<< 12-03-2016 >>

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11:11:35ivan__Hi, is it possible to import a nim module for just the types and proc singatures? I'm trying to create dynamic libraries with "nim c --app:lib" (for a JIT compiled plugin system) and I don't want import statements to actually compile and link the complete module inside the shared lib, because they are already compiled/linked in the main application.
11:14:52Araqivan__: --deadCodeElim:on only exports what is marked as exportc, dynlib
11:21:59*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:23:58ivan__i'm not sure if that makes it work. For example, i have a nim module named ulib that exports this proc: proc fancyPrint*() = ... I am importing this module in the main app, and it gets compiled and linked. Then i want to jit compile some nim plugin. The plugin can also call fancyPrint(), that resides in the main app
11:24:28ivan__i know this is possible in C, because i just #include a header file with the fancyPrint prototype
11:25:15ivan__when loading the dynamic library, the fancyPrint is an unresolved symbol in the dynamic lib, and it should be resolved when loading, because the fancyPrint symbol exists in the main application
11:26:15ivan__Im not sure how to do this in Nim, because when compiling the main app, the proc fancyPrint() in the nim file gets converted to fancyprint_94005() in the c file
11:26:44ivan__the dynamic library doesn't know the symbol name was generated like that
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11:32:58ivan__hmm, do i have to use exportc, on the procs that i want to make available to the dynamic libs?
11:33:17*gokr quit (Quit: Leaving.)
11:48:04Araqivan__: exactly.
11:53:12*darkf quit (Quit: Leaving)
12:11:21ivan__hmm, exportc indeed works. But now when i do importc in my dynamic lib, it creates a forward declaration for fancyPrint() without the extern keyword, resulting in the compiler error: undefined reference to `fancyPrint' when creating the shared lib
12:15:56ivan__oh, even if i manually add the extern keyword i get that error
12:20:42Araqivan__: importc, dynlib
12:22:15ivan__ya, that should do it, i was just trying to avoid making the lib linked with the main app dynamic too. According to this post on stackoverflow it should be possible: http://stackoverflow.com/a/17099137/3653108
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12:52:52cheatfateAraq, how i must initialize var buffer: array[0..128, char] to avoid: "Warning 'buffer' might not have been initialized [Uninit]" warning?
12:53:20cheatfateThis is nimsuggest's warning
12:53:23cheatfatenot compiler
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12:56:18Araqcheatfate: that means nimsuggest has some other problems
12:56:36Araqusually warnings are disabled unless you use --debug iirc
12:56:53Araqgimme something that I can reproduce and I shall fix it
12:57:34Araqbut it's not your code, it's perfectly fine to not initialize arrays and rely on them being binary zero
13:04:23cheatfateAraq, with this gist you can reproduce it https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/e330c56f52b8198dede9
13:04:53Araqcheatfate: how to invoke nimsuggest ?
13:05:15cheatfateeeeehh i'm using it in Sublime Text2
13:06:18cheatfatewith NimLime by Varriount
13:07:43cheatfatelooks like [nimsuggest stdin --interactive:false project_file.nim]
13:07:57cheatfateits how NimLime called nimsuggest
13:11:55*boopsiesisaway is now known as boopsies
13:15:57Araqcommand line(1, 2) Error: invalid command line option: '--interactive'
13:17:20ivan__Okey, undefined references are not allowed by windows DLLs but in linux so's they are, that was my problem. Will convert to my other libs to DLLs aswell then. Thanks for the help Araq :)
13:17:31Araq> debug
13:17:31Araq> def arrwarning.nim:9:4
13:17:31AraqHint: arrwarning [Processing]
13:17:33Araqdef skProc system.zeroMem proc (p: pointer, size: Natural){.gcsafe, locks: 0.} /Users/andreasrumpf-mac/projects/nim/lib/system.nim 1591 7 "overwrites the contents of the memory at ``p`` with the value 0.\x0A Exactly ``size`` bytes will be overwritten. Like any procedure\x0A dealing with raw memory this is *unsafe*."
13:17:35Araqarrwarning.nim(2, 6) Hint: 'arrwarning.testproc()' is declared but not used [XDeclaredButNotUsed]
13:17:54Araqcheatfate: works for me just fine, producing no wrong warning
13:18:07Araqbut my nimsuggest doesn't know --interactive
13:18:49Araqivan__: check out the docs, they tell you how to build a nimrtl.dll so that DLls can share memory using the same GC
13:20:27ivan__yep, already read some of it, thank you!
13:21:40cheatfatemaybe nimlime using modified nimsuggest, ok i will contact Varriount
13:38:45*Kingsquee quit (Quit: https://i.imgur.com/qicT3GK.gif)
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16:04:31ArrrrThat's a lot of passes, are you going to give up cyclic imports?
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16:13:24AraqArrrr: I'm figuring out all the details
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16:23:50Arrrrgoodspeed you
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18:05:15rokHey guys, how is nimsuggest supposed to work? I'm trying to pass a file and stuff but nothing happens.
18:05:37rokOh and yeah, im totally new to nim. Installed it like a hour ago.
18:08:36ArrrrHello my friend, have you read this http://nim-lang.org/docs/nimsuggest.html ?
18:10:44federico3uhm, sounds like nimsuggest should be built and installed in the packaged compiler
18:12:10rokArrrr: Ty
18:14:18rokOh I've installed it via nimble, maybe thats why it does not work x_x
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18:37:35rokwaa >_< It doesn't like me
18:39:06ArrrrIf i were you, i would forget it, there are stuff more interesting in nim that nimsuggest from the standpoint of a newcomer
18:43:23rokI'm using Textadept (editor) and I saw that some guy made a module for it, and I had to try it out (I like when my editors have autocomplete ._.)
18:45:10ArrrrThat's fair x_.
18:53:12rokhmm, it actually isn't like inteligent autocomplete? Only from the current file?
18:54:44Araqrok: no, you give it the project file
18:55:03Araqbut you can query any file that's part of it, and actually also files that don't belong to the project
18:58:09federico3It suggests stuff from imported modules?
19:07:46federico3That could be very useful for newcomers. It could be included in the released tarball
19:10:26rokHmm, could I make it autocomplete words like 'readLine', 'write' ... ?
19:17:24*ivan__ quit (Quit: Page closed)
19:20:10Araqrok: that's not its purpose. it does autocompletion after 'foo.'
19:20:47Araqit's type based, not prefix based. for prefix based stuff ordinary editor support suffices
19:23:26rokAraq: Oh k
19:26:17Araqfederico3: it's only a nimble install away ... if nimble works, that is ...
19:27:47rokThe one from nimble doesn't work or something? It says like that on the page of nimsuggest.
19:29:18rokAnd its being reworked (in the branch major-restructure)
19:29:22Araqdunno, I do what I wrote on nimsuggest's website and have no issues
19:30:18rokOh I see, you're one of the contributors >_< Didn't know
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19:53:49ldleworkAny go players in here?
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20:09:46ArrrrIs it normal to produce so many Sym "[]=" inside a macro? http://pastebin.com/TQwRvgNq
20:12:25ArrrrIt happens with 'isNil' too. Also, i was able to define two times the same proc with no crash/error.
20:14:36ArrrrOk, it is normal http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/1361#8499
20:21:10miko_I wanted to give the emacs and nim-mode a try. I installed everything and my source code looks pretty. But how to i compile it, or use nimsuggest?
20:23:00miko_Am i supposed to use the normal emacs compile command? Because the format of nim (file.nim(2,3)) is not automaticllay recoginised
20:42:45*Arrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
20:50:59PMunchHmm, what does this mean: Error: internal error: genAssignment: tyNil
20:52:05*gour left #nim ("WeeChat 1.4")
21:05:01PMunchI get this error no matter what I do to the file..
21:05:28PMunchAlso tried to delete the nimcache directory to no avail
21:12:00PMunchHmm, I think I found a bug
21:12:08PMunchWith the JSON module
21:12:40PMunchAccording to the spec: proc `[]` [...] Gets a field from a JObject, which must not be nil. If the value at name does not exist, returns nil
21:13:00PMunchIt doesn't return nil, I get SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
21:13:34PMunchOh wait
21:13:43PMunchI had it in an echo statement
21:14:38PMunchShould echo have a nil check
21:15:56Araqecho uses $
21:16:13Araqwhether the $ performs a nil check is up to the particular implementation
21:16:50Araqmiko_: sorry, I don't use emacs.
21:18:24PMunchBut this is a function that returns nil, and wrapped in an echo that gives a SIGSEGV
21:20:12Araqmaybe don't return nil?
21:21:32PMunchWell, that would have to be fixed in the JSON module..
21:21:39PMunchAs it is the one returning nil in this case
21:22:10PMunchI agree that the method is expected not to work, but maybe echo should throw an error instead of crashing the compiler?
21:22:56PMunchOh sorry, it doesn't crash the compiler but rather the program
21:22:57PMunchMy bad
21:27:30federico3ldlework: me
21:41:50Araqldlework: I wait for the AI experts to beat human players on Starcraft :D
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