<< 15-06-2015 >>

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00:48:12dsadsadvikaton, a pure FP language will open your mind and make you a better programmer in general even if you never use it for anything after learning it. General higher level abstractions (functors, monads...) + Immutability + Modeling your domain as types are eye openers imo
00:48:30apensequick question (give me a second to type it) regarding the AST for ranges
00:48:34dsadsadyou can apply all that to C++ or any other language if you want
00:48:41vikatondsadsad: thanks for the insight
00:48:59dsadsadand if you really want to understand it, Haskell is the only choice imo
00:49:11dsadsadotherwise you can always use the escape hatch and not reall understand
00:50:22apense3..5 the documentation leads me to believe it is represented as nnkRange(nnkIntLit(3), nnkIntLit(5))
00:51:21apensebut it really seems like it is nnkInfix(nnkIdent(!".."),nnkIntLit(3),nnkIntLit(5))
00:51:22dsadsadlook at the macro module i think, you can use dumptree if i remember correctly to see the ast representation of expressions
00:51:36apenseyeah dumptree is giving me the latter
00:51:40Demosyou could also just study math
00:51:58dsadsadDemos, you cant execute math
00:52:17DemosI don't really want to execute math tho
00:52:34apenseI actaully can't find nnkRange used anywhere. I'm wondering if it got moved to infix notation to support "..<" or something
00:52:40dsadsadin theory, practice == theory, but in practice , theory != pratice
00:53:07Demosand I don't think that applying haskell knowlege to c++ will result in much better c++ programs, but that's a grump speaking. Def thinking about these things and getting used to math will make you a better programmer
00:53:17Demosthese things being abstractions and proofs
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00:53:50dsadsadit will definitly make your c++ better
00:53:51dsadsadWAY better
00:54:18Demosyou should be damn sure you know what code those FP abstractions are generating
00:54:26Demosis all I'm saying
00:54:38dsadsadyou can look at the source for all of them
00:54:47dsadsadand any book that is worth its salt with explain them
00:54:49Demosc++ tends to encourage really super "abstract", "general", and totally impossible to understand designs
00:55:00Demosso just don't do that
00:55:19Demosbut use the FP stuff when it actually solves the problems you have
00:55:33Demoswe're probably agreeing with each other very loudly rn
00:55:45dsadsadso you disagree with john carmak?
00:55:50apensealgebraic data types alone make Haskell worth the time to learn it
00:55:50dsadsadi guess he doesnt know what hes saying
00:56:26dsadsadapense: +1
00:56:30DemosI think I was agreeing with John carmack
00:56:37dsadsadimmutability by default is worth it too
00:57:03dsadsad+ functors / applicative + monads
00:57:03DemosI think immutability by default is great, but I don't think its nessassary on stack vars
00:57:10dsadsadwould be the main ones + no side effects
00:57:10Demosjust bc they are so limited in scope
00:57:40dsadsadlocal immutability no, but in general yes
00:58:05dsadsada -> b, not a -> io b
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01:09:30ozraDemos: dsadsad: local immutability is great. Use let for most things. Don't fool your self thinking limited scope will not shoot you in the foot ;-)
01:09:55ozra(now, I was ofc tying in the FP debate into Nim... ;)
01:10:13Demosit depends on what kind of program I'm writing
01:10:26dsadsadof course let most thing, only use mut for speed optimization
01:10:28Demosdef use let for constants and stuff, maybe not always for objects
01:10:31dsadsadif you really need it
01:10:48dsadsadbut expose it as immutable
01:11:10DemosI write lots of graphics code and stuff, and yeah ofc exposing mutability on your API is something to do with care
01:11:31Demoslike often needed (you probably want to be able to change the settings of your code)
01:11:32ozralook forward to simpler declaration of purity in different forms in nim. pure funcs will be a start.
01:11:34Demosbut do with care
01:11:47Demoswell we have {.noSideEffect.}
01:11:52Demosbut yeah dat func keyword
01:12:07dsadsadi just use .push noSideEffect
01:12:11ozraDemos: Yeah, lock in as much as possible into a black box. expose some parts, make debug assert helper funcs for accessing it.. etc.
01:12:14dsadsadbut then you have to pop to turn it off T_T
01:12:27Demosyeah asserts are G O D L I K E
01:12:31ozraDemos: yeah - easier/cleaner decl
01:13:13DemosI write with side effects on most of the time, but thats because I'm writing graphics code in nim with a lot of FFI calls and stuff
01:13:34Demos(Incidently this is my main gripe with haskell, its not great at doing graphics stuff)
01:13:55ozrawhen writing blackbox code with procs actually doing side effects.. Then's when it becomes nice to cleanly make as many funcs as possible pure, and clearly so, without long pragmas..
01:14:36ozrahard to have a push nosideeffect in those situations.
01:15:33ozraDemos: manipulating gfx can be good in Has, but efficient gfx... nah ;)
01:15:43Demosyeah, exactly
01:16:10Demosyeah I like opt in for debugging as well, like being able to see who is having side-effects is nice
01:16:21Demoseven if I don't always want to write all my functions that way
01:16:24dsadsadive seen plenty of fast gfx stuff in haskell
01:16:29dsadsadwith fusion stuff
01:16:41dsadsadlet me find the demos
01:16:49Demosthanks! I'd love to see
01:16:58ozraguys, have a good night/day/whatever you've got. Time for me to enter dream land. Gnite!
01:21:13*ozra quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
01:23:46dsadsaddamn ill try to find the example i had before, there was plenty of plasma / noise effects/ image manipulation, i cant seem to find them right now but the library is called Repa
01:23:56dsadsadill search some more for the examples
01:27:23reactormonkdsadsad, was just a random idea, doing something more useful for nim instead
01:27:27vikatondsadsad: is learn u a haskell a good book ?
01:28:00dsadsadhttp://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters is really good
01:28:19vikatonok cool, im going through it right now
01:28:48vikatonhopefully learning haskell and FP will help me become a better programmer, and help me with my math grade :P
01:29:23dsadsadit changed completly how i program
01:30:21reactormonkAraq/dom96 - need a bit of help @ https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/2918
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01:35:12dsadsadDemos: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gloss-examples-
01:35:15dsadsadi think that was it
01:37:52vikatondsadsad: in a good way of course?
01:38:13dsadsadlol yes
01:38:39dsadsadand it really helps to understand how to program in javascript
01:39:38dsadsadwhen crockford was talking about monads and stuff before i learned haskell i didnt understand any of it, it was pretty easy to understand after :D
01:40:27dsadsadyou can cheat in haskell, so you have to either learn or ... quit lol
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02:03:42perturbationhey all - I'm getting a really weird issue with nimfix. It compiles (after some finagling with the path in nimfix.nim.cfg) but complains about improper indentation errors seemingly due to comment alignment
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02:06:22perturbation(i.e., semantic comment indentation as was in a previous version of Nim)
02:06:39perturbationI'll do some more poking and submit an issue if I can get some good examples
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04:05:47dbottonis there a web site that shows the available nim code for reuse?
04:06:50reactormonkdbotton, github is probably the closest
04:07:45dbottonok, is there an implementation of websockets is one in particular I'm looking for, any suggestions?
04:08:56reactormonkdbotton, https://github.com/onionhammer/onion-nimrod/tree/master/websockets
04:09:57reactormonknot sure if that builds on top of https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/asynchttpserver.nim
04:13:09dbottonno TLS, but a start
04:14:13dbottonI think can run a few tests with that
04:15:01*Demos quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:15:22dbottonIs there any tasking demos with Nim?
04:17:05reactormonkdbotton, tasking?
04:18:56dbottonthreads, etc
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04:21:30reactormonkthere's some with asynchttpserver IIRC
04:21:47reactormonkI don't know too much about that though
04:30:06dbottonfound some info in manual, looking
04:41:36dbottongiven the rest of the language, very ugly
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04:44:30dbottonanyone know where the async feature is? mentioned in manual but nothing more and not in threadpool module
04:49:48dbottonhello, gour, as per my email looking at nim
04:50:07gourhiya dbotton
04:51:31gourdbotton: in regard to your desired feature, I believe you have to wait a bit until Araq appears from somewhere being in EU zone
04:56:06dbottonSSL is in the sauce, undocumented but in the net package, newContext and wrapSocket
04:57:07dbottonwebsocket example use a deprocated? Socket import
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09:40:27HaCk3Dworking on this stugg now
09:40:45HaCk3Dbut i dont get the problem
09:41:12HaCk3DosLastError is not set
09:41:18HaCk3Dproperly or what?
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10:37:55AraqHaCk3D: the problem is that OSError exception is constructed without setting the 'errno' field or whatever it's called
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11:01:38Arrrr"Nim is like writing C at the speed of
11:01:41ArrrrPython, and running Python at the speed of C."
11:01:43Arrrrgood one
11:02:17*Miko_____ quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
11:08:54*woadwarrior quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
11:09:59fowlSpeed of python? Did python get better or does now suck terribly
11:11:53ArrrrRead it again
11:16:31*gokr_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:17:45gokrfowl: Yo! :)
11:18:42gokrYesterday I got a trivial REPL going for Ni. Mainly because I want to make interactive tutorials.
11:22:41fowlnow i have to skip that and make a gui to beat you
11:22:46fowlskip that step
11:23:05gokrThis is the REPL: https://github.com/gokr/ni/blob/master/nirepl.nim
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11:23:31gokrAnd you can run it with a file like this: https://github.com/gokr/ni/blob/master/tutorial1.ni
11:23:56gokrThe lines saying "# pause" will cause the REPL to wait for a keypress, and if you hit enter it will eval and go on.
11:24:17gokrIf you hit s it will suspend so that you can mess around - and when you type in "c" and hit enter it will continue the script.
11:24:23gokrTrivial, but works.
11:24:56gokrBut yes, one thing that the Smalltalkers did *right* back in the 70s was that they made the UI very early on.
11:25:14gokrSince after all - that was what the Smalltalk project was all about.
11:25:46gokrDo you have a plan for the UI?
11:26:03gokrAlso, can you point me at something... if I would like to play with targetting your VM?
11:26:42fowlpoint you at what?
11:26:56gokrDunno :) Something that shows me how to target your VM.
11:27:36gokrYou generate an AST and make bytecodes from that or?
11:28:00fowlok well i was thinking about writing a second vm for an imperative language that would use the same object model
11:28:33fowlyes ast -> bytecode
11:29:06Araqdoes anybody use the code that the Nim compiler itself uses for its VM? :-(
11:29:06fowlits really easy, all there is to do is send or create a block or push some literal value
11:30:02*fowl coughs >_>
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11:30:09gokrAraq: I have no idea how well that would fit fowl's or my language.
11:30:15drewsremIs there a way that constructing tuples, explicitly as a user-defined type tuple, still can use implicit conversion on their types (i.e. http://ix.io/j6h ), like it works with objects?
11:30:30drewsremon their types = on their parameters*
11:33:28Arrrri think with tuples you can write like this: (x=1.1, y=2), but im not sure
11:34:02Araqdrewsrem: well the problem is that you write 2 to mean 2.0, so that cannot work
11:34:25drewsremAraq, in the OVector2D implicit-conversion converts it to 2.0 no?
11:34:54drewsremArrrr, x:1.1, x:2, right, I get sort-of the same error message tho, it doesn't implicitly convert the int to a float
11:35:35Araqyes but that's because T(0, 1) is a typed expression and (0, 1) is not
11:36:15Araqit's not how type checking works, it doesn't pull into account every possible context, var x: T = expr # expr knows nothing about 'T'
11:36:27Araqthe type of 'expr' is not 'T'
11:36:42drewsremI see
11:37:11drewsremWell, is there an object-constructor equivalent for tuples then where I can explicitly use my tuple-type?
11:37:57drewsremlike: var t = TVector2D(x:1.1, y:2)
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11:39:51Araqif you want that why is it a tuple to begin with? just use an object
11:40:15fowldrewsrem, try the basic2d module
11:40:48drewsremRight, I sort-of don't have that much of an understanding what the difference is and I assumed that tuples are just less-overhead objects, I basically just wanted a c-struct. - In short: is there any merit to tuples being "lighter" then objects?
11:41:04drewsremfowl, thanks, I'll look into that
11:41:29fowldrewsrem, there is no overhead in using an object without a case statement or inheritance
11:41:48drewsremfowl, oh thanks, that clearly shows I was misguided
11:41:50fowltuples are anonymous structs, (int,int) will match another (int,int)
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11:42:48Arrrrwhat do you mean when you say using objects without case statement?
11:43:12drewsremObject variants?
11:43:37fowlyes variant object
11:43:44ArrrrI was thinking in that. What is the overhead there?
11:44:08fowlaccessing a field in debug mode will perform a check that you should already have performed
11:44:40ArrrrI see, it is too expensive?
11:44:59fowlalso the variant wont be 1 byte it will be aligned
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11:45:30fowland its a good thing because it will help you catch errors but its off in release mode
11:45:38Araqgokr: register based VM with parameter passing and fixed size instructions plus attached debug info ... let's see ... sounds pretty useful for many languages
11:46:18gokrAraq: Probably so. Just not sure I would grok it. ;) But I can take a look.
11:46:27Araqexception handling also implemented
11:46:28*zahary quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:46:52Araqit's lots of code but you can easily throw away most opcodes for you lang
11:47:03*HaCk3D quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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11:54:29ArrrrIs it the current TODO the final version or it is going to be revisited? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/todo.txt#L20-L34
11:56:30HaCk3Ddom96 ping
12:01:52fowlThe bitwise 'not' operator will be renamed to 'bnot' - yes praise nimrod the mighty hunter
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12:09:42Arrrrwhy not just "BinaryNotDoNotGetConfusedWithLogicalNot"
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12:10:03OnOAraq: can I ping you about merging these colors PR? did you see my remark about enabling it conditionally on windows too via isatty?
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12:38:21AraqArrrr: hrm the todo is a living document ... it's more up to date than our "roadmap", but doesn't really reflect my latest ideas either ... *cough*
12:39:20AraqOnO: yeah read it. are you sure terminal.nim is still compatible?
12:40:56OnOAraq: what do you mean? There're almost no changes (except resetStyle enum) to terminal in latest PR
12:42:03ArrrrWell, id like to know what are you preparing. If you have free time, you could update it.
12:42:11*Arrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
12:42:52OnOAraq: also I've rebased it onto latest devel
12:43:00Araqand give away all my secrets?!! ;-)
12:43:11HaCk3DAraq: oh, i wanna ask u wtf with getch in terminal?
12:43:20HaCk3Dwhy its not compatible with win
12:43:36Araqit's not incompatible with Win.
12:43:43Araqwe have no implementation for Win.
12:44:06Araqwe had an implemenation relying on C compiler specific header voodoo, which I don't like
12:44:28Araqthis thing should be done with the Windows API instead
12:49:40HaCk3Dit would be better
12:50:05HaCk3Dcoz getch is a common win func and it works only in *nix here :)
12:50:12HaCk3Da bit strange
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12:56:49HaCk3DAraq: ping
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12:59:57Araqdon't ask to ask, just ask
13:00:01OnOAraq: pong, was this to me?
13:00:08OnOor to HaCk3D ?
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13:00:28Araqto HaCk3D
13:00:50OnOAraq: btw. I've seen your work about multi-threaded AsyncHTTP
13:00:55OnOdo you think you can make it before 1.0?
13:01:09OnOI think this is important Nim selling point
13:01:18OnOI got pretty high intereset doing this HTTP benchmark
13:01:27Araqyeah I agree
13:01:36OnOonce we get AsyncHTTP multithreaded I think we can match Java solutions
13:02:11HaCk3Dwhat should i do with retFuture.fail?
13:02:28HaCk3Dif raise newException(OSError...)
13:02:45HaCk3Dcan just be changed to raiseOSError
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13:03:57HaCk3Dshould i do a new template like newOSException?
13:04:49AraqHaCk3D: I prefer .noinline procs over template for this to keep code size small
13:05:08Araqand to hint that it's on the cold path
13:05:30HaCk3Dk, then i should add this .noinline proc to system.nim?
13:10:19Araqhrm, I think to os.nim
13:12:01HaCk3Dbtw, where i can get help on all pragmas?
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13:13:20Araqthe manual contains most, implementation specific pragmas are in nimc.html
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13:13:44Araqpeople usually complain about this split ;-)
13:14:04HaCk3Dhah :)
13:14:21HaCk3Done more thing
13:14:39HaCk3DraiseOSError just raises an exception
13:14:59HaCk3Dand get message from osErrorMsg
13:15:12HaCk3Dbut for example in net.nim
13:15:25HaCk3D"No valid socket error code available"
13:15:34HaCk3Dthis message explains more
13:15:47HaCk3Dthen the standart one from osErrorMsg
13:16:24HaCk3Dit would be better to make an default msg = ""
13:16:32HaCk3Din raiseOSError
13:16:49HaCk3Dif its not nil, then show message from arguments
13:16:53Araqno, we like to use the OS's error messages in general
13:17:08HaCk3Dthen i should delete explanation text?
13:17:16HaCk3Dlike upper one
13:17:35HaCk3Dand just use raiseOSError(OSError)?
13:17:41Araqdunno, do it and dom96 will catch this during review
13:18:30HaCk3Dokay, thnx a lot
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13:25:25reactormonkAraq, so you see why I would like concepts in the stdlib?
13:26:46Araqreactormonk: yeah but we also might want to copy Rust's sizeHint so that we can have 1 map that either adds or knows about the size
13:27:05reactormonkAraq, sizeHint is an optional size implicit?
13:28:30Araqit's 'len' that can return -1 for "dunno, do it lazily"
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13:29:03AraqI guess these days it's an Optional[Natural]
13:31:43reactormonkdifference between assert and doAssert?
13:32:06AraqdoAssert is not affected by -d:releaes
13:33:21reactormonkDoes it have an optional explanation too?
13:33:36reactormonkso can I go sed -i "s/assert/doAssert/" more or less?
13:34:50AraqI think so
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13:41:55ozraOk, I'm trying to get in to the OOP and generics of Nim - can anyone explain why this is not working (tried to minimize case): https://gist.github.com/ozra/b66b153afe65e602c3da
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13:46:39reactormonkpigmej, oh, elisp-style callsigs. nice.
13:48:30Araqozra: no idea what you mean
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13:50:07ozraThe `*` proc doesn't work with the C[T] args... Says "but expected one of: oop_minimum_case.*(in_s1: B[*.T1], in_s2: B[*.T2]) ..." - but C is of B (?)
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13:50:52ozraHow should I formulate that...
13:51:14Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/88 ?
13:53:46ozraAy ay ay. Ok.
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13:56:27ozraAraq: Why are they closed?
13:57:08ozraSorry. 88 is open. my bad.
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14:02:04pigmejreactormonk: yeah quite ugly/hacky for now
14:02:08pigmejand buggy
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14:04:37OnOAraq: thanks for the merge, regarding this async http, I've seen your branch making sharedstring and sharedtables, wouldn't be just dispatcher multithreaded queue sufficient, 1 listener thread (on main thread) -> num CPU worker threads that just pick up socket handle and accept?
14:05:29AraqOnO: i got carried away ... :P
14:05:50Araqto see how overloading and destructors need to interact for atomic reference counting
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14:05:57OnOhehe... okie
14:06:23AraqSharedString is not the same as SharedTable at all, we need better names
14:06:42AraqSharedTable should likely be GuardedTable cause it does the locking for you
14:07:45*dbushenko left #nim ("Ухожу я от вас")
14:08:11Araqand then there is an interesting design problem, namely GuardedTable also needs to export an unguarded interface ...
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14:12:36Araqbut the stupid .guard pragma only works on fields and not on procs yet ...
14:15:44Araqif we had .guard for procs, we could export an interface that doesn't lock but makes the programmer insert locks at the right places
14:18:57dsadsadAraq: is there a way to .push noSideEffect and turn if off for specific functions?
14:19:14dsadsadotherwise i guess ill just group them
14:19:18Araq.push and .pop around for the specific functions
14:19:25Araqbut nothing else
14:19:33dsadsadyeh but you have to know if you didnt push anything else
14:19:42dsadsadbut yes, ill just group them
14:19:55Araq.push wasn't really designed for noSideEffect :P
14:20:10dsadsad:D i just wanted a nosideffect by default in all my modules
14:20:21dsadsadand have to be explicit on the sideffects
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14:35:21Araqis there a cp for unix which creates subdirs on the fly?
14:35:37Araq(why do I even ask?)
14:35:46gourcp -R ?
14:38:06Araqnever mind, will do it differently
14:40:19dbottoncan also use tar to copy structure and permissions
14:41:19OnOcp -a copies trees
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14:41:29OnOpreserving all attributes
14:42:20Araqhow would I copy every *.h file but nothing else, but keeping the directory structure?
14:42:55reactormonkpigmej, I don't like buggy
14:42:59dbottonAraq are there any examples or tutorials for long running tasks syncing with each other (I'm new, I assume this is about using spawn)
14:43:33pigmejreactormonk: but well it's still only in my branch :P
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14:43:51pigmejthe 'buggy' part is thta it can't YET correctly detect correct function
14:44:00pigmejlike blah(10, 15, |)
14:44:01dbottonAraq - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10176849/how-can-i-copy-only-header-files-in-an-entire-nested-directory-to-another-direct
14:44:04pigmejit will probably fail
14:44:38reactormonkpigmej, no way to poke nimsuggest about that?
14:44:51pigmejsure it is :)
14:45:31pigmejBUT, those minibuffer sigs are usually for languages without function overloading
14:45:33OnOthis solution seems to be pretty compatible: find /path/to/files -name '*.h' | cpio -pdm /target
14:45:34dbottonso Araq - (cd src && find . -name '*.h' -print | tar --create --files-from -) | (cd dst && tar xvfp -)
14:45:37pigmejlisp, python etc
14:45:57pigmejin nim we have more than one function for given parameters soooo, i have to figure out what we can do about it
14:46:14Araqdbotton: that's just createThread + channels. not sure what you would like to see
14:46:38pigmejbecause I tested company like poopup (like con) but it was annoying
14:46:56dbottonI haven't seen those
14:47:13dbottonAny tutorials or examples on them?
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14:51:03dbottonAraq, perhaps better if I describe what I want to do, I'm not yet thinking in Nim.
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14:53:15dbottonAraq, I want to have a collection of objects, with different threads waiting for incoming socket messages will all methods on those objects
14:53:57dbottonso I'm trying to understand if that is possible even, since I see the docs say that you can't access heap data from different threads
14:54:47dbottonalso in general it helps me if I can see code for task syncing to get a grip on how it is done in Nim (I'm coming from the Ada world)
14:56:06dbotton(will call methods)
14:57:30pigmejreactormonk: generally whole company stuff is ok, things like goto definition, show doc, show call sig in minibuffer etc ewerything works super fine
14:57:46reactormonkpigmej, awesome
14:58:10pigmeji will do some screens when I will find some time
14:58:11reactormonkgotta go for it, didn't work so far, so I never got used to it :-(
14:58:12pigmej+ docs
14:58:36pigmejand I will test your libDir path today also
14:58:57reactormonkit's just a hack
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15:00:12Araqdbotton: check out gokr's spawning socket server
15:00:47Araqgotta go, bbl
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15:28:51ozraAraq: if you have a few sec's later - could you point me in the right direction for tackling #88? Not sure if I'm up to the task - but I could try.
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15:29:49ozra(don't know how active Zah is on the task? It's been there for a while)
15:33:02Xedoes the nim compiler work on BSD variants?
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15:33:46yglukhov___Xe, nim generally should work where C works
15:34:32yglukhov___and if it doesn't that's not intended, i guess =)
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15:34:59gourXe: it's in FreeBSD ports
15:39:41yglukhov___Araq, just to make sure. Are LL and closure_env_gathering the same things to you? Because I've read somewhere that those are different things.
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16:20:47Araqozra: sigmatch.nim
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16:21:26ozraAraq: Aight, starts digging..
16:21:50Araqozra: or perhaps types.inheritanceDiff
16:22:23ozraok. If something more comes to mind, just ping out..
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17:43:18vbtt_just saw the oreilly webcast
17:43:23vbtt_very nice
17:43:54vbtt_should probably be linked from the website
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17:44:55vbtt_this and the strangeloop one both.
17:45:55reactormonkvbtt_, put it https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/web/learn.txt
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17:48:23ggVGcWhy wasn't the boehm GC initially used for Nim?
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18:04:49fowlMy bad^
18:08:55AraqggVGc: cause the boehm GC seduces you into shitty GC/language design
18:09:44ggVGcalright, I don't know much about GC's, just that it is a common choice, so I was curious what the reasoning behind not going with it was
18:10:07fowlAraq: does mark&sweep gc rely on RTTI?
18:11:06Araqfowl: as much as the default Gc does
18:12:16ggVGcwI have to admit this is pretty nice, https://github.com/dom96/nimkernel
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18:23:36ArrrrNow that we've got optionals, why dont we add eithers? https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
18:26:41AraqArrrr: Optionals have been added to not create a bloody mess where every project has its own Optional implementation. I hope Either is not nearly as popular ...
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19:01:46ArrrrWell, is not as useful as optionals or tuple, but still
19:01:46pigmejreactormonk: ping
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19:08:36reactormonkpigmej, hm?
19:12:42pigmejreactormonk: I wonder about return things from nimsuggest
19:13:11pigmejWould be super cool if it would return unformatted proc/method + parameters list
19:13:27pigmejit's quite trivial to parse it on emacs side I know
19:13:36pigmejI just wonder what would be better.
19:15:18pigmejalso hmm, lib/system.nim(707, 8) Error: implementation of 'system.-(x: int64, y: int64)' expected
19:17:02reactormonkpigmej, incorrect defines?
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19:19:59pigmejreactormonk: it's nim source failing
19:20:15pigmejbut I recompilled everything and it will be fine it seems
19:20:45reactormonkpigmej, see symToSuggest for more proc magic
19:20:53reactormonk... in the compiler
19:21:02reactormonkcurrently it's just typeToString
19:21:12reactormonk symkind*: TSymKind
19:21:18reactormonk^ but you can make a case object on that
19:21:39pigmejyeah I see
19:22:16reactormonksee todo about forth ;-)
19:22:24pigmejalso I still have no idea how to handle multiple functions when calling call signature
19:22:39pigmejI wonder how C mode does it
19:22:59reactormonkyou don't have function overloading in C
19:23:11pigmejyeah right ;/
19:23:34reactormonkbetter check e.g. ensime
19:23:39pigmejclojure thingy?
19:24:22pigmejI will ask a friend from erlang/elixir who did modes
19:24:31pigmejerlang/elxir have overloading ;)
19:25:28reactormonkensime is for scala
19:25:39reactormonkthat's what I use for RL grind ;-)
19:26:24pigmejno eldoc ;/
19:26:25*Arrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
19:26:59pigmejjust custom message https://github.com/ensime/ensime-emacs/blob/6b85529f52eae0f380e4b087447fc4298ae5cb89/ensime-auto-complete.el#L161
19:27:03pigmejlike my 'ugly' hack
19:27:34reactormonkgot a better idea?
19:27:43reactormonkI mean you can go ask on an emacs mailing list
19:28:03pigmejI will maybe try irc
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19:31:11pigmejso, I talked with erlang/elixir guy
19:31:15pigmejhe supports just first one
19:35:57pigmejok, guys from emacs said "use separator"
19:36:04pigmejand single line display
19:37:44pigmejclojure displays it with |
19:38:02pigmejlike function (params1) | (params2) | (params3)
19:42:47reactormonkI mean if you're feeling fancy you could do unification
19:43:12reactormonkI think I'd prefer name\n params1\n params2
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19:44:50pigmejreactormonk: single line required
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20:11:09pigmejreactormonk: hmm, where are nim-syntax-count-quotes ?
20:11:22pigmejand nim-get-project-root
20:14:58reactormonkah fuck
20:15:09reactormonkno idea bout the first one, but the second one was kinda unreliable
20:15:14reactormonk... so I deleted it
20:15:17reactormonkcheck git history :-(
20:15:25pigmejbut they are still in the nim-mode.el
20:20:08pigmejreactormonk: correct me if I'm wrong but dom96 https://github.com/nim-lang/nimsuggest/commit/c3c8fcf38484536f7806386565a07bd5f8c4ccd5
20:20:13pigmejyou did it wrong I think
20:20:35reactormonkpigmej, then correct it
20:20:54dom96pigmej: hrm?
20:20:55pigmejreactormonk: sure, if I would just know how
20:21:02pigmejdom96: gPrefixDir is undeclared
20:21:09dom96update your compiler
20:21:20pigmejdom96: I have head
20:24:02pigmejyeah I have head of compiler + nimsuggest and I'm getting this error
20:24:45pigmejah nah, nimble..
20:30:05pigmejreactormonk: how do you compile now nimsuggest?
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20:34:20pigmejok works..
20:34:29pigmejrm -fr is my friend :)
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20:39:58pigmejok there is a bug with that prefix detection
20:40:04pigmejdom96: when you have symlink in other directory
20:40:18pigmejthen it searches in relative path to that symlink instead of in real file
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20:43:15don_alfredoHello, did anyone run a benchmark of htmlparser or xmlparser against libxml2?
20:47:15Araqbut usually it's not too hard to beat C libs
20:53:07vbtt_why the obsession with benchmarks?
20:53:22vbtt_most cases they don't matter anyway
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20:57:49don_alfredovbtt_: no obsession, I specifically need the best possible perf for my task
20:58:20Araqdon_alfredo: cool then use htmlparser and optimize it ;-)
20:59:56don_alfredoI intend to. thx
21:00:45Araqusually the basic approach of these parser is excellent and then there is some bullshit that we do to make it much slower than necessary ... *cough*
21:01:59pigmejAraq: http://wklej.to/jJYZV/text why does con /tmp/blah.nim:28:16 return vocalize proc (this: Animal) ?
21:02:49Araqwhy not?
21:03:01Araqseems like a perfectly fine context suggestion?
21:03:15pigmejwhy not Cat ?
21:03:54Araqah you mean it *only* suggests the Animal variant
21:04:20pigmejbut if that `c` would be `Cat`
21:04:23pigmejthen it suggests all
21:04:37Araqsounds reasonable
21:04:41pigmejall means 2x for Cat + one for Animal which is fine then.
21:04:52pigmejyou mean it works as expected now ?
21:05:00Araqdownconvs need to be explicit
21:05:18pigmejbut compiler is not complaining there
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21:06:53Araqwell c is of type Animal
21:07:36Araqto call something else you need explicit down conversions
21:08:00pigmejhmm, if c is type of Animal then why c.vocalize() prints 'meow' ?
21:08:28pigmej(yeah I'm nim n00b)
21:08:36Araqbecause its dynamic type is Cat. but nimsuggest and the compiler don't know about the "dynamic" type
21:08:53pigmejok, sounds as an explaination ;)
21:08:58Araqecho c.vocalize(false) # doesn't compile
21:09:14Araqcause there is only one for 'Cat, bool'
21:09:20Araqand not for Animal
21:09:29pigmejcool ;)
21:09:32Araqso ... the compiler and nimsuggest agree.
21:09:43Araqwhich is expected since they share 99% of the code ...
21:09:46pigmejyeah :)
21:09:55pigmejI was like wtf but now it makes totally sense
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21:11:50pigmejAraq: debug mode in nimsuggest makes is "agree"
21:12:09pigmejreactormonk: could we somehow enable debug by default ?
21:12:23pigmejthen we could use nimsuggest output as flymake input
21:12:57Araqyeah debug mode is really cool
21:13:03AraqI wonder if it should be the default
21:13:38pigmejI think it should, because wihout debug enabled in vocalize(false) it returns nothing
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21:15:33Araqhuh? o.O
21:15:53Araqwell yes, nothing matches
21:16:12Araqbut debug mode only produces *errors*, not suggestions
21:16:16pigmejI know
21:16:34pigmejAraq: but imagine def or con
21:16:55pigmejwithout error you would think that something went wrong inside nimsuggest probably, not in your code;D
21:17:10pigmejwell maybe not 'you' exactly, but you know what I mean...
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21:41:46HaCk3Ddom96: ping
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22:15:50reactormonkpigmej, figured stuff out? Went to sleep
22:16:52dom96HaCk3D: sup
22:17:29pigmejreactormonk: yeah, just finishing (?) my not soo good formatters
22:17:34pigmejbut it will be quite ok PoC
22:20:46HaCk3Ddom96: as u can see there is a tempplate for exceptions
22:20:59HaCk3Dand they have explanatory text
22:21:14HaCk3Dcan i just change it to
22:21:36HaCk3Dwith an errorcode
22:22:43dom96Error objects really just need to become refs
22:22:57dom96or are we going to get raiseError1(), raiseError2() etc.?
22:23:17dom96what we need is to be able to do raise OSError(msg: "foo", code: 45)
22:27:30Araqdom96: that's not the point. the point is to fix the bug
22:28:08Araqbesides, raise (ref OsError)(msg: "foo", code: bla) would work if it weren't for the private fields in exception
22:29:30dom96Well, createOSError should be created then
22:30:17AraqraiseOSError already exists iirc
22:30:19Araqbut ok
22:30:49dom96you can't do retFuture.fail(raiseOSError())
22:30:50fowldom96: do you use raise because you need to scan for it in the async macro?
22:33:04dom96fowl: hrm?
22:33:19Araqfowl: just say "yes"
22:33:26Araqdom96: just say "yes"
22:34:14fowlYou can't use raiseOsError because you need to scan for a raise stmt in the function and you need unsemantically checked code to do it
22:36:37*cyraxjoe_ is now known as cyraxjoe
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22:45:14vbtt_echo(1.13) print '1.13' but echo(0x1.13) print '1' - why?
22:45:36pigmejreactormonk: in my branch we have now pretty call signatures called when emacs is idle (for now just functions/methods)
22:47:30vbtt_IOW, why does 0x1.13 compile to an int? it should be an error, or compile to float, no?
22:47:37reactormonkpigmej, neat
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22:55:12Araqvbtt_: are you on devel?
22:55:29Araqcause ozra supposedly fixed the lexing of literals...
22:57:04ozraOy! Fractions are not supported for non base-10 - per discussion. But it should have errored. Think it needs a revisit...
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22:57:22vbtt_Araq: master, but haven't synced recently
22:59:25vbtt_rebuilding a fresh master..
22:59:31Araqdevel is not master
23:00:40vbtt_Ah missed your 2nd message.
23:00:45vbtt_ok I'll try with devel.
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23:01:10ozraIf there's something to it and not just an old branch, ping. Meanwhile I'm digging further on the generics inheritance.. head starting to hurt ;-)
23:01:59vbtt_stupid q: to build devel, do i just checkout devel and 'koch boot'? or do i need to mess with csources?
23:03:29vbtt_Araq:ok, devel fixes this. fails to compile.
23:05:53*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
23:06:29Araqvbtt_: we're trying hard that not every single change requires csources updates
23:09:21vikatonAraq: Howdy !
23:10:03vbtt_Araq:good it's working. I just rebuilt koch and then nim and it worked.
23:10:46Araqvikaton: servus
23:11:23vikatonAraq: there you go again with your deep answers :/
23:11:35vikatonand requires google to comprehend
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