<< 14-02-2019 >>

00:04:20FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> Vokoscreen is cool for screencasts if you like lighweight tools.
00:04:57*leorize quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
00:05:11FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> Anyways, share the linky when its released. :P
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02:01:14FromGitter<gogolxdong> https://github.com/gogolxdong/mdc-nim/
02:09:58FromGitter<gogolxdong> Standard Material Design Component implentation in Nim. Button basically works and need polishing animation active state between every two click in one interval, which is defined 300ms in mdc.
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03:02:29*banc quit (Quit: Bye)
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03:23:02ryukopostingjuan_carlos: I love my simple tools! never heard of vokoscreen, what's it like
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03:36:14shashlickdang stuck with a memory corruption issue
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04:29:07FromGitter<Varriount> Shashlick: Have you tried valgrind?
04:49:23shashlicknot on nim apps yet
04:49:40shashlicki figured out how to avoid the corruption but no idea why it is happening yet
04:50:06shashlickanother new headache is my dlls are still in use after unloadLib
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06:34:59FromDiscord_<citycide> ryukoposting: quality video, thanks for putting that together. I see you're also in the MN metro, small world I guess
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06:40:29FromDiscord_<citycide> and that animated bracket matching is rad, I want that in vs code now ha
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07:20:44narimiranryukoposting: very nice video!! keep 'em coming!
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09:38:29jugash[m]does nim have good meta-programming facilities?
09:39:04jugash[m]and concurrency primitives?
09:46:38Zevvmetaprogramming goes all the way, you can even rewrite your AST at compile time
09:46:55ZevvConcurrency primitives are threads, thread pools, async networking
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09:55:01FromGitter<mratsim> tbh, I don't think there is any typed language with metaprogramming as first class as in Nim
09:55:28FromGitter<mratsim> threads is not concurrency ;). Async is.
09:56:01FromGitter<mratsim> Actually async is implemented completely via macros as a library. It's a compiler provided construct.
09:56:05FromGitter<mratsim> it's not*
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10:02:51FromGitter<alehander42> :D
10:02:52FromGitter<alehander42> ops
10:03:09FromGitter<alehander42> yeah probably rust has kinda good metaprogramming\
10:03:17FromGitter<alehander42> but afaik its token-based mostly (?)
10:03:29FromGitter<alehander42> which is probably not so useful often and maybe a bit harder
10:03:52FromGitter<alehander42> does haskell have some btw? i've heard of template haskell
10:12:47FromGitter<alehander42> but no idea how it wor
10:12:48FromGitter<alehander42> ks
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11:03:16FromGitter<mratsim> Template Haskell is quite separated though, not sure how the Haskell communities view it
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11:28:16FromGitter<alehander42> but is it an extension
11:28:23FromGitter<alehander42> or a preprocessor
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11:35:18FromGitter<mratsim> extension
11:35:23FromGitter<mratsim> you work on Haskell AST
11:37:36FromGitter<mratsim> this seems like a good intro: https://medium.com/@zw3rk/template-haskell-75c7b67f9718
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13:12:07FromGitter<Vindaar> @yglukhov, @Araq: regarding `when nimvm` in that json@CT PR. `nimvm` cannot be used within a type definition, correct? But I can neither declare a `BaseLexer `type both for `nimvm` and else because that gives me a redeclaration error. So how do I avoid adding another type?
13:14:14Araqadd the fields you need to the existing type?
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13:43:02FromGitter<theretromaniac> Hello. I was wondering why nim doesn't have more options for web development?
13:45:10FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> options?.
13:45:43FromGitter<theretromaniac> Except jester.
13:46:04FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> You have a basic server on std lib.
13:46:27FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> You have a more complete solution on NimWC.
13:48:14FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> Theres another I never remember the name too.
13:52:11FromGitter<Vindaar> @Araq: sorry, was afk. The thing is I'm just using different types for the same fields for the VM. So adding other fields seems a bad idea?
13:56:32Araqvindaar: It's certainly better than a new type
13:56:40FromGitter<theretromaniac> Juan carlos : you mean rosecantz or something like this?
13:57:37FromGitter<Vindaar> Hm, ok. My thinking was to rather have an additional type only used at CT instead of fields in every object used at RT, which only have CT meaning
13:58:00PMunchtheretromaniac: well libs and frameworks tend to be created like this: xkcd.com/927/ guess no one has been sufficiently irked to create an alternative to jester yet :P
13:58:45FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> Dont need a ton, need good libs, maintained.
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14:30:57FromGitter<bung87> PMunch https://github.com/PMunch/nimlsp/pull/21
14:34:02PMunchbung87, tbh I'm not entirely sure what that PR is trying to solve
14:36:36FromGitter<bung87> ah it was my experience while using nimlsp with vscode extension
14:38:31narimiran PMunch, while you're here, can you run your binaryparse on nim devel, or is it just something on my end?
14:39:38PMunchbung87, that it randomly crashed and such. If so then that's not good
14:39:43PMunchnarimiran, just a sec
14:40:49PMunchGrabbing latest devel, think it's a while since my copy was fatched
14:46:50PMunchnarimiran, hmm I get Error: internal error: environment misses: :tmp
14:46:56narimiransame here
14:47:11PMunchNot sure why though? Is genSym broken on devel?
14:47:50Araqthere is a bad regression that is hard to fix
14:48:00Araqcaused by a bugfix, as usual
14:50:11PMunchSo.. All libs using genSym are now unfixable?
14:51:01Araqit helps not to re-use the same name too often iirc
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14:53:48Araqbut ofc it's just a workaround until I fix the regression
15:01:27FromGitter<bung87> PMunch I using nimlsp with vscode extension, then I open nimlsp repository, it will takes about minutes for initialize
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15:05:02PMunchHmm, that's not good
15:05:16PMunchHave you been able to trace down what takes time?
15:06:01PMunchSorry, got to go
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15:07:33FromGitter<bung87> since I move `initNimsuggest` to initialize request ,guess maybe compileProject inside `initNimsuggest`
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16:33:18FromGitter<zetashift> I think contributing to jester would be better than starting a new one IMHO. For newcomers it's a lot handier to have 1 go-to instead of just some sprinkled all
16:50:16FromDiscord_<shomodj> anyones know how to detect that file has been deleted while waiting for new does not generate any exceptions
16:57:04Araqbecause unix keeps it alive until you're done with it?
17:01:16FromDiscord_<shomodj> I just keep in a loop to wait for line
17:01:33FromDiscord_<shomodj> btw if I append lines, it only pick up after I call getSize
17:01:52FromDiscord_<shomodj> It just keeps in a loop to wait for line
17:02:03FromDiscord_<shomodj> It just keeps in a loop to wait for a line
17:02:50FromDiscord_<shomodj> I'm writing a nginx log parser to convert access logs to json and I need to detect truncate (which I think getSize will do) but I also need to detect mv of file
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17:25:28FromGitter<mratsim> OS should provide something like fsevent
17:25:30federico3shomodj: if you run "strace -f tail -f foo" you can see it blocking on select() and then doing fstat().
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17:32:31federico3also if the logfiles are large perhaps mmap can be used
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17:54:57FromGitter<mratsim> @Araq @timotheecour re porting halide to Nim (https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer/issues/347), and expression templates in Nim and compiling Nim to Cuda/OpenCL. Here is a proof of concept linearg algebra compiler to Nim code (https://github.com/mratsim/compute-graph-optim/blob/master/e08_DSL_compiler.nim)
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18:02:17narimiranno more [WIP] and [do not merge yet]: https://github.blog/2019-02-14-introducing-draft-pull-requests/
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18:09:58sotrhravenis there a central list of tutorials for nim
18:10:11sotrhravenlike the awesome lists on github
18:10:44narimiransotrhraven: https://nim-lang.org/learn.html
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18:31:07FromDiscord_<shomodj> interesting searching nim docs at https://nim-lang.org/docs/lib.html for fstat does not return posix module
18:33:33Zevvargh, why do "not" and "in" have the same precedence :/. I type 'if not a in {b,c}' too often
18:36:06narimiranZevv: `if a notin {b, c}`
18:36:13FromDiscord_<citycide> Zevv: use `notin` instead?
18:36:46FromDiscord_<citycide> Ah ninja'd by narimiran :)
18:38:37Zevvyeah, I know, I know :)
18:38:51Zevvit's just not in my fingers yet
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18:43:32FromDiscord_<citycide> assert "notin" notin Fingers
18:46:57FromGitter<skellock> citycide: oh geez man
18:48:40Zevvpun notin tended
18:56:09*Snircle quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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19:09:48FromGitter<alehander42> living in notin gham
19:10:16FromGitter<alehander42> do we have others like this
19:10:25FromGitter<alehander42> e.g. notand
19:10:26FromGitter<alehander42> etc
19:10:34FromGitter<alehander42> bitand ?
19:10:39FromGitter<alehander42> we have isnot
19:10:39FromGitter<alehander42> ?
19:10:44FromGitter<alehander42> huh
19:10:49FromGitter<skellock> `aint`
19:12:29FromDiscord_<Yamaha> Hi
19:12:39FromDiscord_<Yamaha> Iam very new here and bad programming
19:24:41narimiranwe all are, don't worry
19:24:56narimiranmaybe not new, but that other thing ;)
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20:11:25ZevvI'm not sure if what I'm trying to do makes sense; I'd like to have the compiler parse a snippet of Nim code into a tree if NimNodes
20:11:32Zevvwhich I want to go through at run time
20:12:03FromGitter<alehander42> but what would you do with them on runtime
20:12:10ZevvConvert them to Z3 ast
20:12:28Zevvwhich does not exist at compile time
20:13:27FromGitter<alehander42> what does zevv mean btw, it always sounds to me like some kind of lion :D
20:13:50FromGitter<alehander42> ah if it's an actual name, i am sorry
20:13:59FromGitter<alehander42> hmm do you define the z3 ast yourself
20:14:15ZevvNo, it's C external
20:14:38Zevv(Zevv is not my real name, just a nick I picked as a kid)
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20:15:03FromGitter<alehander42> (ah yeah i wondered if it means something, afaik its a hebrew name for wolf, but its probably random)
20:15:12FromGitter<alehander42> well you can just parse the nim code on runtime
20:15:14FromGitter<alehander42> i guess?
20:15:46ZevvIs the Nim lexer/parser available at runtime?
20:16:01FromGitter<alehander42> yes, you can use the compiler as a package or something
20:16:17Zevvoh, that might be an option.
20:17:22Zevvtests/tcompilerapi.nim seems a good start
20:17:50FromGitter<alehander42> God bless you
20:17:55FromGitter<alehander42> i think it's going to be
20:17:58FromGitter<alehander42> a little bit hard
20:18:05FromGitter<alehander42> i remember having a lotr of trouble ..
20:18:14FromGitter<alehander42> while i make it work initially
20:18:15Zevvprobably, but my expectations are low
20:18:25FromGitter<alehander42> but after this it worked great
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20:21:07Zevvwell, that basically works, I can eval
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20:24:28ZevvGod bless me, indeed
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21:32:12shashlickdo I have to do anything special to "free" tables, ref objects, strings, seq[string], HashSet
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21:32:37shashlicki have a leak somewhere and i have a simple loop of loading unloading DLLs
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22:42:08FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10675#issue-253248599
22:42:13FromDiscord_<juan_carlos> Sorry for the huge Diff.
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23:00:02rayman22201Shashlick did you get stacktrace:on working?
23:01:05shashlickno luck, now a am dealing with nonstop crashes
23:01:33shashlickand I've gone over my diff multiple times, but no idea what i've changed to cause everything to go bonkers
23:05:37shashlickwerfault has become my frenemy
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