<< 13-06-2015 >>

00:00:48onionhammeromg is araq using a potato for a microphone?
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00:07:48reactormonkonionhammer, nah, skype
00:08:13reactormonkeven a fucking twitch stream would have been better :-P
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00:08:54reactormonk... apropos http://www.watchpeoplecode.com/
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01:12:40*jaco60 quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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01:49:24dsadsadreactormonk: http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/units-of-measure/
01:49:40dsadsadthats looks like a good way to handle units of measure!
01:50:48dsadsadhandles even stuff like |||| (km/s) * s = s
02:09:56reactormonkdsadsad, seems to be a bit buggy, but I'll check
02:10:07dsadsadhow buggy?
02:28:17dsadsadoops -> (km/s) * s = k
02:32:46reactormonkdsadsad, from the text below...
02:33:26dsadsadfrom the link?
02:33:42dsadsadwhat is buggy?
02:34:05reactormonkgotta read the full text maybe
02:34:06dsadsadto me it all seemed good
02:34:27dsadsadnot exactly sure how to replicate it in nim tho
02:35:20reactormonkwe'll see
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05:11:15avsejreactormonk, do you have commit rights on repository? without this patch https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/2910 installer is broken
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07:00:38avsejI'm writing wrapper for proc which accepts varargs. In my wrapper I want to prepend a value for varargs. how can I do it?
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07:16:49ozraonionhammer: Highlighting - my bad. I've been fixing bugs, and apparantly introduced new. I'll go over it again, looking at more code through it.
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07:20:29avsejozra, do you know if posix.getpid() portable?
07:20:45avseji mean does it work everywhere including windows?
07:20:55ozraavsej: Honestly no idea!
07:21:25ozraavsej: My guess is, under posix == not windows compat.. But I dunno
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07:27:43ozradom96: In case you're around: Does nimble have an undoced 'upgrade' command to update version of all packages installed (preferebly keeping older too)?
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07:46:04avsejdom96, logging was broken in #2830. here is the fix https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/2911
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07:52:52ozraonionhammer: Nevermind that, my fixes are not pulled yet - that is the before fix look, makes more sense. Will have an extra look in any event while it's not pulled.
07:53:17*xcombelle quit (Quit: Leaving)
07:55:59Xehow come the stdlib redis client doesn't expose the sendCommand function?
07:56:24Xeon a redis host I am connecting to it has a few command administratively remapped for security reasons
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07:58:41avseji'm curious how it came to the state when redis client is a part of stdlib
07:58:56avsejit was implemented before nimble?
07:59:07*Xe shurgs
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08:33:15Araqavsej: yup
08:34:04Araqavsej: also yeah, the posix module doesn't work on windows. big surprise, hum?
08:36:00avsejgetpid() is available on windows, so I thought it could be exposed too
08:36:44avsejAraq, could you check my patches? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pulls/avsej they are pretty simple
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09:38:14wuehlmausAraq: the story about the nim name should be in the FAQ, i think. And it's a nice story so that people get the joke.
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10:13:17TEttingerNimrod sold its hot rod to buy a jet engine
10:13:39TEttingernow it's even faster
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11:35:47avsejAraq, fixed
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11:41:57avsejnow i doing appending to result directly in the end. okay?
11:44:16avsejAraq, do you have thoughts about issue with 64bit literals on 32bit host? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/2909
11:45:07avseji'm ready with logging update
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11:46:57Araqugh ... nobody lets me indulge my procrastination
11:47:17Araqthat's a regression, right?
11:48:35Araqer ... why did I pull this? it's wrong
11:50:08Araqavsej: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/2896/files shows why it's wrong
11:50:21Araqthe codegen doesn't generate addInt64 etc anymore
11:50:28Araqbut it needs to do that
11:52:14rgv151_Hi Araq
11:52:35rgv151_Is thereca way to modify ast outside of macro?
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11:58:14*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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11:59:59Miko_The Javascript backend generates invalid java for me
12:00:21Miko_it uses "null" as a variable name, but that is reseved in javascript
12:00:59Miko_The Code is like this:
12:01:20r-kubah Araq why did you merge my PR if it was wrong /facepalm
12:06:01AraqMiko_: proper bug report please
12:06:10Araqr-ku: I'm merge happy :-(
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12:06:26Miko_I can't come up with a minimal example
12:07:41*Arrrr joined #nim
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12:09:33Araq<-- my brain when reading PRs
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12:14:19r-ku.. :))) sorry though, i was hoping w/ PR people will care enough to make sure its not messing things up
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12:28:29Miko_I hope this bug report is ok:https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/2912
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12:52:16matkukiHi guys. A quick question. Is it the convention in Nim to create a new type for a type pointer: PMyType = ptr MyType ?
12:52:17matkukiMy intuition tells me to just include the pointer in the declaration e.g.: myFunc(arg: ptr MyType). Is that not acceptable?
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12:58:01matkukidef-: Help?
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12:59:28dom96matkuki: That's fine.
12:59:48dom96Well, it depends how often that type is used.
13:00:02dom96But you shouldn't name it PMyType, you should name it MyTypePtr
13:01:37matkukidom96: In the python library there is a PyObject* in C and it's used almost everywhere. Then it should be a new type PyObjectPtr, right?
13:02:25dom96matkuki: Is a non-ptr PyObject used anywhere?
13:02:33matkukidom96: no
13:02:46dom96then you should just name it PyObject
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13:05:33matkukiOk, thanks. Will keep this in mind.
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13:23:01drewsremWhat kind of overhead do I have to pay when I use an object instead of a tuple?
13:33:13avsejAraq, so reverting 2896 is not an option?
13:39:19taotetekanyone know off hand how I would turn a string in a variable into a stream to use w/ the xml parser?
13:39:36taoteteknewStringStream looks like woot
13:40:06drewsremCan I define implicit conversions to my own types?
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13:45:08EastBytedrewsrem: maybe looking for http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#converters ?
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13:46:22taotetektrying to figure out how I can parse an xml file within a macro - https://gist.github.com/taotetek/173cc40c372c8b43217b
13:47:03taotetekI don't know nim well (at all) yet - if anyone is here who could look at that and spot what I'm doing wrong easily, thank you
13:50:37drewsremHow do I solve this problem arising with custom tuple-types and missing implicit-conversion: http://ix.io/j4Z ? - Do I have to explicitly convert the params on every proc-call?
13:50:42drewsremEastByte, thanks I'll look into that
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13:54:54drewsremI guess tuples in nim are primarily used for passing multiple-values around and not as a replacement for c-structs
13:55:55drewsremah okay, c2nim actually converts c-structs to objects, guess I'm just going to use objects then...
14:01:32drewsremIs there yet some central place on the web for community-published comfort macros/templates?
14:01:55taotetekAraq: should it be possible to call parsexml's "open" within the context of a macro, if I'm passing it a stream creating by a string?
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14:24:52dom96taotetek: Try $filename or filename.str
14:24:58dom96Not sure why it thinks you're passing a NimNode
14:27:26taotetekdom96: that seems to be doing the trick - we'll see!
14:28:15taotetekah - that gets me to the next error I'm now trying to get around a different way
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14:41:58*yglukhov joined #nim
14:42:07yglukhovHello everyone
14:42:42yglukhovAraq, is lua target supported? I mean do I have to care for not breaking it in JS backend?
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14:49:41drewsremhttp://ix.io/j53 - this seems very much like a bug? - using local variables cos/sin in a proc doesn't work when you import lib/pure/math
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14:54:36taotetekdom96: yeah - something odd is going on - every value I try to use in a macro in this, nim thinks it is a nimNode instead of whatever type the var is :/
14:55:03dom96taotetek: I think that may be by design.
14:55:28dom96taotetek: The type you specify simply tells the overload resolution what type to expect, but you still get the AST node that is passed in
14:55:31dom96I think that makes sense
14:56:17dom96drewsrem: Why are you importing it like that? You don't need 'lib/pure/math', 'math' is enough.
14:56:45taotetekdom96: hmm - let me make another gist in the hope that you can spot something with your experience that I'm missing
14:56:58drewsremdom96, so I thought, I did to make sure that cos never refers to math.cos, but it makes no difference
14:57:13dom96drewsrem: Report this on Github please.
14:59:20taotetekdom96: https://gist.github.com/taotetek/c16f441066363f38e262
14:59:45taotetekdom96: gist of it (pun intended) is I'm trying to create some constants from values I'm reading from an xml document
15:00:22dom96Take a look at what node you're getting: echo(treeRepr(myName))
15:00:59dom96Then you'll know how to extract the value from it
15:01:58dom96I think what you're doing wrong is that you're not actually reading the xml at compile-time
15:02:13dom96A file stream won't work at compile-time
15:02:30taotetekdom96: aha
15:02:37dom96all that code needs to be inside the macro
15:02:49taotetekdom96: so - I tried it the previous way I was trying, and after I got past the error you helped me with I ran into a vm error, let me replicate it again
15:02:57dom96you can change your current macro into a compile-time proc
15:03:06dom96to separate your code
15:03:14dom96using the {.compileTime.} pragma
15:03:27taotetekdom96: wasn't aware there were compile time procs - this is exactly the sort of info I was looking for
15:06:32taotetekdom96: https://gist.github.com/taotetek/45ef889ce71f4e8924b0
15:06:55taotetekdom96: with the previous attempt - I got around the first error with your suggestion, but then appear to be doing something I probably shouldn't be doing in a macro.
15:08:38dom96taotetek: it seems that lexbase (which is what parsexml uses) does casting which the VM does not support.
15:11:32taotetekdom96: would you happen to know if there might be a way around this - one of my other attempts where I parse and then call macros, but put into a compile time proc?
15:11:36taotetekdom96: or would I run into the same issue?
15:12:15dom96best thing probably is to get lexbase working at compile-time
15:12:22taotetekdom96: if not - I could perhaps convert the xml models I'm working with into json if the json parser would be valid
15:12:26dom96take a look at the code and see why it uses a cast
15:12:29dom96maybe it's not needed
15:13:38taotetekdom96: will take a look
15:14:22drewsremdom96, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/2913
15:14:35Xeyglukhov: there's a lua target?
15:14:46dom96drewsrem: thanks
15:14:56dom96oh, when did the Nim repo move to the nim-lang org
15:15:23vikatondom96, 2 days ago ...
15:15:31taotetekdom96: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/lexbase.nim#L149
15:15:35taotetekdom96: here's the offending line
15:16:36taotetekand here's the BaseLexer definition
15:16:52yglukhovXe, well there is some code which refers to lua, but i don't know how good it works
15:17:33dom96taotetek: Try changing that to newString(bufLen)
15:17:51Xeyglukhov: link?
15:18:37taotetekgiving it a shot.
15:18:52dom96yglukhov: Back when macros still relied on a simple AST interpreter to execute Nim code at compile-time, Araq was considering emitting Lua code and feeding it to LuaJIT for compile-time evaluation.
15:18:57dom96But later he wrote his own VM
15:19:11dom96It's likely abandoned, but I don't know what his future plans are.
15:19:15yglukhovXe, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/compiler/jsgen.nim
15:19:59taotetekdom96: I -think- this might have gotten me around it - give me a few to add the ast construction back into the macro
15:20:03yglukhovdom96, that makes sense.
15:20:24taotetekdom96: if this works, I'll send a PR back to nim
15:20:36taotetekdom96: whether it does or it doesn't, thanks for the info :)
15:22:13dom96taotetek: It's possible that the alloc is an optimisation so it might be a good idea to put your change in a `when defined(nimvm):` (I think it's "nimvm", may want to double check that)>
15:25:26taotetekdom96: noted!
15:31:17taotetekdom96: hitting an importc error at compile time now, doh :)
15:32:15taotetekwondering if I should convert the xml to an intermediary format
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15:34:11dom96You can still convert that into an ordinary string operation
15:34:16dom96but it's a bit more complex I guess
15:34:30dom96It seems to just move a part of the string buffer
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15:36:29taotetekdom96: so - a patch to the previous spot we found, and a patch there to change that operation if running in the vm?
15:39:14taotetekso it's basically just doing a slice manipulation
15:39:25taoteteksorry - much more familiar with C and Go, just started w/ nim two days ago
15:39:58taotetekare there string ops in nim that allow accessing a string as an array, rather than using moveMem?
15:40:48taotetekmy preference would be fixing it so xmlparse can be used within macros rather than using a different format, if it's achievable
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15:45:34taotetekdefined(vm) for the define by the way, I think
15:45:36taotetekrebuilding now
15:46:48Xedoes nim have a splat operator?
15:47:13XeIE python's x = [4,5,6]; foo(x*) == foo(4,5,6)
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16:03:44ArrrrXe do you mean varargs?
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16:08:04XeArrrr: i mean passing a sequence and having it be expanded as if the contents of the sequence were the arguments
16:08:28Xevarargs the other way around
16:09:11Arrrrlike a foreach ?
16:13:30Xelike literally having the sequence be the varargs
16:14:25Arrrryou can do that with varargs
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16:20:17Araqyglukhov: Lua target never was finished, remove it or keep it, do what keeps you productive
16:20:42HaCk3DHi, guys, grear work Araq, i wonder if there is some functional procs builtin such as map, reduce, filter or any library provides it?
16:21:01AraqHaCk3D: map is in system, the rest in sequtils
16:21:16HaCk3DThnx a lot
16:23:51ayeeeI like the async/asyncnet, what would be the easiest way to make it use multiple CPU cores?
16:24:04yglukhovok, thank you, Araq. could you please also help me with the #2903? I'm stuck with understanding your point about doing skipTypes twice :(
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16:41:02reactormonkavsej, I see it's been solved :-)
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17:27:16Araqayeee: I started on that in the more_concurrency branch
17:27:48Araqbuilt a shared hash table which the dispatcher needs to use to get a set of sockets to work on
17:28:51Araqthe idea is that we don't do any task migrations but instead have N threads each with its own async dispatcher which gets its work from a global shared dispatcher
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17:32:59Araqyglukhov: every t.sons[0] access needs to be wrapped with skipTypes, just like the code used to do it
17:36:18yglukhovAraq, but I'm not accessing sons of types, but rather sons of nodes, no?
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18:28:26Araqyglukhov: argh. you're right. sorry.
18:29:13yglukhovAhh, what a relief =)
18:29:29Araqso I guess I can merge it.
18:29:48Araqr-ku: want to fix your mAddI64 mess yourself? ;-)
18:35:52taotetekhi Araq ! I'm hacking on a test patch that would allow the xmlparser module to be used in macros, by not doing the couple of casts and the mem copy it does if it's running as a macro (would still use current code paths otherwise) - sound ok?
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18:36:15Araqtaotetek: yummy. very cool!
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18:36:48taotetekdom96 helped me debug some earlier and I think there's only 3 spots that need an alternative code path
18:37:08taotetektwo of them I have working, the third I need a day or two to understand nim a little better but should be doable
18:37:29Araqquite possible, I ran a lexer generator at compile-time
18:37:57Araqhundreds of lines of code ... just worked. so the VM is not that bad.
18:38:42taotetekit's just these cast calls - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/lexbase.nim#L106 (replaced with newString if in vm)
18:38:57taotetekand the vm doesn't like this moveMem - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/lexbase.nim#L83
18:40:03taotetekmy thought was the moveMem could be handled by (when under vm) just making another cstring and then accessing it by index to copy the correct chunk of it
18:40:14yglukhovOh, since you're talking about a more "portable" api, I would suggest to reconsider streams API. The point is to deprecate everything that uses pointers in favour of byte arrays. That would make it friendlier to JS and i guess to VM too.
18:40:52taotetekyglukhov: oh fun - I'm not anywhere close to feeling like rewriting the whole xmlparser - but that sounds promising.
18:42:26yglukhovwell, i haven't looked at xml perser at all. don't like xml, you know ;)
18:43:15yglukhovwe should definitely come up with some new nml, which is a markup language as a nim dsl ;)
18:44:23taoteteker, :D
18:49:37*gokr quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:50:06Arrrri got this when koching: pure\times.nim(445, 17) Error: number 116444736000000000'i64 out of valid range FAILURE
18:51:48AraqArrrr: already reported
18:52:11Araqdevel is quite unstable these days cause new people are playing with everything
18:52:32ArrrrKids these days ... ok
18:52:38Araqand we have stable releases so that devel can be more of a playground
18:52:59Araqnot sure that's the wisest thing to do, but ... we'll see
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20:12:19yglukhovAraq, have you considered using vtables for methods where there's only one polymorphic type? I think it might have a performance benefit, and it's a rather common usecase.
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20:13:22yglukhovI mean, semantically it would stay the same, just an internal optmization.
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20:15:34yglukhovAnd there would be no need to do Streams as they are currently done ;)
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20:30:43fowlHey yglukhov
20:31:00yglukhovhi fowl, how r u!
20:31:20fowlThe benefit methods have is since they aren't bound in a vtable, you can add new methods at any time
20:32:23fowlI'm good just figured out a weird problem
20:34:00yglukhovkinda... yeah... but... this is not the case currently. as far as I understood, you have to collect all existing methods across all compilation units to generate a dispatch tree.
20:34:34yglukhovand collecting methods to vtable would take just as much
20:34:41yglukhovor am i wrong here?
20:38:01fowlAh well it can perform better with tables definitely
20:42:05yglukhovyeah, but what I'm hinting is that this optimisation is seemingly easy with current state of affairs. and it allows to easily write oop stuff without fear of long dispatches.
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20:45:07yglukhovand JS backend could generate js-native methods, and that presumably should make js code even more performant =)
20:45:10Araqyglukhov: method dispatch is fast enough for now. I'd rather have you look into the remaining lambda lifting bugs
20:45:49Araqthere is an extensive test suite for LL, and the code is centralized too and the bugs are tagged.
20:46:26yglukhovAraq, i tried lambda lifting, but haven't managed to comprehend it yet (
20:46:38Araqthat said, LL is the most complex algorithm in the whole compiler, more complex than the disjoint check for 'parallel'
20:47:03fowlyglukhov: I have a thing to turn a concept type into a vtable
20:48:12yglukhovAraq, if dispatch is fast enough, why Streams are implemented using callbacks, huh? ;))
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20:48:53Araqthey predate methods and I dislike this constant rewriting of everything that works just to make it slightly less ugly
20:49:26fowlyglukhov: methods aren't able to call super methods until we got proc call
20:49:44Araqthe streams implementation does *not* use vtables
20:50:03Araqinstead the proc pointer is directly embedded saving 1 level of indirection
20:51:12fowlAraq: is it possible to generate new rtti at runtime
20:51:41Araqthe data structures are not hostile to that
20:51:55Araqso ... shouldn't be too hard for a guy like you
20:53:36Araqyglukhov: I can give you a tutorial into LL, still saves me lots of time in the long run if somebody else could work on that. it's a time killer.
20:54:24yglukhovi would welcome it. no promises though.
20:56:04Araqmeh let me gist it, so I don't have to repeat it for others ;-)
20:56:11fowlAraq: writing my own reset() that sets ref types to nil
20:57:02Araqfowl: meh, reset should be optimized to not even use RTTI :P
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21:00:18fowlDoesn't it have to?
21:00:53Araqwe could generate a specialized proc instead
21:01:02fowlHow does the compiler assume rtti exists
21:01:17Araqit's in hti.nim in system/
21:01:24fowlHaving reset called in this block of memory on the heap caused strange GC errors
21:02:18Araqyou should really learn how the GC works.
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21:23:01HaCk3DHi, guys
21:23:06reactormonkHaCk3D, o/
21:23:12HaCk3Ddo u need some help with nim compiler?
21:23:29HaCk3Dmb some issues need fixes?
21:24:25HaCk3Di just want to contribute, coz nim is awesome
21:24:43HaCk3Dbut i dont know what needed to be fixed/implemented
21:26:27ozraHaCk3D: Ask Araq :)
21:26:36reactormonkHaCk3D, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AEasy pick one
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21:51:01AraqHaCk3D: yeah what reactormonk said. Also I'm writing a document about LL (lambda lifting)
21:51:12Araqwhich is where the hard bugs hide
21:51:22reactormonkAraq, sounds interesting
21:52:56ozraAraq: More such 'guides to the internals' would be great - makes it much easier for many of us to grab more than the easiest stuff when time permits.. :)
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21:57:03Araqwhy? it's self explanatory ...
22:02:08ozraOh, and preferebly the language should _only_ support registers ;)
22:09:01taotetekAraq: this look sensible? if you don't mind spot-checking me -https://github.com/taotetek/Nim/commit/ac3ba252f0fe6b31f43890147c98bb196182d840
22:09:21taotetekoh oops
22:10:07taotetekAraq: https://github.com/taotetek/Nim/commit/ac3ba252f0fe6b31f43890147c98bb196182d840
22:10:42taotetekstill need to figure out how to get around the moveMem call also failing in macros but that seems like it should work for the casts that it can't run.
22:11:35fowlAraq, found my issue, a stray GCunref >_>
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22:28:49avsejis there printf-like formatting in nim?
22:29:40Jehan`avsej: Try the strfmt package, I'd suggest.
22:30:42avsejJehan`, so nothing built-in?
22:30:59Jehan`avsej: I mostly use subexes myself.
22:31:22Jehan`But that's a different approach.
22:32:31Jehan`Well, subexes combined with formatting operators.
22:32:40avsejis it possible to set width? like %20s
22:32:55Jehan`What I don't like about the printf approach is that all the formatting is being hardcoded, while I want it to be extensible.
22:35:45Jehan`avsej: There's strutils.align
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22:37:13Jehan`But that may be a bit unwieldy.
22:38:21avsejstrfmt is good and convenient, thanks
22:38:45avseji wonder why it is not part of stdlib, when redis client is
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22:41:32Jehan`avsej: Dunno. I know that string formatting is one of the things that everyone (including Araq) wants in the stdlib, it may be just that there's no consensus on how to do it best.
22:47:12Jehan`Once you include something in the stdlib, you are essentially committed to support it and its interface indefinitely.
22:47:40Jehan`And I don't know why redis is in there, either. :)
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22:53:32Araqredis was written before nimble and apparently dom96 has not yet made it a nimble package.
22:54:30Araqstring formating has to be in the stdlib since too many people request it, but personally I don't need it.
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23:31:03Araqtaotetek: realloc does more than newString, you need to copy over the old contents
23:32:12AraqHaCk3D: also every bug marked with "path handling" shouldn't be too hard to tackle. And everyone of those should actually be considered a showstopper for 1.0.
23:32:42Araqor perhaps some of those.
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23:57:39AraqHaCk3D: https://gist.github.com/Araq/7f1eaacb68a5c49f73bc