<< 14-04-2016 >>

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07:15:25yutacncl: to turn off auto indenting for ":" key set:
07:15:30yuta(define-key nim-mode-map ":" nil)
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07:19:10cncloh nice, thanks
07:22:24krux02is that to put in .emacs in global scope?
07:22:38krux02I have the same issue
07:22:47krux02and I actually created an issue on github
07:27:06Xeso I got a really bad idea and am trying to make a template/macro for nim such that you make a "runPython" block and then write raw python code that cpython will execute.
07:27:18Xetemplate doPython(a: expr): expr =
07:27:20Xe echo a.astToStr.unescape
07:27:22Xe execPython a.astToStr.unescape
07:27:26Xe print "hi"
07:27:53Xethe part i'm stuck on is nim trying to type check the contents of the doPython block
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07:41:24def-Xe: you could use a macro and then do something with the ast
07:41:53Xedef-: i just want to get the string representation of the AST under the doPython statement
07:42:07Xeas in raw
07:42:56Xeunless you can do that trivially in a macro and i'm just braindead lol
07:42:58def-macro doPython(a: untyped): stmt = echo a.repr
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09:02:30JohnNovakhi there
09:03:02coffeepothello :)
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09:10:04reactormonkJohnNovak, sup, how do you like nim so far?
09:11:09JohnNovakreactormonk: i like it a lot, but i'm struggling a bit with the OOP parts at the moment
09:11:42reactormonkJohnNovak, don't think OOP too much.
09:12:08reactormonkJohnNovak, toss me a problem you're trying to solve
09:13:30JohnNovakreactormonk: yeah, i'm not a fan of too much OOP either, but a little helps sometimes
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09:25:04ArrrrEverything i used to do with class is now replaced by enum and case objects
09:27:15reactormonkArrrr, also known as ADT
09:28:11reactormonkArrrr, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebraic_data_type
09:28:38CcxCZADTs are handy
09:29:05CcxCZCan we do GADT in nim?
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09:31:13reactormonknot sure, try it
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09:57:03coffeepotis it bad practice in Nim to declare a variable inside a template? https://gist.github.com/coffeepots/6152de375a9f81250f9b1c257aadb890
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10:01:03Araq_coffeepot: yes.
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10:01:36coffeepotAraq_ how come? Polluting scope or some other reason?
10:02:34Araq_it breaks composibility in sublte ways that somebody needs to write a book about
10:03:12coffeepotblimey, okay fair enough!
10:07:32*Arrrr quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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10:09:36reactormonkAraq_, any way to get the zero working? https://gist.github.com/fb4f4f588b5424554ad505e661fc3bff
10:10:36Araq_it helps to know the syntax :P
10:11:13Araq_proc zero[T: seq](): T = discard
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10:13:31reactormonkBest way to do something x times?
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10:24:09veganskAraq_, hi! How can I check the presence of a function with needed signature in macro?
10:27:09Araq_use macros.getType
10:27:29Araq_but I would avoid it. it's bad style.
10:28:30Araq_macros shouldn't impose so many restrictions ("you need to declare a proc with xyz beforehand")
10:28:30reactormonkAraq_, hm. can I do the same thing with int? proc zero[T: int](): T = 0
10:28:40Araq_reactormonk: yes
10:29:12reactormonkhttps://gist.github.com/ed4fab889181509b090bec12efb7cef3 gives me monoid.nim(7, 26) Error: type mismatch: got (int literal(0)) but expected 'seq[int]'
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10:31:09Araq_zero[T]() # is the call syntax
10:31:25reactormonkmonoid.nim(12, 12) Error: ambiguous call; both monoid.zero() and monoid.zero() match for: ()
10:32:15Araq_get rid of these:
10:32:18Araq_proc zero[T]: T
10:32:18Araq_proc add[T](a, b: T): T
10:32:44Araq_oh and for zero you should use typedesc, otherwise you cannot overload properly :P
10:35:42veganskAraq_, I want to create compile time serializer that can be customized via function declaration
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10:38:27Araq_vegansk: valid use case I guess ;-)
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10:38:44Araq_watch out what you handle nnkSymChoice properly then
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10:40:27reactormonkAraq_, how would I use typedesc here? proc zero[T: typedesc : seq] ?
10:40:48reactormonkah nope, typedesc[seq]
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10:48:51reactormonkhttps://gist.github.com/cab00e6420d9f0074f39cd67bf908067 gives me monoid.nim(17, 14) Error: type mismatch: got (int literal(3), int literal(3))
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11:25:38dom96hello guys
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11:25:52coffeepothey dom96 :)
11:27:10dom96Really nice comparison between Go's interfaces and Nim's type classes: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11495570
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11:29:49coffeepot"Nim has generics but doesn't have interfaces, which makes things even worse in my opinion" but nim has late binding on generics which i often find meand i dont even need interfaces
11:30:15reactormonkstructural typing means you don't need interfaces.
11:30:36dom96and you can emulate interfaces with closures ;)
11:35:43coffeepotah sounds like i meant structural typing too rather than late binding which appears to be done at run time
11:36:10coffeepoti love this about nim
11:39:01coffeepotare there any other compiled languages that have this feature?
11:41:40ArrrrIs nim always discussed in HN ?
11:42:04dom96Arrrr: not really, why?
11:42:31ArrrrEvery link discussing nim here comes always from HN
11:43:06dom96HN discusses new technologies a lot
11:43:33ArrrrI see
11:45:39ArrrrShould nim have interfaces?
11:47:06dom96perhaps, but implemented using macros
11:52:51*niv hmms
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11:55:16nivcan anyone tell me why this doesn't work? https://gist.github.com/niv/09820260f74df345ada38354c7c947af
11:55:30nivoh, it's for asynchttpserver, of course
11:55:59ephjais there much of a point in trying to remain compatible with releases before 1.0?
11:56:06ephjaa package can't depend on a specific branch, right?
11:56:15ephjathat would have made it easier
11:57:08ephjagist wants to run flash? :E
11:57:45nivprobably for copy/paste plugin
11:58:57nivah, i think i figured it out. my client was just disconnecting again after the headers came in
12:00:02fredrik92argh... when your download is so slow because the server you are downloding from, can only serve you the file at 13.7 MiB/sec... -.-
12:00:34niv100mbit plebians unite?
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12:02:14fredrik92well, I'm sitting on the university backbone => 1 GBit/sec down and up
12:03:00niv100mbit isnt exactly a slouch though even for todays standards
12:03:03fredrik92kinda weird feeling when your HDD becomes the I/O bottleneck instead of the NIC... :O
12:03:48nivthe obvious answer is NVMe :)
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12:11:06ephjafredrik92: oh man. life is tough :p
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12:54:04Varriount_dom96, Arrrr: The most ubiquitus and binary-friendly way to implement interfaces is as a structure containing function pointers. This is what the COM binary interface does.
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13:14:28ArrrrBut then said structure != original object
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13:20:27Varriount_Arrrr: Embed the object in the structure?
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13:21:24Varriount_Arrrr: Or the other way around, and have a child type that hold the interface object in some form.
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13:30:13ArrrrWell, i think that when we talk about interfaces, and oop in general, people expect the same support as in languages such as Java/c#. Otherwise, nobody would care.
13:30:35ArrrrI think people expect to be able to compare one interface and one object based on its identity
13:33:07Varriount_Arrrr: Ugh. The problem with that is that C# and Java interfaces are rather complex behind the scenes, especially when an object implements more than one interface.
13:34:11Varriount_Arrrr: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20040205-00/?p=40733
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13:49:38fredrik92Varriount_: also, marshaling objects to and from COM in e.g. .NET is a pain in the a**!!! Exactly because objects in the CLR aren't actually COM objects...
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15:23:22nivdom96: remember my question about grabbing fds from asynchttp?
15:24:58nivdom96: https://github.com/niv/websocket.nim got a bit carried away. turns out, it's already perfectly possible with the server, and the client part isn't really needed
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15:46:19doeringhow do I cant a pointer to an int and vice versa? The compiler always tells me it's invalid, but I need it.
15:48:08reactormonkdoering, you probably want addr
15:48:22doeringnever mind I found out on my own, I was kind of stupid here
15:49:29doeringreactormonk: It is for an opengl function that takes an address, that actually is used as an offset in the buffer
15:49:39doeringso it's not an address anymore
15:52:56ephjaI dunno why they chose a pointer type
15:53:39doeringI do know, when there is no buffer bound, it is actually use as an in memory pointer
15:56:27Araq_opengl predates sane API design.
15:56:52reactormonkvulkan ftw?
15:59:10*filcuc_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
16:00:17Arrrrmad 90's
16:01:19ephjawhy can't package names contain dashes anymore?
16:03:38def-ephja: probably because identifiers in nim can't
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16:04:08def-to tell apart foo - bar and "foo-bar"
16:06:01dom96niv: awesome
16:06:46dom96because "foo-bar" means "foo minus bar"
16:07:00dom96not "identifier `foo-bar`"
16:07:27dom96hence you cannot call 'module-foo.bar()'
16:07:38dom96hence package names cannot contain dashes
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16:10:27dom96niv: please don't use waitFor like this: https://github.com/niv/websocket.nim/blob/master/websocket/server.nim#L32
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16:11:54nivdom96: await doesnt work in templates
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16:12:40dom96niv: yeah, but using 'waitFor' means that it will make everything run synchronously
16:12:49dom96You should be able to just write 'yield'
16:13:12nivjust for the writes and they're basically free
16:15:13ephjado you need two dependency entries in order to restrict the version to a range?
16:15:35dom96niv: even so, using waitFor like that could be dangerous
16:15:40ephjafor a nimble package, in case it wasn't obvious
16:16:14dom96ephja: foo >= 0.3 & <= 0.5 ?
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16:19:59ephjawhat about specific branches? otherwise it's not worth trying to remain compatible with both releases and devel
16:20:17ephjabut that's too much work anyway if the project in question isn't small
16:21:26dom96ephja: foo#branch
16:22:46cheatfateAraq_, do you make all windows staff in asyncdispatch?
16:23:30Araq_no, I patched it a bit, perhaps. it's mostly Varriount's and dom96's work
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16:24:10federico3version locking is not without drawbacks: it encourages developers to break backward compatibility (without doing smooth transitions), and removes the need to update code to be compatible with newer releases
16:24:17cheatfateis it possible in github to check author of specified line in file?
16:26:21ArrrrWho do you want to kill?
16:27:21dom96cheatfate: click the 'blame' button
16:27:35dom96It's likely that I wrote it heh
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16:29:31dom96cheatfate: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blame/devel/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim
16:29:34cheatfatedom96, i just want to talk about situation when WSARecv returns 0 (operation completed immediately)
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16:30:31cheatfatewindows has macro `hasoverlappediocompleted()`
16:30:54cheatfateit checks overlapped structure member .Internal to be equal with STATUS_PENDING
16:31:35cheatfateso if this member has STATUS_PENDING, than overlapped io operation is still pending
16:31:38cheatfatebut WSARecv returns 0
16:33:15cheatfatethe problem is in handling this (completed immediately)
16:33:53cheatfatebecause nim's asyncio uses inplace callback handling it causes a problems i think
16:33:57cheatfateor can cause problems
16:34:01cheatfatein future
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16:37:17cheatfatei'm googling and trying to find information about how to properly handle this (completed immediately) and there no precision info about that
16:38:52ephjafederico3: maybe if it's restricted to specific minor or patch version ranges
16:40:34ephjawhat about (foo >= 1.0 & < 2.0)? I guess it depends on the project size and the importance of stability
16:41:23federico3ephja: that would be a more reasonable tradeoff, *if* packages envforce semantic versioning
16:42:38federico3...and nimble filters only on major versions
16:44:20ephja"for example: > 0.2 & < 1.0 which will install a package with the version greater than 0.2 and less than 1.0." so, this example is partially redundant?
16:44:22dom96cheatfate: why do you think it can cause a problem?
16:45:05dom96"and nimble filters only on major versions", what do you mean by that?
16:46:55federico3dom96: that the version locking can specify foo >= 1 & < 2 to lock down on the major
16:47:28federico3(under the assumption that SemVer is being followed)
16:47:33dom96yes, it can. But you said 'nimble filters *only*'.
16:48:05nivdom96: sorry, had to go away for a bit. how would i go about using yield? just use that instead of waitFor?
16:48:06dom96Nimble resolves the dependency versions based on what you tell it
16:48:33dom96niv: yeah, should work. You could also just not use a template, it's not really necessary, is it?
16:48:40federico3that's, the point: encourage users not to pin down versions restrictively
16:48:41nivits not, but its pretty :p
16:50:02federico3e.g. nimble would refuse to do >= 0.0.1, < 0.3.7 unless overridden with a special flag
16:51:04ephjabut not for < x.0?
16:51:16dom96federico3: ahh, okay. Yes, we need a new syntax for semver. As with many things, there is already an issue for it... https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/130
16:56:36ephjaI wonder how many people are actually going to rely on minor version ranges
17:02:14ephjabut I don't mind having restrictive defaults. it would be trivial to circumvent it
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17:35:08nivdom96: https://github.com/niv/websocket.nim/blob/master/websocket/server.nim better?
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17:36:08dom96niv: yep :)
17:45:01cheatfatedom96, is it possible to find where exception was generated in async?
17:46:34cheatfatedom96, i just want to find where this exception was generated
17:47:06dom96Here I think: https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/a099938fce63768948461224634cbdfc#file-exception-txt-L51
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17:48:10cheatfatebut line 208 [var recvIntoFut = recvInto(socket.fd.AsyncFD, buf, size, flags)]
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17:49:28cheatfatei think this error was generated by mine anotify but i couldn't find it
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17:51:00dom96the next line the traceback should show you a line number but instead shows it in system.nim, I guess because of some template
17:51:20dom96but look up what's on that line in system
17:51:23dom96might give you a clue
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17:53:09cheatfatesystem.nim[2510] in [template newException*(exceptn: typedesc, message: string): expr =] -> e.msg = message
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17:54:50dom96oh :\
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18:02:42ephjais that template needed anymore?
18:12:20ephjayeah it's better to have it
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18:12:36ephjawould typedesc[ExceptionConcept] work?
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18:13:38nivdom96: you think i should publish that thing on nimble?
18:14:15dom96niv: go for it :)
18:14:30ephjasomething like that should make nim more appealing
18:14:42nivits not RFC-complete yet though
18:14:46ephjahas anyone added a canvas interface yet?
18:16:08ephjathat's fine. just start at version 0.1
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18:21:52ephjaHTML5 canvas (graphics API)
18:22:58cheatfatedom96, so you cant help me with place where exception was generated?
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18:23:48dom96cheatfate: do you see any newException() calls in recvInto proc?
18:25:40nivbah nimble didnt remember my access token
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18:28:02cheatfatedom96, asyncdispatch is really unpredictable, i just added "echo()" near exception generations in recvInto and got absolutely another error
18:29:03cheatfatedom96, it looks like asyncdispatch didn't allow any modifications for it and will work only with its current state...
18:29:35cheatfatedom96, and this is not good, imho
18:34:25cheatfatedom96, if you remember https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3919, this happens only because of handling "immediate completion". If you will start to ignore "immediate completion" you will not get stack overflow i think
18:37:57doeringwhen I have examples that can make the compiler segfault, or generate invalid c code, where should I post them?
18:39:26cheatfatedoering, fill an issues on github
18:39:47cheatfatedoering, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues
18:42:22ArrrrWould be nice if the compile told you why certain identifier is ambiguous, like "moduleA.myId, moduleB.myId"
18:42:27ephjawill the tuple shortcut ever work with named fields ((x: T, y: U))?
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18:53:09ArrrrDoesn't it work?
18:57:23Arrrrlike, let a = (x: 123, y: 456) ?
19:01:20ephjaI was referring to tuple types. maybe it would be a bad idea to support "var a: (x: int, y: int)" too
19:02:01ArrrrYes, i'd prefer to define vars like a: (x, y: int)
19:03:14ephjawas that a typo?
19:03:41ephja"let a: (x: int, y: int) = (x: 1, y: 2)"
19:04:21Arrrrfrom tuple[x, y: int] -> (x, y: int)
19:04:35ArrrrBut now that i think about it, anon procs may conflict
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19:12:27ephjayglukhov: just when I was checking out nimsl. hi
19:12:30ephjainteresting project
19:16:49cheatfatedom96, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3919
19:21:19dom96Are you sure the crash doesn't simply disappear because you removed the code which receives the data?
19:21:34yglukhovephja: hey, thanks =). still needs some more love, but a nice proof of concept =)
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19:44:52ephjayglukhov: ok. can basic mvp shaders for OpenGL 3 be created?
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19:47:56ephjaI don't see out/in in the output, so maybe not
19:48:52doeringthe problem with nimsl is, that shader stages do not really map very well to functions
19:49:31doeringso it's more a proof of concept, that the nim expressions can be translated into glsl, but for the rest of it, you need more
19:50:20yglukhovephja, well, you can define attributes and uniforms and varyings to the "main" function, so yes. but uniform samplers are not supported yet. and also there needs to be another way of defining uniforms/varyings/attributes conditionnaly. I know the way how to get it done, but its just not there yet.
19:51:22doeringyglukhov, I have support for uniforms varyings attributs samplers instancing in my shader macro
19:51:27doeringand it works
19:51:56yglukhovdoering, can you show it please? =)
19:52:14doeringyes if you are willing to spend some time
19:52:41doeringto get it runnig it needs some time, but you can see the examples if you want
19:53:02yglukhovyeah, i just want to get the basic feeling of how it looks like
19:53:22doeringI have no readme yet or any explanation
19:53:30doeringbut in examples you can see a bit
19:54:34doeringsandbox.nim is probably the best to get started
19:55:01doeringdeferred_shading.nim is also worth looking at
19:55:16doeringand mesh_loading_tiny.nim
19:55:35doeringthe rest is just something i started that doesn't work at all
19:56:26doeringIn deferred shading, there is a classical deferred shading pipeline, with hundreds of lights that get rendered with instancing
19:58:23yglukhovah neat. but the main idea of my nimsl project is using nim instead of glsl + ability to run shader code on the cpu + ability to reuse nim procs in both nim code and shader code. it seems like we have different points.
19:59:12doeringnot really
19:59:50ephjaok but attribute and varying were deprecated at some point, right? but I guess it's not difficult to migrate to in/out
19:59:56doeringthere is no reason, why I wouldn't be able to integrate nimsl in my project, too
20:00:06doeringthe projects to orthogonal things
20:00:16doeringand I think together they would really be good
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20:01:15doeringyes if you are interested to use any core opengl (3.2 onwards) you need to use in/out
20:01:32ephjaI'll keep an eye on the libraries
20:01:50doeringbut the proc is still called glAttrib
20:02:24yglukhovtrue. my point is codegen, while your point is cpu+gpu interop. there's no conflict here =)
20:02:31doeringyou can staar it ;)
20:02:32ephjaI'd like to use vulkan when a driver becomes available, but GLSL can still be used, right?
20:02:59ephjaI have starred them
20:03:23yglukhovdoering: do older gl versions allow in/out?
20:03:39doeringsorry old opengl does not support in/out
20:05:11yglukhovok, different codegen behavior then. im writing a game now, and targeting gl es 2.0, so can't use in/out unconditionally
20:06:08yglukhovbut it should be easy to handle anyway
20:06:12doeringMy goal is to make advanced features of the rendering pipeline easy to use
20:06:34doeringso I do not target old opengl versions
20:07:08yglukhovand my goal is to replace glsl (and maybe hlsl) with nim
20:07:13doeringbut since everything is macro based, there should be an opetion, that the generated parts of glsl are glsl 1.2 compatible
20:09:51doeringI could allow an optional argument to the macro that sets the shader version
20:10:37doeringand with your library I would import nim function in the glsl code
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20:25:29doeringyglukhov: I made some screenshots http://imgur.com/a/h9uwi
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20:33:07cheatfatedom96, please check first post in issue and you will see "(1874 calls omitted) ..." and i'm not deleted code which receiving data i have deleted code which i have marked...
20:33:24cheatfatedom96, removed code if just duplication of code in callback
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21:16:36dom96cheatfate_: I know that the code which you deleted is only the highlighted code. But deleting that code will prevent the future from completing and thus can prevent the data from being received.
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21:22:58cheatfate_dom96, you think, if WSARecv completed immediatly with "0" result your callback will not be called?
21:24:00cheatfate_dom96, but you must read your comment at https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim#L766-L768
21:24:47cheatfate_dom96, because callback would be called even if WSARecv completed immediately
21:28:09cheatfate_dom96, this is patch which works correct https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/95cf1abb158688adbd07bf26f5040f05/revisions
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22:46:08federico3there seems to be no way to remove data from a Stream - what should I use as a fifo buffer?
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