<< 12-04-2019 >>

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07:35:17nc-xstrformat &"" used to automatically call `$`. It does not do that on latest devel, so I get a horrible type mismatch error. Intentional change or regression?
07:36:50narimirankrux02: ^
07:40:59*Gertm left #nim ("Leaving")
07:41:34nc-xe.g. https://ghostbin.com/paste/6hq8h
07:42:05nc-xchanging to $y gets it to work
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07:44:49krux02nc-x, intentional change
07:45:17krux02the implicit `$` causes a lot of unnecessary intermediate string allocations
07:45:36krux02it is documented now how it works
07:45:59krux02for types you want to work with in strfromat you need to overload formatValue
07:47:48krux02and the error you get is supposed to be informative about what you need to do to fix it.
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07:49:54nc-xkrux02: 👍
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07:51:39krux02I don't have that charactor on my system
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07:53:19narimiranit's a thumb up :)
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07:54:30krux02you can also do this:
07:54:30krux02proc formatValue[T](result: var string; value: T; specifier: string) = result.add $T
07:54:56krux02that will make strformat work with everything that has a $ operator defined
07:56:05krux02the reason that it is not in the standard library is, that it hides a clean error message for you own types
07:59:56krux02I just realized that the specifier in formatValue causes intermediate string allocations
07:59:59krux02oh well
08:08:59FromGitter<mratsim> maybe it should be in sugar/typetraits/leniontops or some kind of "easy" library like that
08:09:30FromGitter<mratsim> or in the strformat documentation
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09:00:06Araqer ... that's a pretty breaking change, I wasn't really aware
09:00:20Araqwhy can't it use '$'?
09:00:29Araqas a fallback?
09:00:56Araqstrformat.$ is all about convenience...
09:01:04Araqstrformat.& is all about convenience...
09:45:22*abm joined #nim
09:50:34FromGitter<mratsim> Btw, when is this session ACCU session on Nim hot code reloading: https://conference.accu.org/2019/sessions.html#XNimthefirstnativelycompiledlanguagewithfullsupportforhotcodereloadingatruntime?
09:54:37*nc-x joined #nim
09:56:06nc-xI think it is related to the ACCU nim slides
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09:58:17FromGitter<mratsim> right
09:58:19nc-xAnd according to https://conference.accu.org/2019/schedule.html, the nim presentation will be tomorrow
09:59:31nc-xi.e. Saturday 2019-04-13
09:59:38*nc-x quit (Client Quit)
10:13:40FromGitter<kaushalmodi> krux02: I just realized that breaking strformat change :(
10:14:15FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I have a custom object type and I cannot use strformat for that .. need to resort to echo and $
10:14:59FromGitter<kaushalmodi> strformat is a great convenience.. it would be bad if we need to define formatString for every little object type I have.
10:17:06Zevvor just use $ in the {}s
10:17:15FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I stumbled across this issue just yesterday: I couldn't use fmt to print that sElem I have in this code: https://github.com/kaushalmodi/nim-systemverilog-dpic/blob/5fcf08baef82a75ce8e3ad70b34a3b54474a0383/inp_outp_both_nested_struct_matlab/libdpi.nim#L23
10:17:40FromGitter<kaushalmodi> So in that line I resort to echo and $
10:17:59FromGitter<mratsim> why not $yourInstance?
10:18:17FromGitter<mratsim> in &"{$yourObject}"
10:18:49FromGitter<mratsim> though the syntax is getting a bit verbose
10:18:51FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I think I tried `echo fmt"{$sElem}" ` but it kept on saying that sElem was undefined (or something like that).
10:19:13FromGitter<mratsim> ah, macro/mixin/early resolution issu
10:19:15FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Let me try it again later today when I get to the computer
10:20:26FromGitter<mratsim> Those early symbol resolution issues are really annoying, bluenote10 and me have a bug raised, mine is closed and was agains &, bluenote10 has a new one
10:20:46FromGitter<kaushalmodi> You guys means that using `&` (instead of `fmt`) with `$sElem` would work?
10:21:02FromGitter<kaushalmodi> .. or may be not if this this the early resolution issue
10:21:03FromGitter<mratsim> maybe
10:21:10FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Can you point me to the issue?
10:21:17FromGitter<mratsim> maybe symbol resolution was only fixed for & and not for fmt
10:21:34FromGitter<mratsim> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/7632
10:21:42FromGitter<mratsim> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/10977
10:27:02FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Thank you.
10:27:59FromGitter<kaushalmodi> The latter issue looks like a different issue than mine because I am called fmt inside a proc
10:28:09FromGitter<kaushalmodi> But I am getting the same error ..
10:29:34FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Or is the iterator returned var in a `for` loop behave the same as a template?
10:29:49FromGitter<kaushalmodi> s/is/does
10:38:20*ng0 quit (Quit: Alexa, when is the end of world?)
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11:23:36shashlick@Araq @dom96 ran into the first roadblock of the compiler removal effort for nimble
11:24:26shashlickThe switch and setCommand flags need to be communicated back from Nim to nimble
11:25:29shashlickThey will have to come out of stdout or some such fashion. Any feedback or ideas appreciated
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11:27:18Araqshashlick, hmmm
11:28:32*shomodj quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
11:28:47Araqkaushalmodi: we're fixing it
11:31:44Araqshashlick, ignoring the setCommand problem, how does it work?
11:32:08AraqNimble calls 'nim command project.nimble' ?
11:38:09shashlickNimble runs the nimble file and let's it influence the switches and command and then uses those changes when it runs build and install commands
11:41:20Araqlol no
11:41:54AraqI wrote this file, I know how Nimble currently works
11:42:23AraqI'm asking how you expect it to work
11:46:26FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Araq: Thanks! Looking forward to that strformat fix
11:47:05FromGitter<kaushalmodi> btw I don't know if many folks would be interested by I presented to about a dozen people on using Nim with SystemVerilog at a industry-local conference: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3wvpe1ccqsbu4uc/CDNLive_2019_Nim_DPI-C_SystemVerilog_FINAL.pptx?dl=0
11:48:34Araqnice :-)
11:48:42FromGitter<kaushalmodi> this repo is my ongoing experimentations on getting more data types to get across between SV and Nim: https://github.com/kaushalmodi/nim-systemverilog-dpic
11:48:59FromGitter<kaushalmodi> hopefully I can start using Nim at a larger scale with my team at work
11:49:52FromGitter<kaushalmodi> just tying this effort with the strformat issue I mentioned earlier at https://github.com/kaushalmodi/nim-systemverilog-dpic/blob/master/inp_outp_both_nested_struct_matlab/libdpi.nim#L23
11:53:05Araqany opinion on https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/144 ?
11:54:16FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Araq: I thought the owned ref concept was out of my domain/expertise. But still, let me read through the RFC.
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11:58:16FromGitter<danielecook> Does anyone know how to continue/skip within interation?
11:58:19FromGitter<danielecook> e.g. continue
11:58:40FromGitter<liquid600pgm> it's just `continue`
11:58:56FromGitter<danielecook> lol ok sorry...I was looking for the docs on it and should've just tried
11:59:53FromGitter<kaushalmodi> @danielecook docs are also there: https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/tut1.html#control-flow-statements-continue-statement
12:00:50narimiran@kaushalmodi i just went through your presentation - nice job there! what were the reactions from the audience? were there any interesting questions or remarks?
12:01:23FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Folks were surprised to learn that Nim existed.
12:02:24FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Questions were on how crashes were handled in Nim etc.
12:02:34FromGitter<kaushalmodi> (though I mentioned exception handling in the presentation)
12:03:17FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Also many of the audience didn't know that SystemVerilog could talk to C .. so ..
12:03:32FromGitter<kaushalmodi> hopefully I get a better audience in a future presentation
12:03:39FromGitter<kaushalmodi> :)
12:05:05FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Been busy with work/life so couldn't share the slides before my talk (my worked on my slides on the 6 hr flight from US east to west coast)
12:05:22FromGitter<kaushalmodi> but still let me know how things could be improved in those slides
12:06:47Calinou"Folks were surprised to learn that Nim existed." -> always happens when I mention it to people IRL :P
12:06:49FromGitter<kaushalmodi> shashlick: nimterop is mentioned in the slides I linked above :)
12:06:58Calinoueven though I sometimes wear a Nim t-shirt :p
12:07:05FromGitter<kaushalmodi> thanks for your ongoing support with nimterop
12:07:40FromGitter<kaushalmodi> narimiran: but looks like I taught a bit of Nim syntax to the audience
12:07:50FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I got the chuckles I expected on slide 41 ;-)
12:08:54shashlickAraq - I'll be spawning nim e process and then detect any command changes with get command before returning
12:09:09shashlickWondering if switches can be detected as well
12:09:40shashlickThen need to communicate those back to nimble either via stdout or a temp file
12:10:06shashlickThen subsequent commands in the same run will be able to run like they do today
12:10:35shashlickI'm just curious if there's a better way to do this cause this isn't pretty
12:10:44shashlick@kaushalmodi awesome! Will check it out
12:13:33FromGitter<kaushalmodi> btw is there a way to iterate through fields in an object and also fetch the field names?
12:13:59FromGitter<mratsim> @kaushalmodi slide 19 SysVerilog byte, C char, Nim: byte or char or uint8 not just uint8
12:14:07FromGitter<mratsim> fieldPairs
12:14:19FromGitter<mratsim> it's compile-time unrolled
12:14:20FromGitter<kaushalmodi> ah! thanks
12:14:36FromGitter<mratsim> slide 18* sorry
12:14:38FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I was using `.fields` and was wondering why pairs wasn't implemented
12:15:01FromGitter<Grabli66> Hi! Is there a setting to turn off discard checking?
12:15:20FromGitter<liquid600pgm> declare your procs with the `{.discardable.}` pragma
12:15:23FromGitter<mratsim> you can add {.discardable.} pragma to your proc
12:16:31FromGitter<kaushalmodi> @mratsim thanks for that note about byte/char/uint8 equivalency
12:17:49FromGitter<Grabli66> @liquid600pgm , @mratsim , maybe there is some global setting? I can't add that pragma to the existing system API :)
12:18:11FromGitter<mratsim> use a wrapper
12:18:18shashlickNice work @kaushalmodi
12:18:55FromGitter<Grabli66> Ok. I am doomed :)
12:19:12FromGitter<mratsim> if it's system API, I suppose it comes from C, you can tag a importc with discardable
12:19:38FromGitter<mratsim> it's a feature, not checking the error should be explicit.
12:19:38FromGitter<Grabli66> I mean nim's system api
12:20:04FromGitter<liquid600pgm> why do you need implicit discards?
12:20:17FromGitter<kaushalmodi> @mratsim yes, about discardable during importc
12:20:20FromGitter<liquid600pgm> I consider this to be a good feature that prevents bugs
12:20:27FromGitter<mratsim> import mysystem ⏎ ⏎ proc myFoo() = ⏎ discard mysystem.myfoo() [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cb0828a93fb4a7dc2183f75]
12:20:28FromGitter<kaushalmodi> coincidentally it's in slide 48 :)
12:20:53FromGitter<mratsim> and you can import mysystem except myfoo where needed :p
12:21:18FromGitter<kaushalmodi> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/F5I9/image.png)
12:22:00FromGitter<mratsim> slide 23, you shouldn't explicitly pass by ref @kaushalmodi
12:22:12FromGitter<mratsim> use ref when you need reference semantics not for optimisation
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12:22:35FromGitter<Grabli66> Ok. It's sad :(
12:22:51FromGitter<mratsim> when a stack types is bigger than 3 pointers size (24 bytes on x64) it will automatically be passed via pointers
12:22:51FromGitter<kaushalmodi> about slide 23: SystemVerilog passes that arg by reference from C side
12:23:05FromGitter<kaushalmodi> so I need to fetch that by ref on Nim side
12:23:12FromGitter<mratsim> you can easily check in the C codegen
12:23:30FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I cannot see the C code that the systemverilog compiler created
12:23:41FromGitter<mratsim> in that case you should use type Animal {.byref, importc: Animal.} = object
12:24:21FromGitter<kaushalmodi> hmm, never heard of the byref pragma .. need to learn about it
12:24:22FromGitter<mratsim> this way it will always be passed via pointers
12:24:41FromGitter<kaushalmodi> understood, so that Animal type will automatically be a ref type?
12:25:04FromGitter<mratsim> no
12:25:07FromGitter<kaushalmodi> but the thing is .. I don't know the type the systemverilog created
12:25:13FromGitter<mratsim> a stack type but passed by pointer for function calls
12:25:35FromGitter<kaushalmodi> i.e. I don't know the exact name of the C type that SV created for the animal_s structure in systemverilog
12:25:39FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I hope that makes sense ..
12:26:03Zevvproc disarm(x: typed) = x = nil :)
12:26:04FromGitter<kaushalmodi> the C equivalent types for the code I have in systemverilog is hidden
12:26:23FromGitter<mratsim> well the important point is that, ref should be used when you want reference semantics or the GC for lifetimes purposes
12:26:38FromGitter<kaushalmodi> so using ptr would be better?
12:26:55Araqdo what c2nim does
12:27:16FromGitter<mratsim> if it's just making sure that a type is copied for proc call (for FFI), you can use byval pragma, if it's to make sure that it's not copied use byref
12:27:41FromGitter<kaushalmodi> @mratsim I cannot importc the types from my SV code
12:27:49FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I can importc only the procs
12:28:03shashlickAraq - so what's your thought? I'll need a getSwitches call in nimscript to get that info
12:28:11FromGitter<mratsim> then I think ptr makes more sense
12:28:31FromGitter<mratsim> not too sure without seeing more
12:28:45FromGitter<kaushalmodi> ok, let me experiment
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12:29:28FromGitter<mratsim> ref shouldn't be exported in C in my opinion
12:29:29nc-xAraq: with --newruntime, nimrtl wouldn't be required, right? (because no gc)
12:31:23FromGitter<kaushalmodi> @mratsim that formatValue breaking change on devel is breaking my working snippets :(
12:31:27FromGitter<kaushalmodi> expression: formatValue(fmtRes413463, animalAddr[], "")
12:31:37FromGitter<mratsim> :/
12:31:53nc-xand if so, then does it make sense to make --newruntime the default for v1, and --oldruntime switch for opt-out. Because that would fix the nimrtl bugs, so more stability for dlls and hotcodereloading as well.
12:32:03FromGitter<kaushalmodi> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cb08543759abc043cac7c84]
12:32:08FromGitter<mratsim> there is no slide 48?
12:32:27FromGitter<kaushalmodi> @mratsim oh, it's hidden
12:32:37FromGitter<kaushalmodi> you should see it if you open it in powerpoint
12:32:51FromGitter<mratsim> ah, I haven't install powerpoint:p
12:33:08FromGitter<kaushalmodi> it basically that screenshot/image I shared above
12:33:24FromGitter<kaushalmodi> https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cb082beb34ccd69e7a74a3a
12:33:56FromGitter<mratsim> anyway very nice presentation
12:34:22FromGitter<kaushalmodi> thanks :) You get to see the view of Nim from EE background
12:35:17Araqnc-x, --newruntime is way too experimental for that, but it helps for nimrtl.dll problems. A bit. If you use -d:useMalloc and your malloc implementation happens to be in a DLL
12:35:48Araqshashlick, I would accept patches to the compiler that dump stuff to stdout
12:37:28shashlickAraq: okay, if you have any cleaner ideas or preferences to communicate between procs, please let me know
12:37:37shashlicki'll proceed with this assumption
12:40:50FromGitter<kaushalmodi> opened issue here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11012
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13:01:55believerhi, are you (the nim devs) interested in a Pr to interface the canvas api in dom module?
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13:05:07b3lieveror parts of it
13:07:45FromGitter<mratsim> not a webdev but I would have a base type for the dom so that everyone agrees on it and the rest can be done as a nimble library
13:08:26Araqb3liever, we have dom.nim in the stdlib and it received some love (taken from Karax)
13:08:47Araqbut I think this should go into 'jscanvas.nim'
13:09:51b3lieversure I can do that
13:15:49krux02kaushalmodi, the formatValue is designed that you should provide your own overloads of formatValue for your custom types.
13:15:59krux02THe fix to get it working is minimal
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13:16:07krux02proc formatValue(result: var string; value: Animal; specifier: string): void =
13:16:07krux02 result.add $value
13:16:53FromGitter<mratsim> custom types already define their own `$`
13:17:38narimiran`echo &"Received {$animalAddr[]}"` does the trick (adding `$`), but yeah, it is a breaking change
13:18:59krux02no don't add $
13:20:39krux02I would overload ``formatValue(result: var string; value: AnimalRef; specifier: string)``
13:20:57krux02I am sorry for this breaking change, it was not properly communicated.
13:21:59FromGitter<mratsim> My main issue is that now, we need 2 overloads for formatting, `$` and `formatValue`
13:22:25FromGitter<mratsim> why isn't overloading `$` enough, why would bringing another overload be necessary
13:25:04FromGitter<mratsim> For example the complex std lib doesn't define formatValue - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/complex.nim#L348-L350 so everyone would need to define it.
13:26:27FromGitter<mratsim> So the question boils down to how often do we define different representation of a type when doing "echo" or when interpolating with strformat.
13:26:52FromGitter<alehander42> i think it should be possible to use `$` when formatValue is not defined
13:27:09FromGitter<alehander42> and to override it with formatValue for optimization/special cases
13:27:26FromGitter<alehander42> but otherwise its a good idea to have formatValue for some cases
13:27:54FromGitter<mratsim> for special cases, the custom type can easily have a toCustomRepr(a: MyType): string proc
13:28:13Araq&"{x}" is Python's f"{x}", as far as it's reasonable
13:28:20FromGitter<mratsim> and "{a.toCustomRepr}" works
13:28:24AraqPython uses __str__ so & should use $
13:29:13FromGitter<mratsim> yes, this is much better than &"{$x}"
13:29:24Araqand that's the end of the discussion for me. it was introduced for Python-like convenience
13:29:56AraqI even run Python example programs to ensure the non-documented edge cases work
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15:11:36Araqhey, it's Friday evening. What stdlib module do you want to work with --newruntime?
15:12:49Araqported: terminal, os, strutils, times, parseopt
15:16:03FromGitter<mratsim> strutils :O you think you will be able to finish before next month? :P
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15:19:51lrz_phoneAraq: can koch be compiled with newruntime now?
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15:23:07lrz_phoneso far the compiler keep segfaulting when compiling koch on linux
15:23:20FromGitter<alehander42> btw i wanted to get some early critique on some of our new tools: http://github.com/metacraft-labs/languist (also ruby-deduckt and a newer py2nim, ruby2nim based on languist) : this time i have a bigger example project with some working translations: https://github.com/metacraft-labs/fast-rubocop (the files in `cop/` are translated, the other ones are manually ported infrastructure)
15:23:40FromGitter<nc-x> @Araq: pm'ed you on Gitter. please check.
15:26:18FromGitter<kayabaNerve> If I create an array[32, byte], is it 0'd out or is that not guaranteed?
15:26:29FromGitter<nc-x> zeroed out
15:26:35FromGitter<nc-x> AFAIK
15:26:51FromGitter<nc-x> zero initialization is guaranteed unless you opt out using some pragma
15:30:05Araqlrz_phone, worked for me yesterday
15:30:10FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Thanks @nc-x
15:30:27FromGitter<kayabaNerve> My only other question is if Nim exceptions, when using the C++ backend, are zero-cost.
15:31:12FromGitter<kayabaNerve> (as in the performance of code in a try catch that doesn't throw is the same as the performance of the code without said try catch)
15:31:19FromGitter<nc-x> IIRC according to Araq, yes.
15:31:30Araqyes, we map Nim's try to C++'s try
15:32:06FromGitter<kayabaNerve> Thanks
15:32:45shashlickAraq how about tables, sets, hashes
15:33:04lrz_phoneAraq: I've just tried with latest devel, still segfaulting
15:33:22lrz_phonedo you need a stacktrace?
15:35:18Araqit used to work, now it fails for me too
15:35:49Araqlesson: if it's not part of the CI, it's broken :P
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15:42:09FromGitter<nc-x> @Araq toTable() crashes on --newruntime with ``t.destructor != nil` [AssertionError]`. Should I open an issue?
15:48:30FromGitter<nc-x> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11014
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18:19:34dom96Hello all, how's everyone doing?
18:20:28FromDiscord<hotdog> Doing well! How are you Dom?
18:20:46dom96Alright. Could be better
18:22:55FromDiscord<hotdog> Bad day?
18:24:21ryukopostingwhat's crackin dom
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18:25:00dom96Nah, just feeling like I'm not in touch with you all these days. Working full-time sucks :)
18:25:25ryukopostingdon't be worried about that, man
18:26:03shashlick@dom96 - while you are here, can you take a look at my conversation with Ara-q earlier in the morning about the effort to remove the compiler from nimble?
18:26:05FromDiscord<hotdog> Ah! Where are you working?
18:26:19dom96hotdog: FB
18:26:41FromDiscord<hotdog> Framebuffer
18:26:46FromDiscord<hotdog> Facebook?
18:27:50ryukoposting>frame buffer
18:28:29ryukopostingI'm gonna make an embedded graphics company called framebuffer and its logo is gonna just be an upside down facebook logo with with the colors inverted
18:29:31ryukopostingdom96 don't get yourself down over having to deal with real life, we all have to one way or another
18:29:48rayman22201lol. specializing in corrupted frame buffers since 2019 :-P
18:30:04FromDiscord<hotdog> Oh cool, I'm in London too
18:30:18FromDiscord<hotdog> @ryukoposting hah, that logo sounds perfect
18:30:24dom96hotdog: :o
18:30:30rayman22201I feel your pain dom96! I wish I could be working Nim instead of my day job all the time :-)
18:30:41dom96Really need to get that meet up going. There is at least one other person in London that uses Nim as well
18:31:07FromDiscord<hotdog> Fancy a pint?
18:31:14FromDiscord<hotdog> Yeah a London meetup would be cool
18:31:19ryukopostingman, the only reason I have time to shitpost in the nim IRC is because I'm in college. I'm a lab assistant right now, but this summer I'll be working 40hr weeks again
18:31:25FromDiscord<hotdog> There must be a few of us here
18:35:49dom96shashlick, couldn't you just make the script output some JSON? {"setCommand": "build"}?
18:39:23shashlickthat's what I'm thinking but wanted your opinions on it since it's not pretty
18:39:46shashlickso far it is just setCommand and switch, might be more such stuff
18:40:00dom96What's the alternative? I don't understand why Araq was wanting you to modify the compiler, can you explain?
18:40:05Araqshashlick: oh yeah json is ok
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18:40:55shashlickwell, so right now, you run setCommand but getCommand doesn't give you the projectname back
18:41:02shashlickalso, you can set switch but cannot get it back
18:41:19shashlicki'm considering writing overrides in nimscriptapi.nim so it will use those instead of the nimscript defaults
18:41:27shashlickso don't need any compiler changes
18:41:50dom96yeah, this should all be doable via stdin/stdout
18:42:09FromGitter<alehander42> We have to make nimconf
18:42:18shashlickso nimble does print stuff from those tasks so will have to filter the stuff out
18:42:21FromGitter<alehander42> In London ⏎ With all the London nimmere
18:43:45dom96@alehander42: for a second I thought you wanted yet another Nim configuration file format, damn I'm tired :)
18:44:06dom96shashlick, filter what?
18:45:49shashlickso if the nimble task prints stuff out, we will have to filter that out from any json we generate
18:45:55shashlickand print that to the user
18:46:27dom96hm, are we really 5 issues away from v1? :P https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3Av1
18:46:47dom96Seems two of those are my issues
18:48:21dom96shashlick, oh I see. This should be behind an API anyway to be honest, so that it's using Nimble's nice output formatting
18:48:51dom96So I would error out if the output from the script cannot be parsed as valid JSON
18:49:09dom96(You could even just check if it starts with `{`)
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18:53:25dom96I've envisioned for a while now an API that allows things like: nimble.output("Processing", "foo.c", MediumPriority) (mirroring the Nimble cli module's functions) and more advanced things like nimble.getOpt, nimble.install("jester#head"), nimble.build("~/my.pkg/") etc.
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18:54:12shashlickokay i'll look into that
18:54:29shashlickbut fact is .nimble writers can echo whatever they want and we need to work with that legacy
18:54:46shashlickso stdout cannot be affected, perhaps this api can come out of stderr?
18:55:03dom96yeah, feel free to do that
18:55:15dom96you could also override the nimscript `echo` somehow
18:55:39shashlickthat's an idea
18:56:05dom96I would personally like to make the usage of it an error in the future (so we need a deprecation path here), this will make that easier
18:56:23Araqwhy don't we compile the .nimble file?
18:56:45Araqadd some "import nimscriptapi" line at the top and compile it
18:57:24Araq'setCommand' would be covered by the nimscriptapi
18:57:48dom96yeah, I thought that was the idea, can't remember if we decided against it or not
18:58:11AraqI think we simply forgot and shashlick now tries 'nim e ...'
18:58:23Araqbut I'm proposing 'nim c -r ...'
18:58:41Araq(also 'nim c -r' should cache the results, by default, will implement that)
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18:59:42shashlickone challenge is that the nims or compiled binary needs to sit in same dir since there could be relative imports
18:59:55shashlicke.g. nimble imports its version info into the nimble file
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19:01:36Araqhuh, you mean the .nimble file is so complex that is imports helper modules?
19:01:51Araqbut even that wouldn't matter, the Nim compiler compiles it, done.
19:03:22shashlickhere's another one - is it possible to import nimscript in the compiled binary? (trying)
19:03:35shashlickelse we will have to reimplement that stuff so that existing scripts don't break
19:03:55shashlicknope - cannot import nimscript
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19:09:44dom96Crazy idea: Forget about the version imports (just use defines as suggested by samdmarshall), create a parser for the meta data that's always defined in Nimble files, extract each `task` into a separate Nim file that gets compiled when executed
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19:13:23shashlickso trying to understand here - we can remove the version imports from nimble's nimble file, but what about the others?
19:13:27shashlickexisting legacy
19:13:53shashlicki already have written code to convert a modern nimble file into the legacy ini file so existing code can be used to parse the meta data
19:15:11dom96nimble already has code to do that
19:15:45shashlickyes i'm using that to read
19:15:58shashlickjust wrote some minimal code to write it out
19:16:09dom96`nimble dump` writes it out IIRC
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19:17:24shashlickya but right now it is being read out of the VM, this just simply prints it out to stdout like we discussed earlier
19:17:36ptdelHas anybody here worked with nim on RHEL/CentOS before? Trying to account for some problems building with very old system libraries :(
19:17:43shashlickanyway, what's the benefit of separate exes for tasks?
19:19:01ryukopostingI'm hoping nim will play nice with old versions of glibc and openSSL, will be very helpful for awsome
19:19:05ptdeltrying to use nim's awslambda library to run lambdas in aws, but they use an old environment with openssl 1.0.2k and glibc 2.17 in it :(
19:19:31shashlickbut why separate exes in tasks? anyway most nimble files have just a couple tasks if any
19:19:53shashlickalsol how do we handle the nimscript procs which aren't available at runtime
19:20:17shashlick@ryukoposting - check out nightlies builds for linux - being done on holy build box so the binary runs on many linux distros
19:21:36ptdelshashlick: is there a preferred crypto lib you use? nimcrypto is really nice but not backwards compat with old openssl libs
19:21:46dom96ptdel, what issues are you seeing?
19:22:21dom96shashlick, that detail doesn't really matter, you can put all the tasks in one exe too
19:24:12shashlick@ptdel - also what functionality are you looking for
19:24:31ptdelshashlick dom96 it's kind of specific so bear with me here lol:
19:24:56ptdelaws has a environment for executing code, it's like docker or nspawn, and you just submit a .zip with your binary and it runs it in it's environment
19:25:24ptdelthe problem i'm running into is that the environment is a very old linux kernel, glibc version, and openssl version. the nim `nimcrypto` lib isn't compat with the env's openssl libs
19:25:41ptdelso i'm trying to find a way to compile this binary for glibc 2.17 and openssl 1.0.2k :(
19:26:06ptdelessentially, i'm in an env where `-d:ssl` is not possible :(
19:26:08shashlickcheck out dockcross or holy build box
19:26:29ptdeli have no control over the env is the problem. I either dynamically link and package my .so's with my binary, or statically link a binary
19:26:33shashlicklook into statically compiling it in so you don't need to depend on the env
19:26:47dom96why can't you use openssl 1.0.2k?
19:26:47ptdelbut packaging and dynamically linking glibc is problematic :-p
19:26:52dom96If it's dynamically linked it should be fine
19:26:57ptdeldom96: nimcrypto doesn't seem backwards compat with it
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19:27:03shashlicknot really, those two i mentioned made it super easy
19:27:14dom96for an older glibc you'll need to compile on an older linux (or use some other methods)
19:27:15shashlicki could build a cross distro nim package for linux in 2 days
19:27:27ptdelnimcrypto wants a version of openssl that isn't present, and if i supply my own libcrypto.so stuff, that version can't use the glibc version if that makes sense
19:27:54dom96I see. Maybe you could hack nimcrypto to support the old version?
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19:28:27ptdelfigured that might be the case
19:28:51shashlickholy build box offers a static build of openssl
19:28:55ptdelis nimcrypto what most people use? would be cool to have a standardized crypto lib honestly
19:29:38ptdelshashlick: this has to be built in this env unfortunately
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19:29:53ptdelfeels dirty statically linking in all this stuff but if it's the only way /shrug
19:30:06dom96ptdel, what are you using nimcrypto for?
19:30:16shashlickwhat's restricting you from posting a self-sufficient binary?
19:31:25ptdeldom96: using it in conjunction with awslambda to run some serverless code in aws lambda that generates jwt's
19:32:05ptdelusing nimcrypto for the token generation stuff
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19:32:27ptdelmostly sha256 hashing
19:32:55ptdelshashlick: I'd have to run two versions of glibc locally to build it, thats not something i want to do
19:33:10ptdeli could use musl, but then i'd have to compile openssl with musl
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19:33:37dom96Can't you simply use this?
19:33:42dom96It seems to be a native implementation in Nim
19:34:12ptdelI could use a native implementation yeah
19:34:15ptdelbut now I have to ask this:
19:34:27ptdelwill there ever be a standardized native nim crypto package?
19:34:30narimiranhey ryukoposting, (when) can we expect a new video from you? :)
19:34:40ptdelthe diaspora of crypto libs is unsettling lol
19:35:42dom96That's a question I don't think anyone can answer
19:35:44ryukopostingnarimiran I'm too busy lately to make a decent video
19:36:21ryukopostinglike, I could make a video, but I wouldn't be able to make a good video. This summer I should be a lot more active :)
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19:37:12narimirani see
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19:39:13ptdeldom96 does nim have any sort of governance for that sort of thing? or some contributor forum for making those decisions
19:40:46dom96we've got a forum https://forum.nim-lang.org/
19:41:15shashlickholy build box doesn't bundle glibc into the binary
19:41:37shashlickit links with a 2011 glibc so the resulting binary works most places since they are on a newer glibc
19:42:56ptdelthats older than what i've got, maybe i'll have to try it
19:43:37dom96in any case, from what I can tell sha256 seems fairly simple to implement so there shouldn't be much room for errors
19:44:11dom96but then again, don't listen to me, I'm shit at crypto :)
19:44:43ptdeli'm totally fine using a native implementation, or writing my own. I just don't like the idea that there are many implementations of the same thing out there
19:44:54ptdeli consider it a detriment to the language, but i'm also overly particular
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19:45:14ptdelmany people working towards a common library would be ideal
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19:45:41dom96yeah, in an ideal world...
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20:09:05shashlickcheck out nimssl which compiles in the SHA algorithms of openssl into your binary
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20:12:43shashlickdom96 araq should we instead build nimble files into dlls and load them into nimble? i do this in my text editor with the plugins
20:13:03shashlickof course, same challenge as compiled exe version where nimscript isn't loadable
20:13:11shashlicksince existing nimble files will be using nimscript calls
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20:16:24ptdel i was using nimssl before, I think i only switched to nimcrypto because they had an hmac implementation offhand
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20:29:00shashlicki can add more to it if you prefer
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20:32:18disruptekjai apparently lets the code define how it should be built. perhaps a source of inspiration on what does or doesn't work...
20:36:54dom96Jai hasn't been released yet
20:37:49disruptekno, but i'm sure that wouldn't stop information transfer. :-)
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20:43:05shashlickhow do I override echo?
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20:51:08dom96shashlick, check how it's implemented for NimVM
20:51:43dom96actually you might be able to just do: `import system except echo` and then define your own
20:52:45clyybberAraq: Seems like using --newruntime, the compiler generates invalid C code for seq -> seq casts
20:52:55clyybberI reported it: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11018
20:53:05Araqoh give me a break
20:53:45Araqcan you fix it?
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20:57:29clyybberAraq: I can try, but don't bet on it :)
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21:02:05Araqit's easy, you need to cast the s.p field in ccgexprs.nim
21:02:34clyybberyeah the generated code is just missing a *
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21:23:36dom96anyone want a fun project?
21:24:01dom96write a getElementByCSSSelector function for htmlparser XmlNodes
21:25:28shashlickdom96: why are we splitting project name by spaces? https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/blob/master/src/nimblepkg/nimscriptsupport.nim#L648
21:26:39dom96No idea
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21:26:44dom96I didn't write this
21:26:50dom96But it obviously contains the arguments somehow
21:28:01shashlickwell, setCommand only has one param
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21:28:08shashlicktwo, the command and an option project
21:28:17shashlickis this Araq's code?
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21:31:55dom96Use git's blame to find out
21:33:28shashlicki want to be lazy man!
21:35:07shashlicksorry dom96, it's your code 😄
21:35:43shashlickgiven its 4 years old, i'll not blame you, i don't remember last week
21:37:43clyybberAraq: So I do that in genSomeCast right?
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21:45:07shashlickescape() of newline becomes \x0A but unescape leaves it as is
21:45:09ryukopostingdom96 if you're around, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on this https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/issues/1051#issuecomment-482651591
21:45:32ryukopostinggenerally, what are some interesting/valuable things we can learn from other package managers?
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21:48:32dom96I think if we're going to go for semver that we should make it super formal ala Elixir (IIRC)
21:48:52dom96where you actually have checks to make sure you don't violate semver (it detects API changes for example)
21:48:55ryukopostingdoesn't have to necessarily be semver, I actually like Maven's snapshot thing
21:50:17ryukopostingI gotta get going right now but I really want to hear other people's experiences with different package managers, and what versioning systems might work best for nim/in general
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22:01:01shashlickis it possible to import echo as something else?
22:02:28shashlickfrom system import echo as pecho doesn't work
22:03:40shashlicki want the system echo as well as my own overload but nim wants me to disambiguate each call which I can do in my code but not in the downstream nimble files
22:04:02shashlickand stdout.write doesn't work in nimscript
22:04:22dom96can't you do what I suggested?
22:04:35dom96and then inject a `proc echo`?
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22:17:36shashlickya but once I don't import it, how do i import it
22:17:44shashlicki cannot write to stdout any other way
22:18:36shashlickthis is in nimscript
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22:19:12dom96at this point it might be time to hack the code in Nim's stdlib
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22:37:48clyybberAraq: Well, I tried: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11019. It's probably bullcrap, as I had no clear idea if what I was doing is right...
22:38:01clyybberAnyways good night everyone
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23:10:32ryukopostingman, did the germans go to sleep already
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23:13:22FromGitter<deech> Araq: Why does the compiler explicity ban variants in a `const`? Also I was following with the code that checks this and came across https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/compiler/types.nim#L1168, and was wondering what circumstances can you find an `nkRecCase` in an `skProc` or `skFunc`?
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