<< 12-03-2017 >>

00:00:59*libman quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
00:04:14SusWombatAnyone in here using nim-mode in emacs?
00:15:56*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:43:59*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
00:45:35demi-has anyone implemented any code that uses a plugin architecture in nim?
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02:01:24*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
02:17:18def-pri-pubIs there such a thing in the nim standard library like a file system watcher? E.g. A proc that you call to watch a file for changes, and it shoots off an event when, well, a change is made
02:26:03def-pri-pubAlso, what's the timeout for this measured in?
02:26:08def-pri-pubIs it milliseconds?
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03:55:43*girvo waves hello
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03:57:11girvoIf I'm defining an ADT via a "case kind" statement in my object definition, is it possible to define a given property name? Currently, it's complaining about redefinition of hte property within the case statement :(
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04:59:13cheatfatedef-pri-pub, timeout in milliseconds, and there no cross-platform file watcher in stdlib yet
05:00:23cheatfatedef-pri-pub, there only linux version in lib/fsmonitor.nim
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05:45:31*zachcarter quit (Quit: zachcarter)
05:50:45def-pri-pubIs the `events` module threadsafe?
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06:14:04FromGitter<Varriount> zachcarter: Aww, no bgfx?
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07:36:31cheatfatedef-pri-pub: nope
07:41:19*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
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15:13:11FromGitter<Almynic> I installed aporia via nimble but the aporia executable doesn't start the ide. I'm under ubuntu gnome and use nim 0.16.0.
15:21:11Araq_works for me.
15:23:54FromGitter<Almynic> I will try to compile aporia from source maybe that will work
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15:28:16Araq_nimble does compile aporia from source
15:30:02FromGitter<Almynic> Ok, now I tried it with nimble install aporia@#head and it still doesn't start ...
15:31:27cheatfateAlmynic: ubuntu gnome is gtk3 based or gtk2 based?
15:33:40FromGitter<Almynic> i think it's gtk3 based
15:33:52cheatfateaporia is gtk2 based
15:33:52FromGitter<Almynic> j
15:34:35FromGitter<Almynic> but i installed gtk2 so it should still work
15:37:55FromGitter<Araq> @Almynic still like to translate Aporia to Arabic?
15:39:25*vendethiel joined #nim
15:46:53FromGitter<Almynic> ok, are there any good alternatives to aporia?
15:48:21FromGitter<Araq> VS Code. please answer my question.
15:49:30FromGitter<Almynic> no i'm don't speak arabic my family name is french not arabic ;)
15:52:17FromGitter<Almynic> I think you mistook me for someone else.
15:53:52FromGitter<Araq> we'll see about that.
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16:30:41demi-is there any way to do string->type creation at runtime?
16:31:25demi-like, if the object type already exists, but i'm telling it to initialize a new object i might not know the name of?
16:35:14dom96Almynic: The Nimble version that Nim 0.16.0 comes with has a bug that causes executables created by it to be invalid.
16:35:49dom96Almynic: To fix this you can upgrade to Nimble 0.8.4.
16:36:58Araq_demi-: and then what? Nim is statically typed there is little you could do with such an object.
16:38:24dom96Almynic: Using VS Code nowadays is probably the right way to go though.
16:38:55*Araq_ is now known as Araq
16:38:58demi-Araq_: I want to dynamically load in modules and run them
16:41:55demi-to create plugins for an application, if i standardize the API that these plugins use then i could define the init point and then run them, though the limiting factor here is if i can do that initial type association from a string or something -- otherwise i'll have to fall back on linker behavior which wouldn't necessarily make this very portable
16:46:50AraqI can't really follow. dynamic loading doesn't mean you don't know the types. types are an approximation of the runtime behaviour. if you don't know much about the incoming data, your type can easily reflect this.
16:47:21Araqcase in point: Everything can be modeled as a Nim JsonNode.
16:50:35*chemist69 quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
16:52:03demi-ok, let me back up. I want to build something with a plugin-based architecture. the application will do one rather general thing, and each plugin is designed to interface with this general thing. the application will need to know how to get the plugins to do the individual specific logic that they contain; the way i'm most familiar with this design is through a statically (and stringly) declared class name or
16:52:06demi-function in the metadata for the plugin's code. This describes the entry-point. what i'm looking for is the best way to describe that entry-point in nim to be able to interact with the plugin code at runtime.
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16:56:33Araqthat's just
16:56:45Araqtype PluginRoot = ref object of RootObj
16:57:03Araqproc create*(): PluginRoot # entry point in your DLL
16:57:31Araqproc destroy*(x: PluginRoot) # plugin is destroyed
16:58:08demi-would't that conflict if i have multiple of them?
16:59:45Araqoh yeah, *shrug*, so make it proc registerPlugin(name: string; factory: proc (): Plugin)
17:03:45demi-it looks like the dynlib functionally is directly tied to the underlying C implementation, is there a way to do the same thing with nim as it does with C?
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18:42:06def-pri-pubIs there a simple library for audio playback in Nim (or a wrapper)?
18:42:36def-pri-pubI'm looking to do that Linux Game Jam, but I want to avoid using SDL2 or SFML, and do something that a bit more raw (and fun).
18:43:20def-pri-pubi.e., I want to slap together other audio/visual components instead of relying on one complete package.
18:44:20stisadef-pri-pub : maybe https://github.com/zacharycarter/soloud-nim ? Never used it though
18:51:09zachcarterhaving trouble getting that to work on linux :/
18:51:15zachcarterworks great on OSX though
18:52:38dom96def-pri-pub: I think you should just use SDL or SFML
18:53:37zachcarterdom96: neither of those options are ideal for some tasks
18:53:53zachcarterI guess it depends on the scope of what you’re trying to do though
18:54:29demi-dom96: i put a PR up for nimble to enhance some of the behavior around publishing packages
18:55:34zachcarterdef-pri-pub: I’m working on a cross platform 2d framework for Nim using Modern OpenGL and perhaps OpenGL ES if I get that far, it’s lower level than SDL2, maybe you’d want to consider contributing if that sounds interesting to you
19:04:13zachcarterdef-pri-pub: https://github.com/zacharycarter/dEngine
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19:15:08dom96demi-: yes, thank you, I saw. Didn't get a chance to review yet.
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19:31:22demi-no worries
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19:38:39Calinou>low-level >fun
19:38:41Calinouchoose one :)
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19:48:41Araqlow-level is fun.
19:51:40zachcarterI agree
19:51:48zachcarterand I don’t even work at that low of a level
19:52:00zachcarterbut writing your own opengl draw calls is way more challenging and fun than writing sdl.drawrect
19:52:02zachcarteror whatever
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19:53:40zachcarterI’m using this module - https://nim-lang.org/docs/events.html
19:54:11zachcarterI’m wondering how exactly I’m supposed to be using or customizing EventArgs
19:54:21zachcarterright now I have my own object : dEngineEventMessage* = object of EventArgs
19:54:43zachcarterbut when I try to cast eventargs into that type in my event handler, it doesn’t work, anyone have any ideas / ever used the module before
19:57:54zachcarternevermind I think I figured it out
20:03:41ArrrrThe year is 2050. Still no `clear` proc.
20:04:02ArrrrDo people actually `setLen seq, 0`? Or just define a global proc for clearing seqs?
20:08:02AraqArrrr: I use setLen 0 all the time, but tables need a clear. PR please.
20:09:30ArrrrBut tables do have a clear, as far as i'm concerned
20:10:48Araqoh? must have been a recent addition then :P
20:11:36ArrrrAlso, coffeepot tried it before but you rejected it because system was too packed already.
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20:26:10Araqyou can have your own implicitly imported modules via --import
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20:26:37Araqand add template clear*(x) = setLen(x, 0) to it
20:27:24Araqwe could make setLen default to take 0 but it will make dom96 angry
20:28:16cheatfatelow-level is fun + 1
20:29:25ArrrrIn my opinion default to 0 would not be obvious, given the nature of the proc. Now, you can understand it once you have written enough nims
20:29:26cheatfateand maybe better, there is no real fun if there is no low-level
20:30:55dom96Yeah, that's a bad idea.
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21:11:47SusWombathow do i do a function that accepts a 2 dimensional array of any size?
21:13:15stisaSusWombat `proc myfn [N,M:static[int]] (m:array[N,array[M,float]]) = ...` I think
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21:15:01SusWombatok thx
21:25:55def-pri-pubi think i asked this last night but I don't recall seeing an answer: Is the `events` module threadsafe?
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21:39:46def-pri-pubstisa: thanks for that link, but soloud was failing to build on my system.
21:41:18zachcarterdef-pri-pub: the framework moved to : https://github.com/fragworks/frag
21:43:30Araqdef-pri-pub: dunno, but it's tiny, just read its code
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22:30:25ldleworkIs there a way to interface with Golang code?
22:33:14PMunchSeems like making a dll and calling functions from the dll works
22:33:46ldleworkI'm looking to call the docker client code from Nim
22:33:57ldleworkPMunch: do you have any context about doing something like that?
22:34:07PMunchWhat do you mean?
22:34:43PMunchHave you looked at this by the way: https://github.com/kamilchm/docker-nim ?
22:35:15PMunchOr this: https://github.com/tulayang/asyncdocker ?
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22:35:51ldleworkthe former is basically nothing
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22:36:05ldleworkthe latter I haven't been able to get to work with unix sockets (or otherwise really)
22:36:38PMunchHmm, that's a shame
22:36:42PMunchWhat seems to be the problem?
22:37:58ldleworkI just dont get any output
22:38:43PMunchHmm, strange
22:39:17ldleworkIll try to get a minimal example
22:39:48PMunchBut yeah, as I said. Seems like using Go (if that's the route you want to go) would require you to basically expose the functionality you need through a dll.
22:41:50*ftsf_ joined #nim
22:45:53ldleworkI wonder if docker puts out a go dll
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22:50:32ldleworkXe: you around?
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22:53:42ldleworkHmm, does httpclient really not support unix sockets?!
22:54:50PMunchPretty sure that it does
22:56:02ldleworkA minimal example doesn't work for me
22:56:18ldlework let resp = client.get("/var/lib/docker.sock/v1.25/info")
22:56:53ftsf_ldlework, what happens?
22:57:11ldleworkliterally nothing
22:57:18ldleworkwhen echoing resp
22:57:41ldleworkif I change it to the version I get output
22:58:23PMunchMine works fine
22:58:53PMunchTrying httpclient here
22:58:55PMunchOn linux
22:58:56ldleworkah crap
22:58:58PMunchAnd it works fine
22:59:02ldlework/var/lib /var/run
22:59:13ldleworkstill doesn't work
22:59:15PMunchBut it's still bad that it doesn't give you an error
22:59:24ldleworkError: unhandled exception:
22:59:25ldleworkAdditional info: Name or service not known [OSError]
22:59:49ldlework let resp = client.get("/var/runk/docker.sock/v1.25/info")
22:59:57ldleworkoops runk
22:59:59PMunchI don't think it works with local paths does it?
23:00:14ldleworkwhat do you mean local paths
23:00:14PMunchOr maybe you have to use file://
23:00:18ldleworkwhere-else would the socket be
23:00:42PMunchI mean httpclient is meant for HTTP
23:00:45ldleworkdifferent error
23:00:50ldleworkError: unhandled exception: Expected authority got nothing. [ValueError]
23:01:10ldleworkwonder what that means
23:01:35ldleworkIf I ever make a programming language, I will make it so that it produces wiki links
23:01:39PMunchMaybe that's what you're looking for?
23:01:49ldleworkso that I can assume the user has no fucking clue what an "authority" is in this context
23:02:15ldleworkPMunch: why would that be what I'm looking for?
23:02:36PMunchIt seems like you're trying to read a file with a httpclient
23:02:41PMunchWhich probably isn't going to work..
23:02:44*libman quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
23:02:52PMunchSince it's not served over the http protocol..
23:03:05ldleworkPMunch: ...
23:03:18ldleworkPMunch: you can speak http or any other protocol over a unix socket file.
23:03:39ldleworkPMunch: you know that all sockets of any kind of represented as file in linux?
23:04:02PMunchOh, so your path is a socket
23:04:06ldleworkI don't want to read a file over httpclient, I want to use a file as a socket
23:05:06ldleworkPMunch: huh https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/1206
23:05:26ldleworkdom96: poke
23:05:52PMunchLook at the Domain enum
23:06:16ldleworkWhat about it
23:08:41ldleworkYou can see the guy in the forum post started using raw sockets to implement his docker client to get unix-file socket support: https://github.com/kamilchm/docker-nim/blob/master/client.nim
23:08:47ldleworklol and then apparently gave up
23:08:49*ldlework sighs
23:09:15PMunchWell, I'm off to bed
23:09:24PMunchHope you find a solution :)
23:09:26*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
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23:18:40Xeldlework: one problem with unix sockets like that
23:18:49Xethere's no delimiter
23:19:03Xebetween the HTTP route and socket path that is
23:19:56ldleworkXe: usually I think, the path is greedly consumed until there is a file, then the rest is the path
23:20:17Xedoes asynchttpclient behave like that?
23:20:45ldleworkI dont know how any of this nim-stuff behaves. I literally just decided to use nim yesterday :)
23:20:59ldleworkIt doesn't work unix sockets from what I can tell
23:22:28ftsf_well it expects a _url_ as the first argument
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23:24:12ldleworkWhere does the type Future come from
23:24:15ftsf_there's no standard url scheme for http over a unix socket afaik.
23:24:22ldleworkwe still got that mega index?
23:24:33ldleworkyou should put that mega index in the topic btw
23:25:29ftsf_ /usr/lib/nim/includes/asyncfutures.nim
23:25:42ldleworkhow come I can't import it?
23:25:47ldleworkis it built in?
23:26:06ftsf_i don't know?
23:26:22ftsf_can you use it without importing it?
23:27:26ldleworkwhat the fuck is the `Future` type being referred to in the docs here? https://nim-lang.org/docs/httpclient.html
23:28:03ldleworkGod I love Nim, but I have this bizare juxtaposiion of feeling more productive than any other language and yet constantly falling into leaf covered pits.
23:28:17ftsf_are you familiar with Promises?
23:28:35ftsf_ldlework, that's a good description of nim =)
23:28:37ldleworkC#, I just MSDN and I'm -never- wondering how any part of the language or language ecosystem works for more than the time it takes me to skim the article
23:28:44ftsf_it's a young language
23:28:58ftsf_still alpha
23:29:03ldleworklike I think there should be a MSDN/MDN worship da
23:29:27stisaidlework: https://nim-lang.org/docs/asyncdispatch.html if I remember correctly, this explains futures
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23:29:30ldleworkJust to bring our appreciation of solid coheisive documentation the forefront of society's consciousness :)
23:29:48ldleworkstisa: thanks I'll read
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23:35:11ldleworkI kinda feel like nim documentation should group procs by types
23:36:27ftsf_that'd be nice, would be cool if you could specify a type/types and it'd return all procs that match that type
23:36:56stisato the left under the search box, change "group by" from section to type?
23:38:33ftsf_stisa, ooh handy, kinda
23:40:27ldleworkundeclared identifier: 'await' ?
23:40:48ldleworkdon't tell me I have to fucking import the await identifier
23:41:01ftsf_did you use {.async.} ?
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23:41:37*dexterk__ quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
23:41:46ftsf_actually, don't listen to me, i've never really played with the async stuff
23:41:59ldleworkwhat is the right way to write this
23:42:01ldleworkimport asyncdispatch
23:42:03ldleworkimport httpclient
23:42:05ldleworkvar client = newAsyncHttpClient()
23:42:07ldleworkproc get: {.async.} =
23:42:09ldlework await promise = client.getContent("http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.25/info")
23:42:11ldleworkecho get
23:43:54ldleworkok I see some obvious errors
23:44:01ldleworkjust bad nimlang on my part
23:45:35ldleworkbut I still don't get it
23:45:54ftsf_what don't you get? the future/async stuff?
23:46:06*couven92 quit (Quit: Client Disconnecting)
23:46:10ldleworkI just don't know how to write this snippet the way that makes nim happy
23:46:16ldleworkan example would be crystallizing
23:46:34ldleworkI'd appreciate anyone who would just copy this to a gist and make it right
23:47:03ftsf_does the synchronous version work ok?
23:47:52ldleworkare you trollin me? :P
23:48:01ldleworkheh ok
23:48:11ftsf_i'm curious if the problem is with the async stuff or the http connection in general
23:49:31ftsf_"Note: You will need to run asynchronous examples in an async proc otherwise you will get an Undeclared identifier: 'await' error."
23:49:48ftsf_would be good if the docs explained what that was
23:49:48ldleworkI did that though
23:50:04ldleworkimport httpclient
23:50:06ldleworkvar client = newHttpClient()
23:50:08ldleworkproc get: string =
23:50:10ldlework result = client.getContent("http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.25/info")
23:50:12ldleworkecho get()
23:50:14ldleworkthis doesn't work either
23:50:17ldleworkError: unhandled exception: Expected authority got nothing. [ValueError]
23:50:52ldleworkhow long have I been at this
23:51:15ldlework3 hours and 50 minutes
23:51:25Xewhy not wrap /usr/bin/docker
23:51:32ldleworkI'm gonna switch to C# mono and see how far I get in that time.
23:51:38ldleworkXe: don't be insultinng
23:53:56ftsf_ldlework, https://gist.github.com/ftsf/2b74405267a3300f483ed83aebafd9a0
23:54:01ftsf_got a working thing happening
23:54:43*ldlework looks
23:55:43ldleworksill no workie on the socket file though
23:55:50ftsf_no, it's not going to work for a socket file
23:55:59ftsf_because you'd need a http over unix socket url
23:56:02ftsf_which doesn't exist
23:56:17ldleworkit does exist though
23:56:20ftsf_could try "http+unix://foo/bar" but doubt it's implemented
23:56:23ldleworkmaybe not for nim...
23:56:41*tax joined #nim
23:56:44ldleworktalking http over unix sockets is normalized
23:56:54ftsf_there's no standard url type for it afaik
23:57:08ftsf_you can talk http over the socket once you're connected
23:57:21ftsf_but there's no url form for connecting to a unix socket to speak http
23:57:28taxis nim any easier to learn than haxe? and what are the nim perks otherwise?
23:57:29ftsf_you can open a unix socket and then talk http over it
23:57:59ftsf_ldlework, you might have an easier time using lower level sockets rather than httpclient
23:58:04ldleworkI think the standard is unix+http://
23:58:23*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:58:30ldleworkftsf_: no, I am tired of wasting my life on this kind of thing heh
23:58:37ftsf_ldlework, problem is it's not a defined "standard"
23:58:48ldleworkftsf_: yeah its just used everywhere I look
23:58:56ldleworkyou're technically right though!
23:59:30ftsf_so people implementing http clients aren't going to add support for something not in the standards unless there's demand for it
23:59:44ldleworkhonestly though, starting right now, with no C# of any kind on my machine
23:59:51ldleworkgonna try to solve the same problem and see how bad it is