<< 14-08-2016 >>

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04:47:29ldleworkTrioxin: oh you're here nm
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09:20:28cheatfatedom96, do we use SSLv1/v2/v3 for ssl connections?
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09:38:30dom96cheatfate: the default is `protSSLv23` which IIRC means "pick whatever is best from SSlv2,3 and TLSv1"
09:42:28*dashed quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
09:46:52cheatfatewe need to change defaults :(
09:47:10dom96federico3: Thank you for writing that release shell script, but why not turn it into a NimScript? :)
09:47:25dom96cheatfate: please create a PR
09:48:06federico3no way, why nimscript for this use case?
09:49:26dom96because we all love nim, why not NimScript?
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10:18:28federico3because it can be tweaked and run on a buildbot that does not have a copy of Nim on it yet
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11:00:00cheatfatedom96, could you please check version of your openssl
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11:00:36dom96cheatfate: any ideas how I can do that?
11:00:45cheatfateopenssl version
11:00:52cheatfatein command line?
11:01:10dom96federico3: okay, just a suggestion.
11:01:40dom96cheatfate: ugh, why isn't it "-v" or "--version"? Anyway, it's: OpenSSL 0.9.8zh 14 Jan 2016
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11:10:54dom96cheatfate: so it's just my old OpenSSL version then?
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11:18:19cheatfatedom96, yep but its because of changing defaults in openssl too
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12:11:11dom96cheatfate: so can we fix it?
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12:12:21cheatfatedom96, ssl deprecated, but 0.9.8zh has only TLSv1_method, my version has TLSv1_1_method, TLSv1_2_method
12:12:54cheatfateso i dont know how exactly fixit on openssl 0.9.8
12:13:14cheatfatei think its better to check version and make error on usage of old openssls
12:13:27dom96I think it's fine
12:13:36dom96This way it still works for websites which support the deprecated SSL
12:13:48dom96and it also works when you update your openssl
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12:24:09cheatfateif you want to support deprecated SSL then there no errors...
12:24:55cheatfatebecause most modern sites will give you an error like you had
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12:56:08cheatfatedom96, please try https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4616
12:56:12cheatfateis it helps?
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13:10:51cheatfatedom96, same error or another?
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13:11:31dom96cheatfate: same
13:22:28cheatfatedom96, is what i read you need at least 1.0.1 and nothing can be made with 0.9.8 branch
13:22:47dom96okay, that's fine
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14:04:30bodie_I'm having a hard time assessing whether Nim is something to invest in
14:05:00bodie_I just discovered it the other day and while the community seems enthusiastic (yay) I don't have a good read on its uptake / survivability
14:05:18bodie_there are a bunch of HN posts from about a year and a half ago
14:06:42bodie_can anyone help clarify?
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14:20:29federico3bodie_: either the language is past the first hype peak (or it's dying already). The new fundraising is doing well so there's hope
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14:34:33dom96bodie_: hey! I think that Nim's resilience should give you some confidence in it.
14:34:40dom96And things are certainly improving
14:34:56dom96I'm writing a book about Nim and it should be printed by early next year
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14:41:04flyxbodie_: well the survivability of mankind also does not seem likely, but I invest in it nonetheless. okay, more seriously: the community is big enough and the development is steady, what do you miss for `survivability`?
14:45:49bodie_LOL flyx :)
14:46:40bodie_well, I just don't want to put a bunch of time and code in only to have my dependencies rot and compiler bugs go unfixed, etc, sometime down the line after I put a bunch in
14:47:51flyxthe only way to fix that is to have some big company behind the language, which is unlikely to happen, I guess
14:48:45flyxotoh, as I said, the risk does not seem to be that high
14:49:08bodie_Solution: I'll make a giant successful Nim project and get super rich and become a leading sponsor!
14:49:15flyxyeah, do that
14:49:51bodie_dom96, one thing I noticed is that the language itself seems pretty small and maintainable, which appears to be a good thing for its future
14:50:23flyxfeaturewise, I think `small` is not the right word to describe Nim ^^
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14:59:44dom96flyx: bodie_: I think it depends what language you compare it to. I'd say it's small compared to C++ :)
15:00:30dom96bodie_: But honestly, if you like Nim then just write some Nim. Don't worry about its survivability too much.
15:01:06dom96If I worried about that when i started then I wouldn't have written Aporia, Jester, NimForum, NimBuild, https://pokemongostatus.org, Nimble and many other things.
15:01:11flyxdom96: I have written quite some C++ and I do not think it has a lot of features not available in Nim
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15:02:03flyxadmitted, it has a bigger stdlib
15:02:23flyxbut I wouldn't say it is more useful than Nim's :)
15:05:31bodie_C++ has soooooo many features.... that doesn't seem like a good feature of C++ lol
15:05:50bodie_dom96, that's a good perspective to take!
15:08:33flyxhalf of C++ features are cover-ups for bad design decisions taken earlier
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16:58:14bodie_Is this a poor implementation? http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Reverse_words_in_a_string#Nim
16:58:31bodie_it's getting rekt by the Go one
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17:20:12flyxbodie_: well, it certainly does not need two reversed procs
17:25:33bodie_flyx, isn't there also a copy that happens when iterating over a seq?
17:25:42bodie_total Nim n00b here
17:26:01bodie_I'm trying my hand at a rewrite, shaved a couple of seconds off just by making the template string a const array
17:26:22bodie_(on a million iterations, which takes about 17 seconds with optimizations)
17:26:30bodie_takes me*
17:30:33flyxbodie_: here is a faster version: https://gist.github.com/flyx/16467896827edd7b9a3ab8ca0abd5f39
17:30:57flyxor rather, simpler. I wouldn't say it's faster
17:31:55flyxa copy of the value happens when you iterate over a seq
17:32:20flyxbut the code does not iterate over the seq
17:32:50flyxit iterates over the index
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18:00:59chemist69bodie_, flyx: what about using `reversed` from the stdlib: https://glot.io/snippets/ehhur5nlqm
18:02:00flyxchemist69: oh well, I did not know that exists. I would have expected it in sequtils
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18:05:55chemist69The completeness of the stdlib always surprises me as well...
18:08:42VladarAnyone knows some example of a benchmark of iteration over data collections with potentially fragmented memory allocation?
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18:20:36bodie_chemist69, this is my best effort, as a newbie. apparently I did something terribly wrong... :3
18:21:24bodie_(of course, it's not trying to actually echo the results, that's just there at the end to avoid dead code elimination)
18:27:24bodie_for testing against the Go one from Rosetta, I used 10^6 iterations for each
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18:36:58Salewskibodie, what is your goal or problem? I say the example code of flyx, was looking nice.
18:40:41SalewskiWe really should collect such examples somewhere.
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18:53:53chemist69bodie_: I can not really comment your code, I am also still very new to Nim.
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19:01:20Trioxinis there nim for android and/or ios?
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19:03:51Trioxini see an nes emulator but is that compiled to javascript?
19:04:02Trioxinfor phonegap or something?
19:08:02Trioxini see he used javascript but what's it running on?
19:14:03Trioxinman this looks like a huge pain. someone should automate this process
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19:36:24dom96Trioxin: You mean compiling to iOS/Android?
19:36:37dom96Certainly would be nice. But automating such processes is often not so easy.
19:38:22VladarIf nim could easily compile to Android, the Haxe would have a serious competition
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19:47:19dom96Somebody will need to make that happen, I'm sure you could write a tool to make Nim compilation to Android easy.
19:49:22VladarSadly, my knowledge about Android is limited to "how to write a game in Haxe + HaxeFlixel and run the compilation command"
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20:03:12dom96Vladar: Always a good time to learn :)
20:03:39dom96This Gopher client written in Lazarus/Free pascal is pretty cool. Maybe Araq is right and we do need to get Nim supported in Lazarus: http://runtimeterror.com/tools/gopher/
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20:20:16Vladarmm… excellent. My anti-fragmentation dynamically-resizable container appears to be faster than seq in sub-optimal use-cases
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22:29:45cheatfatedom96, about your new issue, http://serverfault.com/questions/764753/ssl-error-in-nginx-log
22:29:59cheatfatei think you need more fresh openssl :)
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22:31:40dom96cheatfate: I don't think that's the issue
22:31:47dom96The server runs Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
22:31:50dom96and it's fully upgraded
22:32:21dom96Does the example work for you?
22:35:12cheatfateError: unhandled exception: error:140E0114:SSL routines:SSL_shutdown:uninitialized [SslError]
22:35:17cheatfatei got another error
22:38:40cheatfatemaybe proxy is down already...
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22:47:58dom96cheatfate: It works via curl
22:48:17dom96so it's not the proxy
22:50:03dom96good night
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23:26:47libmanI'm chatting up Nim advocacy in #GodotEngine and #GodotEngine-devel re http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/2342
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