<< 13-07-2015 >>

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03:17:05stubbZis there console input in nim?
03:20:31Varriount_stubbz: There's a rdstdin module
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10:13:51Varriount_fowl: Remind me again what the advantage of using option[T] is against returning nil?
10:13:59*Varriount_ is now known as Varriount
10:14:44VarriountAraq: I don't suppose I would be able to convince you to simplify the rules for parsing string literals, could I?
10:15:11Araqno, but go on and tell me how they can be simplified
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10:16:11VarriountAraq: Having triple quoted strings not eat additional quotes, removing the wierd eat-newline-and-following-whitespace rule.
10:16:16fowlVarriount, a pointer can be nil, the state of 0, a struct type doesnt have a 0 state unless you decide that it does. maybe (string,string,string) is nil if one of its members is nil
10:17:33VarriountAraq: Both of those mechanisms can be done (at compile time!) with procedures and the generalized string literal notation.
10:18:03fowlyou can program in such a way that nil is an ok value, for ex in a perfect world nil.string & nil.string returns nil.string and every operation with strings checks for nil
10:20:44fowlin reality thats expensive to add to every operation, but it would also be expensive to allocate strings that contain no data
10:21:57AraqVarriount: general"foo
10:22:02Araqnewline here
10:22:05Araqthe end"
10:22:42Araqdoesn't parse, it was decided that single quotes are too error prone to be allow for spanning multiple lines
10:23:25VarriountAraq: Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant triple-quoted string literals.
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10:48:25VarriountAraq: ?
10:48:55Araqso ... what's your point again? sorry
10:49:16Araqthat the rule "ignore the first newline" could have been done without? ok I guess
10:50:03Araqbut this rule is irrelevant for syntax highlighters anyway
10:56:22VarriountAraq: The manual states that a string literal `""""Hello"""" == "Hello"`, Not `"\"Hello\"". Such behavior is unexpected and rarely wanted.
10:57:33VarriountIn addition, the manual also states "when the opening """ is followed by a newline [...], the newline (and the preceding whitespace) is not included in the string"
10:57:52VarriountThis is also really unexpected behavior.
10:58:01AraqI think the manual is wrong or you misread it
10:58:22Araq""""hello"""" is the same as "\"hello\""
10:58:47Varriount"The ending of the string literal is defined by the pattern """[^"], so this:"
10:59:05Varriount""""long string within quotes""""
10:59:05Varriount"long string within quotes"
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10:59:34Araqwell yes, the quotes are part of the string literal
10:59:51VarriountAh. That could be made... more clear.
11:00:08Araqthat behaviour is not my invention btw, it came from user feedback
11:00:35Araqbut I think it's expected behaviour
11:01:28Araqwhat 4 quotes in a row? simple, use """"""""""
11:02:01VarriountAraq: And the newline-whitespace eating behavior?
11:02:31VarriountThere's no nice way to circumvent that.
11:03:50Araqthat's true but it's rarely required
11:04:03federico3what is it?
11:04:10Araqconst foobar = " \n" & """
11:04:14Araq workaround"""
11:05:13AraqVarriount: you cannot have """ in the middle of a triple quoted string either.
11:06:05federico3The first whitespaces-newline is always removed? That's nice actually!
11:06:10VarriountAraq: Yes, but at least that makes sense.
11:06:20Varriountfederico3: Hush you.
11:06:39federico3why not?
11:06:40Araqtriple quoted strings are for convenience and they are convenient.
11:07:02Araqso ... I think we got them exactly right.
11:07:33AraqI like to see indentation based strings one day
11:07:41Araqconst foo = ```
11:07:52Araq string ends. Guess when it does.
11:07:55Araq not here.
11:08:02Araqvar buthere = 0
11:08:16federico3without closing it? :(
11:08:33Jehan_This is not going to be fun for syntax highlighters. :)
11:08:35federico3are the two whitespaces on the left of "string ends" stripped?
11:09:00VarriountAraq: I wouldn't actually be too opossed to that.
11:09:19Araqfederico3: I dunno. I guess they are.
11:09:51Araqindentation based strings doesn't exist
11:09:56Jehan_I like Scala's approach better: http://downgra.de/2010/09/14/multi-line_strings_with_scala/
11:10:14Jehan_Except, of course, they also don't allow triple quotes inside strings.
11:10:43VarriountAraq: You know the rest of the programming community would come for you with pitchforks if you did that. :P
11:10:44Jehan_But explicitly marking the left margin makes sense.
11:11:22federico3Jehan_: why marking it on *every* line?
11:12:00Jehan_federico3: So that you can tell on every line where the left margin is.
11:12:35federico3Jehan_: obviously. But why would you want to do that?
11:12:42Jehan_Not always easy when stuff is indented by > 10 spaces and the string itself has some indentation, too.
11:13:07federico3I would detect the indentation on the first line after """ and go with that one :)
11:13:13Jehan_Also, I think the Python approach may not work if the first line is indented.
11:13:32Araqfederico3: the point is to have no closing marker so everything can be written in the string literal without escaping stuff
11:18:18Varriountreactormonk: You might be happy to know that I'm writing an entirely new nim-by-example article on strings, using information from the manual and standard library.
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11:21:02AraqJehan_: "it looks like nodecl also suppresses code generation" well what else should it do? o.O
11:21:30Jehan_Araq: I thought it only suppressed the prototype.
11:21:43Araqhow would that help?
11:22:09Araqyou have the prototype that disagrees with the header and skip that and then end up with the body that disagrees?
11:22:15Jehan_Probably not, now that I think about it. The implementation would still ... yeah.
11:22:37Jehan_I blame lack of sleep over the weekend. :)
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11:30:25VarriountAraq: With the current string implementation, how are a strings references updated when it's add()'ed to?
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11:36:44Jehan_Varriount: add() takes a var parameter.
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11:50:42fowlWill the async macros use the new continuations
11:51:18VarriountJehan_: Ah, so in the end you get a pointer to the point in memory the reference to the string is.
11:51:29Araqfowl: when we figured out how, yess
11:51:34Jehan_Varriount: yes.
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11:55:01VarriountAraq: Nim is getting continuations?
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11:59:55fowlVarriount r-ku is working on them
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14:57:36federico3that thread about captchas - would anyone support accepting OAuth/OpenID?
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15:05:48federico3I'd rather have a mailing list, or at least mirror the forum on a mailing list
15:06:58fowlTheres rss feed i think
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15:23:20def-federico3: well, there is a mailing list, but it's not widely used
15:29:12federico3def-: maybe it could be merged with the forum?
15:31:31def-federico3: i guess that would be good, but someone would have to implement that and make sure the mail server runns well
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15:33:10federico3def-: there's a PR https://github.com/nim-lang/nimforum/issues/57
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16:12:23r-kufederico3: i have surprising news - not everyone uses that crap.
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16:42:07reactormonkVarriount, strings? I don't use strings ;>
16:42:13reactormonkVarriount, gimme link when you're done
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17:04:39federico3r-ku: huh?
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17:14:55federico3not that surprising, I don't like it either
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17:44:53kokozedmanhey guys, I'm compiling in C++ mode (using a C++ library), and it generates codes like: ((NI) (AF_INET)).UDT::socket(((NI) (SOCK_STREAM)), ((NI) 0)) ... that is, it tries to access member where as I need just a plain UDT::socket() call and the AF_INET as normal argument
17:44:58kokozedmanhow do I do that?
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17:46:51Araqkokozedman: watched my OSCON talk about how to wrap C++? oh wait ... that's upcoming :-)
17:47:10kokozedmanAraq, nope, where at?
17:47:22Araqwrap it like so: importcpp: "UDT::socket(@)"
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17:50:04kokozedmanAraq, ohh... ok, thanks man
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17:50:23kokozedmanwould love that talk if you can share the link
17:50:40Araqbtw c2nim can wrap that and produces the right importcpp pattern ;-)
17:51:29kokozedmanAraq, it gets stuck in the middle, before even producing a wrapper... so I gave up and wrote things manually instead
17:51:57Araqbah, it never gets stuck for me
17:52:01Araqdid you report this?
17:53:55kokozedmanAraq, nope, I'm guessing that might be simply a not-yet implement, not yet a priority... it gets stuck in things like: class UDT_API CUDTException (removing those UDT_API lines solves the problem, but it's kinda psy killer)
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17:54:25Araqwhat does "get stuck" mean?
17:54:51Araq#def UDT_API
17:55:03Araqseriously ... why does nobody use #def ? :-(
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17:56:07kokozedmanAraq, because we don't know we needed to #def to hack our way around
17:56:20kokozedmanthis is the first time I heard about this
17:57:34Araqoh ffs I hate it that i can wrap full wxWidgets with c2nim in my spare time and everybody else doesn't
17:58:11kokozedmanit's the know how that makes all the difference
17:58:21kokozedmanthe manual is massively great
17:58:34Araqc2nim has a manual
17:58:40kokozedmanbut for tasks such as these, it's quite a massive undertaking to figure-out you needed a #def
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18:01:51kokozedmanAraq, in my humble opinion, I think people don't have the ability to actually remember things, for me, that's quite relevant... I read a manual, but then I easily forget and don't even know when a particular piece of the doc would be relevant ; and in that case, I'm pretty much like an ignorant person even though I have read the manual and whatever else I think might have been relevant
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18:02:27kokozedmanI think, that's in part because of the length of the documentations, it's pretty hard to digest
18:03:11Araqdo you talk about c2nim's documentation?
18:03:12kokozedmanI'm not trying to blame anyone here, it's just a fact; I sincerely think that the manual is quite great
18:03:21kokozedmandocumentations in general
18:03:35kokozedmanseems quite a lot of them
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18:04:46kokozedmanAraq, I have this: "typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;" and c2nim complains: udt.h(76, 40) Error: ';' expected
18:05:03kokozedmannot sure what #def is required here
18:05:31kokozedmanthat's the official udt header
18:11:41kokozedmanso, I removed those lines, set the #def ... and amazingly, all was well!
18:11:45kokozedmanthanks Araq
18:13:10Araqalso use --nep1 for c2nim
18:13:17AraqI guess that should be the default
18:16:25kokozedmanAraq, Ok... another thing, why is double underscores (__) causing Error: invalid token?
18:17:31Araqyou need to tell c2nim how to mangle __
18:17:46Araqin Nim underscores are separators only
18:18:00*fowl quit (Quit: zz)
18:18:13kokozedmanAraq, I'm aware of that, but usually when I mangle these, they hit other things and cause a mess
18:18:52kokozedmanlike __MSG__ and then, there is like _MSG_ ... and it's a confusing result after
18:19:27kokozedmanI know it's a strange naming from the original library, but realistically, I've been hit by this situation 2/4
18:20:12Araqwell one thing that Nim strives for is to make *talking* about code easier. So you can say to your collegue "oh you need to use the foobar here"
18:20:30Araqrather than "use underscore underscore foobar underscore underscore here"
18:20:54Araq"and not underscore foobar which is something completely different because the world ran out of identifiers"
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18:24:05kokozedmanheheh... I see
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18:36:49reactormonkAraq, apparently no one cares about wxwidgets ;-)
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18:39:53Araqreactormonk: wxwidgets' headers are quite messy though so they make a good realworld example
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18:47:23reactormonkAraq, neat. Could you check in the pure c2nim too? So we have a list you had to change to get it to work.
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18:48:51Araqwell you can just diff the headers
18:49:30Araqbut unfortunately I got how wxWidgets does it too late
18:49:41Araqso the diffs are much larger than they have to be ...
18:50:22Araqone thing that c2nim really sucks at is that #if is not yet supported within 'class'
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19:10:56CryptotoadAre there any usage examples of the sqlite3 class?
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19:12:46AraqCryptotoad: nimforum uses sqlite3
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19:13:33CryptotoadOh, so it would be similar enough to use say, python tutorials on sqlite3?
19:16:48Araqwell nimforum is still small enough to see how sqlite3 can be used
19:17:26Araqit uses db_sqlite btw which is much more convenient to use
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19:29:04wirbiHello! How to declarate binary operators for js? If I use proc `>>`(x, y: int32): int32 {.importc.} then in code I have wrong tmpx_16072 = >>(tmpx_16072, 8);
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19:32:53wirbiHm... It's realy work, but before you say I receive error.
19:33:39ArrrrBecause i enabled a magical switch that makes it working on every nim compiler in the world
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19:37:50Araqwirbi: as a workaround you can also use the 'asm' statement
19:38:10Araqproc `>>`(x, y: int32): int32 =
19:38:28Araq asm """ `result` = `x` >> `y` """
19:38:55wirbiArrrr: )
19:39:41wirbiAraq: Thank you! It's power tool.
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20:02:49kokozedmanHow do I access the elements of a C pointer? like a "v: ptr UdtSocket", and in C, one could do something like "v[2]" for the third element... how is this done in Nim?
20:04:36Araqv: ptr array[Arbitrary, UdtSocket]
20:04:42kokozedmanor better yet, how to create an array that doesn't do any copy and instead directly maps a memory location, like the ptr UdtSocket above?
20:05:06kokozedmanoh, ok... another new less
20:05:07kokozedmanthanks Araq
20:05:10Araqyou need to define const Arbitrary = 10_000
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20:05:33kokozedmanAraq, really? is there going to be a overhead with that?
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20:09:13migloHi! I've installed via nimble the nre module and got additionally the module options_t, but the compiler complains about 'import options' that is located within 'nre.nim'. Do I have to install any additional package maybe?
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20:10:15miglodoes the 'options' correspond to 'options_t' maybe?
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20:14:49Araqmiglo: I don't know but nre is part of the stdlib now in devel, so maybe switch to the github devel version
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20:25:52miglothe tutorial mentions that sequences are resizable during runtime. it mentions also how an certain element can be accessed but there is no explanation how a sequence can be modifed during runtime, how more elements can be added :-/
20:26:47Araqyeah, somebody should update tut1. (Varriount? def-?)
20:26:47fowlmiglo have you seen the nim by example website
20:27:30Araqmiglo: use 'add' to append, newSeq[string](length) to create a seq[string] of the given length
20:28:20migloyeah, its the add proc that I have seen already somewhere
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20:29:02migloI forgot about the examples that I've also ready a little bit
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20:33:38bogen-workhi. How do run a program at compile time? (To swallow it's output and return a string)
20:34:25Araqbogen-work: staticExec
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20:35:57kokozedmananother lesson for me, thanks for that staticExec thing Araq
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20:40:11Araqbogen-work: with a bit of luck you can run marshal.to and marshal.`$$` at compile-time too for easy serialization of staticExec'ed data
20:40:59bogen-workAraq: thanks
20:41:27Araqcheck out my "lexim" project where I use this to offload DFA minimization for lexer generation
20:42:55Araqit works at compile-time in pure Nim VM based code, but compile-times are > 20 seconds. After offloading to an external Nim process, it's < 1s
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21:07:54Demosohmygosh binary search drama
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21:08:11DemosI should check if that overflow is in the C++ library version too
21:08:26XeDemos: wat
21:09:28Demossomeone bitched about binarySearch
21:09:39Demosits designed so that you can insert elements using it I think
21:10:40Araqyeah it overflows when you have more element than fit in RAM anyway or something like that
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21:15:13Demosthat does not sound like an overflow to me
21:15:28Demoslike you can't even prevent that
21:20:37Araqwell Nim's int is already word-sized to mitigate such problems
21:20:48Araqand in debug builds we detect overflows too, so *shrug*
21:21:51Araqi often wonder if people who really care about these things also throw away their cell phones when they get a busy signal.
21:24:00migloif I create a new sequence in the following way "var x: seq[]", then can I say the x is a reference to a integer sequence that is initialized with nil?
21:24:45migloups, should be: seq[int]
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21:33:35renesacbut that fix to the possible overflow has no negative side to it
21:33:50renesacpun not intended
21:35:01renesacit is not inconceivable one work with a 1GB char array on a 32bit program
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21:37:37Araqrenesac: it's surely is and I'd rather add an "exceeds 1 GB" check into 'newSeq' and 'add' and 'setLen' than having binarySearch work with it but then not much else
21:38:15renesacnot much else?
21:39:19renesacthe fix is painless, why would you add superflous checks in multiple places instead?
21:40:07Araqthe checks are not superfluous, if your program needs to work with 1 GB sized arrays on a 32bit machine it's broken already.
21:40:48Araqfragmentation could happen, for instance
21:40:49renesacand nim binary search still only works with openarray, but in the future when concepts are more developed it could work in a dynamically generated random access thingy
21:41:09renesacmuch bigger than the physical memory
21:41:18AraqIMO this should fail with OOM reliably
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21:42:25Araqrenesac: yeah but the concept version then should use int64 or bignums
21:42:33renesaccould happen, but there are ways around
21:42:50renesacI don't agree putting a limit on the language level for this
21:43:27Araqthe limit already exists, it's just about making it more deterministic
21:43:28renesacit could happen with 700mb arrays too
21:43:35renesacwhere you call the line?
21:44:21Araqcould it? how so?
21:44:22renesachell, it could happen with 2mb arrays
21:45:17renesacif you have things allocated every 1mb of memory
21:45:21renesacthat can't be moved
21:45:49Araqyeah but 1 GB more likely than not will fail, and 2 MB more likely than not will succeed.
21:46:22renesacthe programmer should catch the exception in case of failure, ideally
21:46:41renesacbut if it can be done, do it
21:47:00Araqthere is not even an exception, the program dies. There is a hook you can set though.
21:47:09AraqFor OOM I mean.
21:47:40Demosyou probably don't want to catch the exception around every alloc
21:47:42renesacin c I simply check the output of malloc
21:48:00Araqyeah and on Linux, it doesn't return NULL.
21:48:24Araqnot that it matters anyway. you could also run out of stack space. how do you check for that in C?
21:50:11renesacAraq: are you sure it don't returns null when it don't have contiguous space
21:50:21renesacI konw it can allocate more memory than physical memory
21:50:27Demosby the way nim's bsearch happens to be almost identical to c++'s bsearch (libc++)
21:50:28renesacbut not more memory than address space
21:50:50AraqLinux overcommits memory and when you *access* the memory you get a segfault
21:50:58renesacAraq: exactly
21:51:05Demosit might return null when your out of virtual address space
21:51:07renesacit can still fail because of fragmentation
21:51:32renesacespecially in 32bit
21:51:57renesacor less
21:52:07Demosyou may be right, it'll assign virtual pages when you call malloc. But it wont commit them
21:52:28Demosand the overcommit only applies to new pages afaik
21:52:36EXetoCwell if all or nothing is the only way
21:52:40Demosnot to malloc giving you memory on an old page
21:53:58Araqso what do you do with a malloc that sometimes returns NULL and sometimes your program will crash instead?
21:54:42Araqand even if it always returns NULL how do you handle "out of stack space"?
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21:56:06renesacunless you do recursion, you are unlikelly to hit the stack limit
21:56:14renesacor alloca, or something funky
21:56:25renesacif you do recursion, you can limit the recursion depth
21:56:57Araqfixed size arrays on the stack are very common in C since it's the only automatic form of memory management that you can get
21:57:56Araq*of automatic memory management
21:58:12renesacwell, tests should ideally trigger excessive use of the stack in that way
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21:58:50renesacif they go to the end of a non-recursive algorithm
21:59:19Araqbut didn't you argue for the rare case where you suddenly have a 1 GB char array at runtime? :P
21:59:32renesacit might not be rare
21:59:44Araq(which escaped your testing?)
21:59:48renesacthe program may be designed to work with chunks of 1GB
22:00:16Araqsure, you can have almost 4 of these after all
22:00:33Araqsounds like a common and reasonable "design"
22:00:49renesacit can work with only one such chunk at a time to process a bigger file
22:00:55renesacfor example
22:01:20EXetoCon 32-bit systems with <4GB? is that not rare? and what about opt-out?
22:01:39EXetoCwell, any system with a relatively low amount of RAM
22:01:43renesacEXetoC: I don't know why to introduce that complexity in the first place
22:02:26renesacand C is normally used when you are close to the limits of the machine, and want that extra memory efficiency/performance
22:02:41renesacI hope to use nim in those cases too
22:03:04DemosJust try allocateing a 1GB array. even on a 64bit machine there is a great chance you won't get 1G from one call you malloc
22:03:26AraqDemos: did you try it?
22:03:43DemosI have yeah, I depends on the system
22:03:52DemosI remember windows bailing out pretty quick
22:04:46Araqcommonly overlooked is also that with a shared memory for the graphics card a good chunk of the address space is taken from you
22:08:19Araqrenesac: but let me put it this way: bug detected because <can fail under these rare circumstances> --> low priority
22:08:41Araqbug detected under these rare circumstances that *actually* happened --> high priority
22:09:49Araqand no "I constructed test cases so it *actually* happened" doesn't count.
22:10:12renesacok, what I don't agree is putting arbitrary limits on newSeq, etc
22:10:39renesacI know you like those "arbitrary but deterministic" limits though
22:12:09Araqmaybe it's because I wrote web crawlers for quite some time. The least thing you want is that the "crawler works with 1 GB HTML files but it kills your throughput"
22:13:21Araqinstead you want "reject this piece of garbage, we have 1 million pages left to crawl"
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22:16:51dgellowIs there an option to specify to the compiler a build directory ? Something like `nim c -outputDir:./build/ test.nim` that generates a 'test' binary into ./build dir
22:17:02Araqdgellow: --nimcache:foo
22:17:44Araqand --out:testbinary but --out picks the wrong directory iirc
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22:21:18dgellow--nimcache only changes the output dir of C files. Not the one for the generated binary.
22:21:39Araqyes, for that we have --out
22:22:13dgellowyeah, I already knew about --out, but I don't want to specify the name of the binary.
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