<< 11-10-2016 >>

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00:47:46libmanAdded Nim to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Studio_Code#Features
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00:50:20libmanMaybe if the "skins" possibility was more widely advertised (hint hint Araq's blog), some devs who currently don't like Nim's syntax would jump in and make their own...
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08:40:05Calinou<gokr> There are tons of new neat site generators though - so Octopress is not something I ... particularly recommend (although it works fine for me).
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08:40:24CalinouI haven't found any static site generator, other than Jekyll, that is not "Hello! I am awesome, but completely undocumented"
08:40:39Calinouand Hexo is overkill for simple sites, and has known performance issues since a while
08:40:41gokrHehe, well, I haven't played with many.
08:40:45CalinouI haven't tried Hugo yet
08:40:51Calinouit seems to be the cool thing today
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08:52:30hohlerdeCalinou: I played a bit with Hugo, it works quite well and is also well documented. example: typemismatch.org
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08:52:45Calinouyeah, also is very fast
08:52:54CalinouI might migrate my personal site to it, currently using Jekyll
08:53:28hohlerdeCalinou: the one thing that made me trying out hugo was simplicity: one executable, no installation necessary.
08:53:44Calinouyeah, installing Jekyll on Windows is a pain
08:53:51Calinou1) install Ruby through RubyInstaller (easy)
08:53:57Calinou2) install Ruby devkit (not that easy)
08:54:07Calinou3) install Jekyll gem, and wdm to prevent a warning when running Jekyll (easy)
08:54:11Calinounot very hard, but lengthy
08:54:45hohlerdehehe, whenever I see that a tool or application uses ruby I normally skip it and only use it, if there are no good alternatives.
08:55:04euantorYes, Hugo's simplicity is its biggest bonus I believe
08:55:12euantorIt just works from my experience
08:55:12Calinouis it i18n-friendly?
08:55:20CalinouI'd like to have my blog only in English, but main site should be available in French too
08:55:28CalinouJekyll is not particularly i18n-friendly
08:56:07hohlerdecalinou: kind of. as far as I've read they have a section about multi language support in their documentation. however, I've not used multi language features so far.
08:57:02hohlerdecalinou: https://gohugo.io/extras/aliases#multilingual-example
08:58:55gokrCalinou: Why would you install anything on Windows? :)
08:58:58Araqlibman: alright, that's a good idea
08:59:15Calinouthere, installed Hugo and added it to PATH
08:59:25Calinougokr: have to use either Windows or macOS at university :(
08:59:39Araqenthus1ast: well, what does your config look like?
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09:17:37ArrrrI have compiled devel and i get this misterious message: "could not import: RegGetValueW"
09:18:22AraqArrrr: 'koch' now depends on registry.nim
09:18:36Araqare you on Windows XP?
09:21:54AraqArrrr: I suppose this means 'koch finish' will be its own program :-)
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09:23:59Araqcool we have an XP tester here :-)
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09:25:15eizuaHello, does the 'pegs' library support lookaheads (positive/negative)? I'm reading the docs, but there's no mention of it anywhere
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09:27:04Araqit does support positive lookahead
09:27:35ArrrrThis registry thing shouldn't be on osprocs?
09:27:40eizuaI should probably look for a Nim REPL to test this on
09:27:47Araq&E And predicate: Indicate success if expression E matches the text ahead; otherwise indicate failure. Do not consume any text.
09:28:25AraqArrrr: only 'koch.nim' is affected
09:28:32eizuaAnd !E is the opposite, right? Why didn't I see this earlier? :D
09:28:41ArrrrBut is useful, i think.
09:28:44Araqregistry.nim is new and only used by koch
09:29:01eizuaThanks, Araq
09:29:17Araqand it's only used to smoothen the installation on Windows, I will put it into its own program
09:29:41Araqthis program then won't run on XP or you can help and patch it
09:31:07ArrrrOk, i can try it and tell you.
09:40:03cheatfate_Araq, why not use ReqQueryValue?
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09:48:03jh32any ideas why in http://flpsed.org/tmp/test_static.txt bigger() compiles, but bigger2() doesn't?
09:50:21jh32shouldn't both expressions be computable at compile time?
09:55:21Araqjh32: yup, report it properly please
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11:37:40enthus1astAraq, i've pulled the dev branch, then compiled koch, then tried koch finish. So the config should be the actual devel one.
11:38:14Araqbut the koch devel does have this line. I think.
11:38:15enthus1astbut when i look on github the line is like you except
11:38:29enthus1astso don't know : )
11:39:04Araqyou need to run 'koch finish' in nim's dir
11:39:08Araqdid you do that?
11:39:11enthus1astjep done that
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11:40:21enthus1astmaybe its just noise
11:42:47Araqno, it is a bug if it cannot update the config
11:42:53Araqyou requested for this update, right?
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11:47:26enthus1astbut i'll try to clone the repo and try it again
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11:47:48enthus1astthe config on github looks different than mine but don't know why
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12:24:28enthus1astAraq, cloned freshly, compiled nim, compiled koch, patching nim.cfg worked
12:25:13enthus1astnow "bin\makelink.exe" is not found
12:27:24enthus1astand also no trace of the source in the repo of makelink.nim or similar
12:27:53enthus1astno trace of the source of makelink.nim
12:35:02enthus1astCalinou i've made some nice static sites with frozen flask (warning python based)
12:35:38enthus1astits mainly a "crawler" over your flask based website.
12:44:30enthus1astmaybe we can build something like this over jester
12:44:46enthus1astor let wget do it
13:00:37Araqenthus1ast: well makelink.exe is in the upcoming installer/zip package
13:01:03Araqnothing I can do about that, the git nazis think binaries in a git repo are from hell
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13:13:13enthus1astAraq theres a CreateSymbolicLink function in Kernel32.dll btw
13:13:49Araqenthus1ast: a .lnk file is not a symbolic link
13:14:04Araqplus it requires admin rights, not good
13:16:35flyxwould a PowerShell script work?
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13:22:04Araqflyx: that would be a cool fallback
13:22:15enthus1astps and cool ;)
13:22:23flyxthis post indicates it is possible: http://www.adminarsenal.com/admin-arsenal-blog/pdq-deploy-and-powershell/
13:25:44enthus1astthen one can also talk directly to wscript/cscript. This should even work on winxp
13:28:34flyxyes, there's even a microsoft article about it: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/244677
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13:31:12flyxand here's someone who used that approach: http://superuser.com/a/455383/269896
13:31:44flyxthis seems to work even on Windows 95
13:33:59enthus1astand there is the cpp code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3906974/how-to-programmatically-create-a-shortcut-using-win32
13:36:20enthus1astbut i have to admit, never played with com before, had always a little hackisch/rubbish smell to me ...
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14:06:36NhanHafter installing a package from nimble, do I have to specify a path or anything for the compiler?
14:06:53NhanHI installed zip, and `import zlib` or `import zip` both throws error
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14:17:33enthus1astwhats the error?
14:18:45NhanH"cannot open 'zip'" etc.
14:18:47NhanHthe usual one
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14:23:51FromGitter<dom96> NhanH: ``import zip/zlib``
14:24:48NhanHdom96: that works, thanks!
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15:23:09UNIcodeXCalinou, don't be put off by Flask being Python. It's plenty fast for my needs. I've made a couple production sites with it. One for a client and one for the College I work for, which is still in development. Armin Ronacher (works at JetBrains now) is the guy behind it. but... I'm biased. I didn't like Django or Pyramid.
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15:40:45CalinouUNIcodeX: yeah but how is Flask intended for static sites?
15:40:55enthus1astflask itself not
15:41:09enthus1astbut frozen flask will crawl the site and build a static version from it
15:42:02Calinousounds hacky
15:42:09enthus1astif you've set som routes frozen flask will automatically follow these.
15:42:13r4viit works well I use it for my blog
15:42:45enthus1astif you somehow forge the urls from js or so then you have to create a url generator for it
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16:25:20UNIcodeXCalinou, http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/126/
16:26:13UNIcodeXCalinou, https://nicolas.perriault.net/code/2012/dead-easy-yet-powerful-static-website-generator-with-flask/
16:28:57dom96Interesting. Didn't know Armin works at JetBrains.
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17:12:23NhanHI'm playing around with the JS backend, let's say if I have a global `Foo` being defined outside of the nim code, is it possible to declare and use `Foo` inside the nim code somehow ?
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17:27:38stisaNhanH: have a look at http://nim-lang.org/docs/backends.html#nim-code-calling-the-backend-javascript-invocation-example
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17:27:57NhanHstisa: yeah I was reading that, but didn't see an example for var
17:28:10NhanHanyway thanks, I found the source of dom module and reading that solves the problem :-)
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17:48:50UNIcodeXdom96, https://talkpython.fm/episodes/show/13/flask-web-framework-and-much-much-more
17:50:52UNIcodeXCalinou, did you check out the nicholas.perriautl.net link? Static site generation (build) is built in to the core Flask lib
17:51:11UNIcodeXanyway. my 2 cents. lol
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17:55:47CalinouUNIcodeX: still, a "pure static" site generator for me is plenty
17:56:01UNIcodeXfair enough
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19:03:47dom96hrm, could we modify algorithm.sorted to return 'auto' and therefore give us the type that we gave it originally instead of always a seq?
19:04:46Araqyou cannot return an openarray...
19:05:33dom96Yes, but I can return a array
19:05:35dom96or a seq
19:06:28dom96I mean, maybe this isn't a useful change
19:06:54dom96The only reason I am considering it is because my book's technical proofer found it confusing that calling sorted on an array returns a seq
19:08:42flyxit would be cool if Nim supported openarray anywhere. but I can imagine that is a really hard thing to do.
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19:23:44UNIcodeXcould someone take a look at this? trying to duplicate something from python in Nim to learn: https://bpaste.net/show/59186fb0068c
19:26:05flyxUNIcodeX: `..` does not work with floats
19:27:45UNIcodeXso. even if i use 10e9, that will still return a float?
19:28:11Araq'e' notation is float, use 1_000_000_000 for a billion
19:31:59UNIcodeXok. thanks. I'm still used to the flexibility of python... it lets you get a way with murder, so to speak.
19:32:07UNIcodeXi've corrected it to this: echo sum(lc[x | (x <- 0..10_000_000_000), int64])
19:32:14UNIcodeXI now get out of memory.
19:32:18UNIcodeXbut it compiles
19:33:05dom96I really hope we can get something resembling Python's for comprehensions
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19:33:12dom96Those feel very bleh
19:33:43UNIcodeXdom96, they're not so bad. it's not the LC i'm having trouble with. It's how to get back what i'm needing without an overrun.
19:34:05dom96UNIcodeX: what are you trying to do?
19:34:25UNIcodeX"echo sum(lc[x | (x <- 0..10_000_000_000), int64])"
19:35:15UNIcodeXpurely academic
19:35:22UNIcodeXnot sure what the real world application would be.
19:35:43Araqwe have map and mapIt and fold, why do we need Python's comprehensions?
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19:37:12UNIcodeXa special version of python developed by Ufora, called Pyfora, compiles to scalable code, which runs across multiple machines on all cores, vs CPython's one core a la GIL. Their provided example returns in 14 seconds vs 185 seconds. I was curious to see how long it would take Nim code to do it.
19:38:20dom96Araq: because it will make Python coders fall in love with Nim
19:39:12Araqjust use some stupid slogan instead "there is only way to do it" to make them fall in love
19:39:31UNIcodeXlc[x | (x <- 0..10)] is pretty readable to me once you understand that the "|" replaces "for" and the "<-" replaces "in"
19:40:03UNIcodeXAnd I use Python pretty much exclusively.
19:40:59dom96yes, but the more I think about it the less idiomatic it is
19:41:09UNIcodeXbut it is nice how simply wrapping in [] will yield a list and {} will yield a dictionary and () will yield a tuple
19:41:15dom96Nim code should include keywords instead of punctuation
19:41:30dom96this should also extend to for comprehensions
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19:45:17UNIcodeXany ideas on how to get "echo sum(lc[x | (x <- 0..1_000_000_000), int64])" to not return "out of memory"?
19:48:02ldleworkerdownload more wam
19:50:12UNIcodeXldleworker, i meant a more efficient method.
19:52:00UNIcodeXfigured it out. i just did this --> for i in 0..1_000_000_000: x += i and then echo'd the result
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20:15:02dom96yeah, pretty sure that the list comprehension allocates a huge sequence causing the OOM
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20:50:07PMunchHmm, is there an equivalent to Pythons enumerate for loops with counters?
20:50:22PMunchie: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3162271/get-loop-count-inside-a-python-for-loop
20:51:04AraqPMunch: system.pairs but it's nota general solution
20:53:57PMunchThanks :)
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