<< 15-09-2017 >>

00:02:17couven92nope didn't work either
00:04:09dom96TjYoco: you can run with the --debug flag and see what nimble executes
00:04:59FromGitter<superfunc> dom96: I'd be happy to add tests to that PR, but wont have time till this weekend
00:05:19FromGitter<superfunc> I could do them in a separate PR, whatever you prefer
00:05:38TjYocodom96 I just made PR on GitHub, so I probably shouldn't run it again right?
00:17:30Araqcouven92: sorry, I'm out of ideas
00:18:04couven92yeah... me too, I'll try to hack it manually in the weekend
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02:49:59FromGitter<adamrezich> here's a weird question: why does this compile, but output nothing? https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=46e9a15ddbdbd3cb881ba640ace84832
02:52:06FromGitter<adamrezich> and if you remove the `[]`s and change the `var`s in the methods to `ptr`s, it does the same thing
02:52:54FromGitter<adamrezich> ( https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=980448bcf2c1b6a77479319aca168645 )
02:55:06FromGitter<adamrezich> it seems like it should either call one of the two methods, or else fail to compile because it couldn't figure it out, or something
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06:26:44FromGitter<Grabli66> Cant find FutureStream in documentation https://nim-lang.org/docs/lib.html
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06:41:07FromGitter<Varriount> @adamrezich I would file a bug report, however keep in mind that `ptr` is unsafe
06:41:34FromGitter<Varriount> I would consider what that about does to be undefined behavior.
06:41:46FromGitter<Varriount> *that snippet
06:41:54AraqI think it's not a bug, what you're doing is wrong
06:42:14Araqlook at the produced C code and it will make sense
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06:47:06FromGitter<Varriount> @Grabli66 It appears the AsyncStreams module doesn't have it's documentation in the index. Could you file a bug?
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06:49:47FromGitter<Grabli66> Ok
06:53:19FromGitter<BigEpsilon> @Araq , What do you think about adding this to c2nim: when a new function is parsed, check if its name is in p.options.classes, and if it is, replace it by the constructor. Does it make sens or do I keep it external to c2nim ?
06:53:57Araqhow can the constructor not be in its class?
06:54:29FromGitter<BigEpsilon> not in its classe, but an arleady seen class
06:54:45FromGitter<BigEpsilon> oh options classes may not be what I think
06:55:10FromGitter<BigEpsilon> I'm talking about function call sry
06:55:14FromGitter<BigEpsilon> not definition
06:55:51FromGitter<BigEpsilon> the most important use case if for default function parameter values
06:56:17FromGitter<BigEpsilon> like bar(a: foo = foo(0))
06:56:46FromGitter<BigEpsilon> where we'd like to have bar(a:foo=constructFoo(0))
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07:04:58Araqah ok
07:05:17Araqsounds good to me
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07:25:14FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Ok I'll try to implement it this weekend
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07:49:00FromGitter<BigEpsilon> then add support for nested classes/structs
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08:39:09adeohluwahello guyz
08:39:17adeohluwabn a minute tho
08:40:01adeohluwaI'm trying to write a scraper that will make a couple of concurrent requests
08:40:22adeohluwawhat's the best option for dead easy concurrency in nim?
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08:46:51adeohluwaalso a way to specify how many concurrent requests @ a time
08:55:13yglukhovadeohluwa: for i in 0 ..< numberOfConcurrentRequests: asyncCheck runSrcapper()
08:56:23yglukhovnote that this is a single thread solution. for multithread, use spawn instead of asyncCheck
09:00:47adeohluwaawesome , thanks a bunch
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09:01:16adeohluwayglukhov: will go try it out & give feedback
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09:14:45FromGitter<Bennyelg> Any reason why we always need to change string to SqlQuery type ?
09:15:55FromGitter<Bennyelg> I wondering If I need mimic some behaviors from the regular db_* connector to my library. ⏎ for example from connect, change to open, ⏎ for regular string statement, to SqlQuery
09:15:57FromGitter<Bennyelg> etc
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09:36:33AraqBennyelg: to prevent SQL injections.
09:36:33FromGitter<Bennyelg> if x not in ('x', 'y')
09:36:44FromGitter<Bennyelg> not work in nim ?
09:36:55Araqif x notin ...
09:37:02FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Araq thanks, Where is the definition of SqlQuery
09:37:07FromGitter<Bennyelg> I would like to see it
09:37:07Araqthere are no 2 token operators in Nim (thank goo)
09:37:25Araqyou're supposed to use sql"select * from ..."
09:37:42Araqnot to convert it to SqlQuery, jezz the docs are full of examples
09:38:16FromGitter<Bennyelg> I saw the docs But I didnt find the sqlQuery definition
09:38:19FromGitter<Bennyelg> Just the usage
09:39:50Araqit's a 'distinct string'
09:40:20FromGitter<Bennyelg> Oh ok, now I'll check what is the definition of distinct string :| except it's distinct
09:41:59FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Arak, thanks for the help, ⏎ Another question, how can I simulate 'ping' to an address and see if I get a response
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10:06:30FromGitter<Grabli66> How i can do something like this "let d : int = await spawn myProc()" ?
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10:29:34FromGitter<Bennyelg> how to change nimble package name ?
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10:37:23Araqthat requires a manual PR I think
10:37:50Araqgrabli66: er, not sure
10:42:15euantorBennyelg see here: https://github.com/nim-lang/packages#renaming-packages
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11:01:52FromGitter<Grabli66> Araq, maybe you know a best way to interact with .NET assembly from Nim?
11:02:51AraqNET is a VM, it interacts with everything in a bad way
11:06:05euantorEither sockets or a named pipe if you're maning to do IPC
11:11:21FromGitter<Grabli66> Araq, i think about sockets, named pipes shared memory. Cause i dont know anything else. :)
11:11:56FromGitter<Grabli66> And i want fastest way
11:12:33yglukhovGrabli66: i think shared mem is always the fastest way, but the trickiest to get right.
11:13:37FromGitter<Grabli66> yglukhov, i also think it's better way.
11:14:20yglukhovwhats your use case?
11:15:22yglukhovunless its some realtime video rendering-streaming shared mem sounds like an overkill
11:15:28FromGitter<Grabli66> I want a database core written in nim. And want a possibility to write stored procedures in C#, maybe Java :)
11:16:14yglukhovthat doesnt sound like IPC
11:16:24FromGitter<Grabli66> Why?
11:16:42yglukhovi'm guessing you would want to run either JVM or CLR from within your native process.
11:17:06yglukhovso the CLR/JVM code will run in the same address space
11:17:17FromGitter<Grabli66> I can run CLR from my process?
11:17:31yglukhovno idea. JVM - yes.
11:17:42yglukhovi think it should be possible
11:17:56yglukhov.NET would be pretty much useless otherwise ;)
11:18:06FromGitter<Grabli66> Yes, i can run JVM.
11:18:18Araqexpose a C interface and let them write stored procedures in Nim, C, C++, Rust. that's good enough ;-)
11:19:22Araqor compile the NET/JVM bytecode into native asm instructions you can run, how hard can it be? :D
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11:19:40yglukhovGrabli66: there you go: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9x0wh2z3(VS.90).aspx
11:19:42FromGitter<Grabli66> Araq, :)
11:22:41yglukhov"or compile the NET/JVM bytecode into native asm" - easy if you run CLR/JVM, they would JIT it for you =)
11:22:47yglukhovhopefully... =)
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11:26:43yglukhov"expose a C interface" - let's go a bit further. support passing procs to the server as Nim source code, and let the server compile and run it.
11:27:27FromGitter<Grabli66> yglukhov, thanks, i think host CLR is best solution :)
11:27:53FromGitter<edubart> how nim seq allocated memory grows? double every time when is out of reserved memory?
11:27:58Araqyglukhov: yeah but then you have to use some overly complex "hosting" API that can take weeks and months to figure out
11:28:21Araqedubart: the factor is 1.5 like compsci tells us
11:30:07Araqyglukhov: ah good I merged this http change -.-
11:30:12Araqcan you revert it please?
11:30:35yglukhovAraq: that would not help, it was broken before.
11:33:04Araqok then, at least it has not gotten worse
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12:15:34FromGitter<edubart> what is the proper way to add data from C pointer "data", with length "size" into a seq[uint8] named "buffer" ?
12:33:35Yardanicosubsetpark, https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6379 is fixed now :)
12:35:42FromGitter<edubart> I did use ⏎ var tmp = newStringStream(); tmp.writeData(data, size); return castseq[uint8 (toSeq(buffer.data.items)); ⏎ however I'm doing an additional by using stringstream, how to simplify?
12:36:23PMunchedubart: for i in 0..len: buffer[i] = cast[array[0..int.high,uint8]](data)
12:36:35PMunchSomething like that should work
12:38:09PMunchThe cast could of course be done earlier. ie. "let cArray = cast[array[0..int.high, uint8]](data)" then "for i in 0..len: buffer[i] = cArray[i]"
12:38:27PMunchAnd you probably want to initialize your seq to the size of the array before the loop
12:40:12FromGitter<edubart> hmm ok, I thought it could have a shortcut without doing for loops, but I will try that way
12:41:30Araqjust write the data
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12:41:58Araqtmp.writeData(unsafeAddr(buffer.data[0]), buffer.data.len)
12:42:21PMunchWell, another suggestion I found was to create a new type. So "type Carray = object; size: int, data: array[0..int.high, uint8]" and then simply implement [] and []= for it
12:42:37FromGitter<edubart> and is there a method to grow the seq (without initializing) before writing it?
12:42:49AraqPMunch: your cast to an 'array' is horrible and will stop to work soon enough
12:42:55Araqarrays are not pointers in Nim.
12:43:14PMunchYou were the one who first showed me how to do that Araq :P
12:43:30Araqpretty sure I showed it correctly
12:43:34FromGitter<edubart> for a seq that is already initialized
12:43:43Araqthe idea mutated in your head
12:44:09Araqedubart: there is only setLen() then
12:44:25Araqwe don't have a setCap() yet :-)
12:44:54PMunchWait, what's the right way of doing it?
12:45:04Araqproc setCap(s, cap) = let old = s.len; setLen(s, cap); setLen(s, old)
12:45:24FromGitter<edubart> I think it would be useful if sequtils had a method to grow the capacity and also to have something like writeData from StringStream
12:45:27PMunchI remember you did a cast to an infinate size container
12:45:30AraqPMunch: cast to a *ptr* to an array
12:45:41PMunchOh right
12:46:19Araqedubart: what's the use case?
12:46:22FromGitter<Bennyelg> So In-order to change my package name I need to pull request with modification of the https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/blob/master/packages.json file ?
12:47:26FromGitter<edubart> my use case is that I am binding a C library where I need to copy memory from a loading method to nim seq[uint8]
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12:48:37Araqthat's easily covered by setLen.
12:48:37FromGitter<edubart> so if there was writeData(pointer, size) in seq life would be easier for C bindings like this
12:48:40YardanicoAraq, btw, about pegs at compile-time: it throws an error like "lib/pure/pegs.nim(1217, 13) Error: attempt to access a nil address" now
12:49:41Yardanico1217 is "case buf[pos]"
12:49:49Yardanicoso it throws an error on buf[pos]
12:49:53PMunchYeah I think the use-case C array to seq is common enough that this should exist as a library function
12:53:44AraqYardanico: fix it? :-)
12:53:56YardanicoAraq, it's not clear why it throws an error like this
12:53:57Araqlooked hard the last time
12:54:05Yardanicothen I shouldn't even try :P
12:54:08Araqit's VM bug (obviously)
12:54:29AraqI changed the 'buf: cstring' to 'buf: string' and got the same result
12:55:03Araqbtw whoever wrote json.getStr was a genius
12:55:34Araqdefault values seem much better than exceptions in this case
12:55:46Araqthis way the server doesn't crash and continues to serve
13:02:18FromGitter<Bennyelg> Improvements :D ⏎ https://github.com/Bennyelg/nimPresto
13:03:02Yardanicocan you edit images a bit ? :)
13:03:17FromGitter<Bennyelg> ?
13:03:19Yardanicopresto image is low-res
13:03:27Yardanicoyou can make both images smaller :)
13:03:41FromGitter<Bennyelg> I am a shitty designer
13:03:52Yardanicook, first suggestion on code:
13:03:55FromGitter<Bennyelg> I'll be happy if someone can assist with that
13:04:02Yardanicodon't use multiple "type" sections, you can put all your types into one
13:04:06FromGitter<edubart> ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ my solution was that, what about having this in sequtils? I can make PR [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59bbcfc6bc46472974390eb5]
13:04:25Yardanicoe.g. type section can have more than 1 type definition
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13:04:34FromGitter<Bennyelg> oh correct
13:07:09Yardanicoabout if client.get(url).status != "200 OK": -- it's better to use Http200
13:07:41FromGitter<Bennyelg> mm inside the client call?
13:11:14dom96|wAraq: can't tell if that's sarcasm or not (regarding json.getStr)
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13:25:50Araqno sarcasm
13:28:27YardanicoBennyelg: how can I test if my changed version of your package works?
13:28:46Yardanicodo I need to run presto locally, or there's some test databases which are available online?
13:29:10FromGitter<Bennyelg> this is the problem, you will need a connection to presto database
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13:29:32FromGitter<Bennyelg> I guess you can try run one locally with 1 node, but you will also need a catalog to stored the data into
13:29:36FromGitter<Bennyelg> it's just a sql-engine
13:29:55FromGitter<Bennyelg> this engine is separate the storage from the computation
13:29:59FromGitter<Bennyelg> great for big data
13:30:29FromGitter<Bennyelg> you can provide me a pull request and I'll test it :D
13:30:37yglukhovdom96: hey
13:31:15YardanicoBennyelg: ok
13:31:30yglukhovdom96|w: what do you think of https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/404?
13:32:38Yardanicoyglukhov, http not found
13:33:24yglukhovYardanico: which one?
13:33:33Yardanicoyglukhov, I mean your PR id is 404 :P
13:33:45yglukhovah, right =)
13:34:06yglukhovi've got 400 as well =)
13:34:56YardanicoAraq, "proc `==`(x, y: ptr int): bool {.error.}" from manual doesn't work
13:35:06Yardanicoe.g. it still requires you to write some implementation
13:35:19Yardanicolike "proc `==`(x, y: ptr int): bool {.error.} = true"
13:35:50Yardanicolatest devel
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13:37:50YardanicoBennyelg: I'm doing smaaal changes to your lib
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13:42:57FromGitter<Bennyelg> Ok :D
13:43:19FromGitter<Bennyelg> community help is always blessed.
13:44:19YardanicoBennyelg: can you try this? https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/1bc941a8300c3095eb6c5308a9e2d1b7
13:44:24Yardanicoe.g. check if it works :)
13:44:53TjYocoAre methods basically virtual procs?
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13:57:22FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59bbdc42bc46472974396100]
13:57:28FromGitter<Bennyelg> Im digging to find what is the problem
13:58:06FromGitter<Yardanico> @Bennyelg do you have any test DB which I can connect to?
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13:59:27FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico hehe No Im testing on my work Database in production :|
13:59:37FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico lol
14:00:01Yardanicowell I changed fetchAll a bit
14:00:22FromGitter<Bennyelg> I think it's related to the processResponse
14:00:24FromGitter<Bennyelg> Im checking
14:00:45FromGitter<Bennyelg> something here ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59bbdd0c1081499f1f35bea7]
14:01:24*dom96|w quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
14:02:01FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico Because I checked also the fetchOne, fetchMany they all failed there , something probably about the newSeq allocation
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14:02:35FromGitter<Grabli66> How i can use async procedures in iterator? Do i need use "waitFor" for async procedures?
14:03:09YardanicoBennyelg: well I can't help you much without having some DB connection :/
14:03:11FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico The data["data"]
14:03:31Yardanicoit seems presto doesn't even have arch package (or ubuntu one)
14:03:35Yardanicomaybe they have it in docker
14:04:34FromGitter<Bennyelg> the data["data"].getElems resulting something like
14:04:43FromGitter<Bennyelg> @[@[]]
14:04:47FromGitter<Bennyelg> list of lists results
14:05:41YardanicoI probably see the problem
14:05:57FromGitter<Bennyelg> something related to your for
14:06:02FromGitter<Bennyelg> cur.resultSet.data[i] = data.mapIt(it.getStr)
14:06:04YardanicoI know
14:06:05Yardanicochange it
14:06:19Yardanicofor i in 0..dataset.len: cur.resultSet.data[i] = dataset[i].mapIt(it.getStr)
14:06:26Yardanicoe.g. add "dataset[i]"
14:06:35FromGitter<Bennyelg> yeah hehe
14:06:38FromGitter<Bennyelg> I just saw that
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14:08:31FromGitter<Bennyelg> looks good now, I am testing some corners now
14:10:06Yardanicobe careful :P
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14:10:18Yardanicowell I've used newSeq only for an optimization
14:10:30Yardanicoit would be more efficient than adding to seq
14:10:43FromGitter<Bennyelg> I see that, this is pretty new to me Im still very very newbie
14:10:51Yardanicoalso I've used "using", which is an experimental feature
14:11:06FromGitter<Bennyelg> yea what does it mean exactly
14:11:18Yardanicoe.g. "cur" would be "replaced" by "cur: Cursor"
14:11:29Yardanicoif "cur" is a proc argument
14:11:38FromGitter<Bennyelg> oh fantastic instead of this: cursor
14:11:46Yardanicoinstead of "cur: Cursor"
14:11:51Yardanicoor instead of "this: Cursor"
14:11:55FromGitter<Bennyelg> yea
14:12:10Yardanicousing statement here
14:12:15FromGitter<Bennyelg> so I have to leave {.experimental.}
14:12:28Yardanicowell it wouldn't do anything really bad
14:13:02FromGitter<Bennyelg> I don't care, I dont see anyone which use db_presto yet :D
14:13:09FromGitter<Bennyelg> this is all experimental
14:13:17Yardanicowell at least you see that it looks a bit better :)
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14:13:51FromGitter<Bennyelg> yea
14:14:01FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico another question ⏎ why from proc to template
14:14:01FromGitter<Bennyelg> template cursor*(con): Cursor = con.cur
14:14:28Yardanicobecause your "cursor" was just a shortcut
14:14:42Yardanicoand it's better sometimes to have a "template" for shortcut instead of a proc
14:14:48Yardanicoe.g. performance-wise :)
14:16:18FromGitter<Bennyelg> Ok, thanks!
14:16:32Yardanicowell you can change it back to a proc
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14:19:24vivushello all. where is the source-code for this: https://nim-lang.org/docs/ ?
14:20:10Yardanicoin .nim files themselves :)
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14:20:48Yardanicoexcept manual, tutorials
14:21:16Yardanicoand some other files, which are here - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/tree/devel/doc
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14:27:22vivusit's under commented-code ?
14:27:32vivusI mean. its under comments in the code?
14:27:39FromGitter<Yardanico> Yes
14:28:00FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico I can't pass default value to a template right?
14:29:51vivusis the documentation lacking examples?
14:30:15Araqkrux02: when you read this, I can't merge your sizeof/alignof
14:30:43Araqit breaks async on osx because the posix wrappers in general underspecify the fields
14:31:02Araqan .importc'ed object must not have its size computed by Nim
14:31:32vivusAraq: is the documentation lacking in some parts?
14:31:55Araqwhich documentation isn't?
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14:32:21vivusAraq: what would you like to see more of? examples for each proc ?
14:32:32YardanicoBennyelg: just change it back to proc :)
14:32:36FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico Thanks for your help ⏎ https://github.com/Bennyelg/nimPresto/blob/master/db_presto.nim
14:33:38Araqvivus: I don't know, I know everything so I don't use the docs.
14:34:15vivusmaybe dom96 might have some input
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14:36:02AraqBennyelg: can you write a backend for ormin? :-)
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14:38:56TjYocoAraq did you consider dORMin so that it spelled nimrod backwards?
14:40:19Yardanicolol :)
14:41:10adam12lol Araq
14:42:25adam12does anybody know if niminst nimble package is deprecated? seems like there are 2 versions of niminst being maintained right now - one bundled in Nim repo, and nim-lang/niminst repo.
14:44:17Araqadam12: sorry about that, the on in $nim is nim specific but more up to date
14:44:45Araqnim-lang/niminst is for the other projects with the same needs
14:45:03adam12Araq: ok, so if I submitted a pr for nim-lang/niminst, theoretically it might be accepted
14:45:07TjYocoHow do I access object fields from within a macro? I pass my objects as varargs but f.field isn't accessible
14:46:02adam12Araq: it makes sense, just wasn't clear. thanks.
14:46:34TjYocoor am I doing a run-time thing when I should be doing compile time thing. Still getting used to it..
14:47:47YardanicoTjYoco, yeah, you're doing a runtime thing probably
14:48:01Yardanicohowever you can access object if they're constants
14:48:50FromGitter<Grabli66> Why AsyncFile does not raise EOF when is EOF?
14:48:53TjYocoYardanico, makes sense, I think i'm getting the hang of it.
14:53:07subsetparkTjYoco: you also should make sure that you've marked as public the fields you want to access (from outside the module)
14:53:09FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Araq what is ormin 
14:53:47Yardanicoan ORM for Nim
14:54:21Yardanicoexamples here - https://github.com/Araq/ormin/blob/master/examples/forum.nim
14:54:59FromGitter<Bennyelg> so why we need write backend, write me I'll need to go I see your comments later :P
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14:59:46YardanicoBennyelg: some backend like this https://github.com/Araq/ormin/blob/master/ormin/ormin_sqlite.nim
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15:08:51TjYocoWhat am I doing wrong in this macro? https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=00b9e02f8dca49d94445998328747566
15:09:45Yardanicofirstly - what do you want to generate?
15:10:36TjYocothe thing inside dumpAstGen
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15:12:35TjYocowell fix newField to be (apiName: string, s,f: bool) then I still get the error inside newCall()
15:12:59Yardanicowell what are "true", "true"?
15:13:03Yardanicowhy do you need them?
15:14:00Yardanicomaybe you just need to generate let my_thing = newField("my_thing", true, true) from letField( ("my_thing", true, true)) ?
15:14:40TjYocoyes, exactly
15:15:05TjYocoI know I didnt implement everything, but I put the minimal stuff in for this test
15:17:12TjYocoI want to camel case the string for the ident later.. so letField( ("thing_one"), ("thing_two", true) ) -> let thingOne = newField("thing_one") ... etc. Just dont understand how to make the `newField` a NimNode
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15:19:08YardanicoI'm confused about one thing: your "otherF" field in Field object should be int or bool?
15:19:19Yardanicobecause you want to call thing macro with a bool
15:20:00Yardanicoe.g. ("thing_two", true) - what's true for?
15:21:38TjYocoyes, I'm sorry lol. I was a little hasty to put it up. Here, https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=95d64d65787fd7d1ebe73f84a5f78744
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15:22:02Yardanicoah, ok
15:22:36TjYocoVSCode wasn't throwing errors about it and I was more worried about the newCall() that I just didn't notice
15:25:47Yardanicoah, ok
15:26:55Yardanicowell it's pretty easy macro
15:27:19TjYocoNot when you're me
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15:27:55Yardanicoit would generate "let my_thing = newField("my_thing", true, true)" and "let my_thing_two = newField("my_thing_two", false, true)"
15:29:23TjYocoMaybe you could write some examples for the nim-lang docs. You seem really good at it and the ones on there look nothing like the ones I see you type here
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15:33:48TjYocoYardanico works perfect, even got the snake to camel case conversion in there really easy.
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15:42:06YardanicoTjYoco, this would work too
15:42:52FromGitter<ephja> initField ;)
15:45:00TjYocoYardanico, I think the first one is better because I have overloads for newField and I'm pretty sure that works with it
15:45:34TjYocomeh, nvm, I'll get it though
15:46:25YardanicoTjYoco, well it works for me
15:46:40YardanicoTjYoco, do you mean overloads like this? https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=495ee92c4adcadd69832bfeec3d26a57
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15:48:52TjYocoI meant a whole new proc, with different params, and yes it does work, thank you
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15:56:15TjYocoYardanico, turned old into new: https://gist.github.com/Tyler-Yocolano/73a10036118edfe9b7c36e03a58652f8 -- Not sure how necessary it was, but I really wanted to try out macros and that was a good of spot as any. Thanks!
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15:59:08Yardanicowell you can remove those " " as well
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16:01:10TjYocomeh, I think I'll leave them
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16:03:23TjYocoIf you mean around the second args that are sometimes strings, then those actually point to a different object later, not other field objects. I had them as enums but I was getting 'internal error' and just removing them was only way to stop it.
16:03:55YardanicoTjYoco, report it please
16:04:08Yardanico"internal error" is an internal compiler error, please report it to github issues
16:05:55TjYocookay, Ill give it a shot
16:07:22YardanicoTjYoco, without quotes - https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=eafe8850b945015b959c795aadea0c93 :)
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16:09:05TjYocoYardanico nice, but the first way was better for me since I had to `let fName = newIdentNode(snakeToCamel($item[0]))`
16:09:22Yardanicowell you can still do it here
16:09:26Yardanicoand also
16:09:30TjYocoOh i see
16:09:34TjYocoI was looking at the wrong line
16:09:35Yardanicoyou don't need to manually convert snake_case to camelCase
16:09:53Yardanicoe.g.: let some_snake = 5; echo someSnake
16:09:58TjYocoOh yeah, Nim does that
16:10:16TjYocoI'm dumb
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16:26:58ipjk_Anyone that have used scanf? I'm not really understanding the manual for it, on implementing your own matcher.
16:27:32Yardanicoipjk_, I've used it but I didn't implement my own matcher :)
16:27:48Yardanicowell it has the manual on matchers, no?
16:27:50ArrrrI have used it and then forgot how to use it
16:28:30ipjk_Yardanico: yes, it has. But it doesn't really make sense to me.
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16:30:39Yardanicoipjk_, well, your matcher should at least have "input" and "start" arguments
16:33:05Yardanicowell I can't really help you with it, I've never used matchers :)
16:33:37Yardanicoit seems they're not used by other nim projects at all :D
16:38:24ipjk_Yeah, I tried searching github. Most people seem to bind sscanf instead.
16:39:07Yardanicowell it's their way...
16:39:29Yardanicobut I think it's better to use pure nim :)
16:39:34Yardanicowhere you can
16:39:56Yardanicocool thing about scanf - it parses your expression at compile-time
16:40:58Yardanicoso it generates code like this - https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/1ec534dbd8dc3c47fbda8713e6236ebe
16:42:03Yardanicoand for example it's faster than .split
16:42:31Yardanicoin cases if you need to split a string like "int,int,int,int|anotherint,anotherint,anotherint,anotherint"
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16:57:56FromGitter<mratsim> I’m looking for articles/references on async programming good practices and pitfalls. Context: GPU functions on Nvidia Cuda are all async and I want to make sure I read the data when computation is actually finished. Any good references?
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17:05:35ipjk_Yardanico: Would be easier if the documents stated that you needed the signature 'proc (a: string, b: int): int' etc.
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17:05:49Yardanicoipjk_, I don't know if I'm right about it :)
17:05:54Yardanicoipjk_, you're free to improve it
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17:15:47ipjk_Yardanico: it's rather hard to improve documents if you don't understand it yourself -- or do you mean the module?
17:16:38Yardanicowell I mean docs
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17:25:29FromGitter<zacharycarter> o/
17:26:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> ipjk_: I've implemented my own matcher withs canf
17:26:14FromGitter<zacharycarter> scanf*
17:26:32FromGitter<zacharycarter> I did it just the other night let me see if I can remember what code I did it for
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17:27:20FromGitter<zacharycarter> found it
17:27:58FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59bc0d9ebc464729743a8ab4]
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17:38:14ipjk_zach: so it only needs input and to return an int?
17:38:49ipjk_returning the amount of matches?
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17:39:29Yardanicoipjk_, it doesn't return amount of matches
17:39:36Yardanicoit returns how many chars are processed
17:39:46ipjk_yeah, meant that
17:39:51ipjk_like $[matchstring({'a', 'b', 'c'})] in abc = 3
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17:44:17FromGitter<zacharycarter> I believe so
17:47:27manjaro-kde5-what are you parsing? I can help
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17:49:29planetisI have used scanf before
17:49:56planetischeck the end of the module for some simpler examples (the test cases)
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17:50:58shashlickis Nim able to handle static functions from C?
17:51:59FromGitter<zacharycarter> ipjk_: that example is pretty straightforward - your'e returning the number of chars processed and modifying foo
17:52:05FromGitter<zacharycarter> based on the input
17:54:17Yardanicoshashlick, try it ? :)
17:54:24*haha_ quit (Quit: haha_)
17:55:28shashlickstatic makes no sense actually, never mind
17:56:00planetisis the situation on android resolved? Last time I tried to build nim it failed with that notorious glob-smth error
17:56:17Yardanicoplanetis, yes
17:56:27Yardanicoon android without termux?
17:56:33Yardanicoyou need "glob.c" and "glob.h"
17:56:43planetiswith termux but whatever is easier
17:56:52Yardanicoplanetis, use termux
17:56:57planetisyes I do
17:56:57Yardanicoinstall it in play market
17:57:07Yardanicoand install it as usual :)
17:57:16*dddddd quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:57:18Yardanicotermux support was added between 0.17.0 and 0.17.2
17:57:24Yardanicoso it's already in 0.17.2
17:57:48planetisYardanico: I tried building the latest release
17:57:55Yardanicoplanetis, ah
17:58:06Yardanicoeasy fix :)
17:58:09planetis(actually I clonned everything from git)
17:58:27planetisbut it failed building csourses
17:58:36Yardanicoplanetis, apt install libandroid-glob apt install libandroid-glob-dev
17:58:39planetisi mean at bootstraping
17:58:44Yardanicoapt install libandroid-glob libandroid-glob-dev
17:58:45planetisok thank you
17:59:05*vlad1777d quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:01:23planetisi have them both installed though.
18:01:58Yardanicoplanetis, can you post the output?
18:02:05planetisone sec
18:02:06Yardanicoof trying to build csources
18:02:11Yardanicomaybe on gist or pastebn
18:06:09planetisI need to pass --os android to build.sh right?
18:06:15planetisI wasn't doing that
18:06:31Yardanicono you shouldn't I think
18:06:35Yardanicoit should detect it automatically
18:06:40Yardanicobut you may try
18:06:46Yardanicolet me see
18:07:29Yardanicowell no
18:07:32Yardanicoyou shouldn't
18:07:55planetiswell let me see if it fails
18:09:52*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:10:04planetisweird it worked and csources was already up to date
18:10:57planetisnow building without the os flag
18:12:02shashlickhow do you pass a seq[int] to C as an array of pointers? i've tried "addr a[0]" and it still segfaults when it tries to read within C
18:12:17shashlickthe seq is a var and i've also tried unsafeAddr
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18:15:39planetiswep fails https://pastebin.com/nLJR4r0c
18:15:54planetisI will make a PR for the Readme
18:16:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> anyone know the equivalent of the >>> operator from Java?
18:17:20Yardanicowhat it does?
18:17:26FromGitter<zacharycarter> logical right shift
18:17:41Yardanicohttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/5253194/implementing-logical-right-shift-in-c :)
18:18:02FromGitter<zacharycarter> good idea thanks
18:19:32FromGitter<Yardanico> try this: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59bc19b4177fb9fe7ec616d5]
18:19:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> thanks for that
18:20:09FromGitter<Yardanico> ah
18:20:17FromGitter<Yardanico> ">>>", not "<<<" :)
18:20:54FromGitter<Yardanico> probably it will work
18:21:02FromGitter<Yardanico> it's really a direct translation from C
18:24:32Yardanicoah, also try this
18:24:40FromGitter<Yardanico> ```proc `>>>`(a, b: int): int = int(uint(a) shr b)```
18:26:05Yardanicobut both these procs have their corner-cases
18:29:59FromGitter<zacharycarter> hrm alright
18:30:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> damnit I wish I hadn't deleted my old rng / noise stuff
18:30:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> grrrr mad at myself
18:30:25planetisnow fails with: https://pastebin.com/57Ee41zJ
18:30:54planetis*while building the koch tool
18:31:06YardanicoI don't really know why you're getting errors like this
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18:36:07planetisbtw that is my env: https://pastebin.com/MkQse3Gw
18:38:22planetis‎shashlick‎: one idea, download the free chapter from Nim in Action about ffi, maybe the solution is in there
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18:40:13planetisanyway I am dropping this (buildin in android). it wasn't important anyway
18:49:22shashlickplanetis: thanks, i'm doing what it suggests but still I segfault when the array is accessed within C
18:49:36shashlickhttps://forum.nim-lang.org/t/1489 is another reference I'm using
18:51:31Yardanicoshashlick, well I think you should post your code here so someone might help you
18:52:08shashlickokay so I'm trying to call match_fingerprints() from https://github.com/acoustid/pg_acoustid/blob/master/acoustid_compare.c
18:52:24shashlicki've commented out all the postgresql code
18:52:40shashlickin my nim code, I have the following
18:52:42shashlick{.compile: "acoustid_compare.c".}
18:52:42shashlickproc match_fingerprints(a: ptr uint32, asize: int, b: ptr uint32, bsize: int): cfloat {.importc.}
18:52:52Yardanicoehm, why uint32 ?
18:52:55Yardanicojust asking
18:53:15shashlickthat's what the fingerprints are generated as
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18:53:28Yardanicodid you try c2nim?
18:54:07shashlicknot yet
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19:35:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm trying to get the random package working, not going well
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20:00:48FromGitter<mratsim> the random package that ships by default?
20:02:07Araqno the one that is "super extensible" because we all can and should easily write our own random number generators
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20:05:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'd just like something more than what the stdlib offers
20:05:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> more convenience methods, more rng implementations
20:05:54FromGitter<zacharycarter> I don't necessarily want a bunch of different rng packages
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20:18:50TjYococan you read the output of a execShellCmd()?
20:20:08TjYocooh wait, I remember. Disregard
20:25:02obadzdom96: just so I get this right, you authored Aporia but recommend vscode?
20:27:31FromGitter<mratsim> Aporia is deprecated/in limbo state
20:28:19FromGitter<mratsim> I think it’s just a question of time vs everything that Nim needs
20:28:42obadzand vscode gives the best in-editor type checking/completion/etc. experience?
20:29:16FromGitter<mratsim> I didn’t try others because I was already using VScode before developing in Nim but it’s very good
20:29:30FromGitter<mratsim> maybe emacs is better who knows ask @krux02 ;)
20:29:33obadzgood to hear, I'll give it a go
20:30:41FromGitter<mratsim> especially if you use choosenim as well. I’m on mac and I couldn’t get nimsuggest to work with Nim installed from Homebrew (mac package manager) while it works great via choosenim
20:33:20Calinouare there plans to add nightly builds to choosenim? :)
20:33:34Calinouit'd be nice to automate builds (using AppVeyor + Travis), so that this can be done
20:33:45Calinourustup has this, it's pretty handy
20:36:57FromGitter<mratsim> Yep, I can’t test macOS on Travis until choosenim next version is released :/
20:44:14Calinouhmm, why?
20:50:41Araqgit pull origin devel
20:50:45Araqkoch boot -d:release
20:50:54Araq^^ nightly build
20:51:40*obadz trying to see how to fit nimble into the nix way
20:54:51FromGitter<mratsim> @Calinou, I need this commit: https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/commit/78ebeb6094161ddded35fd776bf30936ebca9483
20:56:10Calinouyou could build Nim for macOS, then put it on Travis via wget :D
20:56:15Calinou(hacky, but works)
20:56:31FromGitter<mratsim> @obadz forget it, it doesn’t, like cargo, pypi, cabal, homebrew …. (well it’s installed in the user profile so that’s fine)
20:56:37CalinouAraq: how often does one need to re-build koch using the C sources?
20:56:47CalinouI keep doing it every time, heh
20:56:49CalinouI'll stop then :P
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21:42:05TjYocowhoops, trying to search that..
21:44:10dom96mratsim: why can't you test on Travis macOS with choosenim?
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21:45:43*vivus quit (Quit: Leaving)
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21:55:48FromGitter<mratsim> 1) 2.2 does not have the commit for no /dev/tty
21:58:54TjYocoIs there a way to concat strings within a macro?
22:01:56Araq& ?
22:03:35TjYocoI must be missing something obvious..
22:06:15TjYocohm, it even says it can't evaluate `let value = "nimble"` at runtime. Thought I was starting to understand this thing :/
22:07:27*ShalokShalom quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
22:11:22TjYocooh, whoops forgot the " ` " at the end... const `cName`* = `value`
22:11:51*Elronnd is now known as ^^
22:11:54*^^ is now known as Elronnd
22:14:15*adeohluwa joined #nim
22:15:34adeohluwaI seem to get error on making requests to https websites from httpclient module
22:15:46TjYocowhat error
22:15:57adeohluwaSSL support is not available, cannot connect over SSL
22:16:07dom96compile with -d:ssl
22:16:08TjYococompile with -d:ssl
22:16:14dom96TjYoco: :D
22:16:21adeohluwaTjYoco: bless man!
22:16:33adeohluwadom96: thanks !
22:17:09TjYocodom96 lol I had to type that for my module you just merged about 40x before I just added it to a cfg
22:17:37*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
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22:30:15adeohluwaBig thanks to the folks who contributed to the Nim Rosetta code samples
22:39:18FromGitter<adamrezich> is there a way to get the base typedesc of a typedesc?
22:41:01*Elronnd is now known as ^_^
22:41:13*^_^ is now known as Elronnd
22:44:04*mahmudov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:48:50TjYocoadamrezich, theres this: https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#type-relations-subtype-relation
22:49:14FromGitter<adamrezich> yeah I saw that but it's just pseudocode
22:55:53TjYocoI mean, you can use `x of Type` and get a bool
22:55:59programistoare there any good benchmarks out there of jester but more specifically asynchttpserver? how competitive is it with other envs?
22:57:31programistowell, could have googled first: http://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r14&hw=ph&test=json
23:01:17*dddddd joined #nim
23:02:39Araqyou asked for good benchmarks
23:02:56FromGitter<Bennyelg> Hello All :)
23:03:31Araqthere are none, write a small program that hopefully reflects your use cases and do the timings on your own, everything else is fiction
23:04:01FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Araq , where can I find in the documents all the information regarding the {. .}
23:04:01programistofair enough
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23:48:51FromGitter<mratsim> Finally, I managed to call custom cuda kernels from Nim. https://gist.github.com/mratsim/dfbd944f64181727a97dffb30b8cbd0a. I can sleep. ⏎ ⏎ Well, basically I lost the fights to: ⏎ ⏎ 1) Metaprogramming Cuda from Nim ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59bc66e3210ac2692038375b]
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