<< 15-06-2016 >>

00:03:10freezerburnVWhat are the rules for creating a prefix proc?
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00:52:05Demoswowowow the sql code works
00:57:29Demossequences are translated into BLOBs, not foreign key constraints
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01:10:15mccDeepcopy copies not just an object but also its references, right? Should I expect deepCopy to work on a recursive data structure?
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01:41:18DemosI'm not sure. I suspect not though
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01:48:31kierdeepcopy is designed for making a full copy of a value in order to pass it to another thread, so I would have thought that it would work recursively
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03:22:02mccIn testing, it looks like when I tell deepcopy to copy a recursive structure (a which points to b which points to a) it gets confused and mutates the structure considerably. how surprising is this?
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03:37:20DemosI'm not suprised that it does not work, but it probably should not do that!
03:38:33Demosthere are plans for custom copy operators associated with types (like c++ has), but I'm not sure how well they work as of now
03:39:19Demosand for a recursive structure I think it's reasonable to implement your own thing, since the compiler does not really know which references an object holds actually form cycles
03:40:18mccIt seems like the limitations should at least be documented.
03:40:21mccI am going to file an issue
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03:41:14Demosyeah if it corrupts the original object it should probably be an issue
03:41:35mccactually it is weirder than that
03:41:53mccunless my tests are wrong, it corrupts the original object *once*, and then if i repeat, it eventually crashes
03:42:53DemosI bet it's because it also screws with the refcounts of the object
03:43:24mccugh :(
03:43:34Demossee if calling GC_fullcollect() after each copy makes it crash faster
03:44:09*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:44:21Demosso my recomendation would be to just write your own copy function. The compiler has no way of generating correct code for copying a cyclic datastructure (I think)
03:46:47mccactually, my program does not even contain an instance of deepcopy(). right now i am just trying to document a compiler bug :)
03:47:14mccmy program uses shallowcopy, but i intially wrote deepcopy and found if i deepcopied repeatedly it would crash in a strange way
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03:53:08mccThanks for the help!
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03:57:19mcchuh. oddly, GC_fullcollect() seems to make it not crash at all.
04:00:13DemosWHELP I just spent a good two hours debugging the fact that I forgot to actually call my render function
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04:01:18freezerburnVDemos: The most fun kind of debugging ;)
04:01:44DemosI hope this project works out, it's kinda an insane idea
04:01:54mccpersonally i think the most fun kind of debugging is when you find out you have not been executing the same executable your compiler has been producing
04:02:01mccor perhaps that you have been editing one file and building another
04:04:07mccwhat is the project? :O
04:04:43DemosI'm writing a game engine that uses an in memory sqlite database as it's primary scene datastructure
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04:05:13DemosI figure if I turn off serialized mode it may actually not be as slow as one may be led to suspect
04:07:41mcci mean, i dunno, there's postgres extensions that offer quadtrees and such
04:07:52Demossqlite has R-trees built in
04:09:00Demosbut for most actual mesh data I'm storing stuff in blobs. It's an experiment just to see what happens
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04:15:10freezerburnVDemos: http://www.dataorienteddesign.com/dodmain/
04:15:29Demosyes, I've read that
04:16:59freezerburnVDemos: Well alright then. Just wanted to make sure :)
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04:49:34Demoswhelp my code works and is slow
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05:41:22skrzypI'm trying to compile Nimble.
05:41:41skrzypTag v0.7.4 from git, which is the last stable release
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05:42:43skrzypnimblepkg/nimscriptsupport.nim(8, 11) Error: cannot open 'compiler/ast'
05:43:00skrzypThat's what it says after 'nim -d:release c -r src/nimble -y install'
05:43:23skrzypNim is v0.14.2, OS is OpenBSD/amd64
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07:42:33gokrjvapayne doesn't happen to be here on IRC?
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08:09:55gokrlazypenguin: The hard part with scale is the lack of reliability in larger networks with many nodes. This is why things like Erlang OTP is so popular for really large scale stuff - it tackles a very hard problem. Most of the large scale NoSQL systems tackle similar issues (CAP theorem etc).
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08:52:35deavmiello all
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08:54:02deavmithat name
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08:55:18Anti-GPL_deavmi: I hate GPL-licensed softwares, so much.
08:55:57skrzypAnti-GPL_: what do you use instead?
08:56:01skrzypBSD-licensed ones?
08:56:09*anti-MIT joined #nim
08:56:16anti-MITI hate MIT software so much
08:56:23anti-MITAS WELL as BSD
08:56:36deavmiI love anti-mit (definately not the same user as me)
08:56:47Anti-GPL_Come on! Nobody hates BSD and MIT, because they are more free and open.
08:56:52deavmiI do
08:56:56deavmiI don't hate. I dislike
08:57:06deavmiI am a GNU boi
08:57:24skrzyptfw *!*@*gateway/web/freenode/ip.*
08:57:28Anti-GPL_I'm a BSD boi
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08:58:17skrzypI'm writing this from actual OpenBSD desktop
08:58:21deavmiWhere's public domain boi
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08:58:28deavmiAh there
08:59:06skrzypbut I'm disappointed that nobody helped me with the nonextistent dependency problem which I described before
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08:59:25Anti-GPL_skyzap: Talk.
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08:59:42Araqskrzyp: these problems have been reported already
08:59:45skrzyptab-completion is your friend
08:59:54AraqI dunno if linux packaging screwed it up
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09:00:24Araqskrzyp: try the install_nimble.nims script
09:00:45skrzypAraq: we're using own method to build packages, and lang/nim port does it by hand (without invoking koch)
09:01:01Anti-GPL_Hi Araq! it's good to see you.
09:01:37skrzyp~ $ (find /usr/ports/lang/nim/ && echo && cat /usr/ports/lang/nim/Makefile ) | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' sprunge.us
09:02:30Araqoh my.
09:02:53Araqwell if you patch everything, you might as well patch it properly then.
09:03:02Araqand don't complain if it doesn't work.
09:03:04skrzypI'm not a maintainer.
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09:03:37skrzypAnd I'm not responsible for maintainer's tasks, but those patches are mostly slight modifications for CFLAGS
09:05:09Anti-GPL_Araq: What do you say bout Nim for AI programming?
09:05:45skrzypIt's a general purpose language, so I think there are nothing what prevents you to do that, hm?
09:06:22cheatfateskrzyp, then maybe you need to ask maintainer?
09:06:52skrzypcheatfate: I did that too, just right before asking here :)
09:07:05skrzypBut I'm asking here too because maybe someone else had the same problem
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09:09:53cheatfateskrzyp, i have openbsd but i'm not installing nim with packages system, i'm using git and devel version
09:10:23cheatfateand it works for me
09:10:46skrzyphow do you keep up with updates?
09:13:06cheatfateskrzyp, `git pull origin` :)
09:13:57cheatfateskrzyp, just install git and you can use instructions from here https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim
09:14:26cheatfateyou can install it in home directory, as me
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10:27:11deavmiHotline bling
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10:55:30Kim__Hello beautiful people
10:57:27jjidoYou noticed me :}
10:57:47Kim__jjido: You are a girl?
10:58:16Kim__Is there any female programmer in this chat??
10:58:28jjidoKim__ no I am not
10:58:29Kim__I love the girls who like programming.
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10:58:53nicanaca0lol xD
10:59:18PMunchIf you want a dating site, go to a dating site
10:59:55Kim__Punck: I'm muslim, I can't do that :)
11:00:04Araqdon't you have some country to invade? and slay some disbelievers?
11:02:34PMunchIs that guy basically ban on sight now?
11:04:49dom96maybe let's not mute the whole channel?
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11:05:27dom96FYI you muted deavmi too
11:05:34dom96and whoever else connects via webchat
11:05:48dom96I'm pretty sure +i is invite only as well.
11:06:17Araqthat's why you should do these things ...
11:06:36dom96Araq: best way to learn is to mess up :P
11:07:06PMunchI wondered why you muted everyone and set invite only, thought you were going to do something fancy :P
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11:07:47*vktec is sad that people have to take such steps to just be able to converse in peace
11:07:48dom96er no
11:08:04dom96that's not what I wanted to do
11:08:36dom96nope, can't do that. Pity
11:09:32dom96We could +m this channel and then give everyone voice
11:09:35*KeenASM quit (Client Quit)
11:09:42dom96but then we would need to keep giving new trusted users voice
11:09:47vktecdom96: You might be able to "except" your dom96_test
11:09:57vktec(+e IIRC)
11:10:04dom96vktec: oooh cool
11:10:09PMunchThat's a bit tedious though..
11:10:13vktecPMunch: Agreed
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11:10:21dom96yeah, that works.
11:10:25PMunchAnd new users won't be able to say anything
11:10:27dom96we can do that.
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11:15:02PMunchJust ban everyone who spells my nick as Pmuck as that guy constantly keeps doing :P
11:15:26PMunchHe apparenly doesn't know how to use tab completion
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11:22:38dom96Seems to be working well :P
11:23:06PMunchYeah :)
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11:34:51dom96Anybody want to write a Nim-based Electron-like library? https://github.com/jangko/nimCEF
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11:38:16flyxwould Nim be of much use in that context? it's for JS-based stuff. is Nim's JS backend good enough to build an electron-based app?
11:38:41dom96hell yes it is
11:38:51flyxwell it has been some time since I last tested it
11:39:29flyxI could try to compile NimYAML with it, so that I do not need the server backend on the live testing page anymore
11:40:10dom96that would be a good test
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11:41:56flyxbtw, I hear good things about Servo/Graphene. might be an alternative for Electron. they wanted to go alpha in June.
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11:43:28PMunchI can't help to think that Nim would be great for creating GUIs with the DSL stuff..
11:47:25gokrWe are using electron at Evothings. There are some heavy hitting stuff using it now - like VSCode from Microsoft (!)
11:48:11gokrFWIW Spry (1600 lines of Nim) compiles to js just fine, which means my REPL runs on the web :)
11:48:40cheatfatePMunch, and what is DSL? You mean DSL modem?
11:48:50gokrDomain Specific Language
11:49:04*kingofoz quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
11:49:06PMunchWhat he said ^
11:49:18gokrWhich btw is one focus I have long term for Spry.
11:49:24gokr(being very DSL friendly)
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11:50:17PMunchProblem with GUI though is that it's not all that easy to explain them with text in a way that humans can easily understand
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11:50:31PMunchUnless you implement something like ASCII art to build GUIs :P
11:50:46gokrRebol/Red does a lot of DSL stuff for GUIs apparently successfully.
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11:58:44gokrHaha, my daughter just switched off my router/server because she felt it shouldn't be on drawing electricity :)
11:59:06PMunchgokr, smooth :P
11:59:17PMunchRebol/Red looks interesting
11:59:35PMunchBut I'm not sure how it would look if you created a large application with it..
11:59:54gokrI am borrowing some concepts from Rebol in Spry - especially the homoiconicity etc.
12:00:09Arrrrdef- is this necessary? why not setLen https://github.com/kostya/benchmarks/blob/master/matmul/matmul.nim#L10
12:00:10gokrRed is a pretty impressive work of art.
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12:02:01def-Arrrr: I suggested that change but the author of the repository reverted it: https://github.com/kostya/benchmarks/pull/3
12:02:20gokrI especially like the Parse stuff in Rebol/Red... let me find that article....
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12:07:01PMunchHmm, interesting
12:10:56dom96def-: why was it reverted?
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12:52:27deavmi_mobilePMunch: xd
12:52:45deavmi_mobilegokr: red?
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12:56:04dom96Anybody have some free time to write a Gitter<->IRC and Slack<->IRC bridges for NimBot? :)
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13:04:29gernesthi, I’m new to nim, but comes from Golang background. I would like help, to relevant resources that will get me up to speed with nim. Thanks.
13:06:31Araqgernest: recent troll attacks made us all cautious
13:07:19gernestI am not a troll, if that is what you mean
13:07:42gernestMy engllish isnt good though because I’m not a native english speaker
13:08:18Araqwell here is something to get you started: http://nim-lang.org/learn.html
13:10:48gernestAraq: well, I have been going through that for a week. The information there is good but I cant connect alot of missing pieces.
13:11:33Araqok, so ask something specific
13:13:50gernestLike I have come across code with procs declared followed by backtick like proc `*`
13:15:58Araqthat declares an operator then
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13:16:16Araqit means multiplication is overloaded for some datatype
13:16:22Araq(usually vectors and such)
13:16:51gernestso, it is for overloading ?
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13:18:11M-Floxis dom96 around?
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13:20:27dom96hey M-Flox
13:20:30*NimIsVeryGood joined #nim
13:20:57M-Floxoh, my nick is still M-Flox ... strange
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13:22:08dom96M-Flox: what's up? Why do you need me?
13:22:17M-Floxdom96: I am preparing a presentation about Nim for the department I am working in and I also bought your book. I was wondering if I am allowed to use some figures from your book (with reference of course) as they are nicely showing certain aspects/features of Nim.
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13:22:29gernestokay, will do more research! Thanks .
13:22:55dom96M-Flox: sure, for a presentation it's fine :)
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13:24:45*M-Flox is now known as Flox42
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13:27:07nicanaca0dom96, can we have a link to your book?
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13:29:07nicanaca0Cheers Flox42, I'll have a read through the free stuff at some point soon
13:30:37gokrdeavmi_mobile: mmm... "red?".. yes?
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13:48:02deavmi_mobilegokr: très helpful
13:48:10deavmi_mobiletrop helpful
13:50:34gokrdeavmi_mobile: I just wondered what it was you wondered like... "What is Red?" or whatever :)
13:50:50deavmi_mobilelol sorry
13:50:51*s4 quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
13:51:21deavmi_mobileI was thinking of red
13:51:26deavmi_mobilethe camera company
13:52:15gokrAnyway, its a modern reimplementation of Rebol - funded in China. The guy doing it is quite sharp - it compiles to native etc etc. Quite interesting even if you don't "like" the language itself.
13:52:40gokrOk, gotta go, later
13:53:32deavmi_mobileit looks cool
13:53:33deavmi_mobileand fun
13:53:39deavmi_mobileespecially for GUI people :)
13:53:48deavmi_mobilegokr: see you later :)
13:54:40def-PMunch: not sure, maybe to make all implementations more similar
13:55:52PMunchdef-, what was that a comment to?
13:56:10def-oops, wrong person. dom96: not sure, maybe to make all implementations more similar
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13:58:21dom96def-: ahh
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14:23:31cheatfatedom96, i have made check for you https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4336#discussion_r67170192
14:23:53cheatfatecell could not be nil, because it is not a ref.
14:24:20dom96ok. Then it's up to Araq.
14:26:07cheatfateAraq, dom96 needs your help to commit my usage of your `system.protect()/system.dispose()` functions
14:27:00cheatfateAraq, please check it out :) https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4336
14:27:08Araqdamn it, it's probably fine, don't be so impatient
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14:53:25yglukhovAraq: hi, narrowed the reason of my memory leaks. table.del(key) makes the gc keep the "deleted" value. if i do table[key] = nil; table.del(key), then everything works.
14:54:01yglukhovi tried to understand delImpl, but it looks too mysterious to me :(
14:54:13Araqit just sets a tombstone
14:54:20Araqso yeah, likely a problem
14:54:31yglukhovcould you fix it please?
14:55:50PMunchDoes anyone here know if persistent structures have been implemented in Nim?
14:56:37namnguyenwhat do you mean?
14:56:46namnguyenwhat is a persistent structure? like a building?
14:57:19yglukhovPMunch: never heard of any done in Nim. you could be the first to implement them ;)
14:57:49PMunchnamnguyen, persistent structures are structures that are imutable
14:58:16PMunchSo if you do persistentList.add(item) it will return a pointer to a new structure with the item added but the original will not be modified
14:58:32PMunchTo me more efficient most persistent data structures are implemented using tries
14:59:04PMunchThis way only a certain, fairly low, amount of nodes have to be copied
14:59:21namnguyenif it is append only, sure
14:59:26PMunchThey are great for stuff like undos
14:59:45namnguyenundos, hmm, sounds like Command pattern to me.
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15:06:47dom96Araq: How difficult would giving code the ability to modify stack traces be?
15:07:50Araqyou can do it today with some .emit magic
15:08:22dom96I would like to improve async's stack traces.
15:10:20yglukhovdom96, Araq: i think they firstly should be fixed as they are now.
15:10:42yglukhovhaven't you noticed that sometimes, some frames/lines are skipped
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15:11:42dom96yglukhov: i've noticed that sometimes it doesn't show the line number
15:12:03yglukhovdom96: sometimes it shows _wrong_ line number
15:12:46yglukhovi've noticed it a couple of times but did not bother to look into it
15:13:08dom96yglukhov: oh yeah, it's been like that for some time. I think I've become desensitised to it.
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15:13:41dom96Sometimes it points to the macro code which is a bit annoying.
15:14:07yglukhovAraq: can you explain the shallowCopy line please in delImpl? it overwrites the value being deleted with what?
15:16:29Araqyglukhov: no, instead try my patch please.
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15:19:54yglukhovAraq: it works, thanks!
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15:23:04Araqyglukhov: please try to submit a test case for this
15:23:32cheatfateAraq, i think you just patched memory leaks for asyncdispatch too :)
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15:25:03Araqcannot really see how. a tombstone will eventually be overwritten
15:25:17Araqso it wasn't an unbounded memory leak
15:25:53cheatfateAraq, most manipulations with tables for asyncdispatch was made in selectors.nim
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15:31:28renesac_a hobin hood hash table implementation don't need tombstones and is very performant
15:31:39renesac_could be a solution
15:32:31cheatfaterenesac_, faster than cookoo?
15:33:10dom96cheatfate: when we have: await fut or fut2, and one of the futures fails with an error. Do you think the `await` should raise it?
15:33:49cheatfatei dont think so
15:34:00cheatfatedom96, i dont think so
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15:34:58dom96cheatfate: okay. I'm changing the semantics back to what they were with regards to 'await fut'
15:35:09cheatfatedom96, wait
15:35:10dom96and noticed that the same behaviour was present for 'await fut or fut2'
15:35:35dom96Now I could also make it so that it's up to the implementation of the infix operator (in this case `or`)
15:35:40cheatfatedom96, if we have technique to catch exception, then you dont need to change everything
15:36:09cheatfatebut if we haven't then we need to give a way to recover from failure
15:36:55dom96Right now you can use 'yield' as I mentioned here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4170
15:37:32dom96You agreed that using 'await' on a future only shouldn't raise.
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15:41:21renesac_cheatfate: http://codecapsule.com/2013/11/17/robin-hood-hashing-backward-shift-deletion/
15:41:37renesac_he has also done an article on cuckoo hashing: http://codecapsule.com/2013/07/20/cuckoo-hashing/
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15:48:08kieris it possible to get the captures from a regular expression match using the 're' module?
15:48:13kieror should I be using nre?
15:49:07dom96just have to pass a 'matches' array I think
15:49:55renesac_by the way, rust's standard hashmap is a robin hood hashtaable, so it mus be right!
15:50:11kierah I see now, was only looking at return values
15:50:15kierdom96: thanks
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15:52:26deavmiWell that was nice. I just fell asleep whilst listening to vaporwave
15:53:49yglukhovAraq: i will post a test case when i get some spare time.
15:54:44kierdeavmi: heh, sounds like you need more invigorating vaporwave
15:54:52deavmino man
15:55:00deavmiI really needed that sleep. That felt so good.
15:55:20deavmiYUNG BAE (search it on youtube) it's playing now and it is so good
15:56:45kierlooks neat, will have a listen later
15:57:33deavmioh yes this sounds good too "SHAG - Know the feelin'"
15:59:29deavmiI've had enough MACITOSH PRO 420
15:59:34deavmi* MACINTOSH
16:00:17Araqrenesac_: this article is way easier to follow IMO: http://sebastiansylvan.com/post/robin-hood-hashing-should-be-your-default-hash-table-implementation/
16:00:27Araqand immediately addresses all my concerns :P
16:00:37Araqso yeah, we should do that
16:02:42renesac_but he seems to use tombstones in that algorithm
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16:13:37renesac_just an idea for implicit uint conversion: maybe it is a good idea to create a type that is basically int, but that uints can implicity convert to
16:14:03renesac_or just use "SomeInteger" everywhere and deal with the code duplication and the verbosiness of that type name
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16:25:48cheatfateAraq, this is better article http://codecapsule.com/2013/11/17/robin-hood-hashing-backward-shift-deletion/
16:33:01cheatfatedom96, i think we must divide asyncdispatch.nim into pieces, because currently its a 70kb file and i think it will grow further
16:34:18cheatfateand maybe use `include` in asyncdispatch.nim to include pieces like `posix code` and `windows code`
16:48:27dom96cheatfate: I dunno, I don't think at ~1600 lines it's not so bad.
16:48:42dom96But perhaps you're right
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16:54:05cheatfatedom96, asynchronous DNS resolution is tough task, can i make resolveAddress(name: string): IPAddress in net.nim?
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17:08:34dom96cheatfate: yeah
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17:24:50kieris it not possible to override `[]=` where the first argument is a tuple?
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17:26:12Araqwhy would it?
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17:29:25kiereh, I should probably be using an object instead..
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17:51:52dom96http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/2320 lol
17:52:03dom96I'm just gonna ban him on the forum
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17:53:08cheatfatedom96, it looks like he got another target for his business
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17:53:49namnguyenlittle known, but a +b implies +q
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17:56:41deavmikier: List of my music btw
17:56:46deavmikier: Still working on it - https://deavmi.carteronline.net/music.html
18:02:19namnguyenmine is just white noise
18:02:34namnguyenit's surprisingly effective
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18:03:55dom96Nothing beats a bit of vacuum cleaner noise
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18:15:30cheatfateAraq, if you get some time to spare i need your help here https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4336#issuecomment-226247632
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18:25:15deavminamnguyen: White noise
18:25:20deavminamnguyen: Lol. Really.
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18:41:14kierdeavmi: hm, never thought about doing a list of music like that, it's a cool idea
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18:41:43deavmikier: Thanks. I am learning to use AsciiDoc. Also I like to do this as to get people immediately into a genre or style.
18:41:55deavmiSo that they have some paths to follow to dive deeper into it all :)
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18:43:03kiernice :)
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18:43:30kierhttps://bandcamp.com/kierdavis is a subset of my music. recent stuff is quite vapourwave-y
18:43:45deavmigoing to take a listen
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18:43:51deavmiMaybe you will appear on my list :)
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18:44:15deavmiIK 2047
18:44:24deavmikier: Oooooh this is good.
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18:44:55Araqshould we really move the website out of nim given that news need to be updated all the time?
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18:46:38def-Araq: sounds reasonable
18:47:16def-Araq: the only problem I can imagine is that PRs that change behaviour can't add an entry to news at the same time
18:47:46Araqwell the current news file is special I guess and remains part of nim
18:48:18Araqseems easy to do now that news are separated by release
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19:10:19renesac_interesting, I can't do `for i in 0 ..< x: echo i` if x is `Positive`
19:10:30renesac_the i inherits that range
19:10:38renesac_is this intended?
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19:34:39deavmi_mobileBest music is in VH1
19:36:39namnguyendeavmi_mobile, yea, no kidding. also checkout the album "Seaside Solo Piano" by Richard Evans. it's full of white noise with piano. really good background music imo.
19:37:36deavmi_mobileOkay. will do :P.
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19:51:43Demosoh my god
19:51:51Demosthe game data from sqlite database idea is actually working
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19:52:29Demosdown to 14ms per frame on a fairly high poly model
19:52:37Demosand most of that is in a function I control
19:52:40Demosand can make fast
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20:21:51WickedShellIs anyone familiar with the glfw package? I'm just trying to get an example to run (on windows with mingw), but I can't get around missing GL/gl.h header. (I know how to solve this under linux, but I'm at a loss on windows)
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20:45:51Demospass -d:glfwDynlib
20:46:33Demosyou also may need to link user32.lib, opengl32.lib and shell32.lib
20:46:47Demosalthough I only had to do that when I was static linking aganst glfw
20:46:53DemosI'm using msvc by the way
20:47:07Demosthings should be pretty much the same in a mingw or cygwin situation
20:48:32WickedShellah that gets it through compiling. Fails to load the actual glfw3.dll after that but thats fairly easy to drop into the folder
20:49:16WickedShellout of curiosity I noticed that when I tried to run the command without that flag and it was crashing on trying to find gl.h it would do it once, but it would never try to compile those files again and just error later on in the build process
20:49:32WickedShellthe only way to force it to retry was to delete the contents of nimcache, is this expected?
20:49:37WickedShell(just starting to play with nim)
20:56:15AraqDemos: sounds like you should write a blog post
20:57:14AraqWickedShell: --forceBuild also does the trick
20:57:27WickedShellAraq, thanks :)
20:59:47elroodalthough this at most counts as a workaround, not a fix. the issue has come up before, just not consistently enough for a bug report, afair
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21:00:39Araqnim doesn't really deal with failing C compiles as it always produces valid C (modulo codegen bugs :P)
21:00:51deavmi_mobilewhen you internet doesn't work like it used to. :(
21:01:00deavmi_mobilemodulo codegen bugs?
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21:01:54Araqwell you know ... even the best compilers have bugs. and Nim even more.
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21:03:25elroodnot a real compiler..? ;P nim generates hash files for files it considers compiled, right? wouldn't it suffice to shift the generation of these files to after the c compiler has successfully returned?
21:04:34elroodhaven't had a look at the internals obviously, just speaking off the top of my head here
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21:06:41Araqelrood: yeah that would work except we call the C compiler in parallel for every C file, so it's slightly more work to determine which compiles failed
21:07:14reactormonkCheck exit codes?
21:07:59WickedShellis the parrell build why it was doing "ccoommppiillaattiioonn tteerrmmiinnaatteedd.." ?
21:08:29Araqreactormonk: we do check exit codes
21:09:02reactormonkAraq, hm. Can't correlate that back to the files?
21:09:19Araqreactormonk: well we max() all the return values :P
21:09:37reactormonkAraq, ...
21:09:49AraqWickedShell: cannot follow, but in general the compiler is verbose because I like verbose.
21:10:17WickedShellAraq, http://pastebin.com/vVqJgqAW I was really confused to see it double every letter in compilation terminated
21:10:27WickedShell(line 151)
21:10:28AraqI have seen too many programs die silently.
21:10:49WickedShellI'm good with verbose, but doubled letters was surprising :)
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21:11:31AraqI've never seen that error message.
21:11:41Araqit's not something my compiler generates.
21:12:22WickedShellmight be something mingw related? (not sure, I just grabbed the win-x64 installer off the nim site last night)
21:12:58Araqmaybe it's a race condition in the IO subsystem of mingw
21:14:58WickedShellah your definetly write its multiple streams going to std out, looks differrent now "ocompimlaptiion telarminated.t"
21:16:45Araqthat's why usually full line buffering is enabled :P
21:17:01Araqthinking about it ... I think the Nim compiler relies on some undocumented IO behaviour
21:17:24Araqbecause only 'echo' is guranteed to properly multi-thread and the compiler doesn't use 'echo' ...
21:17:37Araqoh well, we'll soon get IO locks. :-)
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21:23:27WickedShellnimble is the package manager, what is the common build tool? (make?) or does the nim community treat it like C/C++ where there are tons of different competing build tools? (part of why I ask is I've been doing a lot of clojure recently where you either use lein or boot)
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21:28:14Araqyou can either have a nimble 'task' for it or just do 'nim c project.nim' since Nim always builds complete projects.
21:28:26Araqwe don't need a build tool.
21:28:59Araqnote that once upon a time we had working --symbolfiles resulting in insanely fast incremental builds
21:29:35WickedShellI'm a bit lazy with the keyboard so having to add the needed flags for some dynlibraries everytime is not exciting... I'll look into arbitrary tasks with nimble then
21:29:35Araqafter 1.0 is out or maybe before that we'll clean up --symbolfiles
21:30:00Araqwell you can simply put these in a nim.cfg file
21:30:03elroodWickedShell, what happened to cake, and maven, and ant..? ;)
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21:31:01WickedShellelrood, for clojure? Those are all sub tools that the others lean on :D (I don't think I've actually seen a clojure project based around anything other then lein or boot) now if your talking build tools in general that list just keeps going.... :D
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21:40:16renesac_finally the queues pull request: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4344
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21:42:45cheatfaterenesac_, but why `queue` needs random access?
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21:53:38renesac_do you want me to look for the irc log with that user?
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22:09:55renesac_http://irclogs.nim-lang.org/14-07-2015.html <-- from 18:37
22:15:06Araqrenesac_: it's fine to implement what random people on IRC requested some time ago, but we also have like 5 trillion open feature requests :P
22:15:49renesac_implementing what random people on irk ask is more fun?
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22:16:51cheatfaterenesac_, please make 2 hash tables :) cuckoo and `robin without tumbstone` :)
22:17:39Araqyeah patch the stdlib, I want robin hood.
22:18:01cheatfateand cuckoo for benchmarks :)
22:18:02renesac_yeah, that would be interesting
22:18:28renesac_not sure about the cukoo
22:18:34cheatfatebecause there was some issues about lockfree cuckoo
22:18:36renesac_maybe you do the cukoo part
22:18:44renesac_and I the robin hood part
22:19:02cheatfateehh... :(
22:19:26Araqhmmmm Kaley Cuoco hashing
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22:20:43Araq^ will win any benchmark
22:21:14renesac_no single hash table wiwns all benchmarks
22:21:50AraqCuoco hashing wins by distracting you from the harsh numbers
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22:24:46Araqkinda like hypno-toad
22:25:12PMunchNice curvy graphs
22:25:26PMunchperformance graphs that is
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