<< 15-07-2015 >>

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01:51:33zasparddef-: that looks awesome
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01:53:17zasparddef-: I'm still new to Nim, would it be possible / a good idea to write ruby extensions in Nim? (see: http://guides.rubygems.org/gems-with-extensions/ for the normal way)
01:53:52zaspardreactormonk: what is Araq currently using Nim in productionf or?
01:58:19EXetoCzaspard: it should be fine
01:58:38renesacespecially since there is no cython like thing for ruby to compete
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02:35:49renesacwhen you remove something from a container in nim it usually don't shrinks it capacity automatically
02:36:29renesacis there already some default name for procs that shrink the container for the smallest size that can fit the data?
02:36:56renesacbecause the queues module don't have any such proc and I wanted to add
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04:01:36Varriountrenesac: No, there isn't.
04:02:26Varriountrenesac: Keep in mind that for structures like sequences and strings, such a procedure would involve reallocating the memory to a smaller block.
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04:03:24renesacyes, of course, this may fail
04:03:55renesacbut sometimes you want to do this shrinking
04:04:07renesacand it would be good to have a proc to do that
04:05:07renesacand there is nothing like this for seqs either... right?
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04:05:53renesaca realloc for seqs
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10:38:56Araqdef-: what about using fgets and cutting off any optional CR at the end? so we only support CR-LF and LF and not CR but CR is not common anyway. except for Macs which might have handling for it in their fgets implementation though
10:42:16federico3I'd suggest supporting CRLF and LF optionally using a flag e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4158645/make-the-readline-method-of-python-recognize-both-end-of-line-variations
10:42:45Araqfederico3: that doesn't help to speedup readline for the default case.
10:43:42federico3why not?
10:44:22Araqthe default case has to stay "support any newline chars"
10:46:42federico3it does? Well, then 3 CR/LF/CRLF flags could be added
10:47:10*wb quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
10:47:23federico3(I though you were ok with breaking backward compat)
10:48:37AraqI'm not ok with breaking readline for speeding it up. I don't use readline for speed criticial things anyway. line based parsing is stupid.
10:52:04Araqwell breaking it slightly for the CR case is acceptable for me :P
10:57:11wuehlmauswhat about ncurses?
10:57:40wuehlmausany bindings yet?
10:57:47wuehlmausi didn't find any so i guess no
10:59:01wuehlmauswell, i found them now so sorry for noise
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11:38:12baabelfishIs there a way to omit the name of a parameter when defining a type of a proc?
11:38:25baabelfishlike proc(x: string) vs proc(string)
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11:42:04bogenI find that annoying as well (having to provide it), but I look at it as a form of "self documention" if you name the parameter descriptively
11:43:07baabelfishbogen: seems ok if you think of it like that :D
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11:49:15*[CBR]Unspoken quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:49:44bogenI did not see an existing issue report on this, so I submitted this: String slicing broken in the JS backend #3120
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11:53:11Varriount_Araq: Don't configuration files use line-based parsing?
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11:54:59VarriountAraq, federico3: Why can't we do what python does and use fread?
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12:29:55AraqVarriount: we can but I suspect it's slower than fgets
12:36:58Araqbaabelfish, bogen: from future import `->`
12:37:28Araqproc pass2(f: (float, float) -> float): float = f(2, 2)
12:38:16baabelfishAraq: nice
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13:37:22VarriountAraq: And yet python is faster than Nim when using it.
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13:57:54renesacthis may also be of interest: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9371238/why-is-reading-lines-from-stdin-much-slower-in-c-than-python?rq=1
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14:33:47drewsremIs there something existing or planned to pass a block of code not as an AST to a macro, but simply as a list of strings to a metaprogramming concept that can alter the block on a string level? (i.e. parses a block of code itself rather then explicitly boxing it into a string and working on that)
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14:34:46bogenyou mean something like parsestmt?
14:35:33drewsrembogen, yes, but in order to use parsestmt the input has to be a string, not a block of code
14:36:25drewsremso I'd have to wrap the block of code into triple quotes if I don't want to escape "s etc.
14:36:52drewsremAnd then syntax-highlighting in the editor disappears etc.
14:37:56bogenI often convert the pased in exprs to strings via $
14:38:02bogenmanipulat them
14:38:24bogenand the reparse them with parsestmt
14:39:53drewsrembogen, yes but when you pass a block of code into a macro as an expr, the block of code will be parsed into an AST and this limits you to nims syntax, i.e. if I do: dumpTree: foo 'bar', it will throw me an error because in nim using '-delim defines a char-quote, that's only one example
14:40:21bogenyea, but you can $ the passed in exprs
14:40:29bogenand get the text back
14:40:41fowlOr you can wrap the expr in a template and call getAst() to evaluate it
14:41:21Araqdrewsrem: that DSLs are restricted to Nim's syntax or have to use """ is a concious design element of Nim
14:41:42Araqyou can always parse Nim without macro evaluations
14:41:52Araqand this is in fact what the parser does
14:42:12bogenyeah, in my opinion foregin syntax needs to be inside a """, otherwise stuff gets too confusing
14:42:22drewsremAraq, but I'd have to do this as a separate step on the source-code and parse myself right? - Code transformation
14:42:50Araqif you chose to use """ you chose to use a custom parser
14:42:59AraqI don't see anything wrong with it
14:43:36bogenagreed, especially since it can still be done at compile time,
14:44:04drewsremIt's pretty verbose, I'm thinking of something like bash-syntax, every time I'd want to execute a process I'd have to wrap the arguments into """ """
14:44:48drewsremSo quickly your code would be filled with triple-quotes
14:45:01bogenAraq does not want Nim to turn into a Forth. :)
14:45:01drewsremI'm not saying how it should or should be tho, I just noticed that it would be cumbersome
14:45:35Araqproc `()`(x: string{lit}) = discard execShellCmd(x)
14:45:48Araq"cd .."()
14:46:02Araq"gcc -c foo.c -o foo"()
14:46:20drewsrembut then you have to escape "s when you construct the argument list
14:46:57Araqproc `()`(x: string{lit}) = discard execShellCmd(x.replace("'", "\""))
14:47:13Araq"gcc -c 'foo.c' -o foo"()
14:47:30Araqthere are lots of ways to do things
14:47:46drewsremI'm pretty used to using double-quotes, but I get your point
14:47:59drewsremI was just wondering
14:54:22r-kuhow can i build 32 bit nim on 64 bit os?
14:55:04Araq--os:i386 --passC:"-march=i386"
14:55:18r-kuawesome /gayHug
14:55:43Araqor something else for "march", I can never remember the C compiler command line
14:56:30r-kuill figure it out
14:57:50def-r-ku: --os:i386 --passC:-m32 --passL:-m32 always worked for me
14:59:05def-Araq: the fgets idea sounds good for me, didn't know you were willing to break pure CR. will take a look to implement and test it when i have some time
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15:00:01r-kuit probably should not be saying "command line(1, 2) Error: unknown OS: 'i386'" ?
15:00:20r-kuall i do is 'nim c --os:i386 --passC:"-m32" --pass:"-m32" nim.nim'
15:01:21Araqdef-: excellent, thanks
15:01:53r-kuEXetoC: right! still first problem persists ;)
15:02:08def-r-ku: oops, --cpu:i386 of course
15:02:24Araqyeah, my bad
15:03:44r-kumeh linker still tries to link to 64 bit libs
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15:05:41def-r-ku: what libs, do you have them in 32bit?
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15:06:39r-kugood question. well i got bunch of multilib packages installed
15:06:55r-kuneed to find out where they go on arch..
15:08:43def-r-ku: got gcc-multilib?
15:09:42r-kuinstalling. this was news to me. apparently by default they think x86 is obsolete.
15:09:51r-kuwell it almost is.. but not just yet
15:10:31r-kuyeah getting that and multilib-devel solved it
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15:20:04Araqr-ku: btw you can make --os:i386 pass -m32 to the C compiler automatically
15:20:13Araqit's a common need
15:22:49r-kuneed to test if gcc eats -m32 on x86
15:23:03r-kui would not be surprised if its dumb enough to crap itself with unknown option error..
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15:26:08drewsremAraq, on the first day of Christmas Araq brought to me: http://ix.io/jKi :|
15:26:56def-r-ku: yes, it does work on x86
15:27:14r-kuok then
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15:55:44coffeepotello, what am I doing stupid here? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/76e841c16702c7f98d76
15:57:16fowlcoffeepot: unchecked is applied to the ptr not the array
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15:57:42coffeepotoooooo that makes sense :) cheers fowl
15:58:05fowlUc{.unchecked.}[t] = array[0,t]
15:58:26fowlByteptr = ptr Uc[byte]
15:59:36coffeepotnice! Works perfectly :)
16:02:50matkukiCan somebody look at this: https://bpaste.net/show/dcbf66eab167
16:02:51matkukiShould this be reported as a bug?
16:05:18def-matkuki: looks like a bug, yes
16:05:42matkukidef-: thanks, will report it.
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16:12:29r-kutbh i wish x86 dies sooner than later
16:13:26EXetoCand is replaced by the mill architecture? :p
16:14:39r-kuamd64 is great, i dont need anything else :p
16:16:55EXetoCyou like the instruction set?
16:18:31EXetoCand you don't mind the fact that it's based on x86?
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16:37:00r-kuEXetoC: compilers build much more readable assembly on x64
16:37:12r-kucalling conventions are also nice
16:37:28r-kuon the contrary seeing disasm on x86 app that uses cdecl is making my eyes bleed
16:37:46r-kuthat excessive messing with stack pointer.. well its really horrible
16:38:12r-kuarch itself is fine. just compilers commit crimes against humanity w/ x86 code generation
16:38:32r-kuAraq: we have a problem
16:38:46r-kufor coroutines to work we need working N_FASTCALL
16:38:58r-kuso here we have gazillion compilers problem again
16:39:17r-kusure it can work on gcc/clang/msvc but it will probably break on anything that isnt gcc/msvc-compatible
16:39:49r-kureason for this is cdecl being an ass and generating code that messes with stack pointer. that happens after switching to new stack
16:40:25r-kui dont think i should counter-act that sub esp, 10h because we arent sure if such code will always be generated, thus fastcall needed
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16:43:29Araqr-ku: no, you only need a working N_FASTCALL stub
16:43:52r-kuno, i need actual fastcall calling convention so parameter is passed via register and not stack
16:44:01r-kuotherwise i cant avoid stack operations after call
16:44:11r-ku(they make thing crash)
16:52:18EXetoCif only HTML parsers weren't so lenient
16:52:51EXetoC"someone wrong here? ah who cares"
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17:23:17Araqr-ku: I cannot follow
17:23:56r-kuw/ cdecl its like this: push XX / call switchStackPointer / add esp, XX
17:24:11r-kuthat add esp, XX messed up new stack because after call new stack is used, not old one
17:24:15r-kucant have that
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17:24:30r-kufastcall takes care of this because param is passed via ecx, not stack
17:28:11r-kuanyway i committed i386 coroutine support. however someone should really write that asm code for arm (it involves more code than just setjmp/longjmp)
17:28:17r-kuand now i go to rest
17:28:20*r-ku disappears
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17:42:11Araqr-ku: you can have a fastcall call that calls a cdecl function
17:42:44Araqyou only need a stub, else *no* cdecl call could ever be made in a coroutine and that's clearly absurd
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18:29:48bogen-workhmmm... I'm using the JS backend. there is no os.getEnv for JS. Is there any way to read an environment variable at compiletime with using os.getEnv?
18:30:14bogen-workwithout using...
18:30:44Araqyes there is a way but it's a bit messy
18:31:17Araqyou need to declare stdlib.os.getEnv somehow
18:31:44Araqthis means a version of os.nim that is in a stdlib Nimble package
18:32:33bogen-workwell, for now I could use staticExec
18:32:33def-bogen-work: i had another way i think, let me see if i can find it
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18:36:35def-bogen-work: right, my method was also with 'const file = staticExec("echo $file")'
18:41:06Araqflaviu: thanks a lot for 'secureHash'. I'm starting to use it for everything :-)
18:48:59bogen-workI see a staticRead, but no staticWrite... I guess could staticExec cat with a HERE doc...
18:49:36Araqstatic: writeFile(...) works iirc
18:50:01AraqstaticRead and staticExec were introduced before we had general static blocks
18:50:04bogen-workok, I'll try that
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18:54:24bogen-workundeclared identifier: 'writeFile' #in a static: block
18:54:43bogen-workI'll use staticExec cat
18:55:45Araqmeh so writeFile is not even declared for JS -.-
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19:08:48bogen-workstaticExec "cat > '$1' <<END_MARKER\n$2\nEND_MARKER\n" % [file,contents]
19:08:56bogen-workwell, that is working....
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19:09:38Araqbogen-work: you should fix system.nim instead so writeFile is available for the JS backend
19:09:46Araqbut it's not trivial to do :-/
19:10:03bogen-workyeah, maybe when I'm not at work...
19:11:57bogen-workstatic nim code should not feel like I'm using bash... (using external commands for simple stuff)
19:12:55Araqwell I use writeFile in a static block in production ...
19:13:03Araqbut not the JS codegen ;-)
19:14:08bogen-workyeah, like you said, I need to fix it for the JS codgen. (I'm reading/writing a CSS file with some string replaces in it)
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19:15:21bogen-workI'll create issues on this stuff tonight and try to get to later this week
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21:58:15stubbZI know you guys would be more geared towards nim but is it overall a better general purpose lang as well?
22:02:48dtscodeI'm on more of a python kick atm, but yeah I use nim for all sorts of things, like webdev and irc bots
22:02:58EXetoCI would use it for anything
22:05:01EXetoCwhy? because it has plenty of high level features and because I prefer static typing
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22:07:18def-stubbZ: I think so, some of my thoughts are in my blog: http://hookrace.net/blog/what-makes-nim-practical/
22:11:12EXetoCI thought python + C was more common, but whatever :p
22:13:53dtscode:D strfmt
22:14:20EXetoCbut I've missed some crucial details once again
22:14:52EXetoCboilerplate generation. so retro :p
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22:23:23EXetoCdtscode: it's a well-needed % replacement, and it supports string interpolation too
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22:36:35EXetoCI say that as if it's a revolutionary feature :p
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