<< 15-03-2016 >>

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00:17:02Toad__http://pastebin.com/xSg7qymX i'm sure i'm just being an idiot but this isn't woring. C code it's based on is here: https://batchloaf.wordpress.com/2012/04/17/simulating-a-keystroke-in-win32-c-or-c-using-sendinput/
00:18:45Toad__I noticed there's a union in the input type on MSDN, but wasn't sure how to declare that properly.
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00:21:30cheatfate_Toad__, there are some problems with union
00:22:26cheatfate_But better choice to declare windows structs without unions but with fields you need
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00:24:30cheatfate_and also mingw compiler (if you using it) dont properly packing structure members in windows, so check your sizeof() with c's sizeof()
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00:25:58cheatfate_may be this pragma help you in future "{.passC: "-fpack-struct=8".}" - it works only for mingw compiler, if you using visual studio compiler you can avoid this pragma
00:26:46Toad__i am using mingw, would i put that on my type declarations?
00:29:08cheatfate_you can put it in the beginning of your file, this pragma just passing option "-fpack-struct=8" to compiler... but this is my workaround on x64, if you working with 32bits i think it must be "-fpack-struct=4" but i have not test it
00:29:40Toad__i'm on x64 but using 32 bit nim since x64 nim was buggy for me
00:31:47cheatfate_Toad__, working good as for me
00:32:59Toad__It presses the key?
00:33:14PMunchIs there a module to write CSV files?
00:33:17Toad__It compiles for me but it just doesn't press the key.
00:33:24Toad__even runs.
00:33:54Toad__pretty sure there's a csv module on nimble
00:34:09PMunchThere is one to parse csv
00:34:35PMunchOh yea, there is one
00:34:42PMunchSorry for that
00:34:51Toad__All good, glad you got it :)
00:35:53cheatfate_so your source working on win32 and dont working on win64?
00:36:30Toad__naww i think it was just the windows depenency error but i removed x64 nim and installed 32 trying to fix it
00:37:06Toad__i could try installing x64 nim, but everything's been working fine on 32 bit.
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00:38:31cheatfate_I dont think you can sendinput on win64 app from wow64 app
00:39:34cheatfate_or something can be wrong with that
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00:50:43PMunchI'm trying to create an object with a field that holds key value bindings. I found the {"key1": "val1", "key2", "key3": "val2"} syntax which is syntactic sugar for an array constructor. I have been able to take this as a parameter to procs by declaring it as openarray[(string,string)]. However when I try to make a variable of this type or a field in an object I get an error saying invalid type.
00:54:55PMunchI'm guessing this has something to do with heap vs. stack and that setting the type to a type without a static size doesn't work. But how can I fix this? A reference to an openarray?
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00:58:09PMunchAah, found it in the tutorial. Changing the type to sequence (heap based) and adding @ before the allocation worked
00:58:48cheatfate_Maybe its better to use tables?
00:59:11PMunchThat's what I was using. But I couldn't find a way to concatenate them so I figured a seq would be better
01:00:28PMunchHmm, tables are easier to work with though. So maybe I'll just write an iterator that combines two tables
01:06:41Toad__Compiled with x64 and it still doesn't press the key :\
01:08:15cheatfate_pastebin your source please
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01:18:53cheatfate_Toad__, in C sizeof(INPUT) == 40 and after compiling your code sizeof(INPUT) == 32
01:21:14PMunchError: type mismatch: got (OrderedTable[system.string, json.JsonNodeKind], proc (x: (string, JsonNodeKind), y: (string, JsonNodeKind)): int{.gcsafe, locks: 0.})
01:21:14PMunchbut expected one of:
01:21:14PMunchtables.sort(t: var OrderedTable[sort.A, sort.B], cmp: proc (x: (A, B), y: (A, B)): int{.closure.})
01:21:32PMunchWhat am I doing wrong here?
01:22:04PMunchCode is: cs.getFields().sort(proc (x,y: (string, JsonNodeKind)): int = cmp(x[0], y[0]))
01:22:32PMunchwith proc getFields(schema:Schema):OrderedTable[string,JsonNodeKind]
01:25:06cheatfate_Toad__, C compiler 64bit gives me sizeof(INPUT) = 40, 32bit gives me sizeof(INPUT) = 28
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03:22:07gmpreussner_Varriount_, any idea why travis fails on compiling koch?
03:22:23gmpreussner_it seems to work fine when compiling regular nim code
03:24:33gmpreussner_perhaps 'int' is not yet defined when reprEnum is being used?
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04:01:46Varriount_gmpreussner_: No idea.
04:03:05Varriount_Araq: Regarding string & sequence operations, what do you think about using an 'Into' prefix to signify operations that do in-place operations/modify an aready-instantiated variable?
04:09:02gmpreussner_Varriount_, i rewrote the whole thing. should be fixed now.
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04:55:56endragorAraq: any plans to support "macros as pragmas" for types? Seems it is only supported for routines
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15:07:11PMunchFound another bug in the JSON module: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3967
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15:16:13def-PMunch: oh right, forgot about that in my json PR
15:16:32def-I'll fix it
15:19:18def-PMunch: wait, for me they show up as equal
15:19:29def-PMunch: are you using devel branch?
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15:28:02PMunchI'm using 0.13.0
15:28:45PMunchSo it's fixed already, nice. Sorry for the superfluous bug report.
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15:31:50def-PMunch: no problem, better than unreported bugs
15:32:03cheatfate_def-, could you please help me, i want to know if can i make instance of [ptr someobject] like var a = someobject()
15:32:25def-cheatfate_: not sure i understand, a ptr can be to anything
15:32:26cheatfate_if i can is this memory must be dealloced with dealloc()?
15:32:33def-well, depends
15:32:38def-if you allocated it manually, yes
15:32:54def-if it's on the stack you can only use it while that proc hasn't been left
15:32:59cheatfate_manually allocation is like alloc0()
15:33:20cheatfate_or i can just call var a = someobject() and compiler allocate memory for me?
15:33:31def-what's your goal?
15:33:49def-why not use garbage collected memory (ref someobject)?
15:33:51cheatfate_problem is to make singlethread/multithreaded defines
15:34:16def-then you should use allocShared() probably
15:34:26cheatfate_ref memory could not be used in multithreaded environment
15:35:16def-there are some shared data structures in the stdlib btw
15:35:33def-lib/pure/collections/shared{strings,tables}.nim might be of interest
15:36:27cheatfate_thank you
15:37:42def-generally it's a good idea to keep data of different threads separate, makes for cleaner multithreading, but you know about that probably
15:40:29cheatfate_the only problem i have how to fill allocShared object with many values... like we do for ref objects: someObject(key1: value, key2: value)
15:43:29def-easy way is to assign each value manually after allocating it
15:45:49def-like this: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/collections/sharedstrings.nim#L68-L73
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15:47:34def-alternatively you can do result[] = Foo(x: 1, y: 2)
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16:26:23baabelfishdef-: were you a vim user?
16:26:57def-baabelfish: yes
16:27:51baabelfishI'm about to make the first proper release of my nim package, mind testing it out?
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16:28:15baabelfishIn a few days
16:28:40def-I guess. Don't have any experience with neovim yet
16:29:12baabelfishAh, it should also work with normal vim
16:29:39baabelfishAt least the first subset of features
16:30:11baabelfishI also aim to support the new vim channels
16:33:22cheatfate_do we have something like python's subprocess module?
16:34:37def-cheatfate_: osproc?
16:35:26cheatfate_looks like what i need, thanks again
16:36:54adnani have a joke
16:36:55adnanQ: How do you generate a random string?
16:37:04adnanA: Put a Windows user in front of vi, and tell them to exit
16:37:32baabelfishadnan: never heard that before ;D
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16:40:58cheatfate_adnan, i think its only one thing i know about vim, is how to exit :)
16:41:57adnancheatfate_: you know how to enter it as well :p
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19:29:55fredrik92Hi, I'm trying to build nimsuggest to use it in VSCode, but the build fails in Windows...
19:30:56fredrik92There's an issue on GitHub ( https://github.com/nim-lang/nimsuggest/issues/19 ), but is there a way to deal with this in the meantime?
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19:40:22Araqfredrik92: the windows installer comes with a nimsuggest.exe
19:40:31Araqor you can use the compile_without_nimble script
19:40:34fredrik92Ah! Cool
19:40:53Araqor you get the 'plugins' dir from github
19:41:03Araqso that compilation can succeed
19:41:29fredrik92I just realized that my Nim runtime is 64-bit, but my GCC is a MinGW install (-> 32-bit)
19:42:10fredrik92That basically prevents me from compiling anything since Nim and GCC disagree on the size of a pointer ^^
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19:45:58cheatfate_Araq, you know that bundled mingw distro for x64 for some reason has GDB 32bit
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19:46:42Araqcheatfate: all I know is that GDB is bloatware.
19:46:54Araqit comes with a full Python installation.
19:47:13Araqunfortunately I couldn't build LLDB on Windows at all
19:47:31Araqso ... alternatively we could not ship GDB at all
19:47:49cheatfateGDB is only way to debug nim i think
19:48:01fredrik92Visual Studio!!! :-P
19:48:11cheatfatefor some reason msvc debugger do not handle nim lines properly
19:48:24PMunchYes, bundle Visual Studio with Nim, that's a good idea :P
19:49:33fredrik92Well you'd only have to write something that converts the GNU-Debuggings info from GCC into a .pdb file load that PDB in Visual Studio and you're good to go!
19:49:58cheatfateVisual studio debugger is only usefull to debug nim's generated c file
19:50:52cheatfatefredrik92, its funny i think if it will be so easy, than gcc already had pdb support
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19:52:05fredrik92:P I wasn't really serious on it being easy
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19:52:53fredrik92BUT: Microsoft just released its internal quirks on the PDB format a few months ago... It actually used to be a closely guarded secret of Microsoft
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20:02:38fredrik92Araq, can you use the Visual Studio C/C++ Compiler with Nim?
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20:24:49cheatfateon windows vcc compiler working much faster
20:24:55cheatfatethan mingw
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21:29:07Araqfredrik92: that's part of our FAQ iirc
21:29:17Araqyes you can
21:29:56fredrik92I'm sitting with the source code in Visual Studio now...
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21:40:03fredrik92stdlib_times.c(113): error C2065: 'tzname': undeclared identifier
21:40:36fredrik92I guess you have to include some GNU/POSIX compliant headers (that include e.g. timezone information)?
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21:55:34Araqfredrik92: outch, please make a PR
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22:17:18PMunchIs there a way to get the index of a key in an OrderedTable?
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22:45:55fredrik92Araq, kan I create build-command scripts for the Visual Studio compiler? Since the build*.bat still reference GCC?
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23:05:05Araqfredrik92: what do you mean?
23:05:14Araqyou want to generate the bat file for vcc?
23:05:23AraqI dunno if that's possible
23:05:57fredrik92Can try! :-D
23:06:45fredrik92VS2015 deprecates tzname, btw... So I changed it to _tzname and it worked! :-P
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