<< 12-08-2016 >>

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05:10:57animosityq: is there a way to call a function that accepts varargs from another function that just received varargs?
05:12:12animosityproc a( argA: varargs[string]) = discard, proc b(argB: varargs[string]) = a( argB) ???
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07:03:57*Arrrr joined #nim
07:21:03ftsfis it possible to create a converter that's not implicit? but add a way to do an explicit conversion between types?
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07:25:49ArrrrI get 'Error: redefinition of 'X''
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07:54:31flyxftsf: well you can write a proc, but you cannot name it like the type. the manual says at isExplicitlyConvertible that there seems to be no way to do that unless making it implicitly convertible too
07:54:55ftsfflyx, I see, thanks
07:55:04ftsfi made a proc with a different name to do it
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07:55:27ftsfbut seems odd that you can't use the same name like is done internally for int(foo) and float(foo) for example
07:56:07flyxthat is also handled in isExplicitlyConvertible
07:56:22flyxwhich defines that integral types are explicitly convertible
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11:24:57gokrI have this odd situation with an OrderedTable that... hasKey(key) returns true, and if I then do del(key) and check again, hasKey(key) still reports true.
11:25:15gokrAnd yes, I think my == and hash are ok.
11:33:12ArrrrI get 'Error: redefinition of 'X''
11:33:18Arrrrujj, wrong window
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14:22:32kiergokr: have you got a code sample for this behaviour? I can't seem to reproduce it at the moment
14:23:12gokrkier: No, I haven't distilled one. But when I switched from OrderedTable to Table - the issue went away.
14:23:46gokrThe odd thing was that... first removal worked fine, but not the second time around.
14:24:37gokrAnd... IMHO it must be some bug in OrderedTable - I can't really see how a del(key) followed by hasKey(key) can be true.
14:25:32gokrBut ... I can try to see if I can reproduce it in a smaller sample... tonight perhaps.
14:26:31gokrI presume OrderedTable is not used that much, and... frankly, I should stick to Table for my use case anyway I think.
14:27:08gokrI wanted my Map datatype in Spry to always serialize the same - but... I can fix that by sorting keys or something.
14:29:30kierthe source code of del(OrderedTable) does looks suspicious
14:29:50kierthe criteria for a table's slot being empty is that it's hcode field is equal to zero
14:30:06kierbut del(OrderedTable) doesn't set hcode to zero, it just zeroes out the value
14:30:55kierdoesn't explain why del sometimes does work though
14:32:06kieroh ignore all that, it zeroes out the entire tuple (including hcode), not just the value
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16:30:45SalewskiAraq, as you may have seen I have posted a few nimsuggest issues in the last days.
16:32:47SalewskiThe strange thing is, that compiling gives errors for the requested line range. For example def system.nim;system.nim:2136:5 results in errors for lines 2137 and 2138
16:33:46SalewskiMaybe that is easy for you -- I have no idea. I can not imagine why compiler is influenced by the requested line range.
16:35:26SalewskiAnd the logic for --v2 option and missing dirtyfile is wrong, for that combination we get generally no output.
16:36:41SalewskiI have tried also compiling nimsuggest as nim e compile_without_nimble nimsuggest.nim -- make no difference.
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17:16:14dyce_is it possible to get the hostname of the computer in nim?
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17:22:43ftsfdyce_, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/3323 "kind of"?
17:24:22ftsfdyce_, http://nim-lang.org/docs/nativesockets.html#getAddrInfo,string,Port,Domain,SockType,Protocol actually, this is the thing to get it
17:31:23dyce_ftsf: that will get the localhost's hostname?
17:31:43dyce_im confused that you have to pass a ip and port
17:32:14dyce_just looking for the equivalent of typing hostname into the terminal on osx/linux
17:32:17ftsfit's a pretty confusing api
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17:33:57ftsfdyce_, well you can execProcess("hostname")
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17:35:13dyce_ftsf i guess ill just try to understand this: http://hostname.sourcearchive.com/documentation/3.03ubuntu1/hostname_8c_source.html
17:35:18ftsfhttp://stackoverflow.com/a/505546 is how you do it in C with getaddrinfo. it's not a nice process =)
17:36:42dyce_ftsf: http://nim-lang.org/docs/posix.html#gethostname,cstring,int
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17:40:07ftsfdyce_, nice
17:40:30dyce_but doesnt work with windows i assume
17:41:22ftsfhmm probably not
17:42:33dyce_heh in windows ill just call something like execProcess
17:42:45ftsfthere's probably a windows API function you can call
17:43:05dyce_infact hostname is a command on windows
17:43:26dyce_but i thought it was better to use native functions
17:43:52dyce_i understand each linux distro might be different, but i assume if you try to remove hostname.exe on windows something will go terribly wrong :)
17:44:03ftsfok, heading off to play no man's sky! good luck
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18:10:44*BlaXpirit quit (Quit: Bye)
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19:03:10gdelazzariHi, what's the new method to make an ASCII string uppercase? Nim complains that strutils.toUpper is deprecated but I couldn't find any information about the new way
19:05:38dom96gdelazzari: it looks like toUpperAscii
19:07:55dom96Looks like I missed the whole discussion about this change
19:10:43gdelazzariThank you, I did notice that function just now... feel so dumb. But there were no comments/docs naming that. The comments on the lib were just talking about unicode.toUpper
19:11:31dom96yeah, the docs on the website are for the latest version
19:11:37dom96this stuff hasn't been released ye
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22:02:08verax_Does Nim offer any feature to view a macro expansion (macro-generated Nim code)?
22:05:15ldleworkwell it doesn't expand to nim code, but nim ast
22:06:22verax_Ah, right. My mistake.
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22:22:09verax_What is Nim's unit of encapsulation? Is there any way to declare 'private' fields in a type?
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22:36:12verax_Looks like the unit of encapsulation is the module
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22:41:23kierverax_: everything is implicitly private to the current module unless you mark it with an asterisk to export it
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