<< 15-12-2013 >>

00:00:15Araqhi BlueProtoman welcome
00:00:32AraqPython has no type system and C has an archaic one
00:00:41brihateverybody says it's templates and macros
00:01:07BlueProtomanI wouldn't say Python has no type system (just not a static one), but I'm not quite sure how C (or C++'s, for that matter) is considered archaic.
00:01:27brihatAnd, instead of sleeping, Araq woke up :)
00:01:56BlueProtomanI ask because I'm considering learning it for an algorithms class I'm taking next semester.
00:02:47BlueProtomanAfter a year of Java programming, I could use a break; one class next term I'm using C++, another Python, and if you convince me, Nimrod for the third (else Python).
00:05:41Araqwell arguably types are static and "dynamic typing" essentially is a euphemism for runtime tags, but alright lets not play games
00:05:51BlueProtomanAlso, where can I see what C code output from Nimrod looks like? (I'm not able to install it right now.)
00:06:15Araqit's generated into a nimcache directory
00:06:35BlueProtomanNo, I mean is there something in the manual, or...?
00:07:38Araqno, that's an implementation detail and subject to change. The FFI is documented of course.
00:08:21BlueProtomanAraq: I'm not looking to do anything fancy with the output or FFIs, I literally just want to see what it looks like.
00:08:49Araqwell it's full of gotos and macros
00:09:10Araqand full of debug line tracking
00:09:13BlueProtomanThat's OK. I'd still like to see it.
00:09:26Araqso install it and have a look
00:09:31brihatBlueProtoman: I have a sample
00:09:39BlueProtomanbrihat: May I see it, please? Thanks!
00:09:56BlueProtomanI ask because if I use Nimrod next semester, since my professor is not likely to have Nimrod installed, I'd have to hand in the C output, too.
00:10:07BlueProtomanOr at least provide a link to a Pastebin or something.
00:10:18brihatHere: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7966782
00:11:44BlueProtomanHuh. Is all the output of Nimrod put into a single file, or only if I use one Nimrod file?
00:12:34AraqBlueProtoman: every single example of my slides can't be done in either C or Python ... ;-)
00:12:34brihatThe original Nimrod code: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7966814
00:12:52BlueProtomanAraq: Your slides?
00:13:26BlueProtomanbrihat: Ooh, now that's a sexy language.
00:13:27Araqbrihat: the lines iterator should be faster
00:14:02Araqand takes fewer lines of code
00:14:17brihatAraq: that was actually gradha's code which I copy-pasted
00:14:40BlueProtomanAs long as I can make it as easy as possible for my professor or TA to compile my Nimrod output...I guess I can provide a Makefile or something.
00:14:43brihatI was looking for lines iterator in the documentation, couldn't find it
00:15:05BlueProtomanSo what other strengths or weaknesses does Nimrod have (small user base aside)?
00:15:34Araqweakness: It's not as stable as I would like
00:15:46BlueProtomanAraq: In terms of...?
00:16:06brihatBlueProtoman: Here is Araq's talk: http://nimrod-code.org/talk01/slides.html
00:16:14Araqmostly compiler bugs, but the occasional runtime bug pops up too
00:16:27BlueProtomanAraq: Where can I find the known issues?
00:17:20Araqon github
00:17:50BlueProtomanOh, now I see that you're the inventor of the language. Cool.
00:18:01OrionPKMaraq you look into that GC issue yesterday?
00:19:02brihatAraq... the BBBBBDDDDDFFFFFFLLLLLLL !!!
00:19:25AraqOrionPKM: not really but I have a couple of theories
00:19:41Araqtry to wrap it a proc main(), for instance
00:19:44BlueProtomanAraq: Would you recommend it for usage in an algorithms course, particularly one that deals with a lot of graph theory?
00:20:08OrionPKMthink I tried wrapping it in a proc
00:20:24OrionPKMit was while true: callThatLooksAtTime() or something
00:20:29OrionPKMno difference in memory use
00:20:57Araqtried --gc:markAndSweep ?
00:21:12OrionPKMyeah, think it was still leaking
00:21:33Araqhmm that's interesting
00:21:50Araq--gc:boehm fixes it, I guess?
00:21:59OrionPKMi was going to test it, but I dont have the dll
00:22:31BlueProtomanOoh, it compiles to Javascript, too. Fancy.
00:22:43BlueProtomanIs Nimrod intended to be used for games?
00:22:44AraqBlueProtoman: well I love algorithms so nimrod is a perfect match imoo
00:23:02BlueProtomanAraq: If I decide to use it, I'll definitely keep you posted in how it goes.
00:24:52OrionPKMi plan to eventually use it for a game, once it's stable enough
00:25:01OrionPKMand the tooling is good enough
00:25:22BlueProtomanI'm still using Haxe for games, but I'm looking at the slides with a big grin on my face.
00:25:26fowlOrionPKM, whats the tooling
00:25:42fowlOrionPKM, what can you possibly need that isnt wrapped
00:25:47BlueProtomanWow, that's a *lot* of compile-time optimization.
00:25:52OrionPKMnot talking about libraries fowl
00:26:03fowlits never enough is it ;_
00:26:21OrionPKMi'm working on tooling w/ my ST plugin
00:26:47Araqfowl: no, it's never enough until we match C#'s dev environment
00:27:06OrionPKMI dont think one should ever be satisfied
00:27:16OrionPKMalways strive to be better
00:27:30fowlhigh level game engines are hard work
00:27:35fowlnobody wants to collaborate :(
00:28:26BlueProtomanAraq: I'm sold. As soon as finals are over (I should really be studying for a discrete math final), I'm going to test it out, then if I can convince my future professor to accept Nimrod, I'll be in here a lot more often.
00:31:16Araqnow those slides surely were a good idea ;-)
00:31:43BlueProtomanDo you have a PDF version or similar so I can easily download them without messing with a lot of HTML files?
00:32:08Araqand I thought everybody hates PDF by now :P
00:32:17*Araq is ahead of his time
00:32:24BlueProtomanAraq: What's wrong with PDFs?
00:32:56OrionPKMaraq can you think of a way to parse strings (like in my screenshot above) at compile time and automatically transform into code ala sourcecode filters, w/ just macros?
00:32:56BlueProtomanIf someone hands me something in plain text or as a Markdown document I won't complain, but I'm curious.
00:33:36brihatAraq is against markdown I think, but he may give you .rst files :)
00:33:50BlueProtomanbrihat: You get the idea.
00:34:12*Varriount joined #nimrod
00:34:35AraqI'm not against markdown but I don't think it existed when I wrote the first version of the docgen, so I picked RST
00:35:13Araqmarkdown came later when everybody figured out RST is a PITA to implement
00:35:14BlueProtomanI just used Markdown as an example. My point is, I'm not choosy about what format I read or write my documents in, as I can convert between them an y time.
00:35:16joelmowhen was that
00:35:36Araqno idea, in 2008 perhaps
00:35:44Araqor 2006
00:36:09brihatAh i see, in the morning we were talking about it. someone mentioned that RST has something to do with Germany, that's why
00:37:04AraqBlueProtoman: well I used nimrod's documenator generator for the slides
00:37:16Araqthat means I can generate HTML or LaTex
00:37:45AraqLaTeX turned out to be stupid as schmock for slides
00:37:47reactormonkAraq, why not org-mode? ^^
00:38:06*DAddYE joined #nimrod
00:38:14reactormonkanyway, reveal.js works pretty sneak for simple stuff... as does +/- everything
00:38:29reactormonkwith fancy effects.
00:38:46*Araq only likes tools he wrote (and Aporia...)
00:38:56reactormonkNIH syndrome?
00:39:25OrionPKMwhat does aporia have that ST doesnt? :P
00:39:32VarriountOrionPKM, plugins
00:39:41VarriountOh wait, nevermind
00:39:52VarriountI thought you meant the other way around.
00:40:04BitPuffinWorst error message ever
00:40:07*BlueProtoman left #nimrod ("Leaving")
00:40:13reactormonk^ best editor ever
00:40:17BitPuffinlib/pure/htmlgen.nim(91, 19) Error: type mismatch: got (PComment, string)
00:40:25BitPuffindoesn't tell me where I'm calling it
00:40:27BitPuffinthanks compiler
00:40:35BitPuffinnot like I have a deadline or anything lol
00:40:39reactormonk^ "I'm a newb at this but I don't wanna learn"
00:40:44reactormonkdamn, I should type faster.
00:40:58OrionPKMyeah but emacs doesnt have this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/417554/sublanguages.png
00:41:03Varriountreactormonk, dude, catch up with the times. Notepad.exe is where it's at.
00:41:39brihatBah, Emacs users don't _need_ it
00:41:55brihatPoor souls like OrionPKM need them ;)
00:42:06OrionPKMit's not about need, it's about want :p
00:42:15fowlbrihat, i was making that up IRT rst and germany
00:42:19Varriountbrihat, is your hat made out of cheese, by any chance?
00:42:21*DAddYE quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
00:42:32OrionPKMwhy not just pop open nano
00:42:42AraqBitPuffin: well I changed line handling for templates, but I'm not sure if it's only in vm2, but try that
00:42:57brihatfowl: got it
00:43:05BitPuffinAraq: You mean I should try using the vm2 branch?
00:43:19Araqwhich is more stable now anyway I think
00:43:28BitPuffinI'll try it
00:43:34BitPuffinhopefully it helps
00:43:39BitPuffinotherwise I'm gonna be really depressed
00:44:04brihatVarriount: oh yes, fresh gouda cheese
00:44:06reactormonkOrionPKM, to a certain degree, within org-mode
00:44:20Araqdo I want to know what org-mode is?
00:44:37reactormonkOrionPKM, and when you're generating code with strings you're doing something wrong anyway imo
00:44:52VarriountAraq, it's when all the text you've typed has an orgy.
00:44:59reactormonkAraq, "your life in plaintext"
00:45:25reactormonkI only use the latex export currently, to get low-cost latex documents without all the {{{}}} parties
00:45:32brihatAhere: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=org-mode
00:45:38Araqwell I know how to get latex output
00:45:51Araqunfortunately that doesn't help as TeX is stuck in the 60ies
00:46:10reactormonkXeTeX has unicode at least
00:46:40reactormonkYup, but as soon as you GUI you can't really use git anymore, all gotta be in-house
00:47:03BitPuffinVarriount: how's the hashing going?
00:47:50Araqwell latex-beamer considers "must fit on the slide" to be a nice optional feature you can live without
00:48:22BitPuffinat least I got a new error
00:48:25BitPuffinbut it wasn't much nicer
00:48:32BitPuffinlib/core/macros.nim(333, 21) Error: type mismatch: got (PComment, string)
00:48:33Araqbut hey, what do I know, it's not like I use the tools before I start hating them
00:49:09VarriountBitPuffin, I gave up
00:49:17BitPuffinin the newCall proc
00:49:24*BitPuffin facedesks
00:49:51BitPuffinVarriount: too bad you couldn't do GPU hashing
00:49:57BitPuffinwould have been way faster
00:50:13VarriountBitPuffin, too bad that the GPU version doesn't support the hash format that is used.
00:50:36reactormonkBitPuffin, PComment? Right, you can mess with comments... Make annotations java-style \o/
00:50:49BitPuffinreactormonk: PComment is my own type
00:51:25BitPuffinAraq: what should I punch
00:52:35BitPuffinnot like I have any way to know
00:52:45BitPuffinbut I suspect that the error is in here: https://gist.github.com/BitPuffin/6f1c1704e3706a58f18b
00:54:43BitPuffinI'm not gonna sleep until I fix this bug I think
00:54:45BitPuffintoo risky
00:54:50BitPuffinI need to be done today
00:54:54BitPuffinor I won't get paid
00:55:13Araqso do a binary search to isolate the error
00:55:18Araqthat's not rocket science
00:56:03BitPuffinsearch for what
00:56:20Araqwell a binary prune operation then
00:56:38Araqprune half of the code repeat etc.
00:56:57NimBotnimrod-code/babel master cf17779 Dominik Picheta [+0 ±1 -0]: Versions in .babel files are now verified.
00:56:57NimBotnimrod-code/babel master 7b09600 Dominik Picheta [+0 ±1 -0]: Replaced quit() in packageinfo with an exception.
00:56:57NimBotnimrod-code/babel master 4bc0c17 Dominik Picheta [+0 ±2 -0]: A URL can now be specified for installation.
00:56:57NimBotnimrod-code/babel master 1a32055 Dominik Picheta [+0 ±1 -0]: Documented installation by URL.
00:57:32BitPuffinAraq: hmm, I guess do i have to do it manually?
00:57:37dom96And with that. Babel is complete.
00:57:42BitPuffindom96: yay!
00:57:46BitPuffinback in to vnug then lol
00:57:51Araqdom96: congratulations
00:58:17Araqdoes it support minversion, maxversion?
00:58:24dom96Araq: what now?
00:58:36BitPuffinAraq: won't removing half of the code cause other errors lol
00:59:09AraqBitPuffin: now you found out about the part that involves using your brain.
00:59:21BitPuffinAraq: it's 2 am
00:59:34BitPuffingoogle doesn't really even help
00:59:47BitPuffinthe only thing that shows up is people talking about how sad they are because they commited binaries into git
01:00:28Araqdom96: the tester needs babel support ;-)
01:00:43dom96Araq: What's minversion maxversion?
01:01:06Araqit's the feature everybody wants and nobody has seen working in practice
01:02:00dom96Still haven't answered my question.
01:02:03Araqpackaga A: requires: babelfish <1.0
01:02:14Araqpackaga B: requires: babelfish >0.8
01:02:20Araq--> so install version 0.9
01:03:04*LostNimrod joined #nimrod
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01:03:51Araqhi fever308 welcome
01:03:54BitPuffinalright the error seems to be in the htmlComment procedure
01:04:07dom96Forgot about that silliness.
01:04:44dom96oh no wait.
01:04:51BitPuffin <h4>${comment.title}</h4>
01:04:55BitPuffinthat seems to be the line
01:04:59BitPuffinthere is no title field lol
01:05:05dom96Now I remember how it's meant to work heh
01:05:06BitPuffinthat's a great error for that now isn't it
01:05:51BitPuffinhowever adding it doesn't seem to make a difference
01:06:03fowli always want "$foo" % {"foo": "x"} to work
01:06:11fowlwould that be an acceptable pull request
01:06:15BitPuffinwell it does if I export it
01:06:21fowl% ["foo", "x"] is stupid
01:06:26dom96Araq: If you're building package A then it will use 0.9 if it exists.
01:06:50dom96Araq: If you're building package B it will use 0.9 too unless something newer exists.
01:07:26dom96Dependencies are only handled properly if you're building your package using 'babel build'
01:07:39dom96otherwise your code uses the latest package on your system
01:08:17Araqfowl: I think so
01:09:14fowli started messing with dogecoin today
01:09:23fowli have 2700
01:09:28fowli will be very rich in the future
01:09:36dom96litecoin is the future
01:09:58dom96Only quote me on that if I am right :P
01:10:00fowlidk why people thing that 30$ is good for litecoin, i saw it at 48$ when btc was at 1000$
01:10:02EXetoCfowl: what can you get for that? a burger?
01:10:28fowlEXetoC, i only need them to be worht $1, or $.50, i paid nothing
01:10:41dom96So yeah. Please test babel guys.
01:12:08fowlEXetoC, also they are still very minable
01:12:17BitPuffinhttps://gist.github.com/BitPuffin/2370fc9de896270e6856 views/article.tmpl.html(18, 0) Error: undeclared identifier: 'result'
01:12:21fowleven for me, im on a weak laptop
01:12:33BitPuffinguess I'm using result wrong somehow?
01:13:26BitPuffindom96: nevar
01:14:05BitPuffinnot sure why it says line 18 though for result
01:14:13BitPuffinline 18 is empty
01:14:42fowldoesnt that bit of html get embedded as a string in the src
01:14:59BitPuffinfowl: kind of the point though but yeah
01:15:20AraqBitPuffin: the empty line should be:
01:15:40BitPuffinAraq: really lol
01:15:42BitPuffinwell okay
01:15:46Araqso the compiler knows it's not verbatim
01:15:59Araqwell ok, we could improve that :P
01:16:09Araqbut it IS logical
01:16:33BitPuffinAraq: yeah true, I see why it happens :P
01:16:37BitPuffinbut still a gotcha
01:16:42EXetoCempty? which line?
01:16:53BitPuffinEXetoC: yo dads
01:17:00BitPuffinno but the one in the gist
01:17:00EXetoCI dealt with this once. can't remember shit yo
01:17:16BitPuffinEXetoC: yo bro momma damn brutha
01:17:59*brson quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
01:18:02*ddl_smurf quit (Quit: not gangsta enough)
01:18:02BitPuffinguess my strategy of doing this didn't work
01:18:39BitPuffinchanging the # to $ doesn't seem to help either
01:18:42BitPuffinnight dom96!
01:18:49brihatbye dom96
01:18:56reactormonk(close 16
01:19:08reactormonkyeah, cleaning up some channels
01:19:34Araqsame here, I should sleep, bye
01:19:51*brson joined #nimrod
01:23:25BitPuffinGuess I'll sleep too
01:23:29BitPuffinI found the demon error
01:23:34BitPuffinand I did slay it
01:23:50brihatBye BitPuffin
01:24:10brihatI will also go to sleep then.. bye buys
01:25:02*brson quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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11:41:12BitPuffinahoy maties
11:41:35BitPuffinwhaddup guys?
11:42:11BitPuffinanyways I solved the #htmlCommentC(reply) thing by changing it to #result.add(htmlComment(reply)
11:42:23BitPuffinbut now I get undeclared identifier htmlArticle
11:42:45BitPuffinin my file which does include the article.tmpl.html
11:42:52BitPuffinhey fowl
11:47:31BitPuffinso if you look here https://gist.github.com/BitPuffin/81e36d4e3cc60daba2ca
11:48:07BitPuffinline 8 it is included and then used on line 114
11:48:10BitPuffinin app.nim
11:48:30brihatmorning guys
11:48:46BitPuffinand as you can see the procedures does exist in the the template
11:49:10fowlBitPuffin, maybe its because its not exported
11:49:18fowloh you use include
11:49:28fowlbrihat, good morning
11:49:31BitPuffinfowl: exactly
11:49:33BitPuffinhey brihat
11:50:01BitPuffinis it actually possible to import a template?
11:50:11fowlwhen defined(release) and appSecret == "doRememberToChangeThisLaterItIsImportantForSigningCookiesEtc":
11:50:24BitPuffinfowl: :P
11:50:26fowlBitPuffin, i dont know, id say look at a project that uses it (nimforum)
11:50:56BitPuffinI wonder if nimforum has any templates with multiple procs in it
11:51:13BitPuffinseems like it
11:52:32BitPuffinhmm, I can't really see what they are doing different
11:52:37fowlyou should make a babel out of the persona verifier
11:52:42fowlalso do an openid thing
11:52:55BitPuffinfowl: it doesn't work atm
11:52:58*DAddYE joined #nimrod
11:53:11BitPuffinfowl: but yeah it's on the list
11:53:17BitPuffinnot openid though
11:54:40BitPuffinhmm, I wonder what the difference between stdtmpl | standard and just stdtmpl is
11:54:41fowlBitPuffin, wrap btc json rpc so i can make a website to steal bitcoins from stupids
11:54:54BitPuffinfowl: here's an idea, you do it :P
11:55:00fowlbut i suck at web
11:55:07fowlyou know what you're doing
11:55:07BitPuffingood opportunity to learn
11:55:16BitPuffindoes it look like I know what I am doing
11:55:21BitPuffinI can't even use source code filters
11:55:34fowlwell to be fair its not a much used feature
11:55:51BitPuffinI guess
11:55:58BitPuffinand the documentation on it is well
11:56:01BitPuffinincomplete I think
11:57:02*DAddYE quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
11:57:19BitPuffinfor example it doesn't explain why you have to put result = ""
11:57:29BitPuffinI guess that's to initialize the result as a string
11:57:51BitPuffinso that it isn't nil
11:58:06fowlidk anything
11:58:21BitPuffinfowl: ;D
11:58:32BitPuffinI only know that you should be in the VNUG
11:58:37BitPuffinyou'd fit in
12:00:58fowli have 6000 dogecoins
12:01:06fowlone day they will be worth $1
12:01:12fowland i will be rich !!!
12:01:19BitPuffinlol :P
12:01:24BitPuffinI used to have 50 LTC :(
12:01:25BitPuffinnever forget
12:01:31fowlwhat happened to them
12:01:46BitPuffinnope, no explanation for diff between stdtmpl and stdtmpl | standard
12:01:49BitPuffinfowl: lost in reformat
12:01:55BitPuffinbecause I assumed that the wallet was in dropbax
12:02:01BitPuffinbut turns out it was in appdata
12:02:04BitPuffinawwww yeeee
12:02:11fowlmaybe you could recover it?
12:02:24BitPuffinfowl: you don't think I tried :P
12:02:33fowli dont think :(
12:03:11*_dymk quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
12:03:30BitPuffinhonestly though
12:03:47BitPuffinwhy the ballsack does my proc not get recognized
12:05:29fowlwhy do you include and not import
12:05:45fowl(and which one of those does nimforum do)
12:06:52BitPuffinfowl: nimforum does include
12:07:02BitPuffinand basically, because I was told to do so
12:07:21BitPuffinyeah the documentation doesn't even cover how to get a filter in to your source code lol
12:08:40BitPuffinfowl: https://github.com/nimrod-code/nimforum/blob/master/forum.nim#L633
12:11:02BitPuffinfor shits and giggles I'm gonna remove the | standard just to see if it does anything because it is honestly the only thing I can think of
12:11:16BitPuffinno diff
12:12:34BitPuffinoh I think I might know what it is
12:12:37fowldid you try making 5 bug reports
12:12:37BitPuffinforgot #end if
12:12:45BitPuffinfowl: I have 60 batched up
12:13:26BitPuffinwohoo that was the error :d
12:17:49BitPuffincan't believe that the code I wrote worked almost without any tweaking
12:18:20BitPuffinor hmm
12:19:02fowlif not eggs.hatched: chickens.count
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13:00:11BitPuffinI had forgotten to add replies when constructing PComment
13:00:13BitPuffinso it was nil
13:00:22BitPuffindamn it why do we have automatic default to nil xD
13:01:01fowlnil is a state
13:01:36BitPuffinfowl: so is Washington
13:02:10fowlwhere are you from btw
13:02:15fowlyoure in america right
13:03:00brihati thought washington was a name
13:03:24brihatsorry, english is not my native language :)
13:04:46fowlit is, also a state in the northwest
13:06:19brihati also get confused when people just say america, do they mean north ameraic, south america or some country in it like US of America
13:06:50*EXetoC joined #nimrod
13:07:18brihatfowl: yea, i just googled it on google maps
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13:28:52BitPuffinoi dom96
13:28:55BitPuffinfowl: I'm from sweden
13:29:23fowlhmm how do you have knowledge of our states
13:29:30fowlare you spying on america
13:29:34BitPuffinfowl: yes
13:29:37BitPuffinI work for the NSA
13:29:51fowlomg who do i tell about this??
13:30:37BitPuffinfowl: the NSA?
13:32:45BitPuffindom96: the request variable in a request is a TRequest and not a PRequest right lol
13:35:27BitPuffindom96: good:P
13:35:33*zahary quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:46:41dom96is it just me or do Rust macros look kind of meh? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KgXy7jnwhY
13:50:24BitPuffinfowl: do you live in the US?
13:51:40BitPuffinfowl: guessing you have problems with the job situation
13:52:06BitPuffinit was discussed very well in the latest Unfilter episode
13:52:08BitPuffinlet me link it
13:52:54fowlthe problem is ive stopped long caring about it long ago
13:53:44dom96fowl: Solution is simple: move to Europe.
13:54:37fowljesus what is this
13:55:30fowldom96, i plan to when i have a degree
13:55:38fowl(some debt to run away from)
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13:56:27fowlgod this rust macro stuff is hideous
13:56:32*darkf quit (Quit: Leaving)
13:56:58BitPuffinfowl: I don't think the job situation is all that good in europe either
13:59:50*DAddYE quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
14:00:18fowlwell tbh i hate working
14:00:24fowli do kind of have a job though
14:12:22dom96fowl: Whereabouts in the US do you live?
14:13:30fowlst louis
14:13:52fowlpretty much the center of the country
14:22:29BitPuffinhey guys
14:22:36BitPuffinthere is a new version of make out!! xD
14:25:24EXetoCI "worked" as a Janitor once. Never again
14:26:18EXetoCI can only assume that writing code for money is more endurable
14:26:45EXetoCBitPuffin: ?
14:27:13BitPuffinEXetoC: ??
14:27:20EXetoCmake out?
14:28:19BitPuffinEXetoC: LOL
14:28:27BitPuffins/make out/make is out/
14:46:56BitPuffindom96: too cool for the VNUG eh? :D
14:47:23*dom96 considers making NimBot autoban anyone that says VNUG :P
14:47:41BitPuffindom96: :(
14:47:53EXetoCwhy? does it remind you of GNU?
14:48:12BitPuffinI love how I turned EXetoC into a real GPL/GNU hater
14:50:36BitPuffindom96: you are currently missing my awesome whissling
14:53:09dom96creating test packages gets really confusing
14:53:31BitPuffindom96: I could help you, with my voice :P
14:55:51EXetoCBitPuffin: not really, but I don't think I realized myself that libao was GPL-licensed
14:56:57*DAddYE joined #nimrod
14:57:41EXetoCit's a nice lib, but we have portaudio now so it doesn't matter
14:59:18BitPuffinEXetoC: yeah it's really a shame
14:59:21BitPuffinand a missed opportunity
14:59:33BitPuffinPortaudio is great but if you don't need input it's too much
15:01:06*DAddYE quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
15:03:01dom96doing when compiles(import somemodule): causes the compiler to freeze
15:03:16fowloo new version of make out
15:04:08EXetoCBitPuffin: I don't know, it seems fairly simple
15:05:57dom96oh i see
15:05:58BitPuffinEXetoC: ofc it is
15:06:16BitPuffinbut it has input lol
15:06:26BitPuffinofc it's kind of nice if you ever end up needing input :P
15:07:34fowlso whats going on in here
15:07:36EXetoCyes, and you can just ignore that aspect
15:07:44EXetoCfowl: dunno
15:08:22EXetoCpeople say stuff, and that
15:08:23dom96so it seems I found a compiler bug due to my awesome dependency testing heh
15:11:56BitPuffindom96: shouldn't this be correct? :( let email = request.params["email"]
15:12:03BitPuffinwhere email comes from a form
15:12:14BitPuffinI also tried request.formData["email"].body
15:12:16BitPuffinbut nein
15:12:22BitPuffindom96: but I get nothing baaaack lol
15:12:47BitPuffinthat's the view
15:13:03fowldont you use name=
15:13:19fowluse id="email" name="email"
15:13:28fowlid is for css to grab with #email
15:13:50BitPuffinfowl: yo moma
15:13:57BitPuffinthanks bro
15:14:44fowloh id= is also for for= for the label
15:15:08fowlwhats <section> btw
15:15:11fowlis that some new html5 stuff
15:15:14BitPuffinfowl: some new html5 thing
15:15:20fowlyou should use a fieldset
15:15:22BitPuffinfowl: see I don't know what I'm doing, you were right
15:15:23fowlfieldsets are classy
15:15:54*BitPuffin does not know what that is
15:16:09fowlim jking
15:16:30fowlbtw di dyou fix your sql problem
15:16:35BitPuffinfowl: yeah
15:16:40fowlwas it using prepared stmts improperly
15:16:44BitPuffinnow I'm getting a bad gateway error
15:16:49BitPuffinfowl: yeah
15:17:06BitPuffindom96: sorry but the jester error handling is the worst :( it hides the error from you lol
15:18:03dom96no it doesn't?
15:18:05BitPuffinfixed it though
15:18:12BitPuffindom96: some times it does
15:22:09BitPuffindom96: yay I created a dom96 user in my testapp lol
15:23:40BitPuffindom96: by the way I realized that more security is needed than just signing cookie and encryption, join the vnug to find out more :P
15:27:30dom96you just don't give up huh? lol
15:28:58BitPuffindom96: nevar
15:30:11BitPuffindom96: no but it is actually easier to explain some things in that format :P
15:34:19BitPuffinhonestly wtf this error should not be able to happen
15:34:28BitPuffinapp.nim(59, 17) Error: type mismatch: got (seq[string]) but expected 'string
15:34:45BitPuffinwell alright then the thing that is apparently a seq[string] in this case is the parameter which is enforced to be of type string
15:34:50BitPuffinso when I call it THERE it should error
15:34:54BitPuffinnot in the procedure body
15:34:56BitPuffindamn it
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15:36:11BitPuffinor oh
15:36:31*OrionPKM joined #nimrod
15:38:16BitPuffinare asserts kept in release builds?
15:38:36fowldo_asserts are
15:38:59BitPuffindamn it
15:39:14BitPuffinthere is probably asserts all over the place that needs to be switched then
15:39:24BitPuffinIn this case I like the D naming better
15:39:34BitPuffinthey use assert for debug, and enforce for non-debug
15:39:45BitPuffinwell both debug and non-debug
15:40:56fowlyea i dont like do_assert either but in release build you shouldnt need assertions
15:41:49BitPuffinfowl: well for some things you do
15:41:57BitPuffinwhen there is data that you don't have control over
15:42:02fowlyeah if you're using it wrong
15:42:21BitPuffinwell no something like enforce is totally nice
15:42:46BitPuffininstead of doing if blabla: raise newException(blabul,abuh,rhu ar,cuharcuh,aru) you just do enforce(blabla)
15:42:53fowlprogramming by contract should not be used for validating user input
15:43:03BitPuffinfowl: says who
15:43:15fowlour top ten scientists actually
15:43:18fowllook it up
15:43:20fowlits science
15:43:58BitPuffinfowl: fuck science
15:44:01BitPuffinit's useful
15:44:43fowlBitPuffin, giving end users uncaught exceptions is not good either
15:44:58fowlthey dont need to see backtraces n such
15:45:17BitPuffinfowl: yeah they do, so that they can send them to me :P
16:00:01fowlwell then you might not want to compile it release mode because there is no backtraces
16:00:13EXetoCcontracts are for catching programmer errors. you might use an exception (other than one that is for assertions), but then it's not related to dbc
16:03:26EXetoCI don't know how you can compare enforce and assert. enforce is just a shortcut for returning a value, unless the predicate is false in which case it'll throw an exception of choice instead (it defaults to Exception)
16:06:54*PortableEXetoC joined #nimrod
16:13:50BitPuffinEXetoC, PortableEXetoC: alrigth well at least enforce would be nice to have
16:19:21PortableEXetoCShould be easy to implement
16:21:11BitPuffinPortableEXetoC: yup
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16:32:40BitPuffino/ zahary
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17:01:33BitPuffinAraq must be working like a trooper, he hasn't said anything all day
17:01:38BitPuffineither that or he's slacking :P
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17:10:54dom96hi fntzr
17:21:05NimBotnimrod-code/babel master b266132 Dominik Picheta [+0 ±2 -0]: Added a more descriptive error when trying to install a version of a... 1 more lines
17:21:05NimBotnimrod-code/babel master e14ffd5 Dominik Picheta [+0 ±3 -0]: Better download dir names for URL dependencies.
17:21:12dom96hrm, well this is a problem...
17:23:43BitPuffindom96: I just discovered the weirdest bug in my webapp lol :(
17:23:49BitPuffingonna be an arse to hunt down
17:24:12dom96I just discovered a problem which seems to be unfixable
17:25:27BitPuffindom96: sweet, high five then
17:25:38BitPuffinwhat's the problem?
17:26:00dom96I created a package which is impossible to build
17:26:10dom96It depends on PackageA v0.4
17:26:14dom96and PackageB#head
17:26:22dom96but PackageB depends on PackageA v0.2
17:26:32BitPuffinso install both
17:26:37dom96I do.
17:26:44BitPuffinso what's the problem?
17:26:56BitPuffinI guess the compiler adds both to the path
17:26:58dom96But there is no way for me to tell the compiler to import PackageA v0.2 in PackageB
17:27:02BitPuffinand then it doesn't know which one to pick
17:27:20dom96Babel gives the paths to the compiler explicitly
17:27:30dom96But yeah, it should give both.
17:27:43dom96So I will need some sort of mechanism to tell the compiler exactly which...
17:27:44BitPuffinguess the only way is to have the compiler check for a babel file first in the same directory as the thing you are building
17:27:48BitPuffinand then walk up the file system
17:28:18dom96The compiler is unaware of babel files.
17:28:21dom96and it should stay that way
17:28:37dom96I'm not sure if there is a good solution to this.
17:29:04dom96Perhaps an ability to specify the import path per module.
17:29:23fntzrdom96, hi
17:30:44dom96fntzr: You're new aren't you? Welcome!
17:31:54BitPuffinyay fntzr welcome!
17:33:14fntzrBitPuffin, Thanks.
17:33:28dom96BitPuffin: So yeah.. I'm stuck.
17:33:47dom96and it'll probably take Araq a long time to implement this...
17:33:53dom96or he'll reject it completely.
17:33:58dom96I bet it's not easy...
17:34:45EXetoC"freetype.h:24:2: error: #error "`ft2build.h' hasn't been included yet!"
17:34:54EXetoCis it possible to deal with this? I'm using the header pragma
17:34:56BitPuffindom96: seems like Araq got hit by the dreaded bus today anyway
17:35:24dom96BitPuffin: better not joke about that
17:35:34BitPuffindom96: yeah :(
17:35:59EXetoCmaybe he just felt like working on nimrod undisturbed :p
17:36:11BitPuffinEXetoC: well then he hasn't pushed anything at least
17:36:17BitPuffinso now we have the hard-drive hit by a bus problem xD
17:36:24EXetoCor maybe he's just slacking, indeed. I guess that's *ok* c(:)-<
17:36:57EXetoCdoesn't he usually push about 9000 commits at once?
17:37:06BitPuffinover 9000
17:40:10EXetoCif it's not possible to work around this, then it must be a pretty risky approach, because a lib might just require the user to include one header before another all of a sudden
17:43:29EXetoChow does the header pragma even work? is it supposed to make all fields available in nimrod when applied to types?
17:54:51*dymk quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
17:56:04EXetoCcompile pragma. neat
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18:02:54fowlEXetoC, no, importc does that
18:03:14BitPuffindom96: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=64038
18:04:11BitPuffindom96: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=64039
18:05:02*DAddYE quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:06:24BitPuffinyes I am amusing myself while coding
18:06:29fowlBitPuffin, make it generate html then serve html instead of quering databases all the time
18:06:35dom96yay screenshots
18:09:27BitPuffinfowl: maybe one day
18:09:30BitPuffinno but nah
18:09:40BitPuffinI'll maybe add some more efficient caching database in front but not now
18:10:59BitPuffinyeah probably redis indeed
18:11:09fowlis that a thing
18:11:14OrionPKMfaster than redis
18:11:20fowlhm i read bangbusdb
18:11:26fowlwhats bangdb never heard of that
18:11:42EXetoCfowl: uh yea, I was even using it
18:11:48EXetoCwill experiment some more
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18:16:00BitPuffinbest database name ever
18:17:39OrionPKMyou know that ! is the 'bang' symbol, right?
18:18:21*fntzr quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:20:55EXetoCfowl: I mean, so that I can reference the struct fields. won't I need to use both pragmas then?
18:21:18EXetoCand then I think I need my own header that includes <ft2build.h> and then FT_FREETYPE_H
18:27:15BitPuffinseriously I'm just gonna put "ncr" as an alias for "nimrod c -r"
18:27:29BitPuffinand nc for nimrod c
18:27:31BitPuffinor something
18:27:59EXetoCtnx for reminding me of my own alias
18:28:46BitPuffinhaha np
18:28:48EXetoCI also haz: al nimh='{nim -h; nim --advanced}|less'
18:29:04EXetoCal == alias
18:29:06AraqOrionPKM: tried with --gc:markAndSweep with the knowledge the GC doesn't kick in before you used 2 MB of RAM?
18:29:11EXetoCgotta alias alias ofc
18:29:22Araqno bus hitting for you, sorry
18:30:09EXetoCfowl: well, I have to do that. otherwise the compiler asks for an implementation of the object
18:30:24dom96Araq: I need more fine grained control of import paths for babel
18:30:45Araqof course
18:31:08fowlEXetoC, show me
18:32:44Araqhmm thinking about it
18:33:08Araqindeed I got hit by an electric shock today
18:34:09OrionPKMlol autocorrect
18:34:18OrionPKMaraq no I haven't
18:34:28Araqbut according to the internet: "either you die or you have problems in the next 24 hours or you'll be fine"
18:36:50EXetoCfowl: https://gist.github.com/EXetoC/27a537fef3395a57690a
18:37:04EXetoCI don't know how much of this makes sense. I just know that it compiles and runs
18:38:37EXetoCthough it is pretty similar to the irrlicht example
18:39:28fowlEXetoC, why not just {.emit: "#include <ft2build.h>\L#include FT_FREETYPE_H".}
18:40:21fowlthen remove the dynlib: stuff and uncomment passl: gorge(freetype-config --libs)
18:42:56EXetoCfowl: yes that works now
18:43:15fowlEXetoC, now make sure it works from an outside file
18:43:28fowl(import freetype; freetype.init())
18:45:09EXetoCfowl: I get "nimcache/nim-ttf_test.c:9:11: error: unknown type name ‘FT_Library’ N_NIMCALL(FT_Library, init_77208)(void)"
18:46:35OrionPKMaraq mark and sweep does seem to not be growing, once it gets up from 700k to 4.7mb of memory
18:46:49fowlEXetoC, try putting header:"FT_FREETYPE_H" on PLib
18:47:44OrionPKMthe default gc keeps growing.. 100mb of ram, 150mb, 200mb
18:47:52Araqyes I know
18:47:53EXetoCfowl: not possible, but it works if I include my own header
18:49:06fowli dunno
18:49:10fowlmaybe araq knows
18:49:39*BitPuffin died a little when he saw OrionPKM's autocorrect
18:49:40EXetoCfowl: is it supposed to work? if so, then it might be that FT_FREETYPE_H is passed as "FT_FREETYPE_H"
18:49:57fowlcheck the c
18:50:19Araqhi psquid welcome
18:51:57EXetoCfowl: yes, that's what's happening
18:53:15AraqEXetoC: just remembered what I do with 18 headers
18:53:17psquidAraq: 'allo. Been playing about with nimrod a little lately and rather liking it (feels like Python as I use it, but with more type safety and an even better-for-me set of batteries included :P), so I figured I might as well join here.
18:53:44fowlEXetoC, #define FT_FREETYPE_H <freetype.h>, why not just use that??
18:53:46AraqEXetoC: I concatenate them
18:55:07EXetoCAraq: good idea. that's basically what happens anyway
18:55:23psquidI was also originally planning to ask how I'm supposed to actually use modules installed with Babel, but searching through the logs for something else turned up that answer (had the bad luck to initially build a version which lagged behind Babel's .babel/libs -> .babel/pkgs change, so it should've been automatic anyway). xD
18:57:04EXetoCfowl: it doesn't work then, and I am still emitting #include <ft2build.h> prior to that
18:57:29EXetoCI get the same error as before then: /usr/include/freetype2/freetype.h:24:2: error: #error "`ft2build.h' hasn't been included yet!"
18:58:11Araqthat's why you shouldn't use #header
19:00:17dom96Araq: is it hard to implement that for babel?
19:00:34Araqdom96: what exactly?
19:00:37EXetoCAraq: I solved this by wrapping this in a single header. I think it's the only quirk I have to deal with
19:01:02dom96Araq: Have you read what I said half an hour ago?
19:01:20Araqno, the logs are overwhelming these days
19:01:41dom96<dom96> Araq: I need more fine grained control of import paths for babel
19:01:44EXetoCAraq: quirks in freetype that is. so, are the struct fields supposed to be accessible?
19:05:22Araqdom96: well I got that part
19:05:30Araqbut what's your proposal?
19:06:36dom96I need something along the lines of:
19:07:19dom96So the path for any files in that directory will be ~/.babel/pkgs/packageb-0.1
19:23:17psquiddom96: Is this a known problem, or am I missing some step? http://pastebin.ca/2504464
19:24:04psquidOh, that's for nimkernel, by the way, since I forgot to mention that (though the output kinda sorta hints at it).
19:26:31psquidI know that line's *meant* to produce an error, but as I understood it, that was supposed to happen at runtime for the purposes of demonstrating error handling in the system, rather than causing it to entirely fail to compile.
19:26:38dom96hrm, indeed.
19:26:47dom96I guess the compiler got smarter and now catches it at compile-time heh
19:27:30Araqcould also be a new bug
19:27:47fowloh thats runtime checks
19:31:55*PortableEXetoC joined #nimrod
19:36:09psquiddom96: Looks like another compiler(?) change is affecting it too, even if I dummy out the out-of-bounds line (pending finding something that *does* error at runtime so I can see that in action): http://pastebin.ca/2504468
19:38:23psquidDefinitely an easy quick-fix to make it build here, but I figured you'd like to know where it's hitting trouble anyway.
19:40:29psquidMight just be speaking from ignorance here, but it seems like something in Nake that gives the correct answer to "what .o would this .nim compile to?" might be a better fix overall than manually fixing paths like this.
19:42:32psquidHowever! With the quick-and-dirty fix to just the nakefile, it does now compile. :D
19:42:46fowlwe dont have that currently so its easier to just fix the nakefile >_>
19:45:07psquidfowl: Yeah, that's what I figured. Just throwing out an idea for what might be one answer to not needing to fix multiple files (instead of just nake, with the change propagating to anything using it) in future.
19:45:49psquidAlso, thanks for nake. :)
19:48:39psquidOn the other hand, if it's unlikely the paths will change again (I'm guessing the change was to give the C output for the modules a namespace of sorts, which seems like a once-off change), just fixing stuff now might still be easier than adding complexity to nake "just in case". Hm.
19:48:46*achim quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
19:49:23BitPuffinAraq: haha well it's not like we wanted bus hitting
19:49:27psquid(Sorry, just thinking out loud xD)
19:49:50BitPuffinpsquid: don't worry I do it too and it makes me very popular
19:50:19*Hannibal_Smith quit (Quit: Sto andando via)
19:54:04BitPuffindom96: how do I put jester behind nginx?
19:57:00psquidBitPuffin: Unless I'm mistaken about your intent, something like this (straight from my dev machine's sites-enabled!) ought to work: http://pastebin.ca/2504472
19:57:38psquidCertainly jester's quite happily serving requests that come through it on my dev machine. xD
19:58:06BitPuffinpsquid: haha well I wonder if that works outward xD
20:00:07psquidGood question! I think it should do, though, considering proxy_pass and proxy_set_header together seem to be a pretty common way to do reverse proxying with nginx (i.e., the program serving the actual requests runs on another port, nginx just handles getting port-80 stuff to it).
20:01:10BitPuffinpsquid: uh, do I have to specify all routes? ©_©
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20:03:10psquidNope - 'location /' should match all locations under / - i.e., everything. (To *not* proxy something, like, say a static directory you want nginx to serve instead, you'd just put a more specific rule first for that.)
20:04:46BitPuffinI get some kind of tests fail error lol
20:04:47psquidIf I'm correctly remembering, anyway. It's been a little while since I wrote that bit of config, and longer still since I've been actively using nginx in any way except just letting it chug along with already-configured stuff. But that stuff still works, so... xD
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20:06:58BitPuffinStarting nginx: nginx: [emerg] "server" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default:24
20:07:08psquidBitPuffin: Ah, dang. Could be that the tests test something like opening different ports, where nginx would only be proxying one (which is also not by default the one I'm using - I just like 8080)?
20:08:37BitPuffinYeah it's whining about the /etc/nginx.conf or whatever
20:08:40psquidThat seems odd - anything from sites-enabled should be included into the http { } block, where the server directive is totally valid.
20:08:46BitPuffinStarting nginx: nginx: [emerg] "server" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default:24
20:08:49BitPuffinnginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
20:11:33psquidIf there's nothing sensitive in either /etc/nginx/nginx.conf (and there shouldn't typically be, since that's the point of sites-enabled) or sites-enabled/default, could you paste them? I'm a little confused by what could be going wrong, without seeing the config in question.
20:12:00BitPuffinpsquid: should just be defaults so yeah I can paste
20:13:30BitPuffinpsquid: https://gist.github.com/BitPuffin/668fd23f3157d6f4ee7f
20:15:23psquidHrm. That all looks like it should be working fine. o.O
20:16:05psquidoh wait
20:16:15*io2 joined #nimrod
20:17:04psquidI see the problem now: somehow a space got into the server_name directive on this line: https://gist.github.com/BitPuffin/668fd23f3157d6f4ee7f#file-etc-nginx-sites-enabled-default-L24
20:17:30psquidWhich turned it into a server directive inside a server directive, hence the error. xD
20:17:40*PortableEXetoC quit (Quit: cake)
20:17:43*fundamental left #nimrod ("Leaving")
20:18:19*PortableEXetoC joined #nimrod
20:19:05BitPuffinpsquid: lol :D
20:19:09BitPuffinweird somehowe it still errors
20:19:12BitPuffineven though I fixed it now
20:19:29psquidDifferent error message, or still the same one?
20:20:34BitPuffinpsquid: fixed :)
20:23:01*PortableEXetoC quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20:24:15BitPuffinpsquid: http://blog.bs
20:25:10BitPuffinsuper fancy
20:25:15BitPuffinyou can sign up and comment haha
20:25:22EXetoCcan't sign up :<
20:26:07psquidBitPuffin: Though given you're serving it under an actual domain, you probably want "server_name blog.bs;" rather than "server_name _;", since the latter is a catch-all I only use because I want to proxy everything on my dev box.
20:26:12EXetoCok now
20:26:17EXetoCu c it?
20:27:22BitPuffinpsquid: gues sI can change that :P
20:28:37psquidClearly works either way, but the more specific one won't bite you unexpectedly if you ever serve other vhosts from that box. :P
20:29:19BitPuffinpsquid: Yep! and I might actually, so thanks for the advice :D
20:30:06psquidNo problem! I like helping people when I can. :)
20:45:12gradhazielmicha: another solution for https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/pull/752 would be to make non windows platforms generate *.exe files, that would alleviate keeping .gitignore in sync
20:46:37gradhaAraq: make ExeExt a variable which a runtime switch could change from empty string to .exe?
20:47:25fowl? o-o
20:48:46gradharuntime parametrization is awesome
20:48:47Araqgradha: no way, it has to be a constant for compile time evaluation and sanity
20:48:58ddl_smurf(please don't make ELFs with .exe)
20:49:22gradhaddl_smurf: do they cry if they have an extension?
20:49:27Araqthe tester should tell the compiler to output an .exe no matter what
20:49:46ddl_smurfno, but i like looking at a file and knowing that its for windows and i shouldn't bother with it
20:49:53gradhaAraq: -d:forceExeExtension?
20:50:06Araqseems preferable to me than adding 600 filenames to gitignore, ddl_smurf
20:50:12ddl_smurfmv mybinary{,.exe} ?
20:50:29ddl_smurfjust put them in a folder and ignore the folder
20:50:44fowlwhats this for?
20:51:13gradhafowl: https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/pull/752
20:52:02ddl_smurfor use another pattern, or anything else
20:52:07ddl_smurf.exe has semantic meaning
20:52:10fowlso you want to add .exe to all those files?
20:52:13fowler all those lines
20:52:31AraqI like .exe for ELF, it makes sense. no file extension is like having no static type system
20:52:34gradhaoh wait, let's use .com
20:52:59ddl_smurffile extensions were a dumb idea, metadata is the way to go
20:53:07*brson joined #nimrod
20:53:31gradhaddl_smurf: most users don't care about extensions, only about icons, and now they require a retina version
20:53:41Araqyeah, lets have metadata instead, but we haven't. all we got are file extensions
20:53:55gradhathe filesystem should be a database
20:53:57ddl_smurf(mac does, but that's another debate)
20:54:57ddl_smurfput it in a folder, or add a prefix, or anything else, .exe means "this is executable", what gitignore is excluding is not "executables" but "build products"
20:55:21Araqbut it is executable ...
20:55:23psquidAraq: I find having .exe on the end of non-Windows executables a little crufty, but I can't find any objective reason for it, and it's not like I don't already have .sh files where I have a symlink in ~/bin to let me use them without the extension. So I'm in favour of adding .exe extensions on all platforms if it reduces problems.
20:55:41ddl_smurf*"this is a PE"
20:56:05gradhahmm... maybe adding a Britney Spears quote to the idetools doc would be reduntant
20:56:08Araqbut it ain't already a PE, it's used by Mono too
20:56:15*gradha starts searching for Jennifer Lopez quotes
20:56:40fowl.exe is dumb
20:56:50ddl_smurfsure, mono is a fine example of cross platform, it's not like its emulating something designed solely for windows or anything
20:56:58fowlif you rename a text file to .exe on windows and double click it, it will try to run that text file...
20:57:09Araqfowl: that's a cool feature IMO
20:57:27Araqotherwise you would need yet another tool to change file types
20:57:30gradhafowl: you can also rename it to bmp and sometimes "see things"
20:57:31ddl_smurfchmod +x yadayada.txt is a better feature
20:57:47fowlchmod +x is not another tool, its part of the base system
20:57:56ddl_smurfchmod or rename, same difference
20:58:00gradhachmod is out of the reach of GUI users
20:58:22ddl_smurfnimrod is out of reach of GUI users, whats your point ?
20:58:32AraqI disagree but to each his own
20:58:34fowlim pretty sure i can add +x with thunar
20:58:42Araqlets use .elfexe and be done with it
20:58:58Araqor .elf I don't care
20:59:22ddl_smurfwhen you'll be testing libraries the same problem will come up, just move build products to their folder or give em a prefix or something
20:59:42Araqlibraries already have a nice .so extension
21:00:07psquidfowl: The problem (though Araq has a point - being able to say to the OS "actually, I want you to consider it this filetype" is a neat little feature, even if +x is just as useful) there is that Windows' way of deciding how to handle files is based on extensions, not that .exe is inherently a bad extension.
21:00:10ddl_smurfsometimes it's .a, .dynlib, .dll, .alltheplugins
21:00:29gradhaddl_smurf: you started diverging into generic talk, so I thought I had to throw in a generic argument. WRT to nimrod the same can be said about exe, why should you care about the tests' extension?
21:00:59ddl_smurfits not a bad extension, i'm just saying it designates something (this is a PE file) that would be abused if put on non PE files
21:01:14gradhaddl_smurf: I don't even know what PE file stands for
21:01:40Araqok so let's use .elf so that ddl_smurf and others are not confused.
21:01:42ddl_smurfportable executable, the file format of windows executables/code libraries
21:02:17fowli rathger not type .exe or tab complete to .exe at all
21:02:23psquidSame purpose as ELF, different specific implementation.
21:02:27fowlits not the convention for unix
21:02:32ddl_smurfgo with exe, i'll sleep well either way, i just like arguing =)
21:03:04Araq.exe has the benefit of pissing off unix lovers though
21:03:15gradhaI thought exe stands for executable
21:03:20brihatI generally name my executable with .bin
21:03:34brihaton unix
21:03:56*reactormonk slaps Araq around a bit with a large trout
21:04:06ddl_smurfyeah to be accurate, .exe is "PE file with a main entry point"
21:04:17psquidgradha: It does, but traditionally it's only been used for PE executables, since every ELF system in common use has other ways of determining whether a file can be run (the executable bit).
21:04:21reactormonkfind /usr/bin | grep '\.bin$' | wc -l
21:04:39reactormonkjust sayin'
21:05:06Araqpsquid: unix uses '.' to get the "hidden" attribute, neither win nor unix are really different here
21:05:19zielmichamaybe it's better to save executables to nimcache directory
21:05:22ddl_smurfthat is a really old convention
21:05:27Araqthey simply encode things differently and win's way works better in practice
21:05:45fowlthis is a deal breaker
21:05:54ddl_smurfit's because software that listed folders used to skip anything that started with '.' so it wouldn't enum '.' and '..', it was then abused
21:06:12fowlwhat is the point of this?
21:06:18gradhathe channel was too quiet
21:06:51Araqno the point is that gitignore should ignore the generated test executables
21:07:02fowlit does
21:07:14fowlnobody commits from windows anyways
21:07:15gradhafowl: but it requires manual updating/maintenance
21:07:18psquidAraq: Yeah, neither are better here. Just pointing out why .exe may lead to faulty assumptions. On the other hand, arguably users should correct those assumptions instead of everyone working around them, so again - whichever you feel works, I don't mind, since I already have a way of avoiding extensions on stuff I don't want to type the extensions for.
21:08:17ddl_smurfi would point out that it really is easier and future-proof to just group build products into a folder
21:08:18gradhawell, since koch generates test suite exes, and test suit exes are not meant to be run by mere mortals, either from the command line or the GUI, could koch make them with .badgertest?
21:08:31fowli feel like any unix user who runs nimrod c project and ends up wiht a .exe will say "what the fuck is this"
21:08:35psquidAraq: If the only problem is being able to use gitignore, though, then .elf or .bin might be better, since they're still easily matchable, but don't carry that historical context of "this is a PE executable".
21:08:58Araqfowl: no matter what we do, we won't change the default for "nimrod c"
21:09:27brihatBah, the SO answer doesn't help
21:09:39*zielmicha agrees with ddl_smurf and repeats his argument
21:09:50Araqpsquid: yeah as I said, lets use .elf and call it a day
21:10:55gradhabrihat: the SO answer says "make koch generate a .koch_ignore_test file and tell git to ignore that too", but with weird words
21:12:15Araqbtw is a PNG a binary? if not, why not? why call it '.bin' then?
21:12:29ddl_smurfwhat i don't get is what's wrong with a folder ? it'll work with libraries, it'll self-document the contents, and if some day tests depend on another generated file, lets say csv test cases and what not, it'll be dead easy to figure out where everything comes from
21:12:52gradhaddl_smurf: the folder requires a lot of relative path tweaking to make all tests work (maybe)
21:13:09Araqthat's what I fear too, gradha
21:13:12ddl_smurfmy understanding of .bin is that it means 'nothing else than data, would have used no extension but windows users'
21:13:56gradhabasically, we are procrastinating and bikeshedding the lowest resistance solution to a problem not relevant to world domination
21:13:58Araqusing "binary" to mean executable is stupid, but unix has inherent problems to name anything properly
21:14:28ddl_smurffair enough
21:14:29gradha"I only do what my gut tells me to. I think it's smart to listen to other people's advice, but at the end of the day, you're the only one who can tell you what's right for you." -- Jennifer Lopez
21:14:40brihatHOw about .out then?
21:14:47brihatgcc generates a.out
21:14:50brihaton unix
21:14:58ddl_smurfunix is also fucking old, should cut it some slack for having trouble getting rid of old ideas *wink* *wink*
21:15:21Araqgcc is archaic and .out is even more stupid than .bin
21:15:41ddl_smurf"out" is the best i've seen if folders are trouble, it specifies pretty much that it is the result of a build step
21:16:19Araqis your config.h named config.h.out when it comes from autoconf? no? fun.
21:16:36ddl_smurf(mine would be config.out.h)
21:16:46ddl_smurf(or more likely out/config.h)
21:16:57brihatthere is already a config.h.in generating config.h
21:17:08brihatthats why we dont have donfig.h.out
21:17:25ddl_smurf(don't have much respect for autotools anyway)
21:18:48psquid.elf is more specific than .out (could be output from any automatic step) or .bin (binary, but what kind?), though. It outright says "this is an ELF file", at least to anyone with some grasp of what ELF is.
21:19:03gradhaso I'm going to make a PR to have idetools a wonderful quote at the beginning, to match the rest of the documentation filled with random quotes, and I need your bikeshedding help
21:19:19gradhaoption a) "You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them." -- Jennifer Lopez
21:19:26gradhaoption b) "I have to work, for my soul." -- Jennifer Lopez
21:19:27psquidIf the argument is that people *won't* know what ELF is, then I could understand that objection, but otherwise it seems odd to avoid being specific.
21:19:58gradhaI like a)
21:20:05Araqgradha: only one is allowed here to come up with random quotes
21:20:09brihatUnix executables are ELF format in honour of the Elves of Middle Earth -- brihat
21:20:13Araqfor the documentation
21:20:19psquidgradha: I like that option a is the GIGO principle via J-Lo, so I vote that.
21:20:23gradhaAraq: even for the one written by Britney?
21:20:54ddl_smurfpsquid: i agree its more specific, but the purpose here as i understand it is excluding build products, not necessarily executables
21:21:01gradhameh, ok, I guess I'll have to do a useful PR instead
21:21:29Araqwell come up with a good quote by Andrew Ryan and I might consider it
21:21:46gradhawho's Andrew Ryan? Does he have a grammy?
21:22:14brihatOwner of Ryan Air, the best ever airline in the world!!
21:22:35*achim quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
21:22:44Araqwhat? and I thought he built a city at the bottom of the sea. stupid me.
21:23:03gradhaseriously, what have you against Jennifer Lopez
21:24:35Araqmeh, she's old
21:26:54EXetoCAraq: can fields in C structs be referenced in nimrod?
21:27:09gradhaI'd have suggested Christina Aguilera, but she went wrong like Lindsay Lohan, she's not cool any more
21:28:33KristinaI like how I ocassionally get highlighted in random channels and get overly excited over it, just to find out they weren't referring to me.
21:28:39Araqwhat about Emma Watson? she might stay cool for a little while
21:29:22Araqhi Kristina. Any famous quotes for us?
21:30:06gradhawas Emma ever cool?
21:30:41AraqI think she's cool. She's young and rich and not drug addicted yet.
21:30:53KristinaI write firmwares for Chinese hardware. Probably not.
21:31:25Araq"I write firmwares for Chinese hardware." -- that's good enough
21:31:35Trixar_zaActually, Christina Aguilera did it first - so did Britney Spears
21:31:58Trixar_zaThen these dumb asses like Miley Cyrus comes a long and people think it's something unique...
21:34:05*gradha waits
21:34:06Trixar_zaWhy are you looking for a random quote again?
21:34:19*Trixar_za is too lazy to scroll up
21:34:27gradhathe idetools doc lack a magnificent intro quote
21:34:51psquidTrixar_za: Because other docs have quotes, idetools doesn't (yet?). Simple as that. :P
21:35:20Trixar_zaUse a game quote like Araq did for that one document (from System Shock said by SHODAN)
21:35:51Trixar_zaPreferably by another insane AI - maybe Portal
21:35:58psquidThe "Look at you, hacker [etc.]" one? Yeah, I could see another similarly iconic game quote working. :o
21:36:21Araqwell c2nim now has a quote from bioshock ... :P
21:36:22psquidAlso I loved seeing that one when I opened that doc, so well done Araq. :P
21:36:33Araqthanks lol
21:37:11gradha"there will be cake"
21:37:18Trixar_zaThere is no cake
21:37:31Trixar_zaYes, do the space one
21:37:49psquidAlso also, I'd somehow missed the idetools documentation before, but CAAS especially sounds *really* neat. Though I do wonder how much work it'd take to make it play nice with vim's omnicomplete.
21:38:09gradhaif only we could masquerade nimrod as a cool game people would document everything
21:38:16gradhaand for free!
21:38:21Trixar_zaSpace Core - we love you
21:39:50Araqtut1 has quotes from HAL 9000 but I don't think anybody noticed
21:41:19gradhamaybe we should use a quote from tetris
21:42:02psquidAraq: You mean in the procedures section? Pretty sure I noticed that. :P
21:42:18Araqpsquid: yay :-)
21:42:38ddl_smurfwow, the idetools really matured, are they integrated in the sublime text package ?
21:43:44psquidAraq: The lack of attribution on the quote at the top is puzzling me, though. Vague memory says it's a Rammstein lyric, but I'm not convinced it isn't something else too.
21:44:47ddl_smurfI still have a rather advanced text mate (1) bundle with only a few bugs if anyone is up for taking ownership I'll gladly send it
21:46:17Araqpsquid: yes indeed it's from rammstein and contrary to what gradha thinks, the quotes fit and are not random. imo anyway.
21:46:27psquidAraq: Re that, am I right in thinking a less literal translation would render it as "Man is but a visual animal - I wish for beautiful things"?
21:46:46psquidThat's pretty fitting for your philosophy for Nimrod, as I understand it at least. :)
21:47:07gradhaContrary to what Araq expects, I'm keeping this quote for some future PR: "(Supa) Supa-pa Dupa-pa Supa Dupa LaLa (Dupa) Diva-va Diva-va Supa-Boom Boom Boom Boom" --Dal★Shabet
21:47:25Araqgradha: "I'm selling these fine leather jackets"
21:47:41gradhathere was something about fighting and cows
21:50:39Trixar_zaYou had to use an obscure LucasArts game reference first used in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade adventure game and then it appears in pretty much every other LucasArts games after that?
21:51:10Trixar_zaAnd several fan games and one or two Sierra games that makes fun of LucasArts Oo
21:52:41AraqTrixar_za: so suggest something better
21:53:13Trixar_zaHow about the famous quote from Monkey Island one?
21:53:18AraqI also like "Ketzerei entspringt aus Müßiggang." but I don't know the english translation
21:53:40AraqTrixar_za: it *is* a famous quote afaict
21:53:54Trixar_zaWell, besides "I want to be a Pirate" and "Look! A three-headed monkey!"
21:54:09BitPuffinAraq: what bioshock quote in c2nim? :o
21:55:02Trixar_zaHome of the Honey Badgers?
21:56:51Trixar_zaAraq: Only one that comes to mind is "Shut up and show me the code", which I'm probably paraphrasing from Linus Torvalds
21:57:51BitPuffinpsquid: look at you hacker = best quote
21:58:18Trixar_zaTalk is cheap. Show me the code.
21:58:18Trixar_za Torvalds, Linus (2000-08-25). Message to linux-kernel mailing list. Retrieved on 2006-08-28.
21:58:21psquidAraq: It looks to be similar to the English idiom "The devil makes work for idle hands." and/or "Idle hands are the devil's playthings.", but both are far from a literal translation.
21:58:22Trixar_zathat's the real one
21:59:18Araqpsquid: well it's from warhammer so there has to be an english original :-)
21:59:42psquidAha. xD
21:59:44Araqsometimes translation improves things though (yes this can happen!)
22:00:34psquidFrom a quick search of https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000:_Dawn_of_War , "Heresy grows from idleness." looks to be the source quote.
22:01:13Araqyeah nice, you found it
22:01:29Araq(and indeed the german version is better :P )
22:03:32dom96Araq: so er, what about that thing for babel then?
22:04:19Araqdom96: well you already have full control over --path with --excludePath etc. it seems you dislike babelpath's automation?
22:04:21*brihat quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
22:04:54dom96Araq: I don't. That isn't fine-grained enough.
22:05:40dom96I set up a couple of repos with dependencies which shows the problem: https://github.com/babel-test/packagebin
22:05:51dom96Read the readme
22:08:14Araqwell I don't get it. your scenario has no solution
22:08:40Araqbabel should be helpful here with a message like "there is no cake"
22:08:44dom96I believe I described a potential solution.
22:10:19Araqwell babel can exclude the v4.0 directory for building packageB
22:10:37dom96I need a way to tell the compiler that PackageB should get PackageA-0.2 but that PackageBin should get PackageA-0.4
22:10:48dom96PackageB does not get built.
22:10:55dom96Only PackageBin gets built
22:14:49Trixar_zaThat warhammer one is pretty good
22:14:56*xenagi joined #nimrod
22:15:46Araqdom96: well if packageB doesn't get built, what's the problem?
22:16:11dom96PackageBin imports PackageB
22:16:39Araqso you need to build both A0.2 and A0.4 at the same time?
22:18:28Araqthat sounds like it encourages a bloated solution over telling the programmer "something is wrong"
22:18:43AraqI prefer the latter
22:20:01dom96The thing is though, this will manifest as a "Oh no I can't depend on this guy's package"
22:20:32dom96But ehh, perhaps it will be fine as long as people don't depend on specific versions of packages.
22:20:44Araq"Oh no I can't depend on a particular outdated version. "
22:20:50gradhadom96: isn't that the same in other languages? your main program depends on libFoo 1.3, but you also use libBar which can't work unless libFoo 1.0 is linked?
22:21:02gradhasounds like the solution is to fix libBar
22:21:25dom96hrm, alright.
22:21:53BitPuffindom96: how about, environments
22:22:35gradhaI remember that windows MFCs already had trouble depending on you using a single thread or multithreaded DLL, which cascaded on 3rd party libraries you wanted to use
22:23:13dom96perhaps I should make babel detect this then and throw a nice error
22:24:45*brihat joined #nimrod
22:27:58gradha"You can't use two conflicting versions of the same library. For your help, I'll reformat your main disk partition to get rid of the problem"
22:28:41*darkf joined #nimrod
22:31:03brihati just went to prepare dinner & the channel is so quiet now. what happen?
22:31:18gradhaah, formatting is so old school, nowadays you should encrypt the hd and request a ransom for the decryption key
22:31:23Araq"Or alternatively I'll let autoconf generate a 40K script instead that should fix your problems."
22:31:46Araq"Well at least it will detect if your 'memcpy' is broken"
22:35:22psquidWhat still-extant problem, if any, does ./configure solve anyway? Lack of a needed header/library, maybe, but it can't be *that* bad to have to respond with "oh, this definition is missing, let's search for what provides it", even if it's one the programmer doesn't already know.
22:36:11Araqwell it surely solves the problem "this software would compile under windows otherwise"
22:36:32brihat./configure can detect it strcpy is found on a HP-UX machine, for one
22:37:47brihatAside, when is 0.9.,4 going to be out?
22:39:59AraqI'm implementing an "injectLine" pragma. any ideas for a better name?
22:40:29gradhazergs would infectLine, but that depends on what your version does
22:40:38Araqit injects a statement before/after each statement in the source file
22:41:25gradhaisn't that like a source code filter?
22:41:35fowlwhats the use
22:41:39gradhado you use it conditionally on a range of lines?
22:41:40Araqno it's something completely different
22:42:16Araqit's a debugging tool {.injectLine: gcInvariants().} to easily find where the corruption comes from
22:42:38joelmodoes it inject both before and after?
22:43:14Araqactually it injects before for now
22:43:28Araqcause that's easier to implement
22:43:48joelmowouldnt inject be sufficient, or is that taken but something else
22:44:30Araqhmm 'wrapline' ...
22:44:51fowlactually if its just before
22:44:58fowlit should be injectBeforeStmts
22:45:11joelmoyes i like that, maybe just wrap, and or wrap: before, wrap: after
22:45:37Araqfowl: not sexy enough
22:46:22ddl_smurfstatementPrefix =D
22:46:47Araqgradha: too enterprisey
22:46:58gradhaddl_smurf: too latexy
22:47:07Araqddl_smurf: too inaccurate
22:48:19joelmowith an accompanying .copy.
22:48:44gradha{.injectQuote.} and slurp a fortune cookie db into the compiler to provide random stuff
22:49:20*Araq uses 'injectStmt'
22:50:40Araqwell it's a generally useful debugging feature
22:50:49Araqeven once it's mature
22:51:03joelmoindeed, injectQuote is :P
22:51:05ddl_smurflol ok
22:52:04Araqin fact, these code injection stuff from aspect oriented programming is only useful for debugging :P
22:53:35*gradha wonders what he did wrong to reach a website carrying stories like "Awesome angry birds art"
22:54:15Araqperhaps 'debug' should be part of the name
22:54:37Araq{.injectDebug: foo().} ?
22:55:06gradha{.debug.injectStmt.}? enterprisey FTW
22:55:38gradhabtw, does the dot hierarchichal notation make firefox configuration enterprisey?
22:56:47Araqthey get some credit for not using etc/firefox.rc though
22:56:55joelmois there somewhere where all current pragmas is listed?
22:57:15gradhait is good that objc2.0 got enterprise by adopting dots instead of square brackets
22:57:36Araqthe manual and the compiler's guide, joelmo, but we keep discovering undocumented ones
22:57:39gradhajoelmo: the manual.html contains a section named "pragmas"
22:58:16gradhaI also think nimrodc has more pragmas
22:58:42gradhayes, they are called additional features though
22:58:58Araqwell what's in the manual is more official
22:59:08Araqnot that it matters
22:59:47*gradha notes lack of javascript in the manual
23:04:31*io2 quit ()
23:06:36Araqgradha: can you please test your argument parser with vm2?
23:07:02gradhalike now? I was going to watch kpop shows…
23:07:13Araqthe better
23:07:42Araqso I keep you from idleness
23:08:08gradhacompiling nimrod on my machine makes me pretty idle…
23:09:05Araqso watch a kpop in the meantime
23:09:29gradhahmm... latest commit is from 13th 3876b393ab95624a72a36647b987567d613b8e73
23:09:49gradhadid you forget to push or is that fine?
23:10:13AraqI heard some people do count panties when watching kpop
23:10:35Araqfrom 13th is fine I think
23:10:55gradhawhat does mean "doing count panty?", sounds intriguing
23:11:21BitPuffindom96: guess you don't like the solution of environments I guess? :P
23:11:26*gradha launches compiler and goes to the kitchen for whisky cream
23:13:42Araqwell they could whenever they can see a panty
23:13:47Araq*they count
23:14:23Araqnot sure if they have a drink then
23:14:47gradhaAraq: I think you mean animes, kpop is very strict about stuff like that, blame corean censorship
23:14:56*zielmicha quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
23:15:27gradhaall girl groups wear mandatory shorts for that reason
23:15:59Araqlol why do you watch them then?
23:16:39gradhathey look gorgeous, I like looking at gorgeous stuff
23:17:55gradhaalso, coreans do really funny humillating reality shows
23:19:08gradhasorry, I get confused with the spanish spelling
23:22:18gradhaexample video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQCckeMY2q8
23:24:07Araqgah, that's ... creepy
23:24:28brihatwhoa youtube have changed their palkyer controls again
23:25:13gradhaAraq: so the one who holds more tomatoes wins being able to eat some meat, because those girls are trained in starvation camps
23:25:30brihatah, this is the "chubby-bunny" game
23:26:24gradhayou know the world is pretty fucked up when the number 1 request of these girls is to "eat"
23:29:27*OrionPKM quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:29:36gradhacan't compile aporia, Error: cannot open 'glib2'
23:30:06BitPuffingradha: idea: install glib
23:30:13Araqwell you now have to use babel to install the gtk wrappers
23:30:33gradhaah, living on the cutting edge
23:31:17Araqwe're after the node.js effect
23:31:29Araqeverybody uses it, nothing works
23:32:15BitPuffinAraq: sounds like a plan
23:32:16gradhaAraq: everything seems to compile fine
23:33:27dom96I think the reason is that people would rather spend their time earning money fixing stupid problems rather than worrying about the truly complex problems.
23:33:31gradhaAraq: my porn downloading scripts seem to work fine, so it's release time
23:33:53*OrionPKM joined #nimrod
23:35:01BitPuffindom96: oh snap diddely
23:35:36Araqwell my goal was to make fowl's keineschweine compile
23:36:11*fowl quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
23:36:23Araqso please test that (it's in tests/manyloc)
23:36:31Araqit requires opengl
23:36:33gradhadom96: trying to "babel install aporia" FAILURE: Specified directory does not contain a .babel file.
23:37:05Araqgradha: aporia doesn't compile on macosx anyway, does it?
23:37:42dom96gradha: babel install aporia#head
23:38:23gradhadom96: you need to update the gtk dependency
23:38:50gradhaAraq: yep, still fails
23:39:56gradhakeineschweine depends on smfl, but smfl doesn't support macosx platform
23:40:16Araqjust make it compile
23:40:25Araqno need to run it
23:40:42gradhadoesn't compile because of that dependency
23:40:54gradhatests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim(9, 9) Error: Platform unsupported
23:41:29OrionPKMSFML doesnt work on OSX?
23:41:41gradhaforcing it to compile starts giving out erros about undeclared identifiers like TWindowHandle
23:42:10gradhasigh, now chipmunk
23:42:30EXetoCOrionPKM: I think it applies only to the nimrod binding
23:42:38OrionPKMthat makes more sense..
23:43:28*oburbencova joined #nimrod
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23:44:10gradhaif I keep renaming linux to macosx in all when branches I get http://pastebin.com/bTNyw9Mm
23:44:24Araquse --os:linux
23:45:13gradhaI reach to the same error then
23:45:17gradhawhich is obvious
23:45:26EXetoCAraq: can struct fields be referenced in nimrod?
23:46:34gradhaare there any other superpowers I should expect from vm2?
23:46:36EXetoCfreetype exposes plenty of fields directly
23:46:46AraqEXetoC: that shouldn't be a problem
23:47:12Araqgradha: well too bad, that means vm2 is not ready to be merged
23:48:10gradhaidetools jump to def seems to have problems as well
23:48:24EXetoCThe struct isn't declared as extern, so maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's typedef'ed
23:49:04*lerona joined #nimrod
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23:53:29EXetoCI guess that's not the only way to hide things. the fields are probably inaccessible
23:56:21gradhagood night, vm2 badgers
23:56:27*gradha quit (Quit: bbl, need to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEf4PJZXBxA again)