ddl_smurfi don't like important comments
15:09:44ddl_smurf(if its still on the table)
15:09:49ggVGcso, if I understand correctly, if A imports B and B imports C, then A does not get C imported? Why is that?
15:10:15ddl_smurfggVGc: encapsulation, A should not need to know how B is doing its magic
15:10:30ddl_smurf(nor should it be affected by)
15:11:45ggVGcddl_smurf: I am making some bindings for a C++ library using c2nim, and there are some inheritance hierarchies. The reason I stumbled upon it is that if A inherits B and B inherits C, then A does not get the methods from C if I don't import both B and C from A
15:11:49ggVGcif I make myself clear
15:11:55ggVGcmaybe I am doing something wrong
15:12:25ddl_smurfno that makes sense, but technically A is using both in that case (via the inheritance mecanism)
15:12:47AraqggVGc: you can mitigate the effect with 'export' forwardings
15:12:52ggVGcddl_smurf: right, but in every other language with inheritance, you don't need to import all superclasses to use the methods
15:12:54ddl_smurfthink of it this way: A needs to know about whatever B inherits from
15:13:09ggVGcddl_smurf: right, which imo breaks encapsulation the other way instead
15:13:27ggVGcddl_smurf: since if the inheritance hierarchy changes, then all of a sudden every subclass needs to change their imports
15:13:35ddl_smurfwell you're talking c/c++, not nim at this point
15:13:45ggVGcddl_smurf: not really? Nim has inheritance in itself
15:13:51ggVGcthis is not C++ specific
15:14:00ddl_smurfyeah but there's a mismatch between the two models
15:14:39ggVGcddl_smurf: wll, personally I don't use inheritance in code I wrote, but many people do, and Nim supports it. So I find this behaviour pretty strange when constructing object hierarchies
15:15:07ggVGcif I inherit from A, I shouldn't have to care from what superclasses A gets its methods
15:15:08ddl_smurfand it kind of is c++ specific: in c++ if you're using a specialised class, you've also imported all its visible generalisations
15:15:10ggVGcI reckon
15:15:44Araq"While Nim's support for object oriented programming (OOP) is minimalistic, powerful OOP techniques can be used. OOP is seen as one way to design a program, not the only way."
15:16:37ggVGcddl_smurf: so, if I have a type IntPoint, and then make a type Vector = object of IntPoint, and then I use vector in 100 files, then one day I decide I want Vector to be float instead, so I make it inherit from FloatPoint. Now all of a sudden I have to change imports in 100 files. Is that good encapsulation?
15:17:02ggVGcAraq: anyway, how do I use export to mitigate this?
15:17:06ddl_smurfdo you have a garantee that the change would affect none of those classes ?
15:17:07ggVGci.e what do I export where
15:18:45Araqbtw type Vector = object of IntPoint is not good design to begin with
15:19:42ggVGcddl_smurf: not sure what you mean by that. The author of the Vector type is responsible for making the Vector type act as a vector. The users of Vector shouldn't be exposed to how the author of Vector decides to do that. If changing from IntPoint to FloatPoint breaks the semantics of vector, then that's a mistake of the author of Vector. Either way I don't see a reason to force the user to change the imports of every single file that uses Vector, to become awa
15:19:45AraqggVGc: you export what you think is necessary
15:20:28Araqimport A; export A
15:20:38ddl_smurfIf the vector author can garantee that its parent class will affect none of its users, it should be using that as a parent class, there is no value to inheritance there, its use of float or int should be completely private
15:20:56ddl_smurf*should not be using that as a parent...
15:21:37ddl_smurfif its not completely private, that users of the vector class need be aware of its parent class, as any other exposing mecanism
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15:23:15ggVGcthat makes no sense to me
15:23:27ggVGcyou must be reasoning about a very narrow use case of inheritance
15:24:05ddl_smurfto use a class you need a complete definition of its public interface, correct ?
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15:24:52ggVGcddl_smurf: sure, I guess the misunderstanding here is that I consider inheriting something the same as making that thing part of your public interface
15:25:06ggVGcas a user it doesn't matter where X gets it's implementation from
15:25:18ggVGcbe it a private object or by inheritance
15:25:23ddl_smurfbut it does matter, because suddenly you're exposing an external interface
15:25:48ddl_smurfif that parent interface doesn't matter, just dont expose, use it internally in your specialised class
15:26:14ddl_smurfif the base class has no value to users of your class why base yourself on it
15:26:26ggVGcwell, that's not what I'm saying
15:26:40ggVGcof course it has value
15:26:45ggVGcgimme a sec
15:26:50ddl_smurfi'm not saying how narrow or not this model of inheritance is, i'm just saying how you should use it to achieve the effect you desire of altering only files affected by the public interface change
15:26:56AraqggVGc: apart from 'export' you can also use 'include dependency' rather than 'import dependency'
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15:27:22ddl_smurfand c/c++ does not do that, which is why this is a problem now, but its because of the mismatch, either model is fine
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15:29:04ggVGcddl_smurf: If I create a type A that holds an instance of B, and then I give A a method foo, which in turn just calls B.foo, I have effectively transfered the public interface of B into A, and if I import A, I know have access to the method foo.
15:29:18ggVGcddl_smurf: but if I instead inherit B, the user now has to import both A and B
15:29:25ggVGcnow, what is the difference?
15:29:31ddl_smurfyou haven't "transfered" you've abstracted
15:29:35ggVGcboth are taking the public interface of B and putting it in A
15:30:21ggVGcAraq: yeah, I know that, but is this really the correct use case for that?
15:30:56ddl_smurfhere's another way to see it: if a base class has value to users, users should import the base and something else that builds a specialised instance and returns it casted as a base, that's the raison-d'être of inheritance, not sharing code
15:31:46ddl_smurfif the base class has no added value to users, you shouldn't be specialising the base class, you should be exposing another interface, one with the value you want
15:32:33ddl_smurfand whatever that interface requires will of course be used by any user of your interface too, you may desire this behaviour be implicit, but that's opinion, there are good arguments for both
15:32:57ggVGcddl_smurf: I just can't see a reason when I'd want to import a type and not get access to all the methods available for that type
15:33:36ggVGcjust seems to add a whole lot of code maintenance overhead for no real benefit to me
15:33:44ggVGcwhat's the benefit?
15:34:14Araqit makes you use delegation instead of inheritance :P
15:34:20ddl_smurfwell one reason is that it forces your use of classes to be explicit, any change to stuff you use would be silent, ensuring you maintain api correctness, implicit imports might not provide the same garantees with things like overflows
15:34:53ggVGcAraq: right, which is what I personally do since many many years back. But many people use inheritance, and if you do, then the way Nim works doesn't seem very friendly to me
15:35:31ddl_smurftake your example of vectors, if a user class is checking for overflow, with an implicit import of intvector you'd have an error you'd have to check, with an implicit import you'd have no compiler error but the using logic would be wrong
15:36:23ddl_smurf(i apologise for all the mistakes in a rush)
15:38:35AraqggVGc: you're looking at this in a slightly odd way I think. It's not that Nim punishes you for OO designs. it's just that we really like to spend our complexity budget on other paradigms.
15:38:39ggVGcddl_smurf: pretty sure in almost every real case, the developer would just change intvector to floatvector, and then find that bug at a later time anyway. For something like that, the real solution is for the compiler to not let you check for overflows in the same way for int and float
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15:39:09ggVGcAraq: sure, I am not attacking Nim. I think it's great, and I would prefer there to be no inheritance at all. I am justtrying to understand ddl_smurf
15:39:23ddl_smurfyeah i'm not arguing how it should be, i'm just saying this is how you use this model, its actually fine
15:40:10ddl_smurfif users of the vector class need to know whether its int or float, i'd personaly prefer an early error if vector were to change during development
15:40:42ggVGcddl_smurf: but the problem is that you don't get the error where the overflow check happens anyway. You get it at your import site
15:40:44ddl_smurfif vector is written in such a way that users need not care whether its int or float, then vector has no business inheriting from something more specific than it is
15:41:37ddl_smurfbecause your import site is list of things that you depend on, if the base class matters to you as it should because its public interface, then you depend on it, and changes to it should make you re-think any uses
15:41:42ggVGcddl_smurf: just to be clear, in your opinion inheritance should not mean that you also inherit the public interface of your supertype?
15:42:10ddl_smurfi'm not talking opinion, i'm describing a model, other models are just fine
15:42:38ggVGcwell, you've expressed several opinions and used words such as "should"
15:42:49ddl_smurfin my opinion if you inherit from something, that something is probably what users should care about and the inheriting class is more likely to be the thing hidden from users
15:43:06ddl_smurfyes "in nim's inheritance model, should"
15:43:32ddl_smurfmy opinion tends to IoC
15:44:03ggVGcalright, well, this is how it works. I don't really agree there's any benefit to forcing users to be aware of the entire inheritance chain of a type they want to use, but at the same time I don't really use inheritance so it's all good to me
15:44:14ggVGcanother question
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15:44:35ggVGcAraq: is it possible to get c2nim to spit out the complete type in the header and not just a forward declaration?
15:44:48ddl_smurfok my suggestion is not think of this in terms of "ought to" but in terms of "how do I use this"
15:45:16ggVGcddl_smurf: I'm gonna use include instead of import for my wrapped C++, and then not use inheritance because I see no personal value in it
15:45:55AraqggVGc: struct { int foo; } x; produces an object with fields
15:46:28ddl_smurfindeed if that vector example is anything like your usecase, nim's inheritance is not the tool for that
15:47:16ggVGcddl_smurf: well, it's a very standard C++ codebase, so yes, the use case is basically that type of thing. And yes, I agree it's not a nice way to write software, but I still need to map it to nim
15:47:20ggVGcthanks for a nice chat
15:47:23ggVGcall good though
15:47:26ggVGcAraq: thanks, will give it a try
15:48:24ggVGcAraq: wait, I asked the wrong question. What I wanted to know is if it's possible to get the nim compiler to spit out the complete type in the generated header
15:48:32ddl_smurfits a lot of work exposing a code base across language barriers, these types of restructurings/abstractions are necessarily complicated
15:48:48ggVGcit's been surprisingly easy actually with c2nim, but yeah
15:50:58AraqggVGc: you mean use --header? that does generate fields too iirc
15:51:16ggVGcAraq: not for me. maybe I am doing something wrong
15:51:58ggVGcAraq: this is my source, https://gist.github.com/8df0820e39d08e6d041a
15:52:04ggVGcit gives me a forward declaration in the header
15:52:24ggVGcand then the implementation in the c or cpp file
15:52:33ggVGcwhich makes it hard to use from C
15:53:00Araqhrm, create a bug report for that then please
15:53:18ggVGcAraq: okay, just gonna make sure I am running the latest trunj
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15:59:21ggVGcAraq: hm, also noticed if there are no procs using the type, it's not even exported
15:59:46ggVGcardid I put the {.exportc} in the wrong place?
16:00:01AraqggVGc: well no --header is kinda too lazy
16:00:34Araqalso it can produce typefoobar_<changingid_here>
16:01:28AraqI hacked this feature into the compiler for gradha who later wrote the favourite "I'm leaving Nim for good, despite still using it for everything" article
16:04:16ggVGcAraq: maybe you can make Nim spit out c/cpp files compatible was input for makeheaders and leverage that for heade generation easier, http://www.hwaci.com/sw/mkhdr/
16:04:22ggVGcI've used it a lot in the past and it's pretty good
16:04:36ggVGccan't spell today it seems
16:04:54ggVGcor maybe I can do that as a PR
16:04:57ggVGcwould that be of interest?
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16:08:10AraqggVGc: be my guest, shouldn't be hard either
16:11:50ggVGcalright, will try to look at it in the coming days
16:16:15ggVGcAraq: why is system called system.c instead of something like nim_runtime.c? or is there any way to compile a file named system.nim?
16:16:39ddl_smurfrelevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND-TuW0KIgg
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16:21:42ggVGcuhm, did import directive change recently?
16:21:56ggVGcI just pulled master and ran boostrap, and now I get compile errors on my imports
16:22:38ggVGcthis is what I have, https://gist.github.com/50de5194cf1c5f307d55
16:23:02NoobulaterDoes nim have a constant for the maximum and minimum value a float can be? Similiar to Float.maxValue in java?
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16:24:49ggVGcAraq: is this a bug, or did imporing change? Looks like it's parsing that '2d' as a number? https://gist.github.com/50de5194cf1c5f307d55
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16:26:24jackvggVGc, "2d" = "2.0 as a 64-bit float (double)"?
16:26:34jackvtry changing the directory name
16:27:26ggVGcjackv: can't, since it's not my code base
16:27:34ggVGcbut I added it as an include path to work around it
16:27:37ggVGclooks like a bug though
16:27:40ggVGcrecently introduced
16:27:42ggVGcgonna report it
16:29:14jackvggVGc, yeah, it does look like a bug
16:29:24jackvbut more than that, it looks like a poor choice in directory name
16:29:37jackvon whoever's part it was
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16:37:07ggVGcjackv: either way it worked with my nim build from last month, and didn't now
16:37:23ggVGcjackv: also, '2d' is definitely a valid directory name on all platforms I know
16:37:36ggVGcwhy is it poor choice?
16:39:21jackvwell, only because it could lead to bugs like that :P
16:43:09jackvggVGc, if one is naming a directory that will be used as a path in Nim imports, I'd think that it wouldn't be recommended to begin it with a number
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16:58:06StrikecarlHas anyone made a bitcoin miner in NIM? or is atleast planning to make one?
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17:03:35TEttingeris bitcoin mining still cost-effective relative to power costs?
17:05:32reactormonkTEttinger, probably not
17:14:03ggVGcwas it ever?
17:14:24reactormonkggVGc, probably
17:14:51ggVGcstrcmp1: the only way to to heavy computation work like that in a cost efficient manner is with GPU's, and as far as I know nim is not a shader language
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17:27:21Araqyeah unfortunately not
17:27:41AraqggVGc: wow, interesting bug. I'm afraid you need to enclose it in "" for it to continue to work
17:28:01ggVGcAraq: actually, that didn't work either
17:28:05ggVGcI foled an issue
17:28:14Araqddl_smurf: cannot watch it, too confusing when you understand the language and the subtitles too and they don't match
17:28:43ggVGcAraq: works with the audio turned off
17:29:04Araqgood idea lol
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17:37:04AraqggVGc: so import "scene/2d/sprite" doesn't work either?
17:38:31ggVGcAraq: nope
17:38:43ggVGcprety sure I tried and it didn't
17:38:45ggVGcwill try agin
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17:39:31ggVGcoh,.. it did
17:39:33ggVGcwhat the hell
17:39:35ggVGcI tried that
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17:42:29pragmHi, could anyone answer this question? http://www.quora.com/Narrowing-down-to-a-language-to-learn-this-summer
17:42:50Heartmenderpragm: why not both?
17:42:53kasI just wonder. If I disable GC then it is possible deallocating string instance like that? "dealloc addr myStringInstance"
17:43:08pragmHeartmender: I'd rather focus on one first
17:43:17pragmthen move on to the next
17:43:18Heartmenderpragm: flip a three sided coin
17:43:44pragmIf only I had one, but this is more basded on what language could teach me the most
17:44:01Heartmenderlet me put it this way
17:44:21HeartmenderI don't know you. I don't know what your programming experience is. I can't say what you will benefit from most.
17:44:22ggVGcI'm not letting you
17:45:36pragmHeartmender: those languages dont tell much?
17:46:02Heartmendernot really
17:47:36kaspragm: "that will teach me more programming skills and concepts and also help me write better code" I would say Haskell :) But if you have on list only this 3 then I would choose Rust. But Rust have very long learning curve.
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17:48:21pragmIsn't Haskell strictly functional ?
17:48:55kasIt is very different from all you listed.
17:49:46Araqddl_smurf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDeG4S-mJts ;-)
17:50:06ggVGcprobably look at Ocaml before diving into Haskell
17:50:25ggVGcit's a softer introduction to functional programming
17:50:32ggVGcand the concepts are transferable
17:50:46ggVGcto a certain degree
17:51:21ggVGcthen go straight to APL
17:52:13cazovggVGc, well yeah. everyone uses K these days.
17:52:17Araqkas: it's not possible to dealloc a string like that
17:52:53Araqkas: but I can add support for that
17:53:15reactormonkpragm, people still use quora? O.o
17:53:42pragmI dont know the best place to ask :/
17:53:55ggVGccazov: yep, that was the joke
17:54:18kasAraq: I think this kind deallocation would be useful for any kind of objects, not only for strings.
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17:54:44reactormonkpragm, hm, you might be correct in that. stackoverflow would probably ban it as offtopic and reddit has recently gone down the drain.
17:54:54pragmyeha ;-;
17:55:01kasAraq: Is it feasible?
17:55:13ggVGcpragm: it's a weird question. Basically pick up what seems the most interesting for the moment, and what you can actually get something fun done in. The real answer is you should have a basic proficiency in all those languages, and more, to have a solid programming base
17:55:17ggVGcbut that takes time
17:55:20ggVGcso start wherever you feel like
17:55:22ggVGcand keep working
17:56:06Araqkas: sure. that said, you still should learn to love the GC before you hack around it ;-)
17:57:41ggVGcpersonally I think every programmer currently should have at least basic proficiency in C,C++,Java/C#,javascript, Ocaml/F# and python
17:58:01Arrrrwhy python
17:58:11kasAraq: I also wonder, if it is possible to "plug-in" custom GC implementation. (if GC has some standard interface then it would be possible to "inject" own implementation of this)
17:58:17ggVGcAraq: because it has influenced so much of our conteporary programming world(i.e Nim)
17:59:21kasAraq: I think about inject own implementation of GC without modifing nim source.
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17:59:44ggVGcAraq: the point of knowing how to work in various languages is not to be able to work in them specifically, but to be able to work in any situation that might pop up where influences from those languages exist
17:59:58ggVGcthe point of knowing C++ is not to work in C++ for example
18:00:01ggVGcat least in myopinion
18:00:11Araqkas: currently not possible, but it's not hard and there is a PR that replaces Nim's GC with Go's. you can look at that to learn how it can be done
18:00:36ggVGcif you know javascript and python, you will easily also grok lua
18:01:37Araqpragm: IMHO everything that is statically typed and not C/C++/Java/Objective C makes a good first programming language.
18:02:21ggVGcdamnit, there goes APL :(
18:02:28*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
18:07:24kasI think that if you want make money from programming then easiest way is choose some popular programming language, because it has often lowest entry cost. But if you want learn something then choose some different, for example language from academia, or from other programming paradigm you don't know.
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18:13:37pragmAraq, it isnt my first :P
18:13:54Araqpragm: then pick Nim.
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18:15:57Araq(IMO Nim also is a good first programming language but I don't think many agree with me)
18:16:39Araq(thinking about it ... not many agree with me, no matter the topic ...)
18:20:00reactormonkAraq, would it be possible to adjust nimsuggest to support syntax highlighting?
18:20:19reactormonk... would it be sensible?
18:20:31Araqreactormonk: meh that's weird, better hack it into the lexer
18:20:56reactormonkAraq, I assume the lexer is nim code not some parser generator?
18:21:19Araqyeah but you could also recreate a lexer from scratch with lexim
18:22:24AraqNim's upcoming lexer generator
18:22:41Araqit works quite well but I haven't tested it extensively
18:23:04ozraAraq: That sound like fucking awesome stuff! :)
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18:23:49kasAraq: What do you think when will be first Nim 1.0 version? Are there any plans or road map?
18:24:33Araqkas: still planned for "this summer"
18:25:00reactormonkAraq, summer's soon over in germany. Might last a bit longer over here.
18:25:27ozraAraq: I looked at the roadmap, but it mostly listed post-1.0 things, are there a to-be-done-for-1.0 roadmap?
18:25:45reactormonkI'd like to add concepts to 1.0 roadmap :-)
18:26:01reactormonkor rather concepts for the stdlib
18:26:21ozraconcepts is a killer feature.
18:27:09Araqconcepts is for 1.0 yeah, but I dunno about the stdlib. I'd rather add TR macros to the stdlib
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18:27:42reactormonkterm rewriting?
18:28:10Araqozra: well the todo is pretty much in the bug tracker at this point
18:28:24ozraAraq: Ah, right.
18:28:44Araqspeaking of which, can you look into this: https://github.com/Araq/Nim/issues/2672 ?
18:29:09Araqit's some limitation of dlopen with thread local storage but googling didn't show up much
18:29:24pragmI added haskell
18:29:29pragmim even more conflicted :((
18:29:36Araqand Valgrind only says it crashes in "joinThread"
18:30:11Araqpragm: Haskell is cool but I prefer good old ML. ML is also way easier to learn.
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18:31:02reactormonklol @ https://github.com/Araq/Nim/issues/2904
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18:32:36ozraAraq: I'll see if I can make the time, some pressing things has started to pile up a bit here while I've dived into Nim ;-)
18:33:52ozrareactormonk: Woops. That is newly introduced, but the problem is of course "bigger"..
18:34:42reactormonkAraq, and just transfer the repo. Worked flawless for nim-mode
18:35:00Araqreactormonk: I'm too scared. it's in the danger zone
18:35:14reactormonkAraq, https://github.com/reactormonk/nim-mode
18:35:38Araq"you bettter know what you're doing!!!"
18:35:46Araq- "yeah, I don't."
18:35:47reactormonkAraq, then go over into #github and ask for someone to hold your hand
18:36:54reactormonkozra, I just find the bug hilarious
18:37:07ozrareactormonk: Haha, yeah, that's warped
18:37:22AraqI like how the compiler still remains helpful
18:37:33Araqand telling us immediately what the problem is
18:38:24Araq"Type the name of the repository to confirm"
18:38:34AraqAraq/Nim ? Nim?
18:38:42reactormonkI mean you get a few tries
18:38:56Araq"New owner's GitHub username"?
18:39:13ggVGcozra: I forgot to say in the issue that itäs introduced between last month and now
18:39:23ggVGcbecuase it was working for me exactrly 5 weeks ago
18:39:26Araq"I understand, transfer this repository"
18:39:41reactormonkAraq, and let's wait.
18:40:03ozraggVGc: Yeah, like just a few days ago. But that is not a bug. The bug was before too, just didn't 'appear' until that specific combination ;)
18:40:05reactormonkit's probably gonna take a while given the size of the repo
18:40:15Heartmendernot really
18:40:17Heartmenderit's fairly instant
18:40:30ozraggVGc: If you got what I mean. The bug is the lexer don't distinguish paths from anything else..
18:40:33Heartmenderit just does a mv and symlink on their gluster volume
18:40:45AraqggVGc: we have "stable" releases so that we can tinker on devel
18:40:51ggVGcozra: as a personal note I think the import directive should accept whatever the filesystem supports as directory names. and '2d' is a valid name
18:41:03ggVGcAraq: staying bleeding edge is fine with me :)
18:41:14ggVGcAraq: I intend to start taking part in development of NIm when I get more familiar with it
18:41:16AraqggVGc: the import directive takes a string literal for this reason
18:41:37Araqreactormonk: well?
18:41:41ggVGcAraq: yeah, I was confused because my first attempt with a string literal also failed. But turns out I made a mistake there
18:41:48ggVGcshould I remove the issue?
18:41:52ozraggVGc: Pick some seemingly simple bug from the issues and hack away, I've started like this, and it's a great way to learn! :)
18:41:52ggVGcI mean, if it's not actually an issue
18:41:57reactormonkAraq, nothing happened so far
18:42:18AraqggVGc: nevertheless it needs to be documented as a breaking change at least
18:42:43*vikaton joined #nim
18:43:07Araqyou all read the list of breaking changes when we release a new version, RIGHT?
18:43:16pragmflipping a coin for HAskell or ML
18:43:57ozrapragm: Write a coin flipping program in both, then choose ;)
18:44:09Araqreactormonk: "This repository will be added to the Owners team. Please select any other teams you wish to have access to nim-lang/Nim. "
18:44:13ozrapragm: And in Nim of course! B-)
18:44:22ggVGcpragm: really, play a bit in ocaml first. Diving into haskell with little prior functional programming background will make you stop very quickly.
18:44:33pragmlol doing it in Nim is p ez
18:44:39reactormonkAraq, neat. We can always do that as needed. want to add anyone specific?
18:44:51pragmadd me Araq ;)
18:45:11Araqin Nim you can do it at compiletime...
18:45:14reactormonkpragm, zero commits?
18:45:30Araqreactormonk: just tell me to click on "Transfer"
18:45:39pragmreactormonk: commits is just a number
18:45:39reactormonkAraq, sure, go ahead.
18:45:48ggVGcpragm: the thing is, Ocaml is primarily functional language with a pretty easy to grasp type system. Haskell is also a functional language, but more than that it also is a lazy language(which is very rare) and has a very advanced and unusual type system. So starting with haskell in order to do functional programming is just too much
18:46:34ggVGcpragm: the big thing in haskell is the type system, and if you are not already comfortable with functional programming, learning those two at the same time within haskell will just make you lose motivation hard
18:46:41ggVGcplease trust me on that
18:47:14AraqML is easier than Ocaml since it's Ocaml without the OO support
18:47:55AraqOcaml is much more useful for real world projects though
18:48:04*brson quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:48:10Araqbut F# is the better Ocaml ;-)
18:48:17Araqso pick that
18:48:17ozraAraq: What do you feel about explicitly qualified globals, with some is-global-prefix? I think they are 'out there' in coding quality enough to warrant it..
18:48:27pragmyes I know Nim has really cool features
18:48:40pragmbut the goal is to increase my programming skillz
18:49:20Heartmenderpragm: you could increase your "skillz" by using C or QBASIC
18:50:05Araqozra: once upon a time I wanted to add 'submodule' to the language to let people have their doterities, but dom96 said he would leave Nim for good when I introduce this feature
18:50:32Araqsubmodule globals:
18:50:45Araq var foo: int # can only access via globals.foo
18:50:48ggVGcAraq: yeah, but ocaml is easier to get started with. well, depends I guess. On linux Ocaml is easier to get up and running, on windows I guess F#
18:51:06Arrrrrwhat's the problem with submodules
18:51:39vikatonwhy would dom96 leave Nim for good cuz of that?
18:51:40ggVGcHeartmender: hey a lot of appreciated software has been written in QBASIC
18:52:23AraqArrrrr: they are unnimic
18:52:35ozraAraq: Just figuring local immutable vars are not dangerous, so implicit declaration of let's through assign would be very useful, make clear code. Globals on the other hand are dangerous and it would be good to see them clearly, also discouraging their use, and allowing former mentioned feature. I mean as a general part of the syntax, it would of course require a milestone release where some breaking changes are bundled up and fixable via
18:53:14*kumul quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
18:53:56Araqozra: actually I like globals quite a bit ;-) they suck cause they are so inflexible, but also so easy to reason about if you can get rid of the aliasing problems
18:54:28Araqwhich is dead simple to get rid of
18:54:44ArrrrrWhy you said interfaces are hard to reason
18:54:48ozraAraq: Woa, then I'm barking up the wrong tree, haha.
18:55:04pragmggVGc: what about SML ?
18:55:30AraqArrrrr: because I know my shit about formal semantics :P
18:55:34reactormonkAraq, submodules? What would they be good for?
18:56:27Araqreactormonk: to turn '_' into '.'. Which is the ultimate goal for every modern programming language.
18:56:54pragm'_' is in Rust
18:56:57Heartmender\o/ https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim
18:57:07kaspragm: If you want learn some function language then indeed easiest is one from ML family. It will be good choice. OCaml is old good language for building real world software. F# is younger but also good; but I don't know how good is support on linux.
18:57:31reactormonkAraq, ah, namespacing.
18:57:45vikatonis anyone gonna post that on reddit xD
18:58:00reactormonkvikaton, isn't reddit dead by now?
18:58:12vikaton /r/programming
18:58:22ArrrrrPeople in reddit is always complainning this community spams a lot
18:59:02reactormonkArrrrr, although I think atm reddit prefer spam over ham ^^
18:59:04pragmkas, I just want to learn a programming language that would increase my skills
18:59:40Arrrrrlearn lisp
18:59:41pragmand programming conceptual knowledge
18:59:48ggVGcpragm: sure, SML would also work but OCaml and F# have a much more active community and much more learning resources, and much more actual software being written in them
19:00:28kaspragm: If you never programming in functional language then OCaml, F# both are ok. I think it is not that important which, as long you just want learn for improving skills.
19:00:33Araqozra: in fact, my dream language has only global variables and no parameter passing and no pointers ...
19:00:50reactormonkAraq, apparently you've never worked with other people :-P
19:00:58ggVGcpragm: just to clarify, I am not saying to stay away from haskell. But you should hold off on that until you are fairly comfortable with functional programming in general, because otherwise you will waste your learning motivation on something that will just overwhelm you
19:01:12reactormonkpragm, try scala ;-)
19:01:29ggVGcscala is also an okay choice. But I think an ML-family language is a better learning experience
19:01:41*squirtle joined #nim
19:02:26kasggVGc: I think scala is bit messy.
19:02:36pragmggVGc: what part exactly is overwhelming about Haskell?
19:02:55squirtleFor starters its a read only language
19:03:02*squirtle is now known as dtscoded
19:03:10AraqI think you mean *write only*
19:03:18dtscodederr yes write only
19:03:20reactormonkkas, yes, yes it is. But it's kinda pragmatic too
19:03:23dtscodedsorry I just woke up
19:03:30ggVGcpragm: as I mentioned before. the main thing about haskell is the type system, which is very unusual compared to other languages, and very advanced(and amazing). But if you are also trying to learn functional programming, it will be too much to get anywhere
19:03:46reactormonkdtscoded, hello squirtle
19:04:19ggVGcpragm: the other thing, which doesn't matter as much but is "weird", is that it is lazy by default, and not eager(like _all_ other common languages)
19:04:20pragmdamn man ;-;
19:04:32*pragm cries
19:05:09ggVGcpragm: the point being, if you get into a functional language like Ocaml, what you are learning is functional programming. If you start with haskell without knowing FP, then you have literally nothing to stand on. The evaluation model is different, the programming paradigm is different, and the whole way you reason about the types in your pgoram is different
19:06:08ggVGcpragm: and all learning reasource you'll find for haskell assume you already have a steady grasp of functional programming.
19:06:56pragmggVGc: http://learnyouahaskell.com/
19:06:59ggVGcpragm: beginning with haskell without playing in something like ocaml first, is like taking a uni cource in calculus after just learning basic addition
19:07:17pragmto that degree?
19:07:51ggVGcpragm: so, the type system itself in haskell is very functional in nature. So if you are not comfortable with the concepts of functional programming, then the whole type system makes no sense
19:08:05ggVGcdunno how to explain this well
19:09:10ozraAraq: Hehe, right
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19:10:37ggVGcpragm: so, say you are used to programing in java-style languages, and then you get into FP and get an AHA! moment where you see a whole new way of expressing algorithms and structuring your logic. Now take that concept and apply it to type systems. The haskell type system compared to more common type systems, has about the same relation to the way you write logic in a Java/C++:ish language compared to writing logic in a fully functional way
19:11:34ggVGcpragm: but you can't really get your head around it unbtil until you have had that AHA! moment in functional programming, because that's what it's al all built on
19:13:06ggVGcpragm: and then add the fact that haskell is not just functional, but also purely functional, meaning you never have anything mutable anywhere, and nothing can have side effects unless you express it in a specific notation, which in turn has it's own set of rules you need to understand
19:13:35*jbomo joined #nim
19:13:36ggVGcpragm: so, going from "not much FP experience" to haskell, is like going from basic addition straight to calculus
19:13:38pragmis this coming from experience from diving into haskell first
19:13:43ggVGc3 times
19:13:48pragm3 times?1
19:13:51ggVGcthird time I started grokking it
19:14:27pragmggVGc: how much of Ocaml b4 i get into haskell?
19:14:38Araqozra: I call this the "completely honest programming language". Where all memory usage is bounded by design and a[i] can alias b[j] iff a == b (static check) and i == j (dynamic check)
19:14:58pragmnothing beats pony-lang
19:15:10vikatonwhy the hell did they name it "pony"
19:15:38ggVGcpragm: first time I started looking at it I had about 5 years programming experience and knew just a little about FP. Second time I looked at it I had written quite a lot of F#(including some parsers and tools for autocompletion in it) and knew quite a lot of FP. Third time was last year, with about 9 years total programming experience and 4 years of FP interest
19:15:43vikatonthats worse than Nomrod !
19:16:07ggVGcnimrod is pretty bad though, amirite
19:16:21pragmggVGc: I have a little under 1 year experience :[
19:16:28pragmin programming all tg
19:16:36AraqggVGc: hey, Nimrod kicked ass. :P
19:16:46ggVGcpragm: I know you might feel like it sounds badass to just dive in at the deep end, but it will really just make you lose interest in haskell, and burn your learning motivation. Just let it wait
19:16:47vikatonwho ever called Nim nimrod is a nimrod themselves!
19:17:06vikatonsrry araq :[
19:17:09vikatonjust a j0ke
19:17:18Araqvikaton: but it was me :'-(
19:17:29vikatonI take back the apology
19:17:34ArrrrrNimrod was a better name than nim, to be honest
19:17:46Araqnow you did it. I have to go jogging, bbl.
19:17:51vikatontbh nobody used Nimrod as an insult anymore
19:18:10Arrrrrwe should fork nim to rename it back to nimrod
19:18:16vikatonon it
19:19:04ggVGcpragm: you have to understand that haskell is built on heavy heavy academia, by people who sit in their universities writing books on type systems and bleeding edge computer science. The concepts in haskell are built upon earlier concepts that has come up in other languegs before it and it is a very advanced language. But that currently means that it's very very hard to just dive straight into it if you don't have those more basic concepts solidly in your head
19:19:59kaspragm: If you want see difference, you could try all:) Every day something different, and after week pick one you think most suitable for you :)
19:20:00ggVGcpragm: ocaml on the other hand will feel like somewhat familiar, but with a focus on writing programs in a way you're not used to. That is a fun learning experience, and it won't feel like baning your head aginst a ball of spikes.
19:21:58ggVGcpragm: like, you probably have in your head what makes some objects "alike" and how they could interact, based on your current programming experience. In haskell the rules of what makes objects "alike" and how they can interact is modelled in a completely different way, so the way you think about all types(from integers, to strings, to functions, to your custom types) is different at the core
19:22:57ggVGccombined with the fact nothing can have side effects, nothing can be mutated, and nothing can really be imperative(kind of true but also kind of not)
19:23:29*pragm quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
19:23:41ggVGcseems I drove him off
19:23:44ggVGcsorry channel
19:23:46ggVGcback to NIm talk
19:23:50ggVGcor should I say nimrod
19:28:21*pragm joined #nim
19:28:29pragmggVGc: the coin landed on Ocaml anyways
19:28:38pragmbut how long do I have to stay with Ocaml
19:28:57ggVGcpragm: until you get an AHA moment about functional programming
19:29:15pragmwell thats gonna be a while
19:29:26ggVGcpragm: I mean, start looking at haskell if you want. I'm just saying it's gonna be a lot of work, and not very fun, to try working in it before you have a fairly good grasp of FP
19:29:56ggVGcpragm: as I said, the main problem is that haskells type system itself is built on functional programming ideas
19:30:09ggVGcbut maybe it will make sense to you very quickly
19:30:35pragmhakell's community is much larger than Ocaml's
19:30:46ggVGcpragm: many people who know both haskell and ocaml still prefer ocaml for writing their daily software. Not many people have managed to make haskell their go-to language for general purpose development
19:31:05pragmggVGc: the purpose is to learn, not practically use
19:31:28pragmggVGc: is it ture that haskell would make you smarter?
19:31:51pragmor at least look at problems in a different view ?
19:31:58ggVGcpragm: alright, do this then. Start reading learnyouahaskell.com and write the simplest text processor you can think of in it. But I think fairly quickly you will feel overwhelmed. Then go to ocaml
19:32:47ggVGcpragm: yes, since as I said the type system is very different(and I really mean different, not just an alternative way of something you've already seen). But when you start getting into understanding that type system you'll find it very cool
19:33:18pragmIll go with ur plan then
19:33:49pragmbecause haskell just seems too appealing to ignore
19:34:06pragmI have tackled Rust's borrow checker, i think I might hit haskell
19:34:32ggVGcpragm: the fun begins quite early when you realise there isn't a straightforward way of just reading a string from stdin in a way you're used to
19:34:52*pragm quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
19:36:00vikatonggVGc: http://learnyouahaskell.com/input-and-output ?
19:36:03ggVGcpregressive: Rust is still built on the computation model we are all very familiar with, meaning imperative and dealing with memory spots and pointers. Haskell is completely in another world compared to that
19:37:01ggVGcvikaton: sure, but already here it bubbles up that all of a sudden IO is part of a type? And it's not an actual type
19:40:48*Arrrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
19:41:09ozraVarriount: If you're around: some fixes to the highlighter, it seems to be solid now (more exhaustive tests needed, ie look through more source code ;)
19:43:20*pwzoii joined #nim
19:50:29reactormonkozra, will https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/2890 fix https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/2904 ?
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19:55:30reactormonkAraq, could you take a look at https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/2903 ? Looks good to me but I'm not sure if I can judge that correctly
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20:08:18avsej_for centos/fedora users. I configured automatic build of devel branch, running basic tests and publishing to YUM repositories. Instructions here: http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/avsej/nim-devel/
20:08:30pigmejavsej_: cool
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20:18:06Guest9271I dunno if kirbyfan64 hangs around on IRC here, but I think I made some nice extension to his PR that make Nim output even more sweet: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/2906
20:18:12*Guest9271 is now known as OnO
20:18:22OnOhmm.... I dunno what happened to my nick
20:21:48pigmejOnO: screens?
20:22:09bulbasaurDo we have anything for dlfcn.h in the stdlib?
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20:24:04OnOpigmej: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8k5f04gf127i44z/Nim%20Colors.png?raw=1
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20:27:24reactormonkdom96, any way to run the test suite automatically and diff between two commits? E.g. /json/builders/linux-x64-builder/builds?select=-1/<git commit of devel PR'd against>/changes&select=-2/<git commit of PR>/changes ?
20:27:48reactormonkOnO, maybe nickserv?
20:28:09OnOreactormonk: switched to ZNC recently, forgot to enable nickserv mod :>
20:28:15pigmejreactormonk: hey :)
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20:32:00reactormonkpigmej, o/
20:33:43reactormonkyglukhov________, please don't squad commits, it makes it harder to follow the comments
20:34:04reactormonkI currently have no idea what you just changed.
20:37:45*xcombelle quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:41:23yglukhov________reactormonk, sorry, line 551 of old jssys is reverted back. thats where sets copying occurs
20:41:54*yglukhov________ is now known as yglukhov
20:42:47reactormonkyglukhov, honestly, I don't know too much about it, so I'll just wait for Araq.
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20:52:19Araqbulbasaur: look at posix.nim please
20:52:28Araqreactormonk, yglukhov it's wrong ;-)
20:54:21AraqOnO: any progress on the "TR macros should be recursive but not self-applying" problem?
20:55:33Araqavsej: please note that the tester now always uses the local nim or something. ozra knows the details
20:56:44avsejon builder box only local nim available
20:56:47avsejso it is okay
20:58:15avsejAraq, are you going to release 0.11.3 soon? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/compiler.nimble#L3
20:58:58Araqversion 0.11.3 is the development version. once released it will be 0.11.4 or even 1.0RC1
21:02:25*ChrisMAN quit (Remote host closed the connection)
21:04:09avsejokay I see
21:04:10*bulbasaur is now known as PaulMaudib
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21:25:57yglukhovAraq, what's wrong? Squashing or copying? =)
21:26:34Araqyglukhov: I commented the PR
21:28:00yglukhovAraq, errr.. Probably you're talking about the other one? There's a couple of them.
21:28:28yglukhovDoes anyone see my nickname with an enourmous underscore trail?
21:29:38yglukhovAraq, also, I've made changes according to your comment.
22:02:49Araqfinally somebody fixed unittest escape characters
22:03:26Araqwhich is a bug that I predicted btw since ansi escape sequences are braindead
22:07:52*phira quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net)
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22:10:14AraqMat4: redirect the output of a program that uses escape sequences for coloring and see what happens
22:10:41Mat4ah this effect you mean
22:13:07*boop is now known as boopisaway
22:17:55Araqyglukhov: well at this point you know the JS codegen better than I do and you also have more working code that targets JS than I do. so it's a bit pointless to review your work
22:18:13Araqwant write access?
22:18:37*Mat4 quit (Quit: Verlassend)
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22:21:20yglukhovAraq, wow, that's a level up =) I would be glad, of course.
22:22:06Araqwell it's only write access for JS related stuff. don't misuse your power :P
22:25:17reactormonkAraq, sounds like you need to check if output is tty...
22:26:21Araqreactormonk: I know of this solution, but that's just an abstraction breaking hack.
22:26:49Araqbut then the "everything is a stream" abstraction never worked to begin with, so I don't really mind
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22:33:13yglukhovAraq, actually I'm not sure if it's a good idea at all to push without at least a formal review.
22:33:52yglukhovSo, I would welcome at least an LGTM in my future PRs ;)
22:34:03reactormonkyglukhov, I usually do it that way too
22:34:33Araqyeah true
22:40:16taotetekwould it be possible to construct a nim proc that calls a c function via a macro?
22:41:05*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
22:43:06taotetekit looks like you cannot -use- a proc that depends on ffi as part of a macro.. but how about creating a proc, via macro, that will call ffi when the proc is called from outside of the macro?
22:43:20Araqtaotetek: yes.
22:43:30taotetekAraq: excellent.
22:43:45Araqalso you can use staticExec to run what you want, FFI dependency or not
22:44:28taotetekAraq: I'll work through the macro tutorials when I get a little time, and either figure it out or be back with a question or two :)
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22:52:12blakehey, have a question from the tutorial about getter and setter procedures
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22:52:27reactormonklooks like nickserv doesn't like you :-)
22:52:41Guest27458I don't know how to IRC...dammit
22:52:59reactormonkjust pick a different nick
22:53:08reactormonkwith /nick newnick
22:54:24*Guest27458 is now known as blakev
22:54:33blakevhopefully that works
22:55:02Araqblakev: well? what's your question
22:55:06blakevhaha cool, so I was hoping someone could explain to me why the setter uses "s: var Person" but the getter doesn't use `var`
22:55:23reactormonkblakev, because by default variables are immutable
22:55:54reactormonkblakev, in a simpler version, remove the `var` annotation and see what the compiler tells you
22:56:06blakevit worked...which is why I was confused
22:56:23reactormonkreally? hum
22:57:02Araqreactormonk: depends also on whether it's a ref object or not
22:57:18reactormonkblakev, update your compiler, compiler complains here
22:57:24reactormonkAraq, why the distinction btw?
22:57:38blakevI just downloaded the windows install binary today from the site, should I compile from source?
22:58:31Araqblakev: no.
22:58:50Araqreactormonk: cause we fucked up that part of the language. just kidding.
22:59:09reactormonkAraq, you never know
22:59:37Araqcause deep immutability is hard to work with, but we'll experiment with it via the 'func' keyword
23:00:05blakevit seems like it's because the `var` keyword allows modifying variables inside the procedure without returning them
23:00:22reactormonkblakev, nah, test.nim(8, 10) Error: 'v.x' cannot be assigned to
23:00:51Araq`var` is C++'s & really. ref is * and ptr is * too.
23:01:09Araqso ... if you know C++, that should help
23:02:09blakevI do not :) I have a strong Python background -- this is the code I'm running, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=61ADKA3y
23:03:52Araqblakev: well your Person is a 'ref', so no 'var' required. we need to expand on this in the tutorials I guess
23:04:28Araqbut yeah, it's always safe to not use the 'var' and sometimes things don't compile and then you might need to add it ;-)
23:05:16blakevhaha works for me, for now :P I've been watching the language for awhile and decided to give it a try. The "compiles to C" is extremely relevent, because it would make Python interop trivial
23:05:49Araqcheck out "nimborg" then for really sweet Python interop
23:15:42*boop is now known as boopisaway
23:23:11blakevdoes the nimble package manager have a repository website?
23:24:51reactormonkblakev, nah, just a github repo
23:25:22Araqnot sure what you mean, but look here http://nim-lang.org/docs/lib.html#nimble-unofficial-packages
23:39:49*vikaton quit ()
23:43:45EthecoI have the `df` data and i want to parse that to a more usable array, would using pegs be my best option ?
23:44:37AraqEtheco: we generally encourage to use parseutils
23:45:05EthecoAraq, ah okie, will look at that instead, thanks :)
23:45:28Araqbut that's rather low level, so if you hate it try pegs or re/nre
23:46:34Ethecookie cool.
23:46:48Ethecoits all a learning curve so will give it a go :)
23:47:13*davidhq quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
23:47:20Araqit'll make you a better programmer ;-)
23:48:11Ethecolets hope so :D, php isn't great at making me a good programmer lol.
23:48:52Araqrule of thumb: if you use 'split' or 're' for parsing, you're doing it wrong ;-)
23:49:19Ethecoill try keep to that rule then :D, now to figure out what all these procs mean haha.
23:49:43Ethecoi have done a lot of bash scripting over time, so trying to convert that to nim for learning :D
23:50:36Ethecoalso enjoyed your talk on oreilly :)
23:50:55Araqthank you. :-)
23:51:31*wepy joined #nim
23:51:41wepyis nim good at CGI and like.. mime parsing?
23:52:06Araqwe got modules for both
23:52:15wepyare they good?
23:52:31wepyalso, is there anything like python's argparse?
23:52:43Araqyes but I forgot its name
23:53:07wepyi think i tried the cgi module before.. didn't do any mime with it
23:53:15wepyalso.. funny question about installs
23:53:29wepyso.. it seems like the compiler looks for a lib path relative to itself?
23:53:44wepyis there a way to install stuff properly as root?
23:54:10Araqyeah and you can also use --lib to tell them where to find the stdlib
23:54:32Araqbut we don't like you to install properly as root cause that's stupid
23:55:14wepylike if you want multiple users to have access to it easily
23:55:18wepyseems like good way
23:56:07Araqit makes updating nim more cumbersome and requires sudo.
23:56:29wepylike for a package install
23:56:49wepywhy is updating harder?
23:57:02wepyare you a windows guy or something?
23:57:25wepymy whole unix life has been: configure; make; su/sudo make install :)
23:57:29Ethecosurely security comes to mind running everything under root
23:57:38Araqno, I hate all OSes.
23:57:39wepyit's not running under root
23:57:57Araqbut since everybody agrees Windows sucks I focus on telling people how much Poonix sucks
23:58:07wepyEtheco: difference between suid/sgid and root-owned stuff
23:58:08strcmp1Araq, what about TempleOS
23:58:26flaviu17:00 <Araq> flaviu: TempleOS looks really cool :-)
23:59:01Ethecosurely wont be long for NimOS?
23:59:11wepyisn't binaries self locating kinda.. ghetto though?
23:59:19wepyyou could use an environment variable to locate the libs
23:59:22flaviuAraq: How about a HolyC backend for Nim?
23:59:22wepyor have standard paths