<< 14-01-2024 >>

00:19:14*advesperacit quit ()
00:24:52FromDiscord<khazakar> In reply to @hotdog6666 "https://github.com/ajusa/dekao seems to be": Thanks, saved
00:25:00*tiorock joined #nim
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01:27:41FromDiscord<nnsee> In reply to @raul8244 "thats is pretty much": he mentioned three languages in that sentence brother, which one do you mean
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01:43:43*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
02:06:09FromDiscord<ieltan> it seems like the nimble.directory domain has an outdated cert https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1195911701216895037/image.png?ex=65b5b690&is=65a34190&hm=6304f508c62d76dfb1ebe96fbf2a5536d99e006a66bbbe7dd0ca2d3c5c75b37b&
02:20:22FromDiscord<nasuray> You can search on https://nimpkgs.dayl.in in the mean time 😛
02:25:10FromDiscord<ieltan> In reply to @nasuray "You can search on": thanks for the link, didnt know about it until now... 🙂
02:41:37*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
03:01:21*rockcavera joined #nim
03:41:36*dude10 joined #nim
03:42:28dude10Is there a way to execute another binary during an execution?
04:03:22*jmdaemon joined #nim
04:17:41*dude10 quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
05:18:07*azimut quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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06:08:32*zgasma quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
06:27:54FromDiscord<ajusa> In reply to @hotdog6666 "https://github.com/ajusa/dekao seems to be": time to officially publish it and include some docs I guess haha
06:29:41Amun-Radude10: https://nim-lang.org/docs/osproc.html#execCmd%2Cstring
06:32:08FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> In reply to @dude10 "Is there a way": for most scripting things `os.execShellCmd` might be the solution, since it doesn't eat the output↵for more powerful usage, like controlling the process itself, `osproc.execCmd` is the alternative
06:32:59FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> I've needed execCmd ocassionally, but 90% of usecases tend to be running shell commands (at least for me)
06:38:31*azimut quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
09:18:16*baalajimaestro quit (Remote host closed the connection)
09:39:21*advesperacit joined #nim
09:54:01*tinystoat quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:14:30*jmdaemon quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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12:48:04FromDiscord<khazakar> In reply to @ajusa "time to officially publish": Would be useful 😄
12:50:26FromDiscord<khazakar> In reply to @nasuray "You can search on": It have one advantage tho - promotes usage of atlas 😉
12:56:55FromDiscord<Yardanico> !approve
12:58:38FromDiscord<matrix-t2bot> @Tiberium:matrix.org on matrix would like to bridge this channel. Someone with permission to manage webhooks please reply with `!matrix approve` or `!matrix deny` in the next 5 minutes.
12:58:44FromDiscord<Yardanico> !matrix approve
12:58:44FromDiscord<matrix-t2bot> Thanks for your response! The matrix bridge has been approved.
12:58:55FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> We're back in business
12:58:56FromDiscord<Phil> Hopefully
12:59:11FromDiscord<Phil> All good again on main!
13:02:27FromDiscord<Phil> Hmm there's no way to check if a thread-variable was ever had createThread called upon it (even if the thread has died since then), correct?
13:05:24FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> Wait, what am I talking about, there might not be but I can do that.
13:05:34FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> Given threadbutlers startup/shutdown events
13:10:12FromDiscord<Yardanico> <bridge test, please ignore>
14:04:01FromDiscord<nasuray> In reply to @khazakar "It have one advantage": Also version histories (to the extent folks tag their repos).
14:30:58NimEventerNew thread by Angluca: How to easy create and init a large array? Its have values, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/10872
14:56:11*azimut joined #nim
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18:35:17NimEventerNew thread by Isofruit: What are your options for dealing with leaks in asyncCheck under arc?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/10873
18:45:43Amun-Rais there a way to append to gcc.options.always in config.nims?
18:45:48Amun-Raor read one?
18:46:19Amun-RaI mean an equivalent for nim.cfg: gcc.options.always %= "${gcc.options.always} …"
18:47:10Amun-RaI can have switch "gcc.options.always", "foo" but consecutive switch will override any previous calls
18:47:34Amun-RaI guess the only way is to concat all the options in some string, then call switch
19:09:03FromDiscord<leorize> you can just use nim.cfg, it's faster to parse anyways
20:06:28Amun-RaI ported most of my config.nims to nim.cfg, the rest uses things not available in cfg (checking NimMajor, "path".exists, etc.)
20:22:45*lucasta joined #nim
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20:56:49FromDiscord<Phil> Yo termer, you present?
21:05:42FromDiscord<queebee> How could I iterate over the colors since `colorNames` is not exported? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/colors.nim#L148
21:09:13FromDiscord<intellij_gamer> You could import it like `import std/colors {.all.}` and then iterate over `colorNames`
21:17:12*egor_ joined #nim
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21:30:38Amun-Raor even: from std/colors {.all.} import colorNames
21:38:26FromDiscord<Phil> `{.all.}` has become so important to me even though it really, really shouldn#t have
21:39:15FromDiscord<Phil> But it's the only thing you can do when somebody decides it's a good idea to define thread-variables and then doesn't define a proc that can be explicitly called to clean it up (destructor doesn't work here, destructor's don't get called at the end of a thread on its thread variables).
21:40:39Amun-RaI haven't needed threads in any nim project yet
21:46:46FromDiscord<leorize> but it's nim fault though \:p↵(@Phil)
22:01:51*jjido joined #nim
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22:12:34*lucasta quit (Quit: Leaving)
22:24:32termerPil, What's up
22:25:02termer"intellij_gamer" lol at your username
22:25:40FromDiscord<Phil> Cheers, just wanted to ask given your forum post if you ever made a custom event-loop using chronos that did polling + other things inside an event-loop
22:28:36entikanI called my panda3d boilerplate panduhr. https://codeberg.org/entikan/panduhr
22:28:39entikanget it
22:59:47FromDiscord<intellij_gamer> In reply to @termer ""intellij_gamer" lol at your": haha, finally someone appreciates it
23:13:37*disso-peach joined #nim
23:21:36termerPhil, I've never done that with Chronos
23:24:01*jjido quit (Quit: My laptop has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
23:25:42entikanhttps://github.com/inim-repl/INim does this project mean an interpreted nim is possible?
23:26:33FromDiscord<leorize> it's always possible, but not because of that project
23:26:57FromDiscord<leorize> that project more or less just create a file with your code then just keep adding line by line, compiling and running it each time
23:27:35entikanoh :(
23:28:02entikanhas anyone done some interpreted nim? (not sure if this is swearing in church lol)
23:28:13FromDiscord<leorize> `nim secret`
23:28:29FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> nim secret is the VM, not a full repl, that's a nim subset
23:28:32FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> there is nlvm
23:28:39FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> Which is also not really an accurate repl
23:28:47FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> Since you can redefine let variables and potentially other stuff
23:28:54FromDiscord<Phil (he/him)> But it's sorta kinda there (?)
23:29:03FromDiscord<leorize> nim secret is only limited by the nim VM itself tbf
23:29:20FromDiscord<leorize> if anyone extends the VM it would be able to do everything
23:30:12entikanoh cool. so in the future it might be possible to switch between interpreted development and compiled deployment, or am I then oversimplifying?
23:30:46termerDepends on what you need
23:30:52termersome programs can work like that
23:31:07termerSome things will never work in the VM, like .emit
23:31:10FromDiscord<leorize> if this future is more than 10 years then maybe
23:32:05entikannoice. I'll look into it for a bit. I'm usually not doing anything fancy with panda3d.
23:32:16entikanbut the bindings might be...
23:32:50termerbindings won't work
23:32:58termeryou can't call out to native code
23:33:05entikanah of course
23:33:33termerif you want to improve compilation time and make your feedback loop faster, compile your core to a shared library and then import it
23:33:39termerThere's a project called Genny which makes this easier
23:35:50entikanpanda3d is cpp though. But that does look interesting.
23:36:05termerC++ shouldn't factor into it
23:36:15termerthat'll work as long as it exports a C ABI
23:36:27termerbut Genny handles most of that for Nim bindings
23:36:37termerbasically the idea is Nim to Nim bindings
23:37:01termerso it takes a Nim project, compiles it to a shared library, and then produces the necessary Nim bindings for that shared library to transform it back into a natural Nim interface
23:37:05termerthat's how it's supposed to work, anyway
23:37:09termerI haven't personally used it
23:38:07entikanI wonder how much that would speed this up.
23:38:42entikanhonestly it's not bad now, but it's of course not instantanious as with a interpreted language :P
23:42:50termerI recommend talking to jmgomez and reading some of the stuff he's written about improving Nim times
23:42:58termerhe's the author of NimForUE https://github.com/jmgomez/NimForUE
23:43:12termerhe's done a lot of work into optimizing it to be fast in its compilation
23:51:08*advesperacit quit ()