<< 15-10-2017 >>

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07:45:52*Yardanico joined #nim
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08:09:31FromGitter<Bennyelg> nimpretty
08:09:35FromGitter<Bennyelg> go go go 
08:10:23YardanicoAraq, hi!!
08:10:26Yardanicoyou are streaming again?!
08:11:03FromGitter<Bennyelg> Yardanico how old are u :)
08:11:08YardanicoI'm 17 :D
08:11:20FromGitter<Bennyelg> I wish i were you :D
08:13:52AraqYardanico: probably tonight, same time
08:14:10FromGitter<Bennyelg> Great, I am In
08:14:42FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Araq Any Conference soon which you are going to introduce Nim?
08:15:20FromGitter<mratsim> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/Dahl/2017-10-15_10-14-54.png)
08:16:17FromGitter<Bennyelg> :)
08:18:06FromGitter<mratsim> Btw @cabhishek how did your Python conference go? Did people like your Nim talk?
08:18:53*claudiuinberlin joined #nim
08:18:54miranAraq: i'm trying to watch yesterday's talk (by following the link posted on twitter), but no luck....
08:19:37Yardanicomiran, what do you mean?
08:19:49YardanicoAraq has recorded his stream, he didn't save it on twitch
08:19:55Yardanicohe'll post it on youtube himself
08:20:22miranYardanico: ah, i see... i've tried link posted here https://twitter.com/nim_lang/status/919283760318898176
08:20:42miranbut now i see your answer there too :D
08:23:34FromGitter<mratsim> @Araq seems like your mitems C++ fix made C++ great again. There is no random crash as well. The only thing left I have to figure out is why bounds-checking I’m expecting are not thrown in C++ mode. Thank you !!! I was losing my hair
08:23:44FromGitter<mratsim> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/54Mz/2017-10-15_10-23-10.png)
08:38:31FromGitter<mratsim> C++ bound checks issue reported: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6512
08:39:58*Arrrr joined #nim
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08:48:37FromGitter<Bennyelg> @mratsim where can we seek for this bug ? in the includes directory?
08:48:46FromGitter<Bennyelg> it's sure not in the "pure"
08:57:50Yardanicoprobably C++ codegen
09:03:25YardanicoAraq, it seems today you gonna work on nimpretty :)
09:03:29Yardanicoit has 5 votes already
09:14:17AraqYardanico: nimpretty should be easier than fixing bugs :P
09:14:37YardanicoAraq, I hope so
09:18:19FromGitter<mratsim> When programming, "easy stuff” can easily lead you down the rabbit hole >_>
09:21:06*Vladar joined #nim
09:39:58dom96I'll be continuing on with my stream in around 1 hour
09:41:10Araqdom96: what will it be about?
09:41:18Yardanicoabout nim of course :P
09:41:39dom96Hooking up my stock notifier with the webdriver package
09:41:43dom96and finishing up the web driver package
09:41:59dom96plus maybe I'll implement `nimble check` (should be easy)
09:42:15dom96Araq: I voted for Nim pretty btw :)
09:42:22Yardanicome too xD
09:43:00Yardanico7 votes for it already - http://www.strawpoll.me/14152674/r
09:45:18*xet7 quit (Quit: Leaving)
09:46:14*libman quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
09:48:19Araqdom96: I know
09:51:45dom96I'm open to other ideas of what to work on in my stream too btw
09:51:59dom96but I do need to fix this stock notifier, it keeps giving false positives now
09:52:20Araqfix Nim bugs
09:53:16Araqmake Nimble less annoying to use :P
09:53:32Araqin other words, fix 'nimble publish' please
09:56:48dom96okay, that's one idea
09:58:53dom96I wonder if what I fixed in httpclient fixed that bug :P
10:02:41*couven92 joined #nim
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10:53:30YardanicoAraq, it seems the topic is already known : http://www.strawpoll.me/14152674/r
10:53:34Yardanico10 votes for nimpretty
10:57:01YardanicoAraq, oh, overloading seems to not work here
10:57:29Araqyeah known bug
10:57:45Araqyou need to write out these .deprecated procs
10:58:01Araqthe .deprecated pragma is only about the type name migration really
10:58:12Araqit was never intended as a feature
10:59:02YardanicoAraq, should these deprecated procs call the new ones?
10:59:09Yardanicoor I just copy-paste proc body?
11:00:09Yardanicoand should I keep docs for deprecated procs?
11:02:09*Snircle joined #nim
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11:15:13*miran quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
11:20:02dom96A little late, but I'm live https://go.twitch.tv/d0m96
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11:20:51*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.9)
11:30:12dom96OBS crashed :\
11:36:54*PMunch joined #nim
11:37:32couven92PMunch, dom96 is streaming https://go.twitch.tv/d0m96
11:37:46PMunchOh cool
11:40:37PMunchWhat is it he's working on by the way? Stock notifier?
11:40:55PMunchWhich is?
11:41:03couven92and for the stream discussion he prefers if we discuss in the twitch chat
11:41:21PMunchYeah I know, but that would mean I have to get a Twitch account :P
11:42:14PMunchStill have to sign-up and sign away another part of my privacy. Plus I'd get even more mail that I won't read
11:44:40PMunchdom96, number sign, hash, or pound sign are the normal names for #
11:44:57PMunchHence hash-tag is a tagging system that uses the hash symbol
11:45:14PMunchYeah I know..
11:45:37PMunchPlus I'm eating breakfast at the moment :P
11:45:43YardanicoPMunch, use temp mails!
11:45:49PMunchI know, I'll probably end up creating one soon
11:45:58YardanicoPMunch, https://temp-mail.org/
11:45:59couven92PMunch, create an IRC->Twitch bridge!
11:46:02Yardanicovery easy one
11:46:11PMunchWas actually thinking about doing that couven92
11:46:19Yardanicocouven92, twitch chat is already IRC
11:46:21couven92I know you too well
11:46:28Yardanicotwitch bots work via IRC
11:46:52couven92Huh... well that would be nice, if dom96 does new streams in the future
11:47:16couven92go PMunch you have time now, since you already delivered your M.Sc.
11:47:32PMunchTrue, but I'm working on the genui thing :)
11:47:43PMunchYes you do dom96
11:47:46PMunchI checked already :)
11:47:52YardanicoPMunch, just use temp mail and twitch irc :)
11:48:20PMunchI don't really have anything against using the Twitch UI, I have to have it open to watch the stream anyways
11:49:52PMunchHmm, my nick has been nicked already :/
11:50:31couven92that's why I call myself couven92 :P
11:50:43PMunchPMunch has been pretty good so far
11:51:06Yardanicoyardanico is 100% unique :P
11:51:15Yardanicowell, 99%
11:51:22Yardanicobecause some guy had it on twitter
11:51:31Yardanicoso I've used yardanic0
11:51:44couven92couven92, is pretty unique as well :)
11:52:07Yardanicoyou literally can find all my public profiles by my nickname
11:52:20PMunchWasn't there some service that would try to grab your nick as many places as possible and just create shill accounts in case you wanted to use them?
11:52:25PMunchI think I remember something like that
11:52:39couven92that sounds evil!
11:52:52Yardanicomaybe it's a program :)
11:53:09PMunchcouven92, the idea was to grab your own nick, so no-one else could get it
11:53:30YardanicoPMunch, he means that this service can grab your nicknames as well :P
11:58:50*libman joined #nim
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12:23:05*ShalokShalom_ joined #nim
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12:29:17couven92I didn't really follow closely yesterday, did Araq say he'd stream today?
12:31:26*ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom
12:32:47*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
12:33:39Yardanicodom96, https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/7e2cbee3e5b32e5e4fee33effd7d5514
12:38:58Yardanicodom96, as konqoro suggested in twitch - https://gist.github.com/Yardanico/7f5b1cac7d947c5e3034307a881cfe6d :)
13:09:55FromGitter<Bennyelg> dom what is this stock notifier
13:11:02FromGitter<Bennyelg> nice
13:15:49Yardanicouse his IRC nickname so he is notified on your message
13:16:07*nsf joined #nim
13:16:11FromGitter<Bennyelg> webdriver/src/webdriver.nim not work
13:17:19FromGitter<Bennyelg> t.nim(51, 31) Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'getBool'
13:17:31Yardanicoit's for devel nim
13:17:35Yardanicochange getBool to getBVal
13:17:55YardanicogetBool looks nicer than getBVal, right? so that's why it was changed
13:19:08FromGitter<Bennyelg> Ic, well another issue ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59e3604c210ac26920eb36bd]
13:20:09FromGitter<Yardanico> strange, maybe your browser isn't very compatible with webdriver specs?
13:21:07FromGitter<Bennyelg> No Idea :D
13:21:19dom96only geckodriver supports the webdriver spec from what I can see
13:21:33FromGitter<Bennyelg> what is geckodriver :)
13:21:49FromGitter<Bennyelg> Mozilla?
13:21:54FromGitter<Bennyelg> Im using chrome
13:23:48FromGitter<Bennyelg> @dom96 how old are you ?
13:25:03FromGitter<Bennyelg> does Gettaxi black cabs are available in you area in UK ?
13:34:20*PMunch joined #nim
13:48:00Yardanicoanyone who didn't vote yet - go http://www.strawpoll.me/14152674
13:48:19Yardanicoit's the topic of next araq stream, which will be today :)
13:51:35*Sentreen quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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14:08:04couven92Yardanico, thanks for posting! :) I am actually really looking forward to that... Nice to have to major nim devels streaming on the same day! :D
14:08:21Yardanicowell araq has already streamed yesterday
14:08:28Yardanicofixing random nim bugs:)
14:08:29couven92yeah, missed that :(
14:08:41Yardanicohe'll upload a recording to youtube
14:08:47couven92YAIH! :D
14:17:03*TjYoco joined #nim
14:29:50dom96oh man
14:30:01dom96Livestreaming is strenous
14:30:10PMunchI'd imagine
14:30:11couven92I can imagine :)
14:30:30PMunchThe constant sense that someone is watching and the pressure to do something every step of the way
14:30:47couven92I find it hard enough to code live in a classroom! and that always has a hard-limit of 2x 45 minutes :P
14:31:05couven92and even with notes that is hard
14:31:09dom96Yeah, and the pure concentration. When I'm coding alone I usually end up taking many breaks to read HN or similar heh
14:31:37PMunchYou should put on a pomodoro timer and run an intermission screen :P
14:31:38couven92Well.. that tea was well deserved! :D
14:32:32couven92PMunch, was it Glade that did the xml serialization? When we worked on FASTSALES?
14:33:16PMunchUhm, yes?
14:33:33couven92I forgot, you know I don't do GTK! :P
14:33:42PMunchIt was the program that created the XML files, then we loaded those with a Glade loader in Gtk
14:34:17couven92yeah... okay... what do you think. Nice to have a Glade Editor (but done properly) for Nim?
14:34:33couven92(using JSON instead of XML, obviously)
14:35:02PMunchThat would be neat
14:35:03couven92and not Glade, but for a Nim xplat GUI framework
14:35:14PMunchThat's the hard part :P
14:35:19couven92(which under the hood can do GTK)
14:35:29FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://imgur.com/a/nvmRS
14:35:35FromGitter<zacharycarter> working on a gun today
14:35:40couven92Oooh... I sense a lot of work coming towards me :P
14:36:14PMunchWell I'm writing a xplat GUI framework (ish)
14:36:24couven92yeah I know
14:36:31PMunchSo you're free to write something for that :)
14:37:13couven92yeah... as I said I had plans to do that for Eto.Forms in C#
14:37:35couven92and the actuall editor stuff would be basically the same thing, I'd imagine
14:38:54couven92But we need to get the KeePass thingy to work!
14:39:29couven92PMunch, recruit Pontus... he was looking for something to do to learn Nim! :P
14:39:51*miran joined #nim
14:40:01PMunchHmm, we really should get a workshop going at uni
14:40:30couven92PMunch, november after the 9th I getting a little more freetime again
14:41:10PMunchThat's not for ages!
14:41:40PMunchDoes anyone have any good ideas for simple tasks for a workshop to learn Nim?
14:42:24miranhow simple?
14:42:53miranany programming knowledge from before or complete beginners>
14:42:58PMunchWell, it's for people studying CS but which have never tried Nim
14:42:58couven92miran, simple enough for people that already know C and Python to do something in a max-two hour timeframe
14:43:29PMunchYeah, but it can be multiple <2h tasks
14:44:49*Arrrr quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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14:47:26mirancouven92: well, i'm in that category (nim beginner with previous python knowledge) :)
14:47:47couven92miran, so... what would be nice to do?
14:48:22couven92PMunch, and I were thinking to at least dive a little into templates, but maybe not too much into macros and fancy AST modding
14:49:04couven92PMunch, BouncingBalls à la Nim?
14:49:27miranand i would say, generally, for start provide different tasks with as many as possible different (built-in) types - how to efficiently use seqs, tables, sets, arrays, etc.
14:49:27PMunchThat would certainly be interesting
14:49:33PMunchOr a simple web-server thingy
14:49:48PMunchmiran, that's a good idea
14:49:59PMunchTry to expose them to as much of the language as possible
14:50:09couven92PMunch, yeah, but we get soo many people with web-workshops at UiT... and... well
14:50:37PMunchYeah.. That's true
14:50:37miranbecause when i started, i managed to use seqs, but i had problem with arrays, and stuff like that
14:51:13couven92miran, well, at UiT we are C-people... so dealing with statically sized arrays is a thing for us
14:52:16*skrylar joined #nim
14:52:28mirancouven92: :) i miss C-background, so probably some obvious things were not-so-obvious to Python-me
14:52:29skrylarzacharycarter: well, it needs testing but i think i have a nim native DDS reader
14:53:35miranbut whatever you choose to do - please share the materials with us, i'll be interested in that and will probably learn something new
14:54:27couven92miran: PMunch and I were considering to stream if do a presentation... However, if we do a workshop, we will definitely do a GitHub repo to follow
14:55:57PMunchcouven92, we could even set up something like for UiTHack were off-site people can join the workshop
14:56:31couven92PMunch, yeah, though tbh it that case a repo with lots of branches would also do...
14:56:35couven92(I think)
14:56:38Yardanicomiran, I haven't had any C experience as well, but learned a lot from learning Nim :P
14:56:49Yardanicoand docs are not that bad actually
14:57:01miranYardanico: how long are you programming in nim?
14:57:03skrylari did straight c for a while
14:57:14couven92Yardanico, yeah, Nim is nice because of the Python-simplicity but still being very good for low-level stuff
14:57:25*Arrrr joined #nim
14:57:37Yardanicomiran, well, I'm a hobbyist rn, so... I discovered nim in march
14:57:44Yardanicobut I didn't do any big things in it
14:57:56miranand docs could be a lot more useful with some examples - this is my major pet peeve with nim docs (and i use that constantly while i'm learning)
14:57:59YardanicoI learned it in ~2-3 weeks
14:58:04Yardanicowell I just use github :P
14:58:04couven92Yardanico, you're still in school, iirc?
14:58:10Yardanicocouven92, yep
14:58:25*voiceftp quit (Quit: Leaving)
14:58:38miranYardanico: you're much younger and much faster learner than me :)
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15:02:58zolk3riYardanico: hey!
15:03:08zolk3riYardanico: but C master race! :D
15:03:47couven92tbh, I actually don't do much real development, not in Nim, nor anywhere else, (don't have the Nim while doing my Master), but I thoroughly enjoy doing quality-of-life improvements here and there :)
15:04:02couven92like vccexe, various stdlib-stuff, compiler error messages, etc.
15:04:50couven92s/don't have the Nim while doing my Master/don't have the time while doing my Master/^
15:04:50FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> hi, im really new to nim
15:04:59Yardanicocouven92, compiler error messages?
15:05:11YardanicoLite5h4dow: hi
15:05:19FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> and im trying to use nimYAML, but its going over my head
15:05:24FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> im comming from python
15:05:31Yardanicoyou're trying to parse yaml?
15:05:36couven92Yardanico, yeah I did some compiler error messages related to invoking the compiler and linker
15:05:36FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> yeah
15:05:56YardanicoLite5h4dow: and what problem you've encountered?
15:06:27FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> @Yardanico i havent even gotten it to work, i dont understand it at all
15:06:36FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> im reading the documentation and i dont know what im doing
15:06:39couven92Ah, Yardanico, I almost forgot: the Nim on Android thingy! :P
15:06:52YardanicoLite5h4dow: what's your usecase?
15:06:55Yardanicofor nim + yaml
15:07:15FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> im using a yaml file as a simple method of editing setting
15:07:28FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> and adding words to use for commands
15:07:34Yardanicowell it's documentation is pretty simple
15:07:42Yardanicobut you should firstly learn some nim
15:07:53Yardanicobecause nim only *looks* like python
15:08:01FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> oh
15:08:25FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> i know its a typed language
15:08:34FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> but the way stuff interacts is throwing me off
15:08:44Yardanicowell any examples? :)
15:09:10FromGitter<Bennyelg> Nim is great but the learning curve is pretty hard at first
15:09:26Yardanicowell it's a personal thing too as I sais
15:09:38Yardanicoif you know that project you'll be doing, it's easier
15:09:39FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> like nim arrays / sequences - python arrays
15:09:52miranBennyelg: when does this first part of learning curve finish? :)
15:09:56Yardanicoin pythons they're not called "arrays"
15:09:59Yardanicothey're "lists"
15:10:16FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> true
15:10:17Yardanicopython has array module, but it's just a wrapper of C arrays
15:10:28FromGitter<Bennyelg> Keep going, implementing staff, Im finding python very boardroom after I introduced nim
15:11:36FromGitter<Bennyelg> @miran no idea Im still there
15:11:52FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> ok, but can i use a Nim sequence like a python list?
15:11:53FromGitter<Bennyelg> There are far more concepts to learn
15:12:08YardanicoLite5h4dow: no, and you rarely need that
15:12:33Yardanicothere's rarely a need for containers of different data types
15:12:40FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> well im trying to make a dictionary
15:12:44Yardanicoit's easy
15:12:46miranLite5h4dow: i'm also from python background, nim seqs are similar to py lists, but on other hand - sufficiently different
15:13:35miranmy "problem" with nim is that looks very similar to python and it seems you could just copy/paste some code, just to find out there are some differences you didn't expect
15:13:41FromGitter<Bennyelg>  python programers first need to throw out the bad thing python provide which is create lists, dicts with any type@of data
15:13:45FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59e37b29177fb9fe7e7fad9a]
15:13:48FromGitter<Bennyelg> This is bad programming
15:14:25FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> im trying to do that in nim
15:14:33FromGitter<Yardanico> @Lite5h4dow what is lotusDictionary?
15:14:42FromGitter<Bennyelg> Shadow, in python explicitly using True False is bad practice
15:14:48FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> the dictinary library of commands i made
15:14:54zolk3rieww python
15:15:05FromGitter<Yardanico> well can you post full snippet of python code?
15:15:10FromGitter<Bennyelg> Why not use argparser if writing in puthon
15:15:14FromGitter<Bennyelg> Python*
15:15:15miranLite5h4dow: don't use camelCase in python - i almost didn't recognize that as python code ;)
15:15:16zolk3riwell, I don't really like the indentation significant syntax, tbh
15:15:49FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> sorry, im super used to cammelCase from c++
15:16:23miran`if commRun == True:` is in python written like this: `if comm_run:` ;)
15:16:36FromGitter<Yardanico> @Lite5h4dow I don't really understand what are you trying to do. I need full code snippet :)
15:16:38FromGitter<Bennyelg> I find camelCase less readable but In Nim you can choose what ever you like
15:16:39FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> i keep forgetting that
15:16:45FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> ok
15:16:52FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> its in 2 files
15:16:54FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> hold on
15:17:47miranBennyelg: i've seen nim examples use camelCase, so i'm using that in nim, but python should definitely be snake_case
15:18:10Yardanicomiran, camelCase is preferred in nim
15:18:19Yardanicobut you can write it in other ways:
15:18:25couven92PascalCase FTW! :)
15:18:42couven92but yeah, camelCase in Nim is common consensus
15:18:55Yardanicocouven92, PascalCase FTT (For the types)
15:18:58couven92(except for Types, which are PascalCased)
15:19:01Yardanicoand consts
15:19:16miranand that's (camelCase) what autocomplete in vscode does ;)
15:19:17FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59e37c75e44c43700a36dc68]
15:19:20FromGitter<Bennyelg> I think the pep8 like on nim is not yet ready
15:19:27couven92Yardanico, my slow typing got me there :(
15:19:48Yardanicomiran, it's nimsuggest
15:19:59FromGitter<Lite5h4dow> there you go @Yardanico
15:20:00couven92Yardanico, PascalCase for consts?
15:20:04Yardanicocouven92, yeah
15:20:16Yardanicoit looks better for me like this :P
15:20:23couven92okay... (not doing much exported const-ing)
15:20:27Yardanicoconstants which may use PascalCase but are not required to.
15:20:42couven92ah, okay...
15:21:03FromGitter<Bennyelg> In addition the Tab indention is far readable then the nim 2 spaces
15:21:08couven92VS Code used to colour PascalCased stuff as Types regardless of where it was...
15:21:16YardanicoBennyelg: I can argue with you about that
15:21:22Yardanicoand you can change tab size in your editor
15:21:33couven92editorConfig!!! :)
15:21:40skrylari prefer three characters worth of indentation
15:21:46skrylarits unusual but neat
15:21:49FromGitter<Bennyelg> This is what I do
15:22:01Yardanicoand what do you mean by "tab indention"?
15:22:05Yardanicoindentation by tabs?
15:22:06FromGitter<Bennyelg> 2 spaces is not readable to the eye
15:22:07miranBennyelg, after some time to adapt, i find 2 spaces reasonable :)
15:22:13Yardanicome too btw
15:22:30YardanicoI use 2 spaces in python too (if I need to help someone with python)
15:22:55couven92coming from C# I miss my curlies... But I can deal, I love Nim regardless!
15:23:13couven92(Nothing/noone is without flaw) :P
15:23:19Yardanicocouven92, #?braces xDDD
15:23:20FromGitter<Bennyelg> I tried to push a web service using nim in my work but they didnt want to listen :(
15:23:22PMunchcouven92, you do have syntax skins (or whatever they are called)
15:23:35Yardanicobut araq said that it will remove them eventually
15:23:36Yardanicobut yeah
15:23:45Yardanico#?braces at the top of your file
15:23:48mirancouven92: after python, i briefly did some F#, now nim. curly braces - not even once :D
15:24:01couven92miran, :D
15:24:27FromGitter<Bennyelg> I use go in my job and I hate it like hell
15:24:44Yardanicoerror handling is a bit unusual in go
15:25:08FromGitter<Bennyelg> Unusual is a very nice word
15:25:22couven92I actually found myself reasoning that I prefer JavaScript to Python: In JS we have JSDoc, a proper IDE-parsable standard/convention for annotating what type you expect for properties, functions and arguments
15:25:33FromGitter<Bennyelg> I find Go one of the worst languages invented
15:25:40couven92It drives me crazy not having proper intellisense in Python
15:25:43Yardanicocouven92, python already has that
15:25:58couven92Yardanico, it does? epydoc?
15:26:00FromGitter<Bennyelg> Yea PEP 492?
15:26:12Yardanicocouven92, .pyi files
15:26:19couven92Oh! Okay, gonna read up on that
15:26:22YardanicoI mean
15:26:31Yardanicoyou can use .pyi if you can't edit library source
15:26:36Yardanicoor you can use type hints in your code
15:27:06Yardanicodef someFunc(a: int, b: string) -> float: body
15:27:18Yardanicoit's not checked by python, but it's very useful for IDEs
15:27:19Yardanicoand for mypy
15:27:25Yardanicomypy is like typescript for js
15:27:28couven92Yardanico, nice! thanks I did not know about that
15:27:48couven92(I am not doing stuff in Python, so...) :P
15:27:50FromGitter<Bennyelg> Sorry its pep 484
15:28:07mirantype hints and mypy are quite nice, i've used them in some project recently
15:28:15Yardanicomypy checks your code for invalid types
15:28:20couven92@Bennyelg: thanks I will go and read after dinner :)
15:28:23Yardanicobut yeah, it's mostly https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/
15:30:42couven92@Yardanico, @Bennyelg: do you know whether PTVS picks up on this?
15:30:43FromGitter<Bennyelg> Another thing I want to change it Nim is the bad function calling eg: ⏎ You see some place editPath(xxx) and you have no Idea where it came from. ⏎ Every function call is without prefix of the library
15:30:52Yardanicocouven92, I don't really
15:30:57Yardanicobut PyCharm does that already
15:31:04Yardanicoand vscode too
15:31:06Yardanicowith mypy linter
15:31:07couven92okay :)
15:33:49FromGitter<Bennyelg> Pycharm for python the best choice
15:34:19FromGitter<Bennyelg> In wish we will have NimNature for nim someday
15:34:26couven92@Bennyelg: yeah I know... I just like the pain of doing everything in good old big bloated Visual Studio! :P
15:35:17couven92Which is the same reason why I want to add Nim as 1st class support in Visual Studio...
15:36:15couven92It's not that I think VS is superior to other Edtors/IDEs, but I want to do my part to make the experience as good as possible, if only for the sake of diversity
15:37:35couven92Someone should think about Eclipse integration for Nim?
15:37:56couven92(I don't do Eclipse, so I'd have no idea of how to do it :P )
15:38:03mirani would say, just continue to develop vscode plugin
15:38:16miranbetter to have one great tool than three okay ones
15:38:43FromGitter<krux02> vscode +1
15:38:51couven92miran, sure, but that's not my baby, and I'd base my tooling on nimsuggest, as VS Code, NimLime, etc. do
15:39:15Yardanicovscode uses nimsuggest too
15:39:47couven92so improving and adopting nimsuggest in more contexts will get improvements into nimsuggest, and thus help in adding more features everywhere
15:40:05couven92(that's my idealistic thinking anyways :P )
15:41:26*Arrrr quit (Disconnected by services)
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15:41:57FromGitter<krux02> hmm it seems Nim brok glm
15:42:00couven92and hey: MSBuild integration: Would make Nim compilation work out-of-the box on TFS Build agents if we wanted to... I got nothing against Travis CI or AppVeyor, but MSBuild would also be a nice addition (and it's fairly simple
15:42:35couven92the integration I mean, not that MSBuild is anywhere near simple)
15:42:44*couven92 shudderes over MSBuild
15:45:23FromGitter<mratsim> @dom96, Here is my article for high performance computing in Nim: https://andre-ratsimbazafy.com/high-performance-tensor-library-in-nim/ and Medium: https://medium.com/@MARatsimbazafy/high-performance-tensor-library-in-nim-97a0c44de2f4
15:45:33couven92my Nim on Android project actually spawned into existance the same way: I don't do Android development, I have actually never done so. I just thought: Hey, we say Nim is cross-platform. Okay let's do cross-platform with Nim on Android
15:46:46miranmratsim can we others also read that article or just dom96? :D
15:50:15FromGitter<mratsim> it should be public, but he wanted one on wednesday :p
15:50:33Yardanicomratsim: Note: Nim provides tools to facilitate implicit conversion you don't need converter here btw
15:50:47Yardanicomaybe you should change let c = (a + b.toMeters) # it works ! to let c = a + b
15:50:54Yardanicoso it would actually be implicit
15:51:18Yardanicoah, I'm reading it at https://andre-ratsimbazafy.com/high-performance-tensor-library-in-nim/
15:51:23PMunchHmm, this is strange
15:51:26YardanicoOperator overloading and infix operators
15:51:39Yardanicothere's &amp, &lt, &gt
15:51:49PMunchvar layout {.compileTime.} = initUILayout() works fine for C target, but not JS target.
15:52:12PMunchOn JS it says: "Error: cannot evaluate at compile time: layout"
15:52:25PMunchBut on the C target it compiles fine
15:52:49YardanicoSyntax for humans is also broken on your website
15:52:55YardanicoI mean this section in article
15:53:22Yardanicomedium is better because it has all strings correct, but it doesn't have syntax highlighting
15:55:11YardanicotoSeq(1..1\_000\_000).map_inline(x * x) what are these \ ?
15:55:47Yardanicomratsim: ^
15:55:55YardanicoI also may try to translate it to russian
15:56:15miranescape characters so _ can be seen? (for example, if it was written in latex)
15:56:25Yardanicowell I just report "bugs" :D
15:56:37dom96mratsim: nice! Will read when I finish eating :)
15:58:46PMunchIs there a difference it how the compiler handles JS and C before it gets compiled to the certain language?
16:04:57skrylarthere's some stuff you aren't allowed to do in the js backend like pointers and addrs
16:05:04skrylarbecause there's no way to compile that
16:05:07federico3mratsim: very nice article
16:05:58PMunchskrylar, but all of this happens on compile-time..
16:06:47PMunchThat layout assignment fails
16:07:05PMunchEven though initUILayout is declared as compileTime
16:07:27skrylari'm not privvy to your UI system
16:08:28PMunchWell it's not really anything to do with it
16:08:46PMunchHold on, I'll see if I can create a smaller sample
16:09:49skrylarcompile time functions would be run in nimvm afaik which i am not too super aware of its restrictions
16:10:33libmanRe IDE/editor mention above: my latest excuse for being depressed is that vscode doesn't run on BSDs.
16:10:57PMunchYeah, but wouldn't it be the same VM for both C and JS?
16:11:00skrylarmany things no longer run on bsds ._.
16:11:00Yardanicolibman, https://github.com/prash-wghats/VSCode-For-FreeBSD/releases
16:11:17Yardanico5sec google
16:11:22skrylarthank hard deps to gnome which hard deps to systemd because we needed that in our life
16:12:14libmanI think there were some problems with that last time I checked.
16:12:38Yardanicoit would be the same for every program ported to not-very-popular platform
16:12:45skrylaryou just need vim or emacs+evil anyway :)
16:12:49Yardanico*BSDs are not that popular on desktops
16:15:16libmanIt's not that FreeBSD isn't popular, it's that it's dwarfed by Linux. With the fall of Solaris, now we're the #2 free Unix.
16:15:27dom96mratsim: lengthy post, but nice! Read the beginning and already think you should submit to Reddit/HN :)
16:16:29libmanAnd I think all proprietary Unixen have also fallen below FreeBSD by now.
16:17:39mirandom96: ...after solving some of these typos mentioned by Yardanico (cc mratsim)
16:18:51dom96also, not sure why you decided to write on medium as well
16:18:58dom96but the lack of syntax highlighting sucks
16:19:07dom96Also personally I dislike Medium
16:20:02FromGitter<mratsim> I found a Wordpress -> Medium plugin so it was just 1min to do :)
16:20:39FromGitter<mratsim> I think wordpress + code + special character like & or < doesn’t work well hummm
16:21:01dom96Typo: (not sure if mentioned by yardanico already): "are not from me" -> "are not for me"
16:22:33dom96also yeah, I see &gt;
16:22:37*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
16:23:58dom96"Today CPU are so fast " -> "Today CPUs are so fast" (minor) :)
16:24:48TjYocowhat is the HN site you always refer to?
16:25:11FromGitter<mratsim> hacker news, the road to fame
16:25:47couven92mratsim, "The road to fame"? Really?
16:26:50dom96"10000 * 100 perceptrons computation" -> "10000 * 100 perceptron computations"
16:27:29dom96"toSeq(1..1\_000\_000).map(square)" the \ shouldn't be there I guess?
16:27:46dom96"will forces you to" -> force
16:27:54FromGitter<mratsim> it strange I don’t see those backslash
16:28:01FromGitter<mratsim> it’s strange*
16:28:35FromGitter<mratsim> Popular posts at hacker News/Reddit tends to crash the hosting server :p
16:28:38dom96"call the function" -> "calls the function"
16:28:43mirancan confirm that blackslashes are visible, both on your site and medium
16:28:50dom96just make sure you've got good caching
16:29:02*sleepyqt quit (Quit: Leaving)
16:29:05dom96in fact, you should set up cloudflare if you haven't already
16:30:33Yardanicodom96, I said about that too
16:30:35dom96This could be rephrased "Now you look at me and says, no way, computing in Javascript?" :)
16:30:40Yardanicoabout slashes
16:30:54dom96Also the following sentence
16:32:20dom96but in general I think it's good to go
16:32:30dom96Your post doesn't need to be perfect to make it on HN
16:33:17miranbut i can confirm that if you make it on HN, you'll get quite nice traffic
16:33:42mirancould be good for nim in general
16:38:16FromGitter<mratsim> I think I fixed most of the things, thank you all
16:38:32FromGitter<mratsim> for HN, feel free, I don’t have an account !
16:38:45Yardanicomratsim: I tihnk I will try to translate your article to Russian
16:38:52Yardanicoto post it as a translation on habrahabr.ru
16:38:58FromGitter<mratsim> you’re welcome
16:39:14FromGitter<krux02> not feeling good today. My library doesn't work anymore
16:39:32FromGitter<mratsim> I can give you the markdown file @Yardanico
16:39:41Yardanicomratsim: oh, that would be very neat!
16:39:56Yardanicoluckily habrahabr supports both html tags and markdown
16:40:30couven92Hmmm... if you were to make a automatically updating nim-package for a package manager: do we have an API for the getting latest version of Nim, or should you literally just query GitHub for tags and match against the tagname?
16:40:34FromGitter<Yardanico> you can PM me markdown file on gitter
16:40:52dom96did anybody submit to HN?
16:40:53couven92(like VS Code that determines whether it is out of date)
16:42:00Yardanicokrux02: what's the error?
16:42:14Yardanicoare you talking about opengl-sandbox?
16:42:18miranmratsim dom96 maybe it is better to submit it tomorrow morning, higher traffic
16:42:55dom96and less likelihood of getting on the front page :)
16:43:04mirandom96: that also :)
16:43:17dom96I'll submit it
16:43:46miranok, and we other can upvote it, hopefully reaching front page
16:44:08dom96mratsim: do you have a twitter?
16:44:21dom96miran: yes, but sshhh, that's illegal :)
16:44:36FromGitter<mratsim> yes, dead but there: https://twitter.com/m_ratsim
16:44:52mirandom96: i just said that we can/could upvote it, not that we should/would :P
16:45:34FromGitter<mratsim> Gitter spamming with detailed twitter feed is awful :/
16:45:54miranbtw, article with upvotes but without comments is not worth that much... so guys - get on your keyboards :)
16:46:36YardanicoAraq, are you still planning to stream today?
16:47:30FromGitter<mratsim> Wrote a shameless tweet: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59e39121bbbf9f1a38643231]
16:47:49dom96mratsim: cool, tweeted
16:48:09dom96oh, gonna RT this too then
16:48:42federico3also --> https://planet.nim-lang.org/
16:50:43couven92oh, federico3 this looks interesting, I didn't know about that
16:54:44dom96federico3: oh yeah, can you add a link to that on nim-lang.org somewhere?
16:55:22TjYocothose images are wayyy too big though lol
16:56:00federico3dom96: good idea
17:00:22FromGitter<Bennyelg> Hey, when Live session starts?
17:01:10couven92Araq has been very quiet today... I wonder whether it is weekend in Germany today... :P
17:01:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> skyrlar: awesomeeee
17:01:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://imgur.com/a/gw9QS
17:01:25FromGitter<Bennyelg> blender Pro
17:01:26FromGitter<Bennyelg> :P
17:01:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> :P
17:13:36FromGitter<Bennyelg> @dom96 I couldn't understand how you change a HTML page response to a json on webdriver
17:16:20Yardanicoit's not html page
17:16:39dom96Not entirely sure what you mean
17:17:11FromGitter<Bennyelg> If you enter this page ⏎ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Classic-Mini-Entertainment-System/dp/B073BVHY3F
17:17:20FromGitter<Bennyelg> you not getting Json, you getting pure html
17:18:29FromGitter<Bennyelg> what do you mean where? enter this link ⏎ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Classic-Mini-Entertainment-System/dp/B073BVHY3F
17:18:35FromGitter<Bennyelg> this is the link dom crawl
17:18:41Yardanicobut he uses webdriver
17:18:43*JappleAck joined #nim
17:18:56Yardanicoso you can send an API request to webdriver so it will find the needed element
17:19:17FromGitter<Bennyelg> I c,
17:19:18Yardanicomratsim: "It was in Javascript, I wanted to learn another language I stumbled upon after my" so you wrote your code for Data Science Bowl #3 in JS? or you learned deep learning and neural networks with it?
17:19:41FromGitter<mratsim> for Data Science bowl it was in Python
17:19:49FromGitter<mratsim> but the tutorial for neural networks was in JS
17:19:53Yardanicoah, ok
17:20:15dom967 points and still not on front page
17:20:36Yardanicowhere is araq ? :)
17:20:57dom96no idea
17:21:04dom96but he streamed later than now yesterday
17:21:08Yardanicoyeah, I know
17:26:02mirandom96: it is not strange - because of lack of comments
17:27:09mirani didn't manage to read the article yet, but those of you who did - maybe you could provide some 'introductory' comment (giving tl;dr version of the article, commenting about nim in general, or something like that)
17:31:55dom96Yeah, somebody please comment. I'm probably not the right person since I submitted it
17:32:12FromGitter<mratsim> lol
17:32:16dom96miran: How do you know so much about HN's algorithm? :O
17:32:42mirandom96: from the experience and trying to get to the front page :)
17:33:19mirandom96: you can still comment first, it is not unusual - to explain the reasons why you find it interesting
17:33:23TjYocoI know reddits is based on velocity of upvotes too somewhat. Not just raw upvotes but how soon into submission they get them
17:33:58dom96Yeah, but people know that I am a core Nim dev
17:34:47dom96https://twitter.com/safaribot/status/919255962120318976 so sad :'(
17:36:37FromGitter<mratsim> Well while there is overlap, Nim can go after new markets, devs from dynamically typed that want high performance with high level constructs and much less cognitive overhead
17:36:56mirandom96: ...and that makes your comments about the article even more powerful ;)
17:37:36FromGitter<Bennyelg> loadHtml wont work if there are javascript inside :(
17:37:42miranon the other hand, if there will be no comments in next 30 min or so, maybe a better idea would be to delete it and then repost it tomorrow or some other day...
17:38:23YardanicoBennyelg: webdriver is a different thing
17:38:26miranofftopic: what are the chances to see something like this work in nim?
17:38:29miran`if something == somethingElse == thirdSomething:`
17:38:30TjYocoI just started learning Rust this morning, and its alright but I think Nim will be better once it gets all the libraries and support other languages have
17:38:38Yardanicoit launches a real browser, and real browser does all JS evaluation/html parsing for you
17:38:52Yardanicoso you can just query html elements via xpath/css selectors and some more
17:38:57FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico I know webDrive is really open a webpage
17:39:10FromGitter<Bennyelg> I dont need all of this overhead
17:39:19FromGitter<Bennyelg> Just want to read the page like beautifulsoup does
17:39:32Yardanicowell use nimquery + htmlparser
17:39:41dom96yeah, you don't need web driver for that
17:39:49dom96miran: submit it as an issue on github
17:40:46dom96well I submitted on Reddit too
17:41:01dom96Disappointed with HN
17:41:19mirani might, but i'm not sure how would this work as currently this becomes `[bool] == [T]`. is it possible for (first) `==` not to return bool?
17:41:23dom96oh cool, mratsim commented
17:42:03planetis[m]hey I spotted a typo under section 'Syntax for humans'
17:42:10dom96miran: this would require compiler changes
17:42:23planetis[m]I believe it is: Rc<RefCell<Box>>
17:43:30Yardanicobtw maybe I'll close issues/add labels (almost no one wants to do this work) to them after araq gives me a permission on github
17:44:06FromGitter<mratsim> I’ve created a HN account and added a coment
17:45:37FromGitter<mratsim> @planetis[m] Isn’t that what I wrote?
17:46:10Yardanicomaybe he was referring to the fact that this isn't properly displayed on your website
17:46:27Yardanicoit's displayed as Rc&lt;RefCell&lt;Box&gt;&gt;
17:47:31*Trustable joined #nim
17:47:41FromGitter<mratsim> I think gitter is doing something strange, but I double-checked and now it has the weirg &lt
17:47:41planetis[m]yes what Yardanico said
17:50:02FromGitter<mratsim> I’ll post on programming as well
17:50:04FromGitter<mratsim> reddit*
17:51:19*vlad1777d quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:51:24FromGitter<mratsim> ah it was done already!
17:52:50*vlad1777d joined #nim
17:54:10libmanmiran: How would chaining work with other comparison operators?
17:54:22Yardanicolibman, 0 < x < 10
17:54:37Yardanicowell miran is just talking about python comparasion operators (that's how they work)
17:54:51miranlibman: like in python :) (see Yardanico's example)
17:55:10Yardanicomiran, anyway this would break a lot of code
17:55:15Yardanicoand requires syntax change
17:55:37miransyntactic sugar for `a < x and x < b`, or `a == x and x == b`
17:55:51miranYardanico: yeah, i thought it might be though to implement it
17:58:18AraqNim has x in a..b instead
17:58:26Araqwhich is better to read anyway
17:59:37miranAraq: this is nice, didn't know about this one
18:02:09YardanicoAraq, hi, will you do a livestream ? :)
18:02:25Araqin one hour
18:02:32couven92yaih! :)
18:02:35Araqsame time as yesterday, as I said
18:02:37*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.9)
18:02:41Yardanicoif someone didn't vote yet - http://www.strawpoll.me/14152674
18:02:47Yardanicobut I doubt results will change too much
18:03:25FromGitter<mratsim> “lifestream” ?
18:03:47miran"choose life. choose nim." :D :D
18:03:59AraqI keep doing this typo
18:04:01FromGitter<mratsim> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/rW4c/2017-10-15_20-03-41.png)
18:04:41Yardanicoyeah, it's the problem if you don't speak english natively :P
18:04:46Yardanicolive/life mistakes
18:04:47Araqstrange, I remember seeing it spelt correctly
18:15:14dom96miran: :D
18:17:27FromGitter<mratsim> Why?
18:17:35FromGitter<mratsim> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/Rgld/2017-10-15_20-17-08.png)
18:17:54*Jesin joined #nim
18:18:41FromGitter<mratsim> maybe dom96 is blacklisted :p
18:19:42dom96Feel free to submit again
18:20:54FromGitter<mratsim> well it’s fine, I don’t really care :)
18:21:09FromGitter<mratsim> Though I don’t understand why there is 33% downvote on Reddit
18:21:21Yardanicois "crash" label in issues is related to compiler crashes or program crashes?
18:21:25Yardanicoor both?
18:21:38dom96mratsim: it would be nice to get it on the front page
18:21:41dom96it's a good article
18:22:12FromGitter<mratsim> So how does it work, you delete and I repost?
18:22:16miranmratsim: don't look too hard on numbers on reddit - they are intentionally fake
18:22:29FromGitter<mratsim> ah yeah that’s true
18:23:22dom96mratsim: just post
18:23:37dom96Add `?ref=hn` to the URL or something like that if it complains that it's a duplicate
18:24:41miranmratsim: see the HN rules if you can post it as `show HN`, might increase the visibility
18:25:20miranand i would recommend deleting original (dom96's link), so nobody flags it as duplicate
18:25:57miranand when you do post it, write a short tl;dr comment
18:26:21dom96sadly it seems I cannot remove my post
18:27:35miranfrom the rules: "Blog posts, sign-up pages, and fundraisers can't be tried out, so they can't be Show HNs."
18:28:02FromGitter<mratsim> Well I can use the github library
18:28:19FromGitter<mratsim> But it might be better at another time
18:29:05miranyeah, posting link to github as 'show HN', and then post the link to the blog in the comments - this might work best to get some views/comments/upvotes/visibility
18:31:31FromGitter<mratsim> "You're posting too fast. Please slow down. Thanks."
18:46:45YardanicoAraq, should we maybe add "performance" label to issues?
18:48:17Araqdid you follow my invitation?
18:48:32*nsf joined #nim
18:48:50YardanicoAraq, yes
18:48:58YardanicoI already closed two issues and added some labels :P
18:49:53Yardanico*three issues
18:50:42*gokr joined #nim
18:52:28*Nobabs27 joined #nim
18:53:50FromGitter<Bennyelg> :D
18:53:58FromGitter<Bennyelg> Dont forget to post a link to the stream.
18:54:15Yardanicohe hasn't started yet
18:54:24FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico I'll be glad to help fixing bugs, But I dont know where to start yet :P
18:54:42Yardanicowell today araq will improve nimpretty tool
18:54:49Yardanicowhich is something like "gofmt" for nim
18:55:01FromGitter<Bennyelg> I know I use gofmt alot
18:55:10FromGitter<Bennyelg> sounds interesting
18:58:18*Nobabs27 quit (Quit: Leaving)
19:06:35miranwhen will the stream start approximately?
19:07:20Yardanicomiran, in current hour
19:07:26couven92an hour ago Araq said in an hour... so now :P
19:09:34*UxerUospr joined #nim
19:10:52FromGitter<Bennyelg> @Yardanico I made working on some fix
19:11:04FromGitter<Bennyelg> how do I re compile all the nim project to verify if it's working?
19:11:15*marcux joined #nim
19:11:26Yardanicocd into nim compiler directory
19:11:35Yardanico./koch temp
19:11:58YardanicoAraq, yep
19:12:17YardanicoBennyelg: but you would probably want to test it on real file
19:12:18Yardanicoso use
19:12:19FromGitter<Bennyelg> Ya
19:12:19couven92yes :)
19:12:24Yardanico"./koch temp c myfile.nim"
19:12:44FromGitter<Bennyelg> Ok thanks
19:14:17YardanicoAraq, maybe remove this obs thing for now? it takes a lot of space :)
19:14:19miranAraq: please zoom in (ctrl+=) so we can read the code
19:14:43dom96Araq: and remove the Browser Source...
19:15:08dom96there we go
19:15:20dom96but no chat then
19:15:58dom96You really should do a little intro
19:16:11dom96No idea what you're doing :\
19:18:33YardanicoAraq, about chat: you almost did it, you just need to right click on browser source and configure it
19:18:47Yardanicoyou should add url in properties of this source
19:18:58Yardaniconot in its' name :)
19:20:19dom96Araq: nah
19:20:22*yglukhov_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:20:22dom96There is no point
19:20:30couven92Araq, just proceed :)
19:20:31dom96Since you don't have a second screen to check the chat anyway
19:20:35Yardanicoah, yeah, true
19:20:50Yardanicoit would only be useful if we would embed irc logs there :P
19:21:11dom96of course you should use a second screen :P
19:21:26dom96heh, you could actually embed IRC logs in there
19:21:43dom96Would just need to get it to refresh every second and scroll down
19:22:07Yardanicoor create a plugin for OBS in Nim :)
19:22:19dom96too much work :P
19:22:49dom96I'm seeing incorrect formatting already :\
19:23:12dom961. Don't change my commas to semicolons
19:23:24dom962. Pragmas are formatted incorrectly IMO
19:23:31dom96{.\n is ugly
19:23:33Yardanicowell it's very buggy now
19:23:48dom96yeah, well, I'm just giving feedback
19:24:09YardanicoFirstly he need to ensure that code produced by nimpretty can be compiled
19:24:14dom96wow, that's really broken hah
19:26:13federico3where's nimpretty?
19:26:29dom96Keeping newlines is a big thing
19:26:47dom96I'm not sure whether tying this to the compiler so closely is the right way to implement this
19:27:18Yardanicodom96, this way it would be easier to implement nimpretty
19:27:40Yardanicogofmt uses compiler too
19:28:55dom96okay, I thought he would just say "nah, let's just ignore the newlines" :)
19:29:32Yardanicoso with current nimpretty implementation usual comments will be lost
19:29:32dom96I'm curious how he will implement it
19:29:43dom96Additional metadata inside an AST node?
19:29:45Yardanicoprobably by changing AST so usual strings are saved too :P
19:32:04dom96This feels dirty to me. It's easy to add this define but it results in less maintainable code.
19:32:23Yardanicoit's not very good that compiler has special cases for nimpretty :)
19:32:28Yardanicomaybe this would be resolved in the future
19:32:44Yardanicoah, so I get the issue he's getting
19:32:50Yardanicothe lexer ignores usual comments
19:32:55Yardanicoso offsets are wrong
19:38:14federico3https://github.com/FedericoCeratto/nimfmt this is also doing basic formatting but there isn't an easy way to prevent stripping comments
19:39:23couven92Araq, shouldn't we really have two different AST nodes for docComments and Comments?
19:39:48Yardanicofor docs
19:41:28dom96Parenthesis around an if condition? what is this? C? :)
19:41:37couven92Araq, multiple-byte unicode-runes maybe?
19:41:58YardanicoI think it can't be that
19:42:10couven92always a good guess for string off-by-one :P
19:42:16dom96For those that missed the link: https://go.twitch.tv/araq4k
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19:43:26couven92he loves his nimsuggest, but stil he mumbles: "I hate auto-completion"
19:43:54Yardanicobecause it doesn't work sometimes :P
19:43:59Yardanicoespecially in the compiler
19:44:07couven92yeah... yaiks
19:44:12dom96two comments maybe?
19:44:32dom96Araq: ^
19:44:36YardanicoAraq, maybe try to add comments before this proc?
19:45:09Yardanicoit doesn't seem so
19:45:12couven92Araq, split up the prameter list into multiple lines, each parameter on a single line and a comment at the end!
19:45:22couven92(full out crzay mode :P )
19:45:25Yardanicocouven92, lol
19:45:39Yardanicocouven92, maybe convert echo to e_C_h_O then ?
19:45:45*dawkot joined #nim
19:46:06couven92Araq, BTW, it's VS Code, not Visual Studio! :P
19:46:37libmannimpretty is too girly. How about nimclean?
19:47:42couven92Yardanico, nice1
19:47:59libmannimspruce? http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/handsome
19:48:17couven92ooh dom96 as in: I wrote lazyly and too fast to produce nice nim code?
19:48:44dom96hah, sure. Honestly I just like Fast and Furious and thought I'd make a joke :P
19:49:35Yardanicobtw, we have 2888 issues closed, only 112 for 3000 !
19:49:44dom96"Usually I just test these things until they work" -- Andreas Rumpf
19:50:01couven92dom96, should put that somewhere in the nim docs!
19:50:09Yardanico175 issues are features
19:50:10miranYardanico: so you want to say - it is time to write some more issues? :P :D
19:50:14couven92problably in the testament documentation
19:50:15Yardanicomiran, *to close
19:50:40Yardanicoyay he fixed it
19:50:48*ipjk joined #nim
19:50:52dom96Araq: Now that you've fixed that, change semicolons to commas pleassseeeeee
19:51:01dom96it makes me twitch
19:51:05dom96(get it? :P)
19:51:16Yardanicoit would require change in the compiler again :)
19:51:17*couven92 facepalms
19:51:20Yardanicochange renderer.nim
19:51:29dom96yeah, and he should change it
19:52:36dom96Araq: The renderer should do it intelligently then
19:52:46dom96instead of putting everything as semicolon
19:52:48YardanicoAraq, ; is actually very useful with "using"
19:52:58Yardanicoit's required if you're using "using" (lol)
19:53:44dom96So, who's voting with me? :P
19:53:55dom96commas for life, am I right?
19:55:12FromGitter<mratsim> There’s a reason why one of the most popular format is called Comma Separated Value and not Semicolon Separated Value ;)
19:55:13couven92Semicolon FTW!
19:55:19planetis[m]dom96: commas for life ;;;;;;;;)
19:55:24*couven92 ducks for incoming shots
19:56:02*ketralnis joined #nim
19:56:24dom96Btw, did you guys notice? 137 users here.
19:56:38dom96It seems to hover around this number lately
19:56:41Yardanicodom96, is that low?
19:56:44dom96A couple months ago it was ~100
19:57:05dom96I need to implement user count tracking for NimBot
19:57:09dom96Maybe in a stream :)
19:57:59FromGitter<mratsim> My Nim productivity was 0 today >_>, blog posting ruins code
19:59:22Yardanicodom96, and you don't account for gitter users :)
19:59:37Yardanicosadly there's no way to get online users in gitter
20:00:27*dawkot quit (Quit: Page closed)
20:03:44dom96Araq: Shouldn't it align with the above condition? ;)
20:04:06couven92Araq, indent one more level than the previous line
20:04:20dom96Araq: yeah
20:04:53dom96what you assumed was what I meant
20:04:57couven92Shouldn't it be +2
20:05:02couven92Araq ^
20:05:11dom96true, it's weird. What does PEP-8 say?
20:05:17planetis[m]you can't do something similar to {.strdefine.} right?
20:05:24federico3pep8 would indent the second line twice
20:05:33dom96federico3: oh ok
20:05:40dom96then we're in line with it, good
20:06:04*Vladar quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:06:34Yardanicothere are actually 3 options
20:06:43Yardanicofirst one is like suggested by dom96
20:06:44couven92Araq, uhm shouldn't you rename 'longIndentWid' to 'longIndentWidth'?
20:07:02Yardanicowell it's just a temporary name
20:07:13federico3Yardanico: teh second one is the most used for function definitions in order not to "waste" space
20:07:16Yardanicohe usually changes these before push
20:07:43couven92Yaih! PRs FTW!
20:08:18couven92I did the assignable documentation comment AST node... So, I guess I'll have a go at Comment AST nodes later
20:08:53Yardanicowell comment ast nodes were removed because you can't put them anywhere you want
20:09:03Yardaniconow they're simply ignored
20:09:13couven92yeah I know... we could do that properly
20:09:51couven92But I don't fancy a multiline comment node... I'd just detect a newline and make it automatically render as newline if there is one
20:10:54couven92Hmm... actually doing everthing stupidly as a multi-line `#[]#` node by default would actually be way easier... :P
20:11:41Yardanicoyay it works
20:11:53Yardanicocouven92, you can also have multi-line documentation comments
20:12:10couven92Yardanico, yeah but that already works
20:12:57*ofelas quit (Quit: shutdown -h now)
20:13:01couven92Araq, enable "editor.renderWhitespace": "all" in your vs code setting maybe? Nice for doing this indenting stuff
20:13:16YardanicoAraq, maybe you'll add an option to change indentation levels in the file? so if someone wants to change 4 spaces -> 2 spaces
20:16:44couven92Araq, maybe remove all empty lines and wrap sections into unnamed blocks instead?
20:17:30couven92okay... :D
20:18:22*vlad1777d quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
20:20:39couven92Araq, shouldn't that tuple be named
20:21:43*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:21:51couven92oooh... Delphi!
20:22:17couven92I remember some really dark days from when I went to school! :O
20:24:06dom96hrm, I wonder if there is software that I could put on my server that would redirect Twitch to other streaming services to save me bandwidth
20:24:15couven92I like how he said that he thinks semicolons are better for readability, but you never see the semicolon in his or any other codebase
20:24:15dom96if not then that would be a good project :)
20:25:19couven92I have actually only seen the semicolon in repr(NimNode) outputs from macros
20:25:50Yardanicodom96, there's
20:26:48dom96of course it exists
20:27:16Yardanicobut if you want to have different quality on different platforms - you need to pay
20:27:24couven92Araq, it should really reduce multiple adjacent newlines into a single new-line, right?
20:27:26Yardanicoto transcode
20:28:13federico3that should be configurable, e.g. 2 newlines before a new proc etc..
20:28:27dom96federico3: the idea is to not make this configurable
20:28:31dom96we should have one true style
20:28:40Yardanicothe idea is to have one standart style
20:28:56federico3for the compiler, yes. For other projects it should be configurable
20:29:06Yardanicohttps://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/cmd/gofmt/doc.go as you can
20:29:11Yardanicosee, it's not configurable
20:29:14mirandom96: one true style in a language where you can write foo(bar), foo bar, bar.foo, bar.foo()? :D
20:29:33YardanicoI don't see why nimpretty is needed if it would be configurable
20:29:36Yardanicoonly indentation maybe
20:29:52miranand foobar, fooBar, foo_bar, etc. :D
20:29:57federico3Yardanico: the variable styles as well
20:30:08Yardanicomiran, ^
20:31:13dom96miran: true
20:31:50dom96Araq: What do you think? nimpretty won't be configurable right?
20:31:53couven92Araq, i'd do parentheses around the expression if it weren't a leaf node... And then have spaces between operators. That would be consitent and it would be obvious of what you do...
20:31:57dom96It's one style to rule them all
20:32:04couven92nimpretty should not be configurable
20:32:09dom96and now I want to rewatch LOTR
20:32:23federico3that means throwing away the whole style insensitivity feature
20:33:01dom96but then federico3 is right
20:33:24federico3I'm talking about the use case of users wanting to style proc names and vars in their own codebase
20:33:52federico3I implemented such style check in my little nimfmt tool
20:34:35dom96Araq: Hrm. But I don't want nimpretty to keep "eCho()" if I accidentally misspell
20:34:36federico3Araq: a lot of people complain that style insensitivity is dangerous because style will easily get inconsistent within the *same* project
20:34:51federico3..if it's developed by a large enough team
20:35:38federico3dom96: yep. And also warn for mistakes like mixing Https HTTPs ...
20:35:48couven92Hmm... I'm envisioning a nimidentconsitency tool which **WOULD** be configurable
20:35:55dom96well, I wouldn't warn, just fix the mistakes
20:36:47couven92whooohooo! The ominous semicolon returns
20:36:58mirancouven92: :D
20:37:17federico3dom96: sometimes the tool would not know how to fix them
20:37:44dom96then how would it know to warn?
20:37:55dom96I guess the warnings would be false sometimes
20:38:00FromGitter<mratsim> Python linter is extremely annoying style wise … + it spams the “problem” pane in VScode if it isn’t happy
20:38:02dom96which would make them really easily to be ignored :\
20:38:10couven92Hmm... I'm this close to opening the nim repo and do a blind search on the occurance of `\s?;\s` :P
20:38:27dom96IMO the best solution is to add a list of common acronyms, it's not perfect but it's a start: CSS, HTTP, FTP, etc.
20:38:29federico3currently my nimfmt is printing out a warning if 2 different variable names in the same file are in collision
20:38:38miranmratsim - you can set it up to ignore some warnings/errors
20:38:44dom96Then nimpretty would know to format it as 'Css' etc.
20:39:03federico3dom96: one reason more to make a list of configurable acronyms
20:39:26dom96I wonder how gofmt handles this
20:39:42miranbtw mratsim - the thread on reddit seems popular (and some comments might need your reply/clarification)
20:39:56FromGitter<mratsim> ah, will check
20:40:09couven92see how bad it is when VS Code and nimsuggest don't play nice together in the Nim main repo?!?!?
20:40:45Yardanicothey do for me
20:41:24federico3there are also "legitimate" collisions where user_data and use_rdata have different meanings and warning would be useful
20:41:37mirancouven92: i've noticed recently that nimsuggest suddenly stops working. restarting vsc helps....
20:41:39couven92Araq, maybe token.ident is levels not amount of spaces?
20:41:56YardanicoI get more nimsuggest crashes while using a lot of macros than in the main repo
20:42:34couven92because everything got indented 4 spaces instead of two?
20:42:56couven92or did I see it wrong?
20:43:18Yardanicodom96, can we remove https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/tree/asyncmacro branch?
20:43:25YardanicoI just want to get rid of old branches
20:43:43*Jesin quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20:43:45dom96nooo, it's part of history :)
20:44:15dom96I'll clean up my branches
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20:51:17couven92Araq, both use strVal
20:52:12couven92ah, no that is for the AST api in the macros
20:52:18dom96hrm, I wonder if we can pull the number of PRs for each language ourselves and see how Nim stacks up: https://octoverse.github.com/
20:52:22couven92no idea what the lexer does
20:53:17YardanicoI wanted it to be a nim PR :)
20:53:29Yardanicoit's the 100 millionth PR
20:56:34couven92Araq, what about multiple consecutive single-line comments with an empty newline in between?
20:58:33*miran quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:58:43*smt` joined #nim
20:58:45Yardanicowhat #nim-adults channel is about lol ? :)
20:59:07couven92Araq, non-doc comments?
20:59:23couven92because non doc-comments probably should **NOT** be merged, right?
21:00:51Yardanicobtw guys, I recommend you to install Rainbow Brackets extension for vscode
21:00:55Yardanicoit's actually cool
21:02:02*smt quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
21:02:11couven92Araq, how does that work with doc comments of empty procs? like importc procs?
21:02:34couven92i.e. procs that do not have an = but have a doc comments
21:03:41couven92Araq! importc
21:04:45couven92Araq, and also fields of types, enums
21:05:38*Jesin joined #nim
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21:07:44couven92Araq, indent handling must precede comment handling?
21:07:54couven92would that solve anything?
21:10:10couven92Araq, idea: add preceedingComment and followingComment to all token nodes instead of having just comment
21:11:37couven92Araq, the comment token would be attached to both
21:11:53couven92and then you could detect that edge case if you needed to
21:12:25*yglukhov quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:12:44couven92Araq, start every nim AST with an emptyNode
21:13:00*yglukhov joined #nim
21:13:51couven92sorry I am being distracting... oops
21:14:01couven92AST stuff is sooo much fun! :D
21:19:34*UxerUospr quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
21:29:32couven92oh! Wow
21:29:54couven92that worked impressively well: okay simple solutions: just remove some comments
21:32:40couven92Hmm, he still get's four-space-indents, right? it's not just my poor eyesight?
21:37:06YardanicoAraq, that was very interesting!
21:37:23couven92AST stuff is soooo much fun! :)
21:37:26dom96Araq: Nice :)
21:37:32couven92And a headache at the same time :P
21:40:17Yardanicowe have a lot of issues because of issues like this: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4951
21:44:43*vlad1777d joined #nim
21:46:29FromGitter<mratsim> @dom96, soon on Hacktoberfest shirt? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/commit/4789aa979dd43a83ffcb9eeefdc0420a0dbd7589
21:47:04Yardanicoit doesn't count :(
21:47:07Yardanicoonly PRs
21:47:12Yardanicoand he did that on stream
21:51:02YardanicoI've added a bit of Crash labels: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue%20is%3Aopen%20label%3ACrash%20
21:51:05Yardanico(compiler crashes)
21:57:14Araqbtw I don't buy these "style insensitivity is a problem for bigger teams" arguments. In Java I could have classes DateTime and Datetime at the same time. Where is all the tooling support to catch this? There is none, because it's a non-issue.
21:57:39Araqit's the primary example of "I can imagine this will cause problems"
21:57:52Araqa non-argument, name something where it doesn't apply.
21:58:14AraqI can imagine problems everywhere, yes. congratulations.
21:59:34Araqthe only thing that matters is "I actually have been bitten by this. In the real world. Often."
22:00:24couven92Araq, for the escape-sequence in raw-literals: Maybe keep a raw this-is-how-the-lexer-read-it value on tokens? The issue probably also applies for numeric literals (i.e. float with decimal vs. e-notation)
22:01:16couven92this would probably also deal with trailing/leading whitespace in multi-line comments
22:02:34Araqcouven92: but that problem was solved. the only remaining problem is comments
22:02:44*marcux quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:02:49couven92ah, okay
22:02:54couven92sorry :P
22:15:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://imgur.com/a/kCTAF
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22:31:53*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.9)
22:33:07*yglukhov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:37:24Yardanico Past due by about 3 years
23:02:59*UxerUospr joined #nim
23:04:27Yardanicook, I've added "object variants" and "performance" labels today
23:06:46*zolk3ri quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
23:10:06*Yardanico quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:24:41FromGitter<zetashift> What are object variants?
23:26:44FromGitter<Yardanico> Objects which can have different fields depending on their special "kind" field
23:27:19FromGitter<Yardanico> https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#types-object-variants
23:27:37*arnetheduck joined #nim
23:32:34FromGitter<zetashift> So yea different fields depending on which branch is active?
23:32:52FromGitter<zetashift> I should probably read the manual when I'm done with the book haha
23:33:39*yglukhov joined #nim
23:33:44FromGitter<Yardanico> Yeah, different fields
23:34:02FromGitter<Yardanico> Useful for nodes/asts/parsers
23:34:19FromGitter<Yardanico> Compiler uses a lot of them
23:34:36FromGitter<zetashift> Languages like OCaml have them right? That's why they often are used for writing compilers no?
23:35:03FromGitter<zetashift> I read about them I think but they were just called variant type
23:35:04FromGitter<zetashift> s
23:37:57*yglukhov quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)